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Push Produces Prosperity VOLUME 2. WILL TEAR UP THE EARTH Engine for Gang Plow Steams Into the Park. Means the Cultivation of Ma ny Acres of Sagebrush Land. With whistle blowing and decorated with flags, the 35 horse power Reeves traction engine,the first one ever in the Park by the way, purchased by Win. Douelson to use in reducing the land in liis section from a state of ariduess to one of civilized cultivation, puffed into Walden Friday afternoon, and was met on the outskirts of town by every man, Oats raised last summer at Rand, by W. F. Donelson. woman and child able to get away from business or household dutaes. To the more effete and cultivated sec tions of the state the interest taken in this machine may seem childish, but to the people of of North Park, who arc anxious to see the agricultural features of the count ly developed, it means the breaking upof and cultivating thousands of acres of as good land as the sun ever shone upon, as there will undoubtedly be several of the big traction engines purchased if the one brought iu for Mr. Donelson proves a success. And it will too, for what can bo done in other sec tions with gang plows can be duplicated here. To Mr. Douelson is duethecro A I Free! - Free!] We babe a limited number of Horse j| ‘Blankets and will gibe one free with J each $25.00 purchase < WHILE THEY LAST. J Commencing cMay 13th 1907. 'Better 3 hurry order before they are all gone. Gem City Grocery Co •Laramie. j *= ■ "• + Eslie Wynn, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Confectionery, Stationery, Novelties. Walden, Colorado. A— ■ * THE NEW ERA In God We Trust; All Others Cash, or Good Security. difc for much progressive work in the Park in an agricultural way. He has ever faith in the possibilities, and backs up his faith by action. Last season he raised, with very little care, line barley, oats and field peas. His garden was re plete with vegetables of all kinds and had a large quantity of both table and sugar beets and field carrots. The engine is supposed to haul a gang of twenty plows. In actual work the machine moves at the rate of 3} miles an hour, but on the way in from Laramie six miles an hour was the average speed, although the almost impassible roads and bridges that required bolstering up took up more time than was consumed in continuous travel. At one place on the road over, Jerome Decker had to pull out around the engine with his loaded freight wagons, and got into a mudhole the wagons sinking in to the axles. In stead of unloading, Decker unhitched his horses and the engine was hooked up, pulling the wagons out as though they were so many playthings. Down on the Laramie plains the ranch men have four or live of these engines and are plowing up a large acreage of arid land each year and getting it under cultivation, and there is no reason why gang plows cannot he used successfully in here. With proper care in selecting hardy seed, adapted to high altitudes, grain. oats, wheat, barley and rye, all kinds of vegetables, small fruits, such as currants, gooseberries, strawberries, etc., may be raised in abundance. One of the necessities here, potatoes, instead of being grown in tho Park as they should, have to be imported. From the success of those who raise potatoes for their own use, here, there is no ex cuse for not raising sufficient tubers to at least supply the home market, and yet it is a safe estimate that a large ma jority of North Park ranch meu do not raise potatoes for home use. Subscribe for the New’ Era. WALDEN, COLORADO, THURSDAY, JUNE J 3. 1907 LUMBERMEN Ara Anxious to Conserve Sup ply of Lumber—Endor se Reserves Washington, D. C., June 4—That the condition of the timber supply of the United States has become a source of anxiety to representative lumbermen of the country was emphasized in practical talks on the subject at the annual ses sion of the National Lumbermens' Asso- i elation held last week at the Jamestown Exposition. A striking feature of the proceedings was that at this meeting of manufactur ers of lumber, representing a body of i men whose annual production repre | sents 14 of the 34 billion board feet of saw-timber yearly cut in the United 1 States, close attention was given to the i question of the future supply of timber. Ono of the strongest pajiers read review ed tho whole situation carefully and showed the importance of preserving forest resources by conservative lumber ing or applying the principles of forestry. Tho following resolutions were endorsing heartily the policy of the Fed oral government in creating national ! forests throughout the country, and pledging the support of the association to the movement generally: Resolved: That the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association in conven tion assembled, hereby voices its hearty approval of the policy of our Federal government in estabeisliing large forest reservations in various sections of our land, and would urge the congress to give liberal consideration to such policy. Whereas, in view of our rapidly de creasing forest resources it is of the greatest importadee that an accurate de termination be made of the kind and quantity of standing timber in the Un ited States iu order to secure a sound basis for plans for forest management and utilization. Resolved: That we respectfully re quest the Forest Service and tho Bureau of Census to undertake this work at earliest convenience, and that we here by pledge our heartiest oo operation to all efforts of the Government to secure information ernoerning any of the inter ests of the lumber industry. It must be accepted as a sentiment sig nificant of tho general attitude of the industry’ directly’ affected by the policy of Government in reseving timber where the resolutions endorsing tho policy arc un animously adopted by an o&sociation of lumbermen which annually’ cuts more thon 40 percent of tho lumber produced in the United States. MICHIGAN LINE. Subscribers are Delivering Poles; Line to be Finished About the 1 sth. Geo Conners, who is president of the Upper Michigan Telephone Co, was in from the upper country Friday’, accom panied by his wife and baby, and was a caller at the New Era office. Mr. Con ners syasthe holes for tho new telephone line, which will tnke in all the upper Michigan ranches, are dug and poles are being delivered along the route by’ sub sceibers. If the work continues to move along in a satisfactory’ mannar the line will be completed py the 15th of the present month. Mr. Conners states that wire, insulat ors and all necessary appliances have been purchased and when the poles are set tho wire will bestrung in a hurry. This will he a grounded circuit for the present,and already has fifteen sub scribers. Later on it is expected the ranchmen on the upper Canadian will come on this line. 1000 POUNDS OF BUTTER Last Two Churnings Aggregate that Amount. i Walden Creamery Gaining and Butter is of the Finest Quality. From 800 pounds of butter the first week, the North Park creamery, now iu its fourth week churned 1000 pounds of butter the last two churnings, with a gain of many gallons of cream each week, j J. W. McPheetera, who is bow in j charge of the creamery here, lias had fif ' toen years experience in creamery work j and has the highest of recommendations. ! Mr. Sterzbach, who is now getting the I I ramie creamery in shape, will continue ]to have supervision over the Walden | ereamery, speaks very’ highly of Mr.Mc j Pheeter’s work in other sections and as Mr. Sterzbach gained the confidence and i esteem of everyone in the Park who had 1 the pleasure of meeting him, his recoin | inundation of Mr. McPheetera will go ; with all. j Iu speaking of the Park as a dairy i country’, on the eve of his departure for J Laramie Mr.Sterzbach said: “I am sorry’ ;to leave the creamery here. I like the people and the country, and but tor my j wife's health, to which is added the fur ! ther inducement of an increase iu this ; worlds goods, 1 should be very’ much ; i tempted to remain. “The plant at Larauiie will be larger than the oHa bsit I wish to say 1 do not ekpoot to niako as good butter there as here. You have the finest dairy conn try in the world, and the finest cream. There is a quality about it which you will find in no other section. “I wish to again urge the ranchmen to get acquainted with the methods of the creamery'. Gome in aud see the cream tested. Get acquainted with all the details. Nothing will obviate any friction that may arise so much as a thor ough understanding of the methods used “If you think your cream does not test as high as it should do not blame the man ager but look over the stock. Have the milk from each cow tested and cull out all the poor stock. The care with which you milk your cows, their feed, the sep arating of the milk, all have their effect upon the per cent of butter fat.” Mr. McPheetera, in speaking with a representative, also remarked on the dairy possibilities of the Park and said “I have made butter for a good many’ years, but outside of tbs prize butter turned out at different times by the east ern creameries North Park butter can not be equalled." That the people of the Park realize the possibilities of dairying is shown by tho increasing amount of cream being brot in weekly, and the importation of thor- , bred dairy stock from the great dairy farms of the east. A. A. Hunter is ono of the latest to invest, having brought in six thouroughbred Holstein cows and a Holstein bull. Their original cost, and their safe transportation to this point is not a small item but the profits accruing trom the milk and the calves that will be raised each year will make the investment profitable almost from the start. Rates to Convention. The Colorado Railroad lines have j made a rate of one fare for the round . trip to the Public Lands Convention. ! Tickets will be on sale June 17th with j a final return limit of June 22. From the Missouri river west a rate of one fare plus $2 has been establashed with a limit of October 31. This is the regular tourist rnte but will be avail able to delegates. Rates from Wyom ing, Montana and Utah have not yet j been announced . As the time for the convention approaches the indications j are that the attendance will hi large. ; Interest in this affair is growing j steadily. Importing Dairy Cows. The North Park country is tho oluy district iu Colorado into which dairy cows are brought from the east the present season and the demand for these goods amounts almost to a furore. A new creamery has been established in the Park and is proving such a success that many old-time cattlemen aro buy dairy stock and aro actually’ taking up the gentle art of milking so that it be gins to look as if the reformation of the horseback farmer may mean something after all. If other districts all over the i state would emulate the example of the North Parkers they would be adding • materially to the wealth of the country whether Baron Pinshot succeds in fenc ing the earth or not. —Field and Farm. Road in Bad Shape. J. M. Christianson aud E. E. Fisher, of the Gem City Grocery Co. of Laramie, came in Tuesday from that city, and after looking after interests in Walden, left for Encampment. They state the road over the hill at Mountain Home is in bad shape and in need of repairing. As this road iB the main thoroughfare between North Park and Laramie, the County Comis sioners of Albany County’ should take the matter in hand and put the road in good repair. The North Park contributes many thousands of dollars each year to the business men of Laramie and Albany county, and the patronage of the Park is worthy of more consideration than the people of that place are iu tho habit of giving us. It would be no more than just that they should keep the road in their county in as good condition as pos sible. The business men and commiss ioners should look after the matter at once. SPICER SPIELS. i Frank W. Murphy. Weariness. This weariness. I cannot understand, For work has always been a treat; j But since this oppressive summer heat I’m the tiredest person in the land. ! The Editor of the New Era states that ; a subscriber, the first in seven months has paid up and attributes the phoneme ua to the Spicer Spiels. We rejoice with 4]fin and feel t jtnpHmeuted but if this be the cause, he must not feel too much on couraged, for sometimes people pay up just before stopping their papers. Miss Ester Trownsell,who has been at tending the Denver Conservatory of Music, returned home Monday accom panied by her brother Will, who met her at Kremmling. Mr. Charles Munroe arrived at Spicer on Wednesdays stage where he will visit with his brother, A. J. Munroe Mrs. Ralph Coyte and sou James, who j have been spending the winter iu Den 1 vor, are again established at their old home. Mr. Jack Howard went to Rand Thurs day to visit his sister who has recently arrived from Chicago. j CENTRAL LIVERY AND L FEED S T ABE J J- C. TIMBREL, Proprietor. C ■4 Good Horses, first class Rigs and reliable driv -4 ers. o* Horses Boarded. Best of care £■ •C taken of Transient Stock. j* A o* .A «.* p -5 BALED HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE C J Walden, Colorado. T er Hotel, \ lie, Wyoming. 1 M C A N P L AN ARK TRADE SOLICITED < Proprietor. Cattle Coal and Copper NUMBER 15 Our personal column is limited this time. But do not think that nothing ever happens up here. We have a habit among the Spicer people of always avoid ing personalities hence our peaceable neighborhood. We had a rare pleasure while in Wal den last week in watching the arrival of tho engiue belonging to Mr. Win. Douol son. The towns folk turned out and greeted it right lustily with cheers as it approached,-a great hulk pulsating with energy and latent power. It was not curiosity entirely that brought them for quite a number of them had seen engines before. It was probably enthusiasm. This marks a new era in tho history of tho Park and is a symptom of tho spirit of progress which is leavening the ranch men. We congratulate Mr. Donelson upon his enterprise and trust it will prove h financial success. Of oourse knockers there always will bo and any innovation is always scouted at and it's originator decried. However he has the consolation of knowing that every great man has been eallod crazy. Do not feel too good about this gentle roador for it does not follow that all crazy men aro great. We visited the new creamery while iu town aud were much gratified to find so modern and complete a plant. It is thoroughly equipped in every way with olmrns, separators etc.and offers a splendid opportunity for those who aro ihdustrious enough to take ad vantage. Of course this is not the only separator we over saw in Walden. They have al : ways had devices there to separate a man from his money. If you do not be loive listen to the conversation we had recently over tho telephone with iho Walden jeweler on tho other end: “Hello there, aro you coming down to the dance?" “I don't know. We are pretty busy." Better come down, we’ll show you a good time.” “Perhaps we will.” “Yes sure, you have been out there foa a mouth now hoarding up money and it's about tfmo for you to come lmvn ami.lot 11s fellows get hold of H piece of it.” Wo went down aud of course had a good time. But There is no doubt that wo came out Through the same old skim milk spout. The Misses Ella and Lucy Riach came in from Salt Lake where they have been attending school tho past winter, this week, to spend the summer in the Park. Be not too contented. A little dis contentment is the beginning of prog ress. Blood Poisin From Fish I J, B. Beals, proprietor of the Linden Hotel, while out fishing Wednesday cut j his finger on the fins of a bass aud is now seriously ill with blood poisin. At the last report ho was getting along nic ely and it is expected lie will soon be well again.—Democrat-