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VOLUME 2. I. W. Trinder Pleads Guilty Discharged Hired Man Cause Of Trlnder's Arreast I. W. Trimler, the Butler ranchman, returned to Walden Friday from Fort Collins. On Monday Mr. Trinder plead guilty, in the county court, under the charge of having elk meat in his poss ess ion and he was fined SSO and costs. charge of shooting the animal was as the investigation disclosed the facts, that a nophew of Trinder’s, visiting from the east killed the elk, and the meat was served on the tables of Mr. Trinder and his neighbors. The authorites heard of the incident thru an employe of the ranch who had been discharged by Mr. Trinder, and who had assisted the nephew in dressing the elk. School Notes. There was a total of thirty three neither absent or tardy during the month of November. The following are the names: Beau Blevens, Raymond Dawson, Shel don Dawson, Elden Dawson, Fred Don elson, Henry Douelson, Alex Decker, Forrest Decker, Arthur Dryer, JoeCooh rune, Leslie Timbrel, Gus Johnson, Geo. l'ost, George Robison, Harry Mauville, Robert Lyons, Edwin Kilburn, Delores Cummings, Ethel Dawson, Alta Dewes, Emma Decker, Mary Donelson Eva Dou elsou, Harriet Blevins, Kathryn Blevins, Margie Moaman, Ruth Robison, Fanny Riggens. Lottie Kilburn, Ethel Wade and Hazel Donelson. Campbell Stout At twelve o'clock Thanksgiven day at the homo of Mrs. J. H. Albro, of Sar atoga, occurcd the marriage of Mr. Ralph A. Campbell of Wolcott, Wyo. to Miss Pearl M. Stout of this city. The Rev. L. Harold Ford preformed the ceremouy. The only attendants were the initned £ite relatives of the contracting parties. flirs.Canipbol is the vounsest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kiiwin Stout of and was born and was raised here. About three years ago she left North < The Ij < CENTRAL LIVERY AND j Jfeed s t abe j J. C. TIMBREL, Proprietor. f Good Horses, first class Rigs and reliable driv- ? “S' ers. o* Horses Boarded, j* Best of care ? ■d taken of Transient Stock. j» o* o* o» J BALED HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE J Walden, Colorado. * % JUST ARRIVED From Tokio, Japan Fancy Japanese Cabinets and Filigree Work, Latest Fad in Fancy Hand Painted Dishes, An unusual Assortment of Jewelery, Fancy Siluar ware and Nick Knacks. Just the Thing for Birthday and Christmas Gifts. Pills and Plasters as usual at the North Park Pharmacy. I LARAMIE JEWELRY CO. ] Louis Miller Manager, DEALERS IN J Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and 1 Optical Goods. Watches, Clocks and j Jewelry left with our agent, J. H. McKee J will be promply repaired and warranted. J Laramie, Wyoming. 5 AAAA A A A THE NEW ERA In God We Trust; All Otheifs Cash, or Good Security. Park for Saratoga to finish her education and while there made her home with her grand father J. W. Moore and her aunts, the Misses Jessie and Roda Moore. She is a graduate from the Saratoga schools in ’O6. And for the past year she has been studing music. Ralph A. Campbell is the son of Mr. and Mrs. An gus Campbell of I’ass Creek and a Grad uate from the business department of the Wyoming State University, and is now a leading member of the Vagner Campbell Co. at Walcott. They loft for that place imined iatly after the cere mony. There were scores of presents and one feature in connection with them which seldom occurs there wore no diip licates. The New Era with a host of North Park frienbs join in wishing thorn a very prosperous voyage on the sea of matrimony. Very Delicious The Thanksgiving dinner served by Mrs. D. F. Gresham was enjoyed by ever one i>artakiug of it. The dinner consis ted of turkey, cran berries, sweet pota ( toes and other delicaces. It certenly tasted like ‘Mother’s Cooking'and scor es of Walben people found it nicer to eat at the Hotel than to worry about got ting thir own biuner. About fifty ]>eople were present. A Permanent Institution. The teachers of North Park held a verv helpful and interesting Association at the Walden School house last Friday, Nov. 30. Many patrons and friends were present. Papers, readings and 1 songs constituted the program which was followed, after a short recess, by a question box and many lively and help ful opinions were given. It was decided to make the Associa tion a permanent organization, and the following officers were chosen: Miss Eva ( Stogsdill, Pres. ; Miss Lottie Maine, Sec.: Miss Sylvia Berkely, Tress. It was fur ther decided to hold the next meeting . the last of December. A reception was given the teachers the same evening at the home of Archie 7 yiMfliMft - fn—to the teacher/; there were a number of the young ]>eoplo of ! Walden and the surrounding country WALDEN, COLORADO, 5, 1907. present and all report an excellent time. Among the amusements of the even ing were a peanut drop, for which Gene McGowan won a teddy bear as tlrst prize, a peanut throw, for wnich Rayß*d die won a most valuable prize, a rubber rattle, and a game of charades, for which Archie Maine aud Miss Butter field won a real pearl handled, liigly col ored tin rattle box. Thanksgiving Dance. The dance given by the I. O. O. F. lodge Thursday night eclipsed any dance given here this season. Roy Woods, Dave Hendrickson, and Wm. Dryer fur niihed the music. A nice faature of the evening was a waltz starting at 2:35 o'.-lock and lasting one hour and twenty-five minutes. Several collides stayed with it a long time but Walter Johnson and Mias Lida Plaga were the only ones who went the limit. The danco was well attended and everybody expressed themselves no having an excellent time. Mrs. Gres chain nerved the supper and it was very dslicious. Bought Cattle. Ralph Coyte returned to Walden last week byway of Big Creek. While in that country Mr. Coyte bought 700 head of yearling steers from Hunter, Casteel, «fc Hunter. These cattle passed through Walden Friday ami will be fod on the Jus. McFarlane place this winter. Mr. Coyte at present is a cattle salesman for the Cox, Joues Commission Co. of Den ver. Norris Makes Big Shipment Floyd Norris, a former resident of North Park and well known in this city passed through Laramie Friday on his way to Omaha with a very large ship ment of cattle. Ho was accomyanied by D. 11. Rand. N. W. Griggs aud Joe Kaue, all of Big Piney Wyo. LOCAL PICK-UPS Rye Bread at the Walden Bakery. Buy your silver ware of E. J. Norris , M. C. Ward spent thanksgiving in town Graham Bread at the Walden Bakery Jewelry and novelties at E. J. Norris. Two good pianos for sale by the Wal | den Merc. Co. j Alex K. Marr was transacting business | in town Friday. Fred and Bessie Bakerspenta fey days in town last week. Archie Maine, is the new cook at the LaFevor saw mill. Dug Langhoff was sojourning in town Friday and Saturday. Joe Shearer of Rand attended the dance Thursday night. Alex Hanson, of Spicer, spent a few days iu town last week. i Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Sudduth wereshop | ping in town Monday. Harve Turner spent Monday in town, coming in from Hebron. j Harry, Jack and Tom Howard took in the dance Thursday night. Mrs. Charles Mitchel returned from Fort Collins Thanksgiving. i Chas. Winscom was in town the first of the week after supplies. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor of Rand are visiting in town to-day. Hugh Ames returned to Walden tin* first of the week from Denver. | John Dagleattendod the Thanksgiving ! dance given by the I. O. O. F. ! Laps Ish was transacting business in Walden Tuesday and Wednsday. Ervin Beutler and Archie Badgero ! attended the danco Thusday night. Elmer Hamon was in town Monday | from the Hanson ranch on the Platte. Mis. Eva Dagle aud daughter Mi*** I Lela attended the thanksgiving dances. j Fordice Brownlee aud wife of Cow j drey attended the Thanksgiving dance. John Simpson attended the dance. } coming in from wm Marr's of Hebron j Jack Smith returned Thursday from j Fort Collins and other out side points. John Murray and wife of Zirkle were shopping in town the first of the week. Hurry Holdrege attended the dance Thursday night and acted as floor Man agor. JGone McGown spout lust week in town and was the guest of Archie Maine and A. * V*' Emmet Lee and wife attended the iftnci*. coming in from their ranch near Hebron. - *£Dave MacFarlane arrived in Walden Saturday with a load of grain for C. E. Mtobuiai:. • Mr. Wm Ketchaw aud Mrs. Wm Slee we're visiting with Mrs. Rich the first of the week. Alex. K. Marr was in the city Tues day* coming in from his ranch on tho Canadian. Miss Ora Ryan arrived on the Saturday night’s stage ami is now employed at the Parjt Hotel. C. L. Moore is spending a few d&yf hi town. She is the guest of Mrs. Gfcorge Post. ..v , ■-.Construction work has beguu on th npw warehouse of the W. O. Mosman hard ware Co. y- * t Harr> McCasland and Miss Rosa Wol ford of Pearl were present at tho dance Thursday night. tftChas. Winscom purchased four very fine Hereford bulls from Dick Edwards the past week. % Lars Larson and Wm. Erickson were transacting business in Walden the first ol't ho week. Wm Cook left walden Tuesday for Laramio after a load of hardware for W. O. Mosmau aud son. Albeit Rogars and M. Green returned from Laramie Tuesday with the freight outfits of C. E. Mosman Co. ( Wpi Baldwin, wife ami son spent Thanksgiven with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Green at the Hardy ranch. For watchmaking see E. J. Norris All work is done by expert watch mak era of Denver and guaranteed. Just as we goto press we hoard of the sad-death of Wm. McKenzie. The par will be given next week. Miss Ella Cap rou is now able to set up improving from her recent attack of inflamatory rheumatism. i Ovid Allard and Wm Brownlee attended the Thanksgiving dance Thursday night j coming in from the lower Michigan. Fred McAvoy returned from Denver Monday. Mr. McAvoy had two loads of cattle on tho Denver market last week. John Sullivan, Willard Franks aud •Red’ Snyder spent thanksgiving in town. Thay are employed at the LaFever saw m ill. The right man iu the right place is al most always the working man in the tight place, with the capitalist on the nside. Frank Bridges and family had business in town the first of last week. Mr. Bridges is the Big Creek saw mill pro prietor. Wm Heineman and wife were trans acting business in town Saturday. Mr. liieneman is proprietor of the Riach coal bank. G. W. Linger arrived in North Park Saturday from Engle New Mexico. Mr. Linger is proprietor of the North Park ( at tie Co. Alex. K. Marr aud Wm. Kerr left North Park Wednesday with about 250 head of cattle for the Omaha market going via Granby. Wm Donaldson left Walden Saturday for his ranch at Rand intending toapend several (lays up there Ho was acconi panied by Jack Smith. Charlie Mitchell and Melvin Gates were in tho city Thursday and Friday. They attemlod the dance and left for thier home near Butler Friday. Our entise lot of furniture, including house furnishings for two houses is for sale. Call at once and look it over. The Walden Merc. Co. Wm. McGowan arrived in Walden , Thursday night from tho Hill ranch and left Friday morning for the Home ranch of Wm Marr at Hebron. Harry Green and G. W. Linger passed thru Walden Monday on their way to • the Sutton ranches at Rind, to look after the wintering of their cattle. P E. Clark of Riverside Wyo. passed thru Walden today on his way to Grand Eucawpment with a load of coal. Mr. Clark is a brother-in law of Dr. Snair’s Jerome Decker arrived in Walden Sat urday with a load of beer and for the benefit of the Laramie papers wo will say that most of it arrived safe and sound. Notice! All hills must he settled on or before January \ st, 1908. as we are closiug out ■ our business. Tho Walden Merc. Co. George Brown of Beaver Creek arriv ad in Waldeu Saturday with a load of graiu for C. E. Mosman. Mr. Brown took home a load of supplies with him. The Moffat road has been completed as far as Yarmony and this makes Steamboat Springs and other points in Routt county thirty hours closer to Den ver. Walter Zipefl returned to Walden Thursday from Laramie Walter has been working for the L. 11. P. and P. rail road Co. and at present is rhe guest of his father. Geo. W. Trahing arrived in Walden on the stage last night from Laramie. Mr. Trahing is manager of the Walden- Laramie stage line and is here looking after the interests of it. A very pleasant Thanksgiving dinner was served by Mr. and Mrs. Wm Doner on the Lone Pine ranch. The invited guests were Mr. aud Mrs. Oscar Amler on and Elmer H-immoud. Notice! All bills must he settled on or before January 1 st, 1908. as we are closing out are business. The Walden Merc. Co. Charley Murphy and Irene Murphy at tended the dance given by the I. O. O. F. Satursday night. Charlie left for his home Saturday' and Mrs, M. R. Mat thews took Miss Irene home Monday. North Park weather can *t be beat. If eastern people could enjoy it for just one week North Park would become thickly settled. Subscribe for the New Era and send it to your eastern friends and parents. George Connors aud wife und Marine Jasabson aud wife left Walden Sunday for Pinkhanpton. Mr. Jasabson and wife took the stage from there. Monday mor ning and will spend the next month at Glenwood Springs befor returning to their home at Eort Collins. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Webb came in Mon day from the ranch in North Park,where they had been for the last two months. Mr. Webb left Tuesday for Park City, Utah, where he is engaged ih business, leaving Mrs. Webb here with their son Clyde and wife, to take the hot springs bstlis for a few weeks.—Saratoga Sun. T".« PARK HOTEL Tom Don, Proprietor. Headquarters for Business men, Tourists, Hunt- H ing parties, and in fact everyone wishing first class Hotel accommodations. j* j* a* Best or Meals, Table Service, and Comfortable Rooms. Walden - = Colorado . —-1...-!..— .J L——-L»_ ~ ■ ESfc The Gresham Hotel THE BEST HOMEICOOKINi; Meal Hours; Breakfast, 7toBA. M. Dinner, 12 to 2. Supper, oto 8 I*. M. Meals served after 9 P. M. 50 cents. Day rates $1.50 to $2.00 OUR ROOMS ARE THE BEST IN TOWN. MRS. D. F. GRESHAM, PROPR. 8 LIVERY and FEED STABLE 8 H. Loucks, Proprietor. | Grain and I B Everything from a Single 'Buggy to a Coach-and-Jour. , uu uu reO NUMBER 40. Chas. Dakar and Louie Duvall left to day with two large loads of coal for Grand Encampment. Coal is selling for sl9 a ton down there and as Mr. Baker had to make a business trip there any way he found that he would be money a head to relieve the present coal famine at that town. Better a dusty room than a spotless one gained by nagging. Some women’s sole Idea of a home Is a place where every corner may be Inspected at any moment by her dearest foe. “Persnicketty” is a homely expres sion of what a housewife should not be would she not have her husband a believer In divorce. Cleanliness may be akin to Godli ness, but it’s mighty hard to make the victims of a perniciously clean woman see it in that light. On the other hand do not be slop py. No woman need be a fright be cause she does her own work. Like wise a slovenly house Is not one where the father or children delight to linger. REFLECTIONS. The fat liog is the one sent to mar ket. The pacemaker gets more substan tial rewards than the peacemaker. No man can serve two masters, and few masters are fit for two men to serve them. It Is not wise to put all your eggs In one basket. They can be trans ported with much less danger In a safety egg-box. The reward offered for a man’s re turn after his disappearance is often more than the salary paid to him for a year’s work. “Good weather is mighty essential to raising a crop,’’ said the N&llkeg Philosopher, "but the best weather ever seen will not grow corn that was planted.*