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Mr. William A. Radford will answer questions and tfive advico FREE OF COST on ail subjects pertaining to the* subject of building for the readers of this paper. On account of ills wide expe rience ns Editor. Author and Manufac turer, he is, without doubt, jhe highest authority on all these subjects. Address ull inquiries to William A. Radford. No. 194 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111., and only enclose two-cont stamp for reply. Building a house for a home is one of the most interesting propositions that a man can undertake. Every married man expects to build a house and every single man hopes to do so some time. If he doesn't he is not constructed on the right plan. It often First Floor Plan. happens that a man has a small fam ily which may consist of himself and wife and possibly one small child. They don’t want a large house, they don't need it and they don't want the care of it, but at die same, time it is only business to build in such away that the house may be sold if occasion should require. But no matter how small the house may lie, a woman wants the down stairs to appear right. She naturally takes pride in having a well-arranged house neatly furnished and well kept. If the plan suits her she is perfectly happy In working out the details. In this plan only two »oms are fin ished off upstairs. About one-third of the upper floor is left unfinished to be used as an attic store room. This saves expense when building, and the housewife has fewer rooms to take care of afterwards. Two rooms may be added here any time in the future at very little expense. Two bedrooms and bathroom up stairs makes a very nice arrangement for a family of two, and leaves a spare bedroom for use when required. The bedroom downstairs may be made in to a library, if so desired. It is real ly more appropriate for this purpose than it is for a bedroom, if so wanted by the family. Families are different, their tastes and requirements are dif ferent; what suits one would not suit another, but this room would make a very nice library or smoking den, and that is what every man should have. Jf he doesn’t smoke, some of his friends do, and most women object to having tobacco smoke scattered pro miscuously through any other part of the house, and they cannot be blamed for this objection. The house means more to a woman than it does to a man, and it is her pride and ambition to have it exactly right and to have things as nice and delicate as her keen sense of propriety suggests. The sitting room and dining room In this plan are almost like one long room. The archway between may be fitted with portieres or not. If por tieres are used and looped well back the view is not obstructed to any great extent, and a company of a doz en or two may comfortably occupy the two rooms. The general plan of this house is what used to be called the Boston style. It Is rather after the long and narrow order, being 22 feet wide and 38 feet long, exclusive of porches. There arc some advantages in a house of this shape. You get more light and better air. The rooms may he placed to better advantage without using diagonal partitions, which gre objectionable they do not leave nice comers to place good pieces of furniture. Every corner In this house is square, except the bay windows, atnd nobody wntats a square corner In a place of ftftg kind. The Home. American Wm.A.Radford Editor display hero Is principally composed of curtains and a nice chair or two de signed for looks as well as comfort. The general air of this house Is what may be called “tony." It has a neat, clean, dignified appearance, rather on the prosperous order, but the beauty is in the design rather than In the ex pensive finish. The materials are good but ordinary, no unnecessary work or expense is specified, but everything is plain and substantial. The back porch is a feature a little I out of the ordinary, it is intended for a sort of a summer addition to the kitchen, an out door work room that may be enclosed with climbing vines and furnished with a couple of old fashioned rocking chairs, with ging ham-covered cushions, somewhat on t he* grandmother order, but comforta ble as everyone knows. This back porch offers a good place for an ice box, especially in the summvr time, which is the only time in the year when an ice box in this kind of a house is really neecssary. The cellar is cool enough at other times, and is fairly convenient to the kitchen. The outside grade entrance to the cellar is a great help. It gives an easy entrance from the garden for carrying things in and out without tracking through the kitchen, a fea ture that every woman knows exactly how to appreciate. A long cellar like this is especially well designed for keeping fruit. With a partition behind the furnace the part under the kitchen may be kept cool enough to keep ap les and veegetables without drying ip. The cellar walls are built with cmer.t mortar and broken stone ot übblo. AM stone surfaces are layered outside and the joints filled •: J b :u! d with black beading, whicl, ivos ;!:e wall an attractive finish. If bo house fares the north it would bn better to put the fruit room in th • 'rout end of the cellar. The north end s several degrees cooler than tho tin furnace pipes past the partition outh end, and it is not necessary to n the sitting room. To reach the front bedroom an up stairs pipe may be placed on an in cline through the wall partition. Such little details must be looked after by the owner. That bedroom upstairs would be difficult to heat from a fur nace with the pipe improperly laid. There is a right and a wrong way to put in furnace pipes, and my experi ence Is that the eye of the owner Is a little better than the eye of the In spector. In arranging furnace pipes It is a good plan to study the different rooms before the building is started. Almost as soon as the cellar wall is built you want your furnace pipes in place. You want the hottest pipe In Second Floor Plan. the sitting room and the next hottest pipe In the bathroom. The old-fashioned way of .heating a house was to lead the biggest pipe to the lower hall and let the air float up stairs naturally, but natural conditions cannot always be depended upon to furnish good results. A good furnace man, if given plans before the build ing Is started, can lay out a system of pipes that will heat every room with out passing the air through the front hall. There Is another extreme to this proposition, and that is to keep the front hall shut off and not have any air carried In that direction. This Is as much of a mistake as the other. Ventilation is just as Important as heat and you cannot have good v£n tilatlon with the hallway shut off. I BRAND DIRECTORY \ E of the NORTH PARK 3 £ 3 0 If any of the brands or addresses in this directory j Eare incorrect, or are changed at any time, you will Q * confer a favor by notifying the New kra at once. 0 In this way the directory may be kept accurate, and J 0 will prove of value at all times. 0 OOCO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO to oo P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range, North Park. T. JOHN PAYNE. P. O. address, Pinkhamptofi, Colo. Range, North Park. CHARLES B BEHGQUIST. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range, North Park. 9H JOS. W. SLACK. P. O. address, Rand, Colo. Range. North Park. ~m WU. NORRELL. F. O. »aaran, Walden, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parka. iS9fi§Rß HANSON & RICH. P. O. addreia, Spicer, Colo. Range, Horth and Middle Parka. ED. GOULD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range North Park. ANDREW AND Git ACE PETERSON. P. O. addreaa. Hebron, Colo. Range Worth Park. 9H BVERHARD * ISH. P. O. addreaa, Rand, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parka. 3HI WILL L. LATHAM. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. JACOB JOHNSON, f. 0. address Walden, Colo. Range, JNO. C. ISH. P. O. address, Walden, Colo Range, North Park. OWEN S. CASE. po. address Walden, Colo. Range North and Middle Parks. __ , 1-1 U K'JX p o. address, Pinkhampton, Colo , Range, North Park. __ j CASPER FOX. P. O. address, Cowdrey, Colo Range, North Park. C. F. STAPLES. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range. North Park. - jg LARS LARSON & BRO.. P, 0. address Walden, Colo. Range N ks. Hi JAS. MACFARLANE & SONS. F. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, north and Middle Park. ai WM. McCONNAUGHEY. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. mm ■Hi MARl r A. KING. P. O. address, Pinkhampton, Colo Range, North Park. Mo.-S.MVN ,‘. ■ P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. Wm. BROWNLEE, Walden, Colo. FORDYCE BROWNLEE, Walden, C 010. 3H MAUD C. BROWNLEE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. AUGUST ANDERSON. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. 389 ANNIE C. MATTHEWS. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. DAWSON & GREEN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North and Middle Parks. JOHN MITCHELL. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. WM. HEINEMAN. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. WM. KERR. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. FLOYDB. RICH. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Range North Park. SB ■BMP GEO. H. MANVILLE. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo. Range, North Park. J. H. OLDENBURG. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. mm Bnfl D. W. McDOLE. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Range, North Park. HARRY L. BAUGH. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. WILLIS F. WEBB. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. CHAS. L. P. WINiOOM. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Ragt, North Park. WM. BENNETT, P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Rgagk, North Park. JAS. MARR. P. O. address, Hebron, Colo lun. North and Middle Parks. L J MARY AMI. P. O. address. W i :. Colo. Rang; North Park. SAMUEL H. HAWORTH. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range, North Park. CHAS BROWN p. O. address, Zlrltle, Colo. Rangi North Park. am WM. R. MONAHAN, p. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range North Park. HENRY C. RIDDLE. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. • r •' . ,'ib NORMAN R. MCDONALD. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, North Park. nm PARK AND MONTIE A. BLEVIN. P. O. address. Walden, Colo. Range. North and Middle Parks. ~gjjp SOFIE ERICKSON. P. O. address, Hlgho, Colo. Range, North Park. MRS. LAUGIIOFF. P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Ranges North Park. WHRH ALEX K. MARR. P. O. address, Butler, Colo. Rangi North and Middle Parks. mmm BhkSß JAS. BONIS. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Rangs North Park. WM. ERICKSON. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Rang# North Park. iSMH * JNO. M. COCHRANE. P. O. address, Spicer, Colo. Rang* *«Uh Park. SB AUGUSTUS'*E, Dw INELL. Address Cowdrey, Colo. Range North Park. JNO. KIMMONS. . P. O. address, Walden, Colo. Range, " North Park.