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THE NEW ERA Published by THE NEW E-RA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. MARK CRAWFORD, Editor and Manager. A Republican newspaper devoted to the interests of Walden and the North Park. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months .50 Advertising rates given on application. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second-class matter March 9, 1900, at the post office at Walden, Col orado, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. One of the brightest, newsist dalies that comes to this office is the Loveland Register. The editorials aro always worth reading, and the news is given in a condensed readible manner. A more efficient or conscientious man for mayor than A. E. Butler it would be hard to find. He has in the past, and will in the future, receive the support of the council, and citizens, whohaveevery jaith in his integrity and and ability. The New Era was a year old last week This country is roomy and we expect to grow some in the years to come, how ever, we feel that the paj>er is a pretty healthy yearling and justifies our pre sumption that there was room hero for a live newsjMiper. The hog wash dished up in the Denver Post by a woman named Winifred Black is about the limit. Of course, we don’t have to read it, but sometimes by mistake a few lines are scanned and we have a pain for an hour. Why a paper that only pretends to ha sensible can staud for such rot is beyond our ken. Such stuff is calculated to make one con denm the whole staff as either old men in their dotage or driveling idiots. We note the Wyoming Observer, of Saratoga, is edited by a ranchman, by name I. M. Conness, a man of small stature,still narrower mind and large am bitions. Mr. Conness is a man troubled with chronic liver complaint,in fact he’s “agin” the government, the sort of a man whose self importance will not al low him to admit of any reason or intel ligence in another man’s argument. We would suggest as a remedy a liberal ap plication of Ivory soap. There are two policies open to the cattlemen of North Park on the forest reserve question, one of non-resistence— letting well enough alone, and even giv ing in here and there for the sake of peace: and the other an aggressive one insisting that the forast officials shall carry on their duties as servants of the public and not dictators. The trouble with working for the government is that the employee, unless he is ex ceptionally well balanced will be attack ed with a case of the swell head, become haughty and condecending in his man ner, and in other ways give evidence of the fact that he is one of the main stays of Uncle Sam, sort of a God-given gift to the people, and if you do business with him it must be as he says or not at all. They are not all this way ofcourse, but more frequently than not it is the case. However,in the grazing question. ST. PATRICK’S BALL Given by Camp No. 382. W. O. W. COMMITTEES: £ General Ar- fE. J. Norris fE. A. Wynn w y rangements: -{J. C. Timbrel Floor: <, Elmer Hammond m’/ ( Montie Blevins [Wm. Doner M \ ■ ■ WM LM f Park Blevins Window: jE. N. Butler M. M Music: \ Roy Woods ( M. E Fliniau [Julian Bernheiin Door: \ H. C. Boston f Miller Mosman ,c. K. Riggeu W W A \ ■ Decorating: \ Harry Capron ■ w g~M V [Thomas Cochrane Music by the Hendrickson Orchestra. II I I I Ig $ f \x7 C T? r T? iley \ Supper will be served by Mrs. Dave Gresham Reception: <W. E. Rosenbaum * * ~. . r , , J ( H. E. Hampton at the Log Cabin Cafe. A & & In I. O. O. F. Hall & & Friday, March 15, 1907. the few large stockowners are opposed to an aggressive campaign. Whenever a stockman with capital behind him wish es something he goes to headquarters and intimates in a quiet manner what he wishes. He usually gets it. The small stockman, when he tries the same method, also gets it—but in the neck. It is only by open and aggressive action that the small stockman secures conces sions and favors, and this of course ex plains why the powers behind the throne so earnestly advocate a cautious policy and fervently sty “let us have peace’’. Dance at Baldwin’s. A very pleasant little dance was giv en last Friday night at the home of M. Baldwin near Rand, where about seven ty-five were present to join in dancing to the melodious strains of the waltz. An excellent basket supper was pre pared by the ladies present, while we understand that Mr. Maine, of Walden, was highly complemented on his excel lent imstry work, which was a groat treat to all, who partook of the feast. Those who attended the dance from Walden were, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Post, Mr. and Mrs.D. K. Smith, and Miss Ma rie Callicotte, while we were unable to secure the names of all present. Nevertheless they all report a good time and are willing to go again. Early Morning Fire. Careless handling of gasoline iu the kitchen of the Johnson hotel cafe and one of the cooks striking a match and firing the fluid was responsible for about SSO worth of damage iu the rear of that room at 4:30 this morning. For a time the fire looked somewhat squally, but the fire department was quickly on the scene and the lire was confined to the rear wall of the room, where several panes of glass were broken, the sash burned and other damage done. The building is owned by J. F. John son and the loss is fully covered by in surance. Mrs. Ehmke runs the cafe. The hotel was full of guests at the time of the fire, and were all awakened but none of them wore injured and there was no excitement to amount to any thing.—Laramie Republic. Birthday Party. Surprise parties as a rule are a misno mer, the oue who is supposed to be sui prised usually knowing as much as the ones getting it up, but the surprise party given by Mrs. Meda Williams and Prof. Preston Tuesday evening in honor of the nineteenth birthday of Miss Mam mie Riggen, was certainly a success in every way. Miss Riggen having retired before the guests arrived. The guests, to the number of about thirty, gathered at the homo of Rev. and Mrs Trowbridge, and about 8:45 started for the Riggen residence. A member of the party was stationed at the large dinner bell in the yard, and at a signal all hands turned loose. The first impression Miss Riggen had. was that the house was on fire, and started down stairs in haste, but returned to her room in greater haste,when she heard talking and laughter in the par lor. The guests were divided aud charades were the order of the evening. One very pleasant feature was several in strumental solos by Mrs. Morris Fliniau whose efforts are always appreciated by lovers of good music. Ico cream and cake wore served the guests at eleveu o’clock and the party broke up at midnight, after a most en joyable time. Miss Riggen received many handsome tokens of remembrance from her friends. Thirteen Lucky. If you are supetstitious about thenum ber 13 you had better give us your quar ter dollars, for on one side are 13 stars 13 letters in the scroll of the eagle beak. 13 leaves ou the olive drauch, 13 arrow heads and letters in the words “quarter dollar. ” Now,its not safe to keap them,- so bring them in and get credit on your subscrirtion “in full of account. Election Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Annu al Election of Town Officers will be held on Tuesday the 2nd day of April 1907, at the Town Hall, at which time and place the following officers of the town of Walden will be voted for, by the electors of said town. One Mayor for term of one year. One Treasurer for term of one year. One Trustee for term of one year. Three Trustees for term of two years. Dated this 6th day of March 1907. A. E. Butler, Mayor. Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. Department of the Interior, ) United States Land Office, V Denver, Colo., March 7, 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that John Kim tnons of Walden, Larimer Co., Colorado, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert-land claim No. 401 for the W* SW± Sec. 35, E* SE* Sec. 34, and NWI-4 SEI-4 Sec. 34 Tp. 8 N., R. 78 W. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Walden, Colo., on Wednesday the Bth day of May, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Charles L. P. Win scom, S. P. Carden, Lon Loomis, George F. Connors, all of Walden, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Mch. 14: last Pub. April 18.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Denver, Colo. > Mach 7, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Andrew J. Monroe, of Spicer, Larimer Co., Colo., has filed notice of his intention to make final 7 year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 18913, made July 28, 1898. for the NE± NW*. N* NE* and the SE* NE± Sec. 10. Tp. 6 N.‘, R. 80 W. 6th P. M. and that said proof will be made l>efore William O. Mosman. an U. S. Commissioner,at his office iu Walden, Colo , on Wednesday, May 8, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz: Clayton Rich, Daaiel M. HansoD, Eu gene H. McGowan, and Fred Ninegar, all of Spicer, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub Mch 14; Last Pub. Apl. 14.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Denver, Colo. > - March 7, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Will L. Latham, of Butler, Larimer Co., Colo., (present P. O. address) has filed notice of his intention to make final 7 year proof in support of his claim viz: Home stead Entry No. 19108, for the Ix>ts 1,2, ami 3, Sec. 2, Tp 7 N. R 82 W., SE* SEi Sec. 35, Tp. BN.. R. 82 W. of the 6th P. M. and that said proof will be made before William O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office Walden, (k)lo., on Wednesday, May 8, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land, viz: Harry C. Buck man, of But ler, Colo.; John E. Mallou, John T. Mitchell, and Ernest'tN. Butler, all of Walden, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Mch. 14: Last Pub. April 18.) Notice of Application to Lease State Lands. Office of the State Board ) of Land Commissioners. - Denver, Colo, Feb, 21st, 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that J. D. Mai lon, whose postoffice address is Stock Yards, Colo., on February 15th, 1907, made application No. 3336 to the State Board of Land Commissioners to lease the following described School Lands, situate in Larimer County, Colorado, to wit: S. i of Section 36, Township 9 North, Range 81 West. No other application to lease the above described premises or objections against the above application will be considered after March 28th. 1907. John F. Vivian. Register State Board Land Commission ers. First Pub. Feb. 28th. Last Pub. Mar. 21st. Notice of Adjustment Day. In the matter of the estate of Cutler L. Moore, deceased. The undersigned, having been ap pointed executrix of the estate of Cut ler L. Moore, late of the County of Lari mer in the State of Colorado, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of said Larimer County, at the Court House in Fort Col lins, in said County, on Monday, the 26th day of March, A. D. 1907, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and ro quested to attend for the purpose of hav ing the same adjusted. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under signed. Dated at Fort Collins, Colorado, this 31st day of January, A. D. 1907. Maggie A. Moore, Executrix of the estate of CHitler L. Moore, deceased. Alfred H. Law, Attorney. (Ist Pub. Feb. 14; last Pub. March 14.) Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. U. S. Land Office, Denver. Colo., ) March 7, 1907. f Notice is hereby given that Henry Herget, of Zirkle, Larimer Co, Colo, has filed notice of iutentiou to make proof on his desert land claim No 465 for the SW±, W* NW±, SEi NWi, Sec 26. NE± NEK Sec 27 Tp. 10 N. R. 81 W. 6th P.M before Wm. O. Mosman an U. S. Com missioner, at his office in Walden Colo, on Wednesday, the Bth day of May. 1907 He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and rec lamation of said land: Charles Brown, Thomas Hargreaves, John Mulligan and John Murray all of Zirkle, Larimer Co, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Mch 14, Last Pub. April 18th.) Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. Department of the Interior, ) U. S. Land office at Denver, Colo. [• March 7, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Thomas Hargreaves, of Zirkel, Lari mer Co ,Colo,, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert laud claim No. 466, for the Ei Sec. 10, Tp. 10, N R. 81 W. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Wal den, Colo., on Wednesday, the Bth day of May, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Charles Brown, Henry Herget, John Mulligan, and John Murray,all of Zirkle, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pnb. Mch. 14, last Pub. April 18) f Keep Your Trade in 1 COLORADO Hardware, John Deere Implements, Dain Hay Tools, Aermotor Windmills, Wood and Steel Tanks,Paints, Stoves, Ranges, Pumps Refrigerators. American Fence. Studebaker T") , 2£££ Buggies. XT"" Wagons, When you come to Collins give us a call. I The P. ANDERSON | I Mercantile Co., Incorporated I I FORT COLLINS, WELLINGTON, I | Phone Collins 41. Phone Wellington 30. I ~ ■■ - » Eslie Wynn, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Confectionery, Stationery, Novelties. Walden, olorado. » " ■■ - » < LIVERY and FEED STABLE H. Loueks, Proprietor. Fine teams, Good Rigs, and Saddle Horses. Excellent Accomodations for Transient Stock. Headquarters for Granby Stage Line. WALDEN. COLORADO. I, 1— /; JOE BLACK’S Thirst Parlors , Handle best of Liquors and Cigars Old HARPER WHISKEY a Specialty. I This Place is Headquarters for most Everyone. Joe Black, Propr. * The Elk Horn Stables F. 0. FRAZER, Proprietor. Thornburgh Sts. Laramie, Wyoming*