Newspaper Page Text
|fY Ifyourbusi- } £ § !• n U|[ * • * ness is not $ * c. c A’ a\t fa* ! worth ad-1 EVENING." OITION 1 SECOND j | business for sale. \ ( J bDI I ION | j I ONE CENT 1_ AND NEWARK ADVERTISER ONE CENT LSI ,-vbuSHhD 1832._ NEWARK. N. J., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 190S. —12 PAGES. PARTLY CLOUDY TONIGHT; TUESDAY SNOW OR RAIN. • " "' "■ --- -..""7™ ' ' 1 ------- - - _-__ _ _ ENDS LIFE BATHER THAN SHARE HIS Adolph Lueddeke, Driven to Sui* fide by Financial Trouble and Drink. SHOOTS HIMSELF IN HEART OF DOWNTOWN _ Found Head in Alley With Note Finned on His Coat. Tin- If 'iiliy an ! frien 's of Ado<l)h Lueddeke, nwn;r of an expressing busi ness at 112*.*. Market street, said today that his suicide near the “Four Cor ners" last night v as due to financial trouble and drink. Lueddeke. who was 50 years old, left his home at 3)7 Washington street, nt 1 o'cloc k yesterday afternoon, stopping in the doorway t.> kiss hisi wife three times, .she thought then that lie was worrying about something, but lie said he would be back in time 'for dinner, which was then being prepared, and ■which a ould be ready in an hour. Leniee X»tc on Lapel. After dark a pistol shot, was heard in IVilbur alley, on the north siu< of Market street, between Broad and Iia! scy, within a short distance of tie’ "Four Corners," and immediately there was a crowd of many hundred persons about the mouth of the alley. A short distance up w4s found the prostrate t’ rni of Lueddeke. a bullet In bis head arid revolver by his side. ■in the lapel of his coal was pinned a note which read: "People i a- i Adolph Lueddeke. No tify Mrs. Inez, S17 Washington street, turnished room house. Two daugl 39 Somerset street, one daughter, Essex Asylum; she Is u nurse there. My brother Gustave, Bruce street, ir Thirteenth avenue; my brother ■ i iam. 99 Monroe street; rnir ' ' • »r I Henry, 20 Arlington street. My sister, Mrs. George Smith, Arlington, near Augusta—husband fireman for the city. People and police, notify them ill at once, please, and oblige, “A. LUEDDEKE. "P. S.- And otfcirrn alsc. “Go to Mrs. Inez first, un 347 Wash ington street. Give all my papers in my pockets to my brother. Gustave Lueddeke. of Rruoe street. Some of them belong; to his customers, which a re in n lor ry for II. 11. Co. matters for 'oriday a. m„ 2, X, *09. Give to no ore else, and ob'ifco.” Two other brothers of the suicide not mentioned in the note are Oscar Lned d« l.e, a roundsman of the First Pro cincl, and Emil. r. fireman, formerly m.ij lain of the vyut'T tower squad. Ft»*ht Rth'U Crowd. The police had to fight the crowd away t«» get Lueddeke out of the alley and into an abunkincv, which hurried him to Si. Barnabas*s Hospital. There it was seen {hat he could not long sur vive and his relatives were called, many! of'.lioni, including the. widow, were at • his lied .vide when he dic'd at 8 o’clock, ; without recovering conscouvnesr. When Luedds ko left his Inane in the! afternoon lie ft id he \va - going to try to collect so me money due him. Ap-! parently he had been drinking after he left home and before he shot himself. Mrs. Lutddeke, whom he always called Mrs. Inez, ami to whom he re- ■ frrred fts such in the note he pinned > to his coal, raid that they had never quarreled and had always been very happy with each other. Since the first of the year she si».sp< etcd that he had : had Mjine trouble, of which he said nothing to her because he had been: drinking more rince tlicn than was I good for him. i The funeral will be held at the homo I of Mr. Lueddekc'8 daughters, 39 Somer- i s» t street. Tiro arrangements are notj complete MENDES, FAMOUS ! POET OF FRANCE, j DEAD IN TUNNEL! _ _ 1 Mystery Attends Finding of; Body Besides Railway Tracks. CRUSHED BENEATH WHEELS OF COACH | PARIS. Feb. S.—M. CatuUe-Abraham Mondes. the noted French poet. w.i« found dead in the railway tunnel ut Paint Germain today. The cause and circumstances of his death are yet un known. It is believed that the death of M. Mendes was accidental. Iio boarded u lijrib at Paris at midnight bound for k hi^Biome at Saint Germain. Ho had (Hitch last evening at the home of a i friend, Baron Oppenheim. 9 P The authorities are of the opinion ?' that he fell asleep in the carriage and r* that by mistake he opened the door of L his compartment while the train was 3- Mill in the tunnel agd fell beneath the wheels. ' * M. Mendes spent part of yesterday j iifi writing fi. play on Napoleon, which ho \ j was preparing for the liejune Theatre, LEGISLATURE ID DEVOTE TIE TO CUTTING EXPENSES' Desperate Efforts to Be Made 1 his Week to Obviate Threatening Deficit. SUNDAY BASEBALL BILL TO BE TAKEN IN HAND Local Option Measure Is Also Scheduled to Get Into the Arena. I f Tioii a Staff Correspondent.) T KENTON, Fel>. §.—Cutting and slashing of expenses is to be the order of the day at the meeting of the Sen ate and House finance committees this afternoon. The chairman of each. Sen ator Thomas J. Hillery and Assembly man \\ 11 Ham W. Smalley, are both convinced that on urvporing knife ap iied to appropriations will put the State 1 n its feet again financially and make tin* $75<>.O00 deficit in the State treasury, 1 whfdh three year? ago was a $«,00p.000i surplus, cease in be an Immediate menace at any rate. To increase the rvvtuiucs as well as cut down expense is part of lhe finance! program, and under that lead Assem blyman Vffttlaih V. Martin’s resolution j to appoint a committee of five to in-i voetigate the assessment mnd“ on rail-i road ratable?; by the State Hoard of; Assessors stands a better chance j being adojvted than it ordinarily would, j The Governor has expressed himself j as being in favor of plan, having ■ been ever since he took‘office. Several committee hearings will also be features of this, the .fifth week of the session. Tho Assembly chamber will he given up this afternoon to those interested in securing the passage of tho teachers’ tenure of office bill, vftiich! Assemblyman Kadeliffe introduced for j Speaker John D. Prince. Prince la Active. Mi'. Prince was responsible for aj similar measure last year which went uown to defeat. This year lie is at it again with redoubled energy, lie will handle the teachers’ interests at the hearing this afternoon. It is .expected that hundreds of teachers, principals, •superintendents and assistant superin tenants, all of whom would be bene lited by the measure, will be on hand to do whar they can to a’ file speaker in his work. The hearing wilt be held at it:;!". A stubborn light is under way be tween the church people and the back ers of Assemblyman Olwell’s hill to allow Sunday baseball. The measure is hacked by the* Governor’s dependency and crimes commission, which holds that athletics on the Saubath are pref erable to tile “beer parties' that con stitute tiio Sunday recreation of a large number' of young iiicu and buys. 1 ne opposition does not look at it in that iigut, however, and hold that such forms of amusement are a desecration and therefore siiou.d " receive no legal sanction. l.ccai Option Bill. Tile local option bill is again "about tu be introduced." The measure lias been hanging' lire ever since tiie Legis lature got together Lids year, thougn the Anu-Saloon League, wnicn is back ing it, has claimed right along tuut toe : Proposition had chough votes to carry, it through. 'Ihe presence -in the State House' every week of U. Rowland Monroe, of! Newark, assistant to State Superin tendent J. Frank Rurke, has shown that theob-was no let-up in the lobby j work for the bill. The assistant super intendent says that the appearance of flic hill may be looked for tonight or tomorrow. Pending the decision by Justice Swayzo in the light now being made in Essex County to knock out at least a portion of the civil service law enacted last year the bills amending the law, j drawn by the Governor and tile com-; mission, will be withheld. Should 111* rumor that the decision of the Justice j will declare a large part of the lawj unconstitutional be founded on fact the ■ bills will be in readiness for the emer-! gency. . The case in Es^e^is that of Dr. Will-, iam H. McKenzie, who is trying to] prove the uneonstitutionality of the. law in order to wrest the position of | county physician from Dr. Daniel El-! liott, the Democratic incumbent. Jus tice Swayze’s opinion may cover just the county physician case and no more. More Appointments. There are several appointments to be sent to the Senate by the Governor to night. Elmer Ewing Green, of Tren ton, Judge of file Court of Errors and i Appeals, resigned, will be succeeded, if is said, by Eugene Emley, now prose- ! cutor of pleas in Passaic county. Royal P. Tuller, county judge of' Cumberland, is slated for reappoint ment. Former Congressman Eugene W. Leake and Judge Carriclt are both candidates for the same judgeship. Judge Currick, the. Incumbent, Inis tile backing of the Hudson county bar. while the other, though a Democrat, lias tile fact that he canto out for Taft last fall to back his claims. The Lincoln centennial celebration will be the big feature of the week’s sitting. The Senate and the House will gather tomorrow afternoon in tile Assembly chamber. Lincoln himself addressed the New Jersey Legislature forty-eight years ago Tomorrow’s addresses win be made by Governor Fort, Chancellor Mahlon Pitney. Senator Joseph H. Fr - linghuysen, of Somerset, and others. EDWARD VII. GOES TO GERMANY. LONDON, Feb. 8.—King Edward and , Queen Alexandra left London for Bcr C. Ledyard Blair, Apollo of Jersey, cHcts as Handsomely as He Looks r ii- . '" ■ «, . r r ■ _____ =ss»»j|ggffi £. i^e-oyar^ m^~. ggsr»- jg_gg;ire%7 POLICE STRIVING TO BREAK DOWN ALIBI OF SICA Man-Held in Wilheiirh Murder Persists in His Original Statement. WIDOW OF VICTIM TO Ail) HF:R ADMIRER Deserted Wife May Be Made Ad= ministratrix of Contract tors Estate. In an effcfrt to break dovyn the alibi of Nicholas S. Sica, charged with the murder of Contractor Frank \Vilhehn In his home a week ago today, the de tectives were today seeking informa tion as to who might have been in the Wilhelm home , at 448 High street at any time Monday afternoon. Sica persists in his statement that he left the Wilhelm home at 3:10 p. m. and that at that time Mrs. Wilhelm was there with her husband. The police have not been able to Hind any support of Sica’s alibi that he was on Ids way to the Hedden tract, a real estate property, at about the time the mur der Is believed to have been committed. Nor have they found anyone who saw him there. Sica will not disclose the Identity of the person he says he met there. There was a report at police head quarters today that Mrs. Mary J. Wil helm, who was released in $1,000 bonds as a material witness on Saturday, would support the defense of Sica. To the detectives she freely admitted her love for Sica and said that she would marry him if he were able to prove the innocence of her husband’s murder, j Site was expected to ask to goo Sica in his cell. Ho is held without bail until the grand jury can consider the charge against him. Mrs. Frederieka Wilhelm, the New York wife of the murdered man. whose existence developed after publicity was given to the crime, will be appointed administrator of the dead man's estate, I it is expected. She has already filed Iv.: i application-for letters of administration. Her attorney will first try to discover just when the sister of Mrs. Mary J. Wilhelm, Miss Bertha Stafford, obtained title to the house on Johnson avenue, which site offered as surety on the bull bond she prodded for Mrs. Wilhelm's release. This was one of heveral houses which were supposed to belong to Wil helm. He will also try to have the titles cl all property held by Mrs. Wil helm i evert to the estate of her dead husbi- ml. If he does this, it will raise Mrs. Frederieka Wilhelm from llie estate of a liard-worklng and poverty-stricken New York washerwoman to one of con: para live affluence. CORTELYCl TO HEAD CONSOLIDATED CiAS CO. WASHINGTON*. Feb. 8.—It' is \vcl> understood among prominent officials In Washington that 'Seo rotary of the Treasurer Oortclyou. lias accepted the: presidency of the Consolidated (fas Company in New York. It is under-' stood that the secretary will leave Washington about March 4 for a rest! of a month and possibly longer, and f that upon the termination yf his vaea-1 t!on lie wilt go Ip New York and as-i some cliurge of the gas company. i 0 Hale Jo Be Represented M In augural Ball by the Best Looker in Its Midst. / - Charm of Perjpack Man Ls Not Skin Beep—Ifs in h'is Every Act and Desd. BV AIIEI^F STANLEY CARRICK. Shades of Nar ctesus! Each State in this w o u 1 d-b p m'rioiiH, ha ppy-jr1 lucky but altogether lovable I'nion of ours is to send Ha Handsomest Man to Washington, (o be one of the bodyguard of Will iuui H. Taft at the inaugural boll. Forgotten arc af fairs of state, of business, of graf—er, that is to say, high finance, while our brave gallants hie themselves tu their mirrors to ad mire the visions therein and wonder why they were not chosen. Who knows whtK transformation this re vival of Interest in the looks of men will create? Perhaps another inaugural ball wil! find us thinking with favor of knee breeches and powdered wigs, of patch boxes and courtly manners. We women will have to look to our selves else our supreme rights as orna ments of this capricious planet will be stolen, and we will have to lx1 the wooers, while our men preen their feathers and glorify their claims to beauty, even as do the birds in the forests. “Hut we’re getting away from the sub ject. Wo started out to comment on the fact that C. l.edyard Blair, of Pea pack, has been chosen by a competent committee to represent New Jersey in tills galaxy of masculine good looks. Tall, well-built, dashing, O. Ledyard Biair, who has proved that there's something In ihut spying about “hand some is as handsonTC docs,’’ for all his life lie lias done handsomely, not oth ers,—but deeds. H re are a few of his ; offices: President of the Sussex Realty Com pany. director of the Belvidero National Bank. ’Commercial Trust Company of Now Jersey. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the Fnited State:’, National 1 Bank of Commerce. Lackawanna Steel Company, Securities Company, V. S. Mortgage and Trust Company, Sussex Railroad. St. Louis and Hannibal Rail way, Kewaunee, Green Bay and West ten Railroad: Toledo and 'Ohio Central Railway Company and many other cor porations. .Vow. if that isn’t doing handsomely would you mind telling mi wnat it isv He's ;i man of personality, is C. Lod yard Blair. His charm conies not from j his well-proportioned figure, his excel- * lent carriage, or his striking face. It comes from within; the force of a man : w hose mentality is away from the or dinary; whose grasp of conditions and ! situations makes him a natural leadei. j and whos* finer qualities make his friendship worth while. In the case of ; C. Ledyard Blair “handsome” more*, than physical beauty. Truly. New"Jersey will be w*ell represented. Among thost with whom he is to vie j are the famous .Myron 'I'. Herrick, of J Cleveland. U.. cx-governor of that who has been mentioned by Taft for secretary of the treasury; Barnes W. Wadsworth, of Genesco, New York; Colonel J. II. Schoomnalcer, of Pitts burg. Pa., of w hose good looks ever} - one has heard; the fatuous Morris B. Belknap, of Louisville, Ky. Jai f-itM. each of the States lias contributed a man who is entitled to the honor by right of inner as well as outer quality. It is safe to add that Blair wi 1 hold his own against them all. Now. concerning the hamWnni </ Ledyard himself; He was born, in Bei e*derc, N. J . July 1G. 1SG7. Thatjmakcs; _ i - , (Continued m l*«gc Three.) ILLNESS ■ LEO WIFE RUG TRIAL Prosecutor- Indisposed. Feels Unequal to Taking Hold of Case Today, JURY PRAWN, FOREMAN BEING MOSES PLAUT Postponement Taken Until To= morrow—Insurance Money as Motive for Alleged Crime. ( Imrsed with liarAns hi* 18-yeir-old bride to death, no «* to sect her life insurance, Michael Leo faced Judge Ten Kyck and struck jury, of which Xomcn Plant, the department ntore man. wum f*irciiinu. iu tl»#* Court of Oyer and Termlacr today. Owing to Preatcntor Moft*M sudden Hint***. the cn*c went over is??<21 tomorrow, after the jury had been drawn. Leo was brought Into court under strong constabulary guard and sat im mediately before former Judge Thomas S. Henry and Judge Simon Hahn, his counsel, while Prosecutor Wilbur A. Mott appeared for the State. The pare 1 as completed was made up as follows: Bernard Conlon. Theodore Gaddis, Frederick L. Eberhardt, Henry Allsopp, William J. Hughes, John J. Van Order. August F. Hinriehsen, Richard J. Will iams, George G. Had don, George E. Spottiswoode and Herbert L. Allwood. Each of them, in answer to a ques tion, said they had no prejudice against Italians. As soon as the jury had been drawn it was announced by Judge Ten Eyck that the trial would not proceed until to-morrow. Xo reason was stated from the bench, but as a matter of fact Pro secutor Mott was physically unable to stand the strain. He had been feeling unwell for some time past and his tem porary tin,to-day took the form of great weakness accompanied by a pro fuse perspiration. In postponing the trial of the case until to-morrow Judge Ten Eyck warn ed the jurors not to talk about it with anybody and not to read any reference to it in the newspapers. If the ruie was disolieyed, lie said, proper punishment would be meted out. A big map of tlie premises. 37,7 llu" ris avenue, where Leo is supposed to have lOiruftit'yd tile crime. March 19 lust, was tacked up near the judges bench for the benefit of the jury and the lawyers. According to th story told at the time Leo burned his bride to deatli so as to get a small amount of insurance from the Prudential Insurance Com pany. in which she had taken out a policy at his in.-tauye some time l>efore her marriage. Among thus, who will he culled as Witnesses dating the trial of the case will be Philip L. Loose, the agent of the company, who obtained the insur ance; John .i. (5lir>»\ of the Mayor’s office, wit < wltm sued the marriage in his official capacity; Detective Sergeant Cardano and Patio man Tenure, Ilf the Second ln>;\e piecinct, who worked on tile case. it was a long t ine before it.was pos sible to draw the jury, because of other duties on band, and it was after U o'clock when that work was done CHILD LINDS HER STEPMOTHER SLAIN, EAEHER A SUICIDE Newark Machinist Shoots His Third Wife In South Thirteenth Street Home and Then Blows Own Brains Out After Nignt oi Quarreling. GIRL SLEPT WHILE BULLETS WERE FLYiNG; FINDS BODIES AS SHE STARTS FOR SCKOOL . ■. ..- ■ ■■ -- ■ % Lolls IMS I '11 Kit. si machinery r\f»'*rf. rt-Kidinu t< 4;;i7 Voiilh Tilin'*'--' *» •Ircct. rarlj Unlay *hot and kilted h'a ** ffr nail (tirnini; Ih-.- r* - • * .• 'pr oil blmfirlf, hi* onn brnlt»* ««f. The »u»irdcr«*«- v.oman v»:* i r* ^ i liirrl nlfp of (h** wiifcidr mid lb*- couple lied l»'*c*i* er»M|inii«nj.«|; qijti’-rplljic. Katherine Drclier. the JS-year-old ■ hi!d of J^ouin Dreber, xv£;: not awakened! by-the shooting. When she am* In the morning* ami went into the kitchen to prepare lor school she was overcome by u soene of carnag* amj wri- lias'- r» which her stepmother occupied I In- cent re. Ik-i- !>od> on tie* flour in « pool of clolted blood that spread over tin* walls end every thing else in right. With his legs eiitstreteiied nil tie- e f»* her father's dead I airly it propped $ against the doorway leading from lie* kiithen inf«• the dining-room. blood b*v imr flowed from a great wound back of his rigid ear. to in ingle and riot with ' j tic* 'blood of hfs wife on the floor. Dp* her had killed his wife and Then com* niltled suicide. —-« Jersey City Man Veers Auto to | Avoid Strange Lad and Hits Trolley. j WHOLE FAMILY ARE THROWN FROM MACHINE 1 i . i C. J. Malmros Was Returning from Newark When the Accident Occurs. In ,'iving the life of a strange tad ! ! Charles ,T. Malmros shot bis automobile ! j heail-on into a trolley car, tho impact Inflicting injuries on hi- own son. . i Charles .1. Malmros, Jr., from which lie may dm in Christ Hospital, Jersey! i City. Mr. Malmros. who lives at 287 Union | street, cjrsey City, and his family had been visiting friends in Newark yes i terday afternoon, and were on their i way home in their motor car when the j ! accident happened. They were trailing i a trolley car on the Newark turnpike, and were just entering Jersey City ! when they approached a dozen boys j who were playing “shinney” in the street. After the trolley car had passed the 1 boy, they darted across the street, in ; front of the Malmros machine. All i crossed the tracks safely except one ' lad of about twelve years, who slipped I ! and fell on the track. Mr. Malros. who was at the wheel,; saw that quick action was necessary : to prevent running over the prostrate ; 'lad and grinding him to pieces. He : turned the wheel far to port and the, i machine shot over on the other track. missing the fallen boy by a few inches j ' and thus saving his life. But coming toward them on the other i track was another trolley car. The motorman set Ills breaks and shouted at Malros, but it was too late. The i motor car smashed into the trolley w ith sufficient force to wreck the automobile and tear off the fender of the trolley. Mrs. Malmros and her daughter. Miss Bertha Malmros. were thrown out and J to one side of Ihe wrecked machine, the young woman sustaining a severe cut on her forehead and many bruises Mrs. Malmros was also severely ! bruised. Mr. Malmros and his soil were thrown out to the other side of the machine. Mr. Malmros's nose was i broken, a finger fractured and a wrist sprained. But the young man suffered more than the others. He sustained a severe concussion of the brain, and it is feared also internal Injuries. While the ambulance was on its wav : to the scene from the hospital it ran into the carriage of Thomas Sullivan,! i in Oakland avenue, but besides taking ■ oIT a wheel did no other damage. After a few minutes delay the ambulance! proceeded and got young Malmros. At the hospital It was said he might die. EIGHT=YEAR=OLD GIRL, SORROWING. TAKES LIFE. Stands Before Father snd Shoots Herself. PITTSBURG. Feb. 8.—Word has been received here today from Bolivar, Pa., oi the subide there Saturday evening ; of May Estella. * years old. The child’s mo. lev died some time ago and she has -ince been caring for two younger chil dren. Satu|d:»v night th child said to her father, “Papa. 1 am going to shoot,” and before he* bad time to realize the meaning of the words the girl tired a i bullet into her right temple. Kaiherme foil firs}, then recqyM’od f herself and ran f r I >m the house ill I "hMi sli< p :i * Hie solo living occii I mil Half dressed. sic- did not stop m until slio !■ :• ■ ii*e«i the home of her sis- A nr. Mrs. Kif.ieiiee ler, 3H Fairing- -1 field avenue. Beforp Mrs.. Kens lor »uukf ■ li the livelier Ilium*, William Hilton iunl • ilie#I t<> deliver rna.i, and. finding ij if. Puck floor, from which the ehlW J hml lied. open, and gelling no rcsiion***, he eii i * red and also w h rtesMHl I ho awful Hilton had f ailed the Fourth Precinct «? polli ■ mi the telephone and a patrol wagon, with Policemen R«nz, Kchnildt. Ilenricli and Schroeder, hunted to the house. Quarrelled Often. Little Katherine told the police that her father and stepmother were quar reling when she went to bed last night, and that the last thing she heard was a threat by her stepmother to go to the Fourth Precinct police station to day and make a complaint against Prehei They were still quarreliug_. when* the child went to sleep. The police found evidences of a fer ritic struggle The woman was lying near mi overturned table. Her tiody was partially disrobed, as though she had in cu preparing lo retire. Twice she had been shot, and both times J frohi the back, as though she had been fleeing from her murderer when the bullets were sent after her. One bullet, prolialil.v the first, outcred tlic buck f her body and carne out of the rigi.. breast. After sustaining this wound there am indications that sin trad to flee and had a struggle with the i man to open a door into the hall. It was after she was wounded at least once that the woman struggled about that and other rooms in an effort to escape, tor there was blood every- | where. She was in the centre of the kitchen and probably standing whop % she received the instantly fatal shot in | the back of the head. She dropped where she stood, apparently. Quickly Sind Himself. The man had then quickly shot him self. tor nothing had been done to right the wreckage of furniture. Seating himself on the floor so that his body was agaist the doorcasing of the ad- yj Joining room he sent a bullet into his a own head, bac k of the right ear. Death had been so instantaneous that he did j not have time to loosen his hold on the revolver and it was still tightly gripped in his hand wh“n the police came. Dreher and his wife nad each been _i married twice by for- they married each oti.c r. F.y his first wife Dreher had had seven children, of whom the eldest, was Mrs. Kessler and the youngest Katherine Mrs. Dreher had never had any chil dren. .She was Mrs. Pauline Skinner when she was married to. Dreher in August. 1907. Relatives and neighbors said that their quarreling reached such an acute stage last August that Mrs. Dreher entered a complaint against her husband at the Fourth Precinct Station and he was summoned before Judge Herr, in the Fourth Precinct Police Court. At that time his wife charged him with abusing her and the judge repri manded and cautioned him. Quarrelled continuously. Katherine was not greatly imrtrpeaeed by the quarrel between her father and stepmother, which started yesterday morning, continued all day and ter minated in ihe ghastly tragedy. It was but an incident to her. but she did hear her stepmother threaten to make an other complaint against her father in the police court today. it is believed that mthis threat so angered Dreher that the double killing followed. Just when the shots -were Bred is not known. Katherine does not know what time she retired. A woman living in the flat downstair* thinks site heard a shot fired at about 10 o’clock, hut she is 'not certain. It might have been the sound of a pistol shot, but at the time she paid little attention to it and only recalled the fact when the tragedy was discovered today. ; TWO KILLED: 16 HURT IN TRAIN WRECK. MEMPHIS. T inn.. Feb. 8.—Train No. known as the ‘‘fasl mail." on the Illinois Central Railroad, northbound, was wrecked near Coklwater, Miss., early today, by running Into an open switch. Two nun were killed outright, one fatally injured and fifteen others hurt. •