Newspaper Page Text
«. > MARKET CLOSES ACTIVE; EARLY _. LOST I rading Irregular, Suggestive of ProfiMaking and Short Selling. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—Some lieavi . uess was shown by the active stocks at the opening of the market today. Northern Pacific and Canadian Pacific receded % each, and Louisville and Nashville lost a full point. U. S. Steel and Union Pacific declined over % a point. St. Paul and Great Northern ore certificates advanced a point each; Colorado and Southern %, and Amalga mated copper %. , 11 a. m.—The market had a slight setback, but the appearance of large buying orders for Reading, the Hill stocks and trie Copper group rallied the list briskly. Amalgamated Copper ad vanced 1% to 6G%, and tire at Northern preferred and several specialties a point. Noon—Reading and Missouri Pacific were the predominant points of strength in the second hour. Both issues were In steady demand and advanced ma terially, although the tone of the gen eral list was heavy. The w eakness dis played by the market was attributed * to a large reduction In the short In terest, owing to the general covering on the recent advances. Reading ob tained much of its strength in support from Philadelphia, and the rise In Mis souri Pacific revived discussion of a possible change in management. Hill slocks weru sold heavily. Northern Pacific sagging more than 2 points below yesterday's closing Bonds w'ere steady. L p. m.—A buying movement in Union Pacific was begun In the noon hour, and the stock rose 1%. Reading crossed 160, making its rise 1%. These movements affected the whole list, . which rallied sharply. 2 p. in.—Trading fell off considerably in the afternoon sesion, although the market continued to harden. United States Steel advanced a point to 61%, and stocks of local public utility cor porations w’ere stronger, as well as va rious low-priced specialties. :t p. m.-The market closed active and barely steady. Further Irregularity was shown In the last hour, the active issues rising and falling within frac tional limits', the list showing an un certain undertone, suggestive either of realizing for profits or renewal of short celling. Most of the speculative leaders were under pressure In the final dealings, t particularly United States Steel. Union Pacific and Reading, wrhlch lost the greater part of their gains. Pennsyl vania was bought heavily at an ad vance of over a point, and American Sugar Jumped 3 points. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, Following are the quotations of the day’s prices, as furnished through Byrno & McDonnell, members of the New York Stock Exchange: < Open.High.Low.Close. lAllls-Chalmers pf 33 33% 33 33'% Amal Copper .... 65 66% 64% 6574 ’ Am Agrl Chem... 51% 51% 51% 51% Am Can . 974 10 97s 10 Am Can pf . 81% 82V4 81% 82 Am Car & Fdy... 56 56% 55% 56 Am Car & Fdy pf. 118 118 118 118 „ Am Cotton Oil.... 60% 61% 60% 6074 Am H & L pf.... 23% 23% 23% 23% Am Ico Secur...J. 22 22% 22 22 Am Locomotive.... 42 42% 42 42% Am Smelting. 80% 81% 80 81 Am Smelting pf.. 106 106 106 106 Am Sugar. 117% 120% 117% 120 Am Woolen . 33 337s 33 33 Am Woolen pf... 94 94% 94 94% Anaconda . 39% 4074 397s 4074 At, T & S Fe. 106% 10774 10674 106% At, T & S Fe pf.. 102% 10274 1027s 102% Halt & Ohio. 106% 1067s 106% 106% Brooklyn R T.... 7874 78% 78% 787* Canadian Pac.... 209% 209% 209 209 Cent Leather. 3274 33 % 32% 33 Cent Leather pf.. 103% 104 103% 104 ches & Ohio. 8574 85% 85% 85% Chi Gt Western.. 23% 23% 23% 23% Chi. M & St P.... 132 132% 131% 132% Chi & N W. 150 150 149% 149% Col F & 1. 35% 36% 35% 35% Col & Southern... 69% 59% 59% 59% Con Gas. 143 14474 143 14474 D & H. 170 171% 170 171% I), L & W. 525 525 525 525 Den & Rio Or. 3174 32% 3174 32% Distillers’ Secur... 3674 3774 36% 3674 Erie . 29% 307s 29% 2974 Erie 1st pf. 48% 49% 48% 49 Erie 2d pf. 36% 38% 36% 38% Fed M & S. 23% 23*4 237* 23% Fed M & S pf.... 57% 58 57% 58 at Northern pf... 130% 131% 129% 129% General Electric.. 164% 155 74 154% 16:'.% Illinois Central.... 135% 135% 135% 135% Interbor-Met . 19% 20% 1974 19% 'Jnterbor-Met pf... 5374 55% 63% 64 tntl S Pump pf.. 85% 85% 85% 85% towa Central .... 19% 1974 1 974 1 9% Iowa Central pf. 32% 32% 32% 32% K C Southern .... 34% 35 34% 34% K C Southern pf. 67 67 67 67 Louts & Nash . 145% 146% 145% 146 M. St P & S S M 138 138 138 ’ 138 Mo Pacific .. 62% 54 62 % 53% Mo, K & Tex_ 35Vs 35% 35% 3574 Mo. K & T pf.... 66 67 66 67 National Biscuit. 12474 12574 1 2474 12474 National Lead .. 6774 59 57% 58Vs N Y Central .... 11474 115 11474 115 N Y, O & W. 43 4 3 74 43 43 Norfolk . 10674 10774 10674 106% North American.. 72% 72% 7174 717b Northern Pacific.. 12774 128 126 12774 Pacific Mall. 26 28% 26 28% Pennsylvania -129% 13074 129 130% People’s Gas ..... 107% 10S 10774 107% Pressed S Cal'. 34% 35% 347s 35%' 'Pressed S C pf. Public Service.... 11674 118 116% 113 Ry Steel Sp. 35 37% 35 3774 Reading . 15074 160% 15874 15974 Rep I & S . 347s 36 34% 35 ; Rock Island . 33% 3374 33 % 337* Rock Island pf . 6474 65 6474 6474 Slops-Sheffield ... 54 5474 63 % 547* :4t Louis S W pf. 6774 67 74 66 67', j Southern Pacific . 1207* 121% 120% 120% j Southern Ry . 287* 287« 28 381 „ Southern Rv pf.. 65% 66% 657s 66% Twin City R T 110% 111 11074 111 rhird Ave . 10% 10% 1074 1074 Texas & Pacific •• 28 287* 28 2874 Tol. St L X- W.. 237, 23% 22% 2274 Tol, St L & W pf. 52 5 2 74 62 52 I Union Pacific..... 178% 1807« 17874 17974 United Ry Inv- 447* 45 44% 44% II S Rubber. 4174 4274 4174 4174 | U S StAel.- S»74 8174 8074 8174 If S Steel pf. 130 120*4 120 12074 Wabash \ 1« 1«« Wabash pf. 36% 36% 36 36% Western Union.... 75% 75% -75% 75% Westinghouse El.. 69% 70 69 79 •Ex-dividend. MORE CANADIAN LAND OPENED TO SETTLERS. TORONTO, Feb. 2.—The general pas senger department of the Grand Trunk Pacific has been advised by the Can adian department of the interior at ' Ottawa t,liat approximately 10.800 quar ter sections surveyed in the Grand prairie-Peace river district are now) open for homestead entry. In addition. | it is the intention to subdivide twenty seven more during the present season, | making in all about 15,000 quarter see- | tlons for free homestead entry in 1911 in the Peace river country. A new wagon road has been con structed to the Grande prairie country, a distance of 165 miles from Edson. By this the settler will be able to travel in comparative ease and at slight ex pense from Edson in the course of a week, where the former route via Ed monton and Lesser .Slave lake occu pied several months. The Grand Trunk Pacific is taking means to have adequate transporta tion facilities between Winnipeg, Ed monton and Edson to provide for the largo trnmc expected. ERIE TO ELIMINATE THREE GRADE-CROSSINGS. ALBANY, Feb. 2.—At an estimated j expense of $560,000 the Up-State Public i Service Commission has ordered, the I elimination of three grade-crossing of the Brie railroad in Jamestown. The company will be required to pay one-half of the expenses, the city ono quartcr and the State one-quarter. This was one of the largest applications for grade-crossing eliminations pending be fore tlie comm’sslon. The consideration of the elimination of two additional crossings in James- ; town has been reserved for further j action. UNION PACIFIC MUST PAY RICE SI0.000. NEW YORK. Feb. 2.—Thomas F. j Rice, a former assistant district attor- j ney, recovered a Judgment for $10,000 against the Union Pacific railroad from a jury before Supreme Court Justice Giegerich yesterday for permanent in juries sustained by him in the Union 1 station, Denver, in June, 1908. JANUARY BREAKS BANKRUPTCY RECORD, i NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—United States | Commissioner Gilchrist said yesterday ; that January had more bankruptcies than any month since the bankruptcy j act was tn force. There wero 162 bankruptcy petitions ! filed, which is 23 more than January, 1910, when there were 129 filed. There were 126 in January, 1909; 123 in Jan uary. 1908; 99 in January. 1907, and 125 in January, 1899, the first January after the bankruptcy act was passed. PRICES OF BONDS. The following quotations were fur nished by Post & Flagg: Open.lllgh.Low.Closo Allis-Chalmers 5s. 77% 78% 77% 78 N Y Air Brake 6s 102% 103% 102 102 Am T & T evt 4s 108% 108% 108% 108% Am Tobacco 4s... 83 83% 83 83% Am Tobacco 6s... 106% 106% 106% 106% A, T & S F 4s. 99 99% 99 99 A. T & H F adj 4s 91% . A, T & 8 F con 4s 108% 108% 108% 108% A, T & S F con 6s 110% . Atlantic C L 4s... 94% . Balt & Ohio 4s.... 99 . Brooklyn R T 4s.. 84 84 83% 83% Can So 1st 6s.103% . Cent of Ga 6s...*. 108 . Cent Leather 5s.. 99% . Ches & Ohio 6s... 113 . Ches & Ohio coil.. 96 96% 95% 96% C. B & Q 4s. 96 . Chic* GW 4s... 84% . C, R I & P old 4s 97 . C. R I & P new 4s 74% 74% 74% 74% Colo & South 4s... 9676 . Colo & So 4%s.... 98% .j Dis Co of Am 5s.. 77% 78 77% 78 Erie evt ser A.... 75% . Erie G Mt L 4s... 74% . General Elec cv.. 150 160% 150 15,% Iowa Central 4s... 68% . Interborough 4%s. 79 79% 79 79% Int Paper 6s. 104 . lilt Pump 5s. 93% 93% 93 93 Int M & M 4%s... 68% 68% 68% 6 % K C, F S & M 4s. 78% 78% 78 78 K C Southern 3s. 74 . Lake Shore 3%s... 89% . Manhattan El 4s.. 96% . Mo, K & T 4s. 97% .. . Mo Pacific convt 93 93% 93 93% N Y Central 3%s. 88"j . N Y C & L S 3%s. 80% 80% 80% 80% N Y, O & W 4s.. 96% . Nor & West 4s... 98% . N & West conv 4s 106% . Ore S Line new 4s 93% .. .... Penn, 1915s . 96% .j Reading Gen 4s.. 97% 97% 97% 97% Seaboard adj .... 76% 75% 75% 76% I St L South 1st 4s 90% . St L South consol 77% 78 77% 78 San A & Ar P 4s 87 87% 87 87% So Pac conv 4s... 99 99 98% 99 Southern Ry 5s— 107% . Southern Ry 4s... 77% .. St Paul 4s. 99% .. Union Pac com- 4s 105% 106% 105% 108% U S Steel 8 F 6s 104% 105 104% 104% U S Rubber 6s... 103% 103% 103% 103% Wabash lsts. 109% . Wabash 2ds . 99 . Wabash 4s. 64% 65% 64% 65 West Maryland 4s 86% 86% 86% 86% Westtnghouse cv. 92% . PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET. The following quotations were fur nished by Elsele & King: Bid.Asked American Ry Co . 44% 15 j Cambria Iron . 45 46 ; Cambria Steel . 44% 45 Storage . 65 55% Elec Co of America . 12% 12% E & P 4s . 87% 88 Lehigh Valley ... 89% 90 1-16 Lake Superior Corporation. 31% 31%'' Marsden . % 1 N J Con Tract 5s . 103% - Philadelphia com. 53 Philadelphia, pf. 44 44% Philadelphia Elec. 181- 16%; Philadelphia Elec 4s. 78% 78% Philadelphia Elec 6s. 103% .... Pennsylvania . 64% 65 Philadelphia Tract. 86% 87 Reading .80 1-16 Reading 4s. 97 97% U G 1. 81% 87% Union Traction. 47% 48 U S Steel... 81% 81% Warwick . 10% LOCAL SECURITIES. The bid and asked prices appended are furnished through I'.lsele A Kioto ELECTRIC. GAS, ETC. Rid. Asked. Celluloid Co. 12$ 130 ! Con Tract of N J..... 75 ... j Essex & Hudson Gas. 138 142 Hudson Co Gas. 13C 138 Newark Con Gas. 99 New Jersey Zinc Co. 395 ... Public Service ctfs. 100% 101% Public Service stock. 117 118 Rapid Transit St Hy Co.. 230 Singer Mfg Co. ... 310 South Jersey Gas. 130 132 BANK STOCKS City Trust Co. 160 Essex Co Nat Bank. 30o ... Federal Trust Co.. 207 210 Fidelity Trust Co... . . $00 Ironbound Trust Co....... 200 ... Manufacturers’ Nat Bank. 260 260 Merchants’ Nat Bank. 265 175 Mutual Trust Co Of Orange 165 160 Newark Trust Co. 156 1*0 Nat Newark Banking Co. 390 395 National State Hank. 220 225 North Ward Nat Bank. . . . 365 370 Union National Bank. 400 West Side Trust Co. 240 26* LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. American Fire. 500 ... Colonial Life.. 360 ... Firemen’s Insurance. 460 ... Newark Flro . 815 Prudential . 450 BONDS. Con Tract 1st 5s. 1933. 103% 104% Hudson Co Gas 1st 5s. 1949 103% 104% J C. Hob & Pat 4s, 1949... 76 ‘ 77 Nwk Con Gas con 5s, 1948. 104 105 Nwlt Gas Co 1st Cs. 1944 128 130 N J St Ry 1st 4s. 1948. 76%. 77% O & Pas Vai 1st Bs. 1998 92 * 95 Pub Ser Gen Moet 5a, 195 9 95 96 So Jersev Gas 1st 5s. 1953. 97 98% United Elec Co 1st 4s. 1949 78% 79 SOUTHERN PEA PRICES OPEN UP STRONG. NEW 1'ORK, Feb. 3.—It was stated yesterday through a local canned goods broker that several of the country puckers In the Soulh have opened prices on 1911 pack. The packers are said not to bo offering freely , however One packer quotes as follows In No. 2 cans: Petit pois. No. 1 sieve, $1.35; extra fancy sifted. No. 2 sieve, $1.20; extra sifted. No. 3 sieve, 87% cents; sifted. No. 4 sieve, 77% cents, and standard, No. 5 sieve, 70 cents per dozen f. o. b. factory less 1% per cent., Baltimore rate of freight guaranteed to buyers. So far as can be learned, no Balti more packers are In the market on future peas, and they are not likely to be for some time. In connection with the prices named a broker said yesterday: "The prices named look at tractive, and on the basis quoted there shou d be a good deal of interest shown. The situation In peas is ex ceedingly strong, and the way In which dealers have taken hoto of Western and State futures Is warrant for the belief that a good business will be done In Southern 1911 pack." FINANCIAL NOTES. The Increased wage scale by which motormen and conductors on the Phila delphia and West Chester Traction Company will receive an advance of one cent per hour went into effect yes terday. The minimum rate is twenty one cents per hour for employees less than six months in (he servico and twenty-four cents for those In the service more than four years Directors will be elected at the an nual meeting of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain railroad, which will be held at the office of the com pany, In the North American building at Philadelphia on February 7 The Breakwater Company, of Phila delphia, has been awarded a contract for the construction of a breakwab r and sand catcher at the north end of the Cape Cod canal. In Barnstable bay. Mass. The estimated cost of the work is $965,000. John N. Jacobs has been elected vice president of the Doylestown National Bank. The Farmers’ State Bank, of Hallam. Pa., capitalized at $25 000, opened for business yesterday with W. O, Blessing as cashier There were some wide swings in prices at auction yesterday, advancer being made of 28 points in First Mort gage Guarantee and Trust Company 12 in Northern National Bank 5% In Textile National Bank and declines of 17% In Central National Bank and 8 In Pennsylvania Fire Insurance. Arthur Upper & Co. have opened a new office in Atlantic City, in the Sea side block, on the boardwalk. The new Studebaker corporation is to take over the wagon plant of the ! Studebaker company at South Bend j and the automobile p'ant at Detroit of the E. M. F. company. At the annual election of the Federai | Light and Traction Company, in New York, M. D. Thatcher was elected a director, to succeed Dunlevv Mllbank. Other directors were reelected. Directors of the Frank'ord, Tacony and Holmesburg Street Railway Com pany have been reelected. Directors of the Pennsylvania Rail road Compgnv declared the regular quarterly dividend of 1% rer cent., pay able February 28 to stockholders of record February 4. The offering of $1*1,811,000 Reading company and Phllade'phia and Read ing Coal and Iron general mor'gage is. issued for the purpose of refunding the outstanding consolidated mortgage 0s and 7s, due in June, was eagerly sub scribed for In Philadelphia. SALT COMPANY RECEIVER. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 2.—| Judge Denison, of the United States : Court, has appointed the Michigan Trust Company, of Grand Rapids, re ceiver for the R. G. Peters Sait and Lumber Comport), of Manistee, and for If. G. Peters. Tile liabilities approx!- I mate $2,000,000 and the assets are be- 1 lleved to be $500,000 in excess of these | but are widely scattered. THE PRODUCE MARKET. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—Butter—Firmer; receipts, 6,426; creamery specials, 28; extras, 26*926%; State dairy, common to finest, 179*26. Cheese—Steady, unchanged; receipts, L969. Eggs—Easy; receipts, 10,881; fresh gathered selected extras, -2(8*23; do. first. 21; refrigerator seconds. 14@15 J Essex County Park Bonds. I per cent. C9.020.0n Harrison Funding Bonds, 4 per cont. 68,310.00 Borough of Vailsburg Bonds (Newark), 4% per cent. 65,400.00 City of Hoboken Bonds. 4 per cent. 60,500.00 United N. J. R. R. & Canal Bonds, 4 per cent. 63,000.00 Hoboken School Bonds, 4 per cent. 61,000.00 City of Paterson Bonds, 4 per cent. 51,000.00 Jersey City Hospital Bonds. 4 per cent. 60,750.00 East Orange School Bonds, 4 per cent. 51,000.00 Hudson County Almshouse Bonds, 4 per cent. 51,500.00 Essex County Bonds, 4 per cent. 61,500.00 Town of Kearny Town Hall Bonds, 4% per cent. 61,750.00 Town of Guttenberg Refunding Bonds, 6 per cent. 55,000.00 Raritan River Railroad Bonds. 5 per cent. 50,400.00 Essex County Court. House Bonds, 4 per cent. 41,000.00 Town of Kearny School Bonds, 414 per cent. 41,516.00 Town of Carlstadt Sewer Bonds, 4 % per cent. 41,200.00 Borough of Garfield Water Bonds, 6 per cent. 41,340.00 Morris and Essex Railroad Bonds, 7 per cent. 42,310.00 Town of Harrison School Bonds, 4% per cent. 31,050.00 County of Hudson Park Bonds, 4 per cent. 25,750.00 Borough of Garfield Water Bonds, 6 per cent... 26,500.00 United States Bonds, 4 per cent.. 30,000.00 City of East Orange Bonds, 4 per cent. 23,460.00 Orange School Bonds, 4 per cent. ... 17,255.00 City of Rahway Bonds, 4 per cent. 16,000.00 Town of Kearny Funding Bonds, 4% per cent. 9,270.00 City of Perth Amboy Bonds, 4 per cent. 8,000.00 Jersey City Bonds, 4 per cent. 8,000.00 Essex County War Bonds, 4 per cent. 4,000.00 Banking House . 227,000.00 Interest due and accrued on Mortgages. 51,887.34 Interest accrued on Bonds. 13,738.68 Taxes and Insurance advanced on Mortgages. 162.72 Cash on Hand and in Banks, close Dec. 31st, 1910.. 431,598.71 T6j9 7.18 0745* LIABILITIES Due Depositors . . .$5,754,506.89 Interest due Depositors. 101,112.60 Surplus ... 3 41,560^96 T67l97;i80T45« Interest Paid to Depositors During the Year 1910 .. $197,942.38 ■ || July 1, 1910 . $96,829.78 Jan. 1. 1911 ..101,112.60 $197,942.38 | OFFICERS |p GOTTFRIED KRUEGER, President. JOHN FISCHER, First Vice-President. MICHAEL T. BARRETT, Second Vice-President. WM. G. TRAUTWEIN, Secretary and Treasurer. TRUSTEES MICHAEL T. BARRETT AUG. F. EGOERS WM. F. HOFFMANJf ffl | ENGLAND TO BUILD NEW RAILROAD IN PANAMA. COLON. Feb. 2.—Ratification of ft contract between the Panama govern ment and the Balboa and Pacific Es tates, Ltd., of London, Is expected in the Panama Assembly, providing for a railroad from end to end of the re public. This is the project long con sidered under the title of the "Darien Line.” It is to open up the virgin country on the Pacific slope, and will parallel that coast. One day it is ex pected to become an important link in the inevitable lailroad linking North and South America. THE CHICAGO MARKET. CHICAGO, Feb. 2.—There was a gen eral scramble to buy wheat today upon receipt of news that the Liverpool mar | ket had risen because of the firmness I on this side and for the reason that forecasts of Argentine shipments were smaller than expected. Furthermore, the oiliclal estimates of the Argentine surplus were maintained at low figures. It was believed, however, that Indian shipments this week would bo larger and there were reports of free offers from Russia. The opening here was 74 ©Vi to %®V4 higher. May started at 967« to 97© 9774, a gain of ’4 to 64@74. and steadied at 9674. In corn speculative sentiment leaned to the bull side. Large clearances and comparatively small receipts were the main factors. May opened 74 to %®Ms up at 50V4 to 60%(8V4. but reacted to 50V4@V4 Oats advanced on covering by corn traders, who had sold short too heavily during the previous session. May start ed 74® 74 to 74®?4 higher at 33»4 to ,374, falling back later to r>3V4®74 Ifog products acted a little firmer with grain and because of good buying on the part of packets. First sales were unchanged to 27i®5 higher with May options at 18.12>4 to 18.15 for pork, 9.75 to 9.777*. for lard und 9.70 for ribs. — THE LONDON MARKET. LONDON, Feb. 3.—American securi ties opened steady and a fraction higher today. Prices eased ofT later and at noon showed irregular, ranging from % below to % above yesterday’s close. New York bid up Amalgamated Cop per In the late trading, causing a steady closing NEW COAL MOVEMENT RECORD. PITTSBURG. Pa., Feb. 2.—According to statistics made public yesterday the shipments of coal down the Ohio dur ing January totaled 602,965 tons, estab lishing a new month's record THE COTTON MARKET.' NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—The cotton market opened easy at a decline of 6 to 9 points on old crop months and of 2 to 5 points on new crop positions in response to disappointing Liverpool cables. Local operators seemed to be selling rather aggressively on tha call, and while there appeared no change of importance in the Texas drouth situa tion the new crop reflected realizing by recent buyers. Around 14.85 for May there seemed sufficient demand to check the decline, however, and prices later ruled irregular within a compara tively narrow range. Bullish Southern spot advices and re ports of very little cotton remain n : unsold in the Interior may have helped the rally of 3 of 4 points from th early low level, but trading was very quiet late in the forenoon, and the market was no better than steady, w th prices ruling some 3 to 6 points net lower at midday. The market was quiet during the early afternoon, but ruled steady, with prices easing off to a net loss of about 6@8 points under scattered offerings, most of which were for local account Southern spot markets were generally unchanged. THE PROVISION MARKET. NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—Flour dull and lower to effect sales. Rye—Dull. Wheat—Selling a shade higher early on firm cables estimate for small Ar gentine shipments tomorrow and light Southwest receipts, wheat soon reacted under big Increase In Minneapolis stocks and commission house May, 102*4(8 102%: July, 100%. Pork—Easy; family, 22.50(823.50: short clear, 19.5!»!, 22.00. Beef—Steady. Lard—Easy; middle West, 9.954*10.05 nominal. Sugar—Raw firm; muscovado, 89 test', [ 2.95; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.45. Molasses, 89 test, 2.70. Refined sugar steady. Petroleum—Steady. i Coffee—Spot easy; Rio No. 7, 12%; Santos No. 4, 13%. Molasses—Steady Hay—Quiet. UTAH COPPER ADDS SHOVELS. BINGHAM, Utah. Feb. 1.—The Utah Copper Company has Increased Its bat tery of steam shovels by the addition of two new ones and two new engines, bringing the total shovels now at work I to twenty. One shovel with the teeth in good condition can grind up 20,009 yards of dirt a month, and the Utah Copper makes every endeuvor to keep this equipment In llrst-c ass shape. An average of two steam shovels is kept on ore, tho balance removing over burden. The major portion of this stripping effort is given to the old Boston Consolidated acreage > CANADIANS IN ROW OVER RECIPROCITY. OTTAWA. Ont.. Feb. 2.—The meet ing ot the House of Commons commit tee on agriculture broke up in a ow as a result of a statement made by Mr. Johnson, a leading member of the Conservative party, and one of the best-known fruit growers in Canada, who appeared before the committee and stated that the adaptation of the reciprocity agreement with the United States would be a One thing for the Ontario fruit growers instead of a dam age to them as many of them have re cently asserted. The statement created such confu sion that Mr. Johnson's remarks were expunged from the records. The Conservative party is holding a caucus tonight to settle the policy of the party on reciprocity. The party is divided on the subject. CONTRACTS FILED. These contracts were tiled in the [county clerk's office today; J. Burns, owner, with J. Benoit, con | tractor, carpenter work, $900; 646 sum mer avenue, J, and Elizabeth Hammesfahr. own ers, with D. Bender, contractor, all work, $6,800; 38-40 Dawson avenue. H. Steinleln, owner, with Payne Brothers, contractors, Iron work, $794; 499 Orange street. E. Friedman, owner, with J. Shachat, contractor, plumbing work, $1,175; 94-96 Fafcyan place. Same owner with S. Glasner, contractor, mason and carpen ter work, $7,000; same premises. E. Hlnck, owner, with M. Sigler, con tractor, carpenter work, $9,296; Melrose place, Montclair. J. Magin, owner, with S. Miller, con tractor, plumbing work, $515; 32 Rich street, Irvington. Same owner with C. Schwartz, contractor, mason work, $945; same premises. Same owner, with Alflce & Henni, contractors, carpenter work, $1,946; same premises. Same owner with W. Buchanan, contractor, painting work, $169; same premises. Euatice Brothers, owners, with C. Mc Guire, contractor, plumbing work. $268; 350-352 Halsey street. Katherine Ludwig, owner, with Lud wig & Wright, contractors, all work, $4,000: 34 Fortieth street, Irvington. Frederick Scheper, owner, with It, /Seitler. contractor, plumbing work, $675; Waverly avenue and Prince street. Same owner with Axel Brothers, con tractors, mason, carpenter and painting work, $2,950; same premises. J. and A. Osborne, owners, with G. Miller, contractor, carpenter, mason and painting work, $1,165; 322 North Stephens street, Belleville. ST VII WV vr Alls BRING IIKSIXTS. Pa Byrne & McDtmill Members of N. Y. Stock ISxchange 776 Broad St.f Newan, N, J. WILLIAM F. KING MANAGER. TELEPHONE 1HOO MARKET OFFICE 52 Broatva/, New Yurt CharlesA.Stonsham&Co IWin'nq Curb Brokers 54 Brad Street, New fork SPECIALISTS IN ALL LISTED AND UtLBTEJ *E UNIT ES Up-to-date repot ts (SENT FREE) oontNltrliitc latent authentic In formation on any stock you may be interested In. ESTABLISHED lS«t. WARREN N. TRlh ELL & 00. Deaten in S*mVs an1 Minis Bank, Oa» and Insurance Stock* a Specialty. Hlfh-grTade Investment Securities. 780 BrtOAJ ^>T«<- T STF AMSHIPS. j Are You Ooinq to Europe, Bermuda Florida or vV*at tfid ©i ? Be*, accommodation reserved Imme dlate'y. AGENTS t OR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. Pleasure Cruises everywhere. Drafts. letters of redit and Traveler* Checks at lowest rates. Passport* secured in 48 hours. , JOS. Iff. BYRNE CO. ^776 Broad St.. Newark. M. J./ , . ...