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I vertising advertise your | * PHITIHM 1 | business for sale. | ♦ f ONE CENT I and Newark advertiser | ONE CENT ESTABLISHED 1832. NEWARK. N. J.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1909. —14 PAGES. CLOUDY. COLDER TONIOHT; SUNDAY FAIR. COLDER. City Executive's Counsel Asks That Certain of Mason's Pleas Be Stricken Out. EDWIN 0. ADAMS IN COURT FOR EXECUTIVE Declares That Part of Ex-Under Sheriff's Statement Is “Frivolous.” A preliminary step to the trials of the two actions for libel brought by Mayor Hausslmg against Under-sherlrt Charles M. Mas>on, as the result of a political speech mude during the last campaign by the latter in which the Mayor's character was attacked, was taken before Judge Adams in the Cir cuit Court today, where Edwin G. Adams, as counsel for the Mayor, agued for the striking out of the de fendant's pleas, which cover, generally. Justification. One of the suits is for (25,000 and the other for $10,000. Frank E. Bradner, as counsel for the former under-sheriff, replied to Mr. Adams. These were the principal points made by counsel for the Mayor: To strike out the first plea and the second plea on the ground that they are Inconsistent and improperly joined or so framed as "to prejudice, em barrass and delay a fair trial of the action.” To strike out the second plea on the ground that it is frivolous and to strike out the third plea upon 4he ground that "It lacks certainty, fails to allege spe ;ific facts showing in what Instances and in what manner the plaintiff has misconducted himself, or has done the things charged." Mr. Arlams elaborated each of the points in the pleadings and cited nu merous opinions to back them up. He told the court that he had not prepared any briefs, but cited authori ties in the matter, and then Mr. Brad ner took up the legal cudgels on behalf of his client. Decision was reserved by the court. POSSES HUNT W CONLEY’S SLAYER; VOW VENGEANCE Landlord Shot Bead in Sight ot Wife by Tenant He Threat ened to Evict. DELEANO GOT GUN INSTEAD OF THE RENT Murderer in Tragedy Near Am boy Fled After Crime—Hid- ' ing Place Suspected. [Special to the Evening Star. ) PERTH AMBOY, Feb. B.-Posses are today searching for mites around for Gaczro Deleano, the slayer of “Cap” lohn Conley, of Chrome, several miles from here. The murder occurred while the victim’s wife looked on and was jne of the most cold-blooded in ;he History of local police annals. Deleano and his victim lived in the lame house, which was owned by Con ley. Deleano had paid no rent for his apartments on the first floor for six months, it is said, and when the two men met in the yard last night Conley told his tenant if the money was not forthcoming he would be evicted. “All right, cap; I’ll go in and get the money,” Deleano answered. Mrs. Con ley, ut the window, saw Deleano go nto the house as if to fulfil his prom .:ie. She was horrified the next mo nent see him emerge with a shotgun vliicli lie levelled at her husband and ired. Conley fell mortally injured, and ex fired almost immediately. Mrs. Conley rushed down-stairs and was incoherent 'or an hour. At the end of that time Deleano and his wife had both (led. and when she told tho police of the tragedy, the fugitive had a good start. Later Deleano's wife was found sit ting on the railroad tracks near Port Reading. She lmd not fled with her husband, she said, but had left shortly tfterward. Posses were immediately formed and searched the country during the entire night. Detectives from this city and the prosecutor’s office started on the trail of the slayer, hut had not cap tured him at noon today. It is believed that Deleano is hiding In the vicinity of Port Reading. A sister of the slain man llws there. She is the wife of Captain L. J. Barrett, who is general superintendent of the coal sheds. Deleano was formerly em ployed at a bakery in yil* city, and the county detectives are searching here for him. VPhrn th> police were notified of I ho ragedy they gave instructions that the mdy should not he touched until viewed jy the county physician. The order >as enforced, and the dead man lay in i pool of blood outside his own door or over three hours. It Is thought possible the law will he •heated If Deleano is captured by oiv j *f the posses, as the entire community | greatly wrought up. The deud man | his popular among a large circle of ac ■•intsmees. i HANDSOMEST MAN IN NEW JERSEY IS C. L BLAIR Senators Briggs and Kean Select Wealthy Peapack Man for Inaugural Ball. HEAD OF BROKERAGE FIRM IN NEW YORK Stands High in Financial Cir cles in This Coun try. C. Ledyard Blair, of Peapack, was to day officially declared to be "the hand somest man in New Jersey." Senators Kean and Briggs, at Washington, after canvassing the immense field of in numerable prominent inen in the State, settled upon Mr, Blair and appointed him to represent New Jersey at the inaugural bail tendered to President Taft on the night of March 4. Mr. Blair has several millions of dol lars, and is the head of the big New York banking firm which bears his name. The chairman of the inaugural cere monies at Washington requested all senators some .line ago to select < ne handsomest men in their States, one man from each State, to form an escort of honor for the new President at the Inaugural ball. 1 Mr. Blair is six feet in height and weighs 200 pounds. He is straight and has a bearing of genial, courtly dignity, from which an evening suit detracts nothing. He is in the very centre of society, both in New York and New Jersey, and is a friend of President elect Taft. The readers of THE EVENING STAR have been so anxious to ascer tain the identity of the handsomest man in New Jersey that the paper has | sent several inquiries to Senators Briggs and Kean. The last message, before today's announcement, told about the struggle that the Senators wore having. Then came this telegram this afternoon: "Washington, D. G., Feb. 6, 1909. "THE EVENING STAR, Newark, N. J.: "Senator Briggs and I have selected C. Ledyard Blair to represent New Jer sey. ' inaugural ball. “JOHN KEAN." Mr. Blair has aspired to no great political office, but he has tried to serve his country'and party well. Hb was a delegate to the last national Re publican convention and has been in timate in the councils of his party. MS WOULD SELL | Antonia Gentile. 17 years, ami pretty, | is expected to reach Newark today from Pittsburg, where she is reported ' to have been rescued by the police from one Rasselo De-Blase, who brought her i from Italy to sell her for $200, so the police say. Louis Barko. of this city, a brotW^f in-law of Antonia Gentile, notified the Pittsbuig police of the girl's predica ment. De Biase was arrested by De ! tective IJeler Angelo, in Pittsburg. ' charged with being a suspicious per son. and the girl 'was held as a wit ness against him. De Biase, who is 42 years old. and wealthy, brought the girl to this coun try from Rocco. San Felice, Italy, about four months ago. Since then she has been living with De Biase and his family in Pittsburg. According to the girl's story, she had been brought to this country by De Biase. who had intended to sell her for $200. but later he proposed an elopement lo the girl, but she refused. The girl's brother-in-law in this city was notified of De Biase's arrest by the Pittsburg police, who stated that they would send the girl here. SKULL BROKEN, UE WALKS ABOUND After going about for fourteen hours with a fractured skull, caused by a blow received in the saloon at the corner of West street and Springfield avenue last night, Gustav Schneider, a teamster, of 39 Market street, went to the City. Hospital for treatment today. His condition is serious. According: to the story In-* told to Mrs. Hchnotder be whs standing In the saloon talking to a friend, s* hen a third part} tried to break into the conversation f>rhenider puPhed him away, which angered the other so that he seized hl9 beer glass and brought it down on the left side of Schneider’s head lie es caped from a si do door. Schneider refused to have his wound treated dast night, but this morning lie was in such a condition that, lie went, to the hospital, where it was found i that besides a deep cut the man bad ( sustained a fracture of the skull. / ~ ’ ' *' ** ' CITY TREASURER AND RECEIVER OF TAXES, WHO WERE REELECTED FOR THREE YEARS BY COUNCIL I_ % 'ROBERT Lr. _ TAV . ----:--♦ - * -—-— [—1 One Thousand Dollars' Damage Done to Stock of Gerardo Megaro. ----- / BLAZE STARTS TWENTY FIVE FEET FROM STORE • ’ i.' | Insurance of $23,000 Carried by Merchant on His Grocery Supplies. | The police and fire departments are [today investigating tuflre of mysterious origin which did about $1,000 damage, to the $25,000 stock of groceries Ih’G^rardn Megnro’s storage house back of his residence at 87 Seventh avenue at 2 o’clock this, morning. The authorities cannot understand how the fire could start, from natural causes, at a distance of twenty-five feet froni where the stove was, among boxes of canned groceries and at a time when the place was supposed to-be securely locked with no one Inside. Megaro car ried $23,000 insurance. The fire was discovered by neighbors in the adjoining brick tenements and the alarm was turned in before great damage had been done. The (iro caused tile entire neighborhood to turn out. mostly in night dress, and there was much excitement. j Over the large roofn in which the gro ceries were stored is a carpenter shop which would have made fine fuel for the flames. Megaro Is a wholesale grocer, keeping his stock in-the build ing in the rear' of his house and selling by wagon to various small stores. It is thought that the fire may have been started by an enemy of Megaro. AND LIFE LOST IN BEhLLV, Feb.. 6.—The flood situation in Germany, ^resulting l'rom heavy rains and melting -enow, still is serious. Many cases of loss of life continue to b (reported from various parts of the country. Tlic waters of the smaller streams are now subsiding, but the larger rivers like the Elbe, the Main, the Rhine and tli«, Oder still are rising. A terrltic hurricane raged in the Rhine valley last night' and demolished the Wiesbaden Machinery Hull arid other buildings in course of erection for an exhibition this summer. The Danube is still rising at.ftegem*. burg. Several villages are cut off from communication from the outside' wo1 Id and are threatened with partial de struction. The ducal forests are under water and a number of deer have be m. drowned. The Oder is rising rapidly and many barges frozen Into the ic. several weeks ago are threatened with destruction: NEWARK MAN KILLED BY TRAIN AT RED BANK. William 'Green, n Newurker. ST year i)f ago. was killed in..Red Bank last night He fell while crossing tile rail read tracks. An onrushing express train struck him, hurling him to his deatli Green n lather He was adopted by a family in this city of the name of Grover. COURT CALL. The call in the Supreme Court circuit! for Monday i«: Xos. 50, 75, 77,-50, 54,1 91, G8. 95, 95 a'.id 100. ' j DOLAN HELPS IN REELECTING ROSS City Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes Are ^fain Given $3,500 Plums. BACKSLIDING DEMOCRATS ARRAIGNED IN BALLOTS Dubbed “Carey Dolan” and “L WanLa*Job Dolan”—Routine Council Business. | Taking advantage of the backsliding of Alderman Dolan, of the Twelfth ward, from the Democratic.ranks, tho Republican Common •Council last night reelected Albert T, Guenther city treasurer and Robert L. Ross receiver of taxes, each for a term of three years, dating from January 1, 1909, at a salary of $3,500 per year. Severe, but anonymous strictures on Dolan were found among the ballots cast by the Oouncilmen for each office. In the vote for city treasurer there ! were twenty-four for Gunther, six j blank and one marked for “Carey I Dolan." In the vote for collector of ! taxes there were twenty-three ballots ; for Ross, six biank. one for "Carey i Dolan" and one for “I-want-a-job : Dolan.” r .' i The result of each vote was an j rlouncad by. Clerk John Schweickhardt | in a loud voice, and the cheering seemed I to be mbre in derision of Dolan than in applause for the chosen men. ; Speculation was rife about, the City ; Hail,-after the meeting, as to who cast the. ballots that elecbid the two Re . publicang. .The solid Republican wing of-sixteen votes was conceded to Guen !,tl«T,. while it was said there was a single defection from Ross iq this side ,of .1 ho. house. It was rumored that in addition to-the Republicans those Dem ocrats who have been following Aider man Sinnott’s standard were voting for the appointments. They are: Sln nott, Dolan. Smith. Fischer, Harring | ton. Gaffney and Bray. It was said ; that they had agreed to stick together I on this before entering the Council ; chamber. Dolan sat bn the Republican side. gblMlOO for St-upr. ' The request of the Board of Work? that the Common Council appropriate $30,000 for the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission for the purpose of giving that body sufficient funds to carry on their ipycijtiga'.ipn of the work of at taching the city system to the proposed trunk sewer was referred to the finarJce committee. The communication was first read by the rinance committee at their meeting on Wednesday night, and at that time it was decided that the Council should hear of it before the Committee took‘action. The request of <Ko Cpapd r-f Works that the Council tesge Sieo.fifrd of bonds for the purchase of additional watershed property was aitn referred to the same committee. Appropriations for paying interest on city bonds were made amounting to fr.tVKW. Tilts is a rontlne transfer that is made in anticipation of taxes. The supi of $2,0(10 was transferred to the Lincoln centennial account for the pur pose of properly celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the emanci pator’s birth Tim budding committee offered a resolution authorising the rating of a brick building at the corner rtf William :Thd Plane streets on the land orig inally purchased for a lire lioadquar tej> site. It was adopted. The land will be used for a playground. Aider man Sim-ott (lien asked Chairman Seeker, of the committee, if he could tell when-the-new City Hall annex would be completed and turned over to the committee. The chairman said he could not tell, but thought probably in about six weeks. It was then sug gested that the voting machines, which (Conlluued op Stc’nil Page.) .. i i s . , . . / ' . • -■ , DRINKING FLEET CAPTAIN DROPPED FOR SIX MONTHS Quaitrough, of the Georgia, Is Found Guilty by Court Martial. TO LOSE TEN NUMBERS IN OFFICIAL RANK Relieved of Command and Sent Home as Passenger on Own Vessel. GIBRALTAR. Feb. «.-Captain Kd ward' F. Quaitrough. of the battleship Georgia, having been found guilty by court-martial of being intoxicated while on duty and of conduct pre judicial to the good of the navy, has been suspended from duty for six months, with an additional punishment for the loss of ten numbers in rank. Rear Admiral Sperry, commander-in chief of the Atlantic battleship fleet, which starts on its homeward voyage today, has approved the finding of the court-martial, out the secrctaiy of the navy must take official action on the recommendation for loss of numbers. Captain Quaitrough has been de tached from the fleet and ordered home. He will go as a ppssenger on the Georgia. Lieutenant Commander Grorgc W. Kline, who was placed in I command of the Georgia, will continue ; in command on 'he homeward journey. Fir sirs IF HE nr MEAN TO Disbarment Proceedings Against Lawyer for Twining to Be ' Continued on Tuesday . , ; - fSpecial to the Evening Star 1 RENTON, Feb. 6.—The taking of testimony in the hearing of disbarment j proceedings against Thomas r. Fay ‘ before Supreme Court Com mission?# 'Frederick Gnichtel was adjourned to day until 8 o’clock Tuesday night. Fay | testified . that he had no intention of 'disobeying the court in taking out an I order on which to base an appeal in I the case of Albert C. Twining, the i former Asbury Park banker. Fay said' that lie-had- made the ap jplioation for the ocder below Justices Minturn ami Voyrhees after-he had heard of the sitting in Newark. He asked the court, he said. If he should say that the order had been refused and understood that the court said "Yes." As he was leaving the court loom, he said. Justice Voorhees called him back io say that he had doubts as io the court's jurisdiction at tnat particular time, a^ it was sitting in a special matter. "If the court's recollection is differ ent from mine it is surely a mistake on niy part.” lie aid during the hear ing. "If tlie rule was improper 1 re gret that‘Any action should lx* offensive to the court of anyi member ihereof, and if the coito-l is of the opinion that the order should be vacated I would be pleased to lriakean order for'its vaca tion. If the rule was any different than the eourt intended It was due to . my misunderstanding of the court's direc tion.'’ Fay was represented by Attorney John H. Backes. Nelson B. Gaskell ap peared for the State. Hastier* rw«l A*b-r*u*. Merlins* a- riorstmis Co.. 7W-TW Brood it — Ads. SICA Mil Si FACE GRAND JURY; BAIL LOR MRS. WILHELM 7JT • Prosecutor Mott Decides to Release Slain Con tractor’s Widow on $1,000 Bond Furnished by Her Sister-Goes to Her Home. ACCUSED MAN’S LAWYER DROPS HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS TO FREE CLIENT i, 11.1 Mrs. MARY J. \S the Ven.rti wife of the «l«l» ro«t«H.t, Frank W llhrlm. was today released on flUMH* hall as a material witness in the rhnrgt of murder agnlnst her admirer. \lehoIaa S. Sira. This was done nt the suggestion of r ounty Prosecutor Mott, the pollee hating failed lo predti'e etldeoee which directly Involved Mrs. Wil helm in 3 knowledge of the murder before It was committed. Men alone Is now held on e formal charge of murder to face the grand Jnry. The bail nas provided b; her si~»er. Mips Bertha Stafford, now of Phil adelphia, but until a year ago a resident of Newark Mrs. TVUhelm was taken from police headquarters at in o'clock, and was questioned by the prosecutor a* the Court House He finally decided to r» lease her on small bail. TOOK CARE OF HIS FRIEND’S CASH ANO LATTERSTOLE HIS Anthony" Ozectowiski Will Have More Faith in Banks Hereafter. KEPT HIS SAVINGS IN TOOL-CHEST UNDER BED Pseudo Friend Left Fake $100 Bill and Took $250 in Real Currency. Anthony Ozectowiski. of 25 Calumet street, never had much faith in banks, and he has been keeping his savings j secreted in the house. He had $250 al j together, and this he placed in a tool ; chest under Ills bed. His saving pro pensity was known to his acquain tances. and when a Polish friend called Thursday with a request that Ozec ; towiski takf care of $100 for him. the j latter readily agreed. ! Taking his friend into his bedroom. : he pulled out the toolchest from under ; the bed and, opening it. displayed his I roll of $250. His friend handed him the ; *100 bill, and Ozectowiski folded this up with the others. The two retired to an 1 other room, and after a short time the friend departed. Ozectowiski liked to take a peep at i his money every now and then, and ! following the habit pulled out the chest last night for another look. To his astonishment his roll was gone and there remained only the bill left with him by his friend. On examining the $100 bill, however, he became a little suspicious at the color of the certificate, which was red on one side and green on the other. A closer inspection revealed the follow ing in bold letters printed on the back "We need the money.” It suddenly dawned on him that he had been robbed, and he hustled out to the Third Precinct police station, where he ac cused his friend of stealing his money. Eulogies Delivered Telling of Great Services of Dead Iowa Statesman. WASHINGTON. Feb. 6.—Eulogies in honor of the late Senator William B. Allison, of Iowa, occupied the session of the .Semite today. Splendid tributes to the public service of the Iowa states man. extending over half a century, were paid alike by Republican end Democratic Senators. The exercises were opened with prayer by th^* Rev. Edward Everett Hale, the chaplain. Senator lHjHiver. colleague’ of the late Senator, reviewed the public events of Mr. Allison's life, including his service of thirty-six years in the Senate and eight years in the House of Representatives. He <aid th«* people of Iowa would build a monu ment to Senator Allison in his own State, and would ask permission to erect a Ftatue to him in this city Among others who spoke were Sena tors Hale. Teller. Aldrich. Daniel, Cul lutn. Bacon. Gal linger, Rode*. Tillman. Perkius, Nelson, Kean. Dcpew. Burk tt, William Alden Smith. Borah and Cum mins. the latter Senator Allison’s sue cessor. r ,nrK H 1I lie im, \"II'-'J. Iiwnm nvn the court house and walked to bei home, accompanied by her Bister. There site was met by her aged mother and the doors were closed on visitors. At tlie same time Sica abandoned hope of release before the Grand Jury investigates the charge of murder against him. His attorney, Eugene Dotto, consent ed today to the dismissal of the writ of habeas corpus issued yesterday by Chief Justice Gummere. Justice's Decision. In throwing the matter out of court the Chief Justice said: "The application to me for the writ was based on a sworn statement made by the person In custody. Sica, who set out that he was deprived of his liberty by the captain of the police without any complaint having been made against him. and withbut a warrant Is sued against him. and without any legal justification whatever. "On that petition I allowed the writ i If the writ had been served or return ! made to It, I should have disposed of i it. Counsel has seen fit not to serve It j and naturally there Is no return and j nothing before ine. The writ is dead ! "The right of Sica yesterday to have h habeas corpus does not. determine the i question of his having one today or to morrow. Today he is In the custody of the sheriff on a complaint charging him with a crime." The court then intimated that there would be no use of going to the sheriff on habeas corpus proceedings and Mr. Dotto said afterward that he would probably now let the case go before the grand jury. Battle ForTCdntf Oa. Maurice Gluck, counsel for Mrs. Fred ericka Wilhelm, the New York wife of the murdered man, today filed in the Surrogate's Court application for let ters of administration of the estate of Wilhelm. While It is known that title to aii of the Wilhelm estate rests with Mrs. Mary J Wilhelm, it Is the purpose of Mrs. Fredericks Wilhelm, claiming to be the rightful widow of the slain man. to proceed against Mrs. Mary J. Wilhelm in an effort to have title to thr estate revert to the estate of the dead man. Gluck also contemplated attachment proc edirigs in behalf of the New York widow, against all of the furnishings in the High street house, which are claimed by Mrs. Bertha Stafford, mother of the last Mrs. Wilhelm. The application for letters of adminis tration include an application tor the appointment of a tcgal guardian for the two children of the New York widow. Girl Star W Itaeaa. Although they had formally charged Sica with the murder of Wilhelm and had caused him to be held Without ball for the grand jury, the police detectives and the sleuths from the prosecutor’s 1 office had obtained no stronger evi dence than that presented by THE 1 EVENING STAR in the statement Of Anna Saltau, that she had seen Bica j leave the Wilhelm home a few minutes after 6 p. m. Monday. Files (3.000 Rood. In applying lor letters of administra tion .Mrs. Fredericka Wilhelm filed ■ a S5.000 bond, provided by the National Surety Company, of New York Unless there is objection made and a caveat filed, the letters will be granted to her on Monday, and would have been granted today had she completed the formality of paying the advance fees. In her application for the papers Mrs. Wilhelm mentioned as her next of kin her two children. Francisco, 13 years old. and Frederick. 12. who thereby be come beneficiaries Detectives not affiliated with the po lice department or the prosecutor’s staff have taken up the ease where they left olf and were today running down a number of unexplained features of the mystery. Doubt as to the real reason for Sica's call at the Wilhelm home Monday att • moon has directed one part of this In. dependent impiiry. Mrs. Wilhelm has fully confessed to the polkc her rela tion- with Sica Sica had Iwn drlten from, i he bouse by Wilhelm There is a i-Hi f that Wilhelm did not know that Sic;, wa h the house Monday after noor. si--— u ... surprised. .fC Additional evidence has been found thiil the person who killed Wilhelm had been surprised and had taken hasty concealment in the dark recess of the little hallway In the hasement. It ts believed by these Independent detec tlves' that Wilhelm, unsuspecting, had gone to the hasement to attend to the furnace—It was a oold day—and th«t the murderer being at h#y. shot hin*.