! I S%moN j
House Concurs in Senate
Substitute Resolution
Justifying Use of Armed
Forces in Mexico.
At 3:21 This Morning Upper
House, Facing Crisis, Passes
Resolution, 72 to 13, With
Huerta’s Name Eliminated.
Quibbling Called Farce.
WASHINGTON, April 22.—The
House of Representatives, soon after
going into session today, concurred
In the Senate substitute resolution
Justifying tho President in the use of
armed forces in Mexico. There was
no debate and the viva voce vote was
almost unanimous.
Representative Flood, chairman of
the House foreign affairs committee,
moved that tho House concur in the
Senate justification resolution when
the session resumed after recess. He
urged that there be no eonferenee.
The House recessed at 10:30 until
noon to allow time for the engross
ment of the Mexican resolution
Speaker Clark signed the Joint reso
lution justifying the President In
using armed forces in Mexico at 12:30
Flood Pleads for Support.
In addressing the House in support
of the substitute for tho House reso
lution of justification, Mr. Flood said
that when he intrduced the original
resolution Monday he believed i! was
in the proper form to carry out the
1 purposes outlined in the address of
the President.
"The original resolution marie it
clear that this country was not hos
tile to the Mexican people," said Mr.
Flood, "and did not desire tu make
war on Mexico: the Senate amend
ment states this in so many words.
The substance of this resolution Is,
therefore, unchanged. In this mo
mentous hours and in the circum
stances confronting this country
prompt action justifying and approv
ing the course of the President is of
the utmost'importance, and it would
be childish to quibble over the words
of tho resoluCon when the substance
Is the same, and this Is the view of
the President.
“I fear that an attempt has been
made by gentlemen on the other side
to make partisan capital of the pres
ent unfortunate situation between this
country and Mexico. I hope the gen
tlemen have exhausted the r misguid
ed efforts In that direction and that
this House will give Its approval to
the chief executive of Hviw*1 ■wwflvm
without a single dissent.”
"I do not believe that we ought to |
engage in a war w'th Mex'co at this
time for the reason suggested by tlie
Pres dent,” said Representative
Mann, who followed Mr. Flood.
“Mr. Speaker, If we pass th s reso
lution we have entered on war. Al
ready we have tired and killed Mexi
can citizens and are already involved
in war 'n Mexico. 1 believe we ought
to be patriotic enough to try to secure
“I have believed ‘watchful-waiting’
policy would involve us in war. I
had hoped we might prevent it.”
As Speaker Clark stood with poised
hand about to attach his signature
to the resolution, Representative
Mann made the point that he was
acting without authority, as it was
necessary for the Senate to be in
formed that the House concurs in
its substitute.
The speaker replied that hr had no
doubt Mr. Mann was technically cor
rect and thereupon Representative
Underwood said lie would move that
the House recess until noon when the
Senate would convene.
Senate Adopt* ItcHolution.
When the Senate, at an early hour,
after one of the most dramatic de
bates in the history of the nation,
adopted a justification resolution as
reported from the committee on
foreign relations, administration
leaders in the House prepared to ex
pedite conclusive action as soon as
The Senate resolution, eliminating
a!] reference to General Huerta, is a
substitute for the original resolution
adopted by the House on Monday. It
was expected by party leaders that a
conference would be asked, but
leaders hoped that this might not be
necessary. Should one be Insisted
upon, every effort will be made to
reach an early agreement.
Long before 10 o’clock, the hour set
for the House to convene, the Capitol
was a scene of unusual activity.
House leaders who remained up all
night watching the historic legislative
battle in the Senate, conferred in
' fWWDAlly over the situation, the con
sensus of opinion being that the Sen
ate resolution would be accepted.
None doubted, however, that hostili
ties, already resultant at Vera Cruz
from the seizure of the customs house
there, would fire the oratorical fervor
of the members.
Leaders Early on Scene.
Representative Flood arrived at the
Capitol early, reiterating the opinion
that the House would not quibble
over tlie Senate substitute, while
Speaker Clark and Majority Leader
Underwood were also on the scene of
legislative action, ready to direct the
situation. That an effort might lie
made to restore personal reference in
the resolution to “Victoriana Huerta"
' was admitted by some of the House
l leaders, but they were not inclined to
support such a move, because it
would he certain to precipitate an
<Continued on I’nge Column II.)
Easy Payment Day
The best bargains in Jer
sey real estate that can be
bought on easy terms are
found in the “Real Estate
For Sale” columns of to
day’s paper.
Mother Learns Sailor Son. John
Place. Was Only Slightly
After a sleepless night of worri
ment, Mrs. Anna Place, of 134 Wake
man avenue, a widow, learned today
that her son John, a sailor on the
battleship Florida, who was wounded
in the battle that followed the land
ing of American seamen and marines
in era Cruz yesterday, was hurt only
slightly and is not in danger of death.
I’ntil today’s dispatches from the
Mexican seaport told her otherwise,
nothing would convince Mrs. Place
that her son had not been killed.
Those who assured her her boy’s
wound was not dangerous she be
lieved were deceiving her through
kindness, but when other tidings told
her what they said was true her relief
was great. Today she wept and
laughed alternately as she told a re
porter for tile Evening Star of the
tears for her son's safety that had
robbed her of sleep last night.
“Now I am satisfied my John is
alive," she said. "Last night, even
before I learned John had been hurt,
he was in m.v mind. 1 know his ship
the Florida, had gone to Mexico, and
when 1 heard there had been fighting
I was sure John had been hurt. 1
went to bed, hut I could not sleep.
.Something told me all was not well
with tny hoy. Then when they told
me John was wounded I felt sure he
was dead. It seemed to me they
would not bother me if he was only
wounded. Now, though. I am satis
fied mv boy is alive and that I’ll see
him soon again. Thank Uod, he is not
Place, who is twenty, has been in
the navy three years. His term of
enlistment v ill he up in June, 1915,
When he applied at the recruiting
office he was rejected on (recount of
his youth, but his mother, realizing
her boy’s heart was on going to sen.
signed the necessary papers and Place I
was accepted.
After leaving school Place obtained
employment as an office boy In tlio 1
Star office. This was about seven !
years ago. Then he became an ap- j
prentice in a Newark printing estab- j
1 shment, and inter was employed In a
brush factory. Three years ago he
decided to enter the navy. ■
Place haH three sisters, Mrs. Joseph
P. Rowley, of 349 Belmont avenue,
and two unmarried sisters, who live
with their mother.
Loss of Lives Due to Natural
Advantages Favoring
WASHINGTON, April 22.—Natural
features of the city of Vera Cruz and
the character of the buildings along
the water front there were largely re
sponsible for the loss of life of Amer
ican bluejackets and marines who
landed there yesterday. This opinion
was expressed today by government
officials who arc familiar with the,
captured city.
Between the bay and the line of,
two-story buildings which face it is
a vacant space of about 300 yards of
beach open to fire from housetops.
The custom house, which can only be
reached by crossing the open space,
stands in this solid group of build
ings at tlie end of one of the two long
piers, where the foreign merchant
ships land.
IfniiMcs Built Uke Forts.
Like most of the structures in the
Southern countries, the flat-roofed
buildings with their coping form a
veritable fortification from which
riflemen may pick off those below in
comparative safety, sheltered by the
high wall which surrounds the edge
of the roof. As the blocks are prac
tically solid, quite a formidable troop
can be mustered on the top of a
square of buildings.
I' was from this protected position
that the Mexican troops opened fire
on the bluejackets and murines.
The remainder of the city, with its
brick and plaster houses and Its
straight asphalted streets, makes a
pretty picture. Trees are scarce,
their growth having been discour
aged since the yellow fever epidem
ics, but the principal avenue which
stretches the entire length of the
town and out into the suburbs, is
lined with cocoa palms. The princi
pal business street as we'li is bor
dered by rows of palms and almond
Town Will Mark Anniversary
With a Safe and Sane
July Fourth.
(Special to the Evening Star.|
DOVER, April 22.—At a meeting of
the general committee for the ob
servance of the two hundredth anni
versary of Dover, held in the Baker
theatre annex last night, it was de
cided to hold a "safe and sane" cel
ebration on July 4. The various, so
cial and fraternal organizations and
the lire department will be invited to
participate. A program will be ar
ranged by the committee. Charles D.
Platt resigned as chairman of the
committee, and I. J. Vreeland was
elected to the office.
It is expected that a large parade
will be held in the morning, which
will be followed by amusements and
festivities at Hurd Park. The cele
bration will be concluded with fire
works. Several months ago. when
the committee was appointed a cele
bration covering a period of several
dav<» was suggested, but the expense
wj^ljteilt it to a one-day celwbrution.
John Place, Newark boy, who w as injured in battle, above; customh house seized by American forces, in centre, and view of Vera Cruz bar
bor below. ___
No Dispatch Unfavorable to
Government Allowed to
Get Out of Capital.
MEXICO CITY, April 15, via Hav
ana, April 22.—(The following dispatch
was sent by mail to Havana in order
to avoid the censorship established
by General Huerta, which is more
strict than at any timo heretofore.)
Every telegraph wire out of Mex
ico City, commercial, railroad, or
cable, is now watched over by a cen
sor, chosen from among the most re
liable and intelligent men in the gov
ernment telegraph service. These
censors frankly inform would-be
senders of dispatches that it is not a
question of tho veracity of messages
nor whether they disclose military
movements, but is merely a question
of suppressing all news not favorable
to the government.
Code .Message* Prohibited.
Code messages are absolutely pro
hibited, with the exception only of
bank telegrams. The bankers of
Mexico succeeded, in having the em
bargo on these messages raised, but
only after they had proved that the
detention of the dispatches would
seriously embarrass the financial de
partment of the government.
Newspaper correspondents were
given to understand that if they were
detected in using subterfuges to
evade the censorship they would find
themselves in jail.
While Nelson O'Shaughnessy was
acting as the messenger of the
United States government to Provi
sional President Huerta in (be en
deavor to avert war between the two
countries, more than ninety-nine per
cent, of the Mexican residents in the
Federal capital went about their
affairs in total ignorance of the
All Negotiation* In Secret.
General Huerta and his official
family cleverly concealed even from
their intimate friends all knowledge
of strained relations between Mexico
and the United States. The general
public was even more in the dark,
since the newspapers published coL
umns of glowing accounts of vic
tories by the Federal armies in the
Known Dead and Wounded in
First Bloodshed in Mexico
WASHINGTON, April 22.—Among
the Americans killed and injured at
Vera Cruz, according to news dis
patches, are the following:
swain, of the Forlda; homo ad
dress, lfil Harmon street. Brook
lyn. Born December B, 1889. Next
of kin, Isabella McKinnon, mother,
same address. Enlisted November,
1907; re-enlisted 1910; recently trans
ferred from the Wheeling to the
of kin, William Poinsett, father,
3321 North Twelfth street, Phila
delphia, Enlisted In Philadelphia
1911; attached to Florida.
private, Marine Corps, Eighth Com
pany, Second Regiment advance
base. Next of kin, Michael Hag
gerty, Iti Harding street, Cambridge,
Mass. Enlisted July 4, 1900; last re
corded as attached to the Utah.
CHARLES J. LEAI1Y, ordinary sea
man, assigned to the Florida; home
address. 332 East Ninetieth street,
Now York city. Next of kin, Nellie
Leahy, mother, same address. En
listed 1912.
seaman; home address, 223 East
Fourth street, New York city. Next
of kin, Harry Schwartz, brother,
same address. Enlisted September,
1912, and serving his first duty at
C l>. CAMERON, ordinary seaman;
home address, 108 Doscher street,
Brooklyn. Next of kin, Donald
Cameron, father, same address.
Cameron was assigned to the Flor
ida. Enlisted June 3, 1913.
Ji dlN F. PLACE, seaman; home ad
dress, 134 Wakeman avenue, New
ark, N. J. Next of kin. Anna Place,
same address. Enlisted 1911; as
signed to the Florida.
cian, third class; home address, 34
Summer street, Quincy, Mass. Next
of kin, John R. Glsburne, grand
father, 1932 Seventeenth street,
Washington. Enlisted 1910.
No Information has been received
at the navy department to verily this
list, and the department has no
knowledge at 11:30 of Its accuracy.
Uncle Sam Can Get Citizen
Sailors for Atlantic Re
serve Fleet.
WASHINGTON, April 22.— in the
event It becomes necessary to call
into service for duty in Mexican
waters the Atlantic reserve fleet, now
lying in the fresh water basin at
Philadelphia, Pa., it will be necessary
to have approximately 300 more
officers and 7,215 more men. This
force, it was declared this morning,
would be drawn from the various
naval militia organizations through
out the country. ThiH trained force
of citizen sailors, it is estimated,
could be made ready and embarked
aboard the ships and started for
Mexican waters within about a week.
Unable to Remember Name,
Asks Irvington Police to
Find Her Home.
The Irvington police arc making el
forts today to find the relatives or an
aged woman, who speaks only fler
mun, and who walked Into the polio
station yesterday and asked for aid
in finding her home.
The police were puzzled to learn
what the woman wished to tell them
until they obtained an interpreter.
Then she said she believed she lived
in Irvington, although she did not
know just where. Hne called out th<
names of several Irvington street, but
Inquiries made from residents of th>'
streets by the police failed to bring
to light anyone who knows the
Town Officials Examine Peti
tions for Commission Rule
After Getting Court Order.
Town Clerk William B. Ross, of
Kearny, today began the work of
polling the petition recently filed by
the Kearny Commission Government
League to ascertain whether or not
those who signed are qualified voters
of the town. The ballot boxes used
at the last election have been opened
and poll books taken therefrom.
An order permitting the opening of
the boxes was granted by Supreme
Court Justice Francis J. Swayze, upon
the application of Mayor Robert E.
Torrance and Town Clerk William B.
Ross, of Kearny. A total of XS1
names must be canvassed by tint
clerk. The petitions seek a special
election to determine whether or not
Kearny will have commission gov
in order for the clerk to call the
election it will he necessary for biuj
bona fide signers to have affixed their
signatures to the petition. Whether
or not there will he this number when
the canvassing is completed is a
Another feature In connection with
the petition signing Is thi fact that
Clerk Ross is daily receiving letters
from persons whose names appear on
the petitions and who desire them re
moved therefrom. Mr Ross said to
day that he did not know what course
he would take regarding the requests
made. Members of the Commission
League declare the clerk has no legal
right to erase the names of petition
ers even though requested to do so.
That commission government will
not he of the slightest advantage to
ither Kearny or its citizens was de
clared last night liy the Arlington
Board of Trade, when the following
statement was authorized by the
"Tho Arlington Board of Trade,
through its proper committee, has
mare a careful study of the Walsh
act I so-called) authorizing municipa
lities to adopt the commission govern
ment plan and has compared the pro
(CunUuued vu I'uge », Column M
Dispatch Received in Washington from Consul
Canada States That He Expects Fighting Will
Have Ceased in an Hour and That U. S. Force.
Will Be Then in Full Control.
Sharpshooters Fire on Our Men from Housetops.
Mexican Dictator Instructs Charge at Washing
ton to Be Ready to Ask for Passports as Lasf
Step Before Actual War.
Wra Cruz, tin* principal seaport city of Mexico, will lie in the hands
of the forces of the United Slates today.
A general bombardment of the city was begun this forenoon by the
American battleships.
Under cover of t elihomhardmciit a force of several thousand ina*
rlnes have been landed from the United States transports. They met
with considerable resistance by the Mexican troops.
Many of the Americans have been killed. Hundreds are believed to
have been wounded. It is reported that the Mexican loss in battle will
be in the thousands.
Nearly every Important huildingin in Vera Cm/, is reported deinoU
ished by the great shells burled from the battleships. The American*
poured an unremitting tire into the city.
There was no sea resistance by the Mexicans. The lighting was con*
fined to the shore district.
Mexican sharpshooters pirked oil' many of the invaders. .Vs UiO
Americans went Into the city they were cut down by bullets Hred front
behind barricade and from housetops. The Injured were placed in tern*
porary hospitals.
President Huerta is about to declare war, it is said. He has taken
the attitude thnt the action of the United States in attempting to si^fe tli*
port of a friendly nation consitutes a deliberate act of war.
Huerta, it is declared unofllcially, has requested the United States t<»
withdraw Nelson O’Bhaughnessy, American charge d'affalrs at Mexico
City. It means that all diplomatic relations between the two nation*
have been severed.
WASHINGTON. April 22.—'The
American forces commenced an ad
vance to take the entire city of Veto
I Cruz at 8 o'clock under guns of the
| war vessels, according to a first re
port from Consul Canada received at
I (ho state department today.
! A second report Cabled under date
of 9 a. m. by Consul Canada, said
that he expected fighting to cease
within an hour. The total Atner!
ran forces ashore numbered 3,000.
They were well Into the city and hail
the situation in hand, the report said.
During the attack the Mexiran
sharpshooters occupied the roofs of
houses In the central part of the c ty,
and were able to fire lawn upon the
American marines and bluejackets as
the latter neared the land from the
vessels lying off shore.
Hear Admiral Badger, command
ing the Atlantic fleet, officially re
ported to the navy department today
tho arrival at Vera Cruz of his Hag
ship. the Arkansas, along with the
battleships Vermont, New Jersey,
New Hampshire and South Carolina.
The scout cruiser Chester and the
San Francisco have arrived In Vera
Cruz from Tampico.
Consul Canada's dispatch suyB:
"Firing commenced at daybreak.
Ships now shelling southern part of
the city. Barge force landed from
Admiral Badger's fleet before day
light. Copies of proclamation issued
by Rear Admiral Fletcher requesting
at once the co-operation of the mayor
and municipal authorities In restoring
order have been distributed but have
been unable as yet to get in commu
nication with these officials. Major
Butler's force of marines from Tam
pico are now ashore. Expect the city
will be quiet later In the morning.
Estimates of Mexicans killed and
wounded up to late hist night approx
imately 150. Battleships here: Flor
ida, Utah, Arkansas, Vermont. New
Hampshire, Now Jersey, South Caro
lina, transport Prairie and collier
Orion. Transport Hancock with ma
rines reported due. American forces
advance 8 n m. under guns of war
vessels to take city."
Consul Canada reported to the state
department that 150 Mexicans were
killed and wounded yesterday.
Admiral Fletcher'* Proclamation.
In Rear-Admiral Fletcher’s procla
mation to the people of Vera Cruz, he
called upon them in the interests of
humanity to co-operate with him In
restoring order. He said they could
carry on their municipal government
as before, and that the United States
merely would Mold the customs house
and patrol the city.
Admiral Fletcher’s proclamation to
the mayor, chief of police and citizens
of Vera Cruz read:
“It has become necessary for th“
naval forces of the United States of
America now at Vera Cruz to land
and assume military control of the
customs wharves of Vera Cruz. Your
. o—operation is requested to preserve
order and prevent loss of life.
“It is not the intention of the
United States naval forces to inter
fere with the administration of the
< ivll affairs of Vera Cruz more than
is necessary for the purpose of main
taining a condition of law and order
to enforce such sanitary conditions .e
nre needed to meet military require
"It is desired that the civil officials
of Vera Cruz shall continue in the
peaceful pursuits of their occupa
i ions. Under these conditions full
protection will be given to the city
by the i’nited States naval forces.
"It is enjoined upon all inhabitants
and property owners to prevent firing
by idividuals from the shelter of
their houses upon United States
forces or upon anyone else. Such fir
ing by irregulars not members of
an organized military force Is con
trary to the laws of war; if persisted
in It will call for severe measures.
Signed) ’(F. F. FLETCHER,
“Rear Admiral, U. S. N.
“Commander detached squadron U.
s. Atlantic fleet."
VEKA CHUZ, April 22.—There was
President Sad
as He Learns *-~
of Lives Lost
WASHINGTON. April 22.—"I’m
■sorry, terribly sorry," were Presi
dent Wilson’s first words when
news of loss of I fe in taking Vera
Cruz first reached him. Today the
President was sad and dlsheart
cned. As he walked slowly to hi:}
office through the White House,
his hehd was bowed and his face
•a. study in deep feeling and
only desultory tiring here during the
• Occasional shots were flrod
r om the roofs of houses In the out
skirts of the city, but the shots aver
age,l not more than four an hour, and
no further casualties were recorded
on the American side.
enlu/ rtr:'"' ,l*?tlnK system failed
any lust evening, and the only
Illumination during the night came
from the Interiors of the houses.
Head Seen In Streets.
Much of the firing by the American
marines and bluejackets was at long
range, and no attempt was made dur
ing the night to approach the centre
of the city. In which some determined
Mexicans still occupied positions. At
dawn some bodies could be seen lying
about the street beyond the American
The efforts of Rear Admiral Fletch
‘J late last night to find some one
who exercised command over the
Mexicans and 10 suggest that he call
off his men In the Interests of human
ity were unsuccessful. The rear ad
mirnl hesitated to open Are with shell
on the city, but the presence of rifle
men hidden behind the copings of the
flat-roofed buildings, which formed
capital shelter for the defending
sharp-shooters made the use of artil
lery almost imperative to prevent sac
rificing the lives of more Americans.
Four Seriously Wounded.
Of the twenty-one bluejackets and
marines wounded in yesterday’s fight
ing four are seriously hurt, according
to the report of the surgeons today.
General Gustavo Maas, commander
of t he garrison at Vera Cruz, left the
elty in a carriage at noon yesterday,
half an hour after the first boat
load of American marines landed from
the warships. This was stated offi
cially today and it was also declared
lhat ho had not been seen or heard
from since that hour.
Mcxlesu soldiers Loft to Fight.
The commander's family followed
him in another carriage.
It Is stated that the Mexican troops
forming the garrison of Vera Crus
were turned loose as soon as it was
seen that the Americans were about
to land and were told to act as they
saw fit. Very few, if any of their
officers remained with the Mexican
soldiers, whose operations were car
ried on without anyone to direct
Home of the Mexican troops olv
tained a considerable supply of intot
icants by looting two stores. As a re
sult, many of them were in a condi
tion whicli made them equally dan
gerous to natives and foreigners who
same within their range.
Colonel Cerrillo was one of the few
officers who remained with the Mexi
can troops. He was the commander
(Continued on l’ngf 2. Column 1.)
Through Train to Keanshurg.
Atlantic Highlands and SeaRhore branch
points, every week day, beginning June
a>, will leave Ftroiul street about 3:25
p. m.; will arrive ubout 7:35 u. in.—Ath
S' * V y'l