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THANKSGIVING and CHRISTMAS SPECIAL AT LOR lE’S Add a Bottle of Good Wine or Liquor to your Turkey Dinner and your “Menu" is complete California Sweet or Sour Wine, 6 years 1 A A old, A 1 quality, per gallon, - Clark’s Sour Mash Whiskey, Bottled in <l* -I A A Bond, Full Quart, Holiday Special, - t FULL LINE OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CHAMPAGNES, LIQUORS, BFERS, ETC. LORiE’S FAMILY LIQUOR STORE 2958 Welton St., Phone Champa 2121 ' ■ | BEST WORKMAN IN THE CITY LIGHTNING KILLS FEW. . w padpir Ir In 1906 lightning killed only 169 I 2 padrif Pr °P s - people in this whole country. One’s j. w. u. KKit. m. chances of death by lightning are I'AL>DIC P PADDTC less than two in a million. The LAKKIC vV LAlxaxlJl chance of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, Tamo At*inl Dorl At 4 but not Electric Bitters be used, as I PS I M I /II 111 l Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, M UUJUI la., proved. Four doctors gave him HAND AND ELECTRICAL FACE MASSAGE >'>’ aft f eight months of suffering from virulent liver trouble and yellow | 1831 Arapahoe Street jaundice. He was then completely , cured by Electric Bitters. They're j " the best stomach, liver, nerve and i MRS. A. W. CLAY kidney remedy and blood purifier on , earth. Only 50c at all druggists. SAN PFHRO PRICES REASONABLE "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CAFE ARTHUR JA- KSON chL and short orders COLORED orchestra Regular Meal Service. Music Furnished For 't3T-CLASS AND MODERN . „ All Occasions KESIDENCE 2420 WAI.NUT ST. 2339 LARIMER ST. DENVER Phone Main 5300 Room 3 FOR PLEASURE AMD AMUSEMENT THE BON TON POOL HALL W. A. GAUFNEY, Prop. A Large Line of Cigars and Tobacco FREE CHECK ROOM Phone Main 2175 1920 ARAPAHOE ST. DENVER, COLO. —. PHONE CHAMPA 2558 FIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLES BBS TM IDEAL POOL HALL j J. T. TOSON & W. S. MEYERS, Proprietors The Leading Pleasure Resort of Denver FREE CHECK ROOM 1843 Lawrence Street J Denver, Colo. THE CUT RATE LAMB MARKET CO. L lamb F 10c lb 1807 WELTON STREET 10c lb NOT IN THE TRUST GEESE and DUCKS, lb. 17 'Ac. TURKEYS, Colorado Dry Picked, lb. 20c The Cut-Rate Market Co. is the only Independent Sell-As-You-Please meat market in the city of Denver. We raise and fatten our own meats. We seii direct to the consumer. The amount of business we do will con- : vince you that we handle the choicest of meats and sell them at a live-and- ! let-live price. Compare our prices with others and come and see our I meats. Beef, corn-fed, from one cent a pound up, not to exceed 10 cents a pound for any cut. Choice of all steaks, lb 10c PORK, CORN-FED. Choice cut of llump Roast, lb 10c Fattened on Q ur Own Ranch with I Choice cut of Pot Roast, lb 10c Corn. Nice Beef longues, 1b..... *^ c Com or Rib Pork Roast, any size, i Whole Rumps Steer Beef, lb »%c 1214 c 14 11.8. of choice Beef for *l.OO wh o, e ‘ j^i n ‘ s ‘ ‘pork/ib.” .Uc LAMBS, GRASS-FED AND CHOICE Fresh hams, cut to your size, lb. llVfec „ Whole Shoulders of Pork, lb 8c Lege of Lamb, any size 1b.... •.1 »c pork gteak> 10c Shoulders of Lamb, choice, 1b....«V4c Qr Pork ch 1b .... 12Vf J 3 rim. of Lamb Steak, choice, f0r..25c LaUb Chops, Rib or Loin, choice, HAMS AND BACON. 1r .... 10c Sugar-cured Hams, one-half or 8 l)s. of Lamb Stew, choice, f0r..25c who i e> ]b 16c T-o V homf nRFSSED o > ba - of Breakfast Bacon for $l.OO POULTRY, HOME-DRESSED. puRE LAR d SALE , HOME-MADE. Spiing Chickens, lb 15c 3 lbs. of Pure Lard for 35c Hens fancy, lb 12% 5 lbs. of Pure I.ard for 00c stewing Chickens, lb 9c 10 lbs. of Pure Lard for $l.lO Can you afford to buy your meats elsewhere but at the Cut-Rate Mar- [ ket, 1807 Welton. TM £ STATESMAN- DENVER PERSONAL MENTION THE PEOPLE’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sermon topics, Sunday, Dec. 1 st: 11 a. m., “The Tragedy of Fathers’ Neglect;” 9:45 p m., Christian Endea vor, “Things I Want to Do Better Next Year,” Phil. 13:12-14; 10:30 p. m., "Forgetting the Things That Are Behind.” The consensus of opinion by the friends, visitors and members of this church is that the Xmas services, of which the music formed a most con spicuous part was beyond the expec tation. With some contraction the musical program will be repeated Sun day morning. We are too modest to overestimate our work for the sake of notoriety. What we say we are doing can pass muster at any time. We therefore invite one and all to hear the choir’s special as well as the sec ond of the series by the pastor to par ents. The church with all of its auxi liaries are under great indebtedness to Prof. Hewetson-Watson for his con tribution of musical ability. From time to time he has helped us even more than a disinterested paid em ployee. Don't forget the Old Year's sermon at 10:30 p. m. Words are unfindable to thank Miss Gertrude Striplin and Mrs. Stella Mad uox also Misses Susie Hall and Grace Cole for their unflagging interest and painstaking in preparing the Sabbatn j school scholars for their Xmas exhi bition last Sunday night. Musical critics say the program rendered was , so proficient as if two months was at the teachers’ disposal for preparation. The hearts of the little ones were j made glad with their respective re ceipts from the Xmas tree Monday night. The Guild and Missionary So ciety wound up the day in “high glee’ ' with a “spelling B” ronowed by the 1 serving of supper. The People’s Church will observe! the week of prayer as outlined by Uk 1 churches of the Evangelical Alliance! throughout the world, beginning Sun-, day night, January V, 1912, to the fol lowing Sunday night. Subjects will be submitted next week. The H Chapter of the Westminster Guild will meet in its New Year's meeting. Tuesday night, January 2. 1912, at 8 o’cloc k, with the Misses DeNeal, 1154 j Broadway. All the members are urged to make this first meeting of the year a record-breaking one as to attend- I ance and finance and spiritual enthu | siasm. Xmas day at high noon at the resi- I dence of his father, 4524 . rain street, ; and in the presence of parent#, rela I fives and friends, Mr. Benjanin H ! Rirtley took unto himself a wit- in the j person of Miss Albert Payn* Rev. J. A. Thos. Hazell was the officiating j minister. The church and pastor wish these newlywed people every success | in their marital undertaking CONDOLENCE. Whereas, It has pleased our Ix>rd and Master to call Mrs. Rankin from labor to reward, we, members of Western Star Ix>dge No. 1. N. B. F., Business Phone Residence Phone J Main 2275 York 2079 HARDWICK AUTO SERVICE OLIVER HARDWICK, M»na K er SERVICE BY TRIP OR HOUR Stand at Rocky Mountain Athletic Association 2014 Champa Street «O£FOJWUS Is Your Hair Short? Breaking Off, Thin or Falling Out ? Have you Tetter Eczema ? Does yonr Scalp Itch ? Have you More than a Normal Amount of Dandruff ? If so write for MME. C. J. WALKER’S WONDERFUL HAIR GROWER which Postively cures all Scalp Diseases, Stops the Hail from Falling out and Starts it at once to Growing. These Remedies are Manufactured only by THE WALKER MFG, CO. 638 N. WEST ST. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. A Six Weeks’ Trial Treatment sent to any Address by Mail for fc1.70 Make all Money Orders Payable to Mme. C. J. Walker, iend Stamps for AGENTS WANTED. Writf W Terms V> Agents. Before writing Mme. C. J. Walker, ask your druggist, it may save you time as we are now placing our goods in ail drug stores. 8 and brothers of the bereaved husband, Brother Geo. W. Rankin, feel it our duty to offer our dear brother our con dolence. We can only commend him to do all things well trusting to Him in whose hands is the issue of all things, from which can be no repeal; therefore be it Resolved, That we present this as a token of our sympathy in this the hour of his bereavement and a copy of the same be spread on our minutes. May her soul rest in peace. J. H. BROW1N, F. APPERSON, D. JONES, Committee. A TERRIBLE BLUNDER To neglect liver trouble. Never do it. Take Dr. King’s New Life Pills on the first sign of constipation, bilious ness or inactive bowels and prevent 1 virulent indigestion, jaundice or gall J stones. They regulate liver, stomach and bowels and build up your health. Only 25c, at all druggists. The only dance in Denver New Year’s afternoon is the Bon 'Ion dance at Dania hall. Dancing from 3 to 7. Good music; admission 25 cents. The Loraine has the same moving pictures as the PrinceB and Isis. Spend an hour seeing the pictures at 725 26th avenue, just across from the postoffice. S. A. Bondurant is busy collecting medals for sprinting ability. On Wednesday night while on his way from East Turner hall, he was held up by a stick-up man. But Bondurant was in training and won out by his quick get-a-way and speed. The hold up has not been apprehended. Mrs. Lillian Jones gave a recital at Central Church on Thursday night. E. D. Lassiter is back again in the city after an absence of several months. The Douglas Undertaking Co. will ship the remains of J II Childress, the homicide, and suicide, to La Grange, Tenn., some time this week. His only relative is a step father there. On Saturday morning his death was first known, the body being found in a grocery area way in oSuth Denver. At first it was thought he died from gunshot wounds but later it was learned by post mortem examin i atlon that it was carbolic acid. LATER —The funeral takes place place today at 2 p. m. from the par ; lors of the Douglass Undertaking Co. Sunday evening the music at West Brothers’ Cafe will begin at 9:30 and last until 11:30 p. m. The menu and holiday extras will be a feature of the day's service. Dante's Inferno which was shown at prices ranging from 50 cents down to 15 cents down town, will appear at the Loraine all next week for only 10 cents. J. R. CONTEE, Pres. & Manager FRANK N. ROGERS, Asst. Manager Resident Phone York 1669 It. E. HANDY. Licensed Embalmer. The Douglass Undertaking Incorporated. Phone Main 6123 Bonded to the c,tT 1023 Nineteenth Street PHONC * MA,N 2276 l PERFECTLY SANITARY The Rocky Mountain Athletic Association ' Jfe *|| BARBER shop JgSS 2014 CHAMPA STREET Hot and Cold Shower Baths-Everything Strictly Up-to-Date-First-Class Work by Expert Artists TMYtfl OPEN FROM 8 A. M TO 9 P. M. A. E. BALLARD, Prop. V CHAMPION SHOE REPAIRING ic "' u J 7 Ladies Sewed Soles 40c Gents Sewed Soles 50c ,v * SER 2056 LARIMER STREET fTHE NEW WAY SHOE REPAIRING QEWED MEN’S 65 CENTS LADIES’ 50 CENTS C. C. DENNIS, Prop. Phone Main 3737 1857 Champa St. five points BARBER SHOP * ■ iTwßli NLinicuriritf and H JtirdresfnnK Parlor. ! First Class Work by Expert Art^ts LjgjS j f. r FULL LINE Of CIGARS ANO TOBACCO B« ./v? ’ 2727 Welton St. Denver, Colo W. P JONES. Pfepiietot phoni champa 471 Madam Hunter’s Marvelous Hair Grower Indies join the Beautifying Club. Three treatments $l.OO. Free treat ment with each 50 cent Jar of Grow er. Don’t Fail to try it. It works like magic. Hair grown in six weeks or money refunded. f MADAM HUNTER’S BEAUTY PARLOR Phone Main 1298 2712 1-2 Welton St. « J. W. PERKINS, Proprietor Our Specialty Residence 2629 Marion St. THE FINEST OF WORK IF YOU HAVE ANY CLOTHES TO CLEAN, DYE OR PRESS -V) LET THE ONE DAY DRY CLEANERS > DO YOUR WORK We Clean Everything But a Guilty Conscience D.°.w o «*d'*p d rom£«T» na Phone Main 1000 2620 WELON STREET FULL line of cigars and tobacco I M -jj JOSEPH WELCH, Prop. jg| BARBER SHOP AND POOL ROOM i First Class Work by Expert Artists ROSE, Foreman j, l. EDWARDS BARBERS ■■ 2232 LARIMER STREET Phone Champa