Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW ERA I Published by THE NEW ERA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. MARK CRAWFORD, Editor and Manager. A Republican newspaper devoted to the interests of Walden and the North Park. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 50 Advertising rates given on application. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second-class matter March 0, 1906, at the pout ofhce at Walden, Col orado, under Act of Congress of March S. 1879. Every stockman who signs the sup pleineutal agreement attached to a regu lar application for grazing permits is virtually.placing himself under the con trol of the supervisor in charge of the reserve in his section, With such a man as Hogan in charge of the Park re serve you know what to expect in the event you incur his displeasure. A man who will use his office to vent his personal displeasure is certaiidy not the man to wield such power as the new regulations place in the hands of the supervisor or rangeis. Creating Reserves. Senator Clark, of Wyoming, has the following to say with regard to the ex tent of the reserves: “The coustant tendency of the forest ry bureau ever since it was established has been to reach out ami cover ground and moro ground and accumulate to it self power and authority never contem plated by the congress of the United States and which detrimental and injur ious to and almost destructive of the in terests of many sections of our western country. Who could havo supposed when ,in 1891, congress authorized the president of the United States by exocu tive proclamation to set aside forest lauds that within this brief time over 200,000 square miles of land would be set apart from settlement among the lands and mountains of the west? We do not understand the significance of these figures. “But if I should say that within the last few years there has been withdrawn from settlement, from entry, from use ful occupation, from home making, a tract of land substantially which, taking a north and south line 200 miles through tho city of Now York, would extend west to the city of Chicago, a thousand miles, I am not over stating the amount of land. Tho bureau of forestry has withdrawn from tho useful service of the people an amount of land which would cover acre for aero tho whole of New England; add to New England the state of New York, tho magnificent common-wealth of Pennsylvania, the splendid empire of Ohio and aero for acre you havo covered the lands with drawn under this forestry policy. This is an astounding statement. “Then in some respects the recent agricultural bill was the most wonder ful ever presented to congress, because, in addition to the 129.000,000 acres al ready withdrawn, it proposed to with draw -100,000,000 acres moro and put them under the charge of a single bu reau chief. This would give to one man moro power over men and property and money than is now held by any individ ual king, prince, potentate or subject in any civilized country on tho face of tho earth. This seems a broad state merit but it is true to the fact. This bill proposed to take all the grazing lands of the United States in the country where the forest reserves are—the arid region— and, as stated by the chief of tho bureau Mr. Piuchot, to put them under his charge to lease and let and permit upon at his will and at his figures. • The bureau of forestry is now the greatest lumbering interest on the face of the earth, Talk about your lumber barons; your lumber monopolies! Whore is tho m.m, save the chief of this bureau who has under his absolute control 146, 000,000 acres of timber, as recently ox panded by the president much of it the finest on God's footstool? Where is the man who can use the government force and the whole power and treasure of the government in his lumbering oper ations, selling to whom ho pleases, in what amounts he pleases and at what price he pleases and without responsibil ity to the congress of tho United States or any other body of men or authority? Show me the parallel in this govern ment or any other, if you can. And then add to this 400,000,000 acres of grazing land which he wants put under his control and he wields-a power over an empire the like of which is not wield ed by another man beneath the sbiuiug sun.” Has Poles Out. Henry C. Boston, who has tho con tract to furnish poles for tho Walden Rand telephone lino, came in Saturday from tho timber. He reports having in the neighborhood of 500 poles cut and I parked out, which will be hauled by the boys and placed along the line of survey being made by O. S. Case. The work of digging holes will be commenced about the first of next week, the ground being sufficiently thawed to make the work comparatively easy. Now that the ground is sufficiently soft the line on the lower Michigan, tak ing in the ranches to Cowdrey and Piuk hampton will be finished. This line is needed and will prove of much value to both ranch and businessmen. The Canadiatf aud Platte districts are also in the improvement sections and will be connected up before summer. Manager Hoover says ho has placed an order with the company for sufficient wire to handle the territory to be cover ed. Nearly Flooded Out. The ice has been breaking up in the Platte river the past week and an ice gorge formed below Victor Hanson’s house, backing the water up and nearly flooding the house. Wednesday even ing the barns aud bunk house were flooded with several inches of water, and in parts of the main house the water did some damage. Elmer Hammond and John Johnson were in charge and kept things piled up jus much as possible. The gorge went out this afternoon and the water is in the natural channel again. LOCAL PICK-UPS Julian Bernheim is up from Cowdroy today. D. W. McDole was in Saturday from Haworth. Dave Hendrickson was up from Cow drey Friday. High top shoes and Rubber boots at E. J Norris’. Jas. MacFarlano jr. came in Tuesday from Hebron. Wm. Marr was in from Hebron Satur day and Sunday. Clarence Webb was a business visitor in town Saturday. Frank McCapland was in the city from Cowdrey Tuesday. V. L. Riley went over to the ranch of D. F. Sudduth Sunday. Andrew Peterson was in the city yes terday and today from Hebron. Miss Lottie Maine has secured the school at Spicer for tho coming summer. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Lee were in Fri day for the W. O. W. dance that even ing. Mrs. Norem McDonald and Mrs. S. S. Brownlee are spending the week in town. Lois Latham, tho little daughter of Will Latham, is quite ill with typhoid fever. Bruce and Bertie Kerr were over from the Canadian Saturday returning Sunday. Call and see tho Sharpies cream separ ator now on exhibition at the Walden Mercantile Co. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mallon wero in from their ranch, on the westside, the first of the week. Joe Graham and Win. Doner were in the city several days last week return ing home Sunday. Miss Laura McDole and Harry McCas land wero in from Cowdroy Friday to attend the dance. There will bo no services Easter Sun day at Cowdrey, the Pastor remaining in Walden that day. Thomas Hargreaves and John Simp son returned on Thursdays stage from a trip to points outside. Mr. and Mrs. Styles, Minnie and Carl and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods were in from the east side Friday. Rev. Trowbridge will conduct Easter services at the Higho school house Sun day, April 7th, at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Lon Loomis and daughters Mab lo and Edna were in from the Illinois country lor tho dance Fi iday. Emerson Rogers returned Saturday night from Laramie where he has boon employed in the machinesho; s. For Sale—One good man’s saddle. A bargain for the right one. Call on or address Miss Adn Parkes. Walden. If you want your money to come back toyou, pat ronizo your home town. Eslie Wynn, the Jeweler Mr. and Mrs. 1). N Sudduth and littl daughter wero in from their Canadian ranch Tuesday returning Wednesday. We are the sole agents for Chase aud Sanborn’s high g.iado teas and coffees. Walden Mercantile Co. The Latest out is tho Good Luck “Swastika” souvenir spoons. Como and look them over at Eslie Wynn’s. Albert Rogers is now driving tho Lar amie stage in the place of Carl Smith, who has decided to quit stage life for a while. Mrs. Clara Pence left Monday for Den ver where she will take a course in mil inery. She exacts to be absent several | mouths. We’ll be Here. The Walden Now Era has just passed its first birthday and is a good healthy looking yearling. Here is luck to Mark Crawford and his New Era, May they live to see North Park teeming with a happy, prosperous people aud railroads radiating from Walden in every direc tion.—Courier. Notice to Stockholdirs. There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the New Era Printing and Publishing Co., Tuesday evening April 23rd at 7 P. M. in the New Era office for the election of officers for the ensu ing year and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Laura L. Flineau, Sec. E. A. Wynn, Pres. Ordinance No 3 5. Making appropriation for the Fiscal year commencing tho Ist Tuesday in April, 1907. Be it Ordained by the Board of Trim toes of the Town of Walden, Colorado: Sec. 1. The following named sums for the following named purposes are here by appropriated to defray the necessary exjtenses and liabilities of the town of Walden for the Fiscal year commencing the Ist Tuesday in April 1907; Ist. Interest on the Water Bond fund for tho payment of Interest on Water Works Bonds, $1,120.00. 2nd. Contingent fund, for the paying of all obligations and expenses not here in otherwise provided for, $1,000.00. Passed and adopted as read March 19, 1907. K. J. MacCallum, Clerk. A. E Butler, Mayor. Flection Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Annu al Election of Town Officers will be held on Tuesday the 2nd day of April 1907, at tho Town Hall, at which time and place the following officers of the town of Walden will bo voted for, by tho electors of said town. One Mayor for term of one year. One Treasurer for term of one year. One Trustee for term of one year. Three Trustees for term of two yoars. Dated this 6th (lay of March 1907. A. E. Butler, Mayor. Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. Department of the Interior, ) United States Land Office, V Denver, Colo., March 7, 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that John Kim inons ofWaldeu, Larimer Co., Colorado, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert-laud claim No. 491 for the W* SW± Sec. 85, E* SE* Sec. 34, and NWI-4 SEI-4 Sec. 34 Tp. 8N„ R. 78 W. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Walden, Colo., on Wednesday the Bth 1 day of May, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Charles L. P. Win scom, S. I*. Carden, Lon Loomis, George F. Connors, all of Walden, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Mch. 14; last Pub, April 18.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Denver, Colo. [ Mach 7, 1907. ) Notice is heroby given that Andrew J. Monroe, of Spicer, Larimer Co., Colo., has filed notice of his intention to make final 7 year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 18918, made July 23, 1898. for the NE±NW±, Ni NEJ aud the SE* NE* Sec. 10. Tp 6 N„ R. 80 W. 6th P. M. and that said proof will be made before William O. Mosman an U. S. Commissioner,at his office in Walden. Colo , on Wednesday, May 8 1907. lie names the following witnesses to CERTIFICATE OF NOMINATION. To the Clerk of tho Town of Walden, County of Larimer, Colorado: We do hereby certify, That a convention of voters representing the High License Party of Walden, a party which, at tho last proceeding election polled at least ten por cent, of the entire vote cast in Walden was held at the Town Hall, adjourned to the Park Hotel, on the 14th day of March, 1907, for the purpose of nominating candidates for offices to lie filled'at tho next ensuing Town Election | and that tho following nominations were made therefor: Ollice to 1h» lilled Cumliiiato P. O. Ad.l, j~^ Mayor A. E. Butler Walden Walden I Walden Treasurer L. Fliniau “ “ “ Trustee 1 year W. L. Snail* “ “ i Trustee 2 years J. IT. McKee “ “ i “ 2 “ E. N. Butler “ “ “ 2 “ C. E. Mosman “ “ | “ Alfred 11. Law, Secretary, W. O. Mosman, Chairman, Walden, Colo. Walden, Colo. State of Colorado, / (.m County of Larimer. ) ‘ ' W. O. Mosman and Alfred 11. Law, being first severally swo p, deposes and says that the said W. O. Mosman was tho Presiding Officer of the Conven tion mentioned and described in the foregoing Certificate, and that the said Alfred 11. Law, was the Secretary of such Convention, and that said Certificate and the statements therein contained are true to the best of his knowledge and belief. W. O. Mosman. Alfred 11. Law. Severally subscribed aud sworn to before me this 14th day of March, A.D. 1907. Kenneth J. MacCalluni, Notary Public. —■— My commission expires Nov. 10, 1909. ( II Seal || prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, vis: Clayton Rich, Daaiel M. Hanson, Eu gene H. McGowan, and Fred Ninegar, all of Spicer, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub Melt 14; Last Pub. Apl. 18.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) I And Oflice at Denver, Colo. [■ March 7, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Will L. Latham, of Butler, Larimer Co., Colo., (present P. O. address) has filed notice of his intention to make final 7 year proof in support of his claim viz: Homo stead Entry No. 19108, for the Ixits 1,2, and 3, Sec. 2, Tp. 7 N. R. 82 W.. SE* SE* Sec. 85, Tp. BN.,R. 82 W. of the 6th P. M. and that said proof will be made before William O. Mosman, an U. 8. Commissioner, at his office Walden, Colo., on Wednesday, May 8, 1907. the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land, viz: Harry C. Buck man, of Butler, Colo.; John E. Mallon, John T. Mitchell, and Ernest N. Butler, all of Walden, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub.Mch. 14: Last Pub. April 18.) Notice of Application to Lease State Lands. Office of the State Board ) of Land Commissioners. [- Denver, Colo, Feb, 21st. 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that J. D. Mai lon, whose postoffice address is Stock Yards, Colo., on February 15th, 1907, made application No. 338 G to the State Board of Land Commissioners to lease the following described School Lands, situate in Larimer County, Colorado, to wit: S. i of Section 36, Township 9 North, Range 81 West. No other application to lease the above described premises or objections against the above application will be considered after March 28th. 1907. John F. Vivian. Register State Board Land Commission ers. First Pub. Feb. 28th. Last Pub. Mar.2lst. Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. U. S. Laud Office, Denver. Colo., ) March 7, 1907. } Notice is hereby given that Henry Herget, of Zirkle, Larimer Co, Colo, has filed notice of iutention to make proof on his desert land claim No 465 for the SWi, Wi NVVL SE* NWi, Sec 26. NE* NEi, Sec 27 Tp. 10 N. R. 81 W. 6th P.M before Wm. O. Mosman an U. S. Com missioner, at his office in Walden Colo, on Wednesday, the Bth day of May, 1907 He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and rec lamation of said land: Charles Brown, Thomas Hargreavos, John Mulligan and John Murray all of Zirkle, Larimer Co, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Mch 14, Last Pub. April 18th.) Notice for Publication. Desert Lund Proof. Department of the Interior, ) U. S. Land office at Denver, Colo. [- March 7. 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Thomas Hargreaves,of Zirkel.lAriiner Co ,Colo,, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert land claim No. 466, for the EJ Sec. 10, Tp. 10, N. R. 81 W. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Wal den, Colo., on Wednesday, the Bth day of May, 1907. lie names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Charles Brown, Henry Herget, John Mulligan, and John Murray,all of Zirkle, iArimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Mch. 14, last Pub. April 18) I Keep Your Trade in 1 COLORADO Hardware, John Deere Implements, Dain Hay Tools, Aermotor Windmills, Wood and Steel Tanks,Paints, Stoves, Ranges, Pumps Refrigerators. American Fence. Studebaker t i°rc. buggies. B»r„ ona ’ Wagons, When you come to Collins give us a call. | The P. ANDERSON | I Mercantile Co., Incorporated I ■ I ■ FORT COLLINS, WELLINGTON, I I Phone Collins 41. Phone Wellington 30. I Eslie Wynn, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Confectionery, Stationery, Novelties. Walden, olorado. : +=■■ ' ' —————— —— ~~~ —— ~~~-~~~— —————————————— , LIVERY and FEED STABLE H. Loucks, Proprietor. Fine teams, Good Rigs, and Saddle Horses. Excellent Accomodations for Transient Stock. Headquarters for Granby Stage Line. WALDEN. COLORADO. " A JOE BLACK’S Thirst Parlors * Handle best of i Liquors and Cigars Old HARPER WHISKEY ?. special^ •• __— This Place is Headquarters for most Everyone. Joe Black, Propr. —The Elk Horn Stables F. 0. FRAZER, Proprietor. Thornburgh Sts. Laramie, Wyoming.*