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Newspaper Page Text
1. J A PACE TWO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1922 Pershing Decorated by New Polish Minister V 4 if i; if i 1 'f t 'r.i, 1 decorate Genfa-t lrslvjttjV The new Polish Minister to America, Dr. Ladislaw Wrobleskl, is shown decorating General John J.. Pershing with the Virtirti Militari Bad Polonia Restutia, highest military and civil decorations of Poland, Major-General James J. Harbord, Deputy Chief of Staff, is watching the proceedings. BRITISH AND JAPS ARE RQNFDRC NAVAL STRENGTH Washington, Dec. IB. (By As sociated Press.) A tabulation ob tained today in naval circles show ing the relative positiona of the British and American and Japa nese navies in cruiser and sub marine strength apparently sheds light on the situation which led the house appropriations commit tee to propose that President Harding negotiate an internation al agreement to check competitive building in these types. . The figures credit Great Britain with 45 light cruisers of the first line built, building or projected and aggregating 206,480 tons; the United States with ten ships building, 75,000 tons, and Japan with 11 ships built and 21 build ing and projected, aggregating 191,450. In addtllon the list shows Great Britain to have 13 light cruisers of the second line, 69,230 tons, neither the United States nor ja pan being credited with any ships In thia classification. In'fleet submarines Great Bri tain is credited with six of the first line, 11,280 ton; six of the second line, 7200 tons, and two building or projected, 3800 tons; the United States with three of the first line built, 3318 tons, none of the second line, three building, 6375 tons, and six additonal au thorized but not under contract; Japan with no fleet submarines built but three under construe Hon, 3400. In first submarines other than flet submarines, Great Britain lb credited with 42 built, 33,470 tons and six building, 5550 tons; the United States with 59 built, 37, 120; 34 building, 29,575 tons; Ja pan with 27 built, 23,5383 tons and one program of sixteen- build ing, 13,480 tons, and a second building program of 28 vessels "tonnage unknown." While tbe tables showed decid ed American inferiority In light cruisers, the United States has a distinct advantage in first line de stroyers with 295 built, against 176 for Great Britain and 54 for Japan. Six new destroyers are given on the British building pro gram, none on the American, and 38 on the Japanese. CIVIL SUITS AGAINST SMALL TO BE HEARD Springfield, 111., Dec. 13 (By the Associated Press) Trial of the civil suits against Governor Len Small and two other stato officials will proceed. Demurrers against the bill for recovery filed during Governor Small's trjal at Waukegan were de nied in the circuit court here today by Judge Norman L. Jones, demo crat, of Carrollton. The suits charge that the governor, the lieutenant governor and the state auditor with held money on state funds while thoy occupied the office of state treasurer. vzasssnss "M W Sli Amuxa ev3 - i , ., ,, , i I,, , i Ti 1 : z... . . .... ... 'yywr. nminl.UlinWMIHIW ! iiiii II. .HI '. W" PT?P!5W .";... .nin,, ,f -. '-in I III T "iT- - t niT'l ll'I" I"' " 1 1 1 " 11 "" . . ' 1 111 " 1 ' "tlilm. 1 '''-'- - ... ...i. .-. . ..! , i . i .- iiWIIi-Iiimii II I i I IHII'i ,' i 3k H n HI1!" 'S 4i p . V YY i " i .iB II' Wf .1 ' iv 1 mi J - :'. balhiicciiKe! wear ' 6f thq c6atvaitd,dorible the life lor the ;sutt A pressed Spair always ready ior emergencies Style . r i i i 1 Service Satisfaction $30 $35 G. W. Johnson & Co. U. S National Dank Bldg. Salem Ore. Over a Hundred Happy, Eff icient Salespeople to Serve You Tomorrow er Seesaiioiial Girt Event FROM OUR 72x90 Famous Moelios Sheets Moclips Sheets This .heavy grade Is well known for service. Special $1.39 We Give Free Premium Coupons 60-inch Mercerized Table Damask A regular 75c value per yard. An excellelnt table cover. Special Or ' Anotn 24x44 Heavy Turkish Towels Special Regular 45c value, a douhl. thread, "heavy quality. (LlmfT two to a customer.) 29c Thousands of Givable Gifts, all marked at Prices that make Xmas the old fashioned . Joy it once was. " The "will that makes the way" has long persisted here, and under its stimulating influence the results accomplished for this Christmas Sale stand out most pleasantly. Not content to simly bring before you hosts of giveablc gifts we have bent all cur energies an I utilized I our matchless resources to bring them before you at surprisingly low prices. Let the accompl ish ment speak for itself, as the curtain rises tomorrow otv another day of Christmas purchasing. , We Give Free Premium ConPon8 33x15 inch Huck Towels, Regular 19c value, auality. Xmas sale Special , 1 firm For a Sensible Gift Give ESMOND Blankets 60x80 NASUA , 60x80 Nashua Genuine Wool Nap BLANKETS In Pretty Plaids, Special $3.49 a pair 60x76 inch Soft Cotton SHEET BLANKETS $,1.98 a pair For Saturday's Sale A Real Gift Opportunity APACHE WOOL INDIAN ROBES r Iri: ff:.wMiijmgtSiwlj 0 The Very Finest 12 Mummie Importe d Silk Pongee Now is the time to supply your Xpias need. On sale tor Saturday, only Special per Yard Size 64x78 Indian Indian Design Blankets A precedent 1 n blanket value giving. These soft "blankets ran be easily made In to bath robes. Regular $5.00 value, special $3.98 Others at $4.7o DAINTY SILKEN UNDERTHINGS A GIFT FOR "HER" Perhaps no other article can more fittingly convey the feeling of friendship more than such a dainty. Our stocks feature such articles as will attract the donner and delight the recepient. . SELK CAMISOLES 98c Values to $1.60. Just the very colors you will want are here, orchid, blue, rose, flesh, emerad and many flowered designs. Some trimmed with lace. SELK B0UDOI& CAPS 25o VESTS AND BLOOMERS, each $1.95 Made of fine crepe de chine, flesh color. A regular $3.50 value. Special Xmas price, each $1.95 LADLES' SILK CHEMISE $2.49 Such gifts as impressive chemise that are values to $4.98; Some with a touch of embroidery work on sale of the above special price. $6 CREPE DE CHINE GOWNS $3.49 Tills sensational offer is Just what It says; only a limited quality. They are nicely embroidered and trimmed with lace and ribbon and silk. FINE NAINSOOK EMBROIDERED CHEMISE 69o $7.49 4 LADIES' UNDERWEAR LADIES GOWNS In Extra Large Sizes Made of extra fine grade outing flannel, fancy and plain colors. $1.50 value. Special $1.19 ANNOUNCEMENT A New Shipment Ladies' Union Suits and Two-Piece Garments . In all winter weight, in sizes from 40 to 54. To those who were waiting for this an nouncement, we want to "say that all gar ments are marked to Xmas, sale prices A Gift No Women Has Too Much Of. We Sueeest HOSIERY 98o Grade All Wool Hose. Special -rf tnfAim ester SANTA GLAUS Fancy Huck Gift Towels Fancy gift Towels make a most welcomed selection. Regular 75c value. Special XniM sale price ,-- 49c 4-Piece Gift Towel Set Consisting of two real large fancy bath towels and two wash clpths to match. Reg ular f2.75 value. Xmas sale price $1.98 Fancy Embroidered Day Pillows A lovely giftthe young lady who is col lecting for her ''Hope Chest" will admire it muchly. Xmas sale special 98c 36-inch Fancy Percales - Featuring many new colors that just ar rived for spring selling. Regular 25c per yard. Hundreds of pretty patterns to select from. Xmas Sale Price, Special per yard 19c 36-inch Wool Storm Serge First grade all wool 36 Inch storm serge, a lovely woolen In most desirable colors, regular price per yard $1.49. Xmas sale special 95c 54-inch Sponged Serge A very good grade 54 Inches wide, thoroughly sponged and shrunk, ready for tailoring. This quality la worth to $2.50 per yard. Special for Xmas sale $1.69 LADIES' SILK SCARFS Extra Larpe Size Formerly id.l $1.98 59c Arrow Head Pure Silk Hose Famous Arrowhead, Pocahantas silk hosiery, regular stock, all colors, all sizes. $1.75 values, special $1.39 Silk and Wool $2.00 Hose A real good-appearing fine quality hose in all sizes and big assortment of colors. Special $1.49 Children's 35o Value LISLE STOCKINGS A sale unusual a quality supreme well known make, In all sizes at Special 19c The Old Jolly, Happy Saint Nicholas will be here Saturday with FREE GIFTS TO CHILDREN ... , Accompanied by Their Parents Hours from 9 to 10 a. m. and from 3 to 4 p. m. Hot Coffee Served Free to Everybody, in the Basement. Over 3,000 Pieces Gray, Blue Gray, and Bonnie Blue GRANITWARE In the Basement TEA KETTLES, STEW PANS, DISH PANS, WATER BUCKETS, and other large size pieces, each EACH Ladies' All Wool : ANOTHER GROUP STEW PANS, COFFEE POTS, DISH PANS, BERLIN AND CON VEX KETS, and other style pieces 2 PIECES SPORT HOSIERY Another big value, another good gift suggestion, fancy styles, colored tops, all sizes. 98c Ladies $2.50 Silk Stripe Union, reduoed to .... $1.75 Ladies' $1.50 grade Winter Unions, reduced to. 98o ladies Fancy Style Crepe Bloomers, 49o Girls' 75o value Sateen Bloomer reduced to L...49o Biff Holliday Assortment Crepe de Chine Silk Blouses Special $1.98 . r Slipover All Wool Ladies SWEATERS Special 45-inch Indian Head TUBING Special c Premium Coupons Are An Added Savings READY-TO-WEAR J AT CHRISTMAS TSiE!!EoPf RTg kstj mm REDUCTIONS FULL LENGTH SPORT COAT In sizes from 28 to 44. Values to $22.50 in a e"iJ tional clear away Xmas sale at See' Yesterday's Papers for the 797 Groceries All Prices Reduced. RICH CONEY FUR COAT Formerly sold at 47.60. This Xmas ready to eJ clearance prices reduced; made with silk lining bell sleeves. Price now only ,l VELVET AND SILK CREPE DE CHINE VSXSSSS Values to $20.00 and more. Special at $l075