VOLUME 6. The Married Men Can Play Ball, But 0! You Cubs The second game of the season was played on the local grounds Sunday afternoon and was a decidedly fast game and full of Interest from the start in Spite of the cold wind and the flurries of snow. The married men were weak in the twirling and had to use three pitchers but were ther with the goods when it to batting andstealing bases. The Cubs were confiident at the start and played a very good game con sidering the practice they had had and never lost hope as long as there was a chance to win. ' Although the game was not played according to the 1911 rules and there were many errors, but there was just as much interest taken and as much tun as though it had been. The Cubs ac cused Emigh of having the umpire SCHOOL NOTES Roy Dow was ill and out of school three days last week. Mrs. Affolter visited the school Thursday afternoon, said she hoped we would enjoy our vacation and come back with renewed interest. We said fare well to our school last Friday with a spelling match. Leslie Timbrel finally^gained the hon ored position at the head of the class. We all, and Mr. Nelson, hope that Miss Barrett, Si. Dow, Sheldon Dawson, and a fewt of the small boys in the other rooms will enjoy their school as well as we vacationers en joy the vacation. June Shippey. Denver Markets Union Stock Yards, APril 10 The receipts of cattle here last week were very good. .Demand was strong for cows and very good for steers, though on account of dull and lower markets far steers at eastern points, prices here were weak. Cows close and firm at the advance. Good beef steers sold at $5.40 to $6.00 and good cows brought $4.65 to $5.15 with fancy heifers up to $5.75, the latter price taking a bunch of choice stuff from Ft. Collins feed lots. Other heifers sold at $5.6. and $5.70 and several bunches went at $5.25 to $4.65 . Bulls sold firm at $4.00 to $450. Veal calves at $7.00 to $9.25 for the good light weights. Coming Saturday or Sunday Six Head Fine Draft Stallions Q 3 Percherons, 2 Suffolks, 1 Shire 0 W. H. SAYLOR HAMILTON STOCK FARM i I I still have some ’ HARNESS, CHAPS, HALTERS BRIDLES, REINS AND STRINGS V 1 , Tom Horn Ropes are the best. jjft From April 17 to April 24 1 offer a specla lot of fM'bargains in 'Small goods. ffepecial Prices on Pocket Knives jjl Of all the snaps you ever snapped, gfj There are none like the Triumph snap. y- ARTHUR W. PAYNE THE NEW ERA In God We Trust; All Others Cash, or Good Security. hypmotised but wo believe the um pire realized the danger of coming under (he influence of either side and gave just dccissions except in the case or Mr. Bennett who was forced to run mimself nearly out of breath trying to, make first on foul balls. Attorney Law made several safe hits, mostly on his lower limbs. The game was won by the married men by a score of 22 to 19. The Cubs wish to have another game and play under the rules in effect in 1911, but the married men play under the rules that were in effect when they were woungsters and could hard iy be expected to use their valuable time trying to learn new rules. Some of the Cubs have the making or good players and we expect to see much improvement. Feeder and Stocker demand was good and trade active. Eastern mar kets report rather a dull trade and prices lower but local demand was good and prices held up well. To days supply was 1,500 head. Market steady on cows but weak to a dime lower on steers. All eastern markets were lower under heavy receipts. SOCIAL A social will be given at the church! in Walden, Friday evening, April 21, The Ladies Aid will serve Ice Cream, and Cake. Everyone come and spend the eve ning. and have a social time. HOME NEWS. Another snow storm Sunday night. Wm. Jones was in from his ranch Monday. John Murray, was o.ver frojn the Boetcher ranch on business Saturday. Marian Smith helped Wash Alder dice bring down a bunch of cattle S Sunday. Dennis Brennan came over from Spicer Tuesday. Say they have not had as hard a winter over in his * neck of the woods as here in Walden Mrs. Henry Boston and Miss Carrie were Walden visitors over night Tues day. The kids play some great games of ball on the grounds right next to the New Era office about every day now. Makes a feller wish he was to. WALDEN, COLORADO, APRIL 13 1911. County Commissioners Proceedings Minutes of January 2ndand 3rd. i At the regular meeting of the boaiil of County Commissioners of Jackson County held at the county offices in Waldenon the 2nd and 3rd days of January, 1911 there being present all the commissioners, the following proceedings were had: The station ery proposal of the Out West Print ing and Stationery Co. was accepted for county office supplies for the year 1911. refund of taxes to the amount of 46 cents was granted to Edward Keifer because of error in assess ment. were checked and audited to Jan 1st 1911 and approved. The balance on hand wes found to be $2014.48. Wmm Marr, A. H. Law and Wm. A. Baldwin wero appointed del a- Number of Warrant Name For Amount ROAD FUND 333 George II. Manville Hauling lumber Peterson bridge 47.1C 334J. and E. J. Kilburn Lumber and bridge timber 125.76 352 Green &vDawson Freight and bridge repairs 18.GO 353 W. G. Mellen Bridge 'Work and supplies 18G.50 354 Ames Mercantile Co. Adv. freight on bridge 37.91 ORDINARY FUND 335 H. E.* Hunter -J Commissioners services G.GO 33G .J E. Mallon Commissioners services G.GO 337 Sam E. Swire Assessors salary, 3 months 249.99 338 " C. E. Mosman, P. M. Stamped envelopes 37.78 339 Dave McFarlane Express on ballot boxes, etc. 5.00 340 Walden Trading Co Rent of county offices 25.00 341 Eva Dawson Co. Supt. salary and expenses 134.32 342 E. N. Butler Clerk services and expenses 48.05 343 Joli;i Jurgenson Water Commissioner's services 12.05 344 A. C. Ridings Water Commissioner's services 5.00 345 Edward Keifer Refund of Taxes.. . _ _ .—,4£ 346 Mrs. Charles Bergquist Election expense, postage, .30 347 Out West Ptg. &Sty. Co. Forms, blanks, etc. 1.44 34S E. N .Butler Election expense & cash adv. 20.7S 349 Colo. Telephone Co. County office phone 3 months 9.00 350 Owen S. Case Cornrs services and expenses 14.50 3 51 A. G. Maine Registering Vital Statistics 1.50 POOR FUND 355 Ames Mercantile Co. Merchandise for Mrs. Brennon 13.35 35G Mosman Mercantile Co. Merchandise for Mrs. Brennon 12.G53 Approved, , Meeting adjourned, OWEN S. CASE. E. N. Butler, Clerk. Minutes of February 7th, 1911. At the adjourned regular meeting of the board of County Commissioners of Jackson County, Colorado., held in th County Offices at Walden on the 7tli day of February, 1911 (being adjourned from the previous day in the absence of a quorum) there be ing present Commissioners H. E. Hun! ter, J. E. Mallon and O. S. Case, tliej following proceedings were had: Rules and regulations were formed; covering the payment of bounties' for the killing of wolves within tliej limits of Jackson County, and a no-i tice was ordered published for tliej information of the public in this mat- 1 ter. j Remonstrance was made to ourj State Representative and State Sen ator against the proposed change of Jackson County from the 8th, to the I 9th Judicial District. Andrew Norell's claim for rebate' of taxes was turned over to the As-i sessor for investigation An arrangement was made with the North Park Bank for the latter furnish bond for the safe keeping of the county funds and to pay the regular bankers interest on the bulk' ORDINARY FUND 357 John Jurgensen Election expenses 1.30 358 The Ames Mercantile Co. Rent Co. Offices Jan. I*9ll 25.00 359 Charles Riggei Coal for Co. Offices 27.00 360 New Era Ptg. & Pub. Co. Printing & Advertising 13,00 361 Eva Dawson Co. Supt. Salary and Ex. 44.74 362 Nellie R. Affolter . Co. Supt. Salary and Expenses 22.74 363 IT. E. Hunter Commissioner Servicos' 11.6 Q 364 J. E. Mallon Commissioner Services 1.1.60 , 365 Owen S. Case Commissioner Services 10.75 366 Goo. A. Carlson,Dis. Attv. Share of District Office Ex. 10.00 367 Col. State Ass’n Co. Com. Expenses 7.50 36S Col. Good Roads Ass’n Expenses Etc. 5.00 ROAD FUND 369 W. 11. Holliday Co. * Portland Cement 43.75 370 A. L. Fox Expenses Peterson Bridge 555.14 372 Green & Dawson Team to Kilburns 4.00 Approved, Meeting adjourned, > OWEN S. CASE. E. X. Butler, Clerk. gates to the Good Roads Conference I in Denver January 13th 1911. J. E. Mallon was named a mem ber of the Board of Control of the 6th Dry Farming Congress. The bonds of the following officers elect were approved: E. N. Butler, county eltik; A. A. Huvar, county treasurer; Nellie It. Affolter superin tendent of schools; Emerson L. Rogers, constable; Chas. L. P. inscom, assessor; A. A. Hunter pub lic trustee; J. C. Timbrel, sheriff. The report of the county clerk for December 1910 was accepted and ap proved. The report of the county judge for November 1910 was accepted and and approved The following bills were allowed ’ and warrants drawn for the same: of same. The bond of H. C. Cliedsey as coun- I ty Judge was approved (with correc tions). The bond of C. E. Mosman as Coroner was approved. ■- - The County Treasurer's reports to Jan. 1st, 1911, having been previously ! audited, wero approved, j The County Clerk's report for Dec* (ember-1910 and January 1911, were ; approved. • The County Judges’ reports for J December 1910 and January 1911 I were approved. ; The offer of the New Era Pub ! lishing Co. for printing the proceed : ings of the Board ofCommissioners ' at the rate of two cents per line I was accepted. A lease for the present county of i fices was ordered drawn up, the rate I being $25 per month. The claim of Geo. Clark for | damages by reason of a hors es leg being broken in a defective culvert I on a county raod near Clark’s ranch could not be allowed on the Infor j mation at hand. The following claims were allowed I and warrants drawn for the same: Surprise Party. Charles Emich was given a glad surprise Tuesday evening at his pool hall in honor of his birthday. The women thought it a good time to learn liow to play pool so all gol cues and proceeded to learn, and al though there didn’t appear o be any sharks among them, yet some show ed exceptional talent and we believe would become experts with enough practice. Ice cream, cake, lemonade and cigars were served. \11 had ;i jolly good time and hope that Mr Emich will have another birthday soon. Meeting of Rifle Club. The North Park Rifle Association met at the office of Dr. Fisclny Sat urday night. Many important mat ters were discussed, but as they had not heard from head-quarters no definite action was taken. A com mittee consisting of Dr. Henry Fisch er, Charles E. Mitchell and Andrew Sorenson wasappointed to select sites for a rifle range from which selection a range would be chosen at the next meeting. The club now has twenty-five mem bers and there will proboably be more by the next meeting time. ; * * : Rummage Sale. ! In order to dispose of ail Remnants, Odds and j I Ends, and Old Stock, we .offer the following j j remarkable values: | Dry Goods. • Calicos per yard : Amoskeag Apron Gingham 10 per yqrd. * : Amoskeag Gingham 12J/2 per yard • Silk Finish Gingham 22J/2 per yard J Idealean 17 per yard. Shanting Poplin 17J4 per yard. ;■ ; Bengaline * 15 per yard. • Percales 11 per yard. : | Ruchings below cost. • Extra Special Boys romper suits 50 cents. A fine line of Shirts from .75 cents to $2.00. : Easters Neckwear for men 35 and .50 cents. See our Bargain Counter for .10 and 15 cent ; : Goods. The North Prk Dry Goads ( Company. The Ames Mercantile j Company. | Dealers In H GENERAL MERCHANDISE Hardware Store In W. O. Mosman Building Can Load Any amount of Teams ; We ALWAYS Have in j A Standard Line of Fancy | And Staple Groceries. ■; Bring Us Your Orders ■ NUMBER 7 Wedded Last Thursday Thomas Miles E. Brown o£ Boa Angeles, Calif., and Miss Hannah Amelia Peterson, of Princton ‘lll., were married at the parsonago last Thursday night in the presenco of a few friends, Rev. Gcorgo IT. Man ning officiating. After tlio ceremony an elegant wedding supper was served at the Gresham house. Mr. and Mi's. Brown though hero only a short time made many friends and have the best wishes of all for a long and happy life. They had both been visiting at the Jioino of Mr. Andrew Norell for a few months ' before the wedding. The happy couple left on the stage Saturday morning for Bos Angeles, where they will make their future home. We expect to interest new capi tal in North Park this spring and de sire listings of an number of ranches Have party with largo income prop erty to trade for ranch. The New England Securities Com pany, Fort Collins, Colorado. FOR SALE. All kinds of broke horses. Can be seen at the Manville ranch. C. A. MANVIBBE.