Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW ERA Published by THE NEW ERA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. MARK CRAWFORD, Editor and Manager. A Republican newspaper devoted to the interests of Walden and the North Park. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 50 Advertising rates given on application. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second-class matter March 9, 1900, at the post office at Walden, Col orado, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. The North Park Union hat been rosuscitated.John K. Kane and wifehav ing leased the paper for a year. Mr. and Mrs Kano, who are from Colorado Springs, are very pleasant people and thoroughly understand newspaper work. We extend best wishes. E.A. Wattenburg was in from the west side last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Sudduth were in from the Canadian the first of the week. Win. Marr and John Simpson were in from Hebron Friday. W. F* Donelson and wife were in from Rand Friday returning Saturday. Harry Greenland a Mr. Ward were in from the Hardy Tuesday. Win. Rosobrook was a Walden visitor Tuesday and Wednesday. Axel Carlson and A. C. Ericson were in Saturday from the Platte. H. C. Riddle and Russel McCullough returned Sunday with two loads of sup plies. Myron LaShure is repairing some stacking machinery for Link Riddle this week. Lars Larson was in to attend the regu lar meeting of the Odd Fellows lodge on Saturday evening. A. A. Robbins and Win. J. Caudle were in Saturday evening and made the New Era a pleasant call. Charles Bohn and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Jeptha Davison were in Walden the first of the week. The agents for the Fort Collins Buggy Co. will be here until next Tuesday noon with a complete line of surreys and spring buggies. Headquarters at Louck’s. Do your feet ever hurt ? Red Cross Blucktr It*s the burning, drawing, and pinching of stiff soles that make them hurt. The Red Cross Shoe is absolutely comfortable . The sole of the Red Cross, though of regular walking thickness, is flexible. It follows every movement of the foot, like a glove moves with the hand; it entirely prevents all burn ing, drawing and aching caused by stiff soles, while it gives the foot ample protection and support. Spares yon the evils of thin soles. Let us fit you. Oxfords, $3.50: High Shoes. 54.00. Also the well known and Time tested Walk-Over Shoes for sale E. J. NORRIS' Wm. Kerr left Walden Tuesday for the ranch with four teams, to use in putting up his hay crop. John .Miller, who has been working for A. K. Marr, was in Tuesday. He is going on a prospecting trip. For Sale—One Spaulding two seated top buggy. Almost new. J. M. Cochrane. Vic Riley, was in Wednesday from the Canadian. He left for the Hardy ranch where he will work this summer, Mrs. H. C. Boston and daughter, Miss Carrie, were in for the meeting of the Women of Woodcraft Friday night. Rev. Trowbridge and jxwsibly Rev. Beadles will go to Cowdrey Sunday to hold services in the afternoon at 2:30. 8. B. Harl, who is looking after the Big Horn ditch, was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday from the Pearl country. Miss Dorothy and Kathleen Kermode and Miss Berkely "were in from Wm. Winscom’s, Sunday to attend the church services. Miss Ethel Riddle left Monday to keep house for her uncle, W. L. Riddle, dur ing haying. Mr. Riddle started in on the hay Tuesday. Andrew Peterson was in yesterday from Hebron. He says he has 000 or 700 tons of hay he would like to contract to someone to put up. Mrs. John C. Ish and daughter, Mrs. Couver, and children, came in Friday from Fort Collins and went out to the ranch for a visit with Mr. Ish. The haying season is here. We are justified and born out in making this statement by the fact that it has rained every day for a week. “More rain,more rest.” Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Coe and baby and S. H. Mclntosh were upfromCowd rey Tuesday. Mr. Mclntosh is finishing up a house which he has been building for Mr. Coe. C. J. Winters and wife, A. U. Crow and others whose names were not learn ed came in from Encampmeut last week and tiled on some coal lands. The}* re turned Saturday. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Welch came in Tuesday morning from Rand, on court business, returning home that evening. Will Shearer had charge of the store during their absence. Prof L. W. Truuibleand wife of Lara mie, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Trumble, and Miss Trumbull, ol Texas, arrived in the city Friday and left Saturday for Lara mie after a three weeks outing. Frank J. Earl arrived Friday from Fort Collibs on a business and pleasure trip in the Park. A(r. Earl represents the Fort Collins Express and is looking after the interests of that paper here. A petition is being circulated asking for the appointment of S. B. Harl as deputy game warden for the North Park. Harl would he a fearless and con scientious officer and should receive the appointment. The Fort Collins Buggy Co., will be pleased at all tiuies to have North Park people call in, when in Fort Collins, and inspect their line of buggies. 150 bug gies, no two alike, on the floor of their warehouse to chose from. Andrew Norell came in’,from Laramie with one four and one six horse load of ranch supplies. While in Laramie Mr. Norell purchased a two-year oid Clydes dale Stallion from C. M. Fifield. The horse is a first class animal. Miss Lida Steinhnrtz, a neice of Miss Sofie Erickson came in from Laramie the first of the week and has taken a po sition on the Walden telephone ex change. The business has now grown to such an extent that two oi»erntors are necessary. Harvey Smith came in Monday from Steamboat Springs with two six-horse loads of oats. He has a large quantity of the grain hauled to the top of the di vide from Steamboat, and will keep the Park supplied with oats. H. Loucks is handling the grain for Smith. Mr. aud Mrs.A. T. Gilkison, C. J. Gil kison, and Miss Grace Gilkison, of Fort Collins, and Prof. W. F. Gilkison aud wife, of Laramie, arrived in Walden Friday and left Saturday for Steamboat Springs. They are out for their summer vacation aud are enjoying the trip. They have their own camp outfit. For your Harness and Shoe Repairing work go to Thos. R. Cochrane where all work is fully guaranteed. Leather and new harness repairs of any kind are to he found here. Secondhand tools aho to be hail both in carjienter anti black smith lines. Anvil and bellows also. Anyone wanting new harness come and get prices. Rubber boots, mended. When in town come in and see us,at the Daugh erty Building. Thos. R. Cochrane. There Is One Word Which we always emphasize in connec tion with Walk Over Shoes and that word is Trustworthy Never has a man put his faith or his foot in a Walk Over shoe and had his confidence betrayed. Walk Over qual ity, Walk Over style, Walk Over ser vice are alike trustworthy and reliable. For sale by E. J. Norris. Phone Walden 6 Notice* I have bought out Eslie Wynn’s stock of Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionary, Stationary and Novelties. I also carry a full line of gents furnishings, Tailor Made Clothing, and Boots and Shoes. When in town give me a call. Phone Walden 0. E. J. Norris. The Windsor Stables. When in Laramie with your teams, remember we have the very best accom odations in tjhe city. We have the best hay that money can buy. If you have any horses to sell or want to buy any let us know. If you need any second hand spring wagons or buggies we have some for sale. The Windsor Stables Co. Corner 3rd. am} Custer St. Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. United States Land Office, ) Denver, Colo., July 22, 1907. ] Notice is hereby given, that Benjaman D. McKee, of Walden, Larimer county, Colo., has filed notice of intention to make final proof on his desert land claim No. 539. for the SI-2 NEI 4, SEI 4 SWI-4 Sec. «, NEI 4 NEI 4 See. 7, Tp. 7 N., R. 80 W. oth P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Walden, Colo., on Wednesday, the 11th day of September, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of the said land: William Marr, William Simpson, Wil liam Bridger and John Simson, all of Hebron, Lirimer county, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (First Pub. July 25, last Pub. Aug. 29.) Notice for Publication. DejKirtmcnt of the Interior. ) Lind Office at Denver, Colo. [■ June 22, 1007. ) Notice is hereby given that Maggie A. Moore, widow of Cutler L. Moore de ceased, of Cowdrey, Larimer Co., Colo., has filed notice of his intention to make final Five Year proof in support of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 21074 made July 23, 1902,f0r the NF.j NKj Sec. , 30 EJ SE£ Sec. 19 NWj- SWj Sec. 20, ; Twp. 11N, Range 81 VV oth P. M., and that said proof will be made before Wm. , O. Mosman un U. S. Commissioner, at his Office in Waldsn. Colo.. on Wednes day, Aug. 14th 1907. He names'the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Wm. Marr, Ilebron, Colo., Frank 11. Hill and Hugh Hunter, both of Walden, 1 John Murry, of Zirkle, Colo. > C. D. Ford, Register. < (Ist. Pub. June 27: lost Pub. Aug. Ist.) AnewßowA y,i RADE ICSX ; Fort Collin's Progressive Clothiers. > 155 Linden St. r 1 ■ | Absolute I | Satisfaction! ! | | : % A privilege which J % you get when you | \ t trade with us 1 ;X t ? £ We Handle— | ♦ J ; Fresh and Cured Meats, Flour and 2 T Feed - Groceries - Hardware .j, jg. Garden Seeds - Onion Sets A A We are Agents for- !j! j* John Deere Plows and Scrapers J 2 Wagons and Buggies - Seeders 2 2 Hay Tools - Sharpies Cream «§» Separators. •£» *t* ' ' _ . t t t j Good Goods at Honest Prices! £ I THE WALDEN MERC. CO. I ttt+t+ftttttt +++++++++++ls Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. U. S. Laud Office, Denver, Colo., ) July 9, 1907. ) Notice Is hereby given that Frank Boyce, of Walden, Larimer Co, Colo, has filed notice of intention to make final proof on his desert land claim No. 492, for the SI 2 SEI-4 Sec. 33, Tp. 9 N., NEI-2 NWI-4, Sec. 4, Tp BN. R. 79 W. oth P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Wal den, Colo., on Wednesday the 11th day of September, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said laud: Wm. L. Riddle, Silas llaskin, Henry C. Boston, Horace Boyce, all of Walden, Larimer Co. Colo, C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. July 18th; last Pub. Aug. 22) Notice for Publication. Desert Lund Proof. U. S. Lind Office. Denver, Colo., ) June 22, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Grace Pet erson of Hebron, Lirimer Co., Colo., has tiled notice of intention to make proof on her desert-land claim No. 532. for the SWj- & SW£ NWI Sec. 8 fp. 7 N., R. 80 W. oth P. M;, before Wm. O. Mosman, at his office at Walden, Colo., on Wed nesday, the 14th day of August, 1907. She names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Andrew Peterson, Lirs Lirson, Elios Peterson and Wm. Hill, all of ITehron, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (First Pub. Juno 27; last Pub. Aug. Ist.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Denver, Colo., [- June 22, 1907. ) . Notice is herby given that David E. Usher of Gleneyre, Colorado, has filed notice of his intention t.o make final Five Year proof in support of his claim, viz: Ilonnistead Entry No. 20121 made May 15th, 1901, for the EA SE£ and EJ NIC) Section 20, Township 10 N.. liange 70W 0 P. M., and that said proof will he made before G. It. Cushing, Clerk County Court, at. his office, at- Fort- Collins,Colo, on Augurt oth, 1907. m. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon,and cultivation of, the land, viz: Clarence E. Talmage, Elbert E. Smith and Alex ander M. Stewart, oil <>f Gleneyre,Colo., Joe 11. Smith of Fort Collins,Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist. Pub. June 27: last Pub. Aug. Ist.) Notice tor Publication. Desert Lund Proof. United States Lind Office, ) Denver, Colo., June 20, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Roy B. True, of Boulder, Boulder Co., Colo., has filed notice of intention to make final proof on his desert-land claim No. 537, for the NE£ NE£ Sec. 33, Tp. 9 N. It. 79 W. oth P. M., before Win. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Walden, Colo., on Wednesday the 14th day of August, 1907. lie names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and rec lamatian of said land. John W. Riggen, Charles IT. Fischer, Kenneth J. MacCalluni, and Albert. E. Butler, all of Walden, Lirimer C0.,C010. C. D. Ford, Register. ALFRED H. LAW Atlorney-at-Law All Kinds of Legal Documents (Ac curately Drawn up and Acknowledged. X do Surveying and Drafting Billiard and Pool Parlors. Agents for the Victor Talking Machines ami sup ply’s. Mail orders for records promptly filled. Kern Bros. Laramie, Wyo. JUST UNLOADED! A Car of Cooper Wagons The Best is Always the Cheapest. If you want the Best get a Cooper. GEM CITY GROCERY CO, Laramie, SOLE AGENTS. * mi—H Laramie and Walden STAGE LINE Leaves and arrives every day except Sundays Good accommodations and cheap rates. A direct connection with Denver the same night. We also operate a livery and feed barn in Lar amie: teams to hay, 75 cents per day. Trabing Commercial Co., Propr. GEO. VV. TRABING, Mngr. ' I.|J' LIVERY and FEED STABLE H. Loucks, Proprietor. jtj* jij* Fine teams, Good Rigs, and Saddle Horses. I Excellent Accomodations for Transient Stock. Headquarters for Granby Stage Line. WALDEN. COLORADO. > mmm ———^ —___^ mmmm h __ mm—mm—mmmmm — I Cordiner’s Drug Store ’ 311-2nd Street, = --Laramie, Wyoming. Is the Place for Fishing Hackle— -1 We Carry Everything in this Line. Rods from - 35 cents to $15.00. < Kodaks—lf it is not an Eastman, it is not a Kodak < We are Agents for the Above Line. ; MAIL US YOUR ORDERS AND SATISFACTION CUARAHTEED. . When in Laramie STOP at The JOHNSON HOTEL :J. F. Johnson = = = = = Proprietor ! EUROPEAN > PLAN .* A .* » ‘ LARAMIE, WYOMING l _______________ \ FI Hay! Hay!! Hay!!! JPJI Hands Hands > Call Central for a Job Call Central for Men > If you want a Leleyhone Call up ihe Manager. \ Philip P. Hoover, Manager. W. 0. MOSMAN, v. S. COMMISSIONER. OFFICE DAYS: Monday and Saturday of each week. •• * • LOANS - REAL ESTATE Walden, Colorado. WALTER L SNAIR, M~ D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. A A Walden, Colorado P. W. FISCHER, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. A A Walden Colorado.