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VOLUME 2. ORGANIZE FIRE COMPANY Meeting Held Suuday and Chief and Cap tain Selected. Considerable Interest Shown and Boys Will Get into Shape ior Work. A meeting of citizens was hold Sunday afternoon at the oflico of J. 11. Fox to discuss the question of forming a firo company and perfected their plans to the extent of electing E. A. Butler as fire chief and Tom Don as captain. The city lias some six hundred feet of hose, a ladder truck and chemical on gine, but, while an effort was made some time ago to form a company to handle the apparatus pi case of an emergency nothing came of the effort. Saturday evening a number of the boys got out the hose cart and made a run down Main street, coupling onto the water plug on the street in front of the barber shop and despite tho fact that no one had had any practice lately the wat er was running through the hose on re cord time. A couple of runs wore made on Sun day ami it is the intention of the chief and captain to try out tho team in pret ty good shape during the next few weeks and get the men assigned to the places for which they are best adapted. Abetter selection for fiire chief than A. E. Butler could not have boon made. . lie is a man of nerve and energy, and in " every capacity in which he has served the city has proven his ability and in 8 LIVERY and FEED STABLE 8 H. Loucks, Proprietor. 8 Everything from a Single 'Buggy io a Coach-and-Jour. jj A AAA.AA.A.A.A.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A 'EVERYTHING Mn Harness—[ From a Hamos Strap to a Set of Made-to-Order Harnesss, C Harness, Harness Supplies, Straps, Halters, C Bridles, ’Bits, Buggy Whips, Buckles—in v. fact Everything you Need in This Line and v. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT 5- *\ > jJ Have a Complete Stock of Fly LNlets—just T jj the thing to protect your Horses in Haying. f 5! Harness Repairing, LeatFier Work of all C j* j* Kinds, Shoe Repairing, j* j* j* C | J. H. FOX jj Handles the Goods. WaidenS |£j THE NEW ERA In God We Trust; All Others Cash, or Good Security. togrity beyond any doubt—if any ever existed —and has tho confidence of every one. Mr. Don has had some little little experience with lire companies and can couple onto a plug about as quick as the next man, and ho gets there too—if ho cant on his feet, he rolls asAvas evidenc ed Saturday evening when he took a header and rolled to the plug, getting the water on by the time the nozzle men had connected up their apparatus. Now that the company is organized it is to be hoped that the interest will not be allowed to lag. The city has good lire apparatus and tho water system is in excellent shape, and with a little prac tise a lire could bo bandied with ease, and if two fires, both of which nearly wiped out tho business section of Wal den is’nt sufficient incentive to keeping up a fire department it would seem that nothing would keep the good work go ing. It Looked Serious. A party of campers —alfalfa toughs— Stopped at the Michigan bridge near the pump house last week, and, after com ing up town imbibed considerable Wal den straight cut after which they start ed to do the town to a bright vorinillion. Marshall Davis, when they began to get obstreperous, collared two of tho ring leaders, who had made threats that they intended to eat tho marshal skin and all besides puncturing his anatomy full of holes with more or less hot lead, and put them in tho cooler to reflect on the way of the transgressor. Saturday morning two fire-eaters were brought iiito the police court and the one who had clamored most loudly for a hunk of the marshal was given §25 and costs and his partner was given §lO and costs. As §l3 was about the size of their pile they asked the marshal to accompany them to their camp to see if the balance of the party would not dig up rather than let them lay it out in jail, so Marshal Davis went down with them. As the threats to kill Davis had been quite loud J. C. Timbrel and Frank Mos man started down to tho camp shortly after Davis to see that no harm came to him. When the latter two gentlemeu were half way to the comp, a veritable fusillade of shots in the camp of the en WALDEN, COLORADO,, SEPTEMBER 5, 1907. euiy and the apparent running of some one to cover, started Timbrel, and Mos on the run to save Davis’ life, if ho was not alraady riddled with bullets. The sound of tho firing roused tho whole town and some twenty or thirty men armed to tho teeth made a hot foot to the river, intending to annihilate every camper in the vicinity, but before the rescuers got to camp they met Davis and his party starting back for -town. It seems that a porcupine had appeared at the camp just as Davis and his men ar rived and all except Norm opened fire on the boast, hence the shooting, and the threats made the day before at once conveyed the impression to Walden that the men were making good their threats and it is certain that had they harmed a hair on Norm's head, there would’nt have been enough of that cramping party left to make a decent burial. A Hard Ride. Saturday evening, August 24th, Sup ervisor 11. N. Wheeler, of the Medicine Bow reserve, who was in Walden look ing after reserve business, and Ranger Newton Bollairs, received word of a fire in Estes Park, and started out that eyoning at 0:30 to ride over and put it out. They rode as far as tho John Ivimmons ranch that night, and as it was too dark to distinguish tho road they rolled up in their macintoshes in a hay stack, leav ing early Sunday morning. They rode all day Sunday and Sunday night, reach ing the place where the fire was started Monday morning about, 1:30 to find that the fire had been extinguished. The distance covered was over 75 miles and through a pretty rough coun try, and is a pretty good sample of tho manner in which competent forest of ficials attend to duty. State Geological Survey. By tho act of the last Legislature, the Professor of Geology at tho State Uiii versity became also, by virtue of his of lico, the state geologist. §5,000 is ap propriated annually for this service and surveys will bo made of tho geological formations of Colorado. Prof. Russell D. George, the new state geologist, is making his survey this sum mer, accompanied by Ralph D. Craw ford, the instructor of the department, in the Poudro Valley region and in Routt county. Several men are in the party and it is expected that tho work will be complet ed by the end of the month. Were Married. On Wednesnay evening at eight o’clock Miss Myrtle Leo Smith and James Ed ward Anderson wore married at tho home of the bride’s parents at Pearl. Miss Smith is the daughter of the | Pearl merchat, and is a very well known and much liked young lady in that sec ( tion of the country, and Mr. Anderson is a popular young man and is well known throughout the north end of tin* Park. May the newly married couple enjoy through life the health, happiness, and prosperity which they so richly deserve. To Install Hotel Service. ' Tom Don has just signed up a contract with the Colorado Telephone Co. to have ’ them install a hotel phone system in the 1 Park Hotel in Walden. There will bo , fifteen telephones, one in each room and a regular switchboard will he placed in the hotel. This departure is something new in a ’ town tho size of Walden and Mr. Don ■ deserves a great deal of credit for the . enterprising stop. Tho service will be , of tho same order as you get in large cities and will he a wonderful nccomo dation to guests. Manager Hoover will have the service 1 installed jus soon as possible. Hot peice.. , Following are a few selections from Rev. Billy Sunday’s latest sermon: “I'd as soon run up against a polecat as to kiss a tobacco-pul ling mouth.” ’ “If God wants you to he an iron cog > in the machine, stop trying to he the , searchlight. ” “Just half the church memliers in this country could die and t he country would not iniss’em.” * “When it comps to a showdown be tween capital and labor I'm with the tin , pail every time.” “Society as it is run t<Sday is doing more to ruin the country than the sa 100n —and I ain’t for the saloons either." ‘ “I’ve got more respect for a damnable . old gang in a gambling den than I have , for a hunch of she geezers in a card club I selling their souls for the booby prize " —Eneutnpmcnl Herald. Reporting on Reservoirs. Ranger Newton Bellairs and Deputy- Ranger A. T. Loo came in Saturday, and are making an inspection of all reser voirs and ditches on the Medicine Bow reserve to make a report on the same to the forestry department. Mr. Lee has his headquarters at Man- ImtLon, over on tho east side of the Med icine Bow range. Gone to Saratoga. Mark Crawford and family left Tues day for Saratoga where he will try to cure his rheumatism by bathing in the hot springs. Ho has been having trou ble from rheumatism ever since the first of February and wo liopo lie will find some relief. Birthday Party. A very pleasant party was given in honor of tho 10th birthday of Mildred Fischer, on Saturday, the 31st of August. About twenty of Mildred’s friends were present and all had an excellent time. Refreshments were served and the young people stayed until sfcvou o’- clock, which speaks well for the time they had. Preparatory School Cut Out. The State Preparatory School, which, since the foundation of tho State Uni versity in 1877 has been a part of the in stitution hut in later years having a sep arate organization, grounds and build ings. was discontinued in June of this year. It will, however, continue to he known ns tue State Preparatory School although maintained by the city of Boul beras the Boulder high school. In 11)00-7, 527 students were enrolled. SPICER SPIELS. Frank W. Murpiiy. Another of North Park’s early settlers has passed from view over the Great Di vide, toward whose snowy crest our pio neers are steadily toiling. This time it is the Hon. M. F. Spicer of Laramie. He is well remembered by our old timers and they will bear with regret of his death. After him onr post office was named and it was ho who located the Spicer ranch in the South End. This he afterwards sold, lie then moved to Liramie, becoming one of her most prominent citizens and thrice officiat ing as mayor. He always took a keen interest in the welfare of the Park and did much to advertize its resources. It was through j his influence and enterprize that the at 1 tent ion of the promoters of the Laramie Hahns Peak and Pacific R. R. was direct ed toward tho Park resulting in the change of route to this place. Tho Misses Ella and Lucy Riacli went ! lo Kremmling Monday on their way to , Salt Lake where they will return to school. Miss Irene Murphy left for Denver the first of the week for a short stay. Mr Wallace McGowan was accidently shot in the log and sorsously injured at Fort Collins last week. As no unfavor able news has been received wehojie he is improving. Mr. Geo Robinson, who has boon as sisting Jus. Riacli in developing a pros pect in the Leadville district, returned on Wednesday. He reports that indi cations are good that Mr. Riacli will de velop a good mine in the near future. Haying is progressing rapidly at Spi cer and another week will see it pretty well done. Then you will see all hands and the cook wearing that Quaker Oats grin, ror lam sure that everyone will feel at least ten years younger. Wo have heard of men milking cows on horseback, but it has remained for J. N. Davis, city marshal, to start a new wrinkle—he milks his cows on a bicycle. For your Harness and Shoo Repairing work go to Thos. R. Cochrane, where all work is fully guaranteed. Leather and now harness repairs of any kind are to ho found here. Second hand tools also to ho had both in carpenter and black ; smith lines. Anvil and hollows also. Anyone wanting new harness come ami get prices. Rubber hoots,mended. When in town come in and see us,at the Daugh erty Building. Thos. R. Cochrane. Wm. Rid gw ay.'a carriage painter of Denver, and an old friend of Tom Don, came in Friday and is sojurning at the Park Hotel. Ho may remain with us this winter. A. L. Fox and Geo. Winterburn have rented the roar part of the Daugherty building from Thos. R. Cochrane and are moving their carpenter and paint ing apparatus in there. LOCAL PICK=UPS M. C Ward was a city visitor Sunday. Wm. Hill was in from Hebron Mon day. A1 Shoup was a Walden visitor Tuos day. JohuKimmons was in the city yes terday. A. K. Man* was in Monday from tho east side. Victor L Riley was in from the Hardy ranch Sunday. Win; Kerr and son Bruce wore city visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldberg left for Denver Tuesday. A. H. Law made a trip to Brand’s soda spring yesterday. Miss Jessie Davis was in from the Har dy ranch Sunday. Mrr. Ed Kilburn and children were in town Monday. K. J. McCallum left Monday morn ing for Fort Collins. Clarence and Roy Boston were in the city Monday evening. Miss Myrtle Fliniau is in town this week visiting her aunts. Emerson Rogers is working at 11. Louck’s livery stable. Mrs Chas. Brands and Mas. Fred W'y att were in town Tuesday. Elmer Smysor is now working for J. C. Timbrel in his livery barn. Miss Carrie Boston returned last week from the I). F. Sudd nth ranch. Andrew Norell, Miss Ellon and Anders were in from the Platte Sunday. W. O. Stanley, of San Francisco, was registered at the Park Hotel Sunday. i Max K. Kranzman came in Friday i from Denver, and will tend bar for Tom i Don. t T'« PARK HOTEL Torn Don, Proprietor. |-Joad(|uarters for Business men, Tourists, Hunt ** ing parties, and in fact everyone wishing first class Hotel accommodations. «.* j* <-* Best or Meals, Table Service, and Comfortable Rooms. Walden - = Colorado ■—■ 1 111 9 ' ■■ I ■ ■■ ■ | CENTRAL LIVERY AND l FEED S T ABE J J. C. TIMBREL, Proprietor. - ? Good Horses, first class Rigs and reliable driv- £ ■C ers. e* Horses Boarded. ■-* Best of care p ■c taken of Transient Stock, c* c* c* <* ■* b ‘ J BALED HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE v. j Walden, Colorado. [ i- , Ay^yy^yyyyyyyyyyWvyyyy^y^ IKuster Hotel,] Laramie, Wyoming. < | AMERICAN PLAN NORTH PARK TRADE SOLICITED j Peter Smart, Proprietor. iUUUUUUUVJUUUUUUUUUUUVJUIAJW NUMBER 27. E, J. Norris wont out to his rancli Mon thly to tako Timberline out to help with the haying. A telephone will he installed in the creamery this week. This will ho quite a convenience. Ur. llenry Fischer and Ed Johnson loft Monday for the sandhills for a few days hunting. S. A. Palmer and wile anti the Misses Alice and Juno Shippoy, wore in from Higho Sunday. J. A. Harris and Win. Johnston, of Fort Collins were registered at the Park I Intel Saturday. Miss Gertrude McCullough and Ethel Riddle were over from W. L. Riddle,s ranch yesterday. W. R. Monahan was a Walden visitor Tuesday. Mr. Monahan lias just finish ed a big job of haying. J. C. Timbrel left for Encampment Monday morning taking W. O. Stanley, a traveling salesman, to that city. Wm. Rennet of the west side saw mill and James Patten came in Monday on a brief business visit, returning Tuesday. Mrs. Wm Sloe and Mr. Kotchuin made a trip to Pinkhamton to the homo of Floyd Rich and mother Moml ay even ing. Dr. P. W. Fischer was called out to John Ish’s ranch last night to attend a young man who is working there and who is quite ill. Charles I Hack was in from the ranch of Mrs. Nellie Leek Tuesday. Charley’s arm, which he injured about six weeks ago is about well. The now building for the Walden bak ery is now almost completed, A. L. Fox being occupied now in putting on the finishing touches- Fred Hill came in Sunday with his wife on their way to 1/ondoii where a brother of Mrs. Hill is dying of tuber i culosis of the spine. F. T. Woods, representing the Central • Life Assurance C'o., and family came in Monday after a pleasant, vacation at Steamboat Springs.