Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 4, NO. !7. Moses (t Allen Are here to do you good. Look at our prices und come and buy of us. 100 pounds Flour $ 1 75 100 pounds Granulated Sugar 0.00 10 pounds Granulated Sugar 1.00 80 pounds Rolled Oats 1.00 8 2 pound packages Rolled Outs 25 20 pounds Choice Rice 1.00 TEAS. A full line of the very best that uiouey can buy. fron: 25c to 05 per round. Try one pound. BUTTER. Gold Creamery Prints 30c Gold Creamery 5s 28c Gold Creamery 10s 27]c Good Rauch Butter 25c Butteriae, choice 20c CANNED GOODS. 2 cans choice Tomatoes 25c 3 cun Corn 25c 1 can Peas 10c 1 can String Beans 10c 1 can Wax Beuns 10c 2 cans Is Salmon 25c 1 can Herring 15c 1 can oil Sardines 05c 1 enn Mustard Sardines 10c 1 can Anderson 1-pound Jam 15c 2 glasses Jelly 25c LOOK AT THIS 1 dozen State Eggs 15c 2 dozen Ranch Eggs 85c 1 dozen Lemons 25c 1 dozen large Sweet Oranges 20c 2 dozen large Sweet Oranges 35c 20 pounds pail Jelly 85c •{ pound Dr. Price's Baking Powder 30 2 ounce bottle Dr. Prices Vanilla Extract 25c 2 ounce bottle Dr. Price's Lemon Extract 15c fl bars White Russian Soap 25c 6 bars Clarette Soap 25c 11 bars Mascot Soap 25c 7 bars White Eagle Soap 22c 7 bar Rex Soap 25c 8 bars Town.s Delight 25c 7 bars Ibex 25c Bgi„Try our Dried Fruit; it is always fresh and choice. .5 pounds choice California Pigs *l.OO : 15 pounds Dried Grapes. 1.00 12 pounds choice Raisins 1.00 12 pounds dried Currants 1:00 10 pounds Epap. 1.00 7 pounds Evap. Apples 1 00 0 pounds Evap. Poaches 1.00 not forget to buy a box of choice Oranges. They arc different sizes in box 120 Oranges for $2.00 1 50 Oranges for 2.00 170 Oranges fer 2.00 We have fresh Berries. Tomatoes, Bananas, Cuucumbers, Lettuce Radishes Onions, Rhubarb; also a full line of Plants, Flower and Garden, Field and | Lawn Seed. Come and trade with I your friends and save money. loses & Allen 202 South Union Ave. Cor. Oth anti Santa Fe Ave. CUT RAILWAY TICKETS, I will give you lower Railway or Steam ship rates to any part of the Uni ted States or Europe than can be had through any one else in Southern Colo -• 10. Call on or write me for rates and will furnish you with all desired infor •’ ation. C. L. TINGLE, Ticket Broker, Pueblo. South Union Ave. near B Street. R. A. CROSSMAN, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Criminal Law a Specialty. Prompt Attention Given to ivn- Inn claims Room 1 over Postofllec. I’c 1:111.0. ft’. L. (JKAIIAM, (,’ItAH. 15. SAXTON. President. Cashier. WESTERN NATINAL BANK, Union Ave. anti (' Street, Pueblo, Colorado Authorized Capital, - - ♦i'iO.OOO. Pal.l In Capital, - - - .10,000. Surplus, - 175.01*. Full Set of Mil FOR $5.00 AT DR. STONE'S DENTAL PARLORS, lloonut 201-s*o*7, Central Hloek. Bridge and Crown work done. Also all work known to modern dentistry. Prices Jtttonalde anti all work Warranted. WEST BROS. Huy and Bell Juniilnre, Carpel! Curtains, Glassware Queenswar Tinware, etc. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND HAND GOODS. iO9 UNION AVENUE, - - NEAR BRIDGE F. H. STEWART & CO. Manufacturers of and dealers in Buggies ami Wagons, Agricultural lmplemeiitaof All Kinds. Wan on anti Muggy Harness. 108-103 S. UNION AVE.. 102-104 VICTORIA AVE.. Telephone No. isa. PUEBLO, COLO g CHAB. 0. RICHARDSON, CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER. OlTlee 214 Cent ral Blk.. Pueblo. Ditch, River Railrond and Mineral surveys. Examination of Mineral Prop -rties. Mechanical Engineering; estim ate# given on Bteam nud Electric plants BLUE PRINTING Largest in town The Bessemer Indicator. Tub Indicator. I P. BYRNES, Editor and Proprietor. PublMn ■! Sal ilida y al I !•■ -i-lmr.' 'oh • ; Entered al the Postottlee at Pueblo, Colo., as second class matter. Prick ok Subscription. One Year $1 00 | Six .Months 60 1 Rkssk.mkii cnii boast of the greatest industry in the state—the steel works. The Call of La Junta is much interested iu the booming of a Fourth of July celebration at that place. Bbsskmku will not depart from its custom tiic coining Fourth of July and will go away from home to celebrate. The World’s Fair was running wide opeu last Sunday and will no doubt continue to be accessible to the public each Sabbath hereafter. Pueht.o bunks have been very cautious iu speculating and particu larly in placing large real estate loans and they will not be mlluenced by the closeness of the eastern money market. An exchange remarks that Coloj rado has enough “stameny” lo en force its own laws without em ploying the use of the Pinkertons. Some dark meaning there. Some new sort of dynamite in the mind of the editor. Just one new case of cholera is reported from Hamburg, the breed ing place of the disease. The city still observes the strictest sanitary measures ami it is not probable that the outbreak of cholera of last winter will tie repeated. Tut: new Hying train on the New York Central makes the time to Chicago in twenty hours, the usual time having been from twciity-iivc to thirty-live hours. This is simply wonderful and is made possible only by the highest perfection in mechan ical genius. Had the city council of Bessemer not hindered the Pueblo City Rail way Co. from taking up the fair grounds track the building of the Santa Fc avenue street car line would no doubt be under course of construction. The fair ground line was to be removed to Santa Fe avenue, but if it cannot be obtained other means will be found to lay the track. The German editors who are making a tour of the great West were splendidly entertaintained iu Denver a few days ago. The news papers of that enterprising city, ever on the alert took occasion to inter view the distinguisted visitors on the silver question and found them almost uuamioitsly iu favor of bimetalism. predicting that Germany would return to that money system within two years. Tub action of the seven aldermen who signed the petition praying for the release of the steel works from the city is very strange, and stranger still because the council had only* a short time before unanimously in structed Mayor Dempsey to employ assistant council in the defense of the city. The firm of McAliney & Arrington had been retained to aid City Attorney Lennard and wlmt might have perhaps proved a suc cessful defense had been prepared. When the petition of the seven councilincn was sprung on the astonished counsel for the defense the fight was over with for the present at least. The city not only loses the steel works but lias a big attorneys fee to pay beside. The worst feature of the case is, however, that aldermen will take such an im portant and unusual stop without consulting the wishes of the people. Steel Works Burned. A dispatch sent out from Scranton, l’n., gave tlio following brief account of the burning of the steel works at ttiat place last Monday: “The Blooming mill, engine room and boiler house of the Lackawanna Steel Co’s, north mill, burned tills morning. The Jinnies originated in the engiue room, and quickly spread to other parts of the works, and the boiler house, 500 feet long, was more than half destroyed. Ttio entire Nortti works were run ning double time on big orders, and will be idle for some months, throw ing out of employment 1,200 hands. The loss is $126,000.” The Steel Works Go Out. The cane of the Colorado Fuel A Iron _ Co. vs. Bessotner relating to tlio with drawal of the stool works came up be fore Judge Mitchell in the county i. court Thursday. Witnesses for tlio plaintiff wore examined, viz J. A. Kebler. T. W. Robinson, Fred Darroch and J. L. Beaman. When this part of the pro ceedings were through with a sur|.rise i was sprung by the pluintiir presenting ) a potition in tlio court signed by all the nldorman of Bessemer excepting Alder- L man (100. Juckeoii, praying that the I works might go in peace. This was a stunner and the city had nothing to do but withdraw its defense. The strange action of the Bessemer uklormon in thus aiding the steel works in their schemo is all the tulle of the town. The opinion is that they have made a gravo mistake and the people generally feel sore ovor the affair. A Magnificent Drill. The Clmtfoe Light Artillery of Den ver will give a grand drill at the Minnequn ball park to-morrow ufter noon at 3530 o’clock. Fifty men in handsome uniforms and twenty-six big horses iu military harness and drawing tlio Hashing artillery will do tlio work. There will lie a Napoleon gun drill, a fatigue drill and the firing or guns. The ChalCeo Artillery has a splendid reputation and will alford the people of iJossomor a rare treat. Police Court. William McLaritty was arrested by Policeman Dempsey Saturday night last for carrying concealed weapons and taken to the lock-up. The prisoner bad a hearing before Judge Willauer Monday who lined I him S2O in accordance with the charge. It seems that McLaritty had had sumo trouble with a com-1 panion in which be received a black j eye and stated on the stand that be had purchased the revolver to go gunning after bis man. The judge is going to get after those who carry deadly weapons, and he should. Mrs. Dioal Walsh living out near the ■ l’liilailolphia smelter had Edward Bollard, a boy of fifteen, arrested on the 1 charge of assaulting her fourteen your old boy last Sunday. The case came up ' before Sudgo Willauer Wednesday and was dismissed at tlio cost of tlio jilaintilf I Mrs. Walsh, her own witnesses giving evidenco harmful to the case. It seems j that her son Michael had in his pos-1 session a ball belonging to young Boilnrd J which tlio latter went to the Walsh 1 house iu search of. Mike refused to give the ball up which drew on a fight in which Mike got soverlv pounded* Ed was then run olf the premieos by Mrs. Walsh who afterwards made com plaint and Marshal Shay made the arrest. The cost of tlio case amount to $21.00 Notice of Election. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bessemer Building and Loan j association will be held at the city \ ball, Bessemer, Monday, June, It), 1893, at 8 o’clock p. in. for the elec tion of directors and ollicers, and : the transaction of any other busi ness that may come before the meeting. Jas. K. Dempsey President. F. P. Hawke Secretary. The Bicycle Race. The 25 miles bicycle race which came olf near Denver Memorial day was something of a fake from the fact that amateurs and professionals were mixed in together, the am ateurs being given advantages of a start in time according to their time of practice. 11. R. Ronslmw of Denver got several minutes start by coming the amateur net when the belief now is that be is a crack rider, and won first prize, a $750 piano. W. W. Hamilton of Pueblo made the best time, covering the distance in 1:21:45 in the face of a strong wind, which is not bad con sidering that the fastest time yet made for 25 miles is 1:14. Robert Gerwing of Pueblo also made good time but was handicapped by being bold back on the start. There were 105 riders in the contest which was witnessed by 3,000 people. Amusements at the Lake. It is the intention of those having charge of Lake Minnepua to provide some sort of amusomont for the public on occasions horoufter. Tho Four llundrod can entertain thomsolves at tlio club house, those who have car riages can ride, a few can skim tlio jilacid waters in a boat and the small boys can fish, but tlio common herd, tho average professional or business men or workingmen with their wives, | sisters, aunts, sweethearts and friends j have nothing to do but loungo in tho shade of a few scrubby little trees or , sit iu tho pavilion nud see nothing but ; a crowd of restless beings like themselves Now tho management has doeidod to inaugurate some amusements in tho ' way of boat racing and to-day tho first ' contest will take placo, prizes to bo given to tho successful. Tub races nro on tlio programme for some future time, j probably in July when the water is warm, and other aquatic sports will be J indulged in. Free concerts will be , given every Sunday afternoon and a i ton minute service will be had on the i car line. , The I. 0.0. F. lodge is negotiating , with a loan company to build a hall l at the corner of Evans and Atroya ! avenues. The building will be 60x110 feet 1 BESSEMER, COLORADO, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1893. American and Russian. i Alien as they are in government, language, customs and all that go to make up their social livus, yet there is a spirit of friendliness existing between i|the people of the United States und , j Russia, deep rooted and earnest, but , j which rarely finds expression save when ' war tojjics are indulged in. Particular ( ly since tho late rebellion has tho friend i ship been marked. When iu the darkest hour of the crisis when old England, not content with doing all in tier power to injure the federal government by sacretely aiding tho South, was seriously flunking of acknowledging tho cause of tho confederacy, tlio groat Northern Bear growled Ids ominous growl und England kept her guilty hands ofT. Russia was America's friend then and tho warm hearted, im pulsive American never forgets a friend. Tho following story now going the rounds of tho newsjmjiers servos to illustrate the point. Tho incident hap pened o!F the Atlantic coast, and though tho American ofiioer was a little enthusiastic, yet lus remarks un masked tho hearts of representatives of the two groat nat ions: “A number of American officers from the cruiser Baltimoro dined rocentlj aboard a Russian warshij). In tlio course of the dinner one American ollieer rose and proposed three toasts in something like tlio following language: “Russians and friends: I rise as an American officer to propose three toasts in honor of three moments in history. The first toast is in honor of the moment when Russian ingenuity de vised the means to build ships; tho second toast is in honor of tlio moment when Russia commanded a place j as a naval power, and the third toast is in honor of the moment in the future when Russia and America shall to gether possess the world." The hurrahs I which followod these remarks are said to have boon fairly deafening. Ollicers j limited to their feet and iu their enthusiasm mounted chairs. Wineglass after wineglass was emptied, and then : the warm blooded Russians, no longer ! able to contain themselves, seized the American officer, mounted him on their ; shoulders aud in a body paraded around j tho room and out on deck. Tlio re marks wore cabled to Russia. They | have been printed during tlio last few [ days in tho majority of the St. Peters burg and Moscow papers.” I The employment ageuts of Bes semer, Ala, are advertising for work men to send to Colorado, and i particularly to Pueblo. A large | | influx of workmen would do Pueblo | harm. The agents have no authority j from this state to send laboring men, and it is probable there is, some fake money-making scheme! back of it. The Trades Assembly j will probably take action on the i matter. Pueblo Trades Assembly. Convention Colorado | Sunday school association, Denver, June 13th to 15th, 1893. For this occasion a rate of one and one-fifth faro on tlio Certificate Plan is I authorized, providing there are fifty or more in attendance. Certificates will bo signed by James Steuliouse, Denver. Scott Bryan, Ticket Agent | Union Depot, Denver, will stamp certificates and act as joint agent Selling days Juue 11th and 12th. Certificates will be honored one day after convention is over. Ai.k.v. Jackson, A fit. D. & R. (J. Central Blk THIS MEANS YOU Tlio Public in General and tlio People of Pueblo In Purtlcultti* First— The Denver & Rio Grande (the j old reliable) runs more trains daily be tween Pueblo, Colorado Springs ami Denver than all other lines combined. Makes faster time, and departure of trains is at all hours to suit the conve nience of our friends, the traveling public. Second—The equipment of this line is unsurpassed; chair car trains, heated by steam and lighted by gas. and as all experienced travelers will tell you. the track has no equal in the west. Third—Our time between Pueblo and Denver is from 1 hour and 43 minutes to 2 hours and IS minutes faster than made by competing lines. Time is money. Fourth—This is the only direct line from Piicldo to Leudvillc, Aspen, Glen wood. Salt Lake City. Ogden, and all l'aciflc coast points. Through sleepers over this inr from Pueblo to San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. Round trip tickets now on side to Utah. California and Oregon points at greatly reduced rates. Fifth—lt is not generally known, but is nevertheless a fuel, the Rio Grande makes the quickest time between Pueb lo and Kansas City, Omaha, St. Louis, Chicago, und all points east and north. N. B.—Leave Pueblo at 4:48 a. in. (say Monday), arrive Omaha 11 t>. m. same night; arrive St. Louis next dav (Tuesday) at 1:25 p. m. ; arrive Chicago next day (Tuesday) at 2:15 p. m. Only one night on the road Pueblo to Chica go or St Louis—no other line can offer this accommodation—thus saving you from $3.50 to $4. on Pullman fare, and connecting at Chicago with all the 3 p. m. fast trains for tho east, saving 24 hours to New’ York or Boston. Sixth Notwithstanding the many superior advantages offered by this strictly A 1 line, the Rio Grande will always be found in the lead with the lowest rates. Correct and rclinble in formation can always be secured by calling at GRAND UNION TICKET OFFICE, Central block (cor. Second and Main streets). Tickets can be se cured at this office to or from all points in the civilized world. Tickets on sals at this agency via Denver & Rio Grande, Union Pacific system. Rock Island Route, and Burlington Route. General agency for A 1 steamshij lines. Alex. Jbckson, Agent. STEEL WORKS n I , ADDITION t ! For S-O-ik'*’ r t All Houses and Lots in this Addition for sale on Easy Payments. Land under the Bes semer Ditch for Sale or Rent. O. M. LADD, , LAND COMMISSIONER. 1 r Graham-lVescott Block. m PERLET ICE CREAM !j Every Day* in the Week. The best ; that can be made. Also Ice Cream Soda and all Other Regular Small Drinks. Fi. PERL’JECT, To Stimulate Travel. We will to-day sell as follows 1 Chicago and return, $30; St. Louis and rot urn, $22, and to any Missouri river point and return, $20 AL tickets j good thirty days It will not be out of order to again announce that “We I are the people." Call at Grand Union ! ticket olllce. Central block, if you de sire te be in the swim in the way of cheap tickets to any point on this or any other globe. A. Jackson. Gen'l Ag't D. & R. G. To Give All Our Patrons A chance to see our beautiful state, and at the same time to be in position Ito furnish them with first class service jwe have decided to put on said round trip tickets to Lemlvillc. Aspen. Glen . wood, Grand Junction or any inter j mediate point (on the standard gunge j line) at a rate of $1.00; all tickets j good three days. At these figures our J jmtrons will ho assured good service and at the same time know that their trip will not exceed $4.00, thus taking no chances of the rates being raised to the old figure without notice. Our people will at once see the proper thing to do is to purchase round trip tickets, thus avoiding all anxiety ami worry about tlie rates being raised j while they arc on their outward trip. | Call at grand union ticket office, | Central block, for vest pocket time card, A. Jackson, General Agent D. & R G | Wanted To buy a 60 or UK) ft. front suitable) for residence. Will pay cash, but lots must bo cheap. Inquire at tlus ofllce. When Your Eye Strikes This Stop and Read It. The famous Hot Springs of Arkansas, world renowned for their healing qiial ities and as a health and pleasure re sort, can be reached quickly in Pullman Buffet sleeping cars from Kansas City and Coffcyville via the Missouri Pacific railway Sufferers from “la grippe. ; influenza, rheumatism or kindred dis | eases, can obtain relief by a visit tc this famous sanitarium "PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE’ s a s /e/ \v\ s S s ~ ” « RAILWAY » ALL STANDARD GAUGE SHORTEST TIME - •■■-» BETWEEN -R»<- Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, RND Salt Lake City, Ogden, Pacific Const, and all Northwest Points, via Ma« niton. Leadville, Aspen and tilcnwood Springs. SCENERY UNEQUALLED! EQUIPMENT UNSURPASSED I Through I’nllman Sleepers and Pullman Tourit Jars hrtwn.ii Denver and San Francisco. Through the heart of the Rocky Mountains —TV ' ■nu.t comfortable, the safest and the grandest of a? i tratu•continental routes. H. COLLBRAN, CHAS. S. At. ' MN*l MANAOaa, tin. PASS. AOINT, Colorado torlno*, 0010. Oanvar, Colo. STUMPF BROS, MEAT MARKET, Fresh Meat, Fish, Poultry and Game ! constantly on hand. Orders called foi and delivered to any part of Besscmci and Pueblo If you can't get what you ! want from your own butcher, give u a call and we will please you. STUMPF BROS, 128 S, UNION AVE, HAMILTON&CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Estimates Furnished Call at No. (>OO Arroya, Bessemer. i Great Rote Island Route '- - f.~ *■- - -'H TO THE EAST. BEST DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WORLD. '.',VB i and give Hint luxury , ‘.iiiotv and i-< >i ■ imi 1 Uiiit popular |uitr<>ikiiu'<' «l. nmini-. It*. ... , l«n*ltl Is t hi.PHI Killy >■< >ii ■ pi i ■; with \ .-t it..: I. d • ■ .:7. Iall t’l I . NOW rrri'ti'd!* " 11 '"‘ill iiL'tllph v I'l | What N tin- aiaat F.usiern t.rmini m 11-.- Hook I-liind K.Mit. (Idem;... Wind nttor Mih-I'.ust.Tii t ••rm ini hai if-IV..mi. 1.. what important points dor* It run train*, t<. till' Ni.rttiw. *! ’ — St. I* I Mint 1 " i ' M.dti,'.. Have ■iii.orr. 1 I * tin aim and l.inonln, Nebraska. line- it tnueh otlu r Ml-sniiri Filer point*'.’ -Y.*: -t. 1 thi- Hooky Mountain*.’ . *: t.. Ii. nn . ( olnrado Springs and l’lichlo, solid vest od from ( liioau'o. t Tin Important «• 1! i<•*- ..• ] full hundred ..tinas in all 'dirc.t |..ns In ti , 1 . I Stilt.', and It i* tin* onlv mad r.innlna to and ] into tin* tu n lands opened for *.•; t lenient m | \vVlf VliVls < l |. l ' , s,’^i| l| | I'ini 'n Vl'n'o 'lappi’iiL-. a* , j and’rilthtl'i . I layout, and passengers arrive at Chicauo i i'iirl\ the si'.'ond inornini;. Tin- Hook Island lia* liecomo n popular t olorado I.Ini', andtho train al.ovo rot. t rod , to i* Vostlhulod. and . art n * tin- Hook 1-land , ; I'xooilont I'iniiiKt ur Service. For full particulars as to tickets, map*. ( i rates, apply to any coupon ticket "thee in ' the l nitod. Canada or Most. o. ..r a.Idr. *-: i , .INo. SllHASTI AN, < ionl. Tkt. A Pa**. Act..! h!ont;o. III. ; F. ST. .1« »11 N. I .old. Mullin', r. . lnoa-o. Ill . .1. IJ. KKI.I.KH. Audit. I’ltchlo, Colorado. . Cut Rates. To Chicago and return S3O. St Louis and return $22, Kansas City and all Missouri river points S2O. Above are round trip rates via the Missonri Pacific. Secure your tickets at the Union avenue bridge depot or Union depot. Wm. Hogg. P. & T. A . Tel. 101. Quick Service to Cripple Creek via Santa Fe. Commencing May Ist the Santa Fe route and Colorado Midland will put on a new tram for Cripple Creek, leaving j Union Depot at 0:10 n. m. and Stone depot at 0:30 a. m. arriving at Cripple Creek at noon. Hound trip tickets at reduction are on sale at Union Dcpo* j and Santa Fe city office 237 N. Union . , avenue. | •SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES nstrueted electeddrill toel ° nd "• B| B ned for the safe keeping or Diamonds, Jewelry. Ah •stracts, Deeds, Insurance policies, Money and Valuables of all kinds. Owing to their superior construction and location in the strong vault of the American National Bank they afford a AMERICAN - - NATIONAL - - BANK T. \V. LYX( MI, COItNKIt OK EVANS AND SUMMIT AVENUES. BESSEMER. PAII . ,G, Paper Hanging, Kalsominingand Glazing done on All U 'orl' Gmi ran teed. This is a Victor Year STICK si PIN IN THIS: “All of Pueblo’s best riders use Victor Bicycles’’ “Why?” “Because VICTORS are best’ Overman Wheel. Co. VICTOR MAKERS i KOBERTGERWINC, Manager. 312 Santa Fe Ave. D. R. Greene, ««* D.F. Urmy, pms. n. D. Hinsdale c *smi PUEBLO NATIONAL BANK. P'JEBLO, - . COLORADO. PAID UP CAPITAL, $250,000. "-ORKICN- AX I, DOMKSTIOKXOMANO,; BOL’GHT AXD BOLD. DIRECTORS. ! { /H r c'r.'.nV ,o<,bUry ‘ V * rn, . v - J. K. Shi reman. K. D. Hinsdale. J. J. LANGDON. H's for sal■ the /-'our best inside lots in Bessemer at :eay down friers ami on very easy terms. // 'ill sell , ■one or all Sec me al oner. Abstracts of Title prompty furnished. j No 8 East C Street. Back of Western National Bank, Pueblo. HEADLIGHT FEED STORE, WHOLESALE AMI RETAIL Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed. Headquarters for Natural lee. E. G. DONLEY, Proprietor. rELEPIIONE i v u Between Uuion and Victoria Avenueß. WORM LEY AND MURTHA’S Pud mo Steam Laundry. Corner of Union avenue and C street. Everything neat and clean and all work first class. Goods calk’d for and delivered to any part of Pueblo or Bessemer. WORMLEY & MURTHA, Propr’s. I' ’ P. Sheeran n }esn't quote any prices, but lie permits *I J (l( VI |! ,\» " ' for a BIQ _ DOLLAR than he docs.. He is in THE LEAD and intends to stay there. Don't ask questions, but drop in ami see him. You will call again ROUTT AVENUE. NEAR SUMMIT MESA LRUIT STAND For Fresh F ruits nnd Confectioneries of all kinds, Ci gars, Tobaccos, Cider and a variety of goods kept at a first-class stand, go to— :§>H .TOXIN 11. PLEIS, Corner Union and Adrien do Avenues, I’UEBLO. COLO. Wanted: Second-Hand Goods. I will pay the HIGHEST PRICE for Second-hand Bedsteads, Chairs. Tables and Spring Mattresses. Also for Heating and Cook Stoves and Queensware. Will buy, Sell or Trade. J. E. HOYT, 118 SOUTH UNION AVE.. PUEBLO, COLO J. E. MURPHY, BRICK AND STONE MASON. Also furnishes material. Sandstone of all dimensions. Office at Livery Stable ucnr City Hall, Bessemer. FIVE CENTS