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Notice for Publication. Desert Lund Proof. United States Land Office, ) Denver, Colo., July 9,1 i>o7. ) Notice is hereby given that Charles A. Chodsey, of Hebron P. 0., Larimer Co. Colo., has hied notice of his intention t*> make proof on his desert land claim No. 525, for the SEI-4 SKI 1 Sec. 14, SWI-4 SVVI 4 Sec. 13, N1 2 NVVI I, SWI-4 NWI-4, Nl-2 SWI 1 Sec. 24, NEI 1 SEI-I Sec. 23, Tp. 7 N., R. 82 W. 6th P. M., be fore Win. O. Mosinan, an U. S. Com missioner at his oflice in Walden, Colo., on Wednesday, the 11th day of Septem ber 1907. Ho names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: John Royalty, Ernest A. Osier, of Butler, Larimer Co. Colo., William MeLueas, William Heine man, of Hebron, Larimer Co., Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (First Pub. July 18, last Pub. Aug. 22.) Notice of Application to Lease State Lands. Oflice of State Board of Land Com mis- ) sinners, Denver, Colo., July 11, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Win. Jones whose postoflico address is Walden,Colo, on June 24, 1907, made application No., 3,926 to the State Board of Land Com missioners to lease the following des cribed School Lands, situate in Larimer county, Colorado, to-wit: ’6EI-4 SWI 1 and SI 2 SEI-4 of Sec. 36 Tp. 9 N. R. No. 79 W. No other application to lease the above described premises or objections against the above application will he considered after August 14, 1907. John F. Vivian, Register. (First Pub. July 18; last Pub. Aug. 8.) Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. United States Land Oflice, ) Denver, Colo., June 22, 1907. ) 1, Olive Cochrano, of Walden, former ly of Spicer, Larimer Co., Colo., who made desert land application No. 408, on the 13th day of April. 1902, for the EA NEI Sec. 28, SEj and NA SW* Sec. 21, Tp. 0 N. R. 80 W. 6th P. M., hereby give notice of my intentention to make final proof to establish my claim to the land above described before Win. O.Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his oflice at Walden, Colo, on Wednesday, the 14th day of August, 1907, and that I expect to prove that said land has been premier y irrigated and reclaimed in the man ner required by law, by two of the fol lowing witnesses: Fred Ninegar, Dennis Brannon, Rob ert Wade, all of Spicer,Colo.,and Thom as Cochrane, of Walden, Colo. Olive Cochrane, Claimant. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. June 27; last Pub. Aug. 1.) Notice of rfstoration of Public Lands to Settlement and Entry. De partment of the Interior, (leneral Land oOflice, Washington, D, C., June 11,1907. Notice is hereby given that the public lands in the following described areas, temporarily withdrawn on January 9 1904, for forestry pur|»osesand adjoining the Park Range National Forest, Colora do.and not otherwise withdrawn,roserv ed or appropriated, will by authority of the Secretary of the Interior he restored to the public domain on September 24, 1907, ami become subject to settle ment on and after that date, but not to entry, tiling or selection until on and af ter October 24, 1907, under the usual re striotions at the United States Land Of fice at Denver, Colorado: In Township seven (7), Range eighty-two (82), the southwest quarter of Section two (2), the west half of Section eleven (11). the northwest quarter of Section tifteen (15). the north half of Section twenty-seven (27); in Township eight (8), Range eighty two (82), the west half of Sec tions eleven(ll).fourteeu(l4) and twen ty-three (23). All North and west, Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado. Warning is hereby expressly given that no person will ho permitted to gain or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prior to September 24, 1907 and allsuch settlement or occupation is hereby forbidden. Fukd Dennktt. As sistant Commissioner. Approved: James Rudolph Garfield, Secretary of the Interior. (First Pub. July 11; Last Pub Sept. 12) Ordinance No. 3 5. Reliitins: to Licenses. Bo it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Walden: Sec. 1. That it shall las unlawful for any person or persons, either directly or indirectly, to sell,barter or giveaway in toxicaling mall, vinous, mixed, ferment ed or spiritous liquors within the corpor ate limits of the Town of Walden or within one mile of the outer boundaries thereof, without first having procured a license fur the purpose as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. A license to soil or give away any of the liquors mentioned in Section One of this ordinance may he granted by the Board of Trustees, in its discre tion, to any person or persons who shall moke application in writing therefor to saiil Board of Trustees, stating therein the place where said liquors are to he sold or given away., and shall execute a good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of $2,000.00 which said bond shall run to the People of the State of Colora do, shall be signed by the applicant and at least two good and suflioient property holders of the County of Larimer and State of Colorado, and shall he condi tioned that the applicant will keep an orderly house, that he will not. permit any unlawful gaming or riotous conduct in his said house, that he will not violate any of the provisions of the laws of the State of Colorado with reference to the selling or giving away of any of said liquors, nor of any of the ordinances of the Town of Walden relating thereto, then in force or which may be pass ed and adopted during the term of such license, and that he will jwiy all damages, lines and penalties and forfeit ures which may be adjudged against him for the violation of any such laws or ordinances as shall be passed and adopted by said Board of Trustees. Saiil bond shall hoar a justification by each of said sureties which shall be signed and under his or her oath stating that ho or she is worth in property, clear and free of all lions or incumbrances and subject to levy under execution, of the value of at least the sum of Two Thous and ($2,000.00) Dollars, and shall state of what character said property consists. Then, after, if in the judgement of said Board of Trustees, said applicant is a proper and lit |>orson to entrust with such a license and said bond is consider ed sufticient.they shall approve the same in meeting assembled and the applicant shall thereafter be entitled to a license. Sec. 3. All licenses issued or granted under the provisions of this ordinance shall he paid for at the rate of $1,000.00 per annum and shall be paid in advance. Said payment shall be made to the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, auil by him paid >it once to the Town Treasurer. All licenses shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk under the seal of the Town. Sec. 4. Each and every license shall hear even date of the meeting of the Board of Trustees at which it was grant ed. But in no case shall any such li cense extend beyond the fiscal year in which it is granted. Sec. 5. No such license shall he trans ferable by the person to whom the same is issued without the consent of the Board of Trustees, and then only upon the filing of a Dew bond conditioned as aforesaid, by the person to whom the license is to ho transferred. No license shall be construed as to authorize or per mit the person therein licensedjjfco sell or give away any of the liquors mentioned in said Section One, in any other place, room or apartment thau that mentioned in sai<l application or license. Sec. 6. It shall he unlawful for any person or persons who have been grant ed a license under the provisions of this ordinance, his or their bartender,, clerk or employee to sell or give away any of the liquors mentioned in Section One of this ordinance, to any minor, common or habitual drunkard, drunken or intox icated jierson, lewd woman or lewd women, or women of ill repute, or to sell or give away any of said liquors on Sunday, or during the hours when the poles are ojien on the day of general, special or munici))al election, or to open or ]>ermit to be ojiened the place where said liquors are sold by virtue of said license on any Sunday or during the hours when the polls are open on the day of any geueral, special or municipal election. Sec. 7. It shall he unlawful for any druggist his or their clerk or employee to sell any of the liquors mentioned in Sec tion One of this ordinance, in less quan tities than one quart, or to sell any of said liquors except for scientific or med icinal purposes and the ]>ersou so buying shall procure a physican’s prescription therefor which said druggist shall keep on file for the inspection of the public. Sec 8. It shall be unlawful for any proprietor, bar-tender,clerk or employee, or any other person in charge of auy sa loon or resort, where the liquors men tioned in Section One of this ordinance are sold or'given away, to obstruct a free and full view of said place or resort, by placing in the windows thereof any curtain, screen or other thing or device whatever at any time after midnight any night and before six o’clock the fol lowing morning and after twelve o’clock on Saturday night and before six o’clock Monday morning following, during the term of his or their license under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 9. It shall lie unlawful, except for the purpose of cleaning or scrubbing said saloon, for any proprietor, liar tend er, clerk or employee in charge of any saloon or resort where any of the liquors mentioned in Section One of this ordi nance, are sold or given away, to re main in or about, or frequent such resort or saloon, after the hour of midnight, any night and before six o’clock in the morning of the following day, or after the hour of midnight on Saturday and before six o’clock in the morning of the following Monday of any week during the time of his or their license, or to permit said saloon or resort to be fre quented by others at such times, who are not in their employ. Sec. 10. Any person who shall in any way or manner, directly or indirectly violate any of the paovisions of this or dinance, shall upon conviction thereof he lined for each offense not less than One Hundred Dollars nor more than Three Hundred Dollars, and cost of suit ami may by act of the Board of Trustees have his or their license revoked. Sec. 11. All ordinances or |>urts of ordinances in conflict or inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed and adopted this 16th day of July, A. D. 1907. C. K. MOSMAN. Mayor. seal. Attest: M. E. FLINIAU, Clerk. First Pul>. July 18; last Pub. July 25. CO PQ PO l»J CO CO PO f BRAND DIRECTORY j £ of the NORTH PARK 3 I I £ If any of the,brands or addresses in this directory J I are incorrect, or are changed at any time, you will I confer a favor by notifying the New Era at once. I J In this way the directory may l>e kept accurate, and j | will prove of value at all times. | P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. JOHN C. HOWAItO. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range, North Park. T. JOHN PAYNE. P. O. address, Pinkhampton, Colo. Range, North Park. CHARLES 13. BERGQUIST. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range. North Park. JOS. W. SLA OR.. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range, North Park. HB WM. NORRELL. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. HANSON & RICH. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. ED. GOULD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range 'North Park. ANDREW AND GRACE PETERSON P. O. address. Hebron, Colo. Runge, North Park. WKgsm iBBS EVERHARD & ISH. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. sa WILL L. LATHAM. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. SKS JACOB JOHNSON. P. O. address Walden, Cola Range, 9i JNO. C. ISII. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. OWEN S. CASE. P. O. address Walden. Colo. Range North and Middle Parks. CASPER FOX. p. O. address, Pinkhampton, Colo Range, North Park. Si CASPER FOX. P. O. address, Cowdrey, Colo Range, North Park. djSj&l C. F. STAPLES. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range. North Park. LARS LARSON & BRO. P, O. address Walden, Colo. Range North and Middle Parks. mmm JAS. MACFARLANE & SONS. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Park. WM. McCONNAUGHEY. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. MARI' A. KING. P. O. .address, Pinkhampton, Colo Range, North Park. MOSMAN & SON. P O. address. Walden, Colo. Range, North Park Wm. BROWNLEE, Walden. Colo. FOIfDYCH BROWNLEE. Wuhl. li, Colo. MAUD C. BROWNLEE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Tark. am 1 AUGUST ANDERSON. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, , North Park. ANNIE C. MATTHEWS. P. O. Address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. DAWSON & GREEN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. JOHN MITCHELL. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. WM. HEINEMAN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. WM. KERR. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. FJ.OYr.ML RICH. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Rango North Park. GEO. H. MANVILLE. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. J. H. OLDENBURG. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. D. W. McDOLE. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. HARRY L. BAUGH. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. WILLIS F. WEBB. P. O. address, Waldon, Colo. Range, North Park. CHAS. L. P. WINBCOM. P. O. address, Waldon, Colo. Range, North Park. WM. BENNETT, P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range*, North Park. JAS. MARR. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo Range, North and Middle Parks. | | ..,.anb. P. O. address, >v ... Oqlo. Rang., North Park. SAMUEL 11. HAWORTH p. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range. North Park. aa CHAS. BROWN. p. O. address, Zlrkle, Colo. Rang) North Park. SB WM. R. MONAHAN. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range, North Parle. HENRY C. RIDDLE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. * NORMAN It. MCDONALD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. PARK AND MONTIE A. BLEVIN. P. O. address. Walden, Colo. Range. North and Middle Parks. SOFIE ERICKSON. P. o. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range, North Park. ' MRS. LAUGIIOFF. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. ALEX K. MARR. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range North and Middlo Parks. JAS. BONIS. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range North Park. m IM WM. ERICKSON. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range North Park. j|H JNO. M. COCHRANE. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range '•Uh Park. m ■Hi AUGUSTUS E. D WIN ELL. Address Cowdrey, ( Ydo. Range North Park. JNO. KIMMONS. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range,. North Park.