OCR Interpretation

Morris tribune. [volume] (Morris, Minn.) 1880-2000, January 29, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91059394/1890-01-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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YT H. USON IMvtsliloilt.
Tti!s Hank coiitlucts a
$ix- rn3 Baiiklns ai»«l U*cl»»MS?e
.T N V Loon ou Chattel or rsonal
c\irity, in any Amounts De
sired. Loans Negotiated on
Improved Farms.
a With "v !.iritolv Increased OupUal wo '"*\e
bettor fiiolUtte* for all depart meats of b.u.l
lUnk K*t«. on Time
^W^oan Pl»«' more Money on Improved
Farms, ut Hotter llat«s tUnn ever
We can write Insurance tn sui t-fron.
compumes us
**f. Paul I''Ire
the National of Hart ford»
and Marine, and anrlviued
\lvNmveth* Vacney for all Hat
1 Lands
i this vicinity ?he Cheapest L.unls now for
$ vr'.^ft of the St»Ji
Oollections a Specialty.
Railroad Time Table
The public is ".V notified that
the entertain me Court House
are eaneelled at present, because
empty gas cylinders were sent from
Minneapolis instead of full ones. Will
show .".t Morris later.
"Hackmeiack," a lasting un t. _
rant perfume. Price 25 aud eoii.s
Sold by Fritz Buckentin.
Here is a new remedy for the Grip:
Take a piece of camphor gum the size
of a pea and pulverize it, place it with
common tea in a pipe and smoke it
the same as tobacco, it i- -a: i t.» s e
a sure euro.
Shiloh's Cure will immediately re
lieve Croup, Whooping Cough and
Bronchitis. Sold by Fr!fz Bucken
the enclosed poem carefully and re
turn it to me with your candid criti
cism aa soon as possible, as I have
other irons in the tire. MR. SMITH.
DEAR MK. SMITH:—Remove the
irons and insert the poem EDITOR.
Arc you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation. Dizziness, Loss
of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Sbiloh'.
Vitalizer is a positive curt*. Sold by
Fritz Buckentin.
As the traveler turns to his guide
book and time table for information,
BO turns the Morris citizen to his fa
vorite newspaper to find where he can
secure needed articles at Icwcst cur
rent prices. Bead the advertisements
in the TRIISUXE and you will know
exactly of whom to purchase.
The Rev, Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour
bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and
Wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Con
sumption cure." Sold by Fritz Buck
At a special meeting of the city
council, held last Saturday evening,
R. C. Stevens was appointed a mem
ber of the Board of Directors of the
Public Library and Reading Room of
this city, vice Geo. M. Giltinan, re
Shiloh's Catarrh remedy—a positive
cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and
Canker-Mouth. Sold by Fritz Buck
Our readers must excuse us for the
small amount of local and other read
ing matter this week. Sickness and
the large amount of county work Is
our only excuse for the TRIBUNE not
containing its usual amount of in
teresting matter. But still the "finan
cial statement" will interest tax
For Dyspepsia and. Liver Complaint
you have a printe'd guarantee on
eyery bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer.^ It
never fails to cure. Sold by Fritz
If any of the readers of theTBlBUNE
are disposed to find fault with the
manner which it is edited this
week, they should make their com
plaints to Auditor Spurr, as he has
more to say in the paper than any one
When you want a mechanic, or a
laboring man, employ a worthy citi
zen, a neighbor who will use his wage
money in purchasing your goods.
When you want any article of merch
andise, buy it of a reputable home
dealer that the profit may remain to
enricli the community. All these
people help educate your children,
share your tax burdens and help
make your city the desirable place it
is. Send your money abroad only for
•What you cannot purchase at home.
Home talent, home labor, home in
dustry, home capital and home pleas
ures are things to be fostered, en
oouraged, patronized. Show your
patriotism in everyday life as well as
in the annual Fourth of July celebra
tion. This is au excellent time to
"swear off" on foreign patronage*
We are in favor of home protection
every time.
.11. .1. Pressor, of Hancock, was in
our city ^auiroay,
W. It. Waikor, of Frog I-ake, was
in town ituniay.
Clarence Gray, of st. Paul, spent
Sunday in Morns.
We received a pleasant call flrom L.
J. rfchlatiman yesterday.
W. C. Le Crone, of the I'ioneer
Press, was here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thorpe, of Han
cock, were in Morris tSaturday.
I'.O Hanson, who has been quite
u for ten days past, is improving.
.•:'. i leary, connected witli ihe
ou:» railway, is in twn to-day.
ii'iir Muuro was quite ill lor .*ev
i days last week, but recovered
tiv 'u- on the street* ilon­
demnlty in W *V^to V^il to pay
••mutual" ^ompany,tut hiibthel A.
Tu iv VT yilS
INSUHK IN Tilt: lttW KLh»».
Wo r.^nooifuilv solicit the accounte of
Vrtfo tuive deaitege with innks »n this
Passenger trains leave Morris
ST. rid., AUD M.
Oota* East: Leave at 13:10 p. m. v.,! u
Going We*t: r.osve »t -:31 p
R* m"
Arrive at a. tn. and leave 3t 3:00 p. n
lioaTUEBS ¥ACiru\
Leave at8:45 a. m. and arrive at 6:00 p.
^0£al Dotes.
Pise'sBeniedvforCat:\rrii i:
Frits Buckentin. Price, 50 cents
Married, at Fulda, Minn., Jau. 1.''
J. A. Maxwell, of that place to Yr.\
M. Bradley, formerly of Morris.
The Stevens County
meet at the Court
Feb. 8th, at 1 :n.
H. W. frtoii' v, i.! re
"How to fertiliz-' our
and hear them.
lliance will
Smith and
papers oil
J*." Cv.MU'
The flag for the school u
Commissioner Caiup'saistrl
yesterday, and Milo ^.y- it will be
flung to the breeze at i' .ock n the
morning, t. very *:ty v. n tV.-T? n
ly, alter in absence of
.. returned
houie Mon-
V.iss Mamie Dorsey, ot St. Paul, is
ding a few days in town, guest of
Mrs. Keevil.
Senator K. 1'. Wells and
A fowuscud. of Herman,were
i u ioiuiay.
After a six weeks sickness, Anton
Anderson was on the street
tir*i time last Saturday.
i i. Gaertner, the vocal instructor
'..o has beeu expected in Morris, is
detained by serious iiines»
H. S. Judson, the popular president
of the First National Bank, went to
Mhn:capolis Saturday night.
Mrs. H. M. Caswell will be pleased
to see all the ladies of the W. C. T. U.
at her house on Saturday afternoon
at three o'clock.
Rev. Dr. Sage, of Granite Falls,
arrived this a. in. aud will attend and
participate in work of the Congrega
tional S. S. Institute.
Mr. Ossian Enstrom,of ho Security
Building and Loan Association of
Minneapolis, is in town and will or
ganize a local board.
Judge II use void was in town Tues
day. He left yesterday for Marshall,
to look up matters connected with
indemnity laud business
N,'i having seen our good friend
v .i:u ii. J. Hall for nearly six
i. :ohs, we were greatly pleased to
nim in town yesterday.
P. .Morris, foreman of the TRI
M: office, who has been confined to
uif House with pneumonia for two
weeks past, is gradually improving
aud will be able to oe out soon.
.• :r. W. H. Rogers, who has accept
.y filled the position of station
agent here for several years past, has
resigned, and his place will be filled
by Mr. Hamblin, formerly agent at
Judge Bragg, ot Darnen, was on our
streets last Saturday, looking as hale
aud hearty as a young man of thirty.
We are always pleased to meet the
udge, as he never fails to have a good
story to tell
We received a pleasant call from
Albert Wollin, ol Swan Lake, on Sat
urday last. He reports everything
all light in his town, which, by the
way, is one of the best country towns
in Minnesota.
L. E. Pearee left yesterday for Bos
ton, and will be absent several weeks.
He will \i.-it New York, Washington
and other eastern cities, and it would
not be surprising it he made a trip to
Europe before his return.
Mrs. Milo Camp was in our city on
Saturday, shopping, and lor the pur
pose ot meeting her husband,who had
been absent at St. Cloud for the past
four days, and was expected to arrive
in Morris on the JS. P. train.
Mrs. J. C. Littlefield,an experienced
iiiatiuctor in voice culture, also piano,
organ, banjo and guitar, will be in
Morris Feb. ltt. Requests for her
services may be left with Jsorthcott
Bros, or at the Metropolitan Hotel.
Browns Vailey Tribune: Rev. Elle
ry, of the Morris M. E. church, visit
ed Browns Vailey and delivered
an aole sermon in the M. E. church
on Monday evening. Rev.Ellery came
in place of Presiding Elder Hiugsley,
who was announced for a visit to the
Valley on that date, but was unable
to be present.
This is what you ought to have, in
fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy
life. Thousands are searching for it
daily, and mourning because they
find it not. Thousands upon thous
ands of dollars are spent annually by
our people in hope that they may at
tain this boon. And yet it may be
had l»y all. We guarantee that
Electric Bitters, if used according to
directions and the use persisted in.
will bring you Good Digestion and
oust the demon Dyspepsia and install
instead Eupepsy. We recommend
Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and ail
diseases of Liver Stomach and Kid
neys. Sold at 50c.and $1.00 per bottle
by Fritz Buckentin Druggist.
Special Announcement.
The Steyens County Farmers Al
liance will meet at the Court House
in Morris, 'on Saturday, the 8th ol
February at 1 o'clock p. m.
After the disposal of our regular
alliance business the subject of "Fer
tilizers and their application" will be
S. Smith and H. W. Stone have
promised to prepare papers ou the
subject. Both of these gentlemen
are well known to be thoroughly cou
versant with the subject and a pleas
ant aud instructive time is predicted.
All friends are invited to be present
Per fast adjournment.
A nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.
Price 50 cents. Sold by Frits Back
Important to Ladies Only,
We want a woman in every county
to establish a Corset Parlor for the
sale of Dr. Nichols Celebrated Spiral
Spring Corsets and Clasps, warranted
never to break, will outwear my three
ordinary corsets wages $40 to $75 per
month and expenses:we furnish Com
plete Stock on Consignment., Settle
ment Monthly position permanent
$3.00 outfit free inclose 18 cenis
stamps to pay i ostage etc., addrem
with references.
6m3 384 & 386 Broadway, New York.
The Grip or Intluenaa.
The Western Rural has the follow
ing (sensible remarks In relation to
the prevalence of lnfiuenaa: 111 our
opinion the newspapers are oenurable
for the sensational reports
valence and fatality of
ilie pre­
they are
pleased to call an epidemic. Imagi
nation plays a conspicuous part IU
disease and so long as
and doctors ail everything intlneiiza
many people will he frightened into
far as we have observed
there is nothing very peculiar iibout
the prevailing sickness. The winter
has been of sueh a character that ex
cept by the exercise of the utmost
care, people Would catch
Houses with furnaces in ihem, have
been so warm that people frequently
slept without bed clothing, on+y to
wake up toward morning chillvd.
People have been careless about tak
ing care of themselves, and have
sickened and died. The conditions
have been most favorable for pneu
monia. Liver diseases have been
common. Rheumatism has beeu
prevalent, and, of course, people have
been sneezing. Those who have taken
proper care of themselves and guarded
against plain dangers, unless the
system was weak to begin with, have
largely escaped trouble. To read
daily papers one would get the idea
that we were all dying. The death
rate is somewhat higher than usual it
is true. It would be strange it
it were not with such a winter as we
have had. But let every (Hie remain
calm lie careful not to deliberately
expose himself to such conditions as
favor disease eat nourishing and
easily digested foods and maintain
good sanitary surroundings. As far
as our city is concerned there is a
greater amount of sickness here this
winter than there has been for many
years but
the present time nearly
all of those suffering from sickness
are doing well
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life.
It was just an ordinary scrap of
wrapping paper, but it saved her life.
She was in the last stages of consump
tion, told by physicians that she was
incurable and could live only a short
time, she weighed less than seventy
pounds. On a piece of wrapping
paper she read of Dr. King's New
Discovery, an i got a sample bottle
it helped her, she bought a large
bottle, it helped her more, bought an
other and grew better fast, continued
ts use and is now strong, healthy,
rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds.
For fuiler particulars send stamp to
W Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith.
Trial Bottles of this wonderful Dis
covery Free at Fritz Buckeutin's
Deadhead Advertising.
Our merchants and business meu
might gain valuable information in
regard to advertising by consulting
Judge Husevold, ex-postmaster of
the town of Cyrus. The Judge poses
as a claim agent and expounder of
the indemnity laud business, aud has
succeeded in accumulating more or
less wealth in this lin^j of business by
successfully working the deadhead
advertising racket. Tills is the way
the learned Judge does it: He writes
to the registers of our local laud offices
asking certain questions in relation
indemnity lands, which are duly
answered by those officers. Then the
Judge sends a copy of these letters
from the land office registers to some
local newspaper, with a puff for him
self, as claim agent and indemnity
laud expounder, with a request that
they be published for the benefit of
those interested, "one of whom he is
which." Wishing to do a kindness to
the public the editors insert the ad
vertisment for the Judge. Then the
Judge writes to Gov. Merriam and
asks liiin a question,and out of polite
ness the governor auswers it. This
answer, with remarks by the Judge,
are sent to the newspapers so that the
community may know that claim
agent and indemnity land expounder
Husevold is in correspondence with
Gov. Merriam. Then claim agent
and Indemnity land expounder Huse
vold writes Congressman Lind and
asks him a question. Of course our
kind-hearted congiessman replies
and this reply, with oomments by the
claim agent and indemnity land ex
pounder Husevold, is sent to the
newspaper editor, and in due time
prlut so the fact becomes
known that claim ag^[it and indem
nity land expounder Husevold has
received a letter from Congressman
Now you understand claim agent
and indemnity land expouuder Huse
vold's scheme for deadhead advertis
ing. The TRIBUNE, before it "tum
bled to the racket," gave claim agent
and indemnity land expounder Huse
vold a small amount of deadhead ad
vertising, by publishing a letter from
the late Benson land office register
with appropriate remarks by claim I
agent and indemnity laud expounder
Husevold. Then clam agent, and in
demnity land expounder Husevold
used the columns of the deceased
Haucock Olive Branch, the Glenwood
and other papers, and at the present
time claim agent aud indemnity land
expounder Husevold is using the
columns of our good natured Morris
contemporary as a medium of dead
head advertising. Our merchants
should study claim agent and indem
uity land expounder Husevold'sdead
head scheme for advertising.
Stoddart & Co., Patent Attorneys,
015 7th St., Washington, D. C., Opp
U. S. Paflbt Office. Patents, Cav
eats and Re-issues secured. Trade
Marks Registered. All Patent busi
ness conducted for Moderate Fees.
Information, advice, and special
references sent on request. ltf.
Why will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief.
Price 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Sold
by Fritz Buckentin.
A Marvelous Discovery Free.
Superfluous Hair Removed Perma
nently, Instaneously, without pain or
injury to th«skin by Edison's Electro
chemical Fluid, can be applied by a
child. Circulars, Testimonials and
Sample Bottle sent free, on receipt of
16 cents stamps to pay postage.
kk$ 46 West 14th Street, New York.
To Let.
Booms in the Perkins House. In
quire of P. A. MCCARTHY
State Horticultural Society
For the Moaaiu TKIBUNH.
EXCELSIOH, Jan. 25.—We liave just
closed a four days session of the State
Horticultural Society, held in this sub
urban city, 18 miles out from Minneapo
lis. The town is nestled among the bays
and forests of Minnetonka Lake, that is
so famous and popular as a watering place
in the .summer season. The immediate
country all around thcao waters is the
best probably in the state for fruit
plants, especially grapes, if indeed this
distinction can justly be made. What
will grow anywhere in Minnesota will
grow here to marked success. The resi
dents are a select class, intelligent, hos
pitable and evidently lovers of the beau
tiful and asthetic. They largely at
tended our sessions, and took a lively
interest in all there was said and done.
Judging from reports, horticulture is
slowly yet surely gaining in every part
»f the State. What the Society abso
lutely needs is more means to project its
beneticient work by missionary effort
and otherwise. It receives annually
from the State but $1,000. Last year the
Agricultural Socioty got an appropria
tion of $4,000 and yet we all know that
forestry and vegetables, and fruits are
just as important as stock and grain.
The two societies should be treated
alike as to appropriations. We unan
imously passed resolutions, memoria
lizing Congress to nationalize forestry
and classify it with agricultural and
waterways improvements and that a
forestry commission bo appointed and
salaried, charged with the responsibility
of arresting tree vandalism, and raising
forests on the governmental waste lands
in every part of the country.
The papers read and addresses were
all of practical import. The talk by
Prof. McLain, Sip't. of the Experi
ment Station at St. Anthony Park, on the
subject of bee cul ture, was indeed very
valuable. It is to be hoped that he will
yet visit other localities, and repeat his
admirable address, for it will unquesj
tionably evoke an. interest in this lucra
tive industry. J. O. BAKUMT.
The days are g« tting longer.
A great number of tubular wells
have been put -down in and around
our town this fal 1 aud winter, and in
every instance th ey have given entire
We are pleases I to notice that the
"grip" appears to be subsiding in
our town, and those who have been
suffering thererro ni, have either re
covered or are ou a fair way to do so
What's the m.att«T with having the
World's Fair at Donnelly? Will
some one ple u?e uiterview Senator
Washburn on he subject?
The singing class met last Thurs.
day evening at-d it was a "corker."
Prof. John Nils on was there in full
If you merely think you have the
grip, you haven't got it. If you
know you have It, there is a possi
bility that you have something simi
lar to it.
A. M. Dabry was in town last Sat
urday on business.
Hans. Larson was a visitor at Mor
ris last Saturday.
Mr. aud Mrs. A. G. Parsons, of
Eldorado, wore iu town last Satur
Drop quinine pill in the slot and
test your grip.
Excessive salaries, doable con
tracts, and an overdose of law, is giv
ing base ball the blind staggers. Any
one of these evils is enough to kill
the professional game if it shall sur
vive them all it will but attest the re
markable vitality of the sport, and
the wonderful hold it has upon the
public heart p.nd purse.
he Court's Fool.
John Heyv rood was fool to Henry VIII,
having been introduced to the king by
Sir Thomafi More. Mary Tudor had a
great regard for Hey wood, who indulged
in much audacious talk. Bold as were
his sayings, few of them appear witty.
A landlord asked him: "How do you
like rny befjr? Is it not well hopped?"
"So well," replied Heywood, "that had
it hopped a little further it would have
hopped into water.5' Dr. Doran, in his
"History of Court Fool," gives several
speexmer i's of Heywood's rhymed epi
grams. One of them is perhaps worth
'Where .m I least, husband?" Quoth he, "In the
Which o ameth of this, thou art vengeable strait
Where im I biggest, wife?" "In the waist, too,"
quoth she
"For aJ*t is waste in you, as far as
I can see."
—Cornhill Magazine.
A Shrewd Move.
A.—You see that line house? The man
who owns it made all his money
as a cab
B.—How did he manage to do it?
"Easy enough. He made it a rule to
know tho exact minute when the train
left in which his passenger was going,
and reaching tho station at the very last
moment, the passenger could not dispute
with him, no matter what he charged."
—Texas Siftings.
Save Your Hair
a tb Ayer's Hair Vigor.
preparation has no equal as a
dressing It keeps the scalp clean, cool,
and healthy, and preserves the color,
fullnesrj, and beauty of the hair.
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray but after using two or three
bottler of Ayer's Hair Vigor my liair
f$rew thick and glossy and the original
color was restored."—Melvin Aldricb,
Cans an Centre, N. H.
Some time ago I lost all mv hair in
consequence of measles. After due
waiting, no new growth appeared. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
Thick and Strong*.
It has apparently come to stay. The
Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature."
—J. B. Williams, Floresville, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or five years and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair.
It is all 1 could desire, being harmless,
•causing the hair to retain its natural
color, and requiring but a small quantity
to render the hair easy to arrange."—
TMrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street,
Haverhill, Mass.
I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor
lor several years, and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color."—Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer ill
Dry Goods, &c., Bishopville, Md.
Dr. J. C. Ayer
Co., Lowell, Mas*
Sold bj DrnggiaU aad F«rtotMCT
Will commence Thursday,
January 16 th, continuing
30 Days, closing Fob.
During thiB time Greater
Bargains than ever will be
A Reduction of 10 per cent.
on all
Dress Goods,
Dress Trimmings, Flannels,
Pants Goods, Etc. A reduc
tion of 15 per cent, on La
dies and Gents Underwear,
Clothing, Hosiery, Etc.
A reduction of 20 per cent,
on Fur, Plush and Cloth
Ladies Ready Made Cloaks
At First Cost.
Arctic Overshoes, Wool
Boots, Etc., everything in the
line of foot wear, at a reduc
tion of 10 per cent, from
former prices.
Offered in Groceries during
this Bargain Sale.
An Opportunity
Offered to all to purohase
their Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots and Shoes, Groceries,
Etc., at Low Prices. Bring
us your Cash, and we will
give you honest values. We
are bound to reduce our
stock before our SPRING
GOODS arrive.
A Cordial Invitation ex
tended to each and every
one to call and get Bargains
while offered.
What matter it though life uncertain be
To all? What though its goal
Be never reached? What though it fall and
Have wo not each a soul?
A soul that quickly must arise and soar
To regions far more pure—
Arise and dwell where pain can be no more,
And every joy is sure.
Be like the bird that on a bough too frail
To bear him, gayly swings
He carols though the slender branches fai
lle knows that he has wings.
—Victor Hugo.
An Eccentric.
But the best and most frequent speci
mens of an eccentric nation hail from
the land of John Bull. Among them is
mentioned Mr. Cecil S. (The Figaro wari
ly suppresses the surname), who for
many years made Paris ring with sto
ries of his wild doings. Finally gout
attacked him, and he was doomed to
perpetual confinement at home. The
ballet having always been specially pat
ronized by him, Mr. S. started a ballet
within his own four walls, where he
kept an entire stage with all that be
longs to it, including costumes of every
possible variety. Five or six spectators
were invited to the choreographio spec
tacles, the artists in which were paid
with more than princely liberality. Al
though Mr. S. could never set a foot out
side liis house, ho always retained his
ten horses and four carriages, which
were regularly driven about in tho Bois
and on the boulevards, somewhat like
the empty carriages seen behind a hearse.
—New York Sun.
Curious Ware
fn a
The Great Skin Remedy
Believes and Cures
jfs and Irritations of the Skid
and Scalp,
Either Itching or Bleeding",
It instantly relieves the pain of Hums and
and cures the worst case without a scar.
Small boxes 25e. Largo boxes QOo.
Cole's Carbolisoap prevents pimples,
I'lacithonds. chapped and oily skin, and pre
ryrves. "iT'shons and beautifies tho complex,
ion. It is uneqiialed for use in hard watery
and its absolute purity and delicate per.
iume makes it a positive luxury lor thd
bath aud nursery.
Caution- The labels on the genuine are
Tilark and the letters Green. Prepared only
by J. W. Cole & Co.. Black Hiver Falls. Wis.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine,
Dr. Lewentaner, of Constantinople,
writing in Tho Bulletin General do The
rapeutique, No. 532, 1889, speaks very en
couragingly of tho success attending an
antiseptic method of treating this disease,
which ho tried in several cases. Tho ad
vantages of this method of treatment are
Hummed up by Tho Medical Record as
follows: 1. All tho children treated in
this way recovered, although the ordi
nary mortality of tlr: disease is 40 per
cent. 2. The duration of the disease was
decidedly shortened, tho period elapsing
from the commencement of the eruption
to the falling off of tho crusts being
twelve or thirteen days. 3. The diseaso
ran its entire course almost without
fever. 4. The danger to those around
the patient is greatly lessened. In Dr.
Lewentaner's cases there were other chil
dren exposed, but, notwithstanding that
they were not vaccinated, they did not
contract the disease. 5. Tho simplicity
of the method, as compared with the
treatment by baths and cold applications,
has much to recommend it. 0. Pathet
ically, also, the antiseptic method of
treatment offers great advantages, since
it prevents absolutely all pitting.
Dlclceiitt' Letter to His Song.
Here is a letter from Dickons, ad
dressed to his younger sons on their
leaving home, one for Cambridge, the
other for Australia, in which the father's
heart and the deeper side of his nature
reveal themselves:
"You will remember," he
says to both,
"that you have never at home been
wearied about religious observances or
mere formalities. You will, therefore,
understand the better that I now most
solemnly impress upon you the truth
and beauty of the Christian religion as
it comes from Ciirist himself, and
the impossibility of your going far wrong
if you humbly, but heartily, respect it.
Similarly I impress upon you the
habit of saying a Christian prayer night
and morning. These things have stood
by mo through my life, and remember
that I tried to render the New Testa
ment intelligible to you and lovable to
you when you were a mere baby. And
so God bless you.
"Ever Your Affectionate Father."
When j'ou ask for Badger soup—see
that you get it.
—OF Tin:-
At Morri»\ iu the State of Minnesota, at t• i• close
of business on the 18th day of January, l^iw.
Loans and Discounts $53.80-1 56
County, Village and School
A Boston lawyer, returned from a trip
in Maine, tells of a curious phenomenon
existing at the Livermore falls, in that
state. At the foot of one of the dams
the descending water seems to be driven
back with so much force that half way
up the column of water there is an ever
moving line of water like a crease in a
piece of cloth. This has an effect upon
the surrounding atmosphere that is al
most incredibly great. The phenomenon
is not observable at all times, but when
the "wave" is visible on the falling
water, objects suspended in the air at
some distance from the falls are ob
served to vibrate perceptibly in a regular
movement. The vibration, while per
ceptible at the time when the "wave"
can be seen, seems to stop almost in
stantly after the "wave" disappears, and
it seems almost certain that the latter
causes the former.—Boston Advertiser.
848 19
:2,622 51
.",7,753 72
r.832 15
Due from bank*
Hanking liou^e
Other real estate
Furniture and Fixtures
Current Expenses
Check." and cash items
Legal tenders and bank notes.
Fractional currency, nickels
and coppers
I 5II P4
1.S31 77
10 40
1.172 45
6.134 00
14 07
11 38
$131,318 00
Capital stock paid up in cash.$50,000 00
Undivided profits 1.156 30
Interest, disconnt, exchange... Co6 76
Individual deposits subject to
check 48.913 OS
Demand certificates of deposit, 1.253 97
Time certificates of deposit 29,3Si 05
Total $131,343 06
I, William J. Munro, Cashier of -The Stevens
County Bank," Morris, Minn., do solemnly swear
that the above statement
knowledge and belief.
to the best of my
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22d
day of January, 18SH). GEO. E. DARLING.
[SEAL] Notary Public,Minn.
The Best Salve in the world for
Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively cures
Piles, or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to tfive perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. Forsaleby Fritz Buckentin.
P. A. McCarthy & Co., Morris,
Minn., respectfully announce that
they have been duly admitted to
practice before the Interior Depart
ment of General Government. The
General and Local Land Offices and
Pension Bureau. Ail claims of sett
lers on Indemnity lands Contested
claims, or defectiye entries and
proofs also claims of soldiers,
widows and orphans of deceased
soldiers for pensions or Increase of
pensions, placed in their hands will
receive prompt aud careful attention.
Dr. Harris will be in his office
about Feb. 1st, to remain till further
When you ask for Badger soap—see
that you get It.
Now is the time to send in your orders
for Northern grown Nursery Stock and
Seed Potatoes. Wc can guaranteo you
satisfaction on Ornamental trees, Ever
greens, Shrubs, Fruits, Iioses, Small
fruits, Seed Potatoes, tfcc, A few Agents
wanted at once to canvass.
Very truly,
Assortment, Largest Stock, Lowest Prices
Be6t Strings for all instruments, assorted
suit, |1.50 per dozen, postpaid. Cash
with order, Anything in the music line sent
prepaid to any part of the United States.
Write us.
Allmendinger Piano and Organ Conip'y,
Orders from teachers and the profession so
licited. Live Agents wanted for our Pianos
and Organs. nov20m3
On Improved Farms.
At Low Rates.
On Easy Terms of P&ymiMt*
With or Without Commission.
Plenty of Money.
No Delay.
Business confidential.
Office over Stevens
Morris, Minn.
If you want to borrow
Money on improved farms,
at low rates of Interest and
easy terms of payment, call
on us for particulars.
F. A. McCarthy & Co.
TTfo oldeBt and best Insur
ance Companios represented
by LhH* Wellington.
Arc Diamond Dyes. They excel all others
in Strength, Parity and Fastness. None others
are ju ,t as good. Beware of imitations—they
are made of cheap and inferior materials and
give poor, weak, crocky colors.
colors xo cents each.
Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, directions
(or coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or I5luing
(xo cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, ¥t.
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE
Si'ver, Eronze, Copper. Only IQ Cents.
Beware of Ointments for Ca
tarrh that contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used
except 011 prescriptions from reput
able physicians, as the damage they
will do is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
lo la? Anyfliiufi in Bur
We keep constantly on hand the following lines of Machinery
and Farming Implements: Minneapolis Han-ester and
Binder and Mower, Osborne Steel Frame Harvester
and Binder and Mower, the Walter A. Wood
Mower, Hollingsworth's Rakes also the
Monitor Rake, Corn Plows and Culti
vators of all description, Riding
and Walking Sulkies, Monitor
Breaking and Crossing
Plows also Corn
Plows, Harrows, &c., the
Solid Comfort Sulky and Gang
Plows, Milburn WTagons, the Hen
ney 2-seated and single Top Buggies,
Carts, &c., Husher and Havanna Press Drill
Seeder and the common Broad-cast Seeder also
the Nichols & Sheppard Straw Burner and Seperator,
and all the other threshing outfits Racine Fanning Mill,
with flax attachment. We also keep constantly on hand a
Ml Line of Extras for all lie above Mattery.
Also agents for the Appleton Feed Mill and Horse Power,
Feed Cutters, &c. We also have on hand a good supply
of Wood, Fence Posts and Rails.
Highest price paid for all kinds of Grain.
Agents for the Litchfield Woollen Mill.
This Space is Reserved for
A. P. DYE, the Pacific Ave.
Groceryman, who is too
busy selling goods to write
an ad. this week, but will
next. Look out for it.
The H. 0. l^avei1 Msnufactnring Go.
mercury, and is taken in­
ternally, and acts directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
be sure you get the genuine. It is
taken internally, and made In Toledo,
Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
J3PSoId by Druggists, price 73c.
per bottle.
We are prepared to Loan
Money on good improved
Village Property. Call om
us for terms.
W. A. MoCarthy & Ca
Ladies wishing to learn a system of
dress-cutting, which warrants to do
the work expeditiously, and wlthouc
the necessity of refitting or rebastingf:,
—as attested by hundreds of practical
dressmakers, who are now u»iug this
system with immense success—are
respectfully invited to call and ex
amine the Kellogg French Tailor sys
tem. Complete instructions give in
the art of dress-cutting by
3 i i- s aoh.I.
a I*™-* V:
We have just completed arrange
ments lor an unlimited amount oli^
money from first hands, and are now
prepared to loan money 011 good im
proved farms at 7 per cent. Interest
payable once a year, with privilege of
optional payments of small install
ments. We can make
fame s
"I'aine's Celery Com
pound turod my nerv
ous sick headaches."
"I'aine's Celery Com
pound turod my nerv
ous sick headaches."
Our work is fully warranted, is of excellent material and finish, and
moderate in price. Our line of Buggies is very complete.
We make a specialty of Hand and Machine Made Harness.
Write for prloes. Address,
to ten years ti me.
A. 1'KENTNE :,
Mrs. I,.
A. 1'KENTNE :,
Mrs. I,.
Sun Jacinto, Cal.
Sun Jacinto, Cal.
"Afier nm«r six lot-1
of \ny
"Afier nm«r six lot-1
of \ny
Compound, I am cured
of rheumatism.
Compound, I am cured
of rheumatism.
South Cornish, N.
South Cornish, N.
Ii us done me more
good for k jney n'v.-uv:
than any nther :jied:
dnc." (JMI.
Sioux City, J'
"Paine's Celery Con*
pound has been ot great
Den*fit for torpid liver,
indigestion, and biliou-
All Liver
15 to 19 West Lske Street, CHICAGO. ILL.
Handled on Commission.
Money Loaned
At Low Rates, and with Privilege of
Yoarly Payments.
Of all Legitimate Kinds, written. We
have none but Responsible and
JFair-Dcaling Companies.
General Law Business
All Collections Receive Prompt
Ni'W stylo Nickel. Self-Inking Pen and
iVncil Stamp, any rninw on in rubber,
marking cards and linnn, with bot-
tlo of mk sont- postpaid for 85 cts. Ail kinds of
stamps inado to order. OFFICIAL ST\iars AND
SPECIALTY. Agent* Wanted. Send stamp
for circulars aad terms. GLOB* kcBaaa ST
Minneapolis, Minn,

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