Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME 2. TO BUILD CANAL Pcnn-Wyomlna Copper Com pany to do Extensive Im provement Work. The officers and stockholders of the Penn-Wyoming Copper company of Encampment who arrived in Denver re cently have purchased 91,000 acres of land and will spend between SOOO,OOO * ands7oo,ooo in building a canal and dev eloping the property, says the Boomer ang. This company which owns the Ferris Haggerty and Doaue Rambler mines in the Encampment district, has issued $9,000,000 of its authorized capital of $lO, 000,000 and sjient $5,G00,000 in dev elopment work to date. The Saratoga it Grand Encampment road which it owns will he built into North Park where the company is planning to open big coal mines and will ultimately extend the road to Denver. A now smelter has just been opened handle the output of ninety mines and the company is preparing to develop water power on a large scale. Case Dismissed. In the case of the State vs. I. W. Trinder, of Butler, charged with having elk meat in his possession, which was set for trial Wednesday at 10 o’clock, a dismissal was entered upon the re quest of the prosecuting attorney. The case will undoubtedly again be brought against Mr. Trinder in the county court, the action takon by the state's attorney in the justice court being due to a fear that the people of the Park were prejudiced in favor of Mr. Trinder. The charge was brought upon inform ation furnished Deputy Game Warden T. S. Faria by one, A. B. Whitcomb, who had been in the employ of Mr. Trin der. Mr. Paris came over from Sulphur Springs where he has his headquarters ».uul upon his request Mr. Trinder came to Walden and gave bond for his appear mice in Walden October 2nd, but was not arrested, as was erroneously stated. 8 LIVERY and FEED STABLE 8 H. Loucks, Proprietor. g Everything from a Single c ßuggy to a Coach-and-’Jour. g AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ 'EVERYTHING! j—in Harness— From a Hames Strap to a Set of Made-to-Order Harnesss. C Harness, Harness Supplies, Straps, Halters, C Bridles , Bits, Buggy Whips, Buckles—in b -d fact Everything you Need in This Line and k < THE PRICES ARE RIGHT £ Have a Complete Stock of Fly dfets —just T the thing to protect your.[Horses in Haying. f j Harness Repairing, Leather Work of all C „* & Kinds, Shoe Repairing. C j J. H. FOX 3 Handles the Goods. Wa°den22 |L inrvvvVYVYVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVV^I THE NEW ERA In God We Trust; All Others Cash, or Good Security. The complaint alleges that Mr. Trin der was in possession ot elk moat, and the present game law makes it unlawful for anyone to have elk meat in posses sion. Mr. Trinder is not charged with the killing of the elk, and as.he is a law abiding citizen, never having unlaw fully killed any game of any description it seems just a trifle unjust that he should not he given a hearing in tho Park and not he put to the expense of going to Fort Collins for a trial, and it seems especially so because of tho fact that he offered to plead guilty in the Justice court hero. If the game wardens wore more stren uous in their efforts and would appre hend some of the genuine game hogs occasionly more symyathy would be ex pressed when a good citizen unwittingly oversteps tho law ami is prosecuted. Efficient Service. The stripping of some insulated wire by firing one end and allowing it to burn until the wire was free, in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crawford last even ing gave the appearance that the build ing was on tire. An alarm was turned in to central and in two minutes the tire company had the hose cart on tho scene, the hose coupled and the water running. Although tin.* service was not needed, the efficient manner in which the boys handled the cart and the exceedingly short time in which the water was run ning through the hose after tho alarm was turned in was worthy of the high est commendation. So quickly was the cart gotteu out that but few of the boys were able to be on hand until the water was running, four men pulling the cart. Tom Don reeled off the hose as well as making tho coupling and there was no delay whatever. Shipped to Denver. Montie Blevins, tho big North Park stockman, was at tho yards with seven loads of good cattle trailed to Granby and shipped in from that point over the Moffat road. Only a small proportion of the shipment had been sold at noon. Sterling Ish, another well known North Park stockman and a regular ship per to this market, was also at the yards looking over tho situation.—Reconl- Stockmau. WALDEN, COLORADO,, OCTOBER 3, 1907. TF Buried at Longmont. .. The funeral services of Win. ltosobrool| were held Monday at the grave in Luke? side cemetry, Roy W. 11, McCreery of? delating. Mr Rosebrook was accidently shot while hunting in North Park last Tuesy day. From all appearances he was at-., tempting to crawl through a fence wherf the trigger caught on his clothing dis- # charging tho gun. The body was sent* to Loveland for burial and arrived here Sunday. Mr Rosebrook was a bachelor and spent most of in tho mountains. Ho had a number of relatives in Love land and four brothers and sisters in Masonville. His Musouville relatives are James Rosebrook, Geo. Rice, Mrs. B. F. Milner, and Mrs Ollie Hyatt. He Dreamed. Tho editor sat in his office whence all but him had fled, and wished that ev ery “beat” was in his grave stone dead. His mind then wandered far away to the time when ho should die, and his royal editorial soul go soaring to the sky; when he’d roam the field of para , dise and sail over jasper seas, and all things glorious would combine his every sense to please. lie thought how then he’d look across the great gulf dark aud drear, that’ll yawn, between his happy soul aud those who swindled here, and when for water they would call and in agony they'd caper, he’d shout to them “just quench your thirst with the ‘due’ j that’s on your paper.”—Ex. In the Justice Court. Upon complaint of F. G. Latham a warrant was issued Monday evening for , U. Hahn, and the case came up Tues day morning at 0 o’clock before the just ice of the Peace. A jury composed of T. R. Cochrane, J. H. Fox, E. J. Zfpfel, Fordyce Brown lee, George "Winterburn, Clyde Robin- , son and Homer Hamilton, was empanel ed and the evidence taken. The witnes ses were A. IL Law, Max Kranzmun,jj Tom Don, W. O. Hosman, Harry Baugh, - and C. C. Emeigli. From the testimony it appears that Mr. Latham and Mr. Hahn had some difference which they proceeded to set tle a la-Jefferson style. The jury was out about an hour ami brought in a verdict of not guilty. Church Services. Sunday, October Cth: Sunday School, 10 A. M. Walden. Epworth League, 7 P. M. “ Preaching Service, 7:45 P. M. “ Preaching Service, 10:30 A. M., Hob rou. Preaching Service, 3 P. M., Higho. Dr. Carnine, Presiding Elder, will j arrive in tho Park next week and will hold services at 7:30 in the evening at Hebron, on Fridaj', Oct. 18, and Tuesday. Oct. 22. Quarterly Conference will be held at the close of services Tuesday ev ening. At Walden, Dr. Carnine will preach Saturday evening, Oct. 19, at 7:30 and hold Quarterly Conference. Sunday morning he will preach and hold sacra mental service, and preach again in the evening at 7:45. ' Sunday, Oct. 20, Dr. Carnine will ' 1 preach in Cowdrey at 3 P. M. • Monday, Oct. 2t, at 7:30 P. M. the • Doctor will hold services at Higho. , Those desiring baptism at any of these services will please notify the pastor. Everybody cordially invited to attend these meetings. Mutual Protection. Some girls down in Indiana formed a I young ladies’ protective association, in • which they declare for men who have , bank accounts of at least $2,000, and life insurance to that amount. The men have since organized tho men's preeau fcion club, in which they want to know ’ what they are to get for their $2,000 in • tho way of good housekeepers. A wife) , requiring this amount must not object to smoking in any place in the house, must be a good cook and must not care for cats nor be given over to the gadding , ’ habit. Is Good News. ■ Tho announcement that the Laramie. . Hahn’s Peak and Pacific will bo extend ed to the coal fields of North Park with in tho next year is a gratifying piece of j nows. ‘ Tho north Park coal is a hotter coal • than tho Hanna coal, and we will then . be able to take our choice between North , Park, Rock Springs and lianna. And then there is also the |>ossibility that the D. L. & N.. will he in line in another! ’ year’s time but that would he mightv II quick work.—Laramie Republican. NIGHT RATE Cancelled on All Colorado Tel ephone Lines—The Reas on Wherefore. f • . The following bulletin has been issued ; by tho Colorado Telephone Co , to all its offices: "In view of the largo number of calls lost and delayed during tho evening hours, due to the congestion of traffic, which occurs when night rates tako ef fect ; it has been decided to cancel the night ratesaudeharge day rates on mes sages passing over the lines of the Colo rado Telephone Company on and after October Ist, 1907.” This change is necessary, says the company, on account of the practice which has grown up of making through the day appointment calls for 6 P. M., when reduced rates take effect. As people do not realize that hundreds of others are doing the same thing they cannot understand why their service is delayed in many cases for one or two hours beyond the appointed time. There is no comparison between the night rates for telephone and telegraph son ice because telegraph messages are filed at any time for night t ransmission upon tho agreement that they are to be sent at the convenience of the company and are not to he delivered until tho fol lowing day. For immediate transmis sion and delivery the telegraph com panies always charge the full days rate, i no matter what time of the day or night the message is filed. As telephone mes sages cannot be hung on a hook they are necessarily for immediate delivery, the telephone eompany is in fact, by tho present change, adopting what has al ways been the telegraph practico. It is believed that this change will take a severe and^un necessary strain off j the operating force by cutting out the rush hours and distributing tho traffic jknore evenly, and for the same reason wilt greatly improve the efficiency of the service to the general public. LOCAL PICK=UPS i Wra. Jones was in town last Friday, j Albert Asfalg was in the city Monday. Frank Smith was in town this morn ing. Jeliial Brands was in the city this morning. Sol Boston has been in town the past few days. W. L. Riddle was in from the ranch yesterday. Mrs. Dagle and daughter Lola are in the city today. Jas. Allard was in town from the low er Michigan Tuesday. John Kimmous was a Walden visitor from Owl creek Sunday. Clias. Winscom was in tho city Sun day from the upper Michigan. Mrs. Geo. Lees who arrived in town last week is ill with neuralgia. M. C. Ward left Tuesday for Pink hampton, on his way out to Denver. Jerome Decker left yesterday morn ing for Laramie for a load of freight. Mrs. Fletcher Campbell and Mrs Win McConnaughey are in the city today. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Man* and Mrs. John Murray came in from tho west side Sun day. D. K. Smith is in town this week. lie ex;ieets to move soon tli his ranch at Rand. Goo. Post came in from Laramie Mon day with a load of freight forC. E. Mos j man. Mrs. Chas Hake and Mrs McC’orkle were in town this morning from the ditch camp. • A hoy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosman Saturday noon. Mother and i son doing nicely. 1 Charles Kaufman and Walter Whit ney came over from Encampment Wed ! nesday on business. Dr. Fischer was called out to tho Mit chell ranch Sunday to give medical aid I to Mrs John Mitchell, who was quite ill. Frank McCaslaud is again ill with ! rheumatism and Dr. Fischer was called ; to Cowdrey Monday to give him medical ' aid. I C. P. Sayles came in from the Hill I ranch Tuesday and will leave Friday for New Windsor where he will stay this winter. Chas Brands was in town Tuesday overseeing the job of cleaning up his house in readiness to move his family to town. J. F. Bourdon and family and Mrs. E. D. Martin left Wednesday for l’ueblo. Mrs Martin expects to make that her home in tho future. C. E. Mosman and Mrs Kormode went over to the West Side sawmill this morn ing. Rev Trowbridge accompanied them as far as Riachs. Fordyce Brownlee was in town Tues day looking for a house to move his fam ily into. He expects to gr to freighting for C. E. Mosman soon. J. O. Timbrel made a trip to Hebron Tuesday to subpoena Charles and Joe Chedsay and A. B. Whitcomb as witnes ses in tho State vs. I. W. Trinder. Win. Monahan, who has been in town the past week returned home Saturday. He has rented a house and expects to movo his family into town soon to send his children to school. I. W. Trinder came in yesterday morn ing to appear before the Justice of the Peace on a charge of having elk meat in his possession but was dismissed and re turned to his home the same evening. T. S. Faris, deputy game warden, and S. J. Sackett, attorney of Denver, rep resenting the State in the case of ihe State vs. I. W. Trinder came in from Granby Tuesday, leaving again Wed nesday. E. J. Norris returned Monday evening i from Denver where he has been purchas ing his fall and winter stock of goods. Ho has purchased a fine lino of shoos aud other dry goods, and also a quantity of jewelry. E. J. Zipfel expects his bake oven in from the railroad shortly when he will open up his new bakery. The building is finished up in a very neat and attract ive manner and Mr. Zipfel understands his business thoroughly. T. John Payne and daughter and Mrs. A. E. Dwinell aud two sous went to Ft. Collins last Thursday. Mr. Payne and daughter will spend a short time in Col lins aud Mrs. Dwinell and sons will go to Manitoufor a months visit. PARK HOTEL Tom Don, Proprietor. ■ Headquarters for Business men, Tourists, Hunt ing parties, and in fact everyone wishing first class Hotel accommodations. a* j* «.* Best or Meals, Table Service, and Comfortable Rooms. Walden - = Colorado " — l ■ i.| j" ■ 1 *—ih I lie L LIVERY AND t » S T AB E [ TIMBREL, Proprietor. f irst class Rigs and reliable driv- £ :s Boarded. ■.* Best of care r ent Stock, e* ..■* •* e* ■* by b Y AND GRAIN FOR SALE p. Colorado. YYYYVrYYYYVY^YYA I LARAMIE JEWELRY CO. j Louis Miller, Mauager, J DEALERS IN J Watches, Clocks,*Jewolry, Silverware ami J Optical Goods. Watches, Clocks ami J Jewelry repaired hy skillful workmen and J Laramie, Wyoming. NUMBER 31. S. A. Mclnfcyro has leased the A. 11. ; Law block in the north east part of town and has moved to that placo whore ho and his son Albert will live, not in a marble palace exactly, but in a comfort able house made from the fibre of the flax plant. M. 11. Beckett and Roy Hyatt, accom panied hy a half brother of Win. Rose brook, deceaesd, returned Friday from Ft. Collins, where Mr. Beckett and Mr. Hyatt went to take the .hotly of Roso brook, from which place it was taken to Lovelaud for burial. A girl was horn to Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Law Sunday bight. Dr. Fischer was in attendance and all concerned are doing nicely. While the young lady weighs but seven pounds Mr. Law is so elated that in order to make room for his ex pansive smile, it was necessary for the doctor to set his ears back a feu inches. For your Harness and Shoo Repairing work go to Thos. R. Cochrane, where all work is fully guaranteed. Leather and new harness repairs of any kind are to ho found here. Second hand tools also to ho had both in carpenter and black smith lines. Anvil and bellows also. Anyone wanting new harness come ami get prices. Rubber boots,mended. When in town come in and see us,at the Daugh erty Building. Thos. R. Cochrane. Pasture for Beet Cattle. •100 acres of fine river bottom pasture newly fenced at Granby on Moffat road. Gate 200 yards from stockyards across river. Stoclruot disturbed or frighten ed by railroad trains.. Plenty of good water. Rates reasonable. An Ideal place to bold your stock while awaiting shipment. Address J. N. Ostrander Resideneuce phono, Granby, Colo. Black 7015. Call from Granby Liv ery Stables. Wanted. Party for contract to grub and burn sagebrush on, and plow 10ft acres ground, or |>ortion. Work this fall. Call or tel ephone Philip P. Hoover, Walden Telephone Office.