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THE NEW ERA Published by THE NEW ERA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. MARK CRAWFORD, Editor and Manager. A Republican newspai»or devoted to the n!r< of "Walden and the North Park. Srr.sCIiIPTION UATKK: One Year §2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months .50 Advertising rates given on application. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second-class matter March !), 1000. at the post office at Walden, Col orado. under Act of Congress of March 11. 1879. What Constitutes Success? ‘J !c ha* achieved success who has liv ed well laughed often, and loved much; why lias gained the respect of intelligent na n and the love of little children; who has filled his niche and accondished his • ask «hoha 11 ft the world bettor than he found it, whether by an improved poppy,a perfect poem, ora rescued soul: who has never lacked appreciation of earth s beaut y or failed to express it :who Ims always looked for the best in others and given tiro best bo had : whoso life was an inspiration - whose memory a bonedi tion.”—Mrs. A. J Stanley. LOCAL PICK-UPS A. L. Fox was in the city Monday. .be i ’oyfce was in from Spicer Tuesday. J. I). Hunter was up from Cowdrey Tuesday. Frank Darcy was in town Tuesday to consult Dr. Fischer. Mrs. Tom Hunter was in the city yes t. rday from (‘owdrey. Wm. iver. ami son Bruce Weio ill Wednesday from tbo Canadian. Mrs. T. It. Cochrane iagain able to he up after several weeks illness. W. If. Motiohan was in town shaking Linds with Waldenites Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Sudduth and little daughter*. in tho city yesterday. Coolest, lightest most comfortable vf# i 4>. » A ■ v,r" L -j. '*■•<**,i -v I*' bends with V" r the foot' v I . I rdcr on the feet in • r.ic-r tban the drawing and burn- CM id; o!• .. The sole of the Red Cross Shoe though of regulation thickness is jlexii-ie ; it: giv the foot the pro tection and ipport it must have and bends wit 1. it. i . K c«\ Ci-om is from one to tlircc o', n ; iiglitcr limn the ordi nary still’ ■' duv;; it entirely pre vents tl. • burning and drawing that stifY soles cause. m with thu/ctt'* The tenderest feet are comforta ble in the Red Cross. Let us jit you Oxfords. $8.50 • High Shoes, $-1.00. Aiso' the well known and Time tested Walk-Over Shoes for sale E. J. NORRIS’: Mr. ami Mrs C. P. Sayles, Carl and Minnie, and Mable Hayes were in Satur day. Miss Ruth Kiddle has become an in • portant factor in the publication of the New Era. Because of the stormy weather Sun day, Church services were not held at Cowdrey. Jack Smith is once more on the street after a hard strugglo with inflammatory rheumatism. Chas. Emeigh came in from his Owl ranch Thursday evening last, returning Friday morning. Rev. Trowbridge will hold preaching services at, tho Higho school house on Sunday, June 23, at 2:30 o’clock. A 11. Law s[>ent several days at the ranch of M. R. Matthews last week sur - veying a ditch and running laterals. The Grippe seems to have given the Park a pretty hard run. Every other person is sick with it or just recovering. A1 Randall, who has been employed in H. Loucks’ Livery Stable the past two months has left for tho Coyte Ranch to work. Mr. McCormick, of Elgin 111., came in today and will spend the summer at tho ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. 1) F. Sudduth. Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. Mellon wore in from Hebron Sunday. Mrs. Mellon re membered the “Era Force” with some fresh ran oh eggs. Mrs. Wm. McConnaughey was in town Wednesday to meet her niece, Mrs. Sin gleton, who with her family just arrived from Kansas for a visit. Harry Green, foreman for the G. \N . Linger Cattle Co., is having a telephone line built from the homo ranch to con nect with the Walden exchange. Prof. C. W. Preston and his sister, Miss Florence Preston, came in Friday evening and s|»ent Saturday and Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Trowbridge. The prices of Chase and Sanborn coffees range from 20 to 40 cents per pound, For sale by, The Walden Mercantile Co A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Herbert Hill Monday morning. Dr. Snair is in attendance and reports mother and baby doing well. T. R. Cochrane. We are the sole agents for Chase and Sanborn’s high g.iade teas and cotfeos. Walden Mercantile Co, Agnes, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Law, suffered a green stick fracture of her leU arm Fri day afternoon. Dr. Fischer is taking care of the fracture. Rev. ami Mrs. Trowbridge and daugh- j ter Beatrice left today for Ilebron, ; where they will visit the homes of Mr. j and Mrs. Van Patton and Mr. and Mrs. J James McFarlane Sr. Dr. Snair released Mr. and Mrs Fred Wyatt and Irvin Brands from quaran tine Tuesday. lie reports tho other! members of the family doing nicely un der the care of Dr. Fischer. • . i For lines, pole straps, breast straps, j quarter straps, belly hands, spreader | straps, harness straps, lazy straps, halt ers bridles, snaps, cockeyes all sizes and j kinds, shoe half soling, rubber heels,etc call on. Owing to tho quarantine of Scarlet i fever in that section, services have been j ommitted during the past two months, much to the regret of the pastor but he j hopes to make up for lost time in the future. For Sale — Two horse Spaulding rig, double seated with top, used very little. ! Also two span well broke horses and i two sets work harness. Apply to J. M. I Cochrane. j The L. A. P. S. met with Mrs. Trow ! j bridge Tuesday instead of Wednesday j .is Rev. and Mrs. Trowbridge left that | afternoon for Spicer for a few days vis- ; it with the people of that place. Wants to Lease Ranch.— 1 will lease | my ranch to the right party on very reas onable terms. Will sell horses or party i can furnish his own stock. Bunch of first class milch cows for sale. A. L. Fox 5-6-tf. Walden Colo C. S. Hatch, of Pearl, came in Satur- | day on his way to Laramie after a load of supplies for Hans Clausen and him self. “Dad” ns he is familiarly known is one of the worlds whole souled, and is always a welcome visitor. Miss Elioso and Margie Mosmnn left on this mornings stage for Ft. Collins where they will visit their grandparents Mr.and Mrs.Pickens for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Pickens expect to visit the Park later in the summer and tho girls will return with them. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Donelson came in from Rand Wennesday to meet the new traction engine which Mr. Donelson ex pects to use for plowing. The engine is stalled near the Brownlee ranch because of the breaking of some part of the ma ohinory. I Among those in for tho .Stock Growers' mooting Saturday afternoon .were, H. C. Chodsey, Vio Hanson, Wm. and Andrew Norell, Andrew and Eli Peterson, Wm. McConnaughey, Geo.and C. E. Davis,J. T. Shippey, C. C- Fliniau, Thoa. Vils, Ous Anderson, Jas. Marr, C. P. Sayles, Jas Taylor and Forest Ranger Hurd. Wm. Xorrell, who was in for the Stock Growers’ meeting Saturday, purchased a cream separator from the creamery and took a cream can out to tho ranch. He expects to bring in his first cream for the creamery Saturday. Mr. Norrell spoke very enthusiastically over the out look for the creamery and the good work it was doing. Joe Graham left the first of the week for Middle Park, where he is in charge of tho cattle interests of North Park. Ho says they now have some 3,000 head of Park cattle grazing in that section. Joe is conceded the best all* around cat tleman in the country and tho stock growers place implicit confidence in his ability to take care of the stock. Card of Thanks. To the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in the illness and death of our beloved son and brother, we wish to extend our most heartfelt thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie and Family. Harness! Harness! I have bought tho harness and shoe repairing outfit of Ned Norris and am back at the old stand whore J am pre pared to do all kinds of repairing on short notice. If you want anything made come to see me. Prices reason able and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 also have on hand a line of new har ness and all the fixtures that go with harness. Come in and look them over and get prices. If you want anything in leather come in to see me. Phono Walden 22 J. 11. Fox. Do You Need a Stalltion? C. M. Fifield, the ropresetative of North & Robinson, of Grand Island, Neb aska, advises us that he has already dis posed of four of his Registered Stallions, that he has had for salo at tho Windsor Stables at Laramie, and that he has some good ones left and expects another car load in a very few days. Parties in tore res ted, please address C. M. Fifield, I.a ramie, Wyo. The Windsor Stables. When in Laraiuie with your teams, remember we have the very best accom odations in tho city. We have the best hay that money can buy. If you have any horses to .*ll or want o buy any let us know. If you need any second hand spring wagons or buggies wo have some for ' | sale. The Windsor Stables Co. Corner 3rd. and Custer St. Notice. j Sealed bids will be received by the ' I clerk of tho Town of Walden for fur nishing coal for town use tho ensuing I year. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids. . j M. E. Fliniau, j 5 0 27. Clerk. ! Absolute | I Satisfaction! | | A privilege which + | you get when you | | trade with us <£ *£ t ? . t 1 We Handle— I t t "f* Fresh and Cured Meats, Flour and •§• *f* Feed - Groceries - Hardware *§• "t* Garden Seeds - Onion Sets j* *f* f f | We are Agents for- T Tohn ’Deere Plows and Scrapers T ,g. Wagons and Buggies - Seeders I Hay Tools - Sharpies Cream j, «f» Separators. 4> f— - ♦ t f 2 Good Goods at Honest Prices! | THE WALDEN MERC. CO. | Rufsrss’s Notice. State of Colorado, ) -88 County of Larimer, ) In the Distriet Court. No. 1783. In the Matter of the Adjudication of the priorities of right to use of water in Water District No. 47, Division No. 1, of the State of Colorado. To all persons,associations and corpor ations, interested as owners or consum ers of water in said district: You will take notice that the under signed, aa referee of tho District Court in the above entitled matter, will hold a further session for the purpose of taking additional testimony concerning the priorities of right of several claimants, who have heretofore appeared in this proceeding; and for the purpose of re ceiving new and additional statements of claimants of claim for priorities of right to use of water in said district, and hearing testimony concerning tke same, at the Town of Walden, Colorado, on Monday, the First day.of July, 1907, and thereafter until all the said testimony thou oflered shall he heard. At the close of the taking of such tes timony, an adjournment will be taken to Fort Collins, Colorado, on the 15th day of July, 1907, at which time testi mony will again be heard in this pro ceeding in the office of the undersigned. No. 211 Colorado Building, and said hearing will continue until all testimony offered shall have been taken. Paul W. Lee, Referee. (Ist Pub. June oth: l*u»t Pub. June 27th) Referee's Notice. State of Colorado, ) Vss County of Larimer, ) In tho District Court. No. 1784. In the Matter of the Adjudication of the priorities of right to the use of water in Water District No. 40, Division No. 1. of the State of Colorado. To all i>ersons, associations and cor porations, interested as owners or con sumers of water in said district: You will take notice that the under-1 signed, as referee of the District Court in the above entitled matter, will hold a 1 further session for the purpose of taking additional testimony concerning the priorities of right of the several claim ants, who have heretofore appeared in this proceeding; and for the purpose of receiving uew and additional statements of claim for priorities of right to use of 1 water in said district, and hearing testi mony concerning the same, at the Town ’ of Walden, Colorado, on Monday, the First day of July, 1907, and thereafter • until all the said testimhny then offered shall be heard. At the close of the taking of such tes timony, an adjournment will he taken to Fort Collins, Colorado, on the 15th day of July, 1907, at which time testi mony will again be heard in this pro ceeding in the office of the undersigned, 5 No. 211 Colorado Building,and said hear ing will continue until all testimony ' offered shall have been taken. » Paul W. Leo, Referee. / I | The RANGE that Speaks for Itself | Tho *'St©.y Satisfactory"© _V I J \ “Fifteen gallons of waterA Ul iavs the Monarch man, 1 ‘heat Igjg nv j V*|s •uukly in the Monarch en- J gjjp J|T || | f \\» i.ied reservoir. The tank is of I gg y k | U\\ o;;pcr, coated inside with pure 9 -jajW a | ! oloc.k tin. Thecasingsurround- M IPtI l M i fP**—r-Mf* mg is open at the bottom. No j i sweat nor drip; no dampercom- ' ' ■ V plications., It cannot affect the oven if filled with cold water. ” TO INTENDING PURCHASERS ONLY t Postal Card us for our new booklet, “Hints for Range Buyers or how to cut kitchen work in two.” It’s worth reading. If you state about how soon you expect to pure base a range, we will send you Free a Toy Monarch IRange, 0 inches high, inches wide, 2)4 inches iront to back. Acurt.t-. WIALLEAOLE IRON RANGE COMPANY, <- (Formerly at St. Louis, 510.' IIIiAVEK l*.l A3, iW P. ANDERSON MERC CO., Hardware, Implementsf P aints, Mills, Pumps, Vehicles & <£ Fort Collins, Colo, M— ————■——t " « Laramie and Walden STAGE LINE Leaves and arrives every day except Sundays Good accommodations and cheap rates. A direct connection with Denver the same night. Wc also operate a livery and feed barn in Lar amie: teams to hay, 75 cents per day. Trabing Commercial Co., Propr. GEO. XV. TRABING, Mngr. LIVERY and FEED STABLE H. Loucks, Proprietor. jtjt j*jt Fine teams, Good Rigs, and Saddle Horses. Excellent Accomodations for Transient Stock. Headquarters for Granby Stage Line. WALDEN. COLORADO. Cordiner’s Drug Store 3U-2nd Street,,= —■ -Laramie, Wyoming. Is the Place for Fishing Hackle— We Carry Everything in this Line. Rods from 35 cents to $15.00. ' Kodaks—lf ii is not an Eastman, it is not a Kodak We are Agents for the Above Line. tf' MAIL US YOUR ORDERS AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1 THE World’s Fair Route OFFERS THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE TO ST. LOUIS. Tk»e Frisco System traverse* THE FOLLOWING STATES: Illinois Indiana Mississippi Kansas Arkansas Tennessee Alabama Missouri Oklahoma Indian Ter. Texas. THE SOUTHEASTERN I.IMITED, I.cnvlnu Knti*ns City at G.. 10 *>. m. «lally, will you I o . w j>rinijll««l<l, Memphis,, 1»i riu 1 11 kliuiu, Atlanta, . liclisoiivllld ami all point* l u the noiitlionHt. Kxr.-lh nf n || point* North, I'.nM, .Smith, Smith.-ant ami South- WfKt, For <1 etui led Information, Apply to G. W. MARTIN, GENERAL AOCNT, Denver, Col. E. DRAKE, Dipt. Pass'r Aqent, Salt Lake City, Utah. T A. JOHN, general Aqent, SuTTt. Montana. 1 Neede-l In Every Home • * /© \ Altdays f WEBSTER’S \ ■ ' ■ Up to Date j I WEBSTER’S International . Dictionary , A Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography .Geography .Fiction .etc- The New and Enlarged Addition Contains 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 title®, butted on the lutost centals returns. New Biographical Dictionary contulninjr names <»r over 10,(MM)noteworthy persons, with nationality, occupation, ilute of reigns, date of birth, death, ote. Edited by W. T. HARRIS, Ph.D„ LL.D. United States Commissioner of Education, New Plates •' 2380 Quarto Pages Rich Bindings 5000 Illustrations j Wo also publish j Web.ter*. Collegia'. Dictionary J * Iret-elatw In quality, second-chum In sire.” LET US SEND YOU FREE “ATeat in Pronunciation” which nffoA n « pleasant and instructive evening's oJwft- , talnmeut. Illustrated pamphlet also free. I G.6C.MERRIAM COMPANY, Publishers, Springfield, Mass. ** |