Newspaper Page Text
New Goods New Prices AT Bessemer Mercant'l Cos. To-day Xew Embroideries iN"ew Flouncings sd band Ginghams Xew Hosiery New Dotted Swiss New Linen Laces New Cotton Torchons Xew Silk Mitts Xew Swiss EmbroidVs All at Right Prices. You Know Us killin' Mtraiillr imm Right across the corner from the City Hall. THAT'S THE PLACE. TUCHOCK BROS., MERCH ANT TAILORS. 119 West 2nd Street. Largest amt Finest Stock of Domestic amt Im ported H'oolens in the City. TV. s. Williams, 1 I>. Jts-up. J. C. Suttle. , CO X TRACTORS am. BIdLDERS. Estimates on H .use building, Barns, Bridges, Water 1 tanks and all classes of building. Reasonable terms and prompt attention to business. SHOP CORNER PINE AND SUMNIT. McMahon k Collier, AND EMBALMERS. WHITE AND BLACK FUNERAL CARS. We Carry the Largest Stoek of Funeral Sop plies West of the Mississippi River. ALL WORK GUARANTEED FIRST CLASS. Corner D Street and Union Avenue 1»u HI 11.0, (•< >I A )KA IK >. TELEPHONE 22G. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 7 iwwagH <s€K - GO TO EPENETER BROS. For Hit* cheapest liue of refrigera tors to be found anywhere in the city, rubber hose, lawn sprinklers and mowers. Dealers in line me chanics tools. We want vour trade. Call at our store. Mo. 221* N. (Tiion Avc, | PUEBLO MUSIC HOUSE. Pianos, Organs, Sheet music, books and all kinds of musical merchandise. Tuning, repair ing, boxing and moving pianos and organs. HARPER & KEELING, 322 Santa Fe Ave. Frank Tatum is again ready to do expressing. Orders left at 1204 Routt avenue and Parish's restau aurant will receive prompt atten tion. Stand at Drug store corner. PUEBLO SAVINGS BANK- HarplUM, 7,5000 | AI vii Ailiiiiik, iin-olilimt; John A.Thntrher ; :• ; i '.r i - W .-u-lii. r. M I ■ ... 1.. < ir.i 1 i.illl, .1. .1. I’.k lioii. J. N •i ri-i.-. T. v. Sloin, < J .'ll. J. Duatmugli. il NAT GREENBAUM, LONDON TAILOR iv. South l nion Avenue. Suits t- ■ < irder, $25. $3O. $35. Pants to or der, $7 $8 $44 $ 1 O. Repairing neatly done. W. G. FRASER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Granite and Gravel Roofing, Pitching tin Roofs, Estimates furnished. Office 217 Union Avenue, PUEBLO. /.// 'FRY SIVIBLF. Rigs to hire, horses stabled and ve. hides cured for. Charges reasonable;. A. B. CHASE. PROP. Northern and Spruce. Bessemer DENS ANTI-POENA. Teeth Ex acted Without Pain. The greatest winder of the nine teenth century. Dr. C. A. Gregg whose dental parlors are at 200 south Union Avenue has the right of the city and of Pueblo county and will extract your teeth without causing pain. Cards for Sale. ■ Large cards with the following; “Furnished rooms fo rent,” “tin- | furnished rooms for rent, "rooms; with hoard,” “for rent,” “boarders j wanted,” “dressmaking,” etc. etc. ect. for sale at this ofllce. ! The Bessemer Fair now has a better display of all kinds of goods to l»o found in a department store than ever before and the arrangement of them is superior, giving the room an elegant appearance. Everything up to the times and selling at lower figures than ever, some goods going at actual cost. You can buy anything from a toy whistle to a holt of muslin at Chicago prices. If you are not a regular custom er step in and investigate the stock; if you are a regular customer and can't find what you want you are entitled to a premium. ] “Be huj; ’ .tg Henry. Interest certificates of the Central National Bank Make people happy. The Daisy bakery is at tiie corner of Routt aud Mesa avenues. Highest price paid for second hand goods by J. E. Hoyt, 118 south Union i avenue. H. C. Miller A Co. will deliver orders for groceries to any part of the city on short notice. Dr. A Gregg of 200 South Union aveuue, will extract vour teeth with out pain. H. C. Miller A Co. for full weights ami measures and the finest line of groceries. The Bessemer bakery for the best bread, pies, cakes etc. to hr found anywhere. Have you lots suitable for u residence t hat you want to sell cheap for cash'. - If so call at this office and give partic ulars. Call at the Daisy Bakery and confectionery for fresh bread, pie and cakes. The Bessemer restaurant under the management of H. M. Shoup is going to he popular. Head the advertisement in this issue. If you want your clothes cleaned and repaired, send a postal to 122-7 F.vans Ave.,and I will call for them. P. H. McCurdy. Neil Suttle who clerked in the drygoods department ot the Colo rado Trading Co. store is now in •I. K. Shireman’s clothing store, Pueblo. “I always get my bread, pies, cakes and confectioneries of the Bessemer Bakery because it keeps the best in the market. A pair of gold rimmed spectacles was found in a Bessemer streot car a few days ago aud left at the power house where the owner can get them. Dr. C. A. Gregg, dentist, parlors over Motlierwav’s book store. He will do the best work in his line at reasonable prices. You can get the best 5c cigar in Bessemer at the Daisy bakery and confectionery. Mrs. Thomas Brown and four children of 125.3 Spruce street left Thursday for Wales where she will visit her parents for a couple of months. Fred T. Briggs of 207 Santa Fe avenue does practically all the watch and jewelry cleaning and repairing in Bessemer. He gives “ satisfaction. See Dr. C. A. Gregg of 2<io south Union when you need any work done in the dentistry line. Teeth i extracted without pain Uv the use of dens anti-poena j Tiie Daisy bakery uses nothing hut the best material in the market. | Mrs. Peree Ferrington left lust I Thursday for Europe where she ! will spend several months visiting I friends and relatives in Scotland i ind Ireland. I J. E. Hoyt, the man who gives the Lest bargains in the city in second hand : goods. See him at 118 S. Unian avenue The Daisy bakery and confer-: tionery can furnish ice cream and | cake for festivals on very short i notice. The members of St. James Chapel j will give an entertainment and | refreshments at their church the evening of the 19 inst. A good time is promised to all who attend. Tickets only 25 cents. Mr. Edward Little, jr. post consul of Washington council No. 1 of Bes semer, went to Denver on Tuesday • veiling. Ho represented Washing ton council at the organization of tiie state council held in Denver Wednesday May 31. 2 Try the home made bread at the Daisy bakery and you will use no other. T. .J. Young and his eldest son Ed will leave on Tuesday next for Breckenridge where they are in terested in mining property. All plants at half price at Bes semer Greenhouse. The old song once s® familinr “There’s a new coon in town,” could very appropriately he revived in Bessemer. The dark portion of the (dty out on F.l Dorado st. is rapidly increasing in population. Wonder if these are some of the Alabama workingmen? George Kinsey, an employe at the steel works is down with pneumonia Dr. Dodds is waitingon him. le v CP. Hiller will go to Denver • | next Tuesday to attend the conference I of the M. E. church. ■ The grass in the city hall lawn | never was in such good condition.! It ought to Monish; the janitor’s ; name is Farmer. Homer, a young son of I). Shrews berry of 1.325 Spruce street was thrown from a fractious broncho one day this week and considerably | used up. When found lie was I stunned and not able to talk. Dr. j Dodds is bringing him around all I right. Jobe Yates the grocer will sell out his stock of goods and will go to his old home in Illinois where ho will remain several months. He expects to start about the 20 snst The Bessemer Mercantile Co. will sell you anything in the dry goods and furnishing line as cheap a- you can buy them anywhere. G. W. McCadden will leave some time this month for Creedn where he will do assessment work on his claim. Go to the Bessemer Fair for the latest fashions in ladies and children's broad and silk ties. Summer dress goods, laces, silk mitts, etc. A hugh bouquet was left at the city hall Memorial clay for either Clerk Johnson or Marshal Shay, but which? Both yonng men claim it and the fair donor lias touched two hearts instead of one. Wonder what tactics she will pursue to make herself understood and at the same time prevent a French duel. THE BESSEMER INDICATOR. Cash! Cash!! Will pay spot cash for residence lots in Bessemer, i Must be 50 or 100 ft. front. Call ot the Indicator office. t f Ladies’ Oxford ties for £I.OO at the Bessemer Mercantile Co. J. D. Williams and Dan Miller have iMiught interests in the grocery firm of H, C. Miller A Co. This is one of the leading grocery stores of the city. ('has. Kiser has opened up a shoe shop iu the old Iron Hand building, taking the place of Larry Burton, the tall Texan who vacated the premises aud went te the mountains a couple of weeks ago. A petition will he presented to the city council Monday night asking that nu arc light he placed at Northern and F.vans uvenues. This i- a very public corner aud a light is badly needed. You can get a big dish of ice cream and two slices of cake for 15c. at the home Daisy bakery Our cream aud cake is home made. Hilton, the city scavenger of Pueblo is being employed in various instances to do work in this city. Why not hire the man appointed by tin* Bessemer council to do the work. Nobby tilings for children in shoes , at the Bessemer Mercantile Cos. Col. 11. li. McUoy of Bessemer will command the 2nd battalion of iu f mtry, ('. N G. at tiie review of the ChulTco Light Artillery at the ball park to-morrow afternoon. Ad misioii to grounds 50 cents. 1 The Bess' ■ ner and Pueblo base hall teams crossed hats at the lake j Memorial day in the presence of a ! large number of spectators. Pueblo i won. ' i This section of the country is | badly In need of a rain. Only one good shower so far this season and still no rain clouds hover nigh r An attempt is being made by some to evnde the city scavenger by cov ering over refuse on their premises instead of having it removed. This the health committee should not permit hut should compel its re moval out of the city. As yet only about sixty dog tags ; have been called for at the city clerk’s . office. The time for renewing license was up the Ist and dogs running at large without the regulation tag are running a risk of being shot at by the police. The Daisy bakery and confec tionery for one of those 5c pies to put iu your lunch baskets. The finest in Bessemer. Judge Willauer will squelch the vicious habit of carrying concealed ! weapons and will apply the law to any one found with a little cannon ! on his person. i On Wednesday morning Joe Mutouche had Aaron and Arthur I Thomson before the justice court I charged with stealing lumber. The i Thomson hoys are quite young and (live with their parents on Cedar | street. After hearing the charges I Judge Willauer dismissed the case | for want of evidence. Last week the Indicator quoted men’s genuine kangaroo shoo* at the Bessemer Mercantile Cos. at $2.00. 'This was a mistake. The shoes are -oiling at $250 and four dozen pairs were sold at that price, the custom ers saying “cheap enough.” A colored man uamed Searsey had his right hand ground to a pulp be tween the bumpers of the cars at the steel works Tuesday and the cempany’ssurgeonshad to amputate the member. Such accidents are painfully frequent at the works. Moses Noble fell from a high trestle at the steel works Tuesday and though no hones were broken he sustained Internal injuries. He was at once removed to the com pany's hospital where lie is receiv ing the careful attention of the doctors. A roll broke in the bloom mill the first of the week which caused a stoppage In that department and the rail mill. A new roll, guides, chills, etc, are being put in and the mill is undergoing a general re pairing process and will start up next Monday. The Chicago Lady Quartette enter tained a small though appreciative audience at the Grand opera li6use Tuesday evening, Bessemer being well represented. The selections were refined and well rendered, and the Chicago girls have left a desire in the hearts of the people here to see them again. A fishing excursion consisting of Joe Darnell, captain. Bud McCadden, Geo. | Mason, Jno. Ahvine, Harry Moran, Winfield Darnell, Mike O'Keefe, Bill, j Breai, Frank Ewing and somolxxly tlie Captain calls “Daddy” left for the mouth of the St. Charles yesterday | j afternoon and will roturn Sunday morn- i : ing. A true sketch of the trip would j make interesting reading. Chris Funk wont to Denver to witness the bicycle race Tuesday! and had a hit of curious experience. In crossing Larimer street on his wheel at a twenty mile gait the handles suddenly snapped olf and Chris zizznggod down the street like a duck with a clipped tail, running over a hoy and colliding with a' street car nearly derailing it. A ! policeman promptly called on him I for pursuing such a mad career hut let him go when he heard an ex planation or the afTuir. Notice. Anything wanted In the line of , scavenger work will be attended to by leaving orders at the city hall j or corner of Box Elder und Summit < avenue. t Martin Huohfh, City Scavenger. ,»;\r { g r; rf uii j||jp|j KING’S lf PANTS VlvißusiNtsi h- ’ 1 -TYLE And SHAPE’the king H'lP.recT-nTTiNft TROUSERS. 1 ? Tiiey are equal to any Tailor made goods in the world. They are made of the BEST materials and guaranteed to fit the same as if the best Tailor in America had made them to your order. In all grades and in all prices. We carry a full and complete line of Gent's Clothing and Furnishing goods. WHITE & DAVIS’, 221 Santa Fe Ave. THE BESSEMER RESTAURANT, Corner of Northern and Evuns Avenues. Board, $4.50 per week. Regular meals, 20 cents. Everything first-class. H. M. SHOUP, Proprietor C. EISER. Shoe making and Repairing. * Hand sewed Boots and Shoes j to order-. First-class work & i promptly done. Shop in > IRON HAND BUILDING. FOR SALE. 1 I’inc Tim beret/ and Jarm ing Lands! . In tracts to suit; improved or unirn . proved; rich sandy loam: clay sub-soil t Prices: t« $5 per acre for timbered . and $5 to if 10 improved lauds. Kusy terms. Address— W. \V. Dhahiikahs, j Gloster, Amite County. Miss. The entertainment to be given by the congregation of St. James! Chapel will be held in their church instead of at Dempsey-Laugdon • hall as was the intention. Mr. ' Tatum, the lessee of the hall, in -1 sisted that he should dictate where the printing for the entertainment j , should be done else the Ht. Janies people could not have the hull. The St. James folks were independent enough to save sl2 by holding the concert in their church. The In dicator is doing their printing as usual. The Concert. Those who attended the concert at the M. E. church Thursday Bight ex- ' pecting to be entertained were not dis- ' appointed. The large crowd nppreciat- 1 ed the music and recitations; encores < | were frequent. The selos by Mr. C. C. * I*. Hiller and the ordhestra music by | W. 8. Williams and his two little boys ] were especially well received. Several | of the ladies sang like angels end won applause. A want ef time prevents an elaborate account of the concert. Born To Mrs. Euds who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Pinkerton of 1089 Abriendo avenue, a ten pound boy. All doing well. True Elegance And comfort in those Scriven’s 1 elastic seam drawers—for men. O. L. L. Gann Mercantile Co. ' Lost. Between Eiler smelter and Swartz 1 i drug store, ono pair riding-bow gold spectacles. Finder will bo suitably re- ' warded by leaving same at Swartz drug storo, oor. Evans and Mesa avenue. ' Where Did You Get That nobby suit your little boy ' has on? Why at G. L. L.Gann Mer- j cantileCo. They have an elegant line for little folks. O. L. L. Gan Mercantile Co. Where to Buy. Tuchock Bros., merchant tailors, 119'VVe-t 2nd street, make the best ! fitting clothing In Pueblo. They keep an unusually large assortment of goods always on band and customers are never ut u loss to make a selection. Stop in and examine their stock of sitring and j summer goods and get prices. You 1 will he pleased with both and well pleased with the suit if you leave an order. None hut the best work i done and as much attention given to making up cheap goods as to i making the most costly. Colorado Conference ! M. E. church, Trinidad, Colo,. Juno Bth, 1898. For this occasion a rate of one and one-fifth fare on the Certificate Plan is authorized, pro viding there are fifty or more in at tendance. Rev. 11. L. Beardsly Erie, Colorado, will sign certificates. E. B. Learned, ticket agent A., T. *B. F. Ry.,at Trinidad, will act as joint agent and stamp certificates. Belling days June 6th and 7th. Certificates will be honored one day after convention is over. Alex Jackson Agt. D. A R. G. Central Blk CHURCH NOTICES. M. K. CHURCH. Children’s Day services at the llos semer Methodist church noxt Sundin June 4th. In the morning at II o’clock the pastor will speak on the general subject of what sort <>f prepara tion for life’s activities is duo children. In the evening there will be :-ongs and recitations by the little people and u talk on Christian education by ohb-i members of the school. Everybody is cordially invited to come and 1•• ip t« make this day a momurubio o.iu lor the children. ('. C. i*. ilri,Di:i.'. Pud tor. GERMAN M. E. CHURCH. Tho German M. E. Sunday school u prospering. The chi dron nru doinf well and making good headway. The j teachers deserve praise for'tlieir f.tilhfn work There is still rbotn for such that ! nro desirous to study this language. The Sunday school will begin i.L 2 o’clock p. in. at tho English Al. F. church. Service in the German language will begin at 3 p. in. All arc invited to attend. W. L. Meyer, pastor. Are You Thinking Of what you ought to take with you wheuyeu go to the World’s Fair? Your outfit will not be complete without a uottlc of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diurrhum Remedy. The change of water mid diet, fatigue and irregulur habits, during your trip are almost certain to produce diarrhuiu ami u dose or two of this remedy may save you serious sickness and perhaps much ex pense. Procure it before leuving home. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by W. P. Swartz. For Sale. A frame house 10x14 ft. on Routt avenue. Lot, 47' s ft. Price $550 for house and lot. Ituiuire at this office. South Side Graduating Exercises. Tho graduating exercises of the Central High school will ho held in the Grand Opera house, Thursday evening, Juno 8. The following pupils will he grrduuted: Lena Wren, Nellie Quenettu Millis, Anthony Sherwood Kightnr, Florence McMurry West, Flora Bene dict, Mier Cohen, Norman Callings, Mary St Clair Doak, Daniel N. Jones, Jr.—four boys and five girls. There will bo no change in plan from custom of former years. There will be no dis criminating honors, ull pupils having done faithful work and being entitled to first honors. No presentation of Mowers or gifts permitted on tho stage; but such expressions may bo sent direct to homes jof the graduates. To cover expenses un | admission of twenty five cents will he chargod, which sum will ontitle pur chaser to a reserved seut, to be secured at Motherwuy's book store. Sale of seats will begin Tuesday morning at H o’clock. Because of limited size of house children under twelve years of age will not he admitted. COLORADO MIDLAND. Additional Cripple Creek Ser vice Commencing May Ist the Colorado Midland Hailway will pul on and run daily thereafter additional suburban trains to accomodute Cripple Creek and Florissant business, as follows; WESTBOUND Leave Colorado Springs 8:30 a. in. Arrive Divide 9:35 a. in. Arrive Florissant 10:02 u. m. KABTBOUND . Leave Florissant 10:40 n. in. Leave Divide 11:10 a.m. Arrive Woodland Park 11:80 a. m. Leave Woodland Park 11:50 a. m. Arrive Colorado Springs 1:00 p. m Arrive Pueblo 5:80 p. m. This arrangement gives a convenient and rapid service into aud out of Cripple Creek. Once Get On One of our $5 double breast spring suits, you will wear no other style G. L. L. oaks Mercantile Co. FRED T. BRIGGS Keep? a Fine Line of Reliable SPECTACLES OR EYE-GLASSES,. ' V"' ' UU 1 You ers bo fitted out without having to pagt *'* oxtrH P r ' co for nn eye test. repaired]. rprn r T DDIY' re 207 Santa Fe A venues 1 tv UL/ 1 ■ aJIAIUvJOj With Stnnclifield’s Book Store. 1872 ESTABLISHED 1872 G. L. L. GAM MERCANTILE CO, STORES S STORES Comer 2nd and Main > aud 226 S. Union Ave. HWilUkithi mv GABtL ■* WTAI L/OT^ v * Has opened the largest Tailoring Establishment in Pueblo, with the finest assortment of wool ens of ull grades and colors. These goods will be made to order at astonishingly LOW PRI CES. CHEVIOT SUITS to order, in black, blue or brown,, $13.00 up. PANTS to order, in all colors $3.00 up. GABELs TAILOR •333 South Union Avenue. STRAIT BLOCK. SUMMONS. Htatk ok Piii.oiiano. i In tho County l’uoblo County. ( court. S. T. DAN IICL, I riuintiir, | vs. ; Huiiiiiioiih .I.S.HTUINOKIt. I Defendant, J rhe People of tl)e State of Colorado, to’the Defendant aboue named Creetiijq: You lire hereby required to appear In mi notion brouubt against you by Ibo above niiinod pintiiini'. In tbo County I'oui-t <»r I’neblo County. Slate of Colorado, and answer I!u-eoiiipbiint therein within twenty .lays after service hereof, If served within this County; or. If served out or this County, or by publication, within thirty duyHi.fter the service hereof, exclusive of the dnv.d service; or lodgment by default will is- taken iiind n«t you according to the prayer of the eoiiiplalnt. If u copy of the eoinplalilt Is, not served with the Siiimiikiih, or If the service he made out of the Stale, ten days ad.lltloiuil to the time speolfled In tin- Summons shall lie al lowed for appearance and answer. The sum <>r money and other relief demand ed lu said netlon. briefly stated. Is u Judge ment for seventy-five dollars with Ini from March 21th A d. I -m2 on a certain Prom issory note, executed by you payable to said plulntil!' nr order dated Mareii 21tIi A. d. Ntt due ninety days after date with Interest nt 1 per cent .per inon ili Irom date and costs, as will more fully appear by the complaint In said action, on tile In said Court, to which reference Is hereby made, Uiveii under my hand and tho seal of said Court, al the city of Pueblo, In said County and Htnte, this nth day of May. A. I). t.s«:i. iHKAb] JN«». 11. MITCHKLL Judge und Acting Clerk of said Court. Ry K. Mooiti;, Deputy Clerk. W-R-DS F—I— (Tho above words when properly filled in compose tho name of tho groat event of the year.) EVERY PERSON whe properly fills them In and returns this card to ue with an order for 150 of our 5 cent Cigars at $35.00 per 1,000 (making small C. O. D. bill of $5.25,) will receive a BEAUTIFUL and reliable Gold Filled Watch FREE (accompanied by 20-year guarantee,) full jewelod, stem wind and set. THE OBJECT OF this extrnording offer is of course to save the heavy ex pense of traveling salesmen, and to in troduce the goede at once. All goods shipped C. O. D. t and full examination allowed before you pay one cent. Amkbioaw Ciqab Co., Wiaaton, N. C Wnen Going East. Take the Union Pacific and Chicago nnd Alton railways via Kansas City. Through Sleepers, Diners, and Free Re dining Chair Cars to Chicago. Makes dose connection at Chicago with all lines to nnd from the East, For low rates call at Union Pacific Ry. ticket office, Triangle building. A. S. CUTIIHKHTBON, Dec 31, General Ageat MEEK & STRAUB, 4 Manufacturers of nnd retail dealers In TRU N KS and VALISES, ItKI’AimXU Donk. 247 Norik Union Avenue. Savings Bank. The Pueblo Savings bank is a populaA institution with the people of Bessemer, and it deserves to be. It is a good bank to patronize and the men, women and children of the city are fast finding it out. The Correct Hat. Quality, Style, Service. Thk Knox. G. L. 1,. Gann Mercantile Co* Tan Aobuts.