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Home I home EDITION 11 EDITION .l^——■—-I I ■ I I !■ > I I ■ . - ONE CENT ONE CENT . ESTABLISHED 1832. S NEWARK. N. J., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7. 1914.-20 PAGES « WEATHER; PROBABLY FAIR SUNDAY. N. -r—=sam ■ . - ■ ■ .. .. ....... ;MEE ESCAPE f1 iRest of Crew Remain Aboard the Queen Louise on Man t asquan Reef. feUl)ffi)ING INSTRUMENTS LOST OVERBOARD IN FOG 6teeringGear Broke and Vessel Was Helpless—Chinese Mu tiny Story Denied. V (Special to the Newark Star.] MANASQtJAN, Feb. 7.—In the im penetrable fog that hung over the At lantic coast early today the English tramp steamer Queen Louise, bound from Cardiff, Wales, for New York, grounded on a reef off the coast here shortly after 5 a. m. Despite the hopes of her captain and crew that Bhe can be floated with the high tide late this afternoon, sea captains of this place and others familiar with the nature of the sands along this coast have little hope that the vessel will be gotten off Intact. The captain’s knowledge of the ac cident was meagre, but he said that they had drifted for several hours with a broken steering gear. It is be lieved that the terrific sea of yester day broke, the steering apparatus, and they drifted at the mercy of the sea ■until washed ashore here in the dark- j ness of early mornirig. It was 5:30 o'clock this morning when the life-savers of the 'Squan Beach station saw her distress sig nals. Captain Andrew Longstreet and his crew shot out a line to them and by daylight they were ready to 1 take* the men ashore. Three boys were Beift in first. One carried a cable gram for transmission to the shlp'a office. Thomas Dunlap & Sons, Glas gow, Scotland, notifying them of the grounding of the vessel on the New Jersey coast. Captain Longstreet, of the life-sav-* lng station, went out to the vessel in the breeches buoy and held a con ference with Captain McDonqugh, at ■which the latter decided to stick to thSl ship with his men until they are forced to leave her. A wrecking crew will arrive here this afternoon. Sea men declare the vessel is sinking into the shifting sands so rapidly that it will require a strong northeast or northwest storm to move the sands from her sides before she can be float ed again. The opinion is borne out ! by life-savers. Men in No Danger. The accident occurred less than a | quarter of a mile from the J<£ene of i the disaster of last March, where the j barken tine Antioch, loaded with lum- i ber, came ashore and was broken to , pieces, after her crew of seven men bad been rescued in a breeches buoy. The crev* of the stranded steamer liumbers twenty-one men. and all are i ®ager to stay aboard and assist the wreckers In their efforts to float her this ' anerYmbn. Captain txm^8tr®ot reported that while the s*as were hitting her hard the men were In no^ Immediate danger and would be safe* aboard until high tide at least. High seas are pounding against her side and washing over her deck. The vessel is commanded by Captain Da vid McDonough, and is loaded with tinplate consigned to the Standard Oil L Company of New York. Her position lis xlangerou.s, as she lies between the Mirier and outer bars broadside to the Ifea. She is headed north and the life savers are puzzled as to her course. Sullen she grounded she was appar ently making north along the coast, thirty miles south of Sandy Hook and tier proper path. The only explanation V her difficulties was secured from otn* of the boys who were brought ashore in the breeches buoy this morning. ‘‘‘To the heavy mist and fog at high tid£ this morning the vessel ran head on over the outer bar off the beach and landed high up near the shore. Her position is not more than 500 feet off tin? riffe range. The first that life saving stations knew of her peril was at 5 o’clock this morning wl^en rockets streaked skyward through the darkness and her siren DR. WILEY’S FIGHT Board of Food'and Drug Inspec | tion Abolished by Secre , ,t tary Houston. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—The Board of Food and Drug inspection in the department of agriculture, which often was the centre of attack by Dr. j Harvey W. Wiley, former chief chemist, has been abolished by Sec retary Houston. At the department of agriculture it pvas said the board bad been abolished In the interest of efficiency and economy. Dr. Carl Alsberg, who sue-1 ceeded Dr. Wiley as pure food chief, i wiJJ decide the appeals that formerly | went to the board. He will be assist ed by Dr. R. L. Emerson, of Boston. Dr- Wiley hotly attacked the pure food board in unmeasured terms at various stages of his administration, .declaring its operations hampered ad | ministration of the spirit of the pure [ food laws. Unc|er the new plan the enforcement of the pure food law will virtually be entrusted to one man. That was what Dr. Wiley contended for. Miss Gaynor Christens New Municipal Ferryboat CAMDEN, Feb- 7.—The municipal ferryboat Mayor Gaynor, built for the department of docks and ferries, New (‘York city, was launched today at the New York Shipbuilding Company’s yards here. The boat was christened by Miss Helen Gaynor, daughter of the late mayor. Martine Opposes Wilson’s Canal Policy and Says So | Special to the Newark Star.! WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—Senator Martine does not take kindly th Presi dent Wilson’s suggestion to ablte the Panama tolls. He said to The Star representative today: ”1 consider this,a sop to England, and much as I admire the President, 1 must disagree with his attitude in ^hls matter." FISH COMBINATION FEARS HEARING SOON TO BE HELD BY CONGRESS COMMITTEE Endeavor to Learn What Evidence May Be Produced to Show , That Trust Is Boosting Food Prices. The fact that there is to be a Congressional committee hearing at Wash ington on two bills concerning the conservation of food flsh has caused a stir among the wholesale flsh dealers of New York. They do not know what evi dence will be brought to show {hat there is a trust or combination con trolling the catch made along the Jersey coast. The Star representatives have been asked a number of questions regard ing this hearing. To all appearances the questions have been sent through innocent parties at the instigation of those opposed to any attempt to con serve the flsh supply. The requests have been met with a blunt refusal, because every question will be found answered in the articles published in these columns ever since the campaign started. For any particular information as to what might take place the writers of the letters are referred to the Congressional com mittee on merchant marine and fisheries, as The Star is not authorized to speak for it, but The Star will state that the hearing is, like all similar hear ings, open to the public, and those for or opposed to the bill will no doubt be heard. One of the readers of The Star in stating his approval of the bills has called the attention of this paper to the fact that the State Fish and Game Commission is about to adver tise for seventy-five tons of fish with which to feed the trout, bass, salmon trout and other species that are being raised at the State hatchery at Hackettstown and he wants to know if it will be necessary for the State of New Jersey to purchase this sup ply from the fish trust of New York. State In Peculiar Situation. What a peculiar situation confronts us, exclaims this writer. Just think of ^buying 150,000 pounds of fish at a cost of perhaps fifteen cents a pound from the middleman, who has only paid the fishermen of New Jersey two and •a--- I one-half cents a pound for it, when in fact the courts of the State and country have in handing down de cisions, declared that the fish of New Jersey belong to the people of the State and not to any individual; that the State can regulate its sale even after it has been caught. I He also points to the fact that if the State of New Jersey, through its Hoard of Fish and Game Commission ers, or any other body appointed by the Governor, were to control the sale of the food fish supply there would be a saving of at least $20,000 in the purchase of the food for use at the hatchery alone, after the State *i_— <Continued on I'agc 3, Column 0.) (Governor Offers Him Daniels’s | Place and He Is Said to Have Accepted. I Special to the Newark Star.] TRENTON, Feb. 7.—It was learned here today that Governor Fielder ha* picked Johti J. Treacy, former mem I ber of the Assembly and former judge of the Court of Errors and Appeals, for the position on the ^Public Utility Commission, to be left vacant soon by the resignation of Winthrop M. Daniels. According to information originating from accurate sources, Governor Fielder offered the position to Treacy. who after a short consid eration informed him that he would ! accept. I No definite information can yet he ! had,, as the official appointment can I not be made until Mr. Daniels re | signs to become a member of the In i terstate Commerce Commission. His | appointment by President Wilson is I now pending ih the United States i Semrtei--Hovernor Fielder refuses to i say anything about his selection of [Treacy. I Mr. Treaty acted as Governor Field er's campaign manager during the primary campaign and at the general elections, and enjoyed an intimate re lationship with the executive. His appointment, it Is said, was favored bv former Mayor H. Otto Wlttpenn. The selection of Treacy to the com mission was said to be a recognition of the fact that the most Important questions relating to public utilities exist in Hudson and Essex and will give to one of the two most populous counties of the State a representa tive on the commission for the first time.— I John J. Treacy is forty years oia and a lawyer in Jersey City. He was a member of the Assembly in 1902 and in 1903 and leader of the Demo cratic minority during the latter year. ! He was active as one of the advisers of Woodrow Wilson when the latter was elected governor and assisted him in the election law reforms of 1911. In December of that year Governor Wilson appointed him to the Court j of Errors and Appeals following the i resignation of Judge Mark A. Sulli van, and nominated him again for a full term the next month. He re signed last year. Besides being *a lawyer in this State. Mr. Treacy Is also a member of the New York bar, and was for some years associated | with a law nrm of which the late ! Speaker Thomas B. Reed was a mem j ber. Cummins and LaFollette Fight His Appointment for Pas saic Gas Decision. WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.—Opposi tion to the confirmation of Professor Wlnthrop Moore Daniels, of New Jer sey. as a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission, exists in the Democratic party, as well as in the Republican. The opposition led by Senator Cummins and supported by Senator DaFollette Is founded upon the attitude of Mr. Daniels, as chair man of tho Board of Utility Commis sioners of New Jersey, in the Pas saic Gas Company case. Those opposing Mr. Daniels’s con firmation say the commissioners made a valuation of the concern’s property. It set forth the valuation of the physical property and added thereto the valuation of franchises and other Intangible property, .so that upon the total amount of the valuation the rate fixed by the body would yield a return of 8 per cent, to the company, not upon the capital actually invested or represented by stock, but upon this valuation. Had the valuation not been swelled by the inclusion of intangible prop erty, it Is contended a much lower charge for gas would have yielded an 8 per cent, return on the capital. It Is charged that the rate finally al lowed actually gave the company a much larger profit than 8 per cent. The decision also asserted that the company should he allowed an 8 per cent, return upon the money ex pended in acquiring additional bust ness. Other opposition to both Mr. Dan iels and Henry Clay Hall, the other commissioner selected by the Presi dent, is that they are reactionary Democrats. While there will be some little preliminary skirmish both men I finally will be confirmed, it is believed here. Second Ward Representative Has Left the City and His Friends Are Mystified. Friends of Alderman Frank Diener, of the Second ward, are much mysti fied over his disappearance from the city. He has not been seen since early yesterday. His furniture has been re moved from his former home over the saloon which he had conducted at 25 Green street and is now in storage. His family have also gone from his former home. It was reported at the meeting of the poor and alms committee Thurs day night that the alderman was vis iting friends in Morris county. To !day, however, there weie reports i around the City Hall to the effect that I he was en route for Denver. It was I Alderman Frank Dlener. not generally known until recently that the alderman had removed from the Second Ward, for he had contin ued to hold his seat in the council as alderman from the Second. The Green street saloon is in the Fourth Ward. It was generally understood that he was proprietor of the Green street saloon, having purchased the business from James Donnelly. Raymond Ja cobus, the bartender, however, says that Donnelly still owns the business. Rockefeller Quits Ohio, but Officials Prepare Fight to Make Him Pay Tax Bill CLEVELAND, O., Feb. 7.—With John D. Rockefeller in New York, where he went from here yesterday afternoon. Deputy State Tax Com missioners John D. Fackler and Wtll iai-n Agnew- said today they would take no action to list Rockefeller’s $900,000,000 personal property on the Cuyahoga county duplicate here un til Monday. Today marks the ex piration of the time provided by law for Rockefeller to voluntarily list his property here in compliance with the demand made by the tax officials upon him last Monday. Fackler and Agnew plan to place all the oil king’s securities they can find on the duplicate. The prospective legal fight over trying to make him pay taxes in this State is not expect ed to come until next December, when the tax will be due for collection. Rockefeller’s attorney, Virgl P. Kline, would make no comment to day upon his millionaire client’s de parture or its connection with the tax matter. • TARRYTOWN. N. Y.. Feb. 7.— John D. Rockefeller arrived today for an indefinite stay at his estate in the Pocantico Hills. Mrs. Rockefeller re mained in Cleveland. Wilson Names Postmasters for Seven Jersey Towns WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—The Presi dent sent to the Senate yesterday nominations ol- a large number of postmasters In nearly every State In the Union. Among them were the following: New Jersey — Gloucester City. Thomas J. Foley; Uambertville, James A Clary: Uawrenceville, An drew F. Sout; Raritan, William Slat tery; Somerville, William E. Max well; Sussex, R. J. Quince; Williams town, Howard J. Tombleson. Hillside Park. leader skating avery Sunday.—Adv. WOMAN CONFESSES SLAYING RIVAL. _THEN DIES, A SUICIDE FROM POISON Scene of Crime and Murder Victim •; HI REFUSED Declares Mr. Armitage Should Have Taken Action Earlier if Sale Was Unconstitutional. Chief Justice William S. Qumimrc today refused to grant a writ of cer tiorari to Franklin W. Fort, repre senting John L. Armitage, president of the Woodrow Wilson League, in which the latter sought the right to review the action of the Common Council of the city of Newark In sell ing $700,000 in market bonds to Adame & Co., of New York, at private sale on January 5 last. As soon as Chief Justice Gummere had refused to allow the writ Mr. Fort announced that he would make appli cation to the Supreme Court within a few days for the wrtt'and would urge its issuance in the higher court. Chief Justice Gummere's refusal to grant the writ came at the end of,al | most two hours of argument between i Mr. Fort and City Attorney Herbert Boggs. Tt.^ r^fyJa-i was couched in i rather strong language. ; The chief Justice called attention to the fact that Mr. Armitage had waited until almost two months after the first steps in connection with the bond sale had been taken before he came before the courts with a plea for re lief on the ground that his rights as a taxpayer would be Injured by the sale of the bonds. He further pointed out that at the time the application for a writ of cer tiorari was made, the sale of the bonds had been consummated and that some of the bonds, at least, by this time were in the hands of innocent pur chasers. Should Have Taken Action Earlier. After first dismissing the claim ad vanced by Mr. Fort that the act cov ering the sale of the bonds was un constitutional, the chief justice con tinued. and addressing Mr. Fort said: “If Mr. Armitage thought the act under which the bonds were issued was unconstitutional, why didn’t he come into court when the action was started, instead of waiting for almost two months? “If the law is unconstitutional to day, it was on December 1, 1913, or during the first week of December, When the first steps looking to the sale of these bonds took place. What is Mr. Armitage's explanation of the delay? I have heard none. So, in my Judgment, he cannot now claim that the law is unconstitutional. "One reason advanced for the up setting of this bond sale is that a smaller amount was received at the private sale than would have been received had the bonds been sold on the bids that had been received for them. The time to take steps to stop the sale of the bonds by private sale was immediately after the resolution au thorizing such sale was taken early (Continued on Page 7. Column 5.) TYPHOID VICTIM Public Printer and ex-Assem blyman from Hudson Not Se riously III, However. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—Cornelius Ford, formerly member of the As sembly from Hudson county in the New Jersey Legislature, and now public printer, is ill at the George town Hospital with typhoid fever. Contrary to reports circulated yester day, following his removal to the hospital, that he was seriously ill, it was learned today that his case is not serious and that wdth proper care and attention his recovery is as-1 sured. Mr. Ford became ill about a week ago, and at the time it was thought malaria was the cause of the trouble Mr. Ford has fared somewhat simi larly to a number of northerners who come to Washington, where 'here is much typhoid fever throughout the year despite the efforts of public health officials to 6tamp it out. £ northerner who spends the sum mer here, if he has never had typhoid fever before, is likely to suffer an attack in the late fall or early win ter. Mr. Ford’s family is not in the least worried about him, but it may be a month or two, however, before he is able to return to his official duties as head of the government printing office. Venice Itallan-Amerlean Restaurant, 126 Market street. Table d'hote, dinners and lunch. Open all night. Grand cabaret show from 8 p. m.—Ad». I ’ — MRS. HARRIET MANNING OPPOSES AWARD ON MAYOR’S LAND Citizen Voices Objection to Ap praisal in Matter of Branford Place Extension. Objection to the confirmation of the award made to Mayor Jacob Hauss lingr by the assessment commissioners for his property in Arlington street, which will be used for the extension of Branford place, was made in the Circuit Court today. Joshua Brierley, undertaker, was ! the objector. Through his counsel, Clyde D. Souter, he declared that it l was illegal for the assessment com ! miss loners to appraise the property of | (he mayor, who appointed them to; I their offices. Because of the objection. Judge j Frederic Adams, on motion of George J Carpenter, of the city law depart | ment, postponed the confirmation of the remaining awards against which there are no objections. The report of the assessment commissioners con taining the .awards will be submitted to the court again next Saturday. Although the time for filing objec tions had expired on January 27, nothing was heard of Mr. Brierley's protest until this morning. Mr. Car penter at first argued against allow ing the objection to stand, but Judge Adams thought that a special order could be made giving Mr. Brierley time to prepare his plaint and file it with the court and the city attorney. | The court expressed grave doubt that any one but those to whom the award was made could object. He asked Mr. Souter for his authority, for his claim that a taxpayer could protest. Souter pointed out that laws J passed in 1912 bearing upon the open j ing of streets, and providing for paving the expense by the city at large, made a taxpayer vitally in terested. Mr. Souter’s motion was to the ef fect that the assessment commission ers be required to produce affirmative proof that the awards made to the mayor and to the Haussling Soda Apparatus Manufacturing Company, in which he is interested, are fair. Judge Adams said he doubted that he had the jurisdiction to act out side of the legality of the report. In his opinion he could not rule as to the propriety of the assessment com missioners making the awards to the person who appointed them, he stated. The matter, he thought, was one that should be taken before the Su preme Court to be reviewed on cer tiorari proceedings, if at all, but nevertheless he signed the order granting counsel one week to file written objections. The awards to the mayor totaled $48,60'* on property on Arlington and Nicholson streets and to the com pany of which he is the head $25,000 for property on Arlington street. The mayor’s property is at Nos. 48, 50 and 52 Nicholson street and 22 Ar lington street, with a small strip at 45 Nicholson street. The other prop erty is at 24 Arlington street. The total awards made for the opening of the ne^ street amount to $996,850. About a half dozen objec tions have been filed. Wilson Signs Bill Ending Washington’s Tenderloin WASHINGTON, Feb. 7.—President Wltaon today signed the Kenyon bill abolishing Washington's segregated district. ZERD WEATHERS Storm Warnings Ordered Up All Along Coast—To Stay Two or Three Days. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. — Cold weather, sweeping eastward, spread its frosty blanket over the Ohio Val ley and the upper L»ake region today, with promise of bringing the lowest temperatures of the year. Storm warnings ordered up all along the Atlantic coast from Dela ware Breakwater to Eastport. Me., heralded the cold wave, which, by all predictions, will be over the Atlantic coast district and the lower Dake re gion by tonight, and will stay over Sunday. Zero temperatures ^throughout the Missouri valley and the Plains States, being pushed along eastward, are ex pected to make it very cold and clear for the next two or three days, ex cept in the lower lake regions and northern New England, where snows wrere expected. Generally fair weather was predicted elsewhere. The weather bureau's little white flag with the black square in the cen tre was fluttering off its silent mes sage, “cold wave,” from all the sta tions in the East today. WIRELESS SEEKS LOST RESCUE TUG WASHINGTON. Feb. 7.—Wireless calls were sputtering out from the big navy towers at Arlington to the fronzen fields of the New Foundland coast searching for the tug Potomac, lost in the ice* after an unsuccessful attempt to rescue the crews of the fishing schooners Hiram Lowell and Francis Willard. The heavy ice packs in the Bay of Islands turned the sturdy Potomac back from her work of rescue after days of useless smashing at the frozen fields that hold the Lowell and the Wrtllard prisoners, so she left the bay for North Sydney Thursday night and should have put into port yes terday. When the tug was not heard from todav navy officers said there was no cause for alarim but put the wireless feeling for her. They thought she merely had been delayed making her way through the heavy ice in the Straits. The jam. however, probably will be the salvation of the crew’s of the im prisoned fishing schooners. Officials here are not concerned for their safety, saying if their ships are crushed in the pack they easily can make their way to shore over the ice. Captain and Crew of y Five Rescued in Wreck NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 7.—Rescued from their water-logged-vessel-off the Nova Scotia coast after a series of hurricanes had stripped her of masts and burst open seams, Captain John B. White and crew of five, of the British schooner Tobeatic, arrivede here yesterday aboard the German tanker Leda. They told a story of a week’s fight for life when they ex pected every hour to be their last. The Leda took the Tobeatic’s crew ofT January 27. In the opinion of that vessel’s crew the abandoned ship had but a short time to remain afloat. * / Hazel Herdman, Twenty-one, Expires in Mountain side Hospital, Montclair, After Admitting She Shot Mrs. Harriet Manning Because Latter Had Refused to Give Up Husband to Her. The mysterious shooting to death of Mrs. Harriet Manning last night in her home, at 219 Warren street, this city, was cleared up today. Miss Hazel Herdman, twenty-one years of age, confessed that she was the murderer. She died at 8 o'clock this afternoon in the Mountainside Hospital, at Montclair, from poison. She made the confession when told that she must die. The Herdman woman’s home was with her parents. in the Pompton turnpike, Verona, near Cedar Grove. Herfather. Arthur J. Herdman, con ducts a hotel and is well known in that section. It was admitted by Miss Herdman, | in her confession, that she shot and killed Mrs. Manning because of jeal ousy. She said she desired to marry' Charles I. Manning, husband of her victim. She was in love with him. sh* admitted. He has not been living with his wife of late. Manning con ducts a garage in Verona. e< late Miss Herdman called on Mrs. Manning in this city for the purpose of trying to induce her to obtain a divorce. Mrs. Mannin®- each time refused. She said that on sev eral of her visits she begged Mrs. Manning to take legal action. It is understood that the Herdman girl left her home to run away with a man named Manning in September, 1910. At that time it was reported that Manning was married and had just separated from his wife. Miss Herdman has not been living w’ith her parents for several years. She lived in New York until a short time ago, when she returned to Mont clair. The first information that she might have figured in the Newark • tragedy came this forenoon when the I Bloomfield authorities sent in a call for an ambulance. A young woman was reported in i QUELL UPRISING Capital Quiet After Discovery of Armed Plot to Over throw Government. MEXICO CITY, Fab. 7,-The federal capital was quiet today. The author ities had feared that conspirators against the administration would at tempt an armed uprising, but no out break occurred. Troops guarded the palace, the ar senal and the artillery barracks throughout the night as the result of last night’s reports that conspirators had planned a coup d’etat against the government on General Huerta. For a time last night considerable excitement was caused by the ac tivity of the soldiers and by a report that an outbreak had actually oc curred in Guadalupe, a suburb seven miles northeast of the capital, where fighting was said to be in progress. Telephone mesages today, however, failed to confirm the rumors of fight ing. It was thought that the fact that troops had been hurriedly sent to the suburb, in accordance with military plans to be in readiness for a possible uprising, was responsible for the Guadalupe reports. General Bianquet. minister of war, j and other of the military officers in 1 command in the capital, were in con J ference during the night and it was naturally assumed that the military activity that ensued was an outcome | of their talk. Officially it was de nied. however, that the meeting was j held to consider any plot. Reports about the capital were that J 2,500 police in the capital were in I volved in the plot and that they had ! pledged themselves to revolt with I certain of the troops. The beginning of the new revolt, ’ according to the reports, was fixed for j February 9. the anniversary of the beginning of the ten days' bombard ment of the capital by the rebels ! last year, which was followed by the death of President and the I assumption of the provisional presi l dency by General Huerta. VERA CRUZ, Feb. 7.—That the rebels are concentrating in strong force for an immediate attack on Tampico is indicated in a wireless despatch received here from Clar ence A. Miller, United States consul at Tampico. Consul Miller, who has exceptional ly good sources of Information, says the rebels, after they had been re pulsed in a small flght near Laguna Puerta February 4, retreated to Los Esteros with trifling loss. During that night several train loads of re inforcements arrived from Victoria and the following day the rebels left Los Esteros and made a rapid ad vance movement in the direction of Altamira and Tampico, driving the Federal advance guard and openly expressing the intention to take Tam pico by storm. Cambridge Beats Oxford LONDON. Feb. 7.—The Cambridge University eleven beat the Oxford team by two goals to one in the an nual Inter-Varsity Association foot ball match, played today at Queen’s Club. Aviator's Injuries Fatal MERIDIAN, Miss., Feb. 1.—F. M. Bell, an aviator who fell 300 feet here ■while giving an exhibition flight on January 6, died today from hta IB Jurica. ___ mercury tablets. The ambulance took the woman to the Mountainside Hos pital There she told a nurse that she was implicated in the murder of Mrs. Manning. Word was immediately telephoned to this city. A few minutes later Police Chief Long was on bio way to the hospital. There the mystery of the crime was cleared up by the con fession of Miss Herdman. She oar not live more than a few hours, the doctors said this afternoon. Arthur J. Herdman. the father of the girl, keeps a hotel on the Pomp ton turnpike, a short distance from \ Charles I. Manning's garage. He said this afternoon that his daughter had not lived at home for the past four yearrf. He said he did not know where his daughter lived, but under ; stood she made her home in Verona Mr. Herdman was very uncom municative about his daughter's af fairs. He said he had been told last night that she had left on a trip to Germany, his understanding being that she had left New York vester* ' day. Herdman said he knew Manning He refused to say whether his daugh- ■» ter was acquainted with the garage man or not. He became angry' when pressed with the latter question ana Baid: ‘1 won't tell you anything about him or her." Herdman made some strong asser tions bearing on Manning to an Eve ning Star reporter. He alleged that the husband of the murdered \v na* tried five years ago to get someone to kill his wife, and that this person refused. The father when informed that Ms daughter was suspected of having murdered Mrs. Manning, said that it would be proven that the revolwsj which was used to enact the tragedy belonged to Manning. County Physician McKenzie per formed an autopsy on Mis. Mea ning's body today. He found three bullet wounds. One wound wee Jest above the Tfcft MTf.*" Another wee In the bead three Inches above the first, and a third wound was In tbe left ef the back, several Inches below the shoulder and just to tbe left of Ike spine. It Is believed that the first clue to the slayer of Mrs. Manning came from Morris Welch, a conductor on . the Orange line. He told the police to- . day that woman, heavily veiled and * wearing a raincoat and a small black hat, got on his car at the Market . street station of the Pennsylvania j Railroad at 4:35 p. m. yesterday. •* She seemed greatly excited, Welch said, as she asked him the nearest way to 219 Warren street. Welch said he put the woman off the car at Wilsey street and forgot all about her until today, when he read In the newspapers that a woman answering the description of Ms passenger had killed Mrs. Manning. When he remembered the address the woman sought to reach yesterday was that of Mrs. Manning's home he came to police headquarters and toM his story. The victim of tbe murder received a check for *2,400 last Monday as her share In the estate of her father, Reu ben W. Cobb, who lived near Pine Brook. The check was received In settlement of the,estate from Frank H. Sommer, of this city, who acted as special master tn the matter Cobb died about three years ago, leaving seventy or eighty acres of land In Roseland. A partition sale was brought In behalf of Mrs. Man ning, and at a forced sale the prop erty brought *12,000. Of this amount Mrs, Nancy Cobb, the widow, re ceived *1.600 and each of the four sis ters. Mrs. Manning. Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. Austin Phll hower, of Roseland. received *2,4*0 each. Was In Custody. One of the strange phaaes of tits case is the fact that the Herd man woman was brought to police head quarters here last night and after ward permitted to be given her re- - lease. Detectives Fohs, Kuhn and Conhn, 1 who were investigating Manning's personal affairs with women, learned that he was Intimate with Miss Herd | man. They took her to police head quarters, where she was confronted by Mrs. Mary Riley, a sister of the dead woman. Miss Herdman was not wearing the ■ little black hat the murderer was , described as ha\ing on. Mrs. Riley . looked at her in a puzzled way. "I don’t know," she said to Chief ■ Dong and Captain Tuite. “She looks like the woman who killed my sister, but I can't say for sure. Her hat Isn't the same " I The police say Mrs. Riley told them | at least half a dozen times that she probably could Identify Miss Herd man as the murderer If It were not for the hat she was wearing. Whan Mrs. Riley failed to identify (Cnltuc4 •» Page 4, Col«azle . . : : 5«':