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the New era Publishedby THE NEW ERA PRINT ING and PUBLISHING CO. VICTOR L. RILEY, Managing Editor. A Rapublioan newspaper devoted to the 'ntorcntn of Walden and the North Park. SVBSOBIPTION BATES: One Year , Six Months Three Months - 50 Advertising -fates given on appbcation. PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY. Entered as second-class matter March 9, 1906, at the poet offloe at Walden, Col orado, nnder Act of Congress of March 8, 1878. Here shall the Press the cause of Truth maintain, unawed by Influence and unbribed by Gain. Subscribe for the New Era, and get your job work done by us. In the past month we have secured 50 new cash subscriptions to the New Era Why not you. Impressionism is what you feel when you see the girl you thought you loved chewing gum. The married man always can have buttons on his nice ovrcoat —but the trouble is he haeen’t the overcoat. “Consult your wife and follow her ad vice. If she tells you to tie up your throat in a red flannel rag soaked i n ker oeene, do it.” Do you want to make your friends a present that they will always be thank ful for? If so send them a years sub criptien to the New Era. That eastern girl of yours;—let her know what you are doing in this coun try by tending her a years subscription to the New Era. “Consult your wife and follow her advice. If she tells you to wrap up your throat in a red flannel rag soaked in kerosene, do it." It has been aaid with truth that many of the people who are atrenons in their faultfinding about the newspaper* fre quentiy owe their standing in society to the newspapers' forbearance. John Wanamsksr was asked one time , what was the reason that the United States should lag behind other nations about establishing a parcels post, and that great statesman promptly replied: “There are three reasons, the American Express Co., the Adams Express Co., , and the U. S. Express Co. “Swindling in stocks, corrupting leg iaiatures, making fortunes by the infla tion of securitea, by wrecking railroads— tbeaa forma of wrongdoing in the capi i talistsare far more infamous than any , ordinary form of embesalement or for- i gory. The business man who condones , such conduct stands on a level with the ] laboring man who deliberately support* ■ a corrupt demagpge and agitator, | whether head of k union or head of a , municipality. From Presidents Mesasge | Postmaster General Meyer’s plan to i establish postal savings bank* in the | United States will be presented to con i greet at its coming session. The plan ' contemplates that the postofficaa at all I the principal center* shall be authorised 1 to receive savings deposits' and to pay 1 two par oent interest. The money will be redeposited with the local tanks, they to pay three per cent for the same, so that the currency will not be with drawn from circulation. In Great Brit ain there is a government savings bank system that aeems to work in S satisfac tory way a»d mar be quite possible that the plan proposed by Postmaster Gener al Mfyer may work out in away that will be satisfactory both—to the banks and ti>e community generally. Denver, the large and b<*utiful, was very successful! in capturing the Democrat National convention. Denver i* a good oity and seat am people would rather meet in Denver tor business or pleasure than In any other place in the United ] States. It lea very clean city and gdod, words are being said in its favor every i day. This gnat victory was woo after , a vary hard fight and it was won ba , oaose Denver offered better attractions, , tifUfr |gd giymnil boa pitaHty sod all around better facilities than were offered by any of the oom yeti eg cities. Everybody ought toahoet for Denver and every body ought to boat* Denver, North Park end Ooicrodo. 1 ' ini m «as*mneiin m t*»»i ' I The general policy of the Naw Era for I*oß will be le edhare, striokfy to the princtp Isa of the BapebHoen party end sreeaavety flmh*a*v*rs to hoaee first «d th» wertd afterward*. We was! ALFRED H. LAW ; Attorney and CounseHor-at-Law ; Notary Public. Full line of Legal Blanke,lnclud ing all Land Offloe, Conveyanc ing, and Business Transactions. I do Su/beytng end Papers Heps, Piets end Filings of ell Kinds, Telephone Number: { Residence & Office, ====== J Walden 28 WAITER L.SHAIR, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. * * Walden, Colorado W. 0. MOSMAN, U. S. COMMISSIONER. OFFICE DAYS: Monday and Saturday of each week. •• * • lOANS - REAL ESTATE Waldea, Colorado. P. W. FISCHER, M. 0. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, at j» Walden Colorado. T. R. Cochrane Harness and Shoe Repairing Daugherty Building Walden, Colorado. Xmas Supper. Supper will be surved at the Rogers bouse for the Xmas dance. Everybody is cordialy Invited. Estray Advertisement. Notice Is hareby given to whom it may ooncern that the following describ ed estray animala were taken up near Walden, Larimer County, Colorado. To wit: One red steer about two year* eld, blctched brand m left thigh. One brindle Jersey heifer about two years old, with horns, branded JU left hip Two white faceed red yearling heifers, unbranded. Two brockled faced red yearling heifers, unbranded. One bro ckle faced red yearling heifer, unbrand ed with horns. One brookle faced red yearling steer unbranded, with horns. Said animals being unknown tothis Board, unlesa claimed by owner on or before December 80, 1907, said eatrayes will be sold by this Board tor tbe benefit of the owner when found. Btate Board of Stock Inspection Com miasioners, Denver, Colorado. (Ist Pub. Deo. 11; In: Pa i. Dic.96) to meet the ranchmen of this country and we extend a very generous welcoms to them to visit our office. Any item of news of importance will bethankfully received. With the co operation of the people of North Park, we can make this paper one of the newsiest paper* in the state and if you receive a sample copy please consider it an invitation to enroll with us by remiting the necessary a. mount. Toll your friends About our paper and urge them to subscribe. Th» more subscribers we lisve the greater will be the usefulness of the paper, and tbepeople whs advertise with us will find it a useful medium to reach every head of a family iu North Park. Again we urge you to subscribe for your local paper. Did ypu ever count tho words in a column of newspaper print. Quite some of them aren’t there? Well, sup pose you sit down and write a thousand words or so on some subject—any sub, jeot, end then another thousand, and another until you have eight or ta. thousand. Try it and see how easy it is. Keep up that gait for a month. Then chase a local item all over town, and after you have gotten the facts all right, condense them Into s few lines— an hours work that can be read in afew seconds. Do this for a doseu items that seem insignificant after they are printed but which you know havedo be printed; then have the articles oritloised and the Inaoeuracie* pointed out by some smart Alec when it is too late to correct them. Oh, yes it’s a snap. That is, It’s a snap for-the fellow who doesn't have It to do. Notice of Directors Mooting A regular meeting of the directors of The North Park Bank will b* bald nt its effio* In Walden Cdtorado, on the Bth day of January 1808 at two o'clock in tha afternoon, tor tk* transaction of soeb buaiaaas as may priestly oeraa be fore ike Marti ng. A. A. Hunter Oaahlor. LOCAL PICK-UPS I Wm Norell was in town Tuesday. 1 Rye Bread at the Walden Bakery. ' Jewelry and Novelties at E. J. Norris. Buy your silver ware of EJ. Norris, , Graham Bredd at thejWalden Bakery. I “Red” Snyder has been in town this week. 1 Arthur Allard was in the town Wed- . nesday. Buy yourself a Xmas present at E J. ' Norris's Lindsey Coe was In town Monday and Tuesday. Theo. Cook returned from Laramie Saturday. Harry Holdredge is visiting in town this week. I Norm Davis is under tbe weather this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hayes were in town Monday. Thomas Vila waa transacting busines i in town Tuesday. Herb Hill waa traniacting business in town Monday. Frank Smith was in town from the Canadian Saturday. Two xood pianos for sale by tHe Walden .Mere. Go. Fred McAvoy was in town Saturday from the upper Illinois. Mr. and Mr*. Walter Franks are visit mg in town this week. Victor Carlstrom'was in the Metroplis of North Park Tuesday. Fletcher Campbell' of Hebron. wa> in town Sunday and Monday. Subscribe for the New Ere fetore Xmas a* we want to buy some presents. W. L Riddle left Monday on the stage for Laramie and other outside points. F. P. Armstrong was in town trans acting business the first_of the week. Frank McCuvlnnd, of Cowdrey, is trans acting business in Laramie this week. Frank Boyoe and Charley Browh left Walden Monday on tbe stage for Lara mie. Wm Monahan was spending* few days In town the first of the week with his family. Mrs Sodaberg and Mist Erickson were seen on tbe street* of Walden Wedaaday. Montie'Blevens returned from Denver and other eat side points tho later part of last week. Those having package, for the Ladies Aid Society will pleuse take them to the Dougherty Bldg. The sawing lias been complete at the LaFever saw mill ami the.iueu have re turned to town. D F. Suddiitti waa in town Monday and Tuesday and took home a l.sul of supplies with him. Born—On Saturday Deo. 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hoover a boy, Mothea and bebby are doing- nioely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradfield have been at the Victor hanson ranch taking care of Elmer Hammond. 1 Ray Mosman and George Franks are trapping near the Clark Cabius in tbe south end of the Park. John Murray and wife, of Zirkle, were in town Tuesday and Wednesday after their winters supplies. Cluyte Rich, of Spicer, was in town the first of the week. Mr. Rich took Jap Mouroe home with him. For watchmaking see E. J. Norris All work is done by expert wateh mak en, of Denver and guaranteed. Lost—A IT jewel Waltham watch on estreats of j Walden. Finder return to me and receive liberal reward. Walter Johnston Notice All bills must be settled os or be/ore January let 1908 M we ar* closing out our *~r ilusea no Walden Merc. Co. J. B. Metsler, agent for the Capital life Insurance Co. of Denver, returned to North Park on the stage Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mosman were in town the first of the week from the Fine her ranch near Independence Moun tain. Miss Floranoe Purvis was la the oity this weak, from Band, and will take the teachers examination held in the aohmJ house. Work has been completed on the Mai-, on bridge and W, H. Roller asd his crew of bridge builders departed forYt. Collins Monday. Furniture Sale Our entire lot of furniture. In cluding bouae Amlahlan for two I bouses la dor anla. Call and look It over. Tbe Walden Marc. Co. Mr. Cornell, the private tutor at tha Norell ranch, was in tha oity Thursday and took the teachers examination held 1 in the Walden school house, Archie Main# returned from the LeFev eraAw mill Sunday. Mr. Maine has been the chef up there for a oouple of weeka and by the looks of the men they liqve been well fed. Clarence Webb wee in the city Sunday from hie ranch on the Canadian. Mr. Webb will hold an auotion at his ranch on Dec. ST and will leave for Park City. Utah about the first of February. Among the North Park guests register ed at the Johnson Hotel at Laramie for the past week were Vivian McCasland, T. N. Hunter, Ed langhoff, E M. Hun ter, H. M. Hunter, and Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Fiaober. The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; The constant gnaw of Towser Masticates the toughest bone: ; The constant cooing lover Carries olf the blushing maid; And the constant advertiser b the one that gets the trade. Notice All Mils must be settled on or before January Ist 1008 as we are closlnjr out our business. The W widen Merc. Co ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MoPheetera and A1 McKee, left Walden Wednesday for Laramie. Mrs. McPheeters will spend the winter at Omaha and Kansas City and A1 McKee will spend about ten days in Omaha before returing to North Park. Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Fischer will return to Walden with Mr. MoPheeter. Notice! I will sell at pnblio auction to the highest responsible bidder at my ranch on the Canadian, all household goods, machinery, wagons and harness, on Fri day, Dec. 27. Terms: Cash, or Nine months time on bankable notes. Cbrenoe Webb. Notice of Stockgrowers Meeting. A meeting of the North Parh stock growers will be held at Walden on Sat. Dec. 28th for the purpose of settling up the business of the past year and to transact any other business that may properly ceme before the meeting. Andrew Peterson. The greatest homage we can pay truth is to use it — Emerson. To see what Is right and not do it Is want of courage.—Confucius. To know what Is right, and to fear to do It Is cowardice.—Confucius. - Words are always actions and ac tios* are a kind of words.—Emerson. Truth is the foundation of all knowl edge and the cement of all societies.— Dryden. Bright, cheerful, hopeful thoughts are friends that Inspire and ensure success.—Bovee. The end of men Is an action, and not a thought, though It were the noblest—Ruskln. Success In life Is the accomplish ment of a purpose, without It nothing can be attained.—Ede. The happiest persona are those who throw all their sympathies Into the lives of others.—Smiles. Never do anything concerning the rectitude of which you have a doubt—Pliny the Younger. Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never burts.—Charles Dickens. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. What most towns need Is a curfew tor married men. An empty stomach provides a mao with food for thought Even girls who are not supersti tious believe In ice cream signs. Operating a lawn mower never makes a man wish for more lawn. An .accomplished liar Is one who can successfully bluff a bill collector. Every time some men do a good act they manage to get caught at It No, Cordells, It Isn't necessarily a case of matter over mind when a wom an baa on a new hat. Give the average man a chance to make money out of the misfortunes of others and be will make It After a girl makes up her mind to marry a certain man all the advice her friends hand her to the contrary Is wasted. \ Jack, the Barber, Guns and Ammu nition. Walden, Colo * • /""■ < WE ARE LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. Let Us Supply Your Need. We Have to arive 2 cars Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Beets, Parsnips, Carrots and Squash. 1 car Tomatoes 1 carfancy Winter Apples 1 car Corn I car Peas 1 car Solitaire Conned Ghhds 1 car Swifts Pride Soap 1 car Fish aud Cheese 1 car California Fruit 3 cars Flour 1 car Cooper Wagons GEM CITY GROCERY CO, Laramie. Laramie and Walden STAGE LINE , Leaves and arrives every day except Sundays Good accommodations and cheap rates. A direct connection with Denver the same night. We also operate a livery and feed barn in Lar amie: teams to hay, 75 cents per day. Trabing. Commercial Co., Propr. GEO. W. TRABING, Mngr. Cordiner s Drug Store 311-2nd Street,=- ■ Laramie, Wyoming. Is the Place for Fishing Tackle — We Carry Everything in this Line. Rods from 35 cents io $15.00. Kodaks—lf Uls not an Eastman, it is not a Kodak We are Agents for the Above Line. MAIL US YOUR ORDERS AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. When in Laramie STOP at The JOHNSON HOTEL^ J. F. Johnson ■ - Proprietor EUROPEAN PLAN j» j». LARAMIE, WYOMING ~~~ THE - FIELD P| ROUND-UP COMENCES JigW - NOVEMBERi:iOth. •. Try the telephone System : —~ r "for adjusting your drives. '"T INVESTIGATE * //■ you nvant a Telephone Call up the Manager. ' v ‘ ,d “T.w;S”?T" f 4H o nr. ol " r “ ,, ° Philip p . Hoover, Manager. WALDEN’S NEW BAKERY The Place to get first class Bread, Cakes, and Pastry Special Orders Receive Special Attention T.J.ZIPFEL, Propr. •» : ■ — = What do You Want? fVou can get anything in the way of Ladies and Gentlemens shoes, hosiery, winter clothing, jewelry, confectionary, etc. a E. J. NORRIS. _ _ - f.