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I \ New,4t ©turning J;tur ESTABLISHED 1832. NEWARK, N. J., TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1914.—16 PAGES. WEATHER: PROBABLY FAIR WEDNESDAY. 1 ■ »,*» • * WIFE, DESTITUTE, DESERTS BABES Leaves Tots at Prison Door After Appeal to Warden to Free Husband. WEAK FROM HUNGER, SHE WAS UNABLE TO WORK Man Was Committed for Get ting Money Under False Pretenses. When oJhn Jakubik, proprietor of a tailor shop at 224 Peshine avenue, was sent to the county jail on March 24 on two charges of obtaining money under false pretenses, his little fam ily Was hit hard. Mrs. Jakuhik and her four children, the oldest seven the youngest an infant, were left des titute. There was neither money nui food In the house, and with the breadwinner taken away from them they soon found themselves in hard straights. Mrs. Jakubik did her best to keep her family together. She got what work she could, leaving her home at 793 Bergen street in the early morn ing and returning to it late at night. Kind-hearted neighbors helped her in many ways, but her earnings were pitifully small; certainly all insuffi cient for the needs of herself and her children. Daily she saw her children, always before healthy, robust youngsters, losing the bloom of the cheeks and growing thin. Added to her difficulty in obtaining money enough to buy food for her babes was the almost impossible task of getting money to pay her rent: but she struggled, al ways with the hope of better things coming her way. Soon, however, hard work and pri vation began to tell on her. She found herself unable to get work at washing and scrubbing every day, as her strength waned, ller earnings be came smaller and she saw the day com ng when she would be unable to work at all. Her landlord became more pressing. Piece by piece she sold her few poor sticks of furniture, until, in the last week her little home became almost bare. Yesterday the crushing blow she had feared fell on her and her babies. The owner of the house in which she lived, weary with her excuses and her pleadings to "wait just one more day" for his rent, hud her dispos sessed. She and her children and their few remaining possessions worn cast from the house. A neighbor gave them shelter tor the night, but this morning told Mrs. Jakubik she could remain in her home no longer, bile must care for her own little family, the neighbor said, and could no! afford to be bothered with guests bo Mrs. Jukubik and her children want out of doors and wandered around, a sorrowful procession. Then tlie woman decided to attempt one bold stroke In her effort lo get aid. She would go to the jail and ask for her husband’s freedom. War den MeGuinness was astonished when Mrp. Jakubik, excited and poorly dressed was ushered Into his presence and, without preliminaries, began to pour out, her story. She led the war den to a. window and pointed to her children clustered in a little group on the jail lawn about the baby car- i rlage in which the youngest of them lay. The warden told the woman it was beyond his authority to release! her husband, despite the sad plight of' his family. Mrs. Jakubik burst Into! tears. Heedless of advice that she] nppl> to one of the charitable organ izations of the city for aid, she burst out of the warden's office and rushed from tlie jail. “You must take care of them,” she shouted as she hurried across the lawn. Itmbraces Children. Pausing by her children, Mrs. Jak ubik gathered them all in a frantic embrace and hurried away. The Jail authorities waited awhile, certain the woman would return. When, after a quarter of an hour slv failed to come back, they realized she had deserted her children. Warden MeGuinness, with no means at hand to care for the youngsters, was at his wits' end for a moment, ".'hen he dug up some toys'from the jail and sent them to the children by an at tendant. boon the litile ones were playing happily on the lawn, apmr oblivious of the fart that their mother had left them. After waiting an hour. Warden Mc Guinness got in communication with John A. Cullen, superintendet of the Catholic Childrens' Aid Association. Mr. Cullen agreed to care for the children, and sent to the jail for them. They were taken to the asso ciation's rooms. All showed signs of the lack of rare from vchich the have suffered in the last month. They will be held by the association until their -•'fa ther is released, their mother claims them, or some other disposi tion is made for them. « Jakubik, the father of the children, was committed to the jail by Judge Hahn in the First Prec'nct Court on March 24. Julian Bergen, of 124 F'nion street, and Thomas Byrd, of 1S1 Hillside avenue, charged him with having taken money from them In payment for two suits of clothing and with having failed to deliver the clothes or return the money. FARMS if that’s what you want you’ll find Jots of them advertised in our “Farms For Sale” column—bet ontf0V ter read these ads Beach < He " 10W. i_ __ 'Iniverf' ' T V - . . I5 . 'v > • _" . . - . - - AMERICANS FLEE Mexico as r:::l FEELING IS NOTED Instructed to Leave Chihuahua. Villa Sympathizers May Support Huerta. MANY QUIT CAPITAL AND REACH VERA CRUZ Consul Letcher, at Chihuahua, Notifies Countrymen, Who Depart Quietly. CHIHUAHUA, via El Paso, Tex., April 21.—Consul Letcher, on instruc tions from Washington, is notifying Americans in this city and other towns of the State of Chihuahua to leave the country as a precaution against possible unfortunate eventu alities growing out of the decision of the Washington government to seize Tampico and Vera Cruz. They may be sent out in small la dies if time permits, as a general exodus, it is feared, might precipitate trouble. Six American women left last night. EI. PASO, Tex., April 21. — Six Americans, eight Germans and nine Frenchmen and women arrived here today from Chihuahua. The Ameri cans confirmed the statement that they were instructed to leave by Marion Letcher, the American consul. They said Mexicans in Chihuahua held the belief that the rebels would be unable to remain out of the Huerta-Washington complication and added the rebel leaders feel com pelled to accept the view that the blockading of Tampico and Vera Ctuz would be a national matter af fecting the honor of every Mexican regardless of political affiliations. turrauzu and \i]la (oufer. Letcher, they said, was endeavor ing to get the Americans out with out attracting undue attention, and hie efforts in this direction were being assisted by General Carranza. Most ov tile latter's conference with Gen et a 1 Villa yesterday, they asserted, was devoted to consideration of the Tampico incident and its develop ments as affecting the rebels. The gravest view was taken, ac cording to report. In the cafes, clubs and other gather ing places Mexican citizens, practi cally all of whom arc rebel sympa thizers, said openly that President Wilson's course was an affront to the Mexican nation and that a common enemy must be met my a united country. Policy Is Not Announced. Meanwhile there was no detinite an nouncement of policy by Carranza, the- AntertPans reported, adding tpat it seemed to be bis purpose by silence to imply the truth of reports tlint lie would continue with the revolution regardless of foreign complications. This they said In view of the excited talk in the cafes and elsewhere, de ceived nobody. In El Paso prominent rebel sympa thizers were unanimous so far as they could tie questioned, in the view that not Ifuerta alone, but the National honor was at stake. VERA CRI'X, Mex., April 21.— A large number of Americana and foreigners are on their way here from the cupito] today. The regular train is being run in two sections and a special train is also on route. Every thing remains quiet in this city. The American war vessels have not changed their positions. DANCE, MAN DIES J. Noyes Failing Collapses in Wife's Arms at Home of Friend. Stopping suddenly In the midst of a dance with his wife at a party they were attending early this morning, J. Noyes Failing, of 226 Grove street north. East Orange, collapsed, a vic tim of heart disease. He died before medical assistance arrived. Mr. Failing, who was thirty-six years old, was atricken at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Banghart, of 23 North Seventeenth street, East Or ange, where a party was being held. Mrs. Failing, when she realized her husband had been seized, became too weak to support his falling body. She swooned and became grief-stricken. The music was stopped and the men guests went to the assistance of Mr. Falling. PLAN CENTENNIAL South Orange Officials Ar ranging for Celebration Early Next Year. Arrangements are now' under way for a fitting observance next January of the centennial of the South Orange village public schools. The Board of ducation, at a meeting last night, au thorized President Charles G. Field ing to name a committee to arrange the details of the celebration. Columbia school was first built in 1815. Many additions have since been made to the building, the latest ha> - ing been completed during the past year. The weather vane which was on the original building is now on the present Columbia school. Acad emy street and South Orange avenue. President Fielding announced his standing committees for the year as follows: Building, J. Henry Thebe rath, James VV. Marshall, Alfred S. Kinsey; finance, Clifford Headley, Arthur F. Klmendorf; George W. Pollard; teachers. Mr. Marshall, Mr. Theberath, Mr. Headley; books and supplies, Mr. Kinsey, William D. Glbby, Waldemar J. Nicholas; sites, Mr. Gibby, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Pollard. U. S. ORDERS CUSTOMS HOUSE SEIZED TO STOP GERMAN SHIP LANDING ARMS | VERA CRUZ, PRINCIPAL SEAPORT TO BE BLOCKADED BY U. S. | -—Copyright. 1914. by International News Service. The upper picture shows the harbor and wharf with foreign battleships lying at anchor. The lower picture Is another harbor scene, showing a num ber of foreign battleships lying at Anchor, the fort and military prison San Juan de Llnam in the background, and in the foreground, the luunch of a 11. S. battleship, euch as that from which our sailors were arrested. BATTLE IN WHICH 13 WERE KILLED Militia in Colorado Mine Dis tricts Get Reenforce ments. THIN 1 DAD. Col., April 21.—Thir teen were believed to lie dead and the number of wounded was unknown when day dawned on Ihe Ludlow battlefield, where yesterday 100 mi litiamen and deputy sheriffs fought a buttle with strikers. Throughout the night bodies of strikers, heavily armed, moved from various coal camps toward Ludlow and a renewal of the conflict was ex pected momentarily. Kighty-seven militiamen from Lamul and VValsen burg, ordered last night by General Chase, reached the scene of conflict during the forenoon. Home of Dead Identified. The known dead; Private A. Martin, Company A, Denver. Louis Trlkos, Greek strike leader. Wounded, Private Louis Purcell, Colorado Springs, condition im proved. The Ludlow colony presented a scene of death and desolation today only four or five of the tents remain ing standing. Soldiers declare that quantities of ammunition were ex ploded by the blaze that swept the colony during the night. An unidentifled man driving a horso attached to a light buggy dash ed from the tents waving a white flag, just after the fire started. When ordered to halt ho is said to have ojened (Ire with a revolver and was killed by a. return volley from the munm. Dead Along Railroad Trucks. Yesterday's battle centered about the big trestle of the Colorado and South Eastern railioad and several dead were said to be lying along the tracks, behind which the strikers took refuge. Throughout the day and intermit tently during the night, the fighting raged over an area of approximately three sq. are miles, bounded on the West by Berwlnd and Hastings, on the East by Barnes Station, on the North by the Ludlow tent colony and on the South by Rameyville. The battlefield was comp etely isolated by the cutting of telegraph and tele phone wires. The fighting began early yesterday, when a militia di tachment under Lieutenant Linderfelt started to In vestigate the cause of firing near Cedar Hill. As the day progressed word of the clash reached officials, and a relief expedition, consisting of fifty members of the newly organized Trinidad militia company was sent on a special train, manned by .1. H. Abrams, superintendent of the Col orado and Southeastern, with Master Mechanic Itoach as engineer and Dis patcher Willis as fireman. SAY IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO PROLONG “PACIFIC BLOCKADE” Students of International Law Sky Such Tactics Will Not Hold When Vessels of a Third Nation Are Subjected to Inter ference—Coudert Points to Possible Complications. NEW YORK, April 21.-Can Presi dent Wilson blockade the ports of Mexico without making war on that country? Does his declaration tlmt "under no conceivable circumstances would wc fight the people of Mexico" mean that be intends to establish a so-called "paciHc blockade?" Can there bo a "pacific blockade" if the vessels of a third nation are sub jected lo interference and seizure? How can the President hope to bring General Huerta to terms if the ves sels of other nations are not forced to respect the blockade? These questions were on the lips of many students of International law yesterday as they read the President's address to Congress. They questioned (he effectiveness of a retaliatory measure of any plan that did not con template the seizure of Mexieon ports or the seizure of vessels that attempt to enter or leave these ports after a blockude had been established and called attention to the fact that the vast majority of writers on interna tional law agree that there can be no such seizure unless war exists. A condition of war is a condition of fact and does not wait upon the for mal pronouncement of governments. Fr derlc R. Coudert pointed out some of the difficulties lying in the way o. establisniitjg a "pac lie block ade'' without actually involv ng the. country in a war. in it s opinion any blockade must have the authority of force behind it and the employment of force is tantamount to war. "When we speak of 'pacific block ade,’ ” ho said, "we are dealing with matti rs of near terminology. A blockade Is on act that interrupts the usual acts of peace. It Ir a measure of force in that it prevents the in gress and egress of vessels from the ports of the blockaded country, and n so far as force is usued it is a measure of war. “Nearly always a pacific blockade s incident to war. The nation who* ports are blockaded night acquiesce and refuse to treat the blockade as sufficient cause for war. A weak na tion might accept lh« blockade an a declaration of war so as to force the blockading nation to take more dras tic measures against it. There »is an enormous mass of opinion on tin-, question of blockading and the rules governing a regular blockade are well j settled, but discussion of pacific blockade is very much a discussion of words.” Students of international law see difficulties ahead for tin- United States if vessels of other nations are pre vented from entering or leaving Mex ico. It is apparent that to bo effec tive the blockade must be maintained against all vessels, hut such a block ade cannot be maintained unless there is war. This difficulty forced the Venezuelan declaration, as it did the declaration of France in 1894 that she was at war with t’hlna. on that oc casion Great Britain refused to re spect the blockade until France made the declaration. Writers on these questions seem to agree that a pacific blockade may be. effective when the blockaded nation’s ships are most af fected. There could be no such possi bility in the case of Mexico, whose im ports and exports are carried by ves sels of other nations. Mr. Coudert pointed out that while the effectiveness of a pacific blockade depends almost entirely upon tin* at titude toward it of other nations than the two directly concerned, there is no such room for disagreement where a war blockade is in force. "Such a blockade affects the vessels • »f all nations," he said. "It inter feres with their freedom on the sea, but they allow each other to take away this freedom when tlv* blockade complies with certain conditions It must be an actual blockade. There used to be paper blockades, but dur ing the Napoleonic wars it was es tablished that vessels seized der'ng a paper blockade must bo released. There are many rules governing war blockades and all nations recognize them. The rules are far less certain when attempts are made to establish blockades without dec taring war.” Measles Closes School jn Nutley Owing to an epidemic of measles, Yantacaw Public School, in Nutley, was closed yesterday. It will remain closed for two weeks or more, it Is expected. The action to close the school was taken at a special meeting of the Hoard of Education on Sunday night. The membersH refuse to state how i many saipils are affected. Superin tendent John K. Heachler is out of I town. From another source it was learned there are almost forty cases in tho school. h American Missionary Dies as Result of Wounds He Sustained in Lion Fiy;h' KHARTOUM, Knyptian Sudan April 21—Rev. Rfi'ph W Tdrlrk. <• the American United Presbyterian Mission in the Sudan, died today of wounds received in an encounter with a lion. Mr. Tid.-ick who was stationed at Tloleib Hill, Sobat River, was at tacked seven days aqo. He started down the Nile for Khartoum to un dergo treatment. The trip occupied six clays. ITe arrived here yesterday find died today, Mr. Tidrick entered the mission field in 1906. The mission is directed by the United Presbyterian Church of North America with headquarters in Philadelphia. HELD IN DEATH OF BOY SKATER Youngster Struck by Auto as He Was Racing in Street. Albert Weisinger, nineteen year* old, of 98 Quitman street, a taxicab cbaiiffeur, was released in $1,000 bail by Judge Herr, in th'* Fourth Precinct Court, today, on a charge «»f running down and killing George Koenig, four teen years old, of 241 Belmont avenue, when the tatter was roller-skating at Quitman and Hpnit:e streets last, night W isinger was arrested by Detectives (>’(#ai'a and Corbitt after the accident. He is charged with inanslu tighter. Young Koenig and his chum, Her bert Deininger, fifteen years old, of 229 Bose street, were racing on the asphalt street. Each hoy wore only one skate. Koenig was lending as Weisinger drove ids machine along the street. The chaueur was on his way to his stand at the Park place b siin t n from his home. He had taken his young sister for a ride supper before returning to work. As Weisinger turned bis ma chine t on void hitting Deininger he struck Koenig. A surgeon was summoned from St Barnabas’s Hospital, whir li is around the corner from where the accident occurred. When he arrived the boy was dead. The body was taken to the hospital. Koenig was president and Deinin ger is treasurer of the Boy Scouts of Bethany Presbyterian Ghurch. Ar rangements for the funeral of the dead boy have not been made yet. Young Koenig was an only son He was graduated from the Ghar ton street school last June, and sine© then has been employed in the office of Post & Post. In tin- Kinney build ing. ills mother. Mrs. Emma Koenig 13 grief-stricken, but today asserted she was ouite as sorrv for thi voting chauffeur who killed her boy as sbo was on account of her son's death. (Hpeeial to the Evening Star.) JRR8RY CITY, April 21.—Governor Fielder last night established a prece dent by going over to New York and reviewing the drill of the Seventy lirst Regiment of the New York Na tional Guard, at its armory. The Governor was accompanied by his staff. Rear-Admiral Fletcher at Vera Cruz Is Authorized to Take Action to Prevent Huerta Getting Large Consignment of Ammunition Without Waiting for Decision by the Senate. Orders were sent from Washington to Rear Admiral Fletcher today to seize the customs house at Vera Cruz in time to prevent 200 field guns and several million rounds of ammunition for Huerta, about to be landed there by a German steamer, from being trans ported to Mexico City. President Wilson took this action when it was seen that the delay by the Senate on the resolution giving him power to act was accruing to Huerta's advantage. The President declared that there was ample precedent for tak ing this measure. As no blockade has been declared, the United States forces have no authority to interfere with the German steamer. The plan is to seize the ammunition as it is landed. The orders did not stipulate when Admiral Fletcher should take the port, but simply left it to his discretion as when to best prevent Huerta from getting the ammunition. WASHINGTON, April 21.—While Congress is debating the Mexican situation President Wilson has ordered Rear Admiral Fletcher to seize the Vera Cruz customs house and prevent Huerta from getting several million rounds of ammunition and two hundred Held guns oil a Ger man steamer bound for that port. The orders went out from Washing ton early today, when It became ap parent that the delay In Congress was accruing to the advantage of Huerta. I At noon the cabinet was in session. | and, so far as was known, no word j had been received from Admiral | Fletcher of his action. The orders, i officials said, left to the admiral's I discretion when and how to act. As there is no blockade, the Arnrlcan fores could not interfere with the German steamer. The orders were to I seize the guns and shells after they had landed or to seize the customs house, to prevent their landing, and thus keep them from going to Mexico City. Officials declared that President Wilson hud ample authority for his action without the approval of Con gress. Meanwhile both House and Senate reconvened and the Senate went U, work on the resolution of approval of the President's course. Neiiate In Herndon lit Noon. The question of authorizing the use j of armed forces of the United States ! b> President Wilson ip the present emergency in Mexico hinges on tho ariion of tho Senate, which wont into ' session at noon today. V\ lien tho House foreign affairs coin mitten met Chairman Flood said tile House Democrats would not op pose the Mexican resolution in tho amended form adopted by the Senate foreign relations committee. At 12:30 o'clock this morning the Senate adjourned without taking any action on the resolution. I Sitter op position in tho Senate committee on foreign relations made it apparent that tho resolution favored by tho President could not be reported favorably. After the administration had used every eifon to swing the committee into lino and had failed, a substitute resolution was unanimously reported to the Senali at 12:10 tills morning, reading as follows: “Whereas, In view of the facts pre sented by the President of the United States in his address delivered to the Congress at joint session on the twen tieth day of April, 1914, with regard to certain affronts an dindignitles committed against tho United States iti Mexico. lb solved, That the President is justified in the employment of the armed forces of the United States to enforce ids demand for unequivocal amends for affronts and Indignities i committed against, tho United States. "He it further resolved, That the I United States disclaims any hostility I to th< Mexican people or any purpose to make war upon them.” I.origr Oflrr* Su hwlit lit©. Objection was made to the immc <Il«i.t«• consideration of this resolrtion bj Senator Liypitl. of Rhode Island, j and the Senate finally consented to idlourn until 11* o’clock noon. Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, | served notice, however, that the pre | amble even of the substitute resolu 1 tion was not sufficiently broad to suit him. and he offered the following for a preamble to the substitute resolu tion: "That the state of unrestrained violence and anarchy which exists in Mexico, the number of unchecked and unpunished murders of American citizens and the spoliation of their property In that country, the impos sibility of secuMng protection or re dress by diplomatic methods in tin absence of lawful and effective au thority, the inability of Mexico to dis charge its international obligations, the unprovoked indignities inflicted ujron the (lag and the uniform of th* Pnited States by the armed forces in oecupath n of large parst of Mexican territory have become intolerable. "That the self-respect and dignlP of tin* Pnited States and the duties to protect its citizens and its interna tional rights require that such a course be followed in Mexico by ou’ government as to compel respect and observance of its rights.” Opposition Was l nexpreted. Tiiis unexpected opposition in Con gross was a blow to the adrninistra tion It lias been accepted as evi deuce of a lack of enthusiasm ove the President’s campaign against Huerta as an individual. The pres erit embarrassing situation was being contrasted here tonight with tin spontaneous and unanimous guppon given to President McKinley when h< called upon Congress to act just be fore the Spanish war. The alteration of the resolution by the Senate committee and the frm oj p sition in the upper House of Co" s ri -s was caused chiefly by the Presi dent’s attempt in the original resolr tion to direct the nower of the Unite 1 States solely against Huerta as "n i - dividual, while calling upon him t perform an act which could only bo done by the government of Mexico. Members of the Senate, including many of the Democrats, insisted that the reso’utlon was too personal and represented a step in tin President’s campaign against the Mexican dic tator. Some Republicans objected, too, to tin* use of the w'ord "justified” be wateuded it would com init them to un indirscment of th* President’s entire Mexican policy. In the compromise that word, how. ever, was retained. Th House of Representatives after ii long wrangle last night passed the resolution justifying the course of the president in the present contingncy. The vote was: Ayes, 337; noes, 37. Present, 3. Five members of the President* own parly voted aguinst the resolu. lion. They were George, of New York; Stephtns. Witherspoon and Bisson, of Mississippi, and Kindel, of ' ;olorado. Twentylnlne out of the 138 Republi cans in the House opposed the reso« lution. lirpiildloanN Who toted Against. The following were the Republican* who voted against the resolution: Anthony, Kansas; Alney, Pennsyl vania: liartholdt, Maine; Britten, Illi nois; Butler, Pennsylvania; Camp bell. Kansas; Davis, Minn.; Fordney, Mich.; French, Idaho; Gardner, Mas sachusetts; Gillett, Massachusetts* food. Iowa; llays, California; Howell, Utah; Johnson, Utah; John son, ^Washington; Kahn, California; Ku Follette, Washington; Langham, Pennsylvania; Mann, Illinois; .Mad den, Illinois Motidell, Wyoming; Platt, New York; Bells, Tennessee;. Bteenerson, Minnesota: Volstead, Minnesota, and Woods, Iowa. Three of 11 it; eighteen Progressive* voted aguinst t tie- President. They weie: Bell, Colorado; Temple, Penn sylvania, and Kent, California. Tills was they resolution as passed: Tile Resolution Adopt,*dr~——— "Resolved by the .Senate'and Hour* of Represonlutlves in Congress as sembled, That the President of tlio United States Is .instilled in the em ployment of the armed forces of the l nited .States of America, to enforce demands made upon Victoriano Diierla for unequivocal amends to •he government of the United .State* loi affronts and indignities com mitted against this government by Crneral Huerta and ills representa tives.” The resolution sustaining the Presi dent was offered by Representative flood of Virginia, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, imme diately after the President’s address. The resolution was referred to the rommittee on foreign affairs and that committee was at once assembled. It developed at the outset that the Flood resolution was written at the White 1 !otis<\ K<‘|»iili|iciiiiH Foil glit “ef uMifled.” Republicans stubbornly fought, the adoption of the word "justified,” but they were outvoted by their Demo cratic colleagues. The committee adopted the resolution by a vote of 10 to 2. The two negative votes were east by Representative Burtholdt. of Mis souri. and Representative Ainey, of Pennsylvania, Republicans. The tight was then transferred to the floor of the House. By this time the Democratic leaders knew that Republicans were in an ugly frame of mind. It was derided that unless the Republicans showed a disposition to let the resolution pass without a struggle a "gag” rule would be re ported Republican Reader Mann arose and inquired: “What proposition do you intend to nmke for debate on this measure?" Before Chairman Flood could reply, Reader Cuderwood jumped to his feet and took command of th« adminis tration forces. Mr. Underwood usual y begins a legislative battle smiling ly and in the best of good humor. On this occasion he was grave in de meanor and cautious in speech. Underwood Urges Speed. "It is tlie desire of the Democratic side of the House to put this resolu tion through as speedily as possible in order that it may become a law tonight,” said Mr. Underwood, em phasizing every word. "We are will ing to allow a reasonable length of time for deflate. How much lime will you require?" "1 understand that the committee on rules has prepared a rule to b» i sod, if necessary,” returned Mr. Mann. The Republican leader's jaws click ed as Mr. Underwood informed hint that a "gag" had been devised and would tie applied if the Republican: ried to obstruct. Chairman Flood interjected the tatement that he thought on hour', ebate would sutlice, one-half horn o be controlled by the Democrats ml the rest of the time to be used y the minority. There was sparring uck and forth for a time, Mr. Mani lla lly suggesting four hours debate, h tirn> to ht equally divided be ; ween the r \( parties. During 1 change Mr. Under* vood had i ' 1 Trowing restless. "1 would no a tempi to put this resolution inrough tonight,” he re marked, "if it whs not for the serious state of affairs that exists on the (roitftnu»ij mi 4, t olimin !•> ving and Qusen of England on State Visit to Paris LONDON, April 21.—King George ind Queen Mary of England, accom panied by a large staff, including Sir Edward Grey, the foreign secretary, and his private secretary, .Sir Will iam Tyrrell, left for Haris today to pay a state visit. Their majesties crossed the English channel from Dover to Calais on board the royal yacht Alexandra, which was convoyed by British ud French warships. 4 A