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BARGAINS IN CARVING SETS CARVING SETS worth $2.00 Reduced to $1.50 j “ “ “ 3.50 “ “ 2.60 “ “ “ 4.50 “ “ 3.40 “ “ “ 5.00 “ “ 3.75 7.50 “ “ 5.60 “ 12.50 “ “ 9.30 THE FIVE POINTS HARDWAREJCO. 2643 Welton Street At Five Points GOOD FOOD Is'essential to good health, whether it is] MEATS, VEGETABLES OR GROCERIES THE GROCERY at living prices. It shows its appreciation of your patronage by service. E. POLAND, Proprietor 2700 WELTON STREET PALMER HOTEL T. H. JOH NSO N ; Proprietor J Newly Built and Newly Furnished Fire Proof - Steam Heat - Hot and Cold Baths 2130 Arapahoe Street Denver, Colo. THE COLORED ORPHANAGE AND OLD POLKS' rtOMS. located at Arvada. Colorado, take Ar-vada car. This Institution provides a home for homeless colored children and women and men of the race. We also care for children whose parents are In service and cannot keep them, at a very small pittance. Any informer tlon can be bad by writing a letter er postal to Arvada. Colorado Phone Main 5341 Residence 1037 20th St. 'Between Arapahoe A Curtle Ste. J. T. FRARY PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Paperhanging, Graining, Glazing and Hardwood Finishing] Kalsomining, Brush or Spray Work. All Work Promptly Done. Prices Reasonable DENVER, COl.Ol ~ BERT plessner njg MANAGER east turner hall 2132-214-8 fl -Apahoe St. ; Phone 2449 Denver j MAMMA NEELY’S RESTAURANT GOOD HOME COOKING jj Regular Meals 25c. Sunday Dinner 35c. | Short Orders atJAllTHours | 1914 Arapahoe Street Denver, Colo. GOOD CLOTHES WHETHER CUSTOM MADE OR TAILOR MADE] I NOBBY IN STYLE AND PERFECT IN FIT AT THE QUALITY CLOTHES SHOP 1015 SIXTEENTH]ST., opposite Tabor Grand ALL WHO LIVE NEAR 5 POINTS CAN SAVE TIMEjAND MONEY BY TRADING AT HIGGINS’ GENTS’ FURNISHING STORE j WATCH FOR OUR CLOTHING DISPLAY 2641 WELTON STREET THE STATESMAN- AUTHOR OF RARE BOOK OF POEMS Mrs, Carrie W. Clifford Makes Her Bow as Songster. PURPOSE OF THE BROCHURE. Inspired by the Triumphs and Strug gles of Her People, the Well Known Educator, Lecturer and Clubwoman Tells of Their Aspirations In Race Rhymes. Washington.—No one can read "Race Rhymes.” a neatly got up and at tractive pamphlet of twenty-eight pages containing about sixteen poems, by Carrie W. Clifford, without coming to the conclusion that the colored wo man is taking up her part of the race’s struggle for fair play with as much enthusiasm and loyalty as could be expected from the women of any race engaged In a similar contest. From the first page to the last there is in this little booklet an underlying M Its. CAHKIK W. CLIFFORD. curt cut of race loyalty and tlev tlou. The standard set is very high and noble and inspiring. “To My Mother.** which is the dedi cation poem, gives a splendid idea of the high tone of the poems. The first verse rnns as follows: Mother, mother, how I loved thee' And I know thou lov'dst me well. But the gentle Saviour railed thee Home on high with saints to dwelt The real purpose of these poems is very clearly set forth by the author in her foreword. She says: In giving to the world this bro chure the author makes no claim t*» unusual poetic excellence or lierary brilliance. She is seeking to < ill at tention to a condition which he at least considers serious. Knowing that tliis may often be done more impres sively through rhyme than in ua ele gant prose dissertation, she has taken this method of accomplishing the end sought. Kstch poem has been called forth by some significant event or condition in the history of the Negro in America. The theme of the group here present ed- the uplift of humanity- is the loftiest that can animate the heart and pen of man: the treatment, she trusts, is not wholly unworthy. Re membering the good that has been ac complished by such familiar poems as "The Prisoner For Debt.** “The Song of the Shirt.” and similar ones, she sends these lines forth with the prayer that they may change some evil heart, rigfit some wrong and raise some arm strong to deliver. A perusal of the contents of the booklet hears witness to the fact that “each poem has been called forth by some significant event or condition in the history of the Negro in America.’* The titles of the poem are ‘‘America,’* • Reply to Thomas Dixon.” “Atlanta’s Shame.** “The Jimcrow Car.” “Shall We Fight the Jimcrow Car?” “To Paul Laurence Dunbar,” “Lines to Garrison.” “Foraker and the Twenty fifth.” “The Colored Graduate.” “Duty’s rail." “Marching to Conquest,” “My Baby.” “Character or Color- Which?” “Tin* Dreamer” and “We’ll Die For Liberty.’* “Race Rhymes” is characteristically a race book. Not only were the con tents written by a member of the race, hut the book was printed, bound and finished in a printing office owned by a colored man and operated by • .dored printers. The hook is attractive in ap pearance and will make a valuable ad dition to one’s library. Mrs. Carrie W. Clifford, the author, is one of the lead ing clubwomen of this country. She was the first president of the Federa tion of Colored Women’s Clubs In Ohio, being one of the founders of the club movement in that state. As a lecturer Mrs. Clifford stands In the front rank, her subjects covering topics of deep race interest and impor tance. A few years ago Mrs. Clifford changed her residence from Cleve land. 0.. to Washington, her husband, Hon. W. 11. Clifford, who hud been a member of the Ohio legislature from a Cleveland district, having received an appointment to a lucrative federal po sition in the Capital City. Since resid ing here Mrs. Clifford bus taken part In club work ns actively as she did In her native state. She is prominently identified with the W. C. ’l*. U.. has served us secre tary of the Bethel Literary and His torical society and is prominently iden tilled with the club movements In gen eraJ in Washington. 6 JUST SIX PERSON! will give you a Set of Dishes absolutely FREE Either New Subscribers, or Old Subscribers paying all indebtedness All of them becoming Subscribers Yearly in advance. Price $1.50 i m : lg£ } Y ;: ; :: /. ; |Q||!g| LADIES! Visit The Statesman Office 1026 19th Street and see the DINNER SET which we are offering to our subscribers REMEMBER! YOU CAN GET A SET FOR NOTHING. Only a little effort. <* You can get one without effort. Only a little money, $2.50. ACT QUICKLY The South Carolina Race Conference. The annual South Carolina rare con ference will be hold In Columbia. S. C.. for three days, beginning on Monday. Jan. 22, Rev. Itlchard Carroll Is one of the prime factors lu the movement- NO NAME Clothing Store 425 Fifteenth Street Established over a Quarter of a Century. Oldest and Most Reliable of its kind in the West. Proprietors strictly American and Irish. WE BUY AND 8ELL Indies’ and Gents' Good Clothing Stage Costumes, Evening Dren«i and Parlor Gowns a Specialty DRESS SUITS RENTED Phone Main 8252 eo'VEARS’ J^^^Hb^EXPERIENeE mm I W L J J 1 L j ™ M i ■ ■ . I *11 ■ k I 1 Trade Marks Dunn ■ fm’ ’ CouYmoHT* *c- Anyone sending a akeinb and Oescrtettow may opWiion ftaa an Scientific American, A pmoOmtamtr wwRAy. Imwl «r* nnUtbon of any tdsnMOc journal. TeF|>*. is a MNLfoor nontka, «L fkfld by all news&iiriW Viteawp FOR RENT We have a number of houses to rent at all times. Wo get new ones every day. Call and see us if you want to rent. FOR SALE We also have a number of houses and cottages for sale, some on very easy terms. See us If you want to buy. 5 POINTS REALTY CO. Phone Main 5831 2603 Wetton St. Notary Public, Flra Iniuranc* Monty to Loan I. M. THOM AS e MOVING AND STORAGE. The largest three horse van in the city; $1.25 per hour. Furniture and china Phone Main 4834. 2541 WELTON STREET WHEN YOU GO TO PUEBLO MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS AT THE Baltimore Hotel B & MAIN STREETS On* Block from th* Union D*pot PINK PERSON, Proprietor CARPENTRY CONTRACTING BUILDING Coal and Kindling ERNEST HOWARD • SHOP 1021 21st STREET Phoni Champa.762 RES. 353 W. WARREN AVE Phona South 1062 * Estimates and Plans Furnished IHMV^MKihr ■HTouiPl EuEaffli rrawmiw Electric Bitters Bucceed when everything else hOa. In nervoas prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY,LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE ?< it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter.