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When in Laramie STOP at The JOHNSON HOTEL giM———M—I J. F. Johnson Proprietor. EUROPEAN PLAN > j» LARAMIE, WYOMING. EutniD Kodak Supplle.. Fiohlof Tackle. A. H. CORDINER DRUG STORE 3ll, 2nd St., Laramie :::::: Wyoming. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. Mall Orderi Promptly Attended to. The Elk Horn Stables F. 0. FRAZER, Proprietor. nEUtfiS" 1 Laramie, Wyoming. The James Peak HOTEL Mr*, c H. Nuckolls, Propr Table Supplied with the Best. Special accommodations for . women and children. Granby, Colorado. THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO. MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH I TWO FAST TRAINS MILT Frpm Denverwh the CHICAGO, UNION PACIFIC AND NORTH-WESTERN LINE. Buffet-smoking cars, Pullman drawing-room and tourist sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars. Fast and con venient schedules. Complete and luxurious service. Call ob any ticket agent for farther particular*. Illustrated booklets, maps and fall ItfonaaUoe caa be had by addreming General Agent, Chicago A North-Wee tern, 801 17th Street, Dearer, or 206 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. % W. O. KNISKCRN, NSHNOia TRAFFM tfAMNia, CHICAOO. ILL. r> ■ ■ ■ 1 Job Work? Call at The New Era Office. We do all kinds THE NEW ERA Published by THE NEW ERA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. MARK CRAWFORD, Editor and Manager. A Republican newspaper devoted to the interests of Walden and the North Park. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS: One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 90 Advertising rates given on application. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second-class matter March t, 1906, at the post office at Walden, Col orado, under Act of Congress of March t, 1879. LOCAL PICK-UPS A. Coe was up from Cowdrey Wednes day. O. S. Case was in the city the first of week. Tug Powoll was in Tuesday from Theo. Cook’s ranch. Andrew Norrell was in the city Mon day from the west side. Jas. Marr and Wm. Bennett were in Tuesday from the west side. Hurry McCasland and Arthur Norrell wore in the city Wednesday. Dr. Snair reports Dan Hanson improv nieely from his recent illness. Jucob Johnson was in tho city Satur day from his Platte river ranch. Overshoes—high top, low* top, some with no top at all, at E. J. Norris’. Vincent Jauskey was in the city Tuea day from the D. F. Sudduth ranch. Rev. Trowbridge returned Tuesday evening from a business trip to Hillroee. K. J. MacCallum left Monday morn ing for a trip to Denver and Fort Collins. Miss Sophie Erickson was in Walden Monday and Tuesday from her Higho ranch. Soloman Nixon was in Tuesday and Wednesday, from his road ranch at Twin cabin Park. Call and see the Sharpies cream separ ator now on exhibition at tho Walden Mercantile Co. Buy Gloves and Mitts of E. J. Norris and get your money’s worth. Twenty five kinds to chose from. The Ladies’ Aid Society will hold its next meeting on Thursday after Feb. 28th at the home of Mrs. Martin. Julian Bernheim, manager of the Cowdrey store, left Monday morning for a trip to Denver and other outside points. W. O. Mosmau is having the old Cap ron building, next to bis residence, tak en down and removed to the rear of the lot. E. J. Norris is having a sale on gloves and mittens. If you are in need of a first class article at rock bottom prices give him a call. Archie and Willie Trounse** arrived in walden Tuesday from Den\ or. They report their sister Esther, who has peen quite ill in Denver, improving. Otis Farrar, an old time prospector and friend of the editor of this paper, was a Walden visitor from the Elk river country several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, jr., ex pect to leave shortly after the 22nd for the ranch of Jap Hon roe, at Spioqr. where they will remain for some time. Joe Black returned Tuesday from Manvfield, Ohio, where he was called in December by the serious illness of his mother, who is now much improved. Elmer Hammond and Walter Frank were pesticating around town Tuesday and Wednesday. Elmer has recovered from his attack of pneumonia in fine shape. Miss Eva Stogsdill was called to Boul dor Monday morning by the serious ill ness of her mother. During Miss Stogs dill's absence the two little Dawson girls will stay with their father and the boys are staying with Mrs. Geo. Post. Eslie Wynn returned Tuesday from his trip to Denver and California. He reports a pleasant trip and says he has a ‘ fine lot of jewelry on the way in. Eslie has shaved off his moustache and had to introduce himaellto all his friends. ) Wm. Me Lucas lost one of his horses Monday, whon coming in from the Riaoh opal bank with a load of con*. A couple of weeks ago five oat of the six horses became sick from some unknown cause, but were apparently recovering all right, when the one horse decided to I quit this life of trouble. E. A. Johnson expects to commence moving his goods from the resturant and the residence he and his family ■ have been occupying this winter, Mon day, to the ranch of Dr. Henry Fischer. Mr. Johnson and Dr. Fischer have gone into partnership in the ranch business. Mrs. Dave Gresham will take charge of the resturant vacated by Mr. Johnson. Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. Department of the Interior, ) United States Land Office, J- Jan. 29, 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that Mary A. Kimmons, of Fort Collins, Colorado, has filed notice of intention to make proof on her desert-land claim No. 489 for the Si NEi, and E* 8W±, and BE* Sec. 35. Tp. 8 N., R. 78 W. 6th P. M., containing 320 acres, before Harry H. Hartman, Clerk of the District Court, at his office at Fort Collins,Colorado, on Wednesday, the 3rd day of April, 1907. She names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Charles L. P. Win scorn, S. P. Cardon, John Kimmons, of Walden, Colorado; John Connors, of Fort Collins, Colorado. C. D. Ford, Register. (1st Pub. Jan. 31; last Pub. March 7.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land office at Denver, Colo. [• Jan. 5, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Patrick Martin, of Grand County, Colorado, has filed notice of his intention to make final Homestead proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 871, made March 17, 1891, for the SW* of Sec. 35, Tp. 5, N. R., 82 W. of the 6tli P. M.. and that said proof will be made before the U. S. Commissioner, at .his ofliice at Hot Sulphur Springs, Grand County, Colora do, on March 13, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land, viz: Emil Schlumpf, James Thompson, of Kremmling, Colo., W. W. Hall, Mark 1 Fletcher, of Martin Po. Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (1st Pub. Jan. 81; Last Pub. Mar. 7.) Notice of Adjustment Day. In the matter of the c. .ate of Cutler L. Moore, deceased. The undersigned, having been ap pointed executrix of the estate of Cut ler L. Moore, late of the County of Lari 1 mer in the State of Colorado, deceased. ’ hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of said Larimer I County, at the Court House in Fort Col line, in said County, on Monday, the 2Sth day of Maroh, A. D. 1907, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and re quested to attend for the purpose of hav - ing the same adjusted. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to mate immediate payment to the under signed. Dated at Fort Collins, Colorado, this 81st day of January, A. D. 1907. Maggie A. Moore, Executrix of the estate of Cutler L. Moore, deceased. Alfred H. Law, Attorney. (1st Pub. Feb. 14; last Pub. March 14.) The Undersigned is prepared to do anything in the line of well digging, re pairing, atone work or assessment work that anyone may wish done. A. McIntyre. WALTER L. SNAIR, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, j* j> Wald.n, Colorado P. W. FISCHER, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. j> j» W alden Colorado Fort Collin's Progressive Clothiers. , / 155 linden St. ‘ W. 0. M0SMAN, U. S. 'COMMISSIONER. i 1FFK E DAYS: Monday and Saturday » of each w eek. i i • • * • ; -OANS - REAL ESTATE WaMca, Colorado. i# 1 1111 ” I Keep Your Trade in COLORADO Hardware, John Deere Implements, pain Hay Tools, Aermotor Windmills, Wood and Steel Tanks,Paints, Stoves, Ranges, Pumps Refrigerators. 1 American jfffia Fence. Studebaker T""> , John Deere Kf 1 Moon Bros, Winona, \V/^_ Bain W agons, When you come to Collins give us a call. Se P. ANDERSON rcantile Co., Incorpornt.d I :OLLINS, WELLINGTON, m. Collins 41. Phona Wellington 30. ; +. . .. - : ■ j Eslie Wynn, i , Jewelry, Silverware, Cut *■■■"■■™“■■■■™ Glass, Confectionery, Stationery, Novelties. Walden, olorado. »- ~ ; . _1 ! ; LIVERY and FEED STABLE H. Loucks, Proprietor. > l Fine teams, Good Rigs, and Saddle Horses. Excellent Accomodations for Transient Stock. i Headquarters for Granby Stage Line. ’ WALDEN. COLORADO. : 1 A JOE BLACK’S Thirst Parlors ■ Handle best of Liquors and Cigars & Old HARPER WHISKEY Specialty. I This Place is Headquarters for most Everyone. Joe Black, Propr. Investments. Stocks, Mines, Life Insurance, Accident Insurance. Correspondence Solicited. W. A. Stoddard, LARAMIE, WYOMING.