Newspaper Page Text
1,1 1 DEATHS BELL,IS—Suddenly, in New York city, February 1. 1911. John W. Beilis, aged 48 years. BENTON—Suddenly, on Tuesday, Jan uary 31, 1911. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. W. James. 41 Park avenue. Irvington, Amelia J., wife of Thomaa Benton. BREWSTER—On Wednesday. Febru ary 1. 1911, Virginia Howard, eldest daughter of Nestor Houghton and the late Ida Carpenter Brewster. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services from her Into residence, 26 Mt. Prospect place, on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. In torment at the convenience of the family. BRIDEN—Entered Into rest on Wed nesday. February 1. 1911. at his late residence. 114 Ogden street, Henry Brlden. beloved husband of Mary Brlden. BUNNELL- Suddenly, on January 31, 1911. of pneumonia. Airs. Mary Bun nell (nee Westervelt). of 242 De Witt avenue. Belleville, N. J-, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs William H. Blake, 192 Parker street, city. CAIRNS—On February 3. 19U, at her late residence, 208 Cross street, Har rison, Bridget Calms (nee Mulchrone), widow of John Calms. CALL—Suddenly, on January 31. 1911. ot hie home. 21 Hamilton street. Nut ley, N. J., William H., husbahd of Mary- E. Call. COSTELLO—On Wednesday. February I. 1911. Mary E. Costello (nee Ferley), widow of James Costello. Relatives and friends are kindly in vited to attend funeral at her late residence. 364 Mulberry street, on Saturday. February 4, 1911, at 9 a. m. to St. Oolumba’s Church, where a High Mass of Requiem will be offered for the repose of her soul Interment In the Cemetery' of the Holy Sep ulchre. COX—At 68 South Jefferson street, Or ange. N. J.. on Wednesday. Febuary I. 1911. Walter P., beloved husband of Sarah (nee Armstrong i Funeral private. CRAMER—Entered Into rest on Tues day. January 31, 1911, at his residence. No. 41 West Kinney street, William H. Cramer, beloved husband of Kate II. (Tamer (nee Taylor), aged 62 years "lie month and 11 days. PALY—January 81, 1911. Mary Ann Paly. P’AURIA—On February 1. 1911. at hi* late residence. 4t8 North Third .street., East Newark, N J.. Romano D’Aurla, 44 years. Relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral on Friday, the 3d lust., at 8 a. tn., from his residence, and 9 a m. to St. Anthony's R. C. Church, East Newark, where a Solemn High Mass1 of Requiem will be offered for the re-; pose of Ills soul. Interment Ceme tery of the Holy Sepulchre. PEHMER—Entered Into rest, on Mon day. January 30. 1911, Christina, be loved wife of Bernhard Dahmer (nee Aden, aged 67 years 4 months, 293 Fainnonnt avenue. PERYEE—January 81. 1911. All e. youngest da.ughter of the late Rev Or. William Rankin and Charlotte Ward Puryee. FT AN AO AN—On February 1, 1*11. , Mary Flanagan (nee Clark), beloved wife of James Flanagan. 125 Spruce! street. FREAR—On February 1, 1911, Anna, i widow of Edwin Frear, aged 51 year*, i HANPLON— On February. 7, 1911. Arthur Arnot, beloved son of Arthur Henry and Ethel May Handlon. ag<d 2 years 7 months. 158 Pukes street. Kearny. [JOHNSON—On February 1, 1911. Char Totte. beloved wife of the late Joshua Johnson. 41 Summit place. iFOST- Entered Into rest, Monday. Jan uary 30, 1911, James A. F Post, vet eran of the Civil War, at his late residence, 44 Johnson street. REED—Entered into rest. Tuesday, January 31, 1911, John B. Reed. In hie twenty-first year - j REIM—Entered Into rest, on Tuesday. January 31. 1911, Helen Relm, be toved daughter of the late Abble Relm (nee Schleicher), aged 9 years 1 month 3 days, 54 Megnolln street. STOCKMANN—Entered into reet Tuesday, January 31, 1911, Albert Stockmann, husband of thelato Pau line Stockmann (nee Naedele). aited 60 years 2 months and 2 days. SWEENEY—At House of Divine Prov- j tdenee, Ridgewood, N. J.. on January j 31. 1911. Peter, beloved husband of the late Bridget Sweeney. Relatives and friends and members of Holy Name Society are kindly in-. vlted to attend the funeral from Cun ningham's funeral parlor. No. .313 Warren street, on Friday. February 3d, at 8:30 a, m., to St. Joseph's church, where a Solemn High Mass »f Requiem will be offered for the repose of his soul rntprment in Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre. TINKER On February 1, 1911. at the residence of her nephew. Mr. Charles ! Taylor Pomeroy. 83 Third avenue Minora Taylor, widow of William! Per Tinker'. In her 87th year Tl NISON- -At East Orange, N. J.. January 31. 1911. Elizabeth Woodward, wife of the 1st. Rev. William Tttnl sott, 50 South Clinton street. East 1 Tenge VOLKER— Entered Into rest on Feb ruary I. 1911, Christina Volker (nee Weber), beloved v.ife of lohn Volker. in her 28th year. WE1SHEIT—Entered into rest, un Wednesday, February t, 1911. Michael Weisheit, aged 84 y'ears 2 months 18 dayF. 52 Elm road. WERNER—On February 1, 1911, at her home, 129 Steuben street. East Or ange Mary A , wife of Theodore J. •tier, aged 72 years. | WHITE—On January 31, 1911. Robert. ! beloved husband of Margaret White | (nee Burns). I WILSON—On February i. 1911. Ger trudp M„ willow of Kavkl W. Wilson, agreri 57 years, 58 North Sixth street. I WITT15L—On Wednesday, February 1. 1911, John B., widower of Margaret Wtttel. aged 69 years, «39 1’ergen street. WB wish to thank our relative* and many friends for their kind oxpreaalons of sympa I thy extended to us In words and flowers in the bereavement of our lieloved daughter and sister. Miss Mary f'nrnej. We thank the pallbearers i for their kind services MRS. MARY KATHERINE CARNEY Resolution* lOfiKroflned. G. E. VAN BUPKIRK, 67 Four h st. Engross ing of resolution* and diplomas a specialty CEMETERY MEMORIALS. GEORGE BROWN St CO.. Established IojO. Designers and Mantif urers of MONUMENTS, TOMBS. VAULTS AND GEN ERAL CEMETERY WORK IN GRAN ITE, MARBLE AND HTONE 270 AND J74 BELLEVILLE AVENUE. Opp. entrance to Mt. Pleurant Cemetery. j FUNERAL DIRECTORS. People’s Burial Co., 380 Broad St., cor. 8th Ave. 89 Kearny Ave., Kearny, N. J. WILL FURNISH FOR $75.00 elegant casket, covered with fine black i<roa<l cloth. white or sliver gray plush, with massive bar handles, engraved nameplate, lined with alik or satin, out- •• case, embalming, adver tiling, dressing, shaving, crucifix, candelabra, gloves, chairs, her.rse and three coaches to any city cemetery Ye furnish fo** $45.00 a funeral that measures up to any trust under taker $90.00 funeral Funeral parlors free. PHONE 257 BRANCH BROOK. Newark Burial Co., 534 BROAD STREET, Between Bridge and Iximbardy streets For $65.00 we agree to supply Black Broadcloth, White : Plush, Imitation Oak Casket, Handles, Plate, Interior Lined Complete. Outside Pine Box. Embalming. News; per i otlce, Use of Rug, Pedestal, Crepe, Camp Chairs, Hearse. Three Coaches any City Cemetery, Services of Funeral Directors. Parlors tor funeral In connection fo21°Market. ^34 Broad St. ; 1 'HITIVELY FIRST CLASS SERVICE AT ' REASONABLE RATES. COACHES FOR FUNERALS, $L ,1. A- A. AV HARTH, FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND COACH OWN ERS. TELEPHONE MARKET 2 OFFICE 293 SOUTH ORANGE AV. W A REROOMS. 291-296 SOUTH ORANGE AV. ; JOSEPH J. MANGER, Undertaker ar.d F.mbalmer Conches and Camp ChaliH to Hire. Tel. 7b2 Waverly. 489 Springfield av. WM. F. MULLTN, UNDERTAKER. 228 Lafayette street. Phone 660 Market. .TAMES S. MULLIN. UNDERTAKER, 323 Lafnyette Htrret. Phone 31P2 Market. FRANK A. FOLEY. Funeral Director and Embalmor. ; »2 Lafayette street 'Phono D73S Market. CEMETERY MEMORIALS. GLEN RIDGE CEMETERY Franklin nv. and Joralemon st., Bloomfield, N. J.. tel. 1648-J, Bloomfield. Branch office Newark. Scheuer Bldg.; tel 3921 Market SHOT AND KILLED AS SHE ANSWERS DOOR, j FLINT, Mich., Feb. LV-Miso Ellei, | Blitne, who kept a boardingr-house hero 1 several years, was shot and killed early today when she answered a knock at the door of her home. Her sister, Mrs. Catherine Talbot, who was also shot in the arm, charged the crime to Frank Fox, of Sandusky, O., a brother in-law. who has disappeared. Mrs. Talbot is so seriously injured that she was for a time unable to give any clear explanation of the tragedy or Its cause. Two brothers of the woman have been summoned from Sandusky. REAL ESTATE. j TRANSFERS. NEWARK. Carl IT. H. Fischer to Joseph Nied snnski. w a Magazine st, 528 ft s ir Ferry st, 25x100. Charles W. Pennington to El wood C. HarrlB, e s 2d st, 208 ft n fr Hus sex av, 26x78. 1 George C. Jacob to Tlieo Fraebel. e h Winans ay, liiO ft n fr Kipp st. 26x90. 1 Herman & Co. to Joseph Stern, e s Pennsylvania av, .m fr Amor .st. 25x100. 1 Lowy, Berger At Finger Co. to Slg fried Husserl, n w tor S. 16tli st and Clinton av, 20x102. 1 Marie P. Pavey and bus to John C. Gregory, w h Parker st, 500 ft h fr 2d av, 30x100. 1 Mary McCaffrey to Frank C. Dee mallnes, h h Finlay pi, 1% ft w fr Handford st. 26x100. 1 William Levelatt to Peter Hauck. h e cor Sheffield and Orange atr, 33x63. 1 Jeannette Ballautine et al to Fed oral Trust Co*, w s Broad st. n s .and Newark-Fire ins. Co . 28x12*).. 76.000 Monarch Realty Co. to George Tait. w s Ridge si, 255 ft h fr Grafton av. 40x100. 1 j Etta M. Headley and h*m to Mod i-rn Essex Co., w s N. f»th ,st, 258 ft u fr Ablngton av, 25x109. 1 i Fred 15. Tuttle to Caroline C. Oml rak. ■ s Mnpes av. 62<S ft \v f Bergen st. 100x140; and other Irani 1 Willis W. Corwin to Emiua Oswald, it s Beverly st. 200 ft w fr Leslie 1*1. 50x100. I William T Rue et al to Fairchild Baldwin Co., h s Market at. 147 ft fr Washington st, 20x100. 1 Ernest 15. Fischer to Helena E. Wag ner. »• s Freeman st, 100 ft n fr Rose st. 50x14*5 . 1 Dorn Rotnrmr and has to Ida H Schick, cor lot Janies M. Carring ton, s *v s Kinney st. 30x70 . 1 William Froehltch <exr* to .Sophia Ostcrtag, w s Morris av, 17f> ft a fr 13tli uv 25x60; and other tract. 4,000 Peter SobUntz to Simon Greenberg, s e cor Ferry and Congress ai^, 28x56 . 1 Roslyn Renlty Co. to Max Danzis et nl. n o cor Pennsylvania av and Yauderpool st. 25x100 . 1 Mux Hunzts et al to Roslyn Realty Co., w s S. 14th st, 500 ft n fr 9tn av. 75x100 . 1 TOWNSHIPS « Philip J. Bowers to Harry llendrlcks, Bloomfield, w s Watsessing av, 325 ft k fr Av Fontaine. 117x261. 1 Breakenrldge Ac Tichenor, fnc., to N. J Aluminum Co.. Inc.. Irvington s w cor Argyle ter and Grove st. 100x120 . 1 Charles A. Morel to Patrick H. Uw noBs. E. Orange, w a Arlington uv, s fr Rutledge av, 100x262 —;. 1 Joseph Lomem to Crleteforo Zuzolo. Orange, n s Gray at, 220 ft e fr Lin coln uv, .’.oiioo . 1 1 i j , \ . A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. Mom Eveg. Both iltlon. Edition. Edition*. * r wor i insertion. lc tc lHo Per word. S Insertions 2%c IV J • n *rd, 6 insertions 4><-c 4 V 8%c | °ne month dally, per 1! ’ 00 I OC 1.00 On.- month. K. O. D. IH*r line. g0 .6*' 1.88 I Six month!* Infje, 'rV., Vine 5 25 6 25 10.60 Six months, E. O i> Per line. 3.IB 3.15 8.80 One year, dally, per'line lb!w 10.00 20.00 One year, E. o D., per line . 5.00 6.00 11.00 6 lines r.t option within one year, per line. 6c ie Itf ' ■ Itenhiim light face 'Rpf up to 24 point ft I lowed on page for ,:*ho and address. per measured line. 6c 8c 10c Denth Notices, per in sertion . 0 26c 50c With notice nf funeral 60c 50c ’.00 Marriage and Birth No tice. per Insertion 50c 60c i.OO Resolutions and Card of Thanks. per line.. 6c 6c Ifc HELP WANTED—MALE. AUTO SCHOOL OF NEW JERSEY-Years nf experience In auto senool 1 ork enables us to five the Pest practical Instruction nt the low est foes: your license obtained after passing our examinations. Ray and eve Ing classes. 4 Washington at. near Kinney. BOOTBLACK: wanted. 7W> Broad st BOY worked, about 17, to work In laboratory. Apply CENTRAL DYESTUFF AND <HEMI COL CO.. Plum I’-'Int bine. BUTCTIUR—Ftrst-cla.s. with references. for our Allentown, Pn . market. Apply executive •fflfp ROTH * co.. fnc.. Metropolitan Budd ing. Orange. MECHA NldAL I')RAFTKMEN are paid «1*n monthly complete course 'short methods), at your home, four t*» six months. P. O. Box 433, Newark. N. J. YOO are wanted /■• r government position, *s<n month write for lift o: positions open.. FRANKLI INSTITUTE. Rept W<\ Roches ter. N- Y. WAN’TEI>—Good dlnker to cut heel lifts with mallet dies. NEWARK LEATHER INNER SOLING MFO. #’0 72 Union st. HE1 P WANTED- FEMALE. CLEANER AND YWR WANTED Frpeii enced dresser on lady’s goods. 514 Clinton av. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper who understands stenography; with references. THE BEND LEVY CO., 241 Washington et FRMALI-: applicants >f the Bureau of Employ ment of the City of Newark, who are desirous of speedily securing places In first-class fam ilies as housekeepers, cooks. < hamUcrmalds. nurses, etc., will plitaro call at the bureau s ladies’ reception room, ground door 'front) of the ‘Mtv Hull, every afternoon, exceptlng Satu dnys. Sundays and ollda , 1 • tween the hours of 2 and I when they will meet ladle* needing their services. No chart*- for procuring em ployment. HOUFEWORKERS. cooks nd waitress wanted ftt ORANGE BUREAU CF DOMESTIC RE QUIREMENTS, 664 Main at . East Orange SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. YOUNG MAN, 26 years old. with thorough theoretical anil practical knowledge in the electrical line *«eek» position In office or work shop of an electrical business. Acldrep- G. TI. J.. Box 80. Star Office. SITUATIONS WANTED— ! FEMALE. Attention Ladies! DO YOU NEED HELP? tf you are in Immediate want of household servant* .all at the reception uwr.i of the Bureau of Employment of uio • . ground floor fronts CITY 1IAM. LU51LDING, FJVK R Y AFTERNOON EXCEPT .SATURDAY, BE TWEEN THE HOURS OF 1 TO •}. * here you will And awaiting you experienced a km ijual iiorsn WORKER 8 COOK S, LAU M »it ESSES, NURSES. SEAM S'! RUSHES. ETC. Also others not skilled tut ready ami will k to be employe* POLITICAL APY ATTE.NDA MTS 4 t IF YOT' are In ne.eii of household eei vonte such an housekeepers, cooky, chambermaids, nuraea. etc., you can Interview applicants of i this City’s Bureau o Employment by. visiting the bureau's ladles' reception room on the ! ground floor (front); of the city - all, every . afternoon ••scenting’ Saturdays,. Sundays and holidays, between the hours of ' and ■» The . bureau's service Is free. Jeremiah Long to John Gray. Irving ton. n s Bell st. 225 ft w fr Ltnaen av, 27x100 . 1 Modern Building Co. to ET P. Inger soil, Glen Uldge, e s Ridgewood «v. 100 ft n fr Sunset nV, 62x159; and other tract . 1 Breakenridge A; Ticheuor, inc., to Ernest Ki n. Irvington. \v s 23rd st 1 -5 ft :■ fr 19th av. 25x100. 1 Philip J. Bowers to Austin iColgate Orange. Intersection n s Central u\ with e « Lincoln av, 279x737. 1 Eusl orange Terraco, Inc., to Anton J iarlfiugcr. K. orange. «■ Fatr mount ter. .80 ft s fr Mountain View av, 1*20x120 . 1< Elizabeth Ancott and bus to Benin rain Ycshlovsky et al. Bloomfield. • Orange >i. 101 ft n ft* Cross st 80x100 . 1 Arthur B. Griffin to Edgar A. Griffin Verona, .t: s Id A. B. Griffin, vv fi tract of id 2nd party, 60x79. 1 Helen J*’. Gridin and Inis to same. \ erona. n s Personette hv, n fr lot 29. 60x79 . 1 William B. Lloyd to Frederick Tl. Williams, Orange, e s Centre st. 92 ft s vv fr Central av. 80x187.: 1 , Frederick H.'"Williams to William B. Lloyd, Orange, n e s Mountain View av. 281 ft fr Lincoln av, 66x150 1 Jacob Magin t«* Vdam Mngln. Irving ton. b s Springfield av, 75 ft e fr Lyons av, 25x100 . 1 Grey lock Land Co. to William J. Fitzsimmons, Belleville, w s Main st. 450 ft s fr Greylock av, 25x190.. 1 MORTGAGES RECORDED NEWARK. Uheo Fracbei t<* Theresa Jacob, east side Wlnans avenue, 15*) feet north %om Kipp street. $3,000. Bridge Reilly and husband to A art I Blankcn n a', west .side Brown streret. 666 feet north from Mill street, $2,600. Joseph Nietizdrski to Minnie T. Fischer, west side Magazine street, 623 feet south from Ferry street. $1,000. Frederick hVhepev and husband to Phoe nix Building and Loan Association, north aide Wavrly place, west side Prince strict, $3,000. Slgfrled Husserl to uwy. Berger & Finger Company, northwest corner South Sixteenth street and Clinton avenue, $1,700. Annie Margolis and husband to Philip Korn, east side Hunterdon street, 168 fept south from Warren street, $1,800. Carrie G Pe«k and husband to South Park Building tind Loan Association, north Mde Lanark avenue, 1200 feet east from Vail street. $2,<KKV Rosie Rich to Franklin Havings Institu tion, north side Springfield avenue, 8G feet oast front Rankin streot, $18,000. Mary Kehoo et al to same, east side Morris avenue, 375 feet south from West Bank street. $500. Federal Trust Company to Jeannette Baliantlne et nl (trustees), west side Broad street, south side Newark Fire Insurance Company's land, $228,000. Catharine Hrhnrd and husband to Secur lty Savings Bank, north side Springfield avenue. Bu feet west from Bergen street. $7,8i)0. Alfred Rose to Fourteenth Ward Build inc and Loan Association, north side Van derpool street. 150 feet west from Sher man avenue. $1,000. Fairchild-Pablwin Comnony to William T. Roe. south side Market street. 147 feet southeast from Washington street, $85,000. Committee Presbyterian Church Exten sion to James S. Higbee et al (executors), nortl* side Meeker avenue, east side Pe shlne avenue, $13,600. Same to Joseph S. Hlgble, same prop erty. $3,000. Vincenzo Cereiello to Van Keuren dir Son, northeast corner Chester avenue and North Eighth street. $1,000. Morris Anker to Abraham Anker, north (.i f . r I I - ■ III ■ ■ | M_BU■UIMI— I—»— BUSINESS PERSONALS. METAL CEILINGS AND WALLS erected lu all kinds of building* JAS. V. MAGUIRE. 213 Halsey st., Newark. STOVES, ranges and heaters; all stoves are guaranteed; stove repairing n specialty. M. BIDDELMAN. 261 Springfield av.; tel. 1727-U Market flotlilsg. I WILL pay high prices for cast-off clothing. Send postal and I'll call. F. COHEN. 60 Canal st. I WILL pay' high prices for cast-off clothing. Send postal and I’ll call. FRANK. 87 Mer cer st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Brown and white collie, mostly brown: give description; rewnrd. A. Me WILLIAMS. Burnett st., Maplewood. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOUND- fttvogtment; a chance to secure Essex county agency for one of the best high-grade commercial cars at very low figures. Address GUM MERCIA L, »are Ilosevtlle Branch, Star Office. BUSINESS PLACES SOLD—If you want to buy or fell see SC HWARTZ'S Business Exchange. 205 Springfield av. Phone 9fJ-U Market. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. LISTER'S AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL WORKS. Manufacture • *f Fertilizer!" of All kinds. ; Bone Black. Glue, Grease. tlhcmlcals, etc. ; Buyer.* of Dry Bone and Butchers' Bone. Con signments solicited. For particulars add rest LISTER'.*- AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL j WORKS. Bn.ulwny. New York city, and; Lister a\.. Newark. N. J. JOHN F. ftEHOE, President. Good*. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. CONTENTS OF ! Houses, flats and stores bought;} OAKH QUICK: CONFIDENTIAL (2 SOUTH j ORANGE AV PHONE 207! MARKET. MEDICAL. UAI>li::- DKS1RINO ADVlf’K bv graduated vegUteved specialist call at MRS j W!!. I, IA M S' S « ffl'e. private ous*. 4K9 West Twenty second st., New York. 2 blocks from , Twenty-third sf. ferr.v, or 4 blocks from Tv.ent'. - third •<{ . Hudson tunnel station Take 23d si car t<. Tenth av Absolute satisfaction guaran tee i <hn:g**s moderate. Advice free Office hours*. 10 to 4; Sundays, 11 to 4. LADIES’ PRIVATE NURSING confinement s *n*e«; trustworthy advice by graduate regie-* tere»t «pf *iallht a1 vice free a» 1 eatbvfaction guaranteed MRS HARMON, 139 Washing- j tun st.. Newaik; private house two blocks rear j of Hahne'M: off! e hours dally, 11 a. in. to 9 d. in. Sunday*. 2 to 7 p. M[DWU *.K FRIEDRICH, 490 Springfield av . to*; floo- ladies’ specialist, examination fre.- rati* Taction. WKBl»Ki .-f -’Ot. GII -!ORDXAT. for roach.. ' colds an-! for the throat whooping cough diphtheria, hoarseness AUTOMOBILES. »« 55 v '»"• j REPAIR WORK ON AUTOMOBILE WH. KL* PHINKAS? JON UP & CO. ?.05 >|AI.KF/1 ST.. NEWARK. N. J i'j» the driveway. BEun.AR CUJNUHBK OR DEMOUNTABLE; RIMS FURNISHED AND APPLIED. Telephone Market. A 1910 VEME. 10 h. p. flve-paflsetiger touring <ar. fully equipped: will take any hill on high. OWNER. MO Cooper av., Tipper Mont clair. N. J. i tSK l-'.mo-enow* r Reading Standard, 1910; n-i.idM- n .r. KOEHLER CO.,v291| Ul»i €■•< fit . Newark fiORSF.S AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE. Foil s'A l .lil—On account of automobile, a j * -Mitf l ay carriage ho» *e. • r»V» hands, good S r ;■ * * w also for sale, a cloned carriage, a . sr. 0 a econtWiand i a sleet carriage, two iouLIc r< t.« harness, on*- single harness, one ! ddgh Apply to AUGUST DBBRUN, Reek ir.Hii terrace, Summit, N. J. LOA NS—PERSONAL. ' • • SALARIED people, a keeping house and others furnished money without security; : cheapest ra easiest term*; nave money by seeing me before trading elsewhere. Office* in G6 prf'u i{ al cities. D II. TOLMAN, Room HI?. 23R Washington st_ side. Thomas street, 23d feet west from | Broad at reef. $'575. Ida S. Schick to Dora Rommer and hus band. south side Kinney street, 132 feet i east from Orchard street, $2,600. t'luirlej* Branligan t«> Firemen's lusur-1 ance Company, west side Hazelwood av$- j nue. o.x) ! eet soutli from South Orange1 avenue. $4,000. I Pauline .VI Weeks and husband to Wood- i side Building; and Iamii Association, east \ side BoHUiitmit street, 227 feet south from 1 Vorouu avenue, $6,000. Same to same, same property. $i,100. Same to same, west side De Graw ave nue. 200 feet, south from Verona avenue, $2,750. Same to same, same property, $1,000. Simon Greenberg totPeter Scnllntz. south east corner Ferry and Congress streets, j $J 5,000. Same to Rudolph Heller, same prop- ; erty. $3,000. Abraham ITauptman et al to Atlantic j Building and Loan Association, northeast] corner Pennsylvania avenue and Vander pool street. $1,000 Same to Roslyn Realty Company, same property. $1,400 Q TOWNSHIPS.! Masson Realty Company lto Sarah J Bird. Montclair, east side <pranrfe road, north aide Union street. $10,000. Edith T. Bergen and husband to Adah L. Hooker, South Orange, sootheHPt wide Hlllsid** place, 215 feet southwest from Mountain House road. $1,000. Crlstoforo Zuzolo to Fanny K. , Hall Orange, north side Gray street. 220 feet east from Lincoln avenue. $575. Stone Realty Company to Irvington Building and Loan Association, Irvington, oast side Cummings street. 302 feet south west from • Moment's land, $2,600. Henry Groberl to Edward O. A. Glok ner. Fast Orange, east side North Twenty first street. 225 feet norths from Fourth avenue. $4,000. William t\ Armstrong to Hast Orange .in*! Ampere Land Company, Knot Orange, •ast side Ellington street. 35 feet nortti from Second avenue, $5^2. Jam**# L. Nlc.o:! to Bloomileld Building and Loan A^snolati*m. Hast Orange, wear sid** Lnwren*;** street. 350 feet south from VVateliung Railroad Company. $4,000. K. P. ingersoil to Modern Building Cohfi pany. Glen Rblge. east: side Ridgewood avenue, 100 feet, north from Sunset avenue; and second tract. $842. Royal I\ Brooks to 1/ionard Brooks. Montclair, cast side orange road, 472 feet south from Southward’.^ dancl. $1,500. John Giles to Margaret Finn, East Orange, east side North Fifteenth street. 262 feet, north from » .irk avenue, $600. Percy Mayes to Fidelity Trust Company. South Orange, northeast side Sherman pluee, 354 ieet northwest from Prospect Street. $3,000. * * Same in Frederic X. Gilbert. S*}tith Orange, .same property, $1,500. Benjamin Yeshlovsky et al to Orlentnl Building and IjOan .association. Bloom field, east side Orange street. 101 feet north from Cross street. $6,500. William D. Bailey to American Insur ance Company. East Orange, west .side Munn avenue. 100 feet south from Rhode Island avenue. $6,000. William P. Bailey to Anna L. Coughlin. East Orange, west side Munn avenue. 100 feet south from Rhode Island avenue, $1,000. Fairchild-Baldwln Company to William T. Rae. West Orange, west side Valley road, corner LleweUy Park, $6,000. Laura B. Bell and husband to John O. Rod&mor, Nutley, west side Terrace ave nue, .10 feet north from Glendale street, 51,000. Albert H. Wallace to William Wallace. Montclair, centre Belle avenue, 540 feet southeast from Valley road, $2,000. Jacob Magln to Charles A. Felck, Irving ton. north side Rich street. 388 feet west from Orange avenue, $2,000, FOR SALE. radiators, POT STOVES, , CANVAS HOVERS I WALSH'S SONS & CO., CLAY AND PASSAIC STREETS. SILVRON—It leaven a film of Pure Sliver. DOONER & SMITH CO. ARTISTIC sign work; lowent prices. HORLTC,'1 128 Market et., King’s Bldg. Phnn 3720-J. Mkt ROASTING CHICKENS killed while you wait; fresh eggs dally 28 Bathgate pi. INSTRUCTION. NEWARK ACADEMY. Founded 1792. WILSON FARRAND, Head Master ■ Thorough prepnratlon for any college or scien tific school, or for business life ATALOOUE ON PPLTCATION. NEWARK BUSINESS COLLEUE. 86-92-, Park place, near Proctor’s. Call, write or phone for catalogue. COT FM AM nationa * business ! LULEJim! roU.KOE, Ono block west of P. O.. comer Hals*, and academy street*. * talog and schbol literature for tin* asking Manic. BANJO, mandolin, guitar and violin; lesson* PCt.v A. J. WE IDT, 439 Washington st ’PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRAENTZEL & RICHARDS, Patent Uw. American and foreign patents, trade-marks and copyright and meahnnlcal engineering. 746-747 Broad st. Phone 2162-W. Market. DRAKE & CO.. Established 1865. Phora Market. Firemen’* j Insurance Co. Bldg., Broad and Market stn. RUSSELL M. EVERETT. Tel. 4388-R. Market, j Fnicnt Lawyer and Solicitor. U. S. and Foreign. Cor. Broad and Market. ' City Advertisements. baht KINNEY PLACE REPAVING, JEF j FJCRY PLACE OPENING. FRMLINGHUY- J .SEN AVENUE AND DAYTON STREET ‘ SEWER, PARK AVENUE SEWER. Notice 1* hereby given that the commissioner* heretofnro appointed by the Mayor 01 the city of Newark to make an estimate and a^aessmont i upon ail the owners of all the lands and real estate in the city of Newark peculiarly bene fited by any local improvement. In the said city, in propuilion an nearly jih may be to the 1 advantage each was deemed to 'have acquired, have made an estimate and assessment of bene fits conferred upon all the owners of a]] the lands and real estate In tbe city of Newark peculiarly benefited by each of the following improvements in said city, namely The repaving of EAST KINNEY PLACE. from Hast Kinney street northerly about 836 feet. The opening of JEFFERY PLACE, from Bergen street to Chadwick avenue The construction of a sewer in FRELlNOHl'YSEN AVENUE AND DAYTON STREET The construction of a sewer in PARK AVENUE, between High street and Mt. Prospect avenue rind between North Ninth street and Roseville avenue. Said assessment comprises all lots tracts and parcels of land and real statute liable to be ns ies*‘*ed aforesaid Ping on both sides of HAST KINNEY PLACE, from Las* Kinney street northerly about 338 feet and including that purt of lot No 66 block B82. fronting on terminus of East Kinney place; on both sides of JEFFERY PLACE, I from Bergen street to Seymour avenue; on both sides* of Bergen street. Chadwick avenue and Seymour avenue from a point about 275 feet i south of the southerly line of JefTeJ^ place to n point about 275 feet north of We northerly line of Jeffery place; on both sides of Bcheider avenue and Conklin avenue, from Seymour ave nue to a point about 100 feet east r»f the east erly line of Osborne terrace; on both eider* of FRELINGHTJ Y8E N A VF.N T IBS, from Dayton street to Whittier place on both sides of DAYTON STREET, from Frelinghuysen avenue to Foster street; on both sides of PARK AVENUE, between High street and Mt. Prospect avenue and between North Ninth street and Roseville avenue, and have filed their reports r>f said as scssmentfl for benefits in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Essex, and that the Judge of said court ha* fixed Haturday, iho fourth day of February. 1911. at 10 o’clock In the forenoon, in the Circuit Court room, at the Court House in the of Newark, ae the time and place of hearing any objections thnt may l»e mfide to the said assessment*. Dated January 20. 1011. HERBERT BOOGR, Jan30-6t City Attorney. NOTICE is hereby given to all parties intar- , etsted that the < 'crtlflcatea of Assessment of the whole amount of the costs and expense* of Paring BERKELEY . VENUE, Constructing sewers RLEECKER STREET. WARWICK STREET. hove been delivered to me according -to law Said assessments comprise ol! lots, tracts and parcels of land and real estate lying an both ! sides of BER KBLE Y AYE NTK, from Mt. Prospect avenue to f^nl.e .street; on both sides of BLEECKER i. .'REST. from High street to .Summit street ; on both sides of WARWICK STREET, between Tyler street and Lang street. The owners of land and real estate assessed 1n said certificate* of Assessment are he.oby re quired to pay the amount so assessed upon them and each of them respectively to me at my office, City Hall, on or before March 13, 1911. Newark. N. .1 . January 31, 1911. TYLER PARMLV, febl-6t Comptroller. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF EXCISE COM MISSIONERS OF THE ^ITY OF NEWARK. City Hall, January 27, 1911. The following is the list, of the names, real denies and places of business of applicants for licenses contained in all applications or peti- I tlons made to this hoard for the granting of ; licenses to sell spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors, and not heretofore published ! according to law-, to wit: Name Place of Business. Residence. RETAIL-RENEWALS. James De Jianne. 17 Central av—-.Same place j John Scheiner. 266 Park av...'..Same place Joseph Dubois. »r.t 376 South Orange av., f Hams place John Kocum, 21 Prince «t.Same place \nton Kiwanelt. 125 Howard st.Same piao« Mnrtln Beron. 271 Bergen st .Same place RICHARD MILLER. President. .TAMES F CONNELLY. City Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given that the fol lowing ordinance has been passed by the ! Board of Street and Water Commissioner* and j approved by tho Mayor of the City of Newark, ; ind pursuant to Chapter 36 of the State lews i of 1909 1* herewith published by title: An ordinance to open MKCHA NB* STREET. from Ailing street to New Jersey Railroad j avenue. Adopted January 26. 1011. WILLIAM MI NGLE. President of the Roald of Street and Water Commissioners. WM. Fa. GREAT 11 LA D, Clerk of the Bosrd. Approved January 31, 1911. JACOB HAUB8LING, fobl-5t__Mayor. Sealed Prooosals. HEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT— Clty Hall. . Newark. N. J . February 2. 1911 Sealed proposals will be received at these headquartern < while the Board of Fire Com missioner* la In session) during the* period of time between 3 and 3:30 o'clock P- m.. on ' Wednesday. February S, 1911, and will be opened : Immediately after the expiration of the time j fixed Tor receiving the afore.said proposals, for furnishing the department with the following , •implies, to wit: Oats, bay, bran and long , rye straw. Much quantities of the\ best quality a* shall be needed by the several companies during the month. To he delivered at the quarters of the said companies. (Samples of onts to accom pany each bid.) Further information concerning these pro posal$, as to quality and quantity, will be fur nished upon application to the secretary of the board. The Board of Fire Commissioners reserve* the right to reject any or all proposals so received j os may he deemed for the beat interests of the city. WILLIAM A. WEBER. President. F. W Sullivan, Secretary, feb2-6t DELINQUENTS PAY TAXES. DBNTFORD. Feb. 3.—The tax sale for delinquents In this township has been called off because delinquents sew 1 their names la print and paid up ~ J *V. J, ,-*• ■ Y;i. . ,, I Kbrl Estate Special leal Estate Dajs-^TriiMSsdajrs and Prtda?9, -a-..--—- :-— r REAL ESTATE BROKERS. LATHtfOP ANDERSON REAI, U8TATE AND INSURANCE. 474 £road Ht. Factories. Phone 1481 Market. f. fTmayo & coT We do a general real estate business. We solicit your trade and guarantee satisfaction. T83 Broad st.. Newark. Phono 5100 Market. ROBERT O’GORMAN &CO. INSURANCE AND REAL. ESTATE. IS Clinton strmt. TeL W2 Market. ~ CHARLES SPENGLER Heal estate, fire insurance and mortgage loahs. Metropolitan Bldg., Washington and Market sts. RENTS COLLECTED. HONEST and PROMPT returns* guaranteed. SAMUEL R. CAIRNS, 484 BROAD ST. INSURANCE AT LOWEST HATES. p. L. BRYCE Insurance Real Kst te. Loans. 790 Brood st. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. HAVE TOU ANT HOUSES TOR RENT7 List . em with me. I have customers for them. ROBERT B. STOUTENBURGH, 843 Broad «trc t. Newark, N. J Phone 4086 Market. CLINTON HILL—Eight rooms and bath, nicety decorated, restricted location: $26 to $32;' houses also for sale, easy term* FINLEY, Sf*l Broad st. Tel. 2262-W. Market. FRELINGHUYSHN AV—Six rooms. Im provement'*; one-story building In rear, suit able for poultry or workshop J. WARD SMITH & SON, PrudentlnJ Building. NORTH SIXTH st. -New brick house, otiw looking Branch Brook Park, three minutes' walk from Bloomfield av.: $10. Inquire 427 Prudential Building. Du{ of Town. HOI’HhX eight rooms and hath, all improve ments. meant heat, • WM. P. SMITH, 42 Mountain view av., Orange. STORES, OFFICES, FTC., TO LET. REAR of flrstt floor, all second and third f!o->rt* 254 Market at. to let: will give leane for term of years'. DANIEL ALT. 1509 Firemen's Building. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. EAST KINNEY ST.. 27, near Broad—Two1 well lighted and well furnished rooms; one sult ible for light housekeeping; all Improvement*. HIGH ST. 537 Newly furnished room, private house, nil Improvements, hot water, heat JAMES ST., M- Neatly furnished ’‘root room, all Improvements. I A FAYETTE I-"! 175—Room! nr and boarding. WASHINGTON ST., 120—Nicely furnished room, heat, hath, telephone, rent reasonable AUCTION SALES. HORSE belonging to Mrs Walker Mill ho told at public auction on February «T 1911. Mc fCAMARA BROS.. Bergen «t. and Slxt cent knar. Legal Notices. NOTJUi; OF ATTACHMENT—To Edwin M Quackcnbuah and Edn li. Quaokenbunh: Notice is hereby given that «i writ of attach mont has been Issued nut of the Essex County Circuit Court. Hecerobor 27, 191#, against rour estate at the suit of Robert Comly, William A. Flanigeii. Edvard M. Greene, John H. Lip pl&oott, William S. Mclntlre, and William 3 Bonsai, partners as Comly. Flnnlgen 4 Co., for the sum of three hundred ajid fifty dollars ($."30.00). (affidavit. *183.66). Huch attachment was duly executed by the Essex Sheriff and relumed January 16, 1911. SAMUEV w BOARDMAN, JR.. i Union Building. INevvark N J jan26febi;.9,16,23 Attorney for Plaintiffs -r ..|m , ., Sheriff’s Sales. [Circuit A—519.] SHERIFF'S SALE — Essex County Circuit Court. Patrick H. Conlnn, ot al.. partners, etc., plaintiffs, vs. Harry Hubbard, et al., re-,: cel vers, etc . defendants. Fi. fa., on mechanics’ lien. By virtue of the above stated writ of fieri facias, to me directed, J shall expose for 'sale by public vendue, at the fouri House, in New ark, on Tuesday, the fourteenth day of Febru ary next, at two o'clock p. m.. a one-atorj brick building or pumping station with its machinery, boilers, pipes, wells and other fixtures and appuitenauces together with tho lot or curtilage whereon tho same Is situated, lying and being in the town of Belleville! County of Essex end State of New Jersey. More particularly described on follows: Lots numbers eighty-eight to <.nc hundred and seventy-five both Inclusive, together with lots two hundred and sixteen nnd two hundred a* ! seventeen as shown and designated on a certain map entitled “Maple drove property of Philip J. Bowel’s 4 Company,” situated at Belleville, New Jersey. Being the mime premises conveyed unto the Hudson County Water Company by Charles Jones by deed, dated March 15, 1009. and re corded in the Register’s office of Essex (Yninty trt book 1-45 of deeds for said countv, on dhro iSO. &c. The above property is subject to a mortgage for eight thousand dollars, made by Charles ■Tones to William Kamlah and others, recorded In hook T-23, page 439 of mortgages. in the Register's office of Essex County, with taxes and assessments. Newark, N, J., January 9. 1911. WILLI A M HARRIOAN, Sheriff. Pitney, Hardin 4 Skinner, Attorneys. ($16.80) [Chancery X—-Ml.] SHERIFF'S SALE—In chancery of New Jer sey Between The Security Building and Loon Association of the City of Newark, complain ant and Ro>»ert SchrafTt. et al , defendants. FI. fa., for sale of mortgaged premises. By virtue of the above stated writ of fieri raclan. to me directed. I shall expose for wale hv nubile vendue at/the Court House, In New irk. on Tuesday, the seventh day of February next, a! two o'clock p. m., all that tract or ourcel of land and premises situate, lying and being In th^ City of Newark. Essex County. New Jersey: . Beginning in tho northerly line of Parkhurst “Trent seventy feet westerly from the north westerly comer cf I’mkhurst. and Austin street*; thence running along the line of said lot northerly at. right angleo with Parkhurst Htreet eightr-flvo Tpct. nine mches. thence west erly parallel with Parkhurst street twenty-five feet; thence routheilr at right angle* to Parkhurst street eighty-five feet nine Inches to the said line of Parkhurst street; thence along tho same enstcrly twenty-five feet to tbs place of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to Ross Marv Schrafft by deed, recorded in book V-fl of deeds for E.';pe\ County, on page 360. Newark, N. J\ January 2, 1911. WIT.LIAM HARRIOAN, Sheriff. Charles A. Felck. Solicitor. ($13 44) TCI ancery A—44*. J SHERIFFS SALE-In uancery of New Jer sey. Between Mark H. Wotlx. et a]., com plainant, and Frank Do F. Roes, et ale.. defend ants. FI. fa., for sale of mortgaged premises Ry virtue of the above stated writ of fieri farta*. to me directed. I shall expose for sale by public vendue, at the Court House. In New ark, on Tuesday, the twenty-elgh: • day of February next, at two o'clock p. rn.. all that tract or parcel or land nnd promisee situate, lying and being In the City of Newark, Essex County, N>w Jersey: Beginning at the southeast corner South Eighth and Warren streets: thence running (1) along South Eighth street southerly one hundred and twelve >et. and one-half Jnoh, nore or leas, to the northerly line of lot number <U on said map: thence (t) along said line easterly seventy-one feet and six Inches to ths westerly line of Warren street, sjid thence (3» northerly along Warren street one hundred and thirty-three feet six and one-half inches to the point and place of beginning. Being known and designated as lot number 712. on the "Map of the Peek property, situated in the Eleventh Ward, Newark, J.,” filed in the Register's office of Eseex Oounty. afore said. Newark, N. J.,, January 28. IflL WlitJAM HARRIOAN, «tor1R. ItaKik * Vh Khma Wi». REAL ESTATE FOR-SALE. , FHELJNOHUYSEN AV —Two slx-roora dwell ings, Improvements; two one-story buildings In rear, suitable for poultry or workshops; city lot; low price; eas- terms J. WARD SMITH Sr. SON. Prudential Building. LOT 3 for enle at Grej ok Manor, 90 minutes from City Hall. New York 28x100; prices from 8425 up. Address T. M. MILLS, » South Willow it . Montclair, N. J. New Jeraey. BLOOMFIELD 25x100 Foot Lots 5c FARE TO NEWARK A small tract that Is being closed out at no reage prices. Free Title I ns u ranee Poll* ole* from N. J. Title St Abstract Co. $10 Down—$5 a Month Write for map and full particular, Wm. 3. McLain Realty Go. MARBRIOQE BUILDING Hroadmr, Cor. 34fh 9«„ Jfaw York. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSED_ PLUM BUILDING, Broad st.. opp. C. R. R,, few steps from Mar ket st.: light, modern offices; all impts. GEI8ER & PLUM, b.5 BROAD ST. SOUTH ORANGE AV., 296-Stor<\ suitable fcr gents' tailoring or j.ny business; rent $17 Inquire J. A A. W. HARTH, 29?. South Orange av. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND ROOMS TO LET. FIVE all light rooms and bath; Thatcher range halls * arpeted, janitor service; reqt $18. FTEDLRR REAL ESTATE CORPORATION, Hi Market st., opposite Immberger's. FI,AT, central locution, ulx room*, bath; all ' improvements; $2h Inquire 80 Green st., near Broad HIGHLAND AV., 9— Four large, light rooms and bath; Improvements; $J3. HUNTER ST.. 11—Flats; five very light and large rooms and bath; rent $14.60 and $18: all improvements. Inquire It Huntar st., third floor. WANTED TO RENT. WANfTED. to rent, an t 1 or 15-room bousa, with privilege of purchasing same, located in the vicinity of Third av., between Broad et. and Mount Prospect av. HOUSE* Box M, Star Office. Sheriff’s Sales. _ [ChtBOMy A 41.] , SHERIFF'S S A LB—In v,u*noery of New Jer sey. Between Olive A. Hendrlok, complain ant, and Sarah Elizabeth Hendrlok and other*, defendants FI fa., for eale of mortgaged premises. By virtue of the above stated writ ef fieri facias, to me directed, I shall expoee for sal* by public vendue, at the Court House. In New ark. on Tuesday, the seventh day of Mar oh next, at iwo o'clock p- m., all that tract or , parcel of land and promises situate, lying and being in the City of Newark, fikeex Oounty. New Jersey: Beginning at the northweet corner of Broac and South streets, thenoe running northerly along the westerly line of Broad street thirty feet, thence westerly at right angles to Broad street one hundred and ten feet; thence .south srly parnllel with Broad street thirty feet, end thence easterly along the line of South street . one hundred and ten feet to the place of be jj ginning. Newark. N. J., January 80, 1911. WILLIAM HARRIOAN. Sheriff Hiker & Rilcsr, Solid tore. ($10.93) ] [Chancory A -464.] SHETRIFF’S SALE!—In Chanoery of New Je: soy. Between Elroy Headley, complainant, and Michael Qaputo, et als., defendants. F1 fn., for nale of mortgaged premises. By virtue of the above stated writ of fieri faa.i&s, to me directed, I shall exposo for sal** by public vend tie, at the Court House, In New j ark. on Tuesday, the seventh day of March , next, at two o'clock j». m., all that tract cr parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Newark, Essex County New Jersey: Beginning at a point in the northerly lino Of Nichols street distant one hundred feet , easterly from the easterly line of Pacific street, and from thence (1) running along said line «f Nichols street easterly thirty feet; thence O J north twenty-six and one-half degrees east j ninety feet; thence fSj north sixty-two and | three-quarter degrees west thirty feet; thence 1 <4) south twenty-six and one-half degrees west j ninety feot to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 124 on a map of the Lewis Ni.'!,.*, property, and boing same premises this, 9 lay conveyed to parties of first part by Charles | Bagnole and wife, by deed of even date here- \ with. Thin mortgage being n. second mortgage ol < Clarence A. Ball now on said premises. Newark, N. J.. January 30, 1911. WILLIAM HARRIOAN, Sheriff. W C. & EL Headley, Solicitors. f$13.S«> ; [Circuit A—673.] \ SHERIFF'S SA1J3—Essex County Circuit Court \ Vincenzo Nappl. plaintiff, vs Frank Qasale, et al., defendants. FI. fa. By virtue of the above stated writ ot fieri ! facias, to me directed, 1 shall oxpooe tar skis by public vendue, at the Court House, in New ark, on Tuesday, the seventh daF of Marob next, at two o'clock p m., all those tracts or parcels of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Newark. Essex Count?, j New Jersey: First tract—Beginning at a point In the east' erly line of Stone street distant northerly two hundred and ten feet from the corner of same and Crane street thenoe running easterly oaS hundred and fourteen feet; thenoe north*!* and parallel with 8tone street twenty-two feet •lx inches: thence westerly parallel with fir* course fourteen feet; thence northerly IM parallel with Stone street seven feet end tis inohes, thenoe westerly parallel with first course <>ne hundred feet to Stone street: thence south erly along Stone street thirty feet to the poUM and place of beginning Second tract—Beginning in the soothes* j line of Seventh avenue, formerly Mill street, at a point therein distant westerly thirty-five fag from the southwest oorner of same and Factor? street: thenoe running southerly along the line of land of Jeremiah Mahoney parallel wtth Factory street eerertty-flve feet, more or lea*, to land now or formerly of Thomas Dodworth; ♦henoe along his line westerly thirty-fir* feet J to the land of Patrick Mahoney or late Me. J thenoe along his line northerly seventy-five fleet 1 to the said line of Seventh arenas; thence easterly along the same thirty feet to the place of beginning. Newark, N. J.. January t* 1ML • WILT JAM HAkRIOaK. KhorttL A. R. Flnelll. Attorney. [Circuit A—BtT) SHERIFF'S SALE—Essex Oounty Circuit OMst Vincenzo Oantalupo. plaintiff, re. Roe* M**. sessa, et ale., defendants. FT fla. By virtue of the above stated writ ef fieri facias, to me directed, I shall expose for by public vendue, at the Court House, !b New* ark. on Tuesday, the seventh day of March next, at two o'clock p m., al! that tract ct parr-el of lend and premises situate, lying end being In the City of Newark, Ekwex Oounty. New Jersey: Beginning on the smith side of MaJem street at "a point distant one hundred and eight feet and three one-hundredths oi a foot fm the Intersection of southerly tide of Malvern Htrcet with the westerly side of Adams street, and thence running southerly along westerly line of lot No. i.i« one hundred and mne feet thence westerly and parallel with Malvern ctreet twenty-five feet; thence northerly and parallel with the fink course along the easterly line of Jot number 184 one hundred and nine feet to Malvern street; thenoe easterly (dong the southerly line of Malvern street twenty-five feet to the place of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to the said Oennaro Maeseesa and Roes Masses* wlfa by deed, dated July eighth, nineteen Wa i dred and fire, and recorded In the Register's office of the Oounty of Hfeoex. fn book X-k | o» pages 107. etc. I 4.-a