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Notice for Publication. Dimer ft Land Proof. Unite*l Stales Lind Olli« e, / ! Denver, Colo., .July 9, Ill's. ) Notice is hereby given t hut Ch:irb A (-'liodsey, of Hebron I*. <>, L;iiimer< <> Colo., has libel notice «>f his intention t<- nmke proof on his desert land claim No. 025. for the SKI 4 SKI I See. 11, SWI I SWI I See. i:i. NI 2 NWI I. SWI I NVVII, M 2 SWI IS..- 21, NKI I SKI I Sec. 22, "I'li. 7 N.. U. H 2 W. Dili I'. M , I." fore Win. (>. Mosnian, an I’. S. Dorn missioner at. bis oilin'in Walden, ( oh*., on Wednesday, the 11th day "i Sc pi* m her 11)07. I !<• names tin.* following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and n - la niation of said land: John Royalty, Ernest A. Osier, of Hutler, birimer Co. Colo., William McLueas. William man. of Hebron, Larimer Co., Colo C. I) I'on I, R* -gist * r. (First Rub. July 18, last Rub. Aiik. 1 Notice of Application to X.eiisc State Lands. Office of State lioard of I .and < 'ommi‘ i sioners, Denver, Colo., July 11, 11)07. ) Notice is hereby gi veil that Win. Join whose postoflicead» is W al*len,( 'ole. oil June >l, 1007, made application No.. y,U2(rto the State Hoard of Land Com missioners to lease the follow ini' lies eribed Sellool Lands, situate in L.;rim< i county, ('olorado, t-o wit : SKI I SWI I ami SI 2 SKI I of S. . . ::r, Tp.D N. R. No. 71) W. Noether applicat ion to lease | he abnvi described premises or object ion - against t be above applicat ion will be considered after August l b 11)07. John I*’. Vivian, Register. (First Rub. July IS; last Rub. Am:. 8. ) Notice* for Publication. Donert Land Proof. I'niteil States 1 .ami * illice, i Denver, Colo., June 22, 11)07. \ 1, Olivo Cochrane, of Walden, former ly of Spicer, Limner t’o., Colo., who made desert land application No. I" , on the 13th (la}’ of April. 11)02, for the K NKI Sec. 28, SK| and N. : . SW , Sec. 21. Tp. (> N. R. 80 W. titli R. M., Hereby giv notice of my intentention to make final proof to establish my claim to the land above described before Win. O. Mosnian. an U. S. Commissioner, at hi ollii-e at W'alden, Colo, on Wednesday, the Mth day of August, 1007, und that I i" pert t o prove that said land has been proper y irrigated and reclaimed in tin* man ner required by law, by two of the fol lowing witnesses: FroU Ninogar, Dennis Brannon, Roll erf Wade, all of Spicer,Cole and Timm ns Cochrane, of Walden, Colo, ( Hive < 'ooh/aiie, (’laimaut. C D. Ford. Register. (Ist Pul). June 27; last Rub. Aug. 1 ) NOTICE OF RFSTDRATION of Ruldii Linds to Settlement and Kntry. Dc partmentiiif the Interior, General Laud < >tlice, Washington, D. C.. June 11.1007. Notieo is hereby given that the puhlie landsintlie following di-scrib(*d areas, temporarily withdraw n on January 0 11)04, for fore-t ry purp -sesand adjoining the Park Range National Forest, Col ora do,and not <»t herxv iso wit lidrawn. n-serv e*l or appropriated, w ill by authority ot the Secret ary of the Interior In* restored to the public domain on September 21. 1007, und become subject to settle meld on and after that date, but not to entry, tiling or selection until on and af tor October 24, 1007, under the usual re strictioiis at the United States I .and Ot lice at Denver, Colorado: In Township seven (7), Range eighty two (SO). tin southwest quarter of Section two r.L. the west half of Sect ion eleven (11 i. the nort h w cst quarter of Sect ion fifteen (lf>). the north half of Section twenty sevri (27); in Township light (8). Range eighty two (82), tho w est ludf of Sec t ions eleven ( 11), foil rt ceil (I I i anil t wen tv three (23) All North and west, Sixth Riincipal Meridian, ( olorado. Warning is hereby expressly given that no person will be permitted t o gain or exorcise ain right w hatever under ac.\ settlement or oeeupation begun prior loSeptember 21. 11)07 and all sorb settlement or occupatioi ishi'reby forbidden. Fui’.n Di.NM rr.A-- sistant Commissioner. Approved: Jamks Rumn.i'ii CJaici 11 .i.1». Secretary ot the Interior. (First. Rub. July II; List l’uh Sept. 12) Notice for Publication. 1 >epnrtmi nt of the Interior, ) : I and Ollice at Denver, Colo., J- j June 22, IDOL ) , Notice is l.erby given that David E. j Usher of Gloneyre, Colorado, has filed notice of his intention to make final Five | Year proof in support of his claim, viz: lloiuO>tead Kntry No. 20121 made May loth, 11)01, for the EA SI-'.} and KJ NKj Section 20, Township 10 N.. Range TOW ; 0 R. M.. and that said proof will be made ' before (l. R. Cushing, Clork County i Court, at bis otlicc, at Rort ( '* >ll ins, Colo. 1 on Augurt- tith. 1007. lie names the following witnesses to prove uis continuous residence upon,ami cultivation (jf! 11 the land, \i,-.; Clarence K. Talinage, Klbert K. Smith and Alex audor M Stewart, all of (Rem yre.t oR*.. Joe 11. Sfuit h of Fort CollmsJL’olo. U. I). -Ford,Register. (Ist. Pult .1 uhe 27: last Pub. Aug. Ist ) Notice for Publication Desert Land Proof. U, S. Land Ollice. Denver. Colo., ) June 22, 1007. ) j Notice is hereby given that (.'race Pot J erson of Hebron, Li rimer Co., (‘olo.. has filed notice of intention to make .proof \ o i her desert land claim No. 502. for the SWj A SWJ N\Y| See. 8 l’p. 7 N.. R. SO J W. oth P. M . lH*fi4x* Wm. O. Mosiuan, | jat his ofTice at W'alden, (’olo., on We i jn< —lay, the Mth day of August, 11)07. j I She nauie-'the following witm to i ! prove the complete irrigation and rccla I ' niation of said land: Andrew Peterson, ! lars Larson, Llias Reter.-on and Wm. Hill, all of llobron, Colo. C. D. Ford, 1: gi f r (First Pub. Juno 27; last Pub. Aug. Ist.) Notice for Publication. Dc:;crt I.and Proof. C. S I . ud Ollice. Den . r, Colo.. / July '.), 11)07. ) ■ Notice is hereby given that Frank Boyce, of W'alden, Lirinu-r ( ... Colo. ! has tiled notice of intention to make 1 • liiml proof on his des<*rt land claim No. 11)2, for the SI 2 SKI I Sec. 33, Tp. 1) N., ! NKI-2 NWI I, Sec. 4, Tp *N. It. 79 W. j nth I*. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an ; r. S. Commissioner, at bis ollice in W:d -j den, Colo., on Wednesday the 111 b day of September, 1007. He names Hie following witm < . to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said laud : Win. L. Riddle, Silas llaskin, Henry i\ Poston, Horace Boyce nil of Walden I .arini'-r < o * 'olo. ('. D. Ford, Register (Ist Pub. July 18th; last Rub. Aug. 22) . Notice for Publication. Department of the. Interior i Hand Ollice at Denver, t 'olo. June 22.' I«'*()•. ) Notice is hereby given that Maggie A. Moore, widow of Cutler I. Moore de ceased. of Cowdrey, Lirimcr ( ('olo.. has tiled notiee of his intention t»» make linul Five Year proof in support of her * laim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 21"', : made.lnly 23, IHo2.for tbe NT’, NKjS'-e. JO KA SFR Sec. 19 NWj SWJ See. 20. Tw p. 1 IN, Range si W t'.tli R M , anil that said proof w ill be mndebefon Wm. (). Mosnian an C. S. ('oinmi.-ioner, at liisOflicoin Wnldsn, Cob'., on Wednes day, Aug. 14th 1907. lb names the following witm ■ >s t< prove bis cent mious residence residenci upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz- Wm. M.arr, Hebron, Colo, Frank 11. Hill and Hugh Hunter, belli of Walden, John Murry, of Zirkle, ('olo. C. D. Fonh, ltegister. (Ist Pub. June 27: last Rub.'Aug. Ist., t Notice for Publictilion. Desert Land Proof. United States Land Ollice, / Denver, Colo., July 22, I;".'. ) Not iee is hereby, given, t hat Penjaman D. McKee, of'Walden, I-arimer county Colo., b:c; tiled notiee of inteidioti t<* make final proof <:i Id., dci.ert hind claim No. 539. for the SI 2 NKI I, SKI t SWI 4 See. (I, NKI I NKI 1 S' c. 1, Tp. . N., It. so W. Oil) P. M., before Wi,j. t> .Mosnian, an U. S. Commi-c.ioner. at hi.- ollice in Waldon, Colo., on Wednesday, the lltli day of September, 1007. He names the following witnesses to prove the ei.mpleU* irrication and reela mat ion of t be said lam I: William Marr, William Simpson. W'il liam Pridger and Jolm Simson. all "I lb-broil, Larimer eounty. (.'olo. C J». l ord, Register. (First Puli. July 25. I.u-t. Rub. Aug. 20. - Notice lot* Publication. Desert I.ami IV mf. United States Land Osliee, / Denver, Colo., June 2'i, RJU*. ) Notiee is hereby given that Roy P. True, of Pould.-r, Poulder Co., Colo., lias lili-d notiee of intention i • in ik« ■ dual proof on his desert land i-'.iiin Ne. •)3?, for the NKJ NK] See 33, Tp. 9 N. R. 71) W (Itb R. M,. befoi * Wm. 0. .Mosnian, an • S. ('onnni.-ssion -r. at bis ollice in Walden, Colo.. < ; i W’e inesd;i_\ the I Itb day of An ,u t, PMU. Hi* liauie.s tile follow ir witnesses t< prove tbe eiiinpß'te irrigation and iv, lamatian of said land. John W Riggen, Charles IJ Fi her, Kenneth J. JacOilluin. and Albert 1 Puller, all of Walden. Uai ine-r (’*>..( 'o!o C. D. I ord. Re i tei. EP Y B 0 D Y A. Fori. ( 'o!lin's Rrogressix e (*loi biers. I 55 1 iilldeii St. W. 0. MOSMAN, i U. §. COM >7ISSI ON VR. ! D.VA'S: Molid-ix a’ld s.* n-d:ix of each week 2)A NS - REAL ESTATE Walden, Cehrado. | Hilliard and Pool Carlor-. A .-nt fo* the Victor -Talking N'ai I -tc ;>> I iq j ply’s. Mail orders tor nr >rds prompt lx | tilled. Kern Pros Laramie, Wyo. I £ UIREOTO'IY i I ef fe NORTH I I j ]f ■t■ .1,! - brands or addrv >s‘ ■ (Kr ctui'y j I" arc inonv. t, or are edianged at any t Liey..:i will | confer a favor b\ notifying tlv- Xew Era at once. I i ff In till • w.i,. tl-.c directory may Ik: kej-i aceura-.e, and j I will prov of value at all times. | w*-s**G- r.S-»• m i ('. F. VVKPI4. I'. O' address, Walden, Colo. Ran '• : North Park. Ter"--"—. - -a . -■.• ] mmm W. E. ZIIM Ki.. R. O. ; "id: • .- W d ! n, • ' Rnn North Park. "t j v- A mfmiELX • JOHN C. HOWARD. I*. O. add ri , Rand. Colo. Rail North I’ark. I: T. JOHN PAYNE. P. O. address, Plnkhampton, Colo. 1 Range, North Park. (• A . - A) CHARLES P. PKRGQUIST. P. O, address, Iflgho, Colo. Ran North Park. A' ' -^l| r * t- ; j I JOS. W. SLACK P. O. k. . ..j, Rand, Colo. •: digc. Nor til Park. a-, - [■■■ A .‘.T/'i WM. XORItELI,. P. O. address, WMil. n, Colo. U.mge. North and .Middle Farits. j ’ HANSON .‘V RICH. P. O. address. Spicer, Colo, l'ango, North and Mi ldlo Parks. «BpBI ED. (KHILD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. IP.ngt. North Park. ANDREW aND GIIACE P U il -'N P. O. address. Hebron, Colo. Ranged North Park. EVERHARD & ISII. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. 1 \vi n r O. address, Putl.r. Col-i North Park. p. O. address Waldea, Colo. Range, I m p. O. addrt is, VVal b*;i. •’ Jo Range, i [ North Park. IH OWI'.N S. CASK. | I’. O. address Walden. (Ado. Rangi- North and Middle Pari-^. Jia : - CASPER FOX. P o. address, Plnkhampton-, Colo Ib-nge, North Park. , CASPER FOX. P. O. address, Cowdrey, Colo Range, North Park. (’. F. STAPLES. p. O. address, Hebron. Colo. Range. | North Park. KARS LARSON A PRO. P. O. addl'•• - ; Y»':: 'del , ( . in. R.mgr North and Middle Parks. ■** JAS. MACFARLANE & SONS. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Park. WM. McCONNAUGIIKY. i P. O. address. Hebron, Colo. Range 1 North and Middle Parka. MART A. KING. P. O. address. Pinkhampton, Coi* Range, North Park. : f;.:.. . MOS.VIAN & SON. R O. addi ss. Walden. Colo. Ram . North Park ' f Will. 1 RC'i 1.. . \\ . 55 11 r: ■'i: 1 ! ' : : MAUD C. BROWN LICK. | P. O. address, Wabß n, Colo. Rang* . North Park. # I AUGUST ANDKRSON. j P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. ANNIES C. MATTHEWS. | P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. ’DAWSON GREEN. | P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Mlddlo Parks. «Hi JOHN MITCHELL. ; P. O. address, Butb r, Colo. Range. North Park. WM. lILINEMAN. P. O. address, He. ron, Cylo. Range, 1 North Park. WM. KERR. P. O address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. ---x ZMr I '- Vvl FLOYD B. RICH. P. O. address, Spieer, Colo. Range North Park. LED ■ i Um'll.i'if' P. O. address, IR bron, Colo. Range, North Park. J. II OLDENBURG. P. O. a* id re. . Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. L;_ ...... D. W. MeDOLE. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North rarlc. HARRY L. BAUGH. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. , 4 Hci •—w*-: . WI! ,1.1 A F. WEBB. P. O. -whin r.s. Wal I n, Colo. Razigo, North Park. iLvJ CHAS. L. P. WINBCOM. P. O. address, Waldon, Colo. Range, North Park. f - ‘ v-'’ WM. BENNETT P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Rangt*, North Park. JAS MARR. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo Range. North and Middle Parks 7 *• c 1 M - ■, P. O. a : '-'"io. rtrins - North Park. SAMUKi H HAWORTH. P. O. addrt' >, Illgho, Colo. Range, North Park. sjgg| CIIAS. BROWN. I* O. address, Zirkle, Colo. Rang* North Park. WM. R. MONAHAN. p. o. address, Hlgho, Colo. North Park. HENRY’ C. RIDDLE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range. North Park. If ' '.Vi NORMAN R. MrDONALD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. PARK AND ?' 'XTIE A. BLEVIN. P. O. ad dr ; . n, Colo. Range. North and M i ' i n Us. 1 : < s; >n . P. o. address, Illglio, Colo. Range, North Park. LACK HOFF. R. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. ALEX K. MARR. P O. address. Butler, Colo. Rangt North and Mlddlo Parks. jas. , P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Rang«® North Park. I P O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range North Park. JNO. M. COCHRANE. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range Park. AUGUSTUS F. DWINKI.L Adilr**s< ('• -a dn v, ( Vlo. Range North Park. Xv ’ i : : R. O address, Wi.klen.Volo. Range,.to Norm Park. ■