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THE NEW ERA Published by THE NEW ERA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. MARK CRAWFORD, Editor and Manager. A Republican newspaper devoted to the nterests of Walden and the North Park. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $83.00 Six Months 1(H) Three Months -50 Advertising rates given on application. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second clins matter March 0, 1000, at the post office at Walden, Col 1 orado, under Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. i Laboring under the delusion that they i are merely doing as the natives do, the rediculous stunts performed by eastern ( young ladies, who come to such “wild and wooly and wholly uncivilized” sec tions of the country as North Park would make a horse laugh. As a mark of her williuguess to becomo westerniz- ( ed, a young lady, from the east, who is visiting not a thousand miles from here, donned a pair of leather chaps and as sisted in driving a bunch of horses, then wore the chaps to dinner, afterwards commenting to a lady friend that she really felt quite shocked at first over | some of the western customs, but was getting used to them. And yet that young lady did not realize that she was : being made to doagood many fool things and led to believe her impression of the west, gathered in some eastern draw ing room, were correct, for the amuse ment of a bunch of cowpunchers. Such stunts are so common among the people who visit any supposed out of the way section of the couutry, that it makes one weary, and wonder what has become of , the fool killer. The forestry department, after duo consideration, have come forward with the proposition to ranchmen in sections adjoining the forest reserves, where fencing seems imperative, that the gov enmerit will furnish posts, barbed wire and staples and the ranchman is to dig the holes and build the fence. The post 6 are also to bo cut by the ranchman,only the government will charge nothtng for the timber, and the wire aud staples are to be laid down free at the nearest rail road station. At the first blush one wonders lrow Mr. Pinchot can allow of such generosity, but on second thought there is a suspicion that maybe Gifford is guying the ranchmen a trifle. The fact that the reserves, or certain parts of them at least, must be fenced or boa source of endless trouble, has penetrat ed the brains of the head foresters, aud the scheme now is to get the work done with as little expense to tha government as possible. It is no more than fair for the ranchmen to meet the government half way in all these questions, but the forestery department has away of putt ing the half way mark right along its front door. The ranchmen have plenty of work to do without helping the de I Absolute | | Satisfaction! $ | A privilege which t | you get when you t ? trade with us *£ *£ t ••• T I We Handle-- l *f* Fresh and Cured Meats , Flour and ♦ •f* Feed - Groceries - Hardware J 't* Garden Seeds - Onion Sets > j* T t I We are Agents for— John 'Deere Plows and Scrapers T J Wagons and Buggies - Seeders X .g. Hay Tools - Sharpies Cream •f. Separators. *J» IGood Goods at Honest Prices! X THE WALDEN MERC. CO. j partment out of difficulties which it has created for itself, and men canuot be hired to do the necessary work on the ranches ti say nothing of building bar bed wire fences for Uncle Sam. LOCAL PICK-UPS Dave MacFarlane was in Sunday. Tom Howard is in the city from Rand. A. L. Fox was in from the ranch Sun day . Albert Asfalg was a Walden visitor Saturday. Bruce Kerr was in Sunday from the east side. Allard Bros, were up Tuesday from their ranch. Chas. Winscom was in from the east side Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green were in the city today. George Connors was in from the Owl country Friday. John Simpson was in from the M3rr ranch Saturday. Mrs. D. F. Sudduth is a Walden visit or this morning. Thomas Vils was a Walden visitor from Owl Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Jones was in Saturday from the east side. Henry Herget was in Saturday from the Boettcher ranch. Julian Beruheim returned last night from a trip to Denver Tom Hargreaves was in from the A. K. Marr ranch Monday. Bert Kerr was in Saturday from the Chas Winscom ranch. John Kimmons and Sam Carden were in Saturday on land business. Carl Johnson and Carl Ross were in Sunday from Fletcher Campbell’s. $8.50 Cash will buy you a 17 jewel Waltham movement, at E. Wynn’s. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Chedsey aud family were in from Hebron Saturday. High top Shoes and Rubber Boots at E. J. Norris’ Phone, Walden 6. Geo. Trabing came in last night from Laramie aud is checking up the stage business. Wm. McGowan was in Sunday from Hebron, shaking hands with his many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bohn and Mrs. J. Davidson were in from the west side Tuesday. ' r Call and see the Sharpies erf u separ. ator now on exhibition at the Walden Mercantile Co. Geo. Taylor and Jas. Peterson were in f rom the ranch of Eli Peterson on the Platte, Sunday. Hugh Ames, who has been spending a couple of weeks in the Park, left Satur day for Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradfield were in Saturday to attend Lodge, remaining over until Sunday. Orley Lewis, who has been working on the government ditch in Nebraska, • returned last night. i Miss Carrie Boston came in on Wed- ' nesdays stage from the Hanson and 1 Rich ranch at Spicer. H. C. Boston was confined to his bed , from the Grippe the first of the week but ; if- again able to be out. ( Dr. Henry Fischer left today for Chas. Winscom’s ranch. It is rumored the doctor has gone after bear. i J. C. Timbrel has just finished put ting a coat of new paint on his livery j stable office. It is quite neat. John L. Ish returned Saturday from 1 Fort Collins and went up to his ranch ! on the Illinois the first of the week. C. P. Sayles and wife were in the city , Saturday. Mr. Sayles was witness on the land proof of Mrs. Cynthia Wood. We are the sole agents for Chase aud . Sanborn’s high gjade teas and coffees. Walden Mercantile Co I. W. xnnder came in Saturday from Butler, on his way to Denver and Fort i Collins to look after some land business. J. T. Bonis was in today from Spicer. He was a caller at the New Era office ! leaving with us some of the coin of the realm. W*u. Heine man, who will have charge of the Riach joal bank and ranoh this 1 summer, was in from that country Sat- 1 urday. ! H. Loucks made a trip to N. K. Bos ( wells last Thursday returning Friday, ( with E. A. Miller aud his party of east- ; eru men. E. J. Norris is headquarters for the i “Red Cross” ladies’ shoe. For perfec tion in footwear this shoe is certainly top notch. i Jack Smith is on the sick list the past two weeks. Rheumatism, coupled with a disordered stomach, seems to be the difficulty. Rev. and Mrs. Trowbridge and daugh ter Beatrice are spending several days visiting the good people at Cowdrey this week. Mrs. W. F. Webb, of Saratoga, was in Sunday from the ranch of her son C. F. Webb, on the Canadian where she is on a visit. Otis Farrar passed through W'.ldeu Sunday on his way back to the Elk riv er country in Routt county, after a months visit outside. Harry and Lewis Holdrege were pass engers to Walden on Tuesday’s staga from Laramie and will probably remain in Walden for a time. Thanks to Dr. Snair the editor has ► about reoovered from his recent severe attack of rheumatism and is once more able to push a pencil. 1 The prises of Chase and Sanborn coffees range from 20 to 40 cents per i pound, For sale by, . i The Walden Mercantile Co J. A. Carey, agent for the Germania t Life Insurance Co., aud John Connors . came in from Fort Collins last week and are out on Mr. Connors ranch at pre sent. i r McCusland’s freight teams came in Tuesday from the railroad with freight , for C. E. M(«man. The weather makes bud roads and hard freighting these • days. Harry Knox brought his mother up from the Big Creek ranch Tuesday to re • ceive medical aid. Dr. Fischer is in at ► tendance and Mrs. Knox is getting along » nicely. • Dr. Snair was called to Big Creek ► Wednesday to attend Frank Bridges, » who is suffering from infiamatory rheu • mat ism. the trouble having gone to his heart. He is much better at present. , Dan Hanson, who has been in Illinois the past two months, returned Tuesday to Walden. He was accompained by 1 his nephew, A. Hanson, of Chicago, who • will spend the summer in the Park. E. A. Johnson states they marketed • forty two pounds of butter last week • from eight cows—this was accomplish • ed in seven days. The cream from these 9 cows will heieaftergoto the crenmery • Tom Don and wife returned last Thurs » day from a trip to Fort Collins and Lov -9 laud Tom says the country looks quite prosperous outside, and is looking for a bunch of Fort Collins tourists this sum • mer. Chas. Emigh has rented the Johu Con* nors ranch, on the Illinois, and will have • charge of that property this year. He • now has his cattle, which he has been » feeding on the Dr. Henry Fischer ranch t this winter, up on the Connors ranch. • Jas. MacFarlane, who recently dis • posed of his North Park property, left 9 Saturday for South Amerioa, where he has accepted a position as civil ongineer • and manager fora large mining concern • We rogrefc to lose a man of Mr. Mac Fa r• lane’s standing • For lines, pole straps, breast straps. • quarter straps, belly bands, spreader • straps, harness straps, lazy straps, halt , ersbridles, snaps, cockeyes all sizes and kinds, shoe half soling, rubber heels,etc. call on. 1 T. R. Cochrane If any of our subscribers fail to* re- ] ceive the New Era, they will confer a favor on this office by notifying us at once. The paper is mailed to you each week and if you do not get it. or it is several days or a week late, we wish to know of it and will see if the trouble ' cannot be remedied. There is no excuse « for delay and as your paper is put in the I office each week you should receive it. < ( S. H. Mclntosh, who has been at the Village Bell mine the past four months, came up from there Wednesday for a few days visit in Walden and to have a tooth looked after by Dr Fischer. Mr. Mclntosh says he expects to prospect in ( the Teller country again this summer as , soon as the snow gets off so it will be ( possible to get in there. He will pro bably be accompanied by Ed Fliniau and J.II. Perry. A lettar from G. T. Kermode at Love laud,states he has purchased the plumb ing interests of the Mark Bartholf Plumbing Co., of that city, and is now conducting the business himself. Mr. Kermode has for some time occupied the position of manager for the firm, aud as the business is large and the field is growing one, he will continue the successful business which ho has helped build up,. Here’s to your continued prosperity, Mr. Kermode. A. H. Law*, attorney, returned Tues day from a trip to Fort Collins and other outside points, on legal business. The stage in from Laramie did not arrive in , Walden until twelve o’clock that night the roads being in such bad shai>e from the snow and rain . It stormed, mostly snow’ all day and the five passengers were compelled to w’alk a good part of the distance, the stage horses not being equal to the load. On the w’hole the ride in was one of the most disagreeable experienced for some time. Stallions for Sale. C. M. Fifield has just arrived with a carload of pure bred registered stallions from the barnes of North & Robinson, of Grand Island, Nebr. These stallions are for sale and are at the Windsor Stables in Laramie, and will be used for breed ing purposes until disposed of. Parties interested address, C. M. Fifield, Laramie, Wyo. Tha Windsor Stables. When in Laramie with your teams, remember we have the very best accom odations in the city. We have the best hay that money can buy. If you have any horses to sell or want o buy any let us know. If you need any second hand spring wagons or buggies we have some for sale. The Windsor Stables Co. Corner 3rd, and Custer St Organ Wanted. Tnoso having organs to sell please write the undersigned, stating name and price of the instrument. Wm. Winscom, Secretary Haworth District No. 48. Notice. All persons indebted to me will please settle accounts by June Ist —O7 Eslie Wynn. Notice for Publication. Department of the Intesior, ) Land Office at Denver, Colo. > April 12th 1007. ) Notice is hereby given that David K. Smith of Rand, Larimer Co., Colo, has filed notice of his intention to make final Five Year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No 20879 made 14th day of May 1902, for the NE 1-4 NW 1 4 Sec. 82, Tp. 6N, Range 78 W 6th P. M , and that said proof w’ill be made before Wm. O. Mosman an U. S. Commissioner, at his office at Walden Colo, on Wednesday June 12th, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land, viz: Commodore P. Liewellen, William Dar cy, Johu Jurgison and Johu L Ish, all of Raud, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Apl. 18. Last Pub. May 28.) Notice of Adjustment Day Estate of Mrs. Charles E. Black, deceas ed. The undersigned,having beenappointj ed Administrator of the estate of Mrs Charles E. Black, late of the County of Larimer in the State of Colorado, de* ceased, hereby gives notice that he will i appear before the County Court of said Larimer County, at the Court House in Fort Collins, in said County, on Monday the 17th day of June, A D. 1907, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and re quested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the under signed. Dated at Fort Collins, Colorado, this oth day of May, A. D. 1907. Charles E. Black. Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Charles E. Black, deceased. Alfred H. Law, Attorney. (Ist Pub. May 16th. Last Pub. June 6th.) Notice of Application to Lease State Lands. Office of State Board ) of Land Commissioners. > Denver, Colo , May 4 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that Alex K. Marr whose postoffice address is Denver, Colo, on April 23rd. 1907. made applies tiou No 3631 to tho State Board of Land Commissioners to lease the following described lud. School Lands, situate in lari mer County, Colorado, to wit: S. W. iof S. W. i of Sec. 6 : N. iS. W. i W. 4 of S. E. i and N. E. i of S E. I of Sec. 7,Twp. 8 N. R. 77 W. No other application to lease the above described premises or objections against the above applications will be consider ed after June 6th 1907. John L. Vivlau Register State Board Land Commission ers. (Ist. Pub. May 9th. Last Pub. May 30th) Notice of Application to Lease State Lands. Office of the State Board ) of Land Commissioners. [ Denver, Colo., Apr. 25, 1907 ) Notice is hereby given that Casper Fox. whose postoffice address is Cowd rey, Colo. on March sth 1907, made ap plication No 8409 to the State. Board of Land Commissioners to lease the follow ing described Sohool Lands, situate in Larimer County, Colorado, to-wit: jTh^RANG^lia^peak^oMtsel^| The “Sto.y Satisfactory" R«vnge I ffigy « / I JS§|4| \ “Fifteen gallons of \ uJU ‘ Li ,iys the Monarch man, ‘ ‘heat S-J UglrA.' 5® uiickly in the Monarch en- J JjT " i H /IS cased reservoir. Thetankisof 9 j=g||J ( iS® L -V \ copper, coated inside with pure 9 n ' block tin. Thecasingsurround- 9 [7=% ? M ing is open at the bottom. No J t:\veatnordripinodampercom plications. It cannot affect the oven if filled with cold water. ” TO INTENDING PURCHASERS ONLY Postal Card us for our new booklet, “Hints for Range Buyers or how HjJjD to cut kitchen work in two." It’s worth reading. If you State about how you expect to purchase a ranpe.wc will send you Free a Toy Monarch fSSXj Range, 6 inches high, f>>a inches wide, 2*4 inches front to back. Address IHSBT MALLEABLE IRON RANGE COMPANY, <r (Formerly of St. Louis. Mo.' BKAYIiK DAM. WIS. F. ANDERSON MERC. CO., • Hardware, Implementsf Paints, Mills, Pumps, Vehicles d* Fort Collins, Colo. "" 1 Laramie and Walden STAGE LINE Leaves and arrives every day except Sundays Good accommodations and cheap rates. A direct connection with Denver the same night. We also operate a livery and feed barn in Lar amie: teams to hay, 75 cents per day. Trabing Commercial Co., Propr. GEO. W. TRABING, Mngr. \———————aa l* LIVERY and FEED STABLE H. Loucks, Proprietor. ** ** Fine teams, Good Rigs, and Saddle Horses. Excellent Accomodations for Transient Stock. Headquarters for Granby Stage Line. WALDEN. COLORADO. Eastman Kodak Supplies. Rlshluf Tackle. A. H. CORDINER DRUG STORE 3ll, 2nd St., Laramie :::::: Wyoming. .DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES. Mall Orders Promptly Attended to. W* of NW* and 8} of Section Ifi.Twp. 11N, R 79 W. W No other application to lease the above described premises or objections against the above application will be considered after May 30, 1907. John L. Vivian. Register State Board Land Commission • era. (Ist Pub. May 2nd. Last Pub. May 28rd) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Denver, Colo, V April 12th 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Charles Sayles of Walden Colo., has filed notice of his intention to make final H. E. Five Year proof in support of his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No 19707 made July 37 1900, for the BWI-4 SWI-4 Sec 4 BE 1-4 SEI-4, Sec 5 Ni NEI-4 Sec 8, Tp 7 N, Range 77 W oth, P. M. and that said proof will be made before Wm. O. Mos i man an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Walden Colo, on Wednesday June 12th, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prova his continuous residence upon, ■ and cultivation of, the land, viz: Roy Wood, Wm. N. Dryer and Lon Loomis of Walden Larimer Co. Colo. r and John Connors of Owl Larimer Co. Colo. k C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. April 18. Last Pub. May 23.