Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW ERA Published by THE NEW ERA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. RAY RIDDLE, Editor. ALFRED H. LAW, Manager. A Republican newspaper devoted to the 'nterests of Walden and the North Parle. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Six Months LOO Throe Mouths 50 Advertising rates given on application. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second-class matter March 9, 1900, at the past ollice at Walden, Col orado, under Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Here shall the Press the cause oj Truth maintain, unawod by Influence and unbribed by Gain. LOCAL PICK=UPS Saui Bair is in town this week . Wm Baldwin was a city visitor Satur day. Frank Staples was in town on business Monday. Hugh Hunter was in Walden Mouday from the Cowdrey country. Frank Shaw bach was In from Hebron Tuesday. D. F. Sudd nth was a Walden visitor Sunday from the Canadian. Albert Bradfield was a city visitor Monday from the upper Michigan. Gilberr Hayes and Sam Carden were in the city Monday from the Owl coun iry. Mr. and Mrs. Jephtha Davison were in the city Mouday looking after business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. George Manville and family were in the city Monday from Hebron. W. J. McPheeters.made a trip to En campment last week taking Fred Lath am with him. Born To Mr. and Mi's. Albert Asfalg Saturday, a girl. The mother and baby are doing well. The Odd Fellows lodge No. 118 will give a Grand Ball in the I. O. O. F. Hall Thanksgiving night. S. 11. Haworth of Higho spent the jiast week amidst the social gayeties of ourbrilliant little city. Jas. Marr, Jas. McFarlane, and Hubert Chedsey left Sunday for Laramie. When they were about to Cowdrey they met Tom Blake with his mule team, and their horses became frightened and leap ed to one side leaving Mr. Chedsey by the wayside. He was not hurt in the least and soon caught up again. Constable's Sale Taken by virtue of an execution issu ed out of the ollice of Mark Crawford, a Justice of the Peace sitting within and for the County of Larmer in the State of Colorado to mo directed whereby I am commanded to make the sum of $74. 10 damages and the further sum of $4.05 costs, I have levied upon and will expose for sale at public vendue at my office in Walden on the 11th day of Nov. at 1 o’clock P. M. to the best and highest bidder, the following des cribed property, to wit: Three stacks of hay, including about 80 tons, said hay located on the ranch known as the Lip pelt ranch. Seized and taken into ex ecution at the suit of J. W. Welch vs. C. J. Lippelt & Co and Martha A. Whit noy Lippelt. Terms and conditions of sale, cash. J. C. Timbrel, Constable. Notice of Adjustment Day. Estate of Wm. E. Rosebrook, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appoint ed Administrator of the estate of Wm. E. Rosebrook, late of the county of Lar imer in the State of Colorado, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of said Larimer County at the Court House in Fort Collins, in said Co. on Monday, the 2nd day of Dec., A. D. *1907, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at which time all persons hav ing claims, against said estate are notifi ed and requested to attend for the pur pose of having the same adjusted. Ail persons indebted to said estate are re quested to makejmmediaoe | ayment to the undersigned. Dated at Fort Collins, Colorado, this 31st day October 1907. Roy Hyatt, Administrator of the es tate of Wm. E. Rosebrook, deceased. (Ist pub. Nov. 7; last pub. Nov 28.) For your Harness and Shoe Repairing work go to Hi os. R. Cochrane, where all work is fully guaranteed. Leather and new harness repairs of any kind are to be found here. Second hand tools also to be had both in carjienter and black smith lines. Anvil and bellows also. Anyone wanting new harness come and get prices. Rubber boots, mended. When in town come in and see us,at the Daugh erty Building. Thos. R. Cochrane. For Sale—One Spaulding two seated top buggy. Almost new. J. M. Cochrane. ALFRED H. LAW Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law Notary Public. Full line of Legal Blanks, Includ ing all Land Office, Conveyanc ing, and Business Transactions. I do Surveying and Prepare Maps, Plats and Filings of all Kinds. Telephone Numbers: \ Office, Walden 18 ~ \ Residence, Cedar 18 WALTER t. SHAIR, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Walden. Colorado W. 0. MOSMAN, u. S. COMMISSIONER. FILE DAYS: Monday and Saturday of each week. •• * • LOANS - REAL ESTATE Walden, Colorado. P. W. FISCHER, M. 0. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. j* Waldne Colorado. The Windsor Stables. When in Laramie with your teams, remember we have the very best accom odations in the city. .We have the best hay that money can buy. If you have any horses to sell or want to buy any let us k now. If you need any second hand spring wagons or buggies we have some for sale. The Windsor Stables Co. Corner 3rd. and Custer St. Notice for Publication. Timber Land Act June 3, 1878. U. S. Land Office. Denver, Colo., ) August 29, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled “An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States, by act of August 4, 1892, Charles A. Brands, of Higho, county of Larimer, State of Col orado, has thi9 day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 788, for the pur chase of the Lot 1 of Section No. 10, in Township No. 9 N , Range No. 81 W 6th P. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricul tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before W. O. Mosman at his office at Walden Colorado on Tuesday, the 24th day of December, 1907. He names as witnesses: Wm. R.Mon ahan, Samuel Hawarth, Fred M. Wyatt, and Wm Holden, all of Higho, Larimer county Colo., Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above described lands are requestd to file their claims in this office on or before the said 19th day of Nov., 1907. C. D. Ford. Register. (First Pub Sept. 5; last Pub. Nov. 7.) Notice for Publication. Desert Lund Proof. United States Land Office, ) Denver. Colo.,Oct. 17, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that Marie L Patten of Hebron,Larimer County,Colo., has filed notice of intention to make proof ou her desert-land claim No. 633, for the NEI 4 NWI-4, Nl-2 NKI 4, Sec. 29, Tp. 7 N, R. 81 W.. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Commissioner, at bis office at Walden, Colo., on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 1907. She names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Robert Bradtield, of Walden, Harvey Turner, of Hebron, Janies Patten and Harry Patten, both of Butler, Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. Ist Pub. Oct. 24th; last Pub. Nov. 28th. ) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, ) Land office at Denver, Colo., J- October 17, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that David F. WALDEN’S NEW BAKERY The Place to get first class Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Special Orders Receive Special Attention T. J.ZIPFEL, Propr. The Gresham Hotel THE BEST HOME COOKING Meal Hours; Breakfast, 7toBA. M. Dinner, 12 to 2. Supper, 6toBP. M. Meals served after 9 I*. M. 50 cents Day rates $1.50 to $2.00 OUR ROOMS ARE THE BEST IN TOWN. MRS. D. F. GRESHAM, PROPR. ji - ** I JOE BLACK’S I THIRST PARLORS ARE STILL IN WALDEN, And Furnish the Best of All Kinds of Imported and Domestic Liquors and Cigars for Cash. JOE BLACK, Propr. I — * fc —1 - What do You Want? tVou can get anything in the way of Ladies and Gentlemens shoes, hosiery, winter clothing, jewelry, confectionary, etc. at E. J. NORRIS. r * Usher of Longmont, Colorado, has filed notice of his intention to make Final Five Year proof in support of his claim viz: Homestead entry number 20121 made May 15, 1901, for the NE$ &E| SEJ of Section 20 Tp. 10 N, Range 76 W 6th P. M.. and that said proof will be made before G. R. Cushing, Clerk Coun ty Court at bis offiice at Fort Collins, Colo, on December 7, 1907. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land, viz: Alexander M. Stuart and Clarenetice E. Talmage, both of Gleneyre, Joe H. Smith of Fort Collins and George Campton of Liver more Colorado. C. D Ford, Register. (Ist Pub Oct 24; last Pub. Nov 28th) Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. United States Land Office,! Denver, Colo., Oct., 17.1907. 1 Notice is hereby given that Marie L. Patten, former wife of Edwin Patten, deceased, of Hedron, County, Colorado, has filed notice of intention to make proof on her desert land claim No. 571,f0r the swl 4 swl 4 See.2l, si 2 ski 4, sel-4 swl-4. Sec. 20, Tp. 7. R. 81 W., 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman,an U. 5. Commissioner, at his office in Walden Colo., on. Saturday, the 7th day of Dec ember, 1907. She names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and recla mation of said land: Robert Bradfield,of Walden; Harvoy Turner, James Patten and Hairy Patten all of Hebron, Colo. C, D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Oct. 24th; last Pub. Nov. 28th.) Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, i Land Office at Denver, Colo., - October 9, 1907. ) Notice is hereby given that James 1 J Allard of Walden, Larimer Co. Colo, has filed notice of hi 9 intention to make final Five Year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry number 21294 made November 11 1902, for the N 4 NE± 25. W* SKI 4 Section 24, Tp 10 N, Range 80 W. 6th P. M. and that said proof will Lo made before Wm. O Mos man, an U. S Coinmisioner, at his office in Walden Colo, on Saturday Nov. 23, 1907. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continous residence upon and cultivation of the land, viz: Norman R. McDonald, Eugene A. McDonald, Frank H. Hills, and Collin E. Davis, all of Walden Lariqier Co. Colo. C. D. Ford, Register. (IstPub. Cct. 17; last Pub. Nov. 21st) Notice for Publication Desert Land Proof. United States Land Office, ) Denver Colo, Oct. 12 1907. \ Notice is hereby given that Edward J. Norris, one of the Heirs of Edward Nor ris, Deceased, of Walden Lariinor Co. Colo., has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert-laud claim No. 481, for the N'i NE|. sw± nes. neL nws Sec. 24. Tp. BN. Range 82 W. 6th P. M., before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Com misoner at his office in Walden, Larimer Co. Colo, on Saturday, the 23 day of Nov. 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and re clamation of said land: George H. Man ville of Hebron, Colo., John T. Mitchell of Butler Colo , Edward A. Johnson,and Ernest N. Butler, both of Walden, Colo. 0«. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Oct. 17: last Pub. Nov. 21st) Notice for Publication. Desert Land Proof. United States Lmd Office, ) ! Denver Colo., Oct. 9, 1907. j ! Notice is hereby given that William J. Dawson of Walden, Larimer Co., Colo., has tiled notice of intention fo make proof on his desert land claim No. 270 for the N’i seJ Sec. 30, Tp. 9 N, Range. 80 W 6th P. M. before Wm. O. Mosman, an U. S. Coinmisioner at his office in Walden, Colo., on Saturday, the 23 day of November, 1907. He names the following witnesses to ; prove the complete irrigation and re- | clamation of said land: Harry Green, ; Elmer Mallon, Albert E. Butler, and Maude Mallou all of Walden, (kilo. C. D. Ford, Register. (Ist Pub. Oct. 17: last Pub. Nov 21st.) • WE ARE LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. Let Us Supply Your Need. We Have to arive 2 cars Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Beets, Parsnips, Carrots and Squash. 1 car Tomatoes 1 car fancy Winter Apples 1 car Corn 1 car Peas 1 car'Solitaire Ccnncd Ghhds 1 car Swifts Pride Soap 1 car Fish aud Cheese 1 car California Fruit 3 cars Flour 1 car Cooper Wagons GEM CITY GROCERY CO, Laramie. III II I 'I II ———in I ■!» Laramie and Walden STAGE LINE , Leaves and arrives every day except Sundays Good accommodations and cheap rates. A direct connectioji with Denver the same night. We also operate a livery and feed barn in Lar amie: teams to hay, 75 cents per day. Trabing Commercial Co., Propr. GEO. W. TRABING, Mngr. Cordiner’s Drug; Store 311-2nd Street, = -Laramie, Wyoming. Is the Place for Fishing Tackle— We Carry Everything in this Line. Rods from 35 cents io $15.00. Kodaks—lf il is not an Eastman , il is not a Kodak We are Agents for the Above Line. MAIL US YOUR ORDERS AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. When in Laramie STOP at The JOHNSON HOTEL J. F. Johnson = = = = = Proprietor EUROPEAN > FLAN c* „•* c* LARAMIE, WYOMING THE - FIELD J ROUND-UP COMENSES NOVEMBER 10 th. Try the Telephone Systrm for adjusting your drives. | T INVESTIGATE " If you <want a Telephone Call up the Manager. Philip P. Hoover, Manager. 'g.'g. ,g..g.,g M g.,g„g.'g"g«g»§MfM§> fffffttttftt ! Absolute f j Satisfaction! f $ * | A privilege which J | you get when you - * it trade with us *£ J I* - * | We Handle— f t Fresh and Cured Meats, Flour and t t Feed - Groceries - Hardware r |, Garden Seeds - Onion Sets j* We are Agents for- John Deere Plows and Scrapers t Wagons and Buggies - Seeders T Hay Tools - Sharpies Cream «§• Separators. ♦ t t t Good Goods at Honest Prices! I THE WALDEN MERC. GO. i -$• t ttt