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The Indicator. BESSEMER, COLORADO. U.U4.oonist« who have acquired a habit of tumbling *rom the skied ought to bo made to reform. Some day ono of them may fall upon a use ful citizen. The wolf's den and surroundings whore General Israel Putnam exhib ited tbo daring that has sent his name ringing down the ages are to bo converted into a park and forever kept Bacred. M. Jtri.Es Simon declares that in tellectual work is the secret of lon gevity, and points to the French academy in proof of his statement. This goes to show that, though wo may have the dude with us always, the supply is sure to bo free from senile specimens. Somebody should remark close to the good oar of Willie liohenxollern of Deutschland that absolutism is a sure cure for the Imperial matter how badly it may afilict a country. When that young man loses hls present Job he will find great difficulty In securing another. It Is almost never that anyone can be found vwtth sufficient courage to honestly dCTond fashion. But the truth df the matter i 9 that fashion is just as much a part of civilization as is politeness or scientific cooking, or well-bound books, or any other un necessary bnt refined contrivance of society. One of the biggest firms of coffin manufacturers in Chicago has made ap assignment- It Isn't often that a city can congrutalatc hersoif upon the failure Of aa jPmportant business ontorpplso. bnt this is un exception to the rolej It disproves those New Ifork lle9 about toe impurity of Chi cago’s water. Fast aw* negroes are being told that In Sottthorn California they ct*i 'ive In Mlc luxury watching sweet potatoes grow as lapge as a peck measure anfl hiring (Jbinoae at five cept* a dqg to flo ail fhclr work. It Is beilered people familiar with Southern California that the tale of blfSs Is exaggerated. A Wn.REsr.Ajnta girl, whoso recre ant Ipvor failed to &how np for the weeding coremony, has sudd him Ip r tljo cost of her trousseau and tho w%Qding breakfast As Wilkcsbarre ?entiment tho young man will [ffobably get an injunction prevent ing the girl's uso or disposition of the chattels ponding trial. A u.<jx aged 70 has entered as a Student at fVlqpeton, haring all his li'fo been Imbued with a desire to have a collcgo education, and a fbgacy haring at last placed him in a pmrifloD to oDtaln one. Such a con ftuntng desire to fit himself for a po as waiter gr moturajao on a street car la seldom anoountorod. A Minnesota court has a.warded the first wife of Alfred Johnson of Chicago ESS.QTO alimony because the trtbr Alfred divorced her and married fezrftn without her being oflk'iiilly no tuldfi. Mr. Johnson how has causo to reflect on the wisdom of the old iflage about bcitrn “nit with tho old lore before ono i 3 on with the new." A Geh-han scientist. Dr. Bauman, tp havo discovered the source ol tho Nile. Be claims the 'raters rtart In tho highlands closely border ing on lake Tanganyika and* contrib ute t*he flow of tho Kagcra or Rnvu -s*o. If the learned dtotor had dis covered a largo cache of elephant’s tusks it would hare paid him better. Kentucky chiralry recently rose in Its might, and when it had subsided a Collins, horse been lwayingneck^^^^^iU» a tree. As to whether or not horse-si?lkH®B' de * lerres such rebuke there will rprlety of opinions, but It is certain that Mr. Collins has been definitely and finally cured of the habit. Honor in Mexico which has been bo innocuously sated In the past on the bloodless field of blulT, has a grievanco. Tho government pro poses to prescribe fop the duel such conditions that one principal or the other will get hurt. The duel, ham pered with fho strange element of danger, will loso popularity, and honor's yearning go unappeased. People who see anything pathetic In tho spectacle of George Washing ton’s lineal descendant selling apples for a living are subjecting their sen sibilities to a needless strain, or so it seems to us. If the last of the tV’ash- Tngton's fulfills his family traditions by soiling his apples honestly, his il lustrious ancestor has no causo to blush for him. which would not be true if ho were the recipient of na tional bounty or favoritism because of hlB pedigree. One of tho nephews of the king of Italy went to Monte Carlo and blew in nil his ready money and 750,00 > francs that lie had deposited at Romo. Tho king of Italy has in con sequence issued an order forbidding any member of tho royal family to go to Monte Carlo on pain of being sent to military duty in Africa. The warning was timely. It would not require many such expenditures as that made by this nephew before the hangers on of Humbert’s family would find it necessary to look for work. The German people have remained firm in tho determination not to gratify an extravagant, whim of their young emperor who makes a hobby of war equipments. All efforts of the government to persuade or drive tho relchstag into passing its enor mous army bill failed. A now house will be elected In July, but it is by no means certain that it will beany more subservient .than tho one just ad journed. The time has come when even tho most autocratic rulers are compelled to yiold to tho superior will of tho people. The provocation for strikes nowa days does not have to lie as deep as a well nor as wide an a barn door, ns is *n by tho Now York waiters who uck booause their employers in —Mted on their having smooth-shaven > faces. But this strike for whiskers is not as funny as was that lasi year of the employes of tho proprietor of a strawberry orchard. This employer insisted on Ull the strawberry pickers chewing gftm while it work, to that they fMt mt browM on Mi rtrMk ms wm jSfc 1 -*• Telegraphic Brevities. It U stated that Lizzie Borden'a mind U falling. Locust* are ravaging the province of Sara to.T. Russia. The Sit Companies still advise Chinese not to register. The Italian ministry Is likely to reslgu as a result of au adverse vote. The two months' drought In France has caused an enormous loss Is crops. Violent windstorms swept over the North west on the 22nd and did much damage. A congress of coal miners opened at Brus sels on the 22ud. Recent floods have devastated large districts In Routnauia. NY hole villages have been sub merged. The National Editorial Association elected Walter Williams of Columbia, Missouri, aa president. James Cordon Bennett says that he Intends | to lake ali his employes on the JleraUl Into partnership. The Infanta Kulalle made a ceremonious I call on the I'rrtldcnt, Saturday, and It was j returned by Mrs. Cleveland. Tho congress <>f newspaper men met at j Chicago on the 22nd. Delegates were present ! front a.l parts of America uud Europe. Secretary Gresham says that there Is no danger of the Chinese government retaliating on the United States for the tieary law. The Starr gang tried to hold tip a Santa Fc I train in Oklahoma a few nights ago. but j were bluffed off without getting anything. It Is staled in New York that Mrs. James C. Blaine. Jr.. Is soon to lie married to Dr. | Bull.who has been her medical adviser of late. I Advices from Japan say that the volcano Bundalsan has become active and that wide spread disaster has beeu caused by the erup tions. The strike of dock laborers at Hull Is end ed. The terms are mod favorable to the em ployers as they are allowed to retain their non-union men. The crevaife in the levee of the Mississippi near Lake Providence, Louisiana, Is widening mid a tremendous amount of water Is Inun dating the plantations at that point. Appeals are being made to the governor of | Pennsylvania to remove the Liberty Bell I from the World's Fair grounds If they are j opened Sunday. The fair was not open on the 2l*t. George J. Could has refused to accept a j n»*w term as president of the Pacific Mail : Steamship Company owing to the pressure of other busine»s. C. P. Huntington will suc ceed him. The floating debt of SIOO,OOO on Brooklyn Tabernacle, Dr. Tulmage’s church, was paid off ou the 21st amid great rejoicing. Dr. Talniagp had threatened to resign If this debt was not raised. The deadly French-Eversole feud has broken < tit again In Kentucky. A fight oc curred in the town of Hazard a few days ago in which one man was killed and several others wounded. John I». Rnckafeller has given $150,000 to the University of Chicago In order that Martin A Ryerson's gift of SIOO,OOO. condi tional upon the raising of $-100,000 more, might become available. The National Editorial Association was In session at Chicago last week. Among other Interesting features of the meeting was the reading of a poem by Wm. E. Pat or entitled, “A Drop of Ink Makes Millions Think.” Fire tu Syarbuck. Washington, destroyed tlie Union Pacific machine and car shops, the roundhouse, nineteen locomotives and nil other railroad property except the coal bunk er". The loss will amount to over $300,000. The origin of the lire is unknown. The W, stern Passenger Association has decided to place the rate from Denver to Chicago return nt $45. The Santa Fc urged n S3O rate and withdrew from the Association. It Is probable that a cut will soon he made. Secretary Herbert has announced the future policy of the navy department. He j will retire fleet commanders after tLree veers’ continuous service, aud give the other ' officers an opportunity to see the admirals' I pennants over their own squadrons. (ieucrnl Booth has paseed over his son. Lieutenant General Bromwell Booth, and ha* ] nominated his daughter. Le .M area hale Booth : Clibborn. to succeed him In command of the I Bah t Aim • : ing that women “make the best rulers.” 1 ■ i 1 I . - ers on the ’ 23rd by a vote of 30 to 27 agreed to the rule made by the directors that the exposition he ' opened Sunday. The only means of frustrat ing their plan* Is notion by the courts, and It 1 Is probable that they w ill he asked to Inter- The National Commission baa asked Theo- I dore Thomas to resign his position as musical director of the World s Fair, on account of his show n partiality to various musical Instrument makers. Ills doubtful whether he will resign as the local directors sustain him. The negroes of South Carolina held aeon-! vention on the Istb to devise means for pre venting outrages on colored men in their state. Resolutions were adopted advising the negroes to shun the plantations and business places of all who maltreated them, nml urg ing them to organize protective societies in every town In the state with n well tilled treasury, w bleb will enable them to me t emi rgendes constantly arising. The speeches were temperate. Judge Bradley, in the circuit court for the District of < •dumb!.;. :>t the ca-c of Pulaski a d:-> hnrgod letter carrier, rendered nn loipor- | lan! -1.1-1011 ill the matter of t):eenforcement of the civ;i sendee law*. holding In cff. -•? Hat ml**ed front the service w ithout u-t :.:.d till- Rev. Dr*. Lawrer the committee, of the auxiliary of , the Religious Congress of the World’s Fair, 1 I have withdrawn !he acceptance of the Invita tion to the Br.pti-t d •nomination to partici pate In the eongi - The committee's action D taken l:t view of the determination of the directory to throw open th- gates of the ! World's Fair Sundays. The committee be- I Hew- that the Bap:1. 1 annual meetings to l>c l held next week In Denver will approve tho | withdrawal. A lottery of five hollers n* Beaver Mill*. : New Damp'd.i ••. exploded at 12:20 o’clock o:i j the 22:i 1. badly wrecking th'- building, klil ! Imr and iojiirin * a number of ptr-ons. 11. r j be. t Dolton was killed and Lewis Starkey Is undoubtedly d ad. Robert Kroulette is j fatally Injured. It l- not yet known whelm r all the dr-ad and iniureil are found. The . workmen had n-ciriy nil loft the building, b it loot ■ had gathered in the holler room to Another mid more serious landslide has oe- I eurred at Yacnle.lcn, Norway, ju-t north of Trondjhem, where a number of farms were 1 recentiy buried under an avalanche An ex . tent if land, five kilometre, by ten, In the Levcngor valley. became dislodged and slid down on Hie rot; below,destroying twenty-two homesteads nml fifty cottage-. A vast area i i- flooded, and many persons arc missing, and | It Is feared they have perished. | A special from Montreal says: A private letter to a ini'mher of the Queltec cabinet ! from Hon. John T. Hail, provincial treasurer. I states that the hitter has beer: unable to effect I a loan for the province. Mr. lin'd went to ; London to borrow $10,000,000 to pay off some due loans and outstanding lint,,;,ties. The 1 English financier. I ’, however, refused to ad vance anv further mon: 1 ? to this provln<'\ ■ which idi-endy owes $65,000,000. Mr. Had j propo.-es going to I*iris to endonvor to effect h loan In the French capital. The Pennsylvania and Lake Shore road* iinvc i-sued orders to the effect that every em ploye, irrespf dive of bis or her department, will be granted two w.-eks' vacation In which to see the World'* Fair The resident of each ; system has guaranteed to employe trar.sporta- . tion to and from Chicago with their entire dependent families. The road* will not nt- ' tempt to pay full salaries to each employe while on the vacation, but they will send them there, give them time to see the Fnir j and take them borne again. All Newspaper Men Know Him. New York, May 13th.—There i« a very In- , terrsting story connected with the 370 col- j nmns of advertising In Inst Sunday’s Worhl, which, healing nil previous records, shows the vitality and energy of the advertising manager. S. G. Pen, who, about a year ago, , was given up as a hopeless consumptive, | utterly unable to work. As n last resource, the publisher of the Cincinnati I‘o*t told him of the discovery of Dr. W. R. Amlck of that city, end this remedy for consumption abso lutely cured him, ns was proven by last Sun day's rcrtult. A new uka«e has been Issued, expelling the Jews from Asiatic provinces of the Russian empire. The enforcement of the ukase will cause widespread suffering, a* the decree in cludes within Its scope thousands of Polish refugees from Shalt Jeth All's persecutions, who had entered Russian territory under a I guarantee that they would be protected In the enjoyment of religious freedom. A convention of chief* of police was held at Chicago last week. The adoption of the Bertlllon system of Identification wa* the roost important buslnejw. A committee was appointed to frame law s regarding the arrest of vagrants, suspicion* character* and pro feeslonnl thieves, tbs said law* to be uniform all over the land. CUeago la to be the ek*r jng-JMOM for 0* Staff* Mfer (b* NEWS OF THE WEST. Color* <1 a. Heavy ralna fell In Morgan county on tho 21at. General James B. Weaver paid a visit to Denver last week. Trinidad suffered front a $12,000 fire on the 23rd. The old rink was burned. Frank Sproule, a switchman, wa* run over and killed in the yard* at Pueblo on the 24th. Willie l!oppr,a small boy, was killed at Den ver a tew days ago by falling upon the end of a broken umbrella handle, which pierced his abdomen. Governor Waite has appointed E.T. Fisher, present superintendent of schools of Mesa county, to Ik- r member of the board of ex aminers of the state normal school. The body of a dead man was found In a i cabin near Rico a few days ago. He had | evidently been killed, as Ills skull was crush ! ed In. The officers think they have a clew to his murderer. i A considerable saving to the state will lie j effected in 1 uddlug the new cottage and hospital at the reform school by having the ! brick moulded and burned by the boys of the j school. They have excellent clay on the | ground for the purpose. President Andrews of Brown University, delegate to the World’s Monetary Congress, I Is to open the session of the Colorado summer school w ith an oration on the remonetization j of silver. This Is to lie followed by a course of five lectures on the silver question. Two mill-workers employed In Bessemer were killed hj an electric car between 12 and I 1 o'clock Tuesday morning. Their names were Evan Owen and Griffiths Harris. The two men were lighting and just as the ear cauie near them they fell In their struggle on the track nml were horribly crushed by the It lias all along been supposed that the slate was entitled to 140.000 or at the most 150,000 acres of indemnity land* from the Ute reser vation. A map of the Ute reservation, w hich Inis just been completed, showing the town ships surveyed and uneurveyed lands, evi dences that the state Is entitled to 310,960 acres as indemnity lands. | Denver Markets —Egg*, ranch 17c, state ! 15c; butter, best creamery 26 a.2oc, dairy 20c; bar. upland Fried til ;51-‘. second bottom 1 tvOOiaso.oo;a)falfa f 7.0 J; wheat'.-.V ;corn,bulk j 7**c: sucked S3c; oat.*, fl.lS, sacked $1.21; j potatoes J 2.75: cattle choice steers $3.S’» -tf4.35, cows 42 60(4*3.00, native feeders $3.10 i'-' t.'l.i.i; hog-, chore $7.10: spring chickens lie; hen*. 12c City Engineer Pearse of Mnnltoti, lias just made an interesting report to the town court eil in which lie states that the balancing rock at the entrance to the Garden of the Gods Is entirely within the town of Manitou. ’I he foundation of the rock has been crumbling sway for several years and it Is now proposed to protect It by a coating of cement in order to protejt this natural curiosity. The Smuggler-Union tramway at Tellnrlde was blow n flown on the lHth by a windstorm. The towers will be rebuilt at once and the tramway repaired and tvoiking Inside of two week*. Pack train- will be u-ed for tmn&i>or tatlon of the ore from the mine to shipping -tation uiitil the tramway 1* in working order ■ gain. A loss of SIO,WX) will be Incurred from the tramway being Incapacitated two or three weeks. The recent removal • f the Midland auditing department from Col-trad > .Springs to Topeka is compensated for bv the new department with headquarters of the general superinten dent of the Grand Western division of the t-anta Fc In the looms in the Midland block formerly occupied by the Midland auditing department. These offices do the business of ilie yanta Fc from Dodge City. Kausa*. to El Paso. Tex.-t*. and will employ a force of clerk* equal to that employed by the Midland offices. The Colorado Fuel *V Iron Company have stopped h!1 work at the Ruby-Anthracite breaker with the exception of tli" stone ma sons and a few other mechanics amounting to ! :» force of perhaps thirty or forty men, says i the Crested llutte /‘but. This course was I necessary ns so large a force could not be I worked to an advantage until the rail real is i completed. After the railroad 1* finished, | machinery and other supplies can lie taken i to the breaker to n nun-h better advantage. ; All effort wlil be put forth to finish the rutl ] rouil a* >• on a- possible, and It 1* expected to be completed by July or August. The snow i hangs on in the mountains anti the season is I very backward. i A prospector w alking along an nnfre itient , «»d road In the vicinity of Tennessee pass heard trie* coming from nn apparently de serted cabin some distance of from the and mi id Iby deep *now. Making hi- wav to the place, anil forcing an entrance, he found on a cot a man suffering , from inflammatory rheumatism, delirious,an I | in the last stages of starvation. Help was : fmm people living in the neighborhood thnt Ills i.ame wa- William .'•'. liering, and that he had been missing several day*. During that time ( it is presumed he wa* without food or nttrn tiun of any kind. County Phvsiclan Crook i think* he will recover. The board of Canal No. 1. In searching for abetter supply of water It Irrigating the binds under It* canal.has thought of utilizing the waters of Twin Lakes. The board bn* directed Engineer Cramer to prepare plan* for lowering the surface of the lakes twelve 1 feet. The engineer says a tunnel ran be built by which the present level can be brought down twenty fi . t without materially ! marring tho beauty of the scene. The vast : mpply of water Is therefore to be tapped atid harnessed for use on the thirsty plains along i the state canal, 100 mile* away.' It l» one of the most gigantic irrigation enterprise* yet presented In the state, but engineers are con fidant the plan will be succe-sftil. The state • anal will be seventy-fire miles long, and if water i* supplied w ill carry enough “TTn'ttiTqTbdTimlevciop“o.ißSFacres of land Into tv flower garden. Wyoming Denver people propose to establish at Cas per an oil workers’ supply house. Work ha* been resumed on an oil well three mile* from town. The school hoard of Rawlins ha* resigned a- a result of bring criticised for having le- The movement of southern cattle aero** thl* stßte Into Montana, Is well under way. About ten trains a day are leaving Cheyenne. Governor O-borne lias appointed the dele gates to the anti-coal combine and anti-trust convention to be held at Chicago next nontb. Dud Champion, brother of Nate Champion, who was killed in the cattleman's raid last year, was shot and killed near Douglass, on the 22nd, by Mike Bhon*ey. Shonsey says that Champion had threatened to kill him , and started to do so when he fired In self defense. Toe coroner's jury acquitted ,Qhon e.*y on that ground. Four or five weeks ago an account was pub ll-iied of the disappearance of Rev. Wililam Wilson of Tontlca. Illinois, who left Ham’s Fork December 26, bound for Lander. 140 ; miles across the mountains. Wilson drove i our bor.-e hitched to an open cart nml led two other*, lie was selling Bibles and stereop tlcon view*. This cart and one of the horses have just been found. Ill* thought Wilson wa* frozen to tie till, nnd it i* expected liD body will be found as root! a* the snow In the mountains melt*. Mr*. J. G. Fnrnls*. whom position ns petl i tfoncr In a sensational divorce snit has made i her prominent, was arrested recently on the • charge of interfering with th • mail*. The specihoiil .11 is that ‘he received and opened a letter directed to hr- husband. The letter keeping it for tt*e in court'. .She waived ex amination aud was bound over to tlu federal district court, giving bail. Mr*. Furni** has 1 applied to the courts to stop her husband from going to Mexico, where he was once a railway cnglnoer. Site has been In politics ' j in Wyoming several years. New Mexico. It Is now thought that Don J. Placldc fKo i mero, who was thought to have l>ccn drowned i Iri the Rio Grande, was murdered. His body cannot be found. The wool washing establishment of George ! I.tideinnnn nt Las \ egos burned down Man j day night. Riant valued at $25,000. There | was on hand $14,000 worth of wool. The lat ter wa* fully Insured. He employed eight men. The place will bo rebuilt. I A man named Ccrillo Degaldo is authority for the statement that two bodies, beaten al ' moat to a jelly with stones, nnd supposed to be those of Manuel Maldomado anti a sheep herder In the employ of Trinidad Grlgo, were found about six miles from Las Vegas tightly bound to wandering burros. The faces of the unfortunate men were pounded almost be yond recognition. The Mcslts De Juana Lopez grant, cover ing 42,022 acres near Cerrlllos, In sontb Santa Fe county, has been before the Interior de partment for five years on recommendation of ex-Snrveyor General Julian for resurvey. It wan alleged that the grant boundaries were stretched to three limes their proper propor tion*, and that there was fraud In the original survey. Purveyor-General Hobart lius re ceived word from Washington that Secretary Hoke Smith had overruled the decision of the general laud office under Sparks nnd holds that Congress had confirmed the grant In ac cordance with the survey, which waa an Im portant p*rt of the record before that body, and that this confirmation vsata fall aid per feet title la the present own ers, Thera are (Stephen B. K. C. Karan*, of (R. Ijoqln, %*4T,h. I'Mwa, of 9m«» Fa, LUMBER CAMP BURNED. Tm Km la mm 4 Craaato4 by tb« F Sanaa*. 6u th* 20th a forrat Ore, eight mile* north *n*t of Lake Wlty, Michigan,destroyed SmmI 1 * kantber oontp and ten men were burned t* death. The mm were aaaembted at dinner and the foreft fire, which was burning ail around, en tirety out off all eecapo, when the men. res izing their dangez, rushed out of the building In which they had been Bitting. Tlx* smoke blinded them and they became bewildered. They ran hither and thither, uuable to find a ineana of eepnpc, mtd their horse* stampeded, owing to live contusion. Eight of the men took refuge in a well twenty feet deep, bnt the top curb of the well burned and the timbers fell on the men hud dled in the well, literally cooking their heads, the remainder of their bodies being under water. • Others of the men rushed to the woods and some of them thus escaped, but the bodic* of two of them were afterwords found burned to a crisp. One man reached Lake City terribly burned, and there tiled In fearful agony. Eight teams of tiorac* were cremated. A large force of men Is still scouring tlie adjoining country to make certain no Oliver unfortunate has been overlooked. The camp employed sixty tneu. The remaining fifty were near the green tluilver and those e*- c»|>ed. The property loss is not very great. Forty hog*, three horses, the camp buildings, tools, etc, tells Mr. Sands’ loss. The Thayer Lumber Company, operating near by, lost eleven oars loaded with logs In mine fire. The engine bad to leave Its train to make R* escape. The lire ha* burned Itself out mid no further danger Is feared. PELTED WITH HAIL STONES. A Severe Storm nt I’iltabnrg Caused Much Damage. At 8:50 o’clock Saturday afternoon Rltta burg aud vicinity waa visited l»y the most violent hnll-donn ever known. The effect was most disastrous to life and property. Heavy Muck clouds suddenly obscured the light of the sun, whllo the air became op pressively hot. Following the terrific cleclrlo flash came the crash and roar of thunder, shaking the very earth. Before man or beast could seek cover, the deluge of lco came In ull It* Intensity, nml for five minutes there was a war of the elements most terrify ing. Telephone and telegraph wires were pros trated in every direction. Electric and cable cars were stopped by broken wires or debris choking the conduits nml for a time truffie was suspended. In the east end of Pittsburg nnd upper wards of Alleghaney City nenrly every win dow glass on the south sides of the buildings wa* shattered, while nil over both cities, sky lights, greenhouse*, private nnd park con servatories, were shuttered nnd foliage ruin ed. In the Phipps Conservatory In Schenley park, over 9,000 light* of glass were broken. Entertainments were In progress at nil of the theaters. At the opera-house cud Illjou tlvcaicrj serious panics were narrowly urerted ami several women fainted from fright. The slinging pelting of the hall caused a number uf serious accidents by frenzied horses that broke away from their drivers. Twenty head of horses, some of them valuable animals, are known to have been killed In Pitts burg, either by collision or becoming entan gled In electric wire*. John Downey, the driver of one team, wa.* dragged several squares and fatally hurt. Michael Dunn, aged 14, was almost electrocuted by stepping on an electric light wire on Second nvcnuc. Two funeral processions were broken up by the terror of the horses. The damage to garden and other crops was very great. GREAT FIRE AT SAGINAW. Twrnty-five Square* Uurned Over with a I.oss of 91,500,000. Saginaw, Michigan, nos visited Saturday afternoon by the worst baptl.-m of fire It ever experienced. It wa* first discovered in the mill plant of Sample <V Camp, ou what Is known ns the middle ground, south of the Bristol street bridge, Just before 4 o’clock and. owing to the strong southeast gale pro vaMiing, It spread rapidly, setting lire to and destroying 500,009 feet of lumber on the mill docks owned by Brown A Ryan, valued at ffc.o9o. The Bristol bridge next caught fire and u portion of It was destroyed. Thcnc* tin; flame* leaped to the ea*t side just below Bristol street and north of the city ball, where were located a large number of build ings, Including Hose bouse No. 6, ami J. F. Winkler's ioe houses. All the residences on Tllden street, nnd on both sides of Washing ton avenue down to Holden street were quickly licked up. Then rile fifJhrltfwere carried across the old bay Into the premises of the George Cross Lumber Company, the planing mill, lumber In the yard and a dozen tenement houses melting like snow. Next came the Alllngton- Curtis Manufacturing Company’s expensive plant nnd Rassolt’a old soap factory. Here Ute fire struck Jefferson street and In which some of the finest residences In the city were t-oon In ashes. At Emerson street the fire continued cast and south along Emerson to ward the city limits. It cut n wide swath on O wen, Ilownrd, Sheridan and Warren ave nues and other streets east. Vincent’s or phan home succumbed early, but the Inmates were removed to places of safety. The pa tients were all removed from Bt. Mary’s hos pital, which was In extreme danger for a time, but wlilch was saved. Tlie area covered by the fire was a mile and a half in length and from two to four blocks in width. A largo number of fine residences were destroyed, oves forty having been de stroyed that cost from $5,000 to $30,000 each. It Is estimated that over 250 families are homeless aud many of them saved nothing btrt the clothing on their backs. Bursting of a Dam. The <lzm bolding the water from lake* Ida •nd Milton lias given away nnd u mighty flood Is raging donn the Long . river, Minnesota. All the bridges west of town rr .- washed out or stayed with ropes and are lm possab’A. Much damage must result to meadows adjoining the lakes ami river. The wstar ha« been unusually high in all tint lake? near U*crc. About 25,033 acres of lake and surface water must find a.i enilcl through the one river. There will i•■ lii’i • dauinge to mill property nnd residence*. Coal Miners Strike. Four thonsnnd miners in the l’iUsburg dis trict, embracing all the principal mines In Kansas, went out on a strike on the 10th. The men arc peaceable, and no trouble Is feared for the j>ri«ent. The strikers declare that all Ute 0,000 miners of the state will soon be idlo, and that the light will be one to the very end. The trouble is caused by the decision, Apnl 20, of the mine operatom to hereafter pay 53 cents per ton, mine run In winter, and cent* In summer, all kinds of coal being counted. Tbo miners demand 15 cents per ton more than this schedule. An Armistice in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan revolution lias taken nn unexpected turn. Unofficial advices have been received at the state department that nn agreement for an armistice had been reached by the government nnd revolutionary fac tions In Nicaragua. No further Information than this Is obtainable. The source of the new* Is concealed beyond the fact that It did not come direct to Becretary Gresham from Nicaragua. However, the news Is considered ns Authentic at the department. The absence of direct advices from Nicaragua Is regarded aa Inexplicable. Newfoundland is Independent. Special cable advices from Bt. Johns, New foundland, announce that the resolution in favor of the union of Newfoundland with the the Dominnn of Canada has been defeated In the Newfoundland Assembly by a large major ity. The premier, Sir Whiteway, said that although be had been in favor of a union be tween Newfoundland and Canada for the past twenty years, he would not attempt to foroe the country In that direction without the peo £le requesting susb a step. Neither wa* be In tTor of passing a confederation act without »lsrft majority, Just now he thought cob federation wm Impolitlo u>4 M tilt tot* pm **"*^"" AT THEIR OLD TRICKS TRAIN ROBBERY IN MISSOURI. MU I nmaiktd Ructll Kells re an Ei. press Car In the Regulation Way. The weal-bound Mlsaourl Pacific passenger train waa held up and robl>ed thirty miles west of St.l.ouls, Wednesday night by six un masked men. Over s.'>,ooo was secured, the express and railway officials say. The amount obtained was probably In excess of their esti mate. The train which left St. I.ouls for Kansas City at 8:40 o'clock reached Pacific station, twenty-five miles west, on time and without accident. Here, ns It was afterward learned, a man boarded the train In front of the ex press car and Immediately behind the tender of the engine. A short distance the other side of Pacific about a mile—this person climbed over the tender, and bolding a revolver to the engin eer's head, said: “ ‘Twill be d d healthy for you to stop her right now.’' The engineer stopped the trnln. Five confederates of the robber now appear ed, some getting off the train, the others coming toward the track out of the darkness from the adjoining fields. While two guarded the englno crew the re maining five, wearing no masks, returned to the express car and demanded that the door be opened. Suspecting something evil was about to happen, the express messenger not only refused to open the door, but further proceeded to foil the progress of the robbers by barring the entrance with such baggage as he could lay his hands on. A further demand from the spokesman of the highway band urging the express messen ger to open up, receiving no answer, the rob bers proceeded to place a dynamite cartridge under tbe door and blow It open. The crush was deafening and tore a hole nearly two feet square In the woodwork, scattering the Interior obstructions In every direction. The men, who were unmasked, entered the ear. and. going to the express safe, secured about I - -*.!>oo and a package valued at $.'1,000 by the Pacific Express Company. The en gineer was then told to ‘-(Joahead like hell!" and "Make up your lost time!" Noue of the passenger cars were entered. Governor Stone and State Treasurer Steph ens were aboard the train and the former at once offered {.‘WO reward for the conviction of the bandits. A poise Is after them and It Is thought they will soon be captured. THE COMMISSIONERS AGREE. Tl»« National Commission Will Allow the World’s Fair to Open Sunday*. Sunday opening has won the day. Thirty members of the national commission went on record Tuesday in favor of Sunday opening rules submitted by the directors. Twenty seven commissioners voted against considera tion of the rule. On a final test the commit- Blon voted to substitute the minority or Sun day opening report of the judiciary commit tee for the majority report, which favored Sunday closing. The question then came up on the modification of the directory rule with the 6ainu vote. The actlug chairman, Commissioner lie Young, then announced that the rules had been modified by the coin m (salon. In the debate that preceded the voting, Chairman Massey of the judiciary committee, who formulated the majority report, led the Sunday-closing advocates and was seconded by Commissioners Hundlc and Touslcy. The minority report found iu advocates iu Com missioners St. Clair and Burton. Attorney-General Olncy slates that If an attempt Is made to open the World’s Fair on Sunday, be will ask the courts at Chicago to enjoin it. Severe Storm at Cleveland. For live minutes Tuesday morning a cyclone or f-omething approaching one, toyed with the chimneys, wires, scaffolds, wagons, and even people In Cleveland, Ohio. The first In timation of the blow was a cloud of dust and debris that swooped down on the city from the west, and before preparations could be made to meet the gale It had come, done Its mischief and departed. Two men were killed, three fatally Injured, and at least fifty people were cut and bruised by being thrown to the pavement or against buildings. The Cleve land Rolling Mill Company Is erecting a new mill In New burg, and the scaffolding was blown down, burying Vaclsy Kobeck and John I’oplowbkl under the ruins. Both were dead when taken out. The fatally Injured nrc: Anthony McGuire and Anton Arcofskl. At the corner of Eric and Superior streets a scaffolding was blown to the ground and four men wlio were working tinder It were seriously Injured. They were William Otnalln, Michael Murphy, Michael Hughes and Miles Johnson. The first two were Imdiy hurt and it Is possi ble that they will not recover. About seventy feet of tlya. SboTfc freleh'- ■LcoyA *Hr demolished anil the roof ■"was sent Hying to the lake shore Itself. A ear on the Asheville avenue street car line was blown from the track and the three pas sengers were given a good shaking up. The sturm extended all over the Ohio valley and along the great lakes. Bad Influence of Army Life. In the Presbyterian General Assembly on the 23rd the following recommendation of tlie United Christian Commission wav made and approved by the Assembly. It was to the effect that the commission intis* discourage the enlistment of the sons of Christian families Into the army unless >ome safeguards, now lacking, nre thrown nbont them. Gambling In the army I* not prohibited either by law or regulation and Is encouraged by example of older officers and soldiers; the post canteen affords unrestricted opportunity for and Inducement to drink; the architec ture of barracks places Christian soldiers at a fearful disadvantage, exposing them to the vices and Indecencies of Irreligious members of llie rank and file. Sunday work not called for by any exigency, Is still required by the army authorities; the recommendations of re ligious teachers In the army for the benefit, of soldiers do not receive the approval or con sideration of the authorities, In fact they arc discouraged. The commission recommended Hint the army orders of August 0 last on tills subject be revoked and that chaplains be ap pointed for every regiment The. recommen dations of the committee were approved and the report received. International Miners’ Conference. The miners' International conference nt Its session nt Brussels on the 24th,adopted a reso lution In favor of an eight-hour working day In the mines. The supporters of the resolu tion represented 000,000 miners ami the op ponents represented 100,000 miners. The conference then proceeded to discuss the question of a universal strike to force the eight-hour system. The discussion of. tills question was somewhat, lengthy, a strong minority being against tbe proposition for, universal strike to compel the establishment of a legal eight-hour day. The supporters of the proposition were vehement In their de-, claratlons that the end sought would never be obtained until an International strike fcrccd employers and legislatures to recognize that tbe miners were determined to secure what' they deemed their rights When the question was put to a vote an overwhelming majority supported the propo sition. Delegates representing I*oo,ooo miners voted In favor of an International strike, while the delegates who opposed such action represented only 12,000. Bloody Battle in Nicaragna. Advices from N carngtta state that tbe ex pected battle l*etwceu the goverment forces und the revolutionists concentrated near Ma saya wns fought on last Saturday. It lasted twelve hours. Tbe fighting was srvero and each Bble suf fered several repulses. Eventually the gov-' ernment troops were driven from the field. Counting deserters, dead and wounded, the government lost fully half of Its army. The. rest are demoralized and disheartened. Pres ident Sacasca Is believed to be ready to treat for surrender. Sensational Elopement. Mrs. Charles Thompson, William Dougher ty and about $2,000 In cash belonging to Charles Thompson have disappeared together and there Is a large-sized scandal In two hlghly-respcctable families In Wichita. Thompson and Dougherty are both rich cat tlemen living close to town, their wives being sisters. Tuesday Mrs. Thompson left her home and two children and came to Wichita. When Thompson got home and found the house dosed he went over to Dougherty’s and found Mrs. Dougherty and four children In despair over the disappearance of Dough erty, who had left a not* of farewell saying ha bad gone for good. Hurrying house Thompson soon dlsoorufUd ft fsMWgu totter SaratfMMil ■■ V . . ' .’.C-.’- - ■ •, .' t- .' ! PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. tsassl ftalhtriai mt tha Ptsatplas mt Cal via at Wsshlsglsa Tbs 106th annual session of tha Presby terian General Assembly opened at Washing ton on the 18th In tbs New York Avenue Chureb. Tha building was packed. On the ass I a door were seated tbe commissioner* aad others having business In oonnecUon with the assembly. On tbs platform were the officers —moderator. Kev. Dr. William C. Young of the Danville, Kentuoky, seminary; Rev. Dr. William 11. Roberts of Cincinnati, Ohio, who for nine years has axerolsed hie remarkable executive abilities expediting the business of tbs general assembly as stated clerk; Bev. Dr. William Alvin Bartlett, the alert, able aad eloquent pastor of the ehurob and ohalr man of the executive committee In charge of all the arrangements for the gathering. At 11 o’olook Dr. Bartlett annouuowl that ths hour for the beginning of the service bad arrived. The chorus from tbe Messiah was followed by the doxology, Rev. W. H. Rob erts, stated olcrk, concluding with ths Lord's prayer, rcolted In union. William Kethe’s by rad, I ‘All People That on Earth Do Dwell,” was then sung by the entire congregation. Rev. Herrlok Johnson read a part of the sixth ohapter of Isaiah, also a part of Bt. Matthew. Rev. Joseph T. Smith led the assemblage In prayer. The anthem from the oratorio of Elijah was rendered by the choir. The an nual sermon was then delivered by Dr. Young, the moderator. At the afternoon session came the event of the day—the election of a moderator. The nominations were as follows: Dr. Charles Dickey of Philadelphia. Rev. George A.Baker of Philadelphia, Rev. Willis G. Craig of the McCormick University of Chicago. The lat ter was presented as the representative of the great Northwest, whloh has never been reoog nized In the election of a moderator. Rev. Alex Adair of Walla Walla presented She name of Rev. Stewart of Washington. In a Fpeech expressing much feeling, Rev. Dr. Dlokey withdrew his name and was followed by Dr. Stewart. The vote wns then proceed ed with, with Drs. Baker and Craig as the only candidates. The result of the ballot was announced as follows: Craig 324, Baker 198; total 522. Dr. Craig was Introduced as moderator and Dr. Bartlett, pastor of the church, made tha address of welcome. A resolution presented "Protesting In be half of the Christian sentiment of the coun try” against the opening of the Columbian Exposition on Sunday and appealing to the national commission to assert Its rightful authority lu tbe matter, was adopted by a rising vote. At the second dny's session tbo moderator announced the committees. Dr. Young read the report on theological seminaries. It con tained no radical suggestions. At the sfternoon session a resolution was adopted authorizing a committee to Invite President Cleveland to visit tha assembly at his convenience. Upon adjournment the members of tbe as sembly called at the White House, and were presented to the President and Mrs. Cleve land. In the evening a general meeting In behalf of tho Sunday school work of the church wns held. Various Interesting reports were filed dur ing the day. The temperance committee took a strong position lu opposition to license laws, and denounced army canteens. Tbe report of the special committee on systematic bcnlficencc shows that tbe ChiU tiau /Standard has attained an average month ly Issue of 24,220 copies. The local reccip U of all tho hoards during the year amounted o' $2,799, 762, an Increase over 1692 of $178,705 Tbe report of the board of church erec tion shows that during tho year there wer j 239 applications for assistance, upon which grants were made aggregating $105,391 anfl loans $01,192. j The result of the year’s work of the boaijd of aid for colleges and academics has nil proved a disappointment to the expect atkJit of the church. During the year tho rcoeliljto have been $75,134 and the donations In ttie shape of aid aggregated $63,030. Forty Jm i stitutlou6 have been assisted and amf twisty states occupied. The aggregate cnrolliAnt of students Is 4,002, of whom 2,794 arcAu gaged lu systematic Bible study. ■ The report of the hoard hi charge <w the missions for freedineu shows that rJlarly $200,000 annually Is being expended 1 M this direction with very good results. The Apcu dllures last year amounted to f 193.002, Svhlle the receipts were $178,810. Under thiyboard there arc 152 ordained ministers Mil 258 churches, with membership of 16,293w4rd 19,- 472 Sunday school scholars. I During the rear the report of the Hoard of Relief shows that 722 persons were offered as sistance, 94 new names being placed jupon the rolls last year. There .ore 70 ministers over 70 years of age, retired, the oldest' being 94, and 85 of tbe number being over 80. The to tal appropriation for this w ork was $152,492. In tbe branch of the church work devoted to publication and Sunday schools, there has been, according to the report, a season of prosperity. The missionary department has organized 990 new schools nud reorganized £99, but of this total 255 have ceased to exist. Jnto those schools about 45,000 teachers and scholars are now gathered. The publication department has distributed more than 17,000,- 000 pages of tract and periodicals and 68,000 volumes of Chinese literature. Tho year i closed w ith a balance of $44,815 on band. Tbe report cf the hoard of Foreign Missions displays a very satisfactory condition of af fairs, the only gloom being caused by tbe death of four missionaries. During the year forty-six new missionaries were sent Into the field, making a total In connection with the board of Q 23 missionaries, which with native agents of all grades, reaches a total of 1,047, including 188 ordained ministers. The total number of conversions reported by all mis sionaries for the year was 8,452, an Increase of 10 percent, over the preceding period. Tbe total receipts from all sources amounted to $1,014,504, of which the woman’s societies and boards contributed $329,880. The report on home missions shows that tbe year began with a debt of $71,160, nearly all of which has been cancelled, and new work to tbo amount of $31,444 undertaken. Tbe total receipts of the board were $90,454. The report of the Board of Education shows that tbo demand for ministers is ahead of the supply. Two years ago the vacant churches numbered 1,183 and last year 1,244, of which 193 lrnve a membership ranging from 100 to over 1,000. Tho Western vyuods particularly have suffered—notably Nebraska, Kansas and Minnesota. Last year thcro graduated from tbe seminaries 243 students, an Increase of 15, and of these only 200 are available for the borne field. The number of students un der the care of the board aggregates 868, of which 87 are Germans and 106 negroes. Turks are Particular. Advices from San Francisco regarding ths eelzure of Ilarper't Mayaiint by the Turkish government on account of the alleged Immor ality of Its contents, state that the seizure was not, as at first reported, because the book contained poems by Bchleget. but was prob ably due to an article on European armlet and tbe political situation, which would tiot be considered objeotlonable anywhere out side of Turkey. The seizure of Bchlegct’s poems was made separately, and both actions were explained as having bean taken In the Interest of morality. The magazine and poems were tho property of an Englishman, residing In Constantinople. They were stopped and confiscated by the Turkish cus toms officials, presumably on advice of ths censor. The Northern Pacific. The directors of the Northern Pacific before adjournment formally approved a plan for funding the floating debt. Tbe plan approved provides for an unau thorized Issue of $15,000,000 collateral trust notes to bear 6 per eent. Interest and to ms tare In five year*. The Formers’ Loan and Trust Company will be trustee. Tbe security beck of the notes will be the consolidated bonds aod all other aeeete now pledged for tbe floating debt, and In addition the Bt Paul A Northern Peelfle franchisee in the n» wany’s treasury and tbe Northern Poeflta Erntn Company’s franchises. It la tbe in tention of tbe moMffMßcnt to feme only SIV eOFPNR °^isiSs3E' CVeßy* GUARANTEED, "e ADDRESS*. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. HE MET HER BUT ONCE. THE TRUE STORY OF A SIN GULAR ENCOUNTER. The Heroine of the Adventure Known to the Hero. Vet More of Her Than He Discovered Then He Never Knew. Ono morning In May I chanood to bo strolling down an avenue noted as a fashionable promonode; tno day was bright and I felt vexed that I had Inadvertently piokod up my um brella instead of a cane. However, tho annoyance soon merged into gratification, for suddenly tho sun disappeared and a drenching shower scattered tho pedestrians in every direction. My umbrella proved of littlo avail, and nearing the Hotel the ladios’ entrance. Hastily open ing tho outer door, I was soon in tho vestibulo. There stood a woman whoso ap pearanco I shall never forget. She was of medium height and plainly though fushionably dressed; her faco was not beautiful, but it was strik ingly intellectual, and furthermore, it possessed that charm called by tho English fetching. That she was of gentle birth I instinctively felt con fident, but what Impressed mo more deeply was the expression of grief, of trouble, which the first glanoe at hor face revealed; she also appeared quite unable to oontrol her norvous noHfc. Protending to allow ray closed untfvolla to drip before ontoring tho hodso, I stood almost at her tldo glanc ing out the glass-paneled door and watching hor at intervals. She sljowod in every motion sho was not at easo, says a Philadelphia Times writer. At length, without knowing what jirompted mo to do so, 1 said: ••Pardon mo, but may I bo of any scrvico to you?” "If I might borrow your umbrella ’for a few moments 1 shall bo under lasting obligations to you.” Sho refused politely but firmly my repeated efforts to persuade her to let mo call a cab, aud saying, "I will return it to you here,” sho tripped rapidly down tho steps and turned In the direction of "up town.” I entered tbo hotel and lighted a cigar. As I sat smoking, at peace with tho world, I wondered what it was that so troubled tho littlo woman. My cigar finished, I returned through the corridor and again stood in tho vestibulo. 'Die sun had rcappearod and was shining brightly. I stepped aside to allow a woman to enter and was about to close the door for her when sho said: "Sir, I think those aro for you.” With thiH sho handed mo a card, a tuberose almost hidden lu throo lcavos of English ivy and my umbrella. I glanced ut tbo card, it road: "Mrs. Alfred B—■” It was tho name of a man beside whoso doathbod I had ret' years before in Arizona! Above tho name was written with a pencil, "With many thanks for tho courtesy of a stranger. ” Was this poor old B—’h wifo? Over and over again I asked mysolf this question. Though B— and I had been cliuras In old cavalry duys, and I had known him to boa married man, yet I had novor met his wife. Unaccountable as it may seem, this woman filled my thoughts. I throw down the SvonTffg paper impatiently and went to the play. It was use less. I still saw that troubled faco. "Suroly,” I said mentally, "if B—’s wifo is in trouble I may claim ac quaintance with hor through his memory. If not by tho Instrumental ity of tfno umbrella episode. It was stupid in mo not lo havo askod tho maid where sho lived. But perhaps tho card bears her rosidcnce. Yes; 81 avenue.’ I will call to-morrow.” 1 rested badly and nroso unro fro3hed. By li! o’clock I was well on my way toward hor dwolling. I passed No. 80 and thought hers is tho second door beyond. Alas! A largo bow of black crapo encirclod the bell Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently ; but promptly upon the liver, i stomach end intestines; cure j habitual constipation and dis- ; pci colds, headaches and fevers. One tabulc taken at the first symptom of a return of indi gestion, or depression of spir its, will remove thewhole dif ficulty within an hour. Rlpana Tabules are com pounded from a prescription used for years by well-known physicians and endorsed by the highest medical authori ties. In the Tabules the stand ard ingredients are presented in a form that is becoming the fashion with physicians and patients everywhere. One BokfSfac Vials) Seventy-** Cents. One Package (Pour Boses) Two Dollars. Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. JVr ftm »mmpU sterM* RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORE. MSTOj ~ knob, and the long ends floated lan* guldly in tho breeze. The following day found me once more at my post. At noon a hearse turned into tho aTonue. I followed slowly. It stopped befoj’o hor door, and just as 1 was passing a casket waß being borne down tho steps. It wan not hor child; tho size of the casket gave mo this information. 1 locked back. Sovoral persons clothed in doep mourning wore en tering the two carriage* at the door. As they slowly progressed I followed in their wake. I felt positive of their destination. I was near tho steps of the ohuroh as the persons alighted from the carriages. "Yes, that must bo sho.” To bu sure I could not too her faco bouoath tho hoavy veil, and I was conscious of some chango In her figure, but this I attributed to the sombre apparel. ' I onterod tho scantily-filled church and occupied oue of tho roar pows. Tho words of the old clergyman scarcely reached me. A hymn was sung; a prayer followod. Then up the aisle in slow procession movod thoso who wished to take a farewell look at the dead. '*? "Will sho think it vulgar curiosity In mo?” I asked mysolf, as I took my pluco In lino. "Sho will seo me, of oourse, as I pass hor pew.” But 6bo did not. Tho hoad I thought to bo hers was bent down, as If in praye:*. I neared tho casket and there stood longer than I should have done, gpollbound. The troubled look had entiroly diaappoarod and in its place shono an oxpresslon of heav enly composure. 1 took from my buttonhole tbe tuberose and laid it upon hor breast. Tho card Is among my most valued possessions. Saved the Trouble. Sho had rofusod him. The dull Btaro, tho ashen lip, tho trembling hand of tho man wlio rose slowly and brushed tho dust from his kneos told tho whole story. "I perceive " Thore was a tinge of pity in hor voloe. •• —that tho unexpected oxigenolos of tho occasion have robbed you of your usual facility ” Her manner had an unmistakablo kindliness about It " —in a-tlcnlation. I therefore ex cuso you from saying, as Is usuat^oh such occasions, that your heart She looked very swoot in hor yellow* silk waist and black skirt " —is dead and colct; thut you can novor lov& again; that you havo mot and lost your only Ideal; that death wore thrice welcome. Wo ” Sho boamod graciously. “ —will considor It understood. You loft your hat In the hall. No, this Is tho street door. Good-by.” It was tho end. A very dazed inun stood on tho sidewalk. Ear away u dog barked at the moon and a trump nestled closor to a hay-,, stack, but otherwise tho world was silout.—Detroit Tribune. Contented. In Dr. Minos’ rominisconcos of Now York city, lately published, there is u characteristic anecdote of Dr. Bc.’rian, former rector of Trinity parish. 110 was an indifforont preacher, but a fine oxocutivo officer and a man of great poraonal kindliness. Withal ho must have been either very simple-hearted or else given to speaking ironically. A country clergyman, half starved on a salary of fS)O a year, camo to I)r. Berrian, asking his influenco to get him a hotter charge. "Dear answered the good old inaffT’*'! 'don't Hco“'vf!iy l '• clergymen want to chango so often. Why, I have boon hero in Trinity church for forty years, and novor thought of leaving.” An Odd Superstition. Among tho etrango superstitions that affect tho Southern negroes is a belief that it is dangerous to ap proach closely to or stay long noar a dead body. A colored servant In Washington who wont to a funeral was asko l on hor return if sho saw the corp.-e. Sho ropliod: "Deed, honey, d'you s’poso I’d go near enough to take dat (load man’s brelf? 4 MESMW’S FRENCH FEMALE Plus. Containing Cotton Root and Penojrojjl.' „ TCI lAMir ntiw. ths till sad ncH nUshli aNMHtt t tails rsuHylz tksucriL Mesiuin s French Fc* XT Y* male Pills, have been _ 1A “ sold for over twenty . 7 yer-rs.and used by Then —r sands of Ladlss, who yKgsSt have given testimonial* /psT that they are unexcelled, ** a specific monthly V medicine, for immedlsto Wa. Y? relief of Painful, and / \ Irregular Mouses, Fe \ l male Weakness etc. '\ V * Price »a.OO a box, with ' > fuU direction#. TIKE KO srBSTITtTTSS, OR SPURIOUS IRTTATIORS. 11ESMIN CHEMICAL CO.. Detboit. Mich. ron SALE 11Y W. I*. SWARTZ, Druggist, Bessemer, Colorado. WORK FOR US a few days, and you will be startled at tbe aaex. pected success thnt will reward "your efcrts. we podtlveiy have the best business to offer an ageot flint can be found oil the face of thle earth. ■ 15.00 profit on gTBOO worth of bus I nee* Is beluz *u*ily and honorably made by aud paid to hundmls of men, women, boys, aud girls lu our employ. You can make money faster at work for us than vou have any Idea of. The business Is oe easy to loam, and Insf ructions *6 simple aud plats, that all succeed from the start. Those who taha hold of the business reap the advantage that arises from the sound repututlon of one of the oiliest, most successful, and largest publishing i houses In America. Hecure for yourself tbe prutS that the business so readily and handsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more Uss realise their greatest expectations. Those into try It find exactly as we tell them. There is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we in them to begin at once. If you are already ployed, hut have a few spare nements, aud wish to use them to advantage, then write us at SMI f for this Is your grand opportunity). aud receive fall partlcalars by return mall. Address, TRUE * CO., Bos Mu. «N, Augusta, Ko.