VOL. 4, NO. 16.
Bright, Sweet
and Juicy.
We are goin<* to give our friend*
a treat by Belling them for
$2.00 PER BOX.
Gome early before they are all
■old out. No such Oranges has
eyer been shipped to Pueblo.
They are better than Mexican
Sweets or Navels.
2 DOZ. FOR 25c.
We are selling everything else
cheaper than any other house.
If you want to sav* your money,
come and leave your order with
us for a month. We will sav*
you frotaijp
-20 to 25 Per Cent.
We are selling all staple and
fancy groceries cheaper than any
one else in Pueblo.
100 lbs Empire Flour 1 85
100 IbH Columbine Flour 1 MB
100 lbs Hhogn Flour 1 75
100 Ibe Urun. Humir fl 00
30 lb* Rot loti Out* 1 00
* 2-U> package Rolled Out* 25
*0 lb* Rice 1 00.
15 lb* Dried Flrn I 00
14 lb* Dried drape*. 1 00
12 ll» Choice Raisin*. I 00
10 lb* Turklxh Prune* . I ««
12 lint Dried Currant* .100
6 lb* Rvap. Poach oh . 1 00
2 1-lb pkg*. Currant** £'•
. 1 pkg. linaeker Out* .10
Also don’t forget our line of TEAK.
25c to 65c per lb. Our best worth
91 per lb. You are saving 35c per
lb. on each lb. you buy from us.
We carry a full line of
of all kinds in bottles
or in bulk
We want your trade aud if GOOD
GOODS and Prices and good treat
ment will win it wo will sell you
all you buy.
We carry a full line of garden, field,
and grass seed, also all kinds of
Two Stores! Two Stores!
Moses & Allen
202 South Union Ave.
Cor. otb and Santa Fe Ave.
I will give you lower Railway or
Steam ship rates to any part of the Uni
ted States or Europe than can be had
through any one else in Southern Colo
~i 10. Call on or write me for rates and
will furnish you with all desired infor
’ »tion.
Ticket Broker, Pueblo.
Bouth Union Ave, near B Street.
Criminal Law a Specialty.
Prompt Attention Given to Pension Claim*
Room 1 over Pofltofßcc, Pueblo.
* W. L. Ukaham, Ciias. E..Saxton,
Pre*ldcnt. Cashier.
Union Ave. and C Street, Pueblo, Colorado
Authorised Capital, - - $250,000.
Paid In Capital, - - - 50,000.
Surplus, 175.001.
Foil Set ol Teel
Rooms 204-5-0-7, Central Block.
Bridge and Crown work done. Also all
work knn/n to modern dentl*try. Price*
asonable and all work Warranted.
* Buy and Hell
Jtattirt, Cirpefe tirtiin, Akinin
Queenswar Tinware, etc.
Manufacturer* of and dealer* in
Baggies and Wagons,
4tgrlenHnral Implement* of AH Kind*. Wag
on and Boggy Harness.
ioa-ioa a union av*.. ich-iosvkjtos-a av*..
TaimoM lio. in. PUEBLO. COLO
orno* n* Cratm Blk.. Pn.blo.
Dilck, Rlnr RaUtoid ud Mineral
aarreja. *ial»ttoa at Mmaral Prop
artlaa. M.efcaalaal Tafia.rriMl aatln
«M (raw m tt*Ml aa* KtMtXa plaata
The Bessemer Indicator.
The Indicator.
P. BYRNES, Editor and Proprietor.
Published Every Haturduy ut Uosscmcr.Colo.
Entered at the Postolßce at Pueblo, Colo., a*
second class matter.
Price of Subscription.
One Year $1 00
Hlx Months 60
Memorial Day May JO.
Judging from presont indication*
politic* will be hot in Pueblo county
uext fall. Bessemer will be in the
field and will demand a couple of
important olllces.
North Pueblo would make a great
mistake by selling its water works
to a syndicate, it would be an act
of retrogression and particularly at
this time the popular idea is for the
city ownership of such public nec
essities as water works, street rail
ways, telephone and the lighting
It is estimated that there are 500
bicycles in use in Bessemer and
Pueblo. Many of these are $l5O
wheels while others are worth $125,
SIOO and from that down to a few
dollars. If the wheels would be
averaged at SIOO, which is low enough
it means a total investment .of
A bank would no doubt do' a
thriving business in this city’. Only
a short time ugo the prospects looked
bright for a bank building on
Northern and Evans avenues but the
backing down of some of those in
terested checked the project for thq
time being. An institution of the
kiud is needed.
The Union Railway Co. of Pueblo,
a new organization, has asked for
and will obtain permission from the
city council to lay trucks for street
cars on certain thoroughfares of
that city. The new company
will reserve the right to use the
cable system, the storage battery or
the overhead trolly system.
It is not at all surprising that
most of the expostulations against
opening the World's Fair on Sun
days come from the New England
states. Two-thirds of the letters
written to the directory of the Fair
protesting against the opening of the
Fair on the Sabbath come from this
quarter while the farther west the
fewer the protests. The people of
Massachusetts and Connecticut in
particular still cling to the narrow
teachings of the Puritan of by-gone
It seems that the newly organ
ized Union Railway Co. of Pueblo
desires to extend a line along Spruce
street in this city, which desire has
aroused a spirit of hostility among
some of the people farther west who
declare that the line must come up
Eaton avenue or Cedar stueet or
not at all. They state tlmt should
the new company petition the city
council for a franchise along Spruce
street they will put in a counter
petition asking the council to refuse
the franchise. Meantime the Spruce
ateet people are lying low.
It would please men of extreme
views to see the Geary law rigidly
enforced, but men of conservative
notions favor moderation, and they
are right The safety of American
residents in China demands this and
the hitherto liberal construction
placed upon everything by the
United States government demands
it. It is one thing to keep a foreigner
out of this country but quite a dif
ferent thing to drive him out. Such
harsh meaus should only be resorted
to when Americans in China are
called home and when all efforts to
keep Chinamen out of this country
have failed. •
Considerable mining interest is
going on just now in Turkey Creek.
Within the last ten days some valu
able finds in free gold are reported
and prospectors are turning their
attention to that locality. The dis
coveries have been made at the head of
Turkey Creek about thirty-fiv* miles
north-west of there, and fifteen mile*
south-east of Cripple Cr**k. The
formation is *aid to be nearly the
■ame as that of the latter place
though the rich deposit* are nearer
the surface. Bessemer and Pueblo
should cinch this camp and if it
prove* to be rich these cities would
he greatly profited. A good wagon
tood load* to the oamp and or*
Mkkeenilj ho freighted until each
&%m*f*\**A » MU.
The Horrible Accident of Last Mon
day uiglit.
The lives of Even Owen and
Griffith Harris instantly
crushed out beneath the
wheels of a street car —
Whiskey the cause —The
jury exonerates the motor
man from uli blame.
One of the most horriblo acci
dents that ever happened in this
city occured at 11:20 o’clock last
Monday night when Even Owen and
Griir Harris were instantly killed
and fearfully mangled beneath the
wheels of a street ear at ttie cross
ing of Northern and Evans avenues
The struggling men fell in front of
a moving car and their lives went
out like a Hash.
It was at that hour that the two
unfortunate men with other pas
sengers were returning from Pueblo.
At the corner of Northern and
Evuns avenues they all got off, the
ear, No. 4, William Clifford motor
man, going on to to the terminus.
Coming back at what was said to be
the usuul rate of speed the motor
man saw two men standing close by
the track. When within a few feet
of them the men engaged in a
struggle and fell in front of the car
the motorman being unable to
check it In time to save their lives.
In a couple of minutes a large crowd
hud gathered to view the fearful
sight. Harris had fallen beside the
track, bis head resting on tiie west
rail. The wheels passed over his
head just above the ears crushing
it entirely off, carrying his skull and
brains in Ills hat severul feet beyond.
Owen hud fallen fully between the
trucks and was rolled over aud over
until the end of the plank crossing
was reached when the depression
between the rails permitted the
guard to catch liis body and the
wheels passed over it crushing the
bonus aud mangling the flesh. Death
was instantaneous with both men.
About two o’clock tiie undertak
ing wagon of McMahon Jc Collier ar
rived and after acting Cor. Brasius
had surveyed the scene of the ac
cident the remains were gathered
up and taken to the morgue. The
following morning crowds of
usurious people gathered at the spot
And gave expression to their horror.
.At 9 o’clock Tuesday morning a
jury composed of George Willauer,
John Kune, M. F. Dempsey, Thomas
James, Daniel Shay William Farm
er was impanneled at McMahon <fc
Collier’s undertaking rooms when
thp following facts were produced:
The two dead men with David
Griffith, Janies Lewis, Miss Anuie
Llolyd, Mrs. Nellie Jones and a
stranger whose identity was not
established wore passengers and all
got \ off at the crossing named.
William Clifford was motorman
and 18. VV. Carter conductor. The
men lin the oar wero under the in
fluence of liquor. Owen was quar
relsome aud did not want to get off.
After Vetting off some fighting was
indulgV-d in in which the mysterious
stranger took an active part. Lewis
and Griffith testified to this. The
women; knew but little as they bad
made &!T directly after alighting.
The straightest testimony came
from George Tremlin, the colored
minister who said that he had been
attending a festival of his brethren
in the little building corner of
Northern and Routt. Ha was ad
vancing toward the car tracks when
he heard the two men who were
afterward killed talking loudly.
One was determined to board the
oncoming car and go back to Pueblo;
the other was tryiug to persuade
him not to go. As the car approach
ed the men locked and struggled,
falling in front of the car as before
stated. It seems that Harris was
the man trying to get in the car and
Owen was trying to hold him back.
Both were drunk and reckless of
the danger they were in. The story
of a mysterious big man pounding
Owen and Harris, the men who were
killed, and Griffith and Lewis, wit
nesses is not generally credited.
The jury adjourned until 3 p.m.
aad ngain until 0 p. m. when it re
paired to the spot where the ac
cident occurred to view the
grounds aud establish comparisons,
a crowd attending. Clifford, the
motorman, was ordered to take the
fatal car by the crossing in the
same manner as ho did at the time
of the killing. This he did, making
a good stop and to the satisfaction
of the jurors. Manuger Chubbuck
aud Supt. Martin of the car com
pany were present. After some dis
cussion the jury went to the city
hall uud about midnight brought in
the following verdict:
“Even Owen and Griff Harris
came to their death by falling under
and being run over by an electric
metor. We further And that Even
Owen and Griff Harris were at the
time under the influence of liquor.
We herewith exonerate the said
motorman from all responsibility.”
There are a few who endeavor to
fasten the blame on the motorman
but the accident was one of those
unavoidable happenings and it is
wrong to blame the motorman with
carelessness. Whisky was the
oause and there the blame should
11*. Both were young married men,
Harris living on Abriendo avenue
near the old hose houto and Owen
boarding with James Lewis at 1804
Evans avenue, he bWirtng parted
from his wife who is new In Pneblo.
Beth were employee at the steel
work* Under the direction of Mo
MAhea * Collier the bodies were in
m* w «n» * Bnarrtaw
A Great
Carpet Sale
If you intend to buy a Car
pet in the next year buy it
now at the sale. You can
save money.
The Paul Wilson Dry Goods Co.
Main and 6th Streets.
Tiie Geary law compelling the
registration of Chinese or their ex
pulsion from this country is render
ed inoperative for the reason that
there are practically no funds to
transport the unwelcome element.
Secretary Carlisle says there is only
sf>,ooo in the fund that may he
used for this purpose and that by
July Ist not more than SOO,OOO
would be available. If it takes SIOO
to send a Chinaman out of the
country the treasury would he ex
hausted by deporting GSO, and as
there are about 100,008 unregistered
Chinese in the country the work of
gelling rid of them would he slow
and at the same time very expensive.
A feeble attempt may be made
toward enforcing the Geary law and
a few Mongolians he banished but it
is altogether probable that the time
for registration will he extended
and the law complied with in that
Journalistic Liberality.
The editor of the Chieftain is very
much worried because the Opinion
permits a free discussion in its col
umns. The Opinion believes tiiat
every man lias a right to think for
himself and if lie wishes to give the
public the benefit of his thoughts
the columns of this paper are open
to him. We allow no dizzy pated
sky pilot to think for us nnd tell us
we rausn’t publish anything that is
not in accordance with his creed.—
Sunday Opinion.
A Meeting That Was Short ami Sharp
A special meeting of the city council
«as held Wednesday evening, all mem
bers being present.
Mayor Dempsey said it had come to
his knowledge that the Pueblo Street
Railway Co. were contemplating the
tearing up of the track on the fair
ground line and astted the pleasure of
the council in the premises.
Alderman Miles made a kick and
thought the company should put carß
on the line instead of tearing up the
track. Company hnd stubbornly re
fused to give service to the people out
Attorney Lennnrd was instructed to
draw up an injuction restraining the
cempany from removing the track from
Acero and Thatcher avenues.
Alderman Leithend moved to have
Mayor Dempsey and Attorney Leonard
make an effort to compromise with the
C. C. F. & I. and the C. C. &I. D.
Co. regarding the matter of withdraw
ing from the the city. Carried.
Alderman Fisher thought the mar
shal should be instructed to ascertain
if liquor was not being sold in the city
without the vendors taking out license.
Would Tear up the Fair Grounds
Street Car Tracks.
In accordance with action of the
city council Attorney Lennard drew up
papers Thursday restraining the Pueblo
City Railway Co. from removing the
tracks on the fair ground line, the
papers being duly served. The in
tention of the railway company created
some excitement in the western part of
the city and all Wednesday night
Marshal Shay had the truck patrolled
by police to prevent any activity on the
part of the company. If the Indicator
is correctly informed the people of
Acer* and Thatcher avenues were to
have the line and service if they
would put up a bonus of $20,000. They
raised $14,500 but the difference of
$5,500 not £being forthcoming the com
pany never put *n regular service and
considered that the people had not
carried out their part of the oontract.
The city has never granted a franchise
on that line to the company and claims
that the oompaay having laid down the
track muat leave it. What action the
railway officials will take remains to be
Manager H. E. Chubbuck has secured
the flees *f seventeen of the most im
portant countries of the world with
whioh he will decorate the pavilion at
take Mlnnequa. The flogs are made of
the beet bunting, are two oj three feet
and will be flung to the brseae to-amr
tew tar the in* Usm.
F\ >r i-v 1 1<'!
All Houses and Lots in this Addition for sale
on Easy Payments. Land under the Bes
semer Ditch for Sale or Rent.
Graham-IVescott Block.
Every Day in the Week. The best
that can he made.
Also Ice Oream Soda and all Other Regular
Small Drinks.
H. PERLET, Evans and Summit
Officers Nominated.
The Bessemer Building and Loan
association held a meeting Monday
night at which the following nfficers
were nominated:
President—J. K. Doinpsey; vice presi
dent—D. W. Hartnett; secretary —F. P.
Hawko; treasurer—(J. E. Saxton. Di
rectors—M. X. Harris, W. G. Davis, J.
V. Leithead, E. H. Harris. W. L. Rees,
T. W. Lynch, G. W. French, W. H.
Hubbard, P. J. Connor, Charles Cox
and James Cromar. Nine directors will
be chosen from the twelve nominees.
The nominees for president, secretary
and treasurer aro the present in
cumbents. The election will be held
the night of Juno 10.
Crushed to Death.
Frank Kproul, a switchman at the
steel works was run over by a car at
the entrance to the yards Wednesday
evening at 5:16 o’clock, tiie wheels pass
ing over both legs close up to the body,
smashing the members so that they
hung on only by shreds.
The company’s were soon:
with him and bad him removed to the j
company s hospital where he died at
8:30, only about three hours after the
terrible accident.
The unfortunate switchman was at
tempting to make a coupling nnd his
foot caught in the guard rail, pulling
him beneath the wheels, Ed Kelley the
engineer being unable, of course, to
stop the engine in time to save him.
Kproul bore up wonderfully under the
ordeal, remainihg conscious lothe last,
making no complaints and saying that
he was ready to die. After the surgeons
had uoue thaiv \\Xirk l ;;' Lllketl wit!'
them and with the minister who had
been called until dentil sought his
brave young life. Deceased uas about
twenty-five years of age, unmarried,
and has parents living in El Dorado,
Kansas who wero telegraphed for. Two
brothers who had been working in the
steel works had left for Texas only the
day before. Funeral from McMahon &
To Stimulate Travel.
We will to-day sell as follows:
Chicago and return, S3O; St. Louis and
return, $22, nnd to any Missouri river
point and return, S2O Ah tickets
good thirty days It will not be out
of order to again announce that “We
are the people.” Call at Grand Union
ticket otfice, Central block, if you de
sire te be in the swim in the way of
cheap tickets to any point on this or
any other globe.
A. Jackson, Gcn’l Ag't D. & R. G.
To Give All Our Patrons
A chance to sec our beautiful state,
aud at the same time to be in position j
to furnish them with first class servic; j
wc have decided to put on said round '
trip tickets to Lcadville, Aspen, Glen-1
wood, Grand Junction or any inter-j
mediate point (on the standard guage
line) at a rate of $4.00: all tickets
good three days. At these figures our
patrons will he assured good service !
and at the same time know that their
trip will not exceed $4.00, thus taking j
no chances of the rates being raised |
to the old figure without uoticc. Our
people will at once see the proper
thing to do is to purchase round trip
tickets, thus avoiding all anxiety and
worry about the rates being raised
while they are on their outward trip.
Call at grand union ticket office.
Central block, for vest pocket time
A. Jaceson, General Agent D. & R G
To buy a 50 or 100 fL front suitable
for residence. Will pay oasn, but lets
must be cheap. Inquire st this office.
Policemen Dempsey halted a
suspicious looking stranger near the
Colorado Trading Ce. store Tuesday
morning at 2 o’clock and took him
4o the city hell where the stranger
proved that he wae passing through
tb* olty nnd he was torned lees*
Fresh Meat, Fish, Poultry and Game
constantly on hand. Orders called for
and delivered to any part of Bessemer
and Pueblo. If you can't get what you
want from your own butcher, give us
a call and we will please you.
Estimates Furnished
I ('all at No. liOO Arreya, Bessemer.
Great Rock Island Route
i — laoy
As long a time ns" Ttiieta (•oigneu,-u loii*
has the * ’hlrnK"> Hock Island .V Pacific Hall
way run trains westward from Chicago.
The Hock Island Is foremost In ndopt lug
any advantage calculatcil to Improve sp 1
and give that luxury, safety and comfort
that popular patronage demand-. Its equip
ment is thoroughly complete with vestlbuled
trains, magnificent dining ears, sleepers and
chairs conches, ail the most elegant, and of
recently Improved patterns.
Faithful and capable management and
polite, honest service from employes arc
Important Items. They are a double duly—
tothw company and to traveler—and ills
sometimes a task dittlcult of accomplish
ment. Passengers on t Ills linn will tlml little
cause for complaint on that ground.
The Importance of this Line can he hotter
understood If a short lesson In geography ho
What Is the great Kastern termini of tho
Kook Island Houte?—Chicago. What other
suh-Kastern termini has It?—Peoria. To
what important points does it run trains to
tin Northwest ?—St. Paul and M Iniieapoll-,
Minnesota and Watertown and Sioux rails,
Dakota. To what Important Iowa and No- ■
tiraska points—lies Moines. Davenport. Iowa
Dmuliii and Lincoln. Nebraska. Does it
touch other Missouri Itlvor points?—Yes ; st.
Joseph. Atchison. Leaven wort li and Kansas
City. Does it run trains lotlio Foothills of
the’ Hoeky Mountains?—Yes; to Denver.
Colorado Springs and l’uehlo. solid vcstlbul
ed from t lileago. Can Important cities of
Kansas he reached by tho Hock Island
Houte?—Yes; lls capital city. Topeka* audit
full hundred others in all directions In the
State, ami it is the only road running to and
Into the new lands opened for settlement In
the t'hcvenno niul Arapahoe Reservation.
It will thus qe seen tlint a line tapping, ns
t lie Hock Islaml does,such a varied territory, |
has much in that regard to commend it to I
travelers, as all connect Ions arc sure on the
Hock Island, and passengers can rclv on a
speedy Journey, as over a bulk of the system
through trains are run, und It has become,
ami rightly too. the popular Line.
V very popular train on the Chicago, Hock
Island «v Paeitle Hallway leaves nonver,
l’ucblo anil < olorado Springs, daily. It Is
called ••The World's Fair Special." Is one
day out, and passengers nrrlvent Chicago
early the second morning.
The ltoek Island has become a popular
Colorado Line, ami the train above referred
to is Vestlbuled, and carries the* ltoek Island
' excellent Dining i ar Service.
For full particulars ns to tickets, maps,
l rates, apply to any coupon ticket office In
tin- United, Canada or Mexico, or address:
Genl.Tkt.it Pass. Agt., Chicago, 111.
E. ST. JOIIN, Goal. Manager. Chicago, 111.
J. G. KKLLKH, Agent, Pueblo, Colorado.
Cut Rales.
To Chicago and return S3O. St Louis
and return $22, Kansas City and all
Missouri river points S2O. Above arc
round trip rates via the Missouri
Pacific. Secure your tickets at the
Union avenue bridge depot or Union
Wm. Hogo, P. & T. A., Tel. 191.
Quick Service to Cripple Creek
via Santa Fe.
Commencing May Ist the Sant* Fo
route and Colorado Midland will put on
a n*w tram for Cripple Cr*ek, leaving
Union Depot at 6:10 a. m. and Stone
depot at 6:80 a. m. arriving at Cripple
Creek at noon. Round trip ticket* at
reduction are on **le at Union D«po f
and Santa Fo city office 887 N. Union
Are individual safes constructed of selected drill proof steel
and designed for the safe keeping of Diamonds, Jew.dry, Ab
stracts, Deeds, Insurance policies, Money and Valuables of all
kinds. Owing to their superior construction and location in
the strong vault or the American National Bank they afford a
protection not offered by the ordinary safe. The owner of one
of these safes enjoys the privilege of keeping valuables in a safe
place known only to himself. Any person can rent one of
these safes by applying to this department of the—
T. \V. LYM 'I I.
Dealer in Wall Paper Paints, Oil, Glass, Varnish and Brushes
Paper Hanging, Kalsominingand Glazing done on
Short Notice,
All IVork Guaranteed.
This is a Victor Year
“All of Pueblo’s best riders use Victor Bicycles”
“Because VICTORS are best”
Overman Wheel Co.
ROBERT GERWI NG, Manager. 3 1 2 Santa Fe Ave.
D. R. Greene, .«ft D.F. Urmy, vicr p*i». N. D. Hinsdale, cashier.
PAID UP CAPITAL, $250,000.
j James T,. Iximbnrd. T. A. Slonne. Thos. Thompson.
Roger \V. Woodbury. I>. r. Urinv. J. K. Rliireman.
!». H. Greene. John J. Burns. N. D. Hinsdale.
Four best inside io/s in Bessemer at way
down prices and on very easy terms.
// 'HI sell one or all. See me at once.
Abstracts of Title prompty furnished.
No 8 East C Street, Back of Western National
j _;na
Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed.
Headquarters for Natural Ice.
E. G. DONLEY, Proprietor.
TELEPHONE 185. Between Union and Victoria Avenues.
Fuebio Steam Laundry.
Corner of Union avenue and C street.
Everything neat and clean and all work first class. Roods
called for and delivered to any part of Pueblo or Bessemer.
p ' jP. Sheeran Doesn't quote any prices, but lie permits
UIUUUHUOJ no ° nCto S' vc more Groceries and Provisions for a BIQ
| DOLLAR than he does.. He is in THE LEAD and intends
to stay there. Don't ask questions, but drop in and see him. You will call again
For Fresh Fruits and Confectioneries of all kinds, Ci
gars, Tobaccos, Cider and a variety of goods kept rxt
a first-class stand, go to—
Corner Union and Abrtendo Avenues, PUEBLO. COLO.
Wanted: Second-Hand Goods.
I will pay the HIGHEST PRICE for Second-hand
Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables and Spring Mattresees.
Also for Heating and Cook Stoves and Queens-ware.
Will buy, Sell or Trade.
Also furnishes material. SandsUne of all dims—lnns Ofloe at Ltrwj
Stable near City Hall, Bessemer.