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Sun. jr and Publisher. BR OF COUNTY. ^^ltf^============r tliture convenes on January ffmninwin session ninety days. the^eldagainst Washburn in 1 dark senatorial contest, and the IK will soon be trotted out. The Chinese know more than they have been given credit for. They acknowledge they are beaten and are ready for peace on any terms* The last steamer from Honolulu brought news of the unearthing conspiracy. Advices by the steamer will doubtless, as usual deny the report. of a uext Hayward and Blixt, the murders of Miss Ging, will be tried on January 21st at Minneapolis. There is a sus picion that these parties had other accomplices. "Minneapolis threatens, that unless St. Paul keeps hands off, in the sena torial fight, the capitol will be moved. Look out for a bill to change course of the Mississippi and fw removal of St. Anthony falls. St. have controlled the the PaiUVcitizenTshouli subscribe an investigating fund and probe into the inwardness of the "gang" who that city for a gener ation. If sensational news is wanted that would be a good field to dig The "Pops" Salpaugh "Toots"Stein nastiness, at Mankato, that has be smeared the columns of the daily press of the state for a couple of weeks past, has resulted in a verdict^ in favor the female known as Miss Stein, who gets one dollar damage* and costs. Saulpaugh should have award ed a guardian. A determined fight will be to repeal the income tax law, and some of the leading capitalists of New York will bring suit to test its constitution ality. The law will doubtless stand the test, as similar enactments have t»een enforced in this country before and income tax laws are now in force in other lands. A clipping from the Elbow Lake Herald in our last issue, relative to the regular January meeting of the county commissioners being interfered with, owing to the first day of the year being on Tuesday, was incorrect, The law expressly provide? for such a contingency, as chapter 125 of the general laws of 1891, requires that the board shall meet on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January. This would therefore bring the regular meeting for this year on Tuesday, January 8th. We ought not to be disappointed that those in control in national af fairs are incompetent to deal with the financial and other important political problems, for a job lot of machine politicians should not be expected to display statesmanship. The igno minous failure of Cleveland's adminis tration was due principally, to the political demagogues allied with his party, both in and out of congress, and to imagine that a cabinet formed principally of machine politicians could evolve other than clap-trap and humbug is expecting too much. The executive committee of the Minnesota democratic association issued a manifesto, in which it urges the party to come out solidly for free trade, and claims that the causes of defeat were attributable, to the failure to redeem platform pledges in this direction. The address is just, if merciless, in its condemnation of the "timidity, cowardice and treachery of a handful unfortunately placed where they could manipulate" and its ad mission that" we promised,our leaders would not perform and the people cast us out" is refreshingly candid. Free trade, however, will not be em bodied in the next national dem ocratic platform. All is not lovely in Irish politics as the McCarthyite faction of the Irish parliamentary party will refuse to co operate with the Liberals, unless home rule is officialy made the first and foremost issue in the policy of the Liberal party. It is intimated in the dispatchesrthat in order to dispose of the question and remove this dis turbing issue from the politics of the country, a conference may be held be tween Tory and Liberal leaders, with a view of conceding some measure of local government to Ireland. Lord Kosberry does not wish to commit the government to the reintroduction of a home rule bill before parliament is dissolved. The genial, ever courteous and deservedly popular S. G. Comstock, of Morehead, who represented this district in congress, and who was one ol the best representatives the district or state has ever had in Washington, has announced himself as a candidate for the U. S. senate. Mr. Comstock is a man of wide information,practical knowledge, pronounced views and ex tended experience in state and nation al affairs, and if chosen will fill the high position with honor and credit, He will unquestionably have a large influential and enthusiastic following, and his many warm friends in northern Minnesota, who will watch the contest with keen interest. Other candidates will undoubtedly shy their castors in the ring, but the fight is going to be, country versus city, and in this event the country is going to win. We wish Comstock well, but fear be is late in the field. We have always accorded the Min neapolis Journal a place among the first of the leading dailies of the state, and conceded that it had reached the highest point attainable. After read ing the Christmas edition, edited by the ladies of that city, we are con firmed in our belief that the Journal had reached the highest point attain able—by man's efforts—and that to attain to a higher position is only possible through the assistance o! the ladies, "God bless 'em." We have expected, but dreaded the announcement of an investigation of the Chicago police force, but as the citizens of that city have raised a fund for the purpose and employed counsel we may anticipate in the forthcoming investigation, revelations of a startling character, that will equal in point of villainy, the exposures made by the Lexow investigation now in progress in New York. Chicago has been under the control of an unprincipled and unscrupulous gang of scoundrels for years, and will only lack in the scope of organization, all that has made Tammany infamous. One of the bureaus, of little or no practical benefit to other than sea board cities and of mighty little use there, is the so-called weather bureau. It would be economy to do away with this entire department, as the only thing reliable or trustworthy that emanates from this source, is the re ports for "previous" weeks weather. The forecast, are wild guesses in the majority of cases, and it is impossible to make them of service to the farm ing community, even if they were to be depended on. People do not care to be told what the weather has been and they can do their own guessing as to what it will be. In the report of the land investiga ting committee state auditor Bierman and Mat Clark his stumpage clerk, get a scathing roast. The committee says that the conduct of the auditors office is not only careless and un systematic, but also displays evidence of "either unpardonable ignorance of the duties under the law or down right official dishonesty' The report makes many recommendations as to the adoption of safe guards against further frauds, and it is very probable the legislature will act on the sug gestion made. Much credit is due the committee for their thorough and impartial work. We do not need to go to Armenia for brutal atrocities, we find here at home in our own state of Georgia the past week, a condition of affairs that is both humiliating and disgrace ful, and it is to be hoped there will be a sentiment aroused that will put an end to such a condition of affairs that are a discredit to American laws and civilization. The murder of a white man by a negro has resulted in the wholesale slaughter of other negroes by the whites of the community, and worse, 'more discreditable and most scandalous were the brutal, beastly and infamously cruel outrages to which thejwives and daughters of the murdered negroes were subjected. IT LOOKS NELSONISH. The situation in the senatorial con test looks unfavorable to Washburn's re-election, in fact unless there is un expected strength developed by our junior senator, a deadlock will result that will require some strong, popular man to break, and while Gov. Nelson is not seeking the nomination, he could not refuse it"if the honor was proffered him. The outlook, in event of a seeming inevitable deadlock, is decidedly favorable to Nelson, and in case of such a turn in events, he is the logical candidate, possessing as he does, a strength through the length and breadth of the state, that is not held by any other prominent poli tician. LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE. Some of our leading and practical educators, object to the proposed changes in the school system of the state by substituting the town ship plan for the system now in vogue. While the plan proposed may possibly work to advantage in thickly settled old Massachusetts, is no reason why it is adapted to sparsely settled new Minnesota, in fact the difference be tween the conditions of population, value and area of taxable lands, is against its being either feasible or practical here. A few objections that occur to us are, it would involve, especially in districts overlapping town lints, ex pense in the removal of buildings,and tend by dividing, to embarass artd weaken the schools. It would work hardship and deprive many localities of school facilities now enjoyed, by reason of so much land,indemnity and railroad being non taxable. By weakening the districts, it would lower the standard of the schools, shorten the terms and necessitate the employment of an inferior class of teachers. No saving would be effected, for the trustees now serve without compensation. We do not know of the merits or advantages claimed for the proposed new scheme, but we do know that it would drag school matters into petty town politics, and result in endless trouble and confusion. We hope the measure ^yillbe closely watched and carefully considered by our delegation from this district, change so radical, should have more to recommend jt than that it has worked well elsewhere, for the reason, that conditions may not be the dame here. No district can be arranged on arbitrary geographical lines in sparse ly settled townships, they must be ar i ranged according to population, An article elsewhere published from a valued correspondent relative to a public club room is both timely and practical. Timely because the time is ripe for an undertaking of this kind and practical because possible of fulfillment. We have uo reasou to add anything to what is already said and would only invite a careful reading of the oommunioation referred to. Donnelly Items* Allie Taisey spent Christmas at home. F. E. Newell was a pleasant caller Holi day. Mrs. John Hartttn* went to Morris on the train Monday. A number ol Donnellyites drove to Mor ris, Christmas. August Lcison has gone to Alexandria to take unto himselt a helpmeet Ask Alec about that trotter that to hasn't now, but will have before spring. Santa Claus, together with his young son, visited the homes in Donnelly Christmas eve. There is to be a grand dance in the Don nelly hall, New Year's eve, Dec. 81, '9 i All are invited. Ed. Nelson has gone to St Paul U opt up a butcher shop, to be run In connection with the business here. Thos. Colahau, of Morris, spent Christ mas in Donelly, the guest af Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Tosney. There was a horse race in town Sunday, between horse owned by Ed. Pughor and Dennis Stores. Dennis held second place in the race. -r John Lee had a party in his bachelor apartments, in this burg, Sunday night. A unique feature of the aft'aii was a wrestling match between Joe Earnest and Gus Nur dic, of Pepperton, for the championship of Pepperton, Donnelly and the Northwest The match was to be decided in five 'bouts,1 best three out of five, but as Joe won first three, he was declared winner. F. J. Mc Laughlin and Emil Nelson were referees, and Alic Rhorenbach was time-keeper. Time- 1st bout, 15 seconds 2d, three min utes 8d, eight minutes and ten seconds. Joe is now in training to challenge the champion of America, "collar and elbow holt" A PUBLIC CLUB ROOM. EDITOR MORBIS SUN:—In a short and interesting address atone of our churchsea few Sundays ago, attention was called to a subject which is comparatively new, and one which may interest many of your read ers and to call their attention to it and give the matter a wider publicity is my ex cuse, Mr. Editor, for asking space in the columns of THE SUN. Probably all visitors at the recent World's Fair retain pleasant memories of the Public Comfort Building, where tired out and hungry, they would go for rest and recu peration, to eat their lunches, read their papers, have a chat with their friends, smoke their cigars in peace and comfort, and where, after pushing and elbowing their way through the ever surging crowds in the other buildings they could go and find humanity at rest where they could re lax their muscles and recover their nerve equilibrium, and feel more at home than in any other part of the beautiful hite city. This feature of the fair has suggested to many the need of something like it in evei city and large town, something that can be properly called a public club room. It should be a place where all well disposed people can go and feel absolutely sure that they are welcome there where they can buy a lunch at a reasonable price and hot coffee or tea to go with it, and tobacco or cigars to go after it where we can smoke, read, eat, talk, play cards, checkers or chess or any games suitable to such a place: where the farmer after perhaps a long drive from the country can find a comfort ably cool place in summer and a comfort ably warm place in winter where he can sit down and have a chat with his neigh bors, or with his friends in town where he can get acquainted with people from all over the county, so that should he ever aspire to a county office he will not for the want of a more general acquaintance be beaten out of sight by some clerk in town. It would help many of us to a better ac quaintance with people that. we should know better than we do, and as a result of a better acquaintance we might perhaps, have a little more faith in human nature aud a little more charity for its frailties. Morris needs such an institution for its own inhabitants, and to show a little of that hospitality due to its country customers, who have contributed so much towards its prosperity, The love of amusement and of the society of our fellow beings is common to all hu manity, to all animal life it is born in us is intended for us, and he who tries to erad icate it tries to undo his Creator's work but it leads many of us into temptations and troubles, for which the want of institutions of the kind suggested is largely responsible. In our towns and cities to-day the only public places where all can go for recre ation and amusement, for the society of others, and for the warmth and comfort so much needed in the winter, and feel ab solutely sure that they are weleome, are the saloons. This speaks well of the hospital ity of the saloon keepers, who in a business way, are much more hospitable than any other class of business men, but it does not speak well of nineteenth century civiliza tion. 'W. S. What Will He Do With It? Such is the title of one of Bulwer's most fascinating and powerful novels, and readers will recollect how satis factory the problem was solved. Something more than a novelist's query confronts every one of us to what, we will do with the year 1895, now almost here. It may be called a book of blank pages, on every one of which we must set down, whether we will or not, our successes, failures, or even the record of nothing done. Some planning ought to be done as to what we will do in the days that are before us,and how vve shall accomplish our purposes, whether they be enter ing upon a profession, engaging in a new or prosecuting an old business, building a house, running for office or taking a wedding journey. In the course of what we may do in pursuit of any of these, it is probable that we shall find it necessary to travel more or less. If so, it will be profitable to have some previous acquaintance with the railroad systems of the country A brief study of the maps, ospeciijlly that of the great Central West, will certainly convince the traveler that he can reach most prominent cities most quickly, most directly and most com fortably by patronizing the splendid ly equipped Burliugton Route, the terminal points of which are Chicago, Peoria, St. Louis,Kansas City,Omaha, Penver, Cheyenne, Deadwood Bill ings, St. Paul and Minneapolis. For maps, time tables on any ticket agent,or address W.J .C.Kenyon, £en, Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Minn. Professional Cards. H. HULBURD, N PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. over llulbttrd & Co's drug store. OIBc* •lour-troin 8 to 9 a. m. Ami froiu ltolp. au' STEPHEN A. "FI.AHEKT!, I ATTORN BY AT LAW, COUSTY Anuitsitv. M.U K) IkVMIIfH. WM. G, BLOKNSLL, ATOKNEY AT LAW, MOBHIS, MUM Will praotloe lu alt tliw Cffttriirib tl.o »:ate. .GEO. E. Dy\KLINO,. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MORRIS, MINN jeisou Bios., ——^DEALERS iNgfr— ... i Hardware, 7T DONNELLY, M+NN, A supply of Woofl ALWAYS —ON HAND. Having two meat markets iiv St. Paul, we are buying horned stock, sheep and hogs, and will pay the highest market prices. One of the firm will visit Morris on Saturday of each week to purchase li\re stock. It will pay you to get our quotations before selling. Notice for Publication. LAND OFFIOK AT ST. CLOUD, MINN,, I Dec. 19,1894. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has flied notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of District Court for Stevens county.Minn., at Morris.Minn, on Saturday. Feb. 2ml, viz: Gustave K. An derson, Homestead Application No. SS35, for the N WJ4 Sec. 32, Township 126. Range 43. He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and OMtlf&tiOD cf said land, viz: John H. Kkman, Ludwig Nelson. Sivert P. Erdahl, Arne O. Bogen, all of Donnelly P. O 8-6t TI1EO. BRUENElt. Register DISTRICT COUfTf. STBVENS COUNTY, I 16th Judicial District, f88 In the matter of the assignment of FRITZ BUCK KNTIN. Insolvent. Pursuant lo an order made by the court herein on the day of the date hereof, relative to the hearing of the final account and discharge of the assignee of the above named insolvent, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on the 21st day of January, 1895, at 10 o'clock A.M., of said day. at the Court House in said county, move the court for an order allowing his said account and for a distribution of the balance to the sev eral creditors entitled thereto according to law. Morrtst Minn., Dec. 2lst, 1894. CAKL BUGKENTIN, 8-3t v Adsignefc. Notice of Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the conditions of a mortgage containing power, of sale dated the twentieth day of March, 1893, and recorded on the twenty-second day of March, 1893, in the of fice of the Register of" Deeds of Stevens County State of Minnesota, in Book V of Mortgages page 477, whereby Louis Reker and Kate Reker, husband and wife, Mortgagors, mortgaged to the Investment Guarantee TnistCo-Limited mortga gee, the south west quarter of section eighteen in township one hundred and twentv-five in rangt forty-three, in said Stevens County, Minnesota by which default, the power of sale has become operative, and no action or proceeding at law has been instituted to recover the debt remaining secured thereby, or any part thereof. The amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date hereof, is $357.97-100, to which amount should be added the taxes on said property paid by said Mortgagee, amounting, with interest as provided in said Mortgage to $32.03-100, making the total amount claimed to be due at the date hereof on said Mortgage $890.00. Now. notice is hereby given, that by virtue of said power, said mortgage will be foreclosed and said premises sold at public auction by the sheriff of said county, or his deputy, on the fifth day of January. 1895, at 2 o'clock v. M., at the front door of the Court House at Morris, Min nesota, to pay said debt, interest, attorney's fees and disbursements allowed by law, Dated the fifteenth day of November, 1894. INVESTMENT GUARANTEE —~T TKUST COMPANY-LIMITED. 1 Datea November 17th, A. D. 1894. STATE OF MINNESOTA, I COUNTY OF STKVICNS, 8eal Mortgagee. A. V. EASTMAN, Attorney. 8-7t Mortgage Foreclosure Sale. Delault having been made in the payment of the sum of Five hundred seventy-nine and 65-100 ($579.65) Dollars, which is claimed to be due af the date of this notice, upon a certain Mortga duly executed and delivered by August Schroeder (unmarried) Mortgagor, to R. C. Jefferson, mort gagee, bearing date the 17th day of December, 1892, and. with a power of sale therein contained, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Stevens and State of Minnesota, on the 22nd day of DecembeiM892, at 2 o'clock p. M., in Book of Mortgages, on page 337, and no action or proceeding having been instituted, at law or otherwise, to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said Mortgage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises described In and conveyed by said Mortgage, viz: The south west quarter (SWVi of section four teen (14). Township one hundred twenty-five (125). Range forty-four (44), in Stevens county and State of Minnesota, with the heraditaments and appurtenances which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Stevens county, at the front door of the Court House, in the Village of Mor ris in said county and State, on the 4th day of January, 1895, at 10 o'clock A. M., of that day, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to pav said debt of five hundred seventy-nine and 65-ioo Dollars, and interest, and the taxes, if any, on said premises, and twenty-five Dollars, Attor ney's fees, as stipulated ip by said Mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursements al lowed by law subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of. sale, as pro vided by law. r-Tr£ gg B. C. JEEF.ERSON, Mortgagee. WM. C. BlCKTTEIit, Attorney for Mortgagee, Morris, Minnesota. -7t. Ic Pppbate Court. Special Term Dec. 5th, A. D. 1894. In the matter of the Estate of SKYMOUR RUSTAD deceased. Letters of administration of the estate of said deceased having been heretofore granted unto Gustave E. Anderson, of said county. It is ordered that all claims and demands of all persons against said estate be presented to this court for examination and hearing at the Probate office in Morris, Stevens county, Minne sota, on Monday the first day of July A. D. 1895, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. It is furher ordered that seven months from the date hereof be allowed to creditors to present their claims against said estate, at the expiration of which time all claims not presented to said court or not proven to its satisfaction, shall be forever barred, unless for cause shown further time be allowed. Ordered further that said Gustave E. Ander son, administrator, as aforesaid, shall cause notice to be given of time and place of the heal ing and examination of said claims and demands, by publishing this order for three weeks success ively in TMK Mmutts SUN. a newspaper printed and published at the village of Morris in said county. Dated at Motrls, Minnesota, this 5th, day of December A. I). 1894,' By the court. i Seal I GEO. E. DARLING, 1 Judge of Probate. Horses for sale or trade for cows or young cattle, by A. B. Williams Sec. 25, Reudsyille, Minn. 5 t4 Go to Johnson Bros. Gallery and f?et a dozen photographs. See you self as others see you for only $2.50 Mortgage Sale. Default having been made lu the payment of the tmm of ne Thousand one hundred Forty four and uo-ioo Dollars, which U claimed to be due at the ite of tills notice upon a certain Mortgage, ily executed and delivered by Henry L. Moss and Amanda H. Mo»s (his wife), John J.Watson tnd Joanna 15, Watson itils wife), Mortgagors, loC. W. Copley. Mortgagee. 1 tearing date the first day of December, A. 1), iK'.u.and duly recorded in the oftlce.of the Regislerof Deeds In and lor tl 0 county of Stevens and State of Minnesota, 111 the 17th day of December, A. 1). 1891, at 9o'c ock A. si., In Hook V of Mortgages, on Pago l:i7, aud which mortgage was (with the debt secured thereby thereafter and on the 28th day of May, A. D. lHinj, duly assigned by written assignment by said C. W, Copley, said mort gagee, to Tl e Middlesex Hanking Company, aud which assignment was thereafter and on the 2nd day of June 1892, duly filed for record in the of fice of the R.-glster of Deeds in and for the county of Stevens aud Stale of Minnesota and thereafter at 9 o'clock )f said day last aforesaid, duly re corded in Book Vol Mortgages at page 218 at said registr,'aforesaid and that said mortgage was thereat er and on the 4th day of April, A. D, 1894, again uly assigned by written assignment by said assignee said "The Middlesex Hanking Company'' u R. C. Jefferson (together with the debt thereby secured), and which assignment was thereafter and on the 15th day of May, iwu, at 0o'clock v. M., duly filed for record In the of fice of the Register of Deeds in and forth*! county of Stevens it ml State of Minnesota, and there- after duly recorded in Hook V of Mortgages at page 62 at ..aid registry aforesaid, ana no ac tion or proceeding at law or otherwise having been lnstiti ted to recover the debt secured by «ald mortgage, or any part (hereof Now, thei efore, notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said Mort gage, and pursuant to the statute In such case made aud provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises described In and covered by said Mortgage, vl/: All of that part of Section No. Three (3) In Township No. One hundred and Twenty-six (120) North of Range No. Vony-t wo (42) west ol' the 5th Principal Me ridian, lying East of tlib North and South center line of said section Three (M), according to the Government survey thereof produced, due North to the Nortli line of said section Three (:»), con taining three hundred c«x») acres, be the sam( more or less: Reserved, however, a strip of land one linndn and fifty (150) ft et In width, where the Saint Paul & Pacific Rail Road Company's main line oc any of its branches in the future may be laid over and across the premises, lo hu used by said Rail Road company for right of way or other railroad purposes, in Stevens county, and State of Minnesota, with the here ditaments and appurtenances, will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder lor cash, lo pay said debt aud Interest, and the taxes, if any on said premises, and fifty doilVirs attorney's fee, as stipulated in and by said mortgage In case of foreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law: which sale will be made by the Sheriff of slid Stevens county .at the front door of tne Court House, in the Village of Morris, in said county and State, on the 19th day of January, A. D. 1895, at io o'clock A. M., of that day, subject to redemption al any time within one year from the day of sale, as provided by law. Dated Morris. Minn., December 5th. 1894. 11. C. JEFFERSON, Assignee of Assignee of Mortgagee GKO. E. DARLING, Attorney for Assignee of Assignee of Mortgagee Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the payment of the sum of Seven Hundred Fifteen and 42-100 Dollars, which is claimed to be due at the date of this notice ui)on a certain Mortgage, duly ex ecuted and delivered by Joseph Reichert and Louise Rei'ihert (his wife,) mortgagors to David Downing, mortgagee, bearing date the 21st day of October, A. 1). 1887, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Stevens and State of Minnesota, on the 7tn da of November, A. I). 1887, at 10'o'eloek A. M., In Hook of Mortgages, on page '254. And an authenticated copy of letters of Administra tion of the estate of said David Downing, now deceased, duly issued to the undersigned by the County Court for Pierce County, State of Wis consln, having been duly filed In the office of the Register of Deeds for said Stevens County and no action or proceeding at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage, or any part thereof Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said Mort gage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises described in and covered by said Mortgage, viz: The North West Quarter of Section thirty-four (34) in Township One hundred and Twenty-five (125) North of Range l'orty-two (42) west, con taining one hundred and sixty acres, accordin to the government survey, in Stevens county and State of Minnesota, with the hereditaments and appurtenances, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to pay said debt and interest, and the taxes, if any, on said prem ises, and twenty-live dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated in aud by said Mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law: which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Stevens county, at the front door of the Court House, in the Village of Morris in said county and State, on the 5th day of January A. D. 1895, at lOo'clock A. M.,of that day, subject toredemp! ion at any time within one year from the day of sale, asprovided by law. Dated Morris. Minn., Nov. 8, A. D. 1894. FRANK BRENDEMEUHL. Administrator GEO. E. DARLING, Attorney for Administrator. Morris, Minnesota. 84t Mortgage Sale. Default naving been made in the payment of the sum of One Thousand four Hundred Forty and 35-100 Dollars, which Is claimed to be due at the dato of this notice upon a certain Mortgage, duly executed and delivered by Joseph Reichert and Louise Reichert, (his wife.) mort gagors, to David Downing, mortgagee, bearing date the 13th day of September, A. D. 1886, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the connty of Stevens and State of innesota, on the 24th day of September A. D. 1886, at 10 o'clock A. m., in Book N of Mortgages, on page 123. And an authenticated copv of letters of Administration of the estate of saut David Downing, now deceased, duly issued to the undersigned by the County Court for Pierce County, State of Wisconsin, having been duly filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Stevens County, and no action or proceed ing at law or otherwise having been instituted to recover the debt secured by said Mortgage or any part thereof Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said Mori gage, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the premises described in and covered by said Mortgage, viz: The North West Quarter (NWJ4) of Section Thirty-four (34) Township One hundred and Twenty-fhe (125), Range Forty-two (42), consist ing of One hundred and Sixty acres of land ac cording to the government survey thereof, in Stevens county, and State of Minnesota, with the hereditaments and appurtenances, will be sold at public auction, to tho highest bidder for cash to pay said debt and interest, and tho taxes amounting to $110.52 paid by the mortgagee at the date of this notice on said premises, and fifty dollars attorney's fee, as stipulated in and by said Mortgage in case of foreclosure, and the disbursements allowed by law which sale will be made by the Sheriff of said Stevens county, at the front door of the Court House, in the Village of Morris in said county and State, on the 5th day of January, A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, subject to redemption at any time within one year from the day of sale, as pro vided by law. Dated Morris, Minn,, Nov. 8tli, A. D.1894. FRANK BRENDEMEUHL, Administrator GEO. E. DARLING, Attorney for Administrator, Morris, Minnesota. s7t [First publication Dec. 13,1894.3 NOTICE 0 K MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. Notice is hereby given that default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortwagre made, executed and delivered by Mary Haulers, of Stevens County, Minne sota, as l^'jj-tgagor, to the Northwestern Guaranty liwh' ompany, a corporation, ae mortgagee, j?ettald mortgage bears date the 24tli d'l ,n the o~uary, A. 1). 1892, and was duly recon* ctcvens dice of the Register of Deeds In and 'ninty, Minnesota, on the 1st day f" 1892, at 2:40 o'clock p. m., 'n booK rr oi mortgages on page 403. SJaid mortgage was givon to secure the menfc of $ 1012.50 payalole as follows, to-wit: the 83117.50 duo and payable on November 1st, A. I. sum o: i. 1894 tho sum of $337.50 due and pay able on November 1st, A. D. 1895, and the sum of J3U7.50 due and payable on November 1st, A. 1). 1396, and Interest at the rate of eight (Hc|3) per centum per annum, payable annually, according to the conditions of three (8) ccrtaln promissory notes and the coupon lmereat notes thereto attached all bearing even date with said mortgage. And wh-ireas he said the Northwestern Guar anty Loan Compony, a corporation, duly assigned said mortgage and notes to the American Loan and Trust Company, a corporation, trustee, by written assignment dated March 80t.h, A. I). 1SU2, and recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds in and for said County ol Ste vens, Minnesota, on the 24th day of June, A. D. 1893, v of mort- t9 o'clock a. m. in book X. gages at page 38. And whereas default has been made In the pay ment of those certain instalments of interest due upon all of said notes on November 1st, A. 1893, and November 1st, A. D. B94, re spectively. each for the sum of $27.00. And said mortgage further provided that In case of default in the payment of any in stalment of interest duo on said note or notes said mortgagee might declare the whole principal sum at once due and payable, and in pursuance thereof said assignee of said mortga gee did heretofore and does hereby declare the whole principal sum of said notes and mortgage debt due and payable. And there Is now due an4~clalmea to be due at the date of tlrs notice the sum of $1181.25, beingthq sum of $1012.50 principal, and $168.75 in-r terest upon said mortgage indebtedness, and no proceedings at law* or otherwise have been had or instituted torecoverthesameor any part 1 hereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of he power of sale In said mortgage con tained an I therewith recorded, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will bo foreclosed and the follow ing propfrty therein described lying and beina situate in the County of Stevens and State of sota, to-vit: Northwest quarter (NW/i) of sec tion number seven (7) in township number one hundred end twenty-thre# (1231. range forty-one (41),containing onehun(J|*idan(i ulsty (1 [First publication Pec. 18,18M.1 HOTICE OF MOltTUAUK FORECLOSURE SALE. Notice is hereby given that default has been made In tho conditions of a certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by J. M. Hauiers, Jr., of Stevens County. Minne sota, a s mortgagor, to the Northwestern Guaranty Loan Company, ft corporation, as IUOIl^ngee, which said mortgage bears date tho a'dthuay of February, A. li. 189a. and was duly recorded la Hat olili-e of tho register of Deeds in aud for Stevens County, Minnesota, on the loth (lay of March. A. l. 181)2, at 2 o'clock HI., in book W of mortgages on page 405. Bald mortgage was given to sei ure the pay ment of $1012.50 payable as follows, to-wit: the sum of f't'! due and payable on November Int. A. 1. 181(4 the sum of $ i i7,50 dne and pay able on November Int. A.I). 1805, i ud the sum of $3l!7.r»0 due and payable on November 1st. A. J. ]8!fl, and interest at the rate of eight (8' lo) per centum per annum, payable annually, according to tho conditions of three (it) ccrtaln promissory notes and the coupon Interest notes thereto attached all bearing even date with s.iid mortgage. And whereas tho said the Northwestern Guar anty Loan Company, a corporation, duly assigned iu and notcn lo the American Loan and Trust Cn'npany, a corporation, trustee, by written assignment, dated April VOlh, A. li. IMPS, and recorded in the ofllce of the said lleu'ster of Iiceiln iu and for snid County of Hte us, Minne,tcda, on thu 2 1th day of dune, A. I. 18D3, HI. u o'clock u. m. iu book of inort gacen at page And whereas default has been made in the pay ment of ixw certain instalments of interest due upon all of said notes uu November 1st. A. D. 18t»3, and November I'd, A. 1). 181*4, re spectively, each tor the sum of $27.00. Aud said mortgage further provided that in eose of default in the payment of any !n i-!nluiot -f interust duo on said note or notes said mortgagee might declare the whole principal sut.i at oie.e duo and paynble, and In pursuance thereof sr. id assignee of said mortga gee did heretofore and doc* hereby declare the whole prl:' -'pal um of said notes and mortgage debt e e a/id payable. And there in nowd'iM and cliirnorf to be due at the date of tli: i notice iiic Mim of $1181 being the mm of ?loi2.!".o prncipnl, and $108 7", in tei'fst up- tu said mortgage indebtedness, r.nd no proceedings at law or otherwise have been h::d or instituted torecoverthesameor any part thereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of side In said mortgage con tslned ami therewith recorded, and pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortage will tie foreclosed aud tho follow ing property therein described lying and being situate in the County of Htevens and Htate of sota, to-wi1: Southwest quarter (8WV4) of sec tion number seven (7) in township number one hundred 'id twenty-three (1 lifi), range forty-o«.* (4*.), according to tho United Htates government eurvey thereof, will be sold by the sheriff of snbl Hteveus County. Minnesota, at. public auction to the highest, bidder for cash, at the front door of the county court house In the Town of Morris, Stevens County, Minne sota, oo Friday, tho 1st day of Februuary, A 1). 1H1M, lit ten 10) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, top ly and satisfy the amount which will thou be due on said mortgage ami the debt, se cured thereby, together with the taxes, if any, the costs and cxnennesof this foreclosure, and the sum of nfty dollars ($ro.oo), attorneys' fees, a* in said riortgnge ntipubited and agreed to be paid on forei '.ti-ure thereof. Dated I'ccemb.T 1st, A. 0. 1894. AMKUIUAM LOAN AND TBUST COMPANY, Traatec, Assignee of Mortgagee. Angus d. Brnden, and has. N. Uamblln, G271CXX A torneys for Assignee. Minneapolis, Minn. Btt [First Publication December 1ft, 1894.1 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FOKECLOSUKESALH Notice is hereby given, that default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, mad,•?, executed and delivered by John Sullivan, uaaiarried,. of Stevens County, Minnesota, as mortgagor, to the Northwestern Guaranty Loan Company, a corporation, as mortgagee, which said mortgage bears date the 7th day of Octo ber, A. 1). 18'.)1, and was duly recorded in the ofllce of the Register of Deeds in and for Stevens County, Minnesota, on the 20th day of October, A. 1. 1891, at 8:30 o'clock p. m. In book W of mortgages on page 309. Said mortgage was given to secure the pay ment of $800*01 payable as follows, to-wit: the sum of $2 .07 due and payable on December 1st, A. D. 1894: the sum of §2* .G7 due and pay able on December 1st, A. D. 18'.)",, and the sum of $260.07 duo and payable on December 1st, A. D. 1896, and interest at the rate of seven per cen tum (7°|0) per annum, payable annually, accord ing to the conditions of three (fl) certain promis sory notes and the coupon interest notes thereto attached, all bearing even date with said mort gage. And whereas the said the Northwestern Guar anty Loan Company, a corporation, duly as signed said mortgage and notes to the American Loan and Trust Company, a corporation, trusteo, by written assignment dated November 21st, A. D. 1891, and recorded in the office of tha said Register of Deeds in and for said County of Stevens, Mimiesota. on the 24th day of June, A. D. 189.5, ato'clock a. m. in book of mort gages, on page 35. And whereas default has been mado in the pay ment of those certain instalments of interest due upon all said notes on December 1st, A. D. 18P3, and December 1st, A. D. 1894, respectively, each for the sura of $18.06. And said mortgage further provided that in case of default in tne payment of any instalment of interest due on said note or notes, said mort gagee might declare the whole principal sum at once due and payable, and in pursuance thereof said assignee of said mortgagee did heretofore and does hereby declare the whole principal sun}, of said notes and mortgage debt one and payt able, and there is now due and claimed to bo du0 at tne date of this notice the sum of $012.01," being the sum of $800.01 principal, and #112.01) interest upon said mortgage indebtedness, an no proceedings at law or otherwise have been ha or instituted to recover the same or any par# thereof. Now therefore notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage con tained and therewith recorded and pursuant to the statute in such eases made and provided, tho said mortgage will bo foreclosed and the follow ing property therein described, lying aud beinrf in the County of Stevens and State of Miano* sota, to-wlt: Northeast quarter (NEV4) of sec tion seven (7) township one hundred aud twenty three (123). range forty-one (41), contain ing one hundred and sixty (ICOj acres, more or less, according to tho gov-, ernment survey thvr of. will bo so'.d by tha sheriff of said Stevens County, Minnesota, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of tho county court house in tho Town of Morris. St°v. as County, Mlnneso on Friday, the 1st day of February, A. I). 18H57 at ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of 6aid day, to pay and satisfy the amount which will then bo due on said mortgage and the debt secured there* by, together with the taxes (if any), the costs and expenses of this foreclosure, and the sum of fifty ($50.00) attorney's fees as i i said mortgage sti pulated to be paid on foreclosure thereof. Dated December 1st, A. D. 185)4. AMERICAN LOAN AND TBUST COMPANY, Trustee, Assignee of Mortgagee. Angus G.- Braden and Chas. N. Hamblin, Attorneys for Assignee, G2647GG Minneapolis, Minnesota. AiiS [First Publication December 13, 1894.] NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURESALH Notice is hereby given, that default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, made, executed and delivered by Benjamin S. liull and Beulah I!. Bull, his wife, of Hennepin County, Minnesota, as mort gagors, to the Northwestern Guaranty Loan Company, a corporation, as mortgagee, which said mortgage bears date the 1 Oth day of May, A. D. 1889, and was duly recorded In tha office of the Register of Deeds in and for Steven® County, Minnesota, on the 14th day of Mayi A. D. 1889, at 1 o'clock p. m. In book of mortgages on page 132. That In and by said mortgage, said mortgage ors conveyed to said mortgagee the following de» scribed premises situated iu said Stevens County, Minnesota, to-wit: Southwest quarter (SWV4) of section eight (8) and the northeast quarter (NEVi) of section eighteen (18) township one hundred and twenty-four (124), range forty-two (42) containing three hundred and twenty (320j acres, more or less, according to the United States government survey thereof. Said mortgage was given to secure the pay ment of $1500. payable Ave (5) years from the date ol said mortgage, and interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, according to the conditions of one(l) certain promissory note with ten (10) coupon interest notes thereto attached, all bear ing even date with said mortgage. And whereas the said the Northwestern Guar anty Loan Company, a corporation, duly as signed said mortgage and notes to the American Loan and Trust Company, a corporation, trustee, by written assignment dated May 27th, A. D. 1892, and recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds in and for said County of Stevens, Minnesota, on the 24th day of June, A. D. 1893, at 9 o'clock a. m. in book of mort gages, on page 80, And whereas a portion of said mortgaged pr»i mises, to-wlt, tho southwest quarter (SwV4) of section eight (8), township oue hundred and twenty-four (124). range forty-*wo (42), was heretofore duly released from the lien of said mortgage by the payment of the sum of $7r0. And default has been made in the payment of the balance of said principal sum to-wit: $7.r»0.00 and the interest thereon since May loth, A. D. 1893, and there is now dne and claimed to bo due at the date of this notice the sum of $820.12, being the sum of $750.00 principal, and $70.12 interest upon said mortgago indebtedness, and no proceedings at law or otherwise havo been had or instituted to recover the same or any part thereof. Now therefore notice is hereby jiven that by virtue of the power of sale iu said mortgage con tained and therewith recorded and puraui.ut to the statute in such cases made r.nd provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed and tho prop erty therein and above described (excipt saidi .southwest quartrr (SW^), section ci vut (S), township one hundred and twenty-four (124), range forty-two (42), released as aforesaid) lying and being situate in the County of Stcve-ia and State of Minnesota, will bo sold by the sherifi of said Stevens County, Minnesota, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the county court, house in the Town of Morris, Nt-evcn* Count?, Minnesota, on Friday, the 1st day of February, A. 1. 1895, atten(lO) o'clock in tho forenoon of said dny to pay and satisfy the amount which will then be duo on each of said lots, together with its pro portionate part of GO) acres more or ess, according to the United States govern me at survey thereof, will be told by thu sheriff of said Stevens County, Minnesota at public motion to the highest bidder for cash at the fro it door of the county court house, lti the Towr of Morris. Stevens County, Minne on Friday, the 1st day of Februuary, A. 1) IwdS, fen (10) o'clock in the forenoon of sail' day, to then be Cured the: costs and exnensesof this foreclosure, and tho sura of seventy five dollar* ($75.00). attorneys' teen, tut in said n ortgage stipulated and agreed to t« paid on foreclosure thereof. WBientio) o CIOCK in tne lorenoon or sain o pay hnd satisfy the amount which wilj eaue on said mortgage and the d.-l se theieby. together with the taxes, if any, list Dated I-ecember 1st. A. D. 1894. AMERICA* LOAN AND TBUST COMPANY, Trustee, Assignee of Mortgagf* Angus i. Jlradeu. 1 'a.nd Chas. N. Hamblin. 03704-00 A .tornvys tor AsAlgBM. Miaas&poii*, tOn, the taxes (if any), the costs and expenses of this foreclosure, and't ho sum of seventy five ($75) attorney's !.«j l-i pnid mortgage sti pulated and agreed to be paid on forecloanra thereof. Dated December 1st,-A. D. 894. AMEtarAN LOAN ANO TRUST (.O.HPANV. Trustee, n ,, of Mortgagee. Angus G. Braden and Chas. N. tlrwnbllp. Attorneys for Assignee, 01670-00 Minneapolis, Minnesota. 691 Money to Loan! O11 Impvoveed Farms. Low Hates. Oil Easy Terms of Payment, ftii8iiie88 Confidential. over Stevens Oft* Bank i*lerity of Money. Jfo Delay. J. A. JOHNSON, Morris, Miin. ffT. wii GO TO BUT Whichever way you decide to 00. Be sure that your ticket roads Just so— N"g TIME CARD. GOING WK8T. GOING KA8T. No. 9. No. 7. aTATTOHS No. 8. No. 10 Daily Ex Sun. Ex Sun. Dally 6:30 pm 7:10 9:38 10:80 .1:47 12:27 am 1:83 3:00 8:05am 8:40 11:16 12:40pm 1:50 2:40 ..St. Taul.. Minn'apolis Utehfteld. .. Willmar.. .. Benson .. ..MOKKIS. ..Herman.. Brecknr'ge. N extending the "Compli ments of the Season," and wishing you a "Happy New Year," we desire to add that we are grateful for the gen erous patronage bestowed, and will endeavor by liberal and reliable dealing to merit in the future, as in the past, a continuance of your good favors. Respectfully, WELLS BROS. & HANSON. O I HEAVY AND SHELFI A W A E PARLOR. BED ROOM, DINT1TO ROOM, A N K I E N FTJ^Isi JJ-L' iXIE&El, O N O O S U N I A 3 I To the East, To the West, To the Town ThatYou Like Best 7:00 pm 6:25 3:11 2:12 12:66 12:46 N S 7:30 am 0:55 3:66 2:40 1:40 12:50 12:07 10:40 pm BROWNS VALLEY BRANCH. Arrive at 11:50 a. m. Leaves at 8:10 p. K. KiNNEjt, Local AgeDt. THOS. F. OAKRS, HKJJRY C. PAYNK, HENRY C. HOUSE, Receivers. PACIFIC ELPi, U Through Cars TO TO- HELENA BUTTE SPOKANE TACOMA SEATTLE ZST.PAUL| MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO ORAND FORKS and WINNIPEG Pullman Sleeping Cars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars. PORTLAND TIME SCHEIWMt. No. 101 arrives at ii:V0, p. No. 102departs at 8:46,a.m For Bates, Maps, Time Tables or Special In formation, apply to Agent Northern Pacific Ky, MtrrrK Minn., or OKAS. S- FTESJE}, Qt THUS, and Ticket Agt., ST. I'Al'l.. MINN 'I .. I Wm.McGuIIough, •LIVERYMAN.* My Stable is First Class iu all its ap pomtmeuts. Good Horses, Com fortable Carriages, Expert Drivers. A First-Class Hack at Reasonable Rates. MORRIS MEM' MARKET.. MORRIS, MINN. We keep always on hand a oom plote stock of FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Meats, Sausage. Etc. J. J. GARTNEY. Northern Pacific Railway Time Card. Arrive. Stations. Stao pm ar. 1:30 lv. 11:50 8:80 am" 8:45 pn\ 8:00 8:45 Depart. IV 7:15 W Morris Glenwood i Sank Centre .. 9 25 .. Utile Falls Minneapolis I St. Paul i I Duiutli 1 11:10 2:00 pm 5:40 6:20 7:45 am COUPON TICKETS FOR SAL.E To all points in Hie United States and Canada, and BaKcage cheeked to destination. CHAS. STEALING, Agent. A. McCONVYLLE Livery Stable. Nev Hearse in connection with Livery. First-class Rigs &t Low Rates, Sixth Street, MORRIS, MQQT, 0. FIiATNEK, MEAT MARKET Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausage, Etc. E Wisconsin Central Line# U N Two fast trains daily between Si. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago, Milwaukee ana all points in Wisconsin, niakintr fonneetioii in Chicago with all lines running Kast and South. Tickets sold and baggage checked tin ough to all point# in the United iStates and Can adian Provinces. For full information regarding routes, rates, maps, folders,ete.,nddres8vournear est ticket ugeut, ur JAH. C. J'ONP, 17-tf Gen'l Pass. Atft., ?, wr». Milwaukee,