Newspaper Page Text
I k sTSostk ’ . ^ :: ■ _ Young Ladies Sodality to Giv< Playlet and Children to Drill. The congregation of St. Augustine’: Roman Catholic Church, at Sussex ave Hue and Norfolk street. have com pleted arrangements for the annual en tertainment and reception which take: place at the Krueger Auditorium to morrow night. The Young Rudies’ Sodality, whicl has presented many plays with gooc results, will present a one-act coined) and the children of the school will giv< several drills. The various committees in charge arc composed or- Arrangements, the Rev Rudolph 11urlsobiisch. chairman; Fran! H. Moormann and leftward Dclabor treasurers; Georg*- Urt, secretary; 1* Raudcriuaiin. J. Mueiich. F. Hoppcii, Schmidt. F. Keim, A. Yoiulraii, W. Kit ger. J. Braun. K Rung, E. Relff. F Mills. J. Lutz, T. McConnell, .1 I’falT. J Behm. J. Moore. W. Merly, A. Koebet lein, H Miller. V. J. Gass, A. TI* rkf rt. Reeeption—The Rev, Rudolph lluelse btiseh (chairman). M. Steelier, A. Gloverdance. Banzliaf. T Beguari sr.. C. Weiland, M. Brady, J. McCarthy. J. Bertch. T. Harter. P. A. Schail, F. Spiegel, M. J. Dtirset, .T. Biehnu P Amend. It. P. Schaeffer, \V. Rcinliardt. J. Metzger. F. J. Feller, J. Yauftmann, IC. S, Meyer, J. Krueger, P. Braun, jr.. Dr. F. B. Meeker. II Moormann. J Luim. jr.. T. White. F. Feldkamp. E. M. AVery, T. Jones. Schott. F. Weber, If. W.cher, C- Wcsterinnn. P. Braun, sr.. A.. Ritger, P. Nuetzel. T. Grimm. I’. Schneider, E. Janz, J. Hartli, J. Urb. E- Kern. J. jf,ticking and G. Hub* r. Floor-William A. Ititgcr (chairman). Thomas' McConnell. Henry Miller and Frank Degnan Cshers- -T McConnell. .1 Brown. .T. Quigley, F. Ritger, II Bri* chle. \V. Ril ger H. Miller, A. Banzliaf, *' Ib arop, 8 Ritger. J. Brennan, J. Baudermuiiii, O Elmer. E. Rung and c. Kraft. MANY ESSEX COUNTY FOLK ARE IN LAKEWOOD. Firemen’s Parade and Dras Hunt Lincoln Day Attractions, I VKEWOOD. Keh s I'm Lincoln Birthday the volunteer fire department ■will parade and hold its annual games. In tip- afternoon there will he a drag hunt, in which almost ever? local horseman of note will take part, in cluding several well-known Newarkers, and at night there will be a public meeting at the Y. AI. C. A. Coaching parties are again iiofrular here. Sev eral events are scheduled, the most important of which will be the vaude ville and ball given by Mrs. Jasper Lynch on Saturday night. February 2t>. The fund for tin family of Frank Jan kowski. mortally wounded by Adolph Bertehcy. amounts to Jl.SOn. of which $390 was raised at Iwu theatrical per formances, the balance being given by 3iot»ls, Cottagers and churches, the Church of St. Mary-of-the-Lake giving *J00. Among those recently registered at the Lakewood Ho|o| are: Mr. and Mrs. Charles King, Air. and Mrs. F. H. Farnsworth. Air. and Mrs. Jacob Baker. Airs. Charles Wells. Mtss AYells. ATrs. K. P Gleason and Alisses Nellie and Ttetta Gleason, of Newark; Air. and Mrs. James Dwyer, Aliss Minnie Dwyer, Hbnr.v" Dwyer", Airs. John Quinn and Aliss Florence Quinn, of Fast Orange. At the Laurel House—Air. anil Airs. Janies Miller. Aliss Miller and Air. and Mrs. John H. W’right. of Newark; Airs. John Holllfleld and Aliss Hollifleld. of East Orange; Airs. William Dixon and Miss Dixon, of Orange. At the Daurel-in-the-Pines—Air. and Mrs. H. B. Rowe. Aliss Rowe and Air. and Mrs. H. H Gilligan, of Newark. At the AVrisloy—Air. and Airs. John Frazee. Aliss Frazee, Mrs. W. H. Coey. Miss Coey, Airs. H. B. Jacobus and Alisses Clara and Laura Jacobus, of Newark; Mrs. James Buck, of Alont clalr. At the Carasaljo—Airs. James AVool pon. Miss Woolson. Mrs. W. R. Anthony and Henry Anthony, of Newark; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hibbler. of Montclair. Among those who have been enter tained during the week or are being entertained at present !r. the cottage colony are Airs. George Herbert and Aliss Herbert, of Fast. Orange; Air. and Walk To Your PHeals Like A ian Eat What you Will And l.earn to Enjoy Food And to Digest It. HERE’S THE SECRET, FREE. Make up your mind after reading this that you will let the next meal hold no terrors for you. Ton ean enjoy it. You can digest it. All that is needed is to give nature jthe juices she lacks, to give the stomach a chance to remove the terrible irritating adds, alkalies and gases which turn food and nourishment into gas and d' - composition. When a system is run down and d pleted it needs building up. Ashes won't rekindle a Are and wrong digestive fluids will not take proper juices from food no matter how good the food is Is this common sense? Men - pci ■ years and even life experimenting ■ the human system, what it. lacks In dis ease and what it needs in perfection This knowledge Is known to every phy sician or should be Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are compressed natural vegr table and fruit essences which win ■; mixed with the saliva of the mouth g Into the stomach capable of digesting a full meal and they digest it to tin uttermost shred. Then such a meal does a man good and It gives to him the menns to overcome stomach troubles forty thousand physicians use the ■ tablets and charge you for writing testimonial of their merit which tin . esil ;p prescript:on. Any druggist is Amelrira or Canada wjil sell you u box for 50c. Think of It Every druggist carries them. Here's common sense • gain. Don’t this tell you there Is merit? Ggt to >>ur druggist today, buy Eand walk up to your meals lat they will not cause you us your name and address l| send you a trial package e. Address F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. A large assort- The new Prima | ment of Valen- Donna Hair Pins | tines — scores of in various styles | subjects — popu- —J e w e I ry De~ ' tar prices — 1st part ment — I s t floor. floor. I A Remarkable Hosiery Sale It does not require any great knowledge of values to discern the importance of the following offerings which we have assembled jor a special sa'e. They're bv an 1 overwhelming majority the best hosiery bargains of the season and thoroughly typical I of the great Bamberger stocking store. We have planned to make this one of the i most brilliant events of its character ever exploited in ■' these par s, and if your hos- I iery supply is running low by ■ all means take advantage of it. | Tuesday last day or tiie sale. I Women's Hoiiery — i,3j Mack ,nk K stockings, of a lamous make, at 1.10 p pair. Pure silk thread—with cotton jji soles. Reinforced for wear. « « a eS I >ecp double, garter tups, (leg- 1 ||l K ular value l.-TO per pair, for ■•IV/ fe, special selling at,. Women’s Hosiery rmi fashioned § Imported hosiery In Hermsdorl dye. K Some tine cotton and lisle; also a fine & grade of Ingrain unbleached « / split soles. All with double | soles, heels and t.ocs; *2&e vat ues, 1 \/V B.f special at . 05 Women’s Hosiery - R i h b$ d wool B stockings of an extra good quality in Bj dark gra and natural shades. Ml K strictly perfect goods of cx- < a i jn cedent »inn.!i v and regular- I M l.v worth dhr per pair, very I m 7 v a) special for thU sale, at _ * a Women’s Hosiery - rerfeitl.v made black cotton stockings of very good |jf quality, with white feet—hosiery that ■kt has sold special at uic per « ^ i I pair, but for special selling K p n we will otter this lot special 8 7 ^ ni, per pair — Alen’s Silk Half Hose Spun silk half hosr of splendid quality black and new shades of tan. navy and gra.v —a full line oi sizes tin quality w/*s you would pay t.OUfoi during 1 his sale, at the special price, per pair.•• — . 'Men’s Hosiery—Imported wack 'vi | hose of very good quality, with un hicached split soles: rIsj plain black , kinds wito double soles— * rn 11 ermsdorf dye -regular value I •JO'- p-jr pair—on sale at the | t;v very special price of. Men’s Half Hose— imported halfhosa from to 11 >«. at ball of their real worth—prett> jacquard effects In the most desirable colorings Merinsiorf dvc—value i-V per pair—for special selling at. Misses' Hosiery Finely rlhhe.l cot- B ton stockings Tor misses. mad** of wear- S resisting yam aud very elastic-black E and new h'.i ules of tan—usu- e /v ally sold at loc per pair—for I I If* ft special selling,while they last. I V; V jj| Children's Hosiery—shout two him- E dred dozen pairs of boys’ and girls' E ribbed cotton stockings at a special Sr price while they last all sizes pm lip to it? - nicely ma,d» spcclftl Ac* ■ I'uesday," until sold, p e r pair, f v | 1U« BAMBEKOER ^ CO, J ______ ! —————— ! MRROf. U K'S NOTICES. ' NOTICE OP M5TTIJ5MENT— Noti'’f' i. hereby pjtvpn that the accounts <f th« subscriber, substitut'd administrator T\ "f Jolbam S. Conant, d^-'eased. Will be , audited and stated by the .surrogate •«ud re ported for fccttb nv nt to the Orphans' Court **f 1 he • ountv of Essex, on Friday, t ventj • xth day of February next FIDEUTY THUPT COMPANY. t»at*-.j January 13. 100? j Mrs?. George Burgess, Miss Nellie Bur i gess, Mrs. W. II. Halpin and Miss Hal | pin, of Montclair; Mrs. James Hauss tnan and Mrs. George Lambert, of | South Orange; Mrs. James Foote and j Mrs. John Nelson, of Nutley; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams, of Kearny; Mfrs. James Dolan and Miss Laura Dolan, j ! of Belleville. I LAKEHURST, Feb. 8.— During thej week seventy-live guests have been registered at the Pine Tree inn. Charles W. Brown, of East Orange, is a de voted golf enthusiast. He has played i on all the important links in Scotland. Among those recently registered at the ! inn are Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Hatha way, Mrs F. S. Abbot, Mrs. George W. Bill. Mrs. A. E. Campbell, Miss Laura Campbell, C. E. Buckingham. Mrs. Wil I liatn A. Shillaber, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fairchild and William V. Kelly, of Newark; Henry B. Thomas, of South Orange; Mrs. P. M. Looker, Mrs. Ern est Holcomb, Miss Laura Williams i and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Conway, of East Orange; Mr. and. Mrs. B. F. Wetherby. Mrs. J. H. Lee and Mrs. G. W. Fairchild, of Montclair. Miss Cora Conklin and brother. Har old, of Newark, have been sruests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor. The cottage being erected for J. E. Le Moine, of East Orange, is enclosed and ready for the masons. Mrs. James McLaughlin i and daughter, Catherine, of Newark, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Marts. / DENMAN THOMPSON. STAGE VETERAN, !S VERY ILL. Has Been Confined to Bed Since Wednesday. Of it IIISIU WKST SWANZKV, H , Keb. S.~ j Denman Thompson, the veteran actor, 1 is ill with pneumonia at his home here. He has been confined to his lied since Wednesday. One of the two nurses in attendance stated today that Mr. Thompson’s con dition was slightly improved, but that j lie could not lie considered out of dan I ger. Mr. Thompson is 76 years old. SURROGATE'S NOTICES. NKWAKK. X. J . December 2S. 1908. Estate of Philip II. Long. deceased. Pursuant to the order of George K. Russell. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this flay made, on tlio application of the undersigned. • \•-■njtnrs of said deceased, notice is herebv j given to the creditors of said deceased to exhibit r , th» •subscriber*1 under oath or affirmation lii ir claims and demands against the estate of said deceased, within rrne months from this date, or the.’ will h* forever barred from pr cuting or recovering the same against the subscribers FRED W. TAYLOR. MATTHIAS J. PRICE. Rlker Xr Riker, Proctors. NEWARK, X. J., December 14, 1908. Estate of Augusta M. Dickerson, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell, Surrogate cf the County of Essex. ' this day made, on the application of the undersigned, executor of said deceased, notice is hereby 1 given to the creditors of said deceased to exhibit j t > the subscriber under oath or affirmation their 1 claims and demands against the estate of said j deceased, within nine months from this date, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or i recovering the«*ame against the subscriber. I JAMES A. COE. i E. C. and A. W. HARRIS. Proctors. NEWARK, N. J . January 13. 1900. Estate of Tjoulsa H. Ashman, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this day made, on the application of the undersigned, administrator of said deceased, notice Is hereby } given to the creditors of said deceased to ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or nfflrma- ; tion their claims and demands against the estate of said deceased, within nine months from this date, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. JOSEPH J. ASHMAN NEWARK. X. J.. January Ifi. 1900. Estate oi Annie Dey, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Ru«s*11. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this day made, on the application of the undesigned, administratrix of said deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said <!• c a •-cl to exhibit to the ‘mbscriber under oath or af firmation them claims and demands against the estate --f said deceased, within nine months from this date, or they will he forever barred from persecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. MARY E. READ. Horae? S'titson. Procv nr. NEWARK. N. ,T , Dr-comber 28. 1908. Estate* of Eliza Rolle. deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell. Sum-gate nt the iv.nniy «*f Essex, th - dnv made. nr. the application of the undersigned, executrix r.f said deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or affirma tion their claims and demands against the estate of said deceased, within nine months from this date, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscribe*. SERIN A TUTTOW. Rowy. Rwvor.steln Lnwy, Proctor*. NEWARK. 77. ,T.. November 27. 1908. Estate of Mary R. Gray, deceased. Pursuant ra the order of George E. Russell. Surrogate f the County of Essex, this day made, on the at'plication of the undersigned, executor of said deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of raid deceased to exhibit to the subs.-rii. r under oath or affirmation the r claims and demandr against the estate of said deceased v.lth’n nine months from this date, or they will he forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. GEORGE R. GRAY. NEWARK. .r . January 4. 1909. Estate of William Kiely, deceased. Pursuant order of George E. Russell, Surrogate r<f the County of Essex, this day made, on the application of the undersigned. < -Imtnistrator of said deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditor? of said deceased to exhibit to the subscriber under oath or affirmation their claims and demands against the estate of said deceased, within nine months from this -late, or they will be forever barred from prosocutis g or recovering the same against the subscriber. MTCHAER RAP.P.Y. NEWARK. 7' ,7., December IS, 190S. Estate rf Gottlieb Messersehmldt. deceased. Pursuant 7 ■ i'• order of George E. Russell. Rurrogap f ort;- of Essex, this dav ilcation of the undersigned, e-iminist r • • nP’ deceased, notice Is hereby • iv»»n t*» • . •. itnr*. of said deceased to ex iblt to ; >niber ur.d*r oath or afflnna* •* ■' H:• ami demands against the ■ '.ate of ■ ' • within nine month*? from •s dat *v!l! be forever barred from necutir" ovrting the same against the subsorlbf-r .• -r-vf 't.s t:itFGirMii»r T.owy. T,. • ein A Rowy. Proclo: *•. NEWARK ' .7.. December 28. 1208. Estate f .' .... TJnde deceased. Pursttar* •- ’ •• * Georg” E. Russ* 11. ' arrogate -- • Fount of Essex, this dav do. ■ , i'-n*! • > cf the undersigned. - * • b• <'e£<. e.’ notice h hereby :'i‘r,n ? • • •.•'.dtc 5 f,f said deceased to cx : Mdt In • ; . ;i-i».4»r oath i v j.fTis ma 7ion th'd • • and demands agah.-t the r<late • .-e. **HH<-d. wlthd; aim : .’ the f“»n »1 : r ;■ they will be forever l,,vril from pro Jr-;: • recovering the same ng.Vr.s' t>.*e subscriber. ARORF I. ENGEMvf :* » i !• *i: < r Notice is heteby given that llie accounts f t:.o sMib-i i '.'., the executor ami trustee umVv the lust i testament of P uard M Shanle.v. .1, will b»* audit'd f*,nd .* t'»-. by the Surrogate and reported for #settI‘ovn* to the Orphan*-' Court of the ('omty of K;w in Frlduy. the twelfth dav ar March next. JOHN F. PH AN LEY. Dated February 2. 1969. Rlntott & Johnson, j Proctors. NOTICE OF HETTIJCMKXT— j Notice Is hereby given that the accounts of ; the subscriber. :nhninDt:atfix of Albert j Schick, deceased, will be audited and stat' d b i the Surrogate and reported for settlement to I the Orphans' Cqvrt of the County of. Essex., on Friday, tu»* fifth day of March next. SOPHIA SCHICK. Dried January 2«. 1999. Rouis J. Beer* Proctor. 4) SrRROGATrS NOTICKS. NEWARK, v. .T.. November 30. 1908. Estate ..f August DeGroote, deceased. Pursuant to the older of George E. Russell. Surrogate of the «'-»unt> of Essex, this day made, mti the application of the undersigned, administrator of said debased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of sail deceased to exhibit *o th** subscriber under oath or affirma tion their claims and demands against the estate of said deceased within nine months from this date. nr they will be forever barred from prosecuting >r recovering the same against the subscril er. CHARLES A. FE1CK. NEWARK. N. .T.. January 29. 1909. Estate of John J. McGrath, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell, Surrogate of the County of Essex, this day made, on the .triplication of th*-* undersigned, executor of sail deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or affirma tion their claims end demands,, against the estate of said deceased, within nine months from this dnti > they will’be forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. JOSEPH M. NARDIEELO Edwin A. Raynor, Proctor ± NEWARK. N. J.. December 18. 5908. Estate of Carrie M. Brown, deceased. to the order of George E. Russell, 8urroga*e of the County of Essex, this day made, on the application of the undersigned, admlnfstrator of said deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of said' deceased to ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or affirma tion their claims and demands against th« estate of said deceased, within nine month? from this date, or they will he forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same agalnsl the subscriber. FREDERICK RROWN. NEWARK. N. J.. January 5. 1909. Estate <>f Charle* D. Rlcltley, deceased Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell Surrogate of the County of Essex, this day emd mi the application of the undersigned, administrator of said deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or affirma tion their Maims and demands against the estab of said deceased, within nine month* from this date, or they will bo forever barret from prosecuting or recovering the samf against the subscriber. .TAMES A. MAGOUN. MoRemott Sr 'Enright. Proctom. NEWARK. N .7.. January 2*. 1909. Estate <T Charles H. Seaton, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell, Surrogate of the County of Essex, this daj made, on the application of the undersigned administratrix of said deceased, notice Is hevebj given to the creditors of said dot . used tn ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or afflrma tl "n their claims ami demand against thi estate nf said deceased, within nine month' from tills date, or they will tie forever barrC from prosecuting or recovering the sam* against the subscriber. LILLIAN SEATON MULLER. NEWARK. N. J.. January 29. 1909/ Estate of Catharine Cbnant, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russel! Surrogate of the County of Essex, this da] made, on the application of the undersigned executor of said deceased, notice is hereb] given to the creditors of said deceased to *\ hiblt to the subscriber under oath or affirma tion tlioj' < hims and demands ogalnst th« erp-io cf -aid deceased, within nine monthi fv- 'ii this lat. . ••• they will be forever b.vro from prosecuting or recovering the sam< agilnst the subscriber. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY NEWARK. N. J.. December 15. 1908. Estate of 1). Smith Wood, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George K. Russell Surrogate of the County of Esse*. this da: made, on Vie application of the undersigned executors of said deceased, notice is hereb’ given to the creditors of said deceased to exhibi to the subscribers, under oath or affirmation their claims and demands against the estate o sa d deceased, w ithin nlno months from thi date. o> they will be forever barred from prose cutlng or recovering the same against the sub scrlbori. FREDERTC R. PTLCH HENRIETTA F. CROCKETT. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT— Notice is hereby given that the accounts o tlie subscribers, executors of and trustees unde the last will and testament of August T.oehn berg deceased, will be audited and stated le the Sunogate and reported for settlement to t.h' Orphans’ Cooit of the County of Essex, on Fri da', the twelfth day of March next. LIZZIE HESS LEITH OFF (formerly Loelvibe-c • I- RANK S< 'HWARZWAELDER. Dated February 1. 1909. iMapd. D Cvocker. Proctor. NOTK' E O F SETT 1.1- M ENT - Notice is hereby given that the accounts o the sill.sci iber administrator of Otto Han? Mann, deceased, will be audited arid stated 1>: the Surrogate and reported for settlement to th Orphans’ Court ef the Cmnty of Essex, on,Fri !a- . the twelfth day of March next. OTTO H.U’SMANX, JR. Dated F'-l.- oitry 1909. Ht' i y *'aides*, Pr.'. -- •-. ND-iTCB » »F SETTLEMENT— Noth'* is hereby given that the accounts o sin l\lng executor of the la* t « f Fraud* <*&llan. deceased J t ,.;itf I and stated by the Surrogate am i ited settlement to Orphans’ Con ' . c. - T 1 . * Essex. Friday, the twenty dav -.f T’-bntnry next. FRA N- -• ■ 'ALLAN. JR. 'j.., • r-d Jn i >.;*? y 7. 190“ NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT \\,tice is given that the accounts- « il .-ubscrlber. execute- t<f t!ie iapt will an • ■-.'■.lament c*f Elizabeth I*. •*nrs. deceased. \v : be audit'd ami stat- d by Cu- Surrogate and j’ •orted for s» MDiwr.f to tl. Orphans' Court < the •' nim> . f Essex, on P’r^day. the fifth day. Mai oh next JOHN T. (JON Dm* d January 29. TW»9. • NOT|CI'l OF SETTLEMENT Notice i . hereby given that the account* ‘ the subscriber, administrator of George 1 Von.-: dcc.fcitReii.. w ill be . audited and stated b Gm Surrogate and reported for settlement t *b« Orphans* Court of the County of Essex, o Friday, the twenty-sixth day of February n-v i FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. I D*t*4 January IS, I'A - .« Broad St 21 W. Park St “,,v^ < The Horn of Plenty j Coming Soon I What Is There in It for You? j I Upholstery at Special Prices | | Slip Covers | Complete 5.98 C Any 5-Piece Suit This includes ail ■t charges — material, # fitting, making, clit ic ting, oiuding. deliv % cry—and there is no ^ limit to the amount ^ of yards required. Smyrna Rugs—Reversible Smyrna Rugs, fifteen handsome designs, size | y^ 30x60, good value 1.10, sale price. Curtain Swisses -striped Curtain / | Swiss, 36 inches wide, four patterns to select from, value 10c yard, special, yd. * Geese Feathers—Sanitary cleaned genuine pure white live Geese Feathers,steamed £ ja and odorless, free from dust, value 15c lb, special, lb. PDPP Feather Beds and Pillows Sewed r K C L, Without Extra Charges Couch Covers — Reversible Fancy Striped Couch Covers, 5 designs, 50 Inches wide. 100 Inches long, fringed all around; they ja cannot be duplicated for less than 1.10, special, each.'• ! Five-Piece Suit ^ Reupholstered ^ We offer to cover any ^ live-piece suit of fur- jr nil lire with sal in llnss ^ tapestry,oil the frames, C furnish new guinip Jr coni, springs and ttnri- ^ ings; workmanship C Strain stand- 14.95 S ‘ * If HHOUATIG’S NOTICES. i NKWAKK. V .1. Jiinuary II. 19W. i Estate cf Lucia l’ratt Ames. dccea; 1 Pursuant t*» tho order of George e. Russell, j Furrogaiu of the County of Essex, this day t-mad-\ on the appII«uU"it of ttic undersigned, j executors of said deceased, notice Is hereby j given to the creditors of .‘aid deceased t• * ex hlb't to the /ubscrlbers under oath or affirma tion their claims and demands against the estate of said deceased, within nine months j from this date, or they w ill he forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscribers. JOHN G. MAG VICAR. JAMES W. AMES. A HERE DERICK S. AMES. Charles W. Vreeland, Proctor. ! NEWARK. N. J.. January 1900. ! Estate of Louis Haas, deceased. Pursuant to the order o? George EE Russell. Surrogate of the rVmr*ty of Essex, this d- v mule, on the application of the undesigned, executonof said deceased,|iiotlee is hereby given to the creators of said deceased to exhibit ♦<> the subscriber under oath or affirmation theb* claims and demands against the estate of said deceased, within nine months from this date, or thev will be forever barred from mopeouting or recovering the same against the subscriber. AUGUST G. RTRKENMETER. j NEWARK. V. T . December 29. 1909 Estate of Abhv p. Calef. deceased j Pursuant to the order of George E. Russel!. ; Surrogate of the County of Essex, this dav 1 ! made, f.n the application of the undersigned. I executor of sahl deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to “x 1 bP’R to the subreriher under oath or affirmation { thel- claims and demands against the estate of | said deceased, within nine months from this dato. or they will b? forever barred from I prosecuting or recovering the same against the | subscriber. x HORACE W. CALEF. | Je*v*ex M> Trimble. Proctor. NEWARK. N. .T.. January 12. 1909. Estate of Frank J. Merr. deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Rnssrif. Surrogate of the #',ountv of Essex. tbi« dav made on the pnpllcntlon of the undersigned, executor of said deceased, notie** is berehv given to the creditors o’f^snid deceased to ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or affirms I tfon their claims and demands against the I estate of said deceased, within nine month* I from this date, nr thev wiM !»*’ fr-vpver p ur d | from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. EDWARD MERE NEWARK. N. J.. Daoember 23. 1309 I Estate of Emma L. Jaggnrd. dpc^Hs*.!. I Pursuant to the order of George E Russell, j Surrogate of the County of Essex, thi- dav made, on the application of the undersigned. ! administrator of said deceased notice is hereby given to th» creditors of said deceased to ►x | li!1>1t to the subscriber under oath or affirmation | their claims and demands against the estate of j said deceased, within nine months from this . date, or they will • be forever barred from j prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. ARTHUR L JAGGARP | NEWARK. -N. J.. December 23. 1909 ‘ Estate of John Spen>er, deceased, i Pursuant to the order of George Tv Pusf'-V. i Surrogate of the County of Essex this ,dnv j made, on the application of the undesigned i I'xeeeut.or or1 said deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditor? of sold deoensed to ex i Mbit to the subscriber under oath or affirmn tlon the'r claim® and demands against the I estate of said deceased, within nine months I from this date, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. FRANK BENJAMIN. NEWARK. N. J . December 7. 1908. Estate of Joseph May ben. deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell. Sur-ogate of the County of Essex, this day made on the application of 1hc- undersigned, ! administrator of sold deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to ex hibit to the subscriber under oath or afflrma i tion their claim® and demands ngaln«t the , estate of said deceased, within nine months j from this date, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same I against the subscriber. EDWARD T,. DAVIS. 'NEWARK. N. J. January ?2, 1308. I Estate of Ib-nry L. Kehrl. deceased. ; Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this day made, on the application of the undersigned. ’ executors of said deceased, notice Is hereby i ; given to the c:editors of said deceased to ex hibit to the subscribers under oath or afflrma tion their claim* and demands against the i estate- rf said deceased, within nine months . from this date, or they will be forever barred 1 from prosecuting or recovering the same '• against the subscribers. KAHb WATTER. FIDELITY TRUST CO. Oscar Nauodorff. Proctor. • NEWARK, X. J.. Detain be 21. 1908. Estate of George Schmitt deceased. Pursuant to the order of Gc-o:ge E. Russell. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this dav 1 made, on the application of the undersigned, executor of sal-’ deceased, notice I® berebv given to the creditors <-f said deceased to exhlb't to the subscribe! ruler • ath or affirms tion their •lalms and demands rga’nst the estate of said deceased within nine months from this date « r they will be forever barred from prosecuting • or recovering the -am** against the subsctlber CARL ADAM SCHMITT. • NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT— Notice is hereby given that th» accoimts o' the subscriber, executor of the last will an 1 testament of William If. Pohle. deceased, will he audited and stated by the Surrogate ami re ported for settlement to the Orphans’ Court o'? the County of Essex, on Friday, the twentv sixth day of February. 1909 CHART.ES CISKA r Dated January 19 1909. t ILnry \Y. Fgi c r, .1r.. Proctor. 11 : E 03 ITTLBME NT ■ Notice is hereby given that the account* -f ! • iUbsi-HV’c-. y. tin- exncutdi s of the last w 11 M; > ! -yt.aoi--ni Edward M< • j-i--l. : i . it. I f( r . ‘•fib vmnt to the Orphan*’ Court ' the I’ticex. on Friday, the twenty r r:\th -".ay of I-\-h;uarv next. 1 Fb*W v Kl) r. MEEKER. IRA M. TAYLOR. 1 ‘>*ted ;er-9. r Woodruff St- ens. f PfV-tOiS. NOTICE ()F SETTLEMENT • Notice is hereby given that the accounts of t:;,- subscriber, the trustee under the last will •«; t star.r.f Su ani F. Campbell. deceased. T will be audited and stated by the Surrogate and . i sported for stub-ment to the Orolmn-’ Gout • cf the County of Essex, on -Friday, the fifth t day of March next. l HUDSON TRUST CO. Dated January 2f- 1909. , Abel J. Smith &• Mabon, I Proctors. Mi rSCHEUER'S-i 1 Cor. Broad St. and Park Place. j SENSATIONAL PRICE CUTS| I FOR TUESDAY SHOPPERS g I, I Bn I Domino SUGAR I 5 lb. box... \ Ali Fruits. | Our Own linking: ^ S Keg. Price 15c. j Fancy Cluster Tabk* i Raisins I Reg. Price 20t ! ft All Flavors Quart Basket I] PARSNIPS, m CARROTS, TURNIPS, j % PORT, & SHERRY, U CLARET. S ANGELICA, P CATAWBA, ?& Full Quart.. FRESH MEATS BROAD ST. STORE, CORHSO PIGS’ /L±~ TAILS, lb. Corned orFresh-fljL^ Pies’ Heads,lb, 1 2 ^ <m*lI Fresh, Q | A Smoked oi'Corn-— ed Hams, lb.w Chopped Fresh livery Hour,H im- M burg Steak, lb ... " v 4 lbs. for S.»c. fancy cgt TAGE HAMS, II). ■ ^ 2 FANCY ELGIN CRI: A M EKY BUTTEA 3 lbs. for OOc LONG ISLAND Scallops Hrood Sr. Store. V^flKK ic AN~ !V>! X £ D CANDY Fancy Carolina ppg RICE.Cn | Santa Clara 91 pa PRUNES, ..V** a SWIFT'S ^ x 19c SLICED... ■ w w I KIPPEHED ^ a Herring,] jig | Plain or Toma- ■ y toe Sauce, can ^ Mixed Iflfk 1 Nuts, lb.lW»| 3 fib. JAR 4 6 APPLE Blip ?| BUTTER p ft Year Old nv Kyo, Din, | “J ^ , ^ K u in mol, K CP jffl Jamaica Hum, K B]|a Apple, B Vll g full quart. __ . jg 0 BKAXCII SSITOKISSS 13VI3KY WIU5KB ■fen i ■■wtMMiawK MMtimminDOKEW' i&mrnrTYTTTwrwmWTTTmwTTmrrTfjTTTTmrTTwrrmmmTwnK i Peter Slaucfe & Co. i g 1 | Hudson County J I ==Brewers5== | 1 500-518 HARRISON AVE.I f| HARRISON, N. J. 1 Bottling Dejk., 5th St. j — ■■ ■ . M RROGATF’S NOTICES. NFTVS'^RIv. X. J.. January 12. 1909. Estate of Mur. Hunter, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this day made, on the application of the undersigned. ♦ vecutor >.( raid den-ns. (, notice i-! hcreoy t » the « rc.litor* -V sah.l deceased to exhibit to the subscriber inder oath or affirmation their i laims and demands against the estate of said deceased, within nin- months from this date, or they will he forever haired from prosecuting •_r recovering the same against the subscriber. ARTHUR HARLOW NEV.’ARK, X. J.. .I.inuary !90!>. Estate of John Russ, deceased. PurSnant :•* the rtf George E. Russell. Surrogate .f the County of Essex, this day made, on th»» application of the undersigned, adininlr-hator ot said deceased, notice Is hereby Klvcn t . t*• * - of said deceased r.o ex hibit to the subset IK-1 under oath or afflrma t!r*:i their - claim-, ami demands against ilie ! ‘Mali* ' ! decwwd. within nine months ! f‘ .• > till-' dale, or the;, will be forever bat red from prosecuting or luniu-iiiin the same against the subscilher. JAMES RUSK. ' (.*'!■'.r'.' r I'. Senkowsk>, IWi Broadway. Xev.* Vork «■ i t v, Proctor. NOTICE OF SETTLF.MEXT Xotlce !s hereby give*1, that the accounts of 'he the executory of the last will' .1 testament of Marla K. Pelt", deceased. will1 o audited and stated by the Surrogate and re ' • t»rt« > for settlement if* th-- Orphans' Court of the County of ICs*? v on Friday. the ninetenih ’ tia\ of February ne-1 KDVTARI) F TILLARD. RICHARD VILLA IIP. JOHN W. TILLARD. t • Dated. January B. 1909. i William F. Martin. j i Proctor. J / SURROGATE’S NOTICES. NEWARK, N. .7.. December 31, 1908. Estate of Amelia Kulzer, deceased. Pursuant to the order of George E. Russell. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this dify made, on the application of the undersigned, administrator with the will annexed of said Deceased, notice Is hereby given to the credltoi* of .-aid deceased to exhibit to the subscriber und *r oath or affirmation their claims and de mands against the estate of said deceased, within nine months from this date, or they will be forever birred from prosecuting or recover ing the same against the subscriber. ADOLPH KULZgR. Nathan Kussy, Proctor. NEWARK. N. j.. December 3. 1908. Estate of Honor Murphy, deceased. Pursuant to the oidjer of George E. Russ*»ll. Surrogate of the County of Essex, this day made, on the application of the undersigned, administrator with the will annexed of sail deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of sai l deceased to exhibit to the subscriber under quth or affirmation their claims and de mands Tvguinst the estate of said deceas'd within nine months from this date, or they will lw> forever barred from prosecuting or recover ing the same against the subscriber. PATRICK M. O’REILLY. William F. Delaney, Proctor. _/ 20 Vesev street. New Yof-k. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT- . ~ Notice is hereby given that the accounts o* the. subscriber, guardian of Edith M. Fox a minor, will be audited ami stated by th» Surro gate and report ad for settlement to the Orphan • •’unit of the County of Essex, on Fridav to. * twelfth day'of March next. DORA T. FOX Dated February 1. iw». * *” Harry H. Pool* rvootor. k