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Notice of Application to Lease State Lands. Office of the State Board i of Liud Commissioners. .- Denver, Colo’ April 4th 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that Alfred E. Hills whose postoflice address is Rand, Colo, on March 27th 1907, made appli cation No 3520 to the State Board of Land Commissioners to lease the follow ing described School Lands, situate in iAirimer County,Colorado, to-wit: W. i of Sec. 30, Township ON. R. 78W. No other application to lease the above described premises or objections against the above application will be considered after May 9th 1907. John L. Vi van. Register State Board Land Commission ers. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) I And Office at Denver, Colo. [- March 7, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Will L. Latham, of Butler, Luiraer Co., Colo., (present P. O. address) has filed notice of liia intention to make final 7 year proof in support of his claim viz: Home stead Entry No. 19108, for the Lots 1.2, and 3, Sec. 2, Tp. 7 N. It. 82 W.. SEJ SE* Sec. 35, Tp. 8 N.. R. 82 W. of the 6th P. M. and that said proof will be made before William O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office Walden, (k)lo., on Wednesday, May 8, 1907. I Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the laud, viz: Harry C. Buckman, of Butler, Colo. ; John E. Mallon, John T. Mitchell, and Ernest N. Butler, all of Walden, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub.Mch. 14: Last Pub. April 18.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Denver. Colo. - Mach 7, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Andrew J. Monroe, of Spicer, I.a rimer Co., Colo., has tiled notice of his intenrion to make final 7 year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 18918, made July 23, 1898. for the NE*NW*. N* NEJ and the SE± NE* Sec. 10. Tp. 0 N., R. 80 W. oth P. M. and that said proof will he made before William O. Mosman an U. S. Commissioner,at his office in Walden. Colo., on Wednesday, May 8 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Clayton Rich, Daaiel M. Hanson, Eu gene 11. McGowan, and Fred Ninegar, all of Spicer, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub Mch 14; List Pub. Apl. 18 ) Notice ot Application to Lease State Lands. Office of the State Board i of Land Commissioners. [- Denver, Colo, April 13th 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that John 1.. Mitchell, whoso postoffice address is But lor, Colo, on April Ist 1907. made appli cation No 3536 to the State Board of Hind' Commissioners to lease the fol- The James Peak HOTEL Mrs. C. H. Nuckolls, Propr Table Supplied with the Best. Special accommodations for women and children. Granby, Colorado. Some of your Stock Stolen? The Colorado Telephone Company ranch service enables JvjsXsM you to get in touch with the neighbors for miles around, |la HL in a moment. TOHHH i A lookout can be instituted over an enormous ton itory- JMf thieves have little chance to get away. / YwL u Do you know that thieves givo a wide berth to districts ' f —' i covered by telephone service? kpßßESfiaaap telephone in your home means protection--it also | 1 saves time, mouey and worry. It keeps you in touch ! ffl I w ith the big world outside. \ Low Rates. The Colorado Telephone Company. • When in Laramie STOP at The JOHNSON HOTEL J. F. Johnson - = =■ = = Proprietor. EUROPEAN PLAN j* j* > HKMT OF TIIKATMRNT : , AD iiiir W/VAUIM/s FIRST ST. and GRAND AVE. LA RAM I E, W YOM I N Cj lowing described School Lauds, situate in Larimer County, Colorado, to-wit: W. 1-2 of Sec. 16, Tp. 8 North, R. 81 W. No other application to lease the above premises or objections against the above application will be considered after May 16th 1907. JolmL. Vivian. Register State Board Land Commission ers. Communicated. The following was received yesterday from A. M. Anderson, father of K. A. Anderson, requesting that we publish same: Eugene Alvin Anderson, former edit or of the North Park Union, who suffer ed a nervous breakdown a few weeks ago at Walden, passed from life in Pu eblo at 1:40 a. m. April 11th, from ex haustion, death being precipitated by weak lioart action- The burial was in Fairmont Cemetery, Denver, April 18tli. It is the iutention of Eugenes’ fafher, A. M. Anderson, to resume the publica tion of the North Park Union, and to give it bis personal nltention after hav ing assumed administratorship of his sou’s affairs and estate. WALTER I.SNAIR, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, j* Walden. Colorado P. W. FISCHER, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. J* Walden Colorado. /C\everybo dy/\ / TRADES/COv Fort Collin’s Progressive Clothiers. 155 Linden St. W. 0. MOSMAN, U. S. COMMISSIONER. FR E DAYS: Monday and Saturday of each week. \OA\S - REAL ESTATE Walden, Colorado. BRAND DIRECTORY of the NORTH PARK If any of the brands or addresses in this directory are incorrect, or are changed at any time, you will confer a favor by notifying the New lira at once. In this way the directory may be kept accurate, and will prove of value at all times. _ 1 C. F. WEBB. | P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range ! North Park. W. E. ZIPFEL. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. JOHN C. HOWARD. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range, North Park. ■HMB T. JOHN PAYNE. P. O. address, Pinkhauipton, Colo. Range, North Park. CHARLES B. BERGQUIST. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range. North Park. JOS. W SLACK. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range. Norm Park. ■im H WM. NORRELL. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, Nartfc and Middle Parks. mmsm mßm HANSON & RICH. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. gB ED. GOULD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Rang* North Park. ANDREW AND GRACE PETERSON P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. ■KB EVERHARD & ISH. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. »!!■ M WILL 1.. LATHAM. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. I JACOB JOHNSON. 9. O. address Walden, uolo. Range, I ’ I? •S . .... . „ . jmm mmm jno. c. nil P. 0. address, Walden. Colo Range, North Park. _ m OWEN S. CASE. P. o.'address Walden, Colo. ~ Range North and Middle Parks. ~ 391 HNi CASPER FOX. p. O. address, Pinkhampton, Colo Range, North Park. I CASPER FOX. P. O. address, Cowdrey, Colo Range, North Park. JBI C. F. STAPLES. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range. North Park. 188 HHH9I LARS LARSON & BRO. *. ; P, O.'address Walden, Colo. Range North and Middle Parks. JAS. MACFARLANE & SONS. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, .forth and Middle Park. sin WM. McCONNAUGHEY. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. MB MARV A. KING. P. O. address, Pinkhampton, Cvdo Range, North Park. MOSMAN '& SON. P O. address. Wald, n, Colo. Range, North Park Wm. BROWNLEE. Walden, Colo. MAUD C. BROWNLEE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. AUGUST ANDERSON. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Ranga. North Park. 41 H ANNIE C. MATTHEWS. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. m DAWSON & GREEN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. Mi JOHN MITCHELL. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. WM. HEINEMAN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. r YVM. KERR. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. 2a FLOYD B. RICH. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range North Park. Wm GEO. H. MANVILLE. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. m J. 11. OLDENBURG. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. M D. W. McDOLE. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. mmm HARRY L. BAUGH. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. WILLIS F. WEBB. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. i^SSSSU CHAS. L. P. WINBCOM P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, 1 North Park. WM. BENNETT. P. O. addross, Butler, Colo. Raagt, North Park. mgi JAS. MAKR. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo Baa** North and Middle Parks ■ ■ AMi. P, O. address, W u. Colo. Ran**. North Park. SAMUEL H. HAWORTH. . p. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Rang,, North Park. m CHAS. BROWN. p. O. address, Zlrkle, Colo. Rang. North Park. SI WM. R. MONAHAN. P. O. addraaa, Hlgho, Colo. Rang* North Park. HttNRY C. RIDDLE- . p. O. address, Waldan, Colo. Ran* . North Park. NORMAN R. MoDONALD. F. O. address. Walden, Colo. Baa**, North Park. ■?MSM am PARK AND MONTIE A. BLBVIN. B. O. address. Walden, Colo. ft.*,. North and Mid :! • Parks. SB SOFIE ERICKSON. P. o. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range, North Park. ' MRS. LAUGHOFF. . P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Ranges North Park. -Jjjf ALEX K. MARK. P. O. address, Butlar, Colo. Rang* North and Middle Parka. JAS. BONIS. P. O. addreßS, Spicer, Colo. Raan North Park. ” gg WM. ERICKSON. P. O. address, Spicer. Colo. Rang* Worth Park. | * am JNO. M. COCHRANE. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Ran** '»*th Park. SBi AUGUSTUS E. DWINELL. Address Cowdrov, Colo. Range North Park. JNU KIMMONS * P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range. Norm Park.