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Notice of Application to Lease State Lands. Office of State Board of Land Cominis- ) sinners, Denver, Colo., Sept. 21, 1007. ) Notice is hereby given that C. C. Fliu iau and Andrew Noroll, whose postoflice address is Walden, Colo., have made ap plication No. 4151 to lease the following described School Lands, situato in Lari mer County', Colorado, to-wit: NW'i of NWi, si of NW'L BWi and wJ of SKj of Sec 10, Twp. 9 N. R. 81 W. No other application to lease the above described land will bo considered after October 23rd 1907. John L. Vivian, Register. (Ist Pub. Sept. 26; last Pub. Oct. 17.) Notice for Publication. Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. U. S. Land Office. Denver, Colo., ( August 29, 1907. ) Noticois hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juue 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States, by act of August 4, 1892, Charles A. Brands, of Lligho, county of Larimer, State of Col orado, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 708, for the pur chase of the Lot 1 of Section No. 10, in Township No. 9 N, Range No. 81 V\. oth I’. M., and will ofTor proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this oflice at Denver, Colo., on Tuesday the 19th day of Nov 1907. He names as witnesses: Win. R.Mon ahan, Samuel Ilawarth, Fred M. Wyatt, and Win Holden, all of lligho, Lirimer county Colo., Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above described lands are retpiestd to file their claims in this office on or I before the said 19th day of Nov., 1907. j C. D. Ford Register. (First Pub. Sept. 5; last Pub. Nov. 7.) ~ Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. United States Land Oflice, ) Denver, Colo., Sept. 17, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given, that Charles A. Chedsey, of Larimer county, Colo., has filed notice of intention to make final proof ou his desert land claim No. 525 for the SEI-4 SEI-4Sec. 14, SWI4SWI-4 Sec. 13, Nl-2 NWI-4, SWI 4 NWI-4 Nl-2 SW 1 4 Sec. 24. NEI 4 SEI-4, Sec. 28, Tp. 7 N., U. 82 W. oth P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commission er, at his office in Walden, Colo., on Wednesday, the 13th day of November, 1907. He names the following witnesses to provo the complete irrigation and recla mation of the said land: Hubert C. Chedsey, Joseph Chedsey. John Royalty, Ernest Osier, all of But ler, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (First Pub. Sept 26. last Pub. Oct. 81.) Notice for Publication. Desert Lund Proof. U. S. Laud Office, Denver, Colo., ) Sept. 17, 1907. \ Notice is hereby given that George H Manville, of Hebron, Larimer Co, Colo., has filed notice of intention to make final proof on his desert land claim No. 496 for the SI 2 NWI-4 Nl-2 SWI 4. SWI 4 SWI-4 Sec. 14, SEI-4NEI 4. El-2 SEI-4 Sac. 15, Tp. 8 N. R. 81 W. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Walden, Colo., on Wednesday the 13th day of November, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recta rnation of said land: J. Elmer Mallon, William F. Hill, of Hebron, Colo., Charles E. Mitchell, of Butler, Colo., Lorena Manville, of Heb ron, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Stfpt 26th; last Pub. Oct. 31.) Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. United States Land Office, ) Denver, Colo., Sept. 17, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Lorena Manville of Hebron P. 0., Larimer Co. Colo.,has filed notice of her intention to make proof ou herdesert land claim No. 497. for the El-2 SEI 4 Sec. 10. NWI-4 SEI-4, Nl-2SWI-4, SWI-4 SWI-4, S.*<\ 11. ami NWI-4 NWI 4 See. 14, and NEI 4 NEI-4 Sec. 15. Tp. 8 N., R. 81 W. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner at bis office in Wal den, Colo., on Wednesday, the 13th day of November 1907. She names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: J. Elmer Mallon, William F. Hill, of Walden, Colo , Charles E. Mitchell, <>f Butler, Colo., George H. Manville, of Hebron, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (First Pub. Sept. 26, last Pub. Oct. 31.) The Windsor Stables. When in Laramie with your teams, remember we have the very best accom odntionsiu the city. We have the best, hay that money can buy. If you have any horses to sell or want to buy any let us know. If you need any second hand spring wagons or buggies wo have some for sale. • The Windsor Stables Co. Corner 3rd. ami Custer St. ‘ SELDOM THINKB. Ethylene—Cholly sent me a lovely valentine and a note saying his thoughts are all of me — Ernest —That signifies nothing; he doesn't think ofteuer than onco a month. EMBARRABSING! I Mrs. Neersite —I found this horrid ; comic valentine In the coal-hod! I I suppose some Idiot sent it to Bridget? J Orville Mugge—Er, beg pardon, but, er, that’s my photograph! Er, 1 mailed it to your daughter yesterday. THE DIAGNOSIS AND THE BILL. Daughter—Odd! Why do you ask your patients what they eat? Does It assist your diagnosis? Doctor —Yes, my child. When I know what they have for dinner, I can form some estimate what to charge. In raising poultry for market, usu ally the profit lies in hatching early pushing the chickens forward as rap idly as possible and marketing the early. Spring chickens at sprin prices pay better than fowls sold laL on, when, though the fowls weig' ! more, there is not only the low price, but additional feed for perha two or three months must be tak Into consideration. ALFRED H. LAVT . Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Notary Public. Full line of Legal Blanks,Tuclud- A ing all L ind Office, Conveyano i ing, and Business Transactions. I do Surveying and Prepare Maps, I Plats and Filings of all Kinds. Telephone Numbers: i Office, Walden 18 * ——— < Residence, Cedar 18 AivwybooyAl : Korl Collin's Progressive Clothiers. 155 I .in ilon Sr. f WALTER L. SHAIR, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, j* o* ' Walden. Colorado W. 0. MOSMAN, U. S. COMMISSIONER. OFFICE DAYS: Monday anti Saturday , of each week. •• * • r ’.OANS - REAL ESTATE Walden, Colorado. l BRAND DIRECTORY l E of the NORTH PARK 3 E 3 £ If any of the brands or addresses in this directory j Care incorrect, or are changed at any time, you will A confer a favor by notifying the New Era at once. U J In this way the directory may he kept accurate, and j 0 will prove of value at all times. J (X)|, H n Muir nlfaKilf »lf Of »lf Of Him P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. W. 13. ZIPFEL. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. P. O. address. Rand, Colo. Range, North Park. mmm T. JOHN PAYNE. P. O. address, Plnkhampton, Colo. Range, North Park. ~WT CHARLES B. BERGQUIST. P. O. address, Higho, Colo. Range. North Park. JOS. W. SLACK. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range. Nortn Park. as WM. NORRELL. p. O. addreee, Walden, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parka. aha HANSON ft RICH. P. O. addreaa, Spicer, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parke. •aoi ■BBS® ED. GOULD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Kanga North Park. ANDREW AND GRACE PETERSON P. O. address. Hebron, Colo. Rang* Worth Park. an dn EVERHARD ft ISH. P. O. addreie. Rand, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parke. mm 9SB WILL L. LATHAM. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, s’orth Park. ■ia : JACOB JOHNSON. P. O. addreee Waldea, Colo. Range. m JNO. C. I3H. P. O. address, Walden, Colo Range, North Park. 3BSI OWEN S. CASE. I*. O. address Walden. Colo. Range North and Middle Parks. mm CASPER FOX. P. O. address, Plnkhampton, Colo Range, North Park. CASPER FOX. P. O. address, Cowdrey, Colo Range, North Park. »san am C. F. STAPLES. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range- North Park. m ~ LARS LARSON & BRO. P, O. address Walden, Colo. Range N ks. ~ m JAS. MACFARLANE & SONS. F. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Rang*, North and Middle Park. m WM. McCONNAUGHEY. P. O. address. Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. MARV A. KING. P. O. address, Plnkhampton, Colo Range. North Park. P O. address. Walden, Colo. Range, North Park N Win. BROWNLEE. Walden, Colo. KORDYCK HKOWNI.EE. Walil.-n ('olu 3a MAUD C. BROWNLEE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range 1 North Park. AUGUST ANDERSON. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. 188 ANNIE C. MATTHEWS. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park, m DAWSON & GREEN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. mmT V JOHN MITCHELL. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. as 99 WM. HEINEMAN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. 3B WM. KERR. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. mm HMi FLOYD B. RICH. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range North Park. marm gBSbm I m I GEO. H. MANVILLE. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. S OT.DENBURG. P. O. nitdress, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. D. W. McDOLE. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. 9MS9 HARRY L. BAUGH. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. WILLIS F. WEBB. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. CHAS. L. P. WINiCOM. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. 191 WM. BENNETT. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Ramgb, North Park. JAS. MARR. P. O. address. Hebron, Cola Range, North and Middle Parks. ' am 1 £ ;J MAH) - ..NE. F. O. addros... V.’j. .. ' - 010. Range North Park. - = j| SAMUEL H. HAWORTH. P. O. address, Higbo, Colo. Range, North Park. CHAS. BROWN. p. O. address, Zirkle, Colo. Rang) North Park. WM. R. MONAHAN. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range North Park. HMi HENRY C. RIDDLE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range. 1 North Park. nohman r. McDonald. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Rang*. North Park. M PARK AND .MONTIE A. BLEVIN. P. O. address. Walden, Colo. Range. North and Middle Parks. ' * SOFIE ERICKSON. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range, North Perk. '• MRS. LAUGHOFF. . P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Ranges North Park. tjgjm ALEX K. MARR. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range North and Middle Parks. SB JAS. BONIS. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. North Park. W WM. ERICKSON. | P. O. nddress, Spicer, Colo. Range | Morth Park. 'JSBI 9 m JNO. M. COCHRANE. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Rangs I "•Uh Park. S 9 AUGUSTUSES. 1 > WIN ELL. Address Cowdrey, Colo. Range North Park. ■IN" KIM Mi INS .P. O. address, Walden, Colo. RangA. Norm Park.