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BRODY’S Bakery Products have no equal in Denver We wish to announce flint we have taken space in the New Public Market 15th and Lawrence Sts. where we can furnish you with the, fa inous BRODY RYE BREAD PUMPERNICKEL WHITE TWIST ZISSAL BREAD BUNS, ECT. at Prices that will interest you. Watrh for Opening Announcement Local News Eugene 11. Freedhoim, sou of Mr. nml Mrs. Alfred A. Froedheim, has Intiu elected to the Honorary Scholas tic Fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. Freedheiui graduates from Boulder tills year, having completed his i-ourse in three years, with this high honor conferred upon him. He is one of two. out of a class of IK) who have this unusual distinction. I)r. Win. S. Friedman made the opening addn*ss liefore the Salvation Army drive at the Albany hotel Mon day noon. I)r. Win. S. Friedman addressi'd the Preachers’ club Tuesday night at the Metropole Hotel on Chesterton’s Book, “The New Jerusalem.” BETH ISRAEL HOSPITAL AND HOME. The Executive Board of the Beth Israel Hospital and Home inet at the Adams Hotel, Tuesday night. Bids were submitted for finishing the Hos pital and the erection of the Old Folks’ Home. Those who attended meeting were. Dr. Haskell Cohen, Mr. Geo. I. Mrs. 1. Budi, Mrs. I‘ansy Cohan. Mr. S. Froimovitz, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Radetsky, Mr. Leon Grauman. Charles Ginsberg and Mrs. Ella Kauf- The next meeting of the Board will l*i» held at *!u- Adams I!• tt*» on Mon day evening. May Ifith. SHEARITH ISRAEL A special meeting by the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Hhearith Israel was held on Monday, May Otli. at the Synagog. at 10th and Lawrence streets. Plans for a lawn party in the near future were made. The next regular meet ing will lie held on Wednesday. May 2J3th. All memliers are urgently re quested to attend thin meeting. The h'limlay School classes will hold a p.cnic soon, wiiich will he a great event for the cli rd'cn. Watch for the date.—E. A. CLOSING EXERCISES OF SYNAGOG RELIGIOUS SCHOOL. Sunday. May 22nd, at the Ogden Theatre at 10 a. m. -The Synagog Religious School will have its clos ing exercises. A clever comedy under the direction of Miss Ruth Spivak will he given with the following cast: Flor ence Borwlck Agnes Goldfarb, Ger trude Prezant. Freida Isaacson. Rose Knight. Dorothy Goldberg. Lester 1 .eight, Charles Steinl»erg and .Dm* Friedland. Under thfe direction of Miss Agnes Goldfarb fancy dances will la* staged by Mildred Sigman. Melba I'.eiiand. Evelyn Schwartz, Maeroae Wandel. Fredella Brilliant. Florence Hyman. Tessie Scbawartz and Flor one Radetsky. The special feature will be an or chestra under the personal supervision of Mr. Herman Castle. Fine movies will also be presented. CONCERT BY COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN IN CTLEBRATION OF MUSIC WEEK. Tin* Council of Jewish Women have entered into the spirit of Music Week, and will give the following program at Temple Emanuel, on Wednesday, May 18th. at 2:30 p. m. Preceding the concert) an informal tulk will ho made. This program is under the charge of Mrs. Leo K. Cohn and Mrs. l>. E. Harlem. Vocal Solo. 1. (a) Summer-time Wnrd-Stevens (h) Odel mio dolce Ardor Cristoforo Cluck Do not go. m.v Beloved ltlclmrd Hagcnan lifrs. Frank B. Martin. 2. Pianologue—The Old Piano Speaks Mrs. Ish> It. Cohn. 3. Violin—Russian Airs - Master Samuel Cliernyk. •1. (a) Vocal duet —Confidence, Dvorak (h) The Captive Maiden ....Dvorak (c) The Bird’s Farewell ....Illldack Miss Bertha Weiner Mrs. Morris Krohn MI’SIC NOTES. Cantor D. llmer is organizing a choir. All who wish to join phone York 4404-. T. In the near future he will organize a choral organization. JUNIOR CONGREGATION OF TEMPLE EMANUEL. The following patrons entertained the Junior (Congregation nt with an enjoyable tlanco at the Woman’s club, last Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. K. Altivaick. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. B. Flesher, l)r. and Mrs. W. S. Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. I. 11. Guldman, Mr. Joseph H. Harri son, Mr. uml Mrs. A. M. Hyman, Mr. and Mrs. Sain E. Holm, I)r. ami MJrs. Robert Devy, Mr. and Airs. Ernest Morris, Judge and Mrs Ira C. Both gerber, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Solomon and Mr. Douis Stern. Tlie next meeting will be held Sun day, May loth, at 10:.*t0 a. in., nt the Temple. Election of officers will eon. stitute the greater part of the pro gram. All members are urgently re quested to attend. JUNIOR COUNCIL. The Junior Council girls entertained their mothers at tea in honor of Mother’s Day. at the Adam? Hotel on May Sth. The affair was most en joyable and it is hoped that this will become an annual eveut. During the afternoon a musical program was ren dered by Junior Council members. Mr. Morris Block, proprietor of the Adams Hotel, was so Inspired by the thoughtfulness of the Junior Council girls in entertaining their mothers that he composed the following poem, dedicated to his motlicr, whieli was rend at the tea: Mother The world has set this day apart To worship at your shrine. To glorify your Mother s heart, So wondrous pure and fine. The world has set one day apart, How little to return For all the days that you have spent, Both happy days and stern. And, Mother dear, altho’ we show. As thru this life we pass. But little sign of gratitude For your kind deeds, alas! The first words that our lips have said, And may the last words Ik? The name of You, who rules the world. Dear Mother, 'tis of thee. BEGOLE FOR AUDITOR. George D. Begole, present City Accountant is candidate for the office ••f City Auditor, at tin* * elect i n. on May 17th. Mr. Begole is a man well ijiiulificd by experience and integrity to fill this position, and is free from any personal or political obligations associated with the office. THE WINDSOR FARM DAIRY. Delivers early and promptly. Pure and health giving milks and creams, from healthy cows. Get on our route. Gall Main 5130. THE SHELTERING HOME AUXILIARY. A regular meeting of the Shelter ing Home Auxiliary was held at the Sheltering Home, Wednesday evening. May 11th. Committees are hard at work, planning a number of outings and other activities which should help make an interesting season for the kiddies. We would ask all people who have outstanding dance tickets to kindly mail same or a check to cover to our secretary. Mr. Robson, at 1580 Fed eral Rlvd., or you can pay Mr. Alter son. The Sheltering Home Collector, and he will give you a receipt for the amount paid. Dr. and Mrs. Sigmund Frey, who until recently were superintendent and matron of the Jewish Orphans’ Home of Southern California at Hunting ton I’ark, near Los Angeles, will sail for Europe on the S. S. Lapland ou May 7. Among others they will visit Adolph Frey in Brueun, Czeeho-Slo \akia. and liis cousin. Dr. Ludwig Czech, an official of very high rank in the Czechig Republic. THE CENTRAL. JEWISH COUNCIL WILL ELECT DELEGATES TO AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS. At n special meeting of The Central Jewish Council held Inst Tuesday evening, arrangements wore made pro. liininury to tlio nomination and elec tion of delegates to attend the second American Jewish Congress which is to be held in September. A Congress commit tee was appointed by the Cen tral Jewish Council to take charge •if such arrangements. A nominating convention is to be held at the Adams Hotel on Sunday evening, Mhy 20tli at winch delegates representing all of the Jewish congre gations, organizations and societies of the City are to be prifcent, at which convention will be nominated candi dates. The election of delegates will lie held on June lOtli at which time will he elected the delegates to the Congress. The committee is preparing to send notices to each Jewish congregation, organization and society, whether re ligions, philaiithropi«i. frtittriinl or social, asking each organization to t lect. at its next meeting one delegate to represent it at the nominating con vention on May 20tli. The first American Jewish Congress was held about two years ago. and the one to be held in September is expected to continue along the same lines, having regard to the many prob lems which beset the Jews of America and of the World today, including the immigration question. The following telegram was sent to the president: Denver, Colo., May 11. 1021. To Hon. Warren l». Harding, presi dent : I'nited States of America, Washing ton, D. C. Your Excellency: The Central Jewish Council of Den ver .comprising nil Jewish organiza tions in this city, respectfully urge that you veto the Immigration bill recently passed by Congress for the reason that it will work great hard ships on many Jewish American Citi zens wiio desire to their famil ies to this country, and that it will exclude a large number of desirable people who would he a decided licncfit tc the United States. Tills country is largo enough to maintain more than twice its present population nml espe cially here in Colorado we have a vast amount of territory greatly un der populated and awaiting only hu man hands to make it productive. Very respectfully. The Central Jewish Council of Denver. By M. ». RADETSKY. Acting President. SISTERHOOD TEMPLE EMANUEL. Meeting of the Sisterhood of Tem ple Emanuel, in the vestry-rooms. May 9th. The last meeting of the year was n specially enjoyable one. Reports of all committees were more elaborate than usual, especially the president’s report, which gave a resnme of the work done by all committees during the year. The new officers were in stalled and pledges of the best service given in all cases. The nominees for all offices were elected. Mrs. Ida K. McFarlane delivered a very interesting talk on ‘’Modern Fic tion.” Enjoyable musical numbers were given by Mrs. Glaister, who sang “Eetasy” and “Come, My Beloved,” ac companied by Mr. Laubenstein; and by Mrs. Glnsburg. who played von Weber’s ‘‘Valse Caprice Brillante” and a waltz by Grossmayer. ALUMNI CABARET. Each spring, with the graduation of the highest class of the B. M. H. Religious school, the Alumni of that institution gave a dance in honor of the new members. In keeping with a new spirit of originality and activity which has marked this year’s administration in the Alumni, the dance this year is to be of a novel, interesting and highly pleasant, nature. Tickets are now available for the “Alumni Cabaret Dance” to be hold at the Albany Hotel on Thursday evening, June 10. The affair will mark an epoch in entertainment in the city. The main ballroom of the -Albany is to he converted into an ex act replica of a leading New York Cabaret, the Bal Tnbarin. Orchestra, dancing. entertainment, tete-a-tete tables, specialty numbers, food. and drink for all, hat chocking arrange ments, all this will be provided on the price of the tickets. Once a ticket is paid for, there will be no other charge. Every feature of the famous Bal Tubariii, Broadway. New York, will be provided to the guests of the Alumni at two dollars per couple. Each ticket contains the assurance that there will he no other charge. Arrangements have been innde only on the presumption that a crowd will be well taken care of. Dr. Lee K. Frankel of New York City, vice president of the Metro politan Life Insurance Co., and for mer head of the United Hebrew Chari ties, has been re-appointed by Gov ernor Miller as a member of the New York State Board of Charities. THE DENVER JEWISH NEWS The Place of Music in Industry (Conclusion.) Tims Ims the rcsponsi vencss to musical stimulation Leon demonstrat ed ns a prime factor in modern life, but its application, is still but spur a die. Only powerful, continued pres sure will guide, this emotional power into elmunels of tisefuluess instead of devastation. To the women of the nation this utilization of vibration ns n great motivating agency is pre-eminently of interest. Woman is the priestess of the home and of all Its concomitants of order and sanity. Home and women nre complements of each other. Without woman homo is u void. Without home woman is a derelict. Woman in the home is both the Ismefactor and the beneficiary. With the home engulfed there would Is? swept away the foun- j dntion structure of woman's eminence nml of modern civilization. It, is to woman's interest to safeguard her stronghold. Woman also is the apostle of or der and moderation and peaceful ad justment in contrast to the masculine arbitrament of violence nml excess. Any method that puts social harmony in place of discord should npjienl to the feminine souse* of what is fitting and profitable for her sex and for so ciety in generul. Woman, too, is a devotee of the arts. Your women’s clubs, practical in pur pose and achievements ns they usually are, yet delight to give the muses first place on their rostrums. Art, the aris tocrat, has a tendency to look down on plebeian Industry, hut how long will art survive if Industry stops or even lags? Will the painter calmly con tinue to wield his brush, the musician to tune his lyre and the poet to un roll his dreams for the public gaze when productive labor lias censed to supply the food for puinters atul poets to eat. the clothes for painters and poets to wear and theopulent admirers for painters and to poets to enter to . A vision of any such debacle seems fanciful to those of us who have take n our inherited Indus trial Institutions and their artistic em bellishments ns a matter of course, who have jiot dug below the surface nud do not realize on wliut a thin crust they rest. A recession of civili zation is not a pleasant prospect to contemplate, but it is not an impos sibility. Civilization has its foundation in productive industry, in organization of the human elements into common serv ice, hut the architect of the edifice that has been reared thru the cen turies lias been woman. Without woman’s touch the human race would still be in savagery. Without woman’s inspiration the finer accomplishments of the race would never even have been attempted. And now woman i* put to a now test, to assist in preserving the structure of civilization. For the club woman opportunity is almost omnipresent. Her position in the community places in her hands authority and responsibility. What specifically can she do? In every community she can prepare the soil so that the seeds at musical inspiration when once they nre strewn will fall on fertile ground. Respon siveness in the worker in factory or field is the desideratum. And where can this responsiveness be generated? 'Evidently in his environment outside ■ the industrial sphere, in the home and in the social circles in which the work er has his orbit. Popularize construe, tlve music i n the domestic realm and In the community, organize the work er’s musical receptivity. Put him in the spirit of harmony where his ma chine or his tools will sing to him a constant obligato. As a cardinal point, make music virile. Put red blood into it. Asso ciate it with the t’wo fisted, energized men who do things. Remove it from that class of lackadaisical, sisslfied. long haired airaemic dreamers with which much of the rough and ready world long lms mistakenly connected it and accordingly has stoen*d wide of it. The majestic law, the Olym pian inspirations of organized vibra tion are not the exclusive property of weaklings. They nre for the strong and the capable, made more strong and capable by them. Within your range of influence uproot this delusion, teach the youth to realize that music train ing is not an avocation of which to bo ashamed; that’s the traditional at titude of the red-blooded hoy forced to take music lessons. aiul his shame and contempt nre reflected in the mental attitude of a large* propertion ef masculine adults. The removal of that state of mind should he n prime object. One conspicuous opportunity for this reform lies right before you. I sug gest that in your respective oommuni. ties you undertake immediately a cen sorship of the musical advertisements What two fisted man would ever be induced to play the most magnificent ly harmonious instrument after see ing it. associated.with the effeminate, dawdling types of humanity that, us ually figure as the performers? Make your music dealers understand that HE DID NOT WANT TO BE CHEATED. A Striking Example of Jewish Quirk Wit An Emperor once snhl to Hnblil Loew: “Ilubbi* I*ll have nothing more lo Nay to you; somehow or other you always get tlie advantage over me.” “I!” exclaimed the rnhhl, “why, any Jew can do that as to his religion !” ”1 don't believe that.” responded the Emperor, “and I shall call upon you one of these days to substantiate your statement.” About two weeks later the rabbi and the Emperor were together again, standing at one of the windows of the palace. A Jew hnpitencd to pass, and ns he seemed to he very stupid the Emperor had him summoned, saying to the rahbl: “Now I*ll tost your as sertion.” When the Jew appeared the .Emperor asked what was his occupation. lie replied that ho was a horse dealer, a class that, is proverbial in Austria for suprenjc ignorance. “How would you like to have charge of my stables V" asked the Emperor. In groat surprise the man answered that he would consider himself very fortunate to obtain such an exalted position. “All right; you can have tlie posi tion,” said the Emperor, “hut yon must change your religion.” “With muny thanks. 1 must refuse,” replied the man. “My father was n horse dealer also, and he taught me that when a man comes to you to trade horses, and asks what you will give him to hoot, you may depend up. on it that his horse is a good one. But If he says that he will give you something to hoot in order that you consent, to trade, you are sure to l»e cheuted. You wunt me to trade re ligions and offot* me n big position to l>oot. No, thank you, I don’t want to l»e cheated.” FOREIGN BORN POPULATION OF U. S. The census of 1920 shows an in crease of the foreign-born population of only 2.0 per cent over 1010. For 3020 the number of foreign-bom per sons in the United States was listed at 13.703.057. Their nativity is ns fol lows : England. 812,41-4; Scotland, 234.482 : Wales, 67.071; Ireland, 1,035,080; Nor way. 303,300 ; Sweden. 024,730; Den. mark. 180,051: Belgian. 02.048; Franc**, including Alsace Lorraine. 132.702; Luxemburg, 12U>39:; Netherlands. 131,- 202: Bwidwrtaadi 118.047: Germany, 1.G53.298; Poland, 1.130.378; Austria. 574.039: Hungary. 307,081. Szecbo-Slovakia. 330.283: Jugo Sla via; 173,003; Ruthenia, 3,100; Russia, 1.398,990; Finland, 140.071; Lithuania. 135.139; Portugal. 07,850; Spain, 40.- 232; Italy, 1.007,458; Greece, 175.701; Bulgaria, 10,480: Rumania. 103,007; Turkey, in Europe, 5.315; other Eu ropean, 1,541; Asia, 110.585; Africa, 5,250. Australia, 10,885; Canada. French 307,081: Canada, other, 809.455; New foundland. 13,230; Culm and other West Indies except Porto Rico, 38, ‘ 024; Mexico. 470,070; Central Amer ica, 4,082; South America, 10,838. Atlantic islands. 39,003; Pacific islands. 3.021): at sea. 5,275, and coun tries not specified, 3,G77. REPORT FRESH POGROMS IN KIEW AND OTHER PROVINCES (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) .Paris—Recent reports received in this city by loading members of Jewish organizations show that fresh pogroms have taken place in the province of Poltava, Kiev, Clierson, Podolla and Volilln. The pogroms came chiefly as the result of uprising in these provinces. NOTED ZIONIST PLEASED WITH SITUATION IN PALESTINE. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) Vienna —The? noted Zionist. Engineer has just returned from n trip to Palestine. He declares that the situation in that country is en tirely satisfactory and that there is not the slightest cause for misgiving in so far as he future of Palestine is concerned. NEW YORK COUNCIL CONTRIBUTES TOWARD CURIE FUND. The Council of Jewish Women Ims contributed SIOO. toward the fund for the gram of radium which is to be presented by President Warren G. Harding to Mine. Curie of Paris, as u tribute to her achievements and for the furtherance of her scientific work. Tlio Pittsburgh section Ims also given generously toward this fund. this type of advertising docs not meet your ideas of the fitness of things, of the dignity and power of and pos sibilities of music. These are the barest suggestions. Tf you grasp the need and perceive the possibilities other avenues of coopera tion will open up before you. Culti vate in the industrial elements of your community a higher conception of life, a keener response to the higher stim uli. Restore the orderly harmonized organization of industrial and social life. Briug “Home, Sweet Home” back. Material to build the Garage Bungalow See this popular little Front View house In our yards. Hallack & Howard Lumber Co. 7th and Larimer Main 25 Take Larimer Car 0 SO EVERYBODY MAY KNOW I I We Mine Our Own COAL I I "FROM OIIR MINE TO YOUR FURNACE” B We can deliver now our |fl 0 Famous Sunnyside Lump 0 From our Louisville mine. H I Our Marshall Lump 0 From our Marshall mine |fl ■ 2000 LBS. TO THE TON GUARANTEED ■ ■ (ieneral Olliers: 311 Central Savings Hank Itiiililing ■ ■ Telephones Champa 487, 488. 2180. South 2701 ■ ■ Yards in South nml West Deliver ■ I THE MARSHALL COAL CO. | Political Advertisement Political Advertisement • _^H-; C V/*?^;;^'V t'jc fiv •£ - *n , i -^^H; <■ ■■ '^.'-''f.X,-„■}■ V' HERBERT FAIRALL Candidate for Auditor A competent nml I tor. with all-around business experience, 42 years okl. A resident of Denver HS years. His record is one of unselfish, public spirited activity. If elected he will serv*» the people faithfully, without fear or favor. Vote for him. Want Adverti»ement« FOR SALE—Modern home of six rooms. 1730 Julian. SITUATION WANTED Refined Jewish lady as housekeeper, by gen tleman or lady. M. 5430. .* It. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished sleep ing room: cast side; fifteen minutes from town; reasonable. York 7<H>7. It FOR SALE—7-room lots; $3,750. Call at 1521 Stuart. FOR SALE—Fine corner, 14 lots. At West Colfax and Stuurt Street. All for SI,SOO. FOR RENT—4-rooms modern, suit able for couple, 1404 Decatur St. Main 0072. It. FOR SALE—O-room cottage, all mod ern furniture and all no* sehold goods must bo sold; party leaving town. 1732 Hooker. I’lione Champa 4300. PROPERTY FOR SALE—Long List of actunl bargains, cottages, houses, double bouses, bungalows, apartments, (1,500 to s>'s,ooo in West Colfax and all other parts of Denver. . Do not buy before you see my list; my auto is at your service. Phone, •■all, or write, will show property, remem ber real bargains and terms. Zlginond, 520 Quincy Bldg.; Main 2048. tf YOUR OPPORTUNITY To buy exclusive men’s furnishing store, line lmution, low rent, small investment. Box 15 A. Jewish News ENGLISH JEWS HONOR MEMORY OF FOREIGN LADS. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) London—A large number of local Jews attended the unveiling of a memorial tablet for 535 members of the Jewish Lads Brigade who have fallen while doing their duty the last war. Rev. Dr. Michael Adler, Senior Jewish Chaplain of the British forces was the chief speaker and in the course of his address declared that the large number of Jews who lei! during the late war amply demonstrat ed the Jew’s devotion to his country 4i nd his exempliary behavior on the battlefield. Eugene Madden for Re-Election Councilman Dist. No. 2 Mr. Madden was elected on his honor as a citizen and advocate of a greater Denver. His record during his three terms in the council speaks for itself. He has no apologies to make and points to this record with pride. Pol'-cicai Advertisement ii '*S « v* . HENRY T. SCHOEPFLIN for Councilman District No. 2. Mr. Henry T. Schoepflin. the coal denier at Ninth and Navajo, lias long declared lie would mme day run for eouneiliuan, and that if elected he would show the people of his com munity they had a representative at city hall. Now Henry is in the race. Mr. Schocpllin has boon a resident of Denver forty-seven years, in the same precinct thirty-eight. He voted for the statehood of Colorado territory in 1870. and from ’SO to *80 served the greater part of district No. 2 as a mail carrier, retaining his position under four postmasters, some of opposite political faith. Vote for Henry T. Schoepflin for councilman District No. 2, on election day, Tuesday, May 17th.