Newspaper Page Text
| REAL ESTATE 1 TKANHFKRP. NEWARK. Tllltou M. I niter fob at hlemnn et al. e a B- 8t*teenin too ft fr Nineteenth nv. -*x.>.m Sophie W Krh and him to Jutnc* Brian,,.. w - 8 Klftt*anth .1, 275 ft a fr Fourteenth nv, 25*10?-.... Jama* Brian,u to Hubert t ■ >-rb- j Anith'P Mr"lNeiihan» to K™"*} 'f’t . Sehattli. * a Ferdinand at, ldtl ft *> ft drove st, ... William Oppenhelmer tn v ttroaan. n a HamlnirK pi. #8 « « fr Kouiorn st. 23xlW • Uoehelm S. Water* to Henf.v -1. ("her. \v a S. Tenth at. l-‘ ft n fr eleventh nv. 75*100.a Ilenrv .1. Klnr to -loahelin S. ’ Waters, same prop.. .. Steal A Co. to Rose l>‘ 1 u .•heatot av, 75 ft e fr N. Ninth at, 20*1(10: and other trait ...... Ahrnni Itmbnvltz to Pnnlltw »'>* man. w a S. Soventeentli at, 100 ft a fr Avon tv. 3><IOO.... ■ • ••• Clark Fatales to .lame* A. I.teh nrtjs. w s Clifton av, 140 ft n fi Second nv. 75x109. Robert E. Suck ley et al (executors* to Patrick Keeleu. s s Oliver st. 100 ft w fr Tyler st. .*0x100. ,'*>>o Antonio Poe to Pasqunle lene, s s Malvern st, 50 ft e fr Jefferson Mt, 50x104 ...••••* 1 l.ibertv Building and Loan Asso eiatlou to Robert Kerr, a s Wnl nut s». 300 ft w fr binds Lrnn n is & Bros., 25x95.... • • • • > Frederick A. Pfeifer to < paries I. Rummel. s s Ann st, 22o ft w fr Hamburg pi. 25x115. John J. Bnrkhardt to Ironboiind Trust Company, n e s l*>rry st. 50 ft n w fr Merchant st. .>0x100 i James E. Simmons to Irving I* tninc. w S Parker st. at n e cor lot 30. map of prop now of Jonn I*. Wakeiuan .. • • • ■ ■ • y Ottllle Datmek to Louis Repack, n s Ferry st, 95 ft e fr Madison st, 30x121 ...1 John F Monohnn (sheriff' to l eu ernl Trust Company, s w cor Bank and Boston sts, -o.\104; aud other tracts. IU,UW TOWNSHIPS. Jn-miili B. Keibleman »‘t nl to MU ion M. Inger. Hast Orange, u * Kutledge uv, ."40 Tt w fr Arllug Ion av, 31x11(1; unit other tract .. 1 John W. Brunton to oamc. Boat Orange, same prop. IVIbleiunn & Behman t o to same. Bast Orange, n s Itntledge av, lots ft w fr Arlington av, Baca C Williams to Martin M. Stahr, West irraiige, u s Amos st, ;RS) ft w fr Valley way, 30xl— Kyra C. Williams et at o-xeeatorsi to same. West Orange, same ^ I'dnmmi A Paile.' o> Aibert B Baldwin. Hast Orange, w s S. Clinton si, MS ft « fr t entrnl av, 33x100 . Allen N. Terbell to Bergen Bor .. Wien Bldge, « s Drift wav. a.IJ prop William Bromley estate. 102x171.'"A' William .1. Lovelock to .lohn I". Purcell. Bast Orange, e s N. Stx teebth st, 225 ft n fr Park uv, .‘18x108 . ............. ‘ Newark amt Bssex I.arnl ami on urovoDJcnt Company to Anna l. Perlnc. South Orange, s s Hilton uv. 225 ft e fr Prospect St. LoXlOU i Kate Donahue and hus to Giuseppe Roller!. Montclair, s e cor Shor wood and Sherman sts, 50x1-.>•... l Rose Pi I’erto ami hus to Segal A t o.. Belleville, w s Washington I av. 55 ft n fr Grey lock av. 50x110 1 i Essex County Trust Company to Eriniuia Loprete. Mast Orange, e s Halstead si. 075 ft s fr Maple I av. 50x100 .•;••••.• 'i Eiiuiulu Loprete and hus to Nun/.i nta Cnppiello, East Orange, same prop . Charles F. Ball to Helen E. .John son. Glen Ridge, s s Benson st. adj laud Maud M. Mosc, 102x200 I Vito Tafora to Vincenzo Znrrilli. Montclair, e s IMne st. 50 ft s fr Grant st. 50x100.. ” Franklin Hill Co. to Charles < . Sohtner. BIooinHeld, s s Newark av, 27 ft w fr angle in said si. said angle 060 ft w fr Berkeley av . 1 E L. Sawyer & Co. to William H. Shipman’. West. Orange, s e s Gregory av. fi00 ft s w fr Orange dc Heights av. 100x150. 1 T Tuxedo Park, Inc., to Lydia Bln slus. South Orange, s e s King man rd s. 127 ft s w fr S. Or ange av, 60x150. 1 . Elizabeth Leneks and hus to Thomas .1. Swan. Jr.. West Or ange. e s Spruce st. 23S ft s fr Wellington av, .11x85. 1 HP-hard J. Carey to Thomas Ma son, East Orange, e s Grove st. 255 ft s fr Sussex av, 05x150. 1 MORTGAGES RECORDED. NEWARK. Rose Lofhle und husband to William R. Howe, west side Bedford street. 67.1 feet northeast from Sanford street, S1.000. Vincenzo Grasso to Commonwealth Building and Loan Association, south side Bremen street. 5.1.1 feet east from Niagara street; and other tract. $6,600. Same to William Oppenhelmer. north side Hamburg nlaee. 08 feet east from Kfttnorn street, $1,000. cilia L. Morris to Fidelity Trust Com pany, east side Broad street, 120 feet south from Clark street. $1,200. David BramJey to Henry III. north side Clinton avenue, 55 feet west from Bergen Street. $10,000, Patrick Keelen to Robert R. Suckley et al. (trustee!, south side Oliver strpet, 100, feet west from Tyler street. $1,500. Harry Denberg to Atlantic Building | and Loan Association, west side Bergen j street. 224 feet south from Madison ave | nue, $6,000. John Lever to Woodalde Building and Loan Association, west side Seabury | street. 100 feet south from El wood are- I nue; and other tract. $3,000. James T. Richardh to Junior Order! Building and Loan Association, south i west corner «'lifton avenue and Trend-' well strict. $3,300. Same to same, same property. $3,000. Same to Clark estates, same property, I $1,406. Same to same, west side Clifton ave- , nue, 37 feet south from Treadwell street, $2.Ml*. Donato Esposito to Joseph D*Amato, south side Park avenue, 50 feet south east. from Mt. Prospect avenue, $2,800. Robert Kerr to Liberty Building and Loan Association, south side Walnut street, 300 feet west From Grannis's laud. $1,000. Same to same, same property. $1,800. Edward W. McDonough to John H. Dunn & Sons, east side South Fifteenth street. 373 feet north from Fourteenth avenue. $3,s00. Same to same, mist side South Fif teenth street, 300 feet north from Four teenth avenue. $3,800. Some to same, east side South Fif teenth street, 323 feet north from Four tecnth avenue. $3,s(K). Same to same, east side South Fif teenth street. 223 feet north fiom Four tienth avenue, $,*5,800. Same to same, east side South Fif teenlh at re d, 130 feet north from Four teenth a\ enue, $3,800. Same to same, cast side South Fif teenth street, 330 feet north from Four teenth avenue, $3,800. Haim’ to same, east side South Fif teenth street. 275 feet north from Four teenth avenue. $3,800. Morris Diamond to Central Building and Loan Association, east side Bruce street. Ill) feet mirth from South Or angc avenue. $3,000. Louts Rebuck to ottilie Daneck. north I Byrne & McDonnell Member* of N. V. Stork Exchange N. Y. Cotton Exchauge N. Y Produce Exchange San Pranrlwo Stork and Bond Exchange Chicago Board of Trad* Private Wire* WILLIAM V. KIND. Manager 776 Broad Street. Newark TELEPHONE ISM MULBERRY I «o HKO.tU W A 1. NEW VO It It TELEPHONE 604 RECTOR ESTABLISHED IMl. WARREN N. 1RUSDELL & CO. Oeaiers in Stocks and Bonds •aok gae and insurance ateck* a specialty High-grad* Inveeuaent securities. 75b BROAD STREET V aoirtoc Clinton at rasa yjL rkmmm 4440 llulherr* side Ferry street, OG feet east from Madi sou street, $10,IKK). Same to same, same property, $3,000. TOWNSHIPS. Kate E. Gcnung ana husband to M. Wlu Rogers, South Orange, north corner Ward place and Gardner avenue, $4,000. Bessie B. Ryan and husband to Henry P. M ungcr, Caldwell, corner American Homes Company's laud nnd Ida B. Har key’s land. $500. John H. Purcell to William J. Love lock. East Orange, enut side North Six teeiith street. 225 feet north from Park avenue, $1,000. Giuseppe Roller! to Patrick J. Farrell. Montclair, southeast corner Sherwood and Sherman street*. $2,200. Segal & Company to Rose 1)1 Porto. Belleville, west side Washington avenue, 55 feet north from Ore.vloek avenue, $250. John T. Eddy to Charles A. Kimball. Montclair, centre of The Crescent, 201 feet west from Fullerton avenue, $2,000. Del motif I). Soverel to James Jamison. East Orange, northeast corner East Park street and Midland avenue, $0,000. Same to James Jamison, East Orange, some property, $2,000. Katherine V. Reynaud to 1. O' nnor Sloan, East orange, west side Prospect street, northeast corner J. L. Roberts’ bind, $3,250. Fairchild Baldwin Company to Clay ton E. Rich. Montclair, northeast cor ner Union street and Fullerton avenue, $■’3,000. , | Vlncenro Zarrllli to Montclair Building and Loan Association. Montclair, cast side Pine street. 60 fe<* south from Grant street, $2,400. William H. Shipman to Cyrus G. tree man ct nl.. West Orange, southeast side Gregory avenue. 360 feet southwest rom Oinnge’ Heights avenue, $600. Thomas Mason to Essex County Trust Company, Fast. Orange, east side Grove street, northwest corner Susan Libby s land. $5,000. Same to same. West Orange, southeast side Gregory avenue. 300 feet southwest from Orange Hpiglits avenue. $K0O. Vincenzo Federfcl to Bertbu Foret, Belleville, nortHwest side Heckel street, 125 feel southwest from Honls i stnv, $7(10. House nnd Home Company to Louisa IFls|,(.r, West Orange, noith side Cnleo Harrison's land, 31S feet west from North Held avenue, $3,500. Contracts Filed I These contracts were filed in the coun ity clerk's office today: . Julius Cinnamon, owner, with I. Lg lovitrh & Son, contractors, remodeling work, *600; 17!) Summer avenue. William Bley Co., owners, with Henry R Isonberg, contractor, tile and marble 1 work, $1,225; 530-532 Central avenue. ! Sam'' owners with W. E. Lewis, con* j tractor, electrical work, $000; same prem I George F. Garwood, owner, with Ferdi nand Krack, contractor, mason work. I $3,200; Clinton avenue, Irvington. Same owner with Irvington Building Co., con ! tractors, carpentry. $1,875; same premises. | Same owner with Charles Hayward, con tractor. electrical work, $55: same prem ises. Same owner with William H. Bu chanan, contractor, painting, $05: same rot mines. Same owner with E. Roerger Plumbing Co., contractors, plumbing. $444.70: same premises. Edward Knhn. owner, with James F. Ilrnnaka. contractor, general work, $1. 000 : 311 Clifton avenue. William and Annie Gietter. owners, with Charles Rein and Harry Samel, con tractors, carpenter, mason and iron work. $i.3(H): 244 West. Kinney street. Manes Hecht. owner, with Joseph Hecht. contractor, erect and finish build ing. $5.650: 150 Shepard avenue. Minnie P°rine, owner, with A. J. Fer ine. eontraetor, erect and finish house, $3,600: Hilton avenue. Hiltonin. Modern Markets Co., owners, with Al lison F. Clark Co., contractors, mason and carpenter labor, $1,452; 517 Bloom field avenue, Montclair. East Orange Auto and Machine Co., owners, with George 8. Clark’s Sons & Co., contractor®, general work, $9,685; Central avenue and Amherst street, East Grange. New York Produce Market Yesterday. BUTTER—Market opened a little easier on the highest grades, with a lower tendency for all other cream eries. Buyers from Boston are clean ing up the undergrade*! fairly well, and they were firmer. Packing stock is scarce, and. as process depends en tirely upon this grade, it, too, is firmer. The advances were on the lower grades, and were %c generally. Prices follow-: Creamery, extra, 28%@> 29^c; firsts. 25Vi(Ta>28c; seconds, 23@ 25c; thirds. 21(®22c; State dairy, tubs, finest, 27@28c; good to prime 24^@ 26%c; common to fair, 20@23%c; process, extras, 23@23%c, firsts 22(& 22M*c; lower grades 18@21c; imitation creamery, firsts. 21V4@22%c; ladles, current make, firsts 20%@21c; sec onds 20c: current packing stock No. 1. 19%<®20c; current make, No. 2, 19c; lower grades, 17<$18^c. CHEESE—Market continued steady, with a normal amount of trading yes terday. Current receipts are clean ing up well and storage stock is held firm. Prices, State, whole milk, fresh, white and colored specials, ;4%(£15c; colored and white, average fancy, 14^4©14Ho; undergrade®, 10/® 13^c; daisies, 15/®15Hc; State, skim, fresh specials, ll#ll%c; poor to fair, 5<®D^c. EGGS—There was a further ad vance yesterday of %c on next to the highest grade, as well as the* nearby hennery browns and whites. Re frigerator stock was active and a number of blocks changed hands, some of it selling as high as 25c. These eggs cost 20%#21c in the coolers. Market closed firm last night, with a better feeling on all grades. Prices: Fresh gathered, ex tras. 25&27c; extra firsts, 23%©24%c; firsts, 22#23c; dirties. No. 1, 18#19c; No. 2, 10#17c; checks, 16#17c; refrig erator firsts, charges paid, 24%#25c: seconds, 23#24c; Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, fancy, large, 294/32c; hennery browns, 26#28c; mixed colors, 22#26c. LIVE POULTRY—There were un loaded 28 cars of Western and South ern stock by freight yesterday, and 2 cars by express. Market wfa« fairly | active for fowls and broilers, with | broilers up lc and fowls %c. Old roosters remained the same, with j geese a trifle firmer and no change in 'guinea fowls and pigeons Prices: I Broilers, 18#21c; fow'ls, 17%#18c. old roosters. 12c; turkeys, mixed, 15# 15%c; ducks, 15#17%c; geese, 14c; guinea fowls, pair. 60#65c; pigeons, , pair. 30c. DRESSED POULTRY-Very little activity in trade yesterday. Butchers demanded heavy fowl and they were scarce. They were not satisfied with the smaller sizes and they were weaker. Old roosters were firm and fresh broilers were in better demand than at the close the day before. While there was no change in price the feeling for heavy fowls and good broilers was firmer. Demand for spring ducks was small and trade disap pointing. In frozen poultry there was a better supply of dry picked roasting chickens. Buyers arc well supplied and fotind some difficulty In moving i the stock. Scalded chickens were particularly slow-. Demand was not large for fancy frozen turkeys, but the price remained the same, with a firmer tendency. Prices follow: Fresh killed turkeys, 17018c. Broilers. Philadelphia, fancy, 2 lbs. each. 28030c. Fowls. Western, boxed, Rt‘ lbs. and over to dozen. 19Hc; 36 to 42 lbs., 17c; under 30 lbs., 12vi@13c; in barrels, iced. 4*6 to 5 lbs., 19c; fancy fealded. 17 %c. Western and Southern, poor. 11012c Ducks, spring, Long Island, 16c; old, 1201?c. Old roosters. 12^4013c. Squabs, white, 10 lbs. to dozen. $3.75: 7 lbs.. $2.25. Frozen—Turkeys, small. Western, se lected hens and toms, 25026c. Broil ers, 12 to box. milk fed. fancy. 18 to 24 lbs., 18019c: com fed. 16017c. Chickens, milk fed. 31 to 36 lbs. to dozen, 16c; corn fed. 14c. Fowls, Western, boxed. 60 lbs. and over to j dozen, 19^4<*; 30 to 35 lbs., 13014c; j old roosters, 12H013c. Small Cotton Firm Fails special to the Evening Star. NEW YORK, July 31.—the suspen sion of the Arm of F. J. Frederlckson & Co., was announced today upon i DEATHS DROWN—On July 30, 1914. Ellen S., be loved widow of William K. Brown nnd sinter of the late Julia A. Miller, of New York city. Relatives nnd friends are kindly in tlted to attend the funeral from the residence of Laurence P. Ward, 208 North Seventh' street., on Saturday. August 1. nt 8:30 a. m., to St. Rose of Lima's Church, where a Solemn High Mass of Requiem will be offered for the repose or her soul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre. (New York Herald and Brooklyn Eagle please copy.) C'RELIN—On Tuesday. July 28. 1911, William M.. beloved husband of Eliza beth Orelln (nee Pound), aged 00 years. Relatives nnd friends are kindly In vited to attend the funeral services | from the parlors of the People’s Hu rial Company, 380 Broad street, on Satiir day, August 1, nt 2:80 p. m. Interment at Falrmount Cemetery. GRADY—Suddenly, on July 29, 1914. Claude II., beloved husband of Florence E. Grady, aged 33 years. Funeral services on Friday evening. July 31, nt 8 o’clock at hlfl Into home. 1 S77 South Fourteenth street. Relatives j and friends are Invited to attend. In terment nt the convenience of the fam ily. GRAVES—On July 20. 1914, James Graves. In Ills eightieth year. Relatives and friends, also employes of Graves’ File Compuny are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral ser vices at the residence of Ills son. Wil liam T. Graves, 35 Tracey avenue, on Saturday, August 1, at 2 p. m. Inter ment In Falrmount Cemetery at the convenience of the family. GROSS—On July 28, 1914, George C'.. beloved husband of Elizabeth K. Gross. Relatives nnd friends, also members of Copestone Lodge No. 147, F. and A. M., and members of Highland Hose Company No. 4, K. F. D., arc Invited to attend the funeral services ut his late residence, corner Hnlsted aud Windsor streets, Arlington, N. J., on Friday. July 31, nt 2 p. m. Interment in Arlington Cemetery. Kearny Lodge No. 1050, B. P. O. E.. will hold services on Thursday evening, July 30, nt 8 o’clock. IIAUSIIKHR—Newark, July 20, 1914, Anna M.. aged 75 years. Relatives and friends arer espeetfully invited to attend funeral services from her late residence, 453 Jolliff avenue. Fridav at H p. m. Interment Saturday nt convenience of family, Falrmouut Cemetery. JOHNSTON—At East Orange, N. J„ July 29. 1914, Mary A., widow of the lute Theophllus Johnston, in her 79th year. Funeral services will be held at her late residence. No. 7 Halsted place. Sat urday, August 1, at 2:30 p. ui. Inter ment in Rosedule Cemetery. _ LULKY—On Friday, July 31, 1014. Tlieo , dorp, beloved husband "f the late Anna Luloy, at his late residence, 266 South orunge avenue. Notice of the funeral hereafter. MARSHALL—Suddenly, Elliott Marshall, husband of Helen Flo.vd-Jones and sou of late Seth .and Eliza R. Marshall, Funeral services will be held from ills lat«* home, 74 Porter place, Mont clair, Saturday, August 1, 1914, on ar rival of train leaving Hoboken, via IV. L. and W.. nt 2:28 p. in. Interment; at South Manchester, Conn., Sunday afternoon, August 2. MITCHELL—At Newark. N. J.. July 28, 1914. William Mitchell, aged forty-four years. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his sister, 77 Court street, Friday, July 31, at 2 p. m. Interment in Woodland Cemetery. MURPHY—On July 30, 1914. Catharine, wife of the late John Murphy and I daughter of the late John and Rose Maxwell, aged eighty years. Relatives ami friends, also members of the Rosary Society are kindly in vited to attend the funeral from 127 Park avenue on Saturday. August 1, at 8 a. m., to the Sacred Heard Church, where a Solemn High Mass of Requiem will he offered for the repose of her soul at 9 a. in. Interment in the Ceme tery of the Holy Sepulchre. SCHAEFFER—Peacefully fell asleep. on Thursday. July 30, 1914. Marie E. Schaeffer, beloved wife of John A. Schaeffer and daughter of John and Catherine Sehadc (neo Witz), aged fifty - one years four months twenty-seven days. Relatives und friends are respect fully invited to attend the funeral on Sunday, August 2, at 2.30 p. m.. from her late residence, No. 37 West End avenue, Vailsburg. Interment in Fair mount Cemetery. SCHERSTULL—Entered into rest on Thursday, July 30, 1914. Gertrude Scherstull (nee Henningen, beloved wife of Joseph Scherstull, aged 48 years 8 months 1 day. Relatives and friends, also St. Ann’s Altar Society, the Ladles' Society Sav ing Club Unter I ns, the Edelweiss Sav ing Club, and the Saving Club Fr«*h slnn. are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Saturday. August 1, at 8.30 a m.. from her late residence, 415% South Sixteenth street, to St. AnnN Church, where at 9 a. in., a Mass of Requiem will be offered for the repose of her soul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre. 8T0NEBRINK—On July 29, 1914, Cath erine, beloved wife of the late William J. Stouebrink. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Frank C. Wltman, 389 Lincoln avenue, on Sat urday, August 1. at 8:30 a. in., to the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Interment in the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre. TORMOHLEN—Entered into rest, July 30. 1914, Henry Tormoblen, beloved hus band of Carolina IL Tormoblen (nee Meister). Funeral services will be held In St. John’s Lutheran Church, Avon avenue and South Tenth street, Suturday, Au- j gust 1, at 2:30 p. in. WRIGHT—On Thursday, July 30, 1914, Sarah Catherine Meeker, wife of Vin cent M. Wright, in her 75th year. Funeral services will be held at her late home, 1032 Broad street, on Satur day, August 1, at 1.30 p. m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Iu terment ut Rahway, N. J., at the con venience of the family. Rahway papers please copy. the opening of the Coton Exchange. The market was weak. July being off 82 points. The Frederickson firm was a small one and the failure had no effect on the market it tvas declared. Family Heirlooms Melted for Woman Suffrage Cause CHICAGO. July 31.—A big gold nug get and a larger chunk of silver re pose today in the safe deposit vault here of the Equal Suffrage Associa tion as a memorial of the self-sacri fice of Chicago suffragists, who yes terday threw their rings, bracelets and teapots into the melting crucible for the benefit of the suffrage cause. The ceremony, heralded for several days, took place at suffrage headquar ter*. All day women came in bearing modern jewelry and heirlooms, which they were willing to give up toward the $50,000 fund United States suf fragists are pledged to raise. One wealthy woman brought a heavy, old-fashioned silver tea set in n basket. Many of the sacrifices consisted of old gold watches, chains and cuff buttons belonging to suffra gists' husbands. — Invite G. A. R. to Encamp in Washington Next Summer WASHINGTON. July 31. — The j Grand Army of the Republic is to be | invited to hold its annual encamp | ment hero next summer. The district commissioners have decided to ex tend an invitation to Commander Gardner at the annual encampment of the G. A. R. in Detroit in August. Next year will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the review of the Grand Army in Washington at the close of the war. Star Classified Ads. Bring Re sults. Advertise in The Star. FUNERAL directors 380 Broad St., Cor. 8th Av. WILL FURNISH FOR elegant casket, covered with One black broadcloth, white or silver gray plush, with massive bar handles, engraved nameplates, lined with silk or satin, outside case, em balming, advertising. dreso'ng, shaving, crucifix, candelabra, gloves, chairs, hearse and three coaches to any city cemetery. We furnish for a funeral that measures up to any trust undertaker 190.00 funeral. Funeral Parlors Free. PH)NB 267 BRANCH BROOK. Newark Burial Co. 538 BROAD STREET between Bridge and Lombardy sts For $65.00 we 'igree tr Supply Black Broadcloth. White 1 Blush or Imitation Oak Casket. Handles. | Blate. Interior Lined Complete. Outside Pino I I Box. Embalming. Newspaper Notice, Use of j Rug, Pedestal. Crepe. Camp Chairs. Hearse. Three Coache* Any City Cemetery. Services J of Funeral Director*. Parlors for fur.eral ir* connection. *02i n?ui.rrt!RRT 538 B^oad St. i A. J. A J. IIOIXK. EST. 1HB1 j Funeral Directors and Embaimers. Funeral Parlors 4. 6. 4 Shipman st. Livery and automobile funerals a specialty. Phone (28 Markaf. WM. F. MTTLLIN UNDERTAKER. 230 I^fayette st Phone 630 Market. JAMES F CAFFREY. Est. 18SP. Undertaker. 14 Thomas st. Tel. 770 Waverly. Joseph Hitrth. Established 1891. 293 South Orange av.; phone Mulberry 2. First-class service. Moderate Rates. GEORGE BRUECKNER’S SONS—Funeral directors and embaimers. Offices end funeral parlors 16 Belmont av. Phone Waverly 611. CHAS. J. GUENTHER. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Lady attendant. i99 Sussex av. Tel. 1985 B. B. JOSFPH J. MANGER. Funeral Director pod Embalmer. Tel. 7P3 Waverly. 4 89 Springfield av. FRANK A. FOLEY. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 802 Lafayette st. Phone 5736 Market. T. .1. CALL AN. Funeral Director and Embalmer | 28 Central av. Tel 646. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS & testimonials engrossed, di plomat filled In: cards A- invitations beauti fully written. Kinney Studio. 18 W. Kinney. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS SALEM STREET GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING. CEDAR AND TRE MONT AVENUES SEWERS. MUNN AVENUE SEWER. Asessment for Bene fits. Notice is hereby given, that an assessment upon all the owner* of all the lands and real estate peculiarly benefited by each of the following Improvement*, namely: Tho grading, curbing and flagging of SALEM STREET. from South orange avenue to Rockland ter race. according to the provisions of an ordinance of the City of Newark, entitled. "An Ordinance to provide for ^he grading. ] curbing and flagging of SALEM STREET. from South Orange avenue to Rockland terrace.” approved May 2. 1913. The construction of a sewer in CEDAR AVENUE. between Mountainvlew avenue and Tremont avenue, and in Tremont avenue, from Cedar avenue to Chelsea avenue, according to the provisions of an ordinance of the City of Newark, entitled, "An Ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in CEDAR AVENUE. between Mountainvlew avenue and Trr mont avenue, and in Tremont avenue from i'edar avenue to Chelsea avenue.” approved February 20. 1914. The construction of a sewer in MUNN AVENUE. from Plymouth street to the Irvington line, according to the provisions of an ordinance of the City of Newark, tentitled, "An Or dinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in MUNN AVENUE. from Plymouth street to the Irvington line, approved March 6. 1914. Has been prepared, by the undersigned commission, appointed by the Mayor of the City of Newark, and that a report by a cer tificate in writing, with an accompanying inap and schedule, showing the several as sessments against the several owners pecu liarly benefited as aforesaid, has been de posited In the office of the city clerk of the City of Newark, for examination by the parties interested therein. Said assessment comprises all lots, tracts and parcels of land ami real estate liable to be assessed as aforesaid lying on both sides of SALEM STREET, from South Orange avenue to Rockland ter race; on both sides of CEDAR AVENUE. between Mountainvlew avenue and Tremont avenue; on both sides of TREMONT AVENUE. from Cedar avenue to Chelsea avenue; on both Hides of MUNN AVENUE. from Plymouth Htreet to the Irvington line. A "Lot" represents an entire plot of land, whether large or small. All persons interested in said assessment may be heard before said commissioners, on Thursday afternoon, the sixth day of August. 1914. at 2 p. m.. at the commissioners’ room. No. 4 (third floor), City Hall. Dated July 31. 1914. WILLIAM DIMOND, JOSEPH HRISLER. ADOLPH HOLZNKR. July 31-6t Commissioners. GROVE TERRACE SEWERS AND BRANCHES. Notice i» hereby given that the commis sioners heretofore appointed by the Mayor of the cttl Of Newark to inako an estimate and assessment upon all the owners of all the land and real estate in the City of Newark peculiarly benefited by any local improve ment in the said city, in proportion as nearly to have acquired, have made an estimate and as may be to the advantage each was deemed assessment of benefits conferred upon all the owners of all the lands and real estate In the city of Newark peculiarly benefited by each of the following Improvements In said city, namely: The construction of a sewer to be known and designated as GROVE TERRACE SEWERS AND BRAN TIES, approved September 12, 1913. Said assessment comprises all lois, tracts and parcels of land and real estate liable to be assessed as aforesaid lying on both sides of GROVE TERRACE, from the Irvington lino to West End ave nue; on both sides of BREAKENRIDGE TERRACE, or Morris avenue, from the Irvington line to 100 feet west of the westerly line of Caro lina avenue: on both sides of COLUMBIA AVENUE ana ISABELLA AVENUE, from the Irvington line to Plymouth street; on both sides of VERMONT AVENUE. from the Irvington line to Laurel place; on both sides of MELROSE AVENUE. from the Irvington line to Grove terrace, and on both sides of CAROLINA AVENUE, from a point about 100 feet southerly from the southerly lino- of Breakenridge terrace, or Morris avenue to Laurel place. And have filed their reports of said as sessments for benefits In the office of the clerk of the Supreme Court of the County of Essex, and that the Judge of said court court haw Mxed Monday, the third day of August. 1914. at 9:30 o’clock in the foro noon. in the Supreme Court room. 305, at the Court House in the city of Newark, as the time and place of hearing any objec tions that may be made to the said assess ments. Dated July 28. 1914. FRANK E. HRADNER. July28-5t City Attorney. LEGAL NOTICES ESSEX COUNTY ORPHANS’ COURT—In tho matter of the estate of Lizzie A. ! Welsh, deceased. Order to show cause. I John E. Welsh, administrator of Lizzie l A. Welsh, deceased, having exhibited under oath a true account of the personal estate and debts of said intestate, whereby it ap pears that the personal estate of the said Lizzie A. Welsh Is not sufficient to pay her debts and requesting the aid of the court in the premises, ft is thereupon on this thirteenth day of July, 1914, ordered that all persons inter ested in the lands, tenements, hereditaments and real estate of the said Lizzie A. Welsh, deceased, appear before thiM court at the Court House, in the City of Newark, on the eighteenth day of September. 1914. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to show couse why so much of the land, tenements, heredita ments and real estate of the said Lizzie A. W’elsh. deceased, should not be sold as will be sufficient to pay her debts. II. V. OSBORNE. J. I Isaac Hhoenthal, | Surrogate. jyl7,-M,31,ttU*7,14,21(Sg m , t CEMETERIES Glendale Cemetery Franklin av. and Joralemon at.. Bloomfield, N. J. Beat located and finest kept, with per petual care to lot owner* ; :e; plot* of 4 graves. $60 up; eingl* grave*. $16. Phone 1263 Bloomfield. HELP WANTED MALI. A GOOD chance to learn the electrical trade. For particulars call at PRAC TICAL ELECTRICAL SCHOOL. 45 Acad emy st.. Room 6. AN EXCEPTIONAL disinfectant; on the mar ket over 10 years; rar superior to anything of Its kind; The King Bug Killer; guaranteed to kill roaches, hugs nrnl all vermin Instantly or money refunded: «irou ,l* a card or phone and onr salesman will call to give free dem onstration. J ELLISON & M’COItMAGK. 81 Warren st.. Newark. N. J.; phone 8788-W Market. __ AIJTO DRIVING. REPAIRING. COMPLETE COURSE |2b. LARGE CARS. LONG ROAD LESSONS, REPAIRS IN THE GARAGE. DAY OR EVENING. WB HELP TO SE CURE POSITIONS. BEST IN THE CITY. CARPENTER. 107 BELLEVILLE AVE AUTO SCHOOL OF NEW .1ERSKT. 282 284 nolsev st., oldest snd largest In State; un- i limited coursi : license guaranteed: dir and evening. We help secure position*. Terms i to suit pupils. Cars for .xamlnatlon I BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, young man. for large manufacturing company: i manager, for lunchroom, $14; porter, for in stitution; lunehman. for cafe. German pre ferred; man and wife, white or colored, for! private family: pipe filter, for manufactur ing company; baker's helper; porter, elderly, for cafe; chef, for hotel; chef, for lunch room; farm hands, waiters. THE RE LIABLE AGENCY, entire ground floor, 326 Broad st. The only reliable agency In town. MEN with paientsbte ideas write RAN DOLPH A CO.. Patont Solicitors. Wish- , Ingtrn. D. C._ I NEWARK mall carriers wanted; average $90 ! month: Newark examinations coming; sample questions free. FRANKLIN INSTI TUTE. Dept. 241-0, Rochester, N. Y. RAILROAD firemen, brakemen. $120; experi ence unnecessary; send age. postage. Ad dress RAILWAY. Box 65. Star office SALESMEN—Better your position; we re quire up-to-date salesmen to secure orders for home furnishings on credit; capahle men earn above $20 weekly. CROWN CO., 74-76 Market st. WANTED—Names of men. 18 to 45. wishing to be Newark mail carriers; $67 month to begin. Address MAIL CARRIER. Box 100. Star office. WANTED—Male stenographer and telephone operator. FORD MOTOR CO., corner Halsey st. and Central av. WANTED—Canvasser, for very good propo sition: must be intelligent and wide awake man: Hebrew preferred. Call 186 Springfield av.. between 8 and 9 this evening WE DESIRE, for mutual profit, to appoint responsible agents (either lady or gentle man) for restricted territories; must be re liable and have efficient selling ability. Cal! 9 to 12 or other times by appointment. THE PAKAS COMPANY INC., Room 833. White hall Bldg.. New York. j ' 70UNO nen learn linotype operating (day and evening); send for booklet "S. MER OENTUALER LINOTYPE SCHOOL, 244 West Twenty-third st.. New York. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CANVASSERS—House to house canvassers j wanted. Apply Room 5, Splngarn build-j ing. 198 Market st. GIRLS WANTED—Experienced and inex perienced. now modern factory, clean and sanitary; .‘.-cent fare On D., L. & W., from Newark and Harrison. Apply HOWARD i MINIATURE LAMP CO.. Ampere Station. East Orange. N. J. GIRL wanted who has had experience cut ting trimmings for hats. H. D. PARME- 1 LEE & CO.. Miller st. and N. J. R. R. av. LADIES can earn money at home ; pare time. no canvassing; send stamped addressed en velope for particulars. MUTUAL PUB. CO., Scranton, Pa. PAPER BOXES—Strippers, turn-in girls and finishers wanted; experienced: steady work. W. B. PAPER BOX CO., 154 Sum mit st. WAITRESSES and pantry girl, Pocono Mountains; cook, Keyport: cook. Pratts ville: cook. Oscawanla Lake; housekeeper. Newark; two German girls, cook and chambermaid-waitress, fifty hou^workers wanted at once; your carfare paid one way. GROVE AGENCY, 143 Main st.. East Orange. Open until 9 p. m. WOMEN wanted for government clerkships, $70 month; Newark examinations soon; specimen question free. FRANKLIN IN STITUTE. Dept. 6620. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE ANYONE can earn $5 to $25 per week copying letters; stamped envelope for re ply. NATIONAL COPYING Co 343 West W cut Eighteenth at.. New York. LEARN ragtime ou your piano; guaranteed. 10 lessons; teacher will call; demonstration free. CLARK WINN. B7 Halsey. 888 Camden. MEN AND WOMEN—Exceptional opportu nity selling Dr. Hall's “Sexual Knowl edge.” whole or spare time. METROPOLI TAN ROOK CO., office 466 Ogden st., New ark. N. J. OVER 15.000 government life Jobs open to men and women: $65 to $160 month; com mon education sufficient; Newark examina tions coming: description and sample ques tions free. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. 242-0. Rochester. N. Y. $260 A MONTH—Everybody can earn; also as incidental earning $2 per hour, guar anteed; all particulars free and postpaid. GLASER. 80 Miller av.. Providence. R. I. SITUATIONS WANTED KALE. BOY (15). with working papers, wants posi tion us errand or office boy. Address WILLING. Box 88. Star office. BOY. 17, desires position In office or garage. Address ANXIOUS. Box 52, Star office. CARPENTERS—Four carpenters wanted. Apply 65 Baker st.. Maplewood, N. J. DIEMAKER and designer; sheet metal; fast, accurate workman wishes position. C. F.. 76 North Uth st. EMPLOYERS. DO YOU WANT A REAL WORKING OK OFFICE BOY? PHONE MARKET 2598 OR CALL AT 207 MARKET STREET. NEWARK. NO CHARGE FOR FINDING JUST THE BOY YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. BIG BROTHER MOVE MENT. FOREMAN—Efficient master mechanic wants position as foreman In machine shop or factory. Address WAS BAUER, 104 Graham av.. Paterson. GENT'S furnishing and hat salesman desires position: can furnish best reference. Ad dress SALESMAN, Box 100. Star office. CARPENTER wants work building stoops and fences and repairing. 51 Hartford street. KITCHENMAN—German, reliable, assistant I to chef, desires steady position; good refer I ences. Address KITCHENMAN, Box 87. j Star office. MAN wishes light position; understands tare of horses; looks more for good home than wages: security if required; references. MARTIN HUBER, 4 3 Randolph av., Clifton, N. J._____ POLISHER, buffer, tapper on gold, silver. platinum, etc.; thoroughly reliable; best of references. H. P. L., 145 Orchard st. STOCK CLERK—Ambitious young man. 25. Christian, eight years* experience, wide awake, hustler, gentlemanly and well rec ommended. will consider position at a mod erate salary If future is offered. Address I N. C.. Box 81. Star office. VIOLINIST desirea position anywhere; moving picture house preferred. Address VIOLINIST. Box 92. Star office. YOUNG MAN (28) wishes a position doing : anything. H. LILLEY, 50 Bieecker st., care C. Van Dyke. YOUNG man. about 20. like position where responsibility counts; can furnish se curity: best reference. Address RELIABLE, Box 58 Star office. I YOUNG married man wishes any kind of | work. 126 .South Orange av. YOUNG MAN. 21. wishes position at any thing. Address H. 3.. Box 82. Star office. PRINTING HIGH-GRADE printing at low-grade price#. STOUTB. 69 Academy st.. Newark. \\ J. Star Classified Ads. Bring Re sults. Advertise in The Star. •' 1 , • ' SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER—Young lady desires po sition aa bookkeeper: knowledge of type writing. Address R, 1156 Springfield av., Irvington. CASHIER—Young lady wishes steady posi tion aa cashier and bookkeeper; has had three years' experience; best references. Ad dress COMPETENT. Box 51 Star ofllee. DON’T be bothered by a washwoman In the house; we’ll do your wo.-It better, cheaper and at leas trouble; rough dry work at 5 cents a pound, iroued; over 15 |>ounds. 4 cents; also wet wash. 00 cents s I mg; delivered in twenty-four hours; shirts and collar work done quickly and satisfactorily; all work guar •hteed. STAR STEAM LAUNDRY. 008 Orange st. Phene Branch Brook 8051 for wagon to call. DAY’S WORK—Woman wants day’s work of any kind; call all week. 186 Liv IngHion st. HOUSEWORK—-din wants general house work in small family. 147 Court st.. third floor. HOUSEKEEPER—Woman wishes position as housekeeper. 136*4 Bloomfield av.; 2nd floor. HOUSEKEEPER—Young woman wishes po sition as housekeeper .or matron: private or Institution. MRS. A. KNAPP. 268 Broad street. LAUNDRESS- good laundress wants work. 437 Ridgewood av.. second iloor. JACK SON. TWO white girls, took and waitress, wish work together, country or seashore. Ad dress M. F. P., 30 Vi Webster st.. city. YOUNG colored girl wishes to assist with housework. Cali or write LAURA BRANCH, 687 North Oth st.. top floor, rear. LOST AND FOUND ADVERTISE L03T OR FOUND ARTICLES THE LAW “A person who fluda lost property under circumstances which gives him knowledge or means of inquiring as to the true owner, and who appropriates Much property to his own use or to the use of another person, who la not entitled thereto, without having first made every reasonable effort to find the owner and return the property to him. Is guilty of LARCENY."—New Jersey State law. RECEIPT LOST—A receipt. Issued by the United States Assay Office, No. 6 2. dated June 23d, 1914. for 129.15 ounces gold bullion, payable to Allsopp Bros, or order, has been lost; payment has been stopped at the Assay office. ALLSOPP BROS. Dated July 29, 1914. LOST— Monday. July 27. gold locket, dia mond on one Hide, monogram W. L. B. on other side; liberal reward. Notify BARRET, 610 Second av.. Anbury Park. N. J. PERSONALS "MADAME X” self opening steel front, and bark lace made to order, |1.75 up. MRS. CARLSON. 47 Orchard at. Phone 6966. BUSINESS PERSONALS — at Clothes Dryers and Pulley Poles complete, _#3_and_up. 1r iTi n i ) i f . We make the ‘'est ladders on earth. Call and see. PORTLAND LADDER CO., 130 Orange St. Tel. 584 B.B. RELIANCE MATTRESS CO. RENOVATES FEATHER BEDS AND HAIR MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS OF ALL KINDS RECOVERED OR MADE TO ORDER. FEATHER PILLOWS MADE. 332 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE 2367-W, MARKET. PRINTING AND MULTIGRAPHING. P. & L. service la complete. We write strong, convincing copy for booklets, foldera, etc.; arrange, design and print them well; multigraph letters, complete mailing Hats, address envelopes, wrappers, etc. Let our representative call and explain our service !n detail. The PRICE & LEE CO.. 8 28 Broad. Metal Ceilings and Walls Celling* |8 up. FRED J. BOCK. 17-19 Ellin bv„ near Clinton av. Tel. 3105 Wav. METAL CEILINGS AND WALLS Estimates furnished for all kinds of work. MOE ROSEN STEIN. 132-134 Halley at. Phone 4421-W. Market. Renovating I I rvh r\r Mattresses Loweat prices UpilUlblCrV Slip Covers S ROSEN. 109 Howard st.; tel. 4737-R. Mkt. DOLLS' HOSPITAL, ladlea' hairdressing: natural hair only, for tale. 118 Washington st., formerly at 174; phone 6947-M. Market. METAL CEILINGS AND WALLS erected in ali kinds of buildings. JAMES V. MAGUIRE, 313 Halsey st.. Newark. SEWING MACHINES SEWING machines repaired right In your home. Send postal to MR. MITCHELL. 40 Thirteenth av.. or phone 6578-J. Market. INSTRUCTION NEWARK ACADEMY, 644 High St.. Cor. William. Founded 1792. WILSON FAR RAND. HEAD MASTER. Reopens September 23, 1914. Thorough preparation for any college or scientific school, or for business life. Gym nasium and Athletic Field. Number In each form limited. Catalogue on request. The Head Master will be at the Academy to talk with parents from 9 to 3 during the week beginning September 14. DANCING. BERRY'S DANCING SCHOOL. 833 Broad Street. Now open for private instructions. SUMMER SCHOOL AT ASBURY PARK. Jardln De Danse. 215 Cookman Av., Cooper Block. MUSIC. ADA M. KENNEDY. 4 Humboldt st.; phone 1134-R, B. B., violin and piano Instruction. I teach a method that produces the best possible results In one year's time. BANJO. MANDOLIN, GUITAR, VIOLIN. Lessons. 50c; sfcond-hand Instruments for sale. A. J. WEIDT. 439 Washington st., cor. Kinney. PATENTS FRAENTZEL. & RICHARDS, patent law ho HcItorH of U. S. and foreign patents, trade marks copyrights. 74G-7 Broad st.. Federal Trust bldg., cstab. 1885. Tel. 1841 Mulberry. PATENT BUREAU REICHBLT, 345 Broad st. Newark, N. J. Branch office. Berlin, Germany. Foreign patents a specialty obtained and sold. DRAKE & CO. Established 1865. Phone - 2946 Market. Rooms 510-511 Kinney Bldg., Broad and Market sts. DRESSMAKERS HEMSTITCHING, dress plaltlhg. pinking, plcot edging, fluting, mall orders; prompt attention. ALTMAN, 188 Halsey-41 South Orange av. BETTY LADIES’ TAILORING CO., 595 Broad st.. will make a perfect fitting suit to order for $G. or skirt. Si; fu*mlah your material. Phone Market 8922. HEMSTITCHING, hand embroidery, plait ing. no connection with others. AMERI CAN CHATTING CO.. 161 Halsey at., next to< Bamberger’s. DRESSES. $8 up: skirts, fl up; suits, $6 up: your own material, RICH. 12 New ■t. Telephone. HEMSTITCHING—Go to BLUM’S for fine work. 23 Springfield av.. or 110 Halsey at., ! onn. Y. M C. A. Tel 1R2B Mill. I ---...— DRESSES made to order at home; reason able. 24 Murray st.; phone 2083-J Wav. MIDWIVES REGISTERED MIDWIFE. MRS: DREWE8 BRANDT. 183 MULBERRY ST.. CORNER MARKET. LADIES’ FRIVATE NURSING; HIGH CLASS EXPERIENCE. CONFINEMENTS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. TEL. 8239-W, MARKET. MRS. ORUICH. PRACTICAL. NURSE. Ladies' private nursing; treatment at home; doctors' reference. 156 South Orange av. Phone 315 8 - W, Market. MEDICAL LADIES consult h special let on all special ailments. Irregularities, etc., treated by a licensed physician; ubsolu'e relief guaran teed. lady attendant,; ynvate nursing ar ranged if necessary; charges low: advice free; hours, 9 to 8; Sundays. 10 to 4; take elevated, subway or surface cars to W. 66th st. station; only 15 minutes from Oortlandt terminal; or 12 minutes from 28d wt. ferry. I EXPERIENCED SPECIALIST. 1^28 W. 65th I st., near Broadway, N. Y. City. 1 . « - v, * FRATERNAL FOBS AND EMBLEMS MASONIC fobs and emblems. Eastern Star pendants; presentation Jewels to order; silk badges; celluloid buttons: catalog. NEWARK EMBLEM CO.. 800 Broad at. WANTED—MISCEL LANEOUS -------—-- I ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. CONTENTS | OF HOUSES FLATS AND STORES , BOUGHT; CASH QUICK; VAN FOZNAK, 42 SOUTH ORANGE AV.; PHONE 2071. ] OLD gold, silver, platinum and diamonds bought. BALEVRK, 781 Broad at., over Petty’s. TRADING STAMPS, highest prices for books, loose stamps, cigar, cigarette, to bacco coupons; soap and milk labels. 6C Springfield av.. near High st. WANTED—A gas range; state condition and price. Address RANGE. Box 7G, Star office. CLOTHING. HIGHEST prices for cast-off clothing, hats and shoes. M. MANSON, second-hand clothes for ladies, gents and children; high est prices of any dealer in city. Ill Hart ford st.; tel. 4774-W. Market; send postal. I AM buying and selling ladles’ and gents' i second-hand clothing. C. CAHN. 117 , South Orange av. i FOR SALE LISTER’S FERTILIZER FOR ALL FALL CROPS. We are headquarter* for all of Lister's celebrated brands of fertilizer In large and small quantities for the Fall Crops. Buy Home and you will be pleased with the 'results. J. F. NOLL & CO. 116 MULBERRY ST. NEWARK. N. J. ONE 16 H. P. 500-VOLT C. A&D C. MOTOR COMPLETE; ONE 20 H. P. 500-VOLT C. AND C. MOTOR COMPLETE; FIRST-CLASS CON DITION; CAN BE BEEN IN OPERA TION; GOOD BARGAIN. APPLY TO F. CONERY. NEWARK STAR OFFICE NEWARK. N. J. NEPONSET WALL BOARD. used in place of lath and plaster, will not crack; damp proof; better than plaster and taats for ever; finished In quarter oak. dead white and burnt leather; prices reasonable For samples address BENJAMIN MYER CO.. 468-470 Broad street. ICE TOOLS—REFRIGERATORS LAWN ROLLERS—LAWN MOWERS WHEELBARROWS GARDEN HOSE—PRUNING SHEARS RAKES AND SHOVELS BANISTER & POLLARD CO.. 206-208 MARKET ST.. •'THE HOME OF GOOD HARDWARE." BRIGHTEN TJP. those stoves and stovepipes of yours: our stovepipe enamel does the trick. ONE-HALF PINT, 15c; QUART. 25c. Best for your roof, our Roof Leak—black, 61.10 per gal.; red, $1.20 per gal.; Prince's. •Oc per gal. A. C. GETCHIU8 ft CO. 188 MARKET ST. FOR SALE—TENTS. WATERPROOFED, 7x7 FEET, 15.00 COMPLETE. WALSH’S SONS ft CO.. PASSAIC AND CLAY STB. sold, rented, repaired; sup plies wholesale and retail. CANFIELD. 199 Market st. COOK with comfort; buy a cooking cabinet; makes your kitchen 20 degrees cooler; no odors; the latest In sanitation. Call or ad dresa SANITARY HOMES CO., 188 Market street. 10% OFF on photo finishing and supplies; perfect results: 24-hour service. Commercial Photo Co.. 356 Washington at.; tel. 4086 Mkt. CABBAGE PLANTS, 30,000 celery plants for sale. Apply JAMES McCADE, Main and Jones st.. East Orange. 20.000 BRK’K for sale at 270 Norfolk st., or address BRICK. Box 64. Star office. RUBBING BED for sale. 10 ft. 26 Ar lington 8t. POOL TABLES POOL TABLES bought, sold, rented and re paired. LUDLOW. 88 Market st. Tel. 2484 Mulberry. Entrance on Washington st -m BILLIARD TABLES. BILLIARD pocket table mfra.; high-grade, easy terms; liberal cash discounts; also renovated tables. BRUNNER & SON, 717 Communipaw av„ J. C. Plank road car. CHICKENS. EVERYTHING FOR POULTRY—Incuba tors, brooders, feed, etc.; beat quality at the lowest prices. J. F. NOLL CO., INC., 116 Mulberry st. OUR OWN mixtures of scatch and laying mash are far superior to others; all sup plies. FARM AND GARDEN. 269 Market st. COAL. LEHIGH and free-burning coal for family use; pea. buckwheat and bituminous, for steaming; George’s Creek, Cumberland, for smithing, foundry, furnace and crushed coke. Mall orders promptly filled. Phono Market 4477, 4478. JOHN G. MERKEL CO. 28 Prince street. DOGS. DR. SMITH’S Dog and Cat Hospital. 15 Rail- ! road pi., East Orange; phone 1222 Orange. Boarding kcnucl, Glen View Farm, Weat Or auge; phone 8418 W Orange. DR. H. VAN DER ROEST’S HOSPITAL FOR DOGS AND CATS, 10. 12, 14 Orchard at, Phone 3080 Market. FISHING SUPPLIES FISHERMEN—Expert repairing, rods and reels, bait and supplies; moderate charges. JEFF DIGANARD. 58 Bank st.. block from Broad. I _ HOUSEHOLD GOODS ENTIRE household goods, hair mattress. oak bed, china closet, chairs, tables, dishes, gas range, water cooler, etc. 284 Market st.. confectioner. CARPETS, $3.75 up; Iceboxes, $3.50 up; oak. mahogany furniture, rugs. 34 Bridge •t., near Broad. AT SMITH’S. 148 Mulberry st.. second-hand furniture bought, sold and exchanged. JEWELRY A WATCH coating $10 for $S; Waltham, 20 year, gold filled. Bargains in Watchee C. BIERMAN. Pawnbroker, 10 Cedar st RUBBER STAMPS. Your signature stamp, atencila, 776 Broad at BOG AH DUS A HEMPSTEAD. Tako el* vator. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE SOLD Rentals $2 per month up Sold $10 up. NEWARK TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 0 Beaver st. Phone Mkt. 4430. 1 block east of Broad. 8 doors from Market UMBRELLAS WE MAKE a specialty of repairing and re covering umbrellas; our work Is RIGHT; prices moderate. GARDINOR’S. 17 Acad emy at. AUTOMOBILES KJflTCHAM & LAW1UE. 26$ HALSEY ST. rHONB 8786 MARKET. TIRES: 80x8 . $9.00 30x3 Mi. 12.00 $4x4 . 18.00 RAIN VISION VENTILATING WIND SHIELD ATTACHMENT FOR FORD CARS. THE RAIN VISION WILL ADD TO YOUR .SAFETY. THE VENTILATOR WILL ADD TO YOLK COMFORT. DISTRIBUTORS OF .HIGH-GRADE SPECIALTIES. TIRES. TUBES. RE* LINERS, BLOWOUT PATCHES, LEAK PROOF PISTON RINGS. BLITZ SPARK PLUGS. ANTHONY TIRE PUMPK ETC. SLIGHTLY USED touring car*, runabouts, de livery autos of different mak®*; condition guaranteed na represented; demonstration; bet ter be SAFE than HORRY. UEO MOTOR OAR CO., 273 Halsey at AUTOMOBILES THINK OF IT! I 5,000 MILES « f.uaranteed n writing. ON AJAX TIKES AT NO EXTRA COST. WE AHE HERE TO MAKE JT GOOD. THE MOTOR TIRE MART. 24 HALSEY ST. PHONE 6424 MARKET. WASHINGTON TARK GARAGE CO.? Paul F. Devine, Manager. 9-13 LOMBARDY ST. , Absolutely Fireproof Garage. Only 100 Feet from Broad Street. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. Peerless) Touring and * daulet Cara for Rent by Hour. Day, Week or Month. CHAUFFEURS IN FULL LIVERY. Individual Lockera for Each Chauffeur. Call to See Ua and Be Convinced. Distributor* for OVERMAN TIRES AND TUBES. TELEPHONE MARKET 8401._ ATTENTION TO , AUTOMOBILE BUYERS AND SELLERS. BROAD USED CAR EXCHANGE. Telephone connection. YVe have on hand several touring cars and runabouts at sacri fice bargains; call on us and look them over; will exchange your old car or buy your car for cash or sell your car on commission at 6%; will call for your car within *60 _ miles free of charge; we have several buyer* — on hand for Ford cars, touring, runabouts J or commercial; we also have a special sale on / United States tires, tubes; we charge no storage on commission cars. 664 Broad st.. opposite Washington Square, Newark, N< J. ► Tel 2409 Mulberry. 0 WANTED at once. DO autos, pleasure or com mercial, for Southern shipment; will pay high prices; bring your car; we also will buy bodies, parts and supplies, from a cutter-pin to a complete car; we buy, sell and exchange; machinery used by automobile manufacturing concern consigned to us for sale, cheap; also garage lockers, etc. ROSE AUTO EX CHANGE. 437 Central av.. Newark. N. J. BUICK MODEL 17. 1910, 5-passenger, per fect mechanical condition; full equipment; good tires, $375. DELIVERY CAR. 1,000 LBS.; good con dition, $350. DELIVERY CAR, % TON; good condition; $1,000. INGLE HUNT MOTORS CO., 986 Broad st. Tel. 7060 Market. ~ BARRACLOUGH & MEEKER. Auto painting or repairing. $10 up; limou sine and coach work a specialty; all work guaranteed. Tel. 2338-J, Harrison, FottrU) St. Oarange and Paint Shop, 305 North Fourth st., Harrison. N. J. • FORD DELIVERY BODIES, both open and closed; ready for mounting on chassis: always on hand; will also fit. any other small cars. ARTHUR REHBEP. GER & SON. 820 Ferry st. STORING, repairing, carbon removed while you wait; supplies. W right St. Garage J. L. BADER. Manager, 9-11 Wright st.; phone 2330 Waverly. DELAUNAY-BELLEVILLE 1911 landaulet. run only h.OOO miles; cost new $9,600; must sell quick; very reasonable. SLOCUM. 1700 Broadway, New' York. MAGNETOS—We positively guarantee all repairing on any make. GENERAL MAG NETO REPAIR CO., 266 Halsey st., cor. William. AUTO lamps, radiators, fenders and wind shields repaired; no competition can beaif-. us. N J. LAMP WORKS. 18 YVllllam at.. Newark; tel. 7244-W. Market. TRUCKS and delivers' wagons, all sizes, all makes; $100 up; guaranteed; easy terms. SMITH COMPANY'. 1693 Broadway, New Y'ork. _______ TI8SOT & ORR. SERVICE GARAGE. Second-hand cars bought and sold. 27 Or ange road. Montclair N. J. ALT ft SCHAEFER. Auto, carriage and wagon (minting; a I work guaranteed. 449 South 10th at., Newark*, phone 1021-W Waverly.__ Once used—always used— 8WINEHART TIRES. Honestly built, economical service. Swlnehart Agency. 211 218 Halsey st. , O. L. FITZGERALD MOTOR CO., 688 BROAD ST.. NEWARK, la the place to buy a good used oar at the right price. _ NEW YORK AUTO TOP AND SUPPLY CO —Auto tops, slip covers, wind rhleldsaml , trimming; repairing promptly attended - to. work guaranteed; estimates cheerfully given. 269 Halsey st.. Newark, N. J. _' A COMPLETE stock of all makes of BA^L BEARINGS on hand; all makes repaired. “S. B. R." SPECIALTY CO., 17 Princeton at., East Orange. GRANT demonstrator; practically new; at tractive price. H. J. KOEHLER CO., .291 Halsey st. __. RT7ICK. Model 17; price $275: Buick. fore door touring. price**$400. JOHN BECKER. South Orange av. and 12th st._ ■ PACKARD. 7-passenger; first-daaa con dition; make good hhoking car. KINGS LEY GARAGE, 22 Warren pi.__ EXPERT repairer on motors, marine and machines. H. C. AB”T L, 68 Liberty st. Tel. 7688 Market. _ •« „ MITCHELL five passenger; must be -sold, 1912 Ford runabout; Thomas delivery wagon. 360 South Uth st.. near South Orange ay. HUDSON. 1912, runabout, good as new. fully equipped; bargain for quick sale. SLO CUM. 1700 Broadway. New York. SIX CYLINDER BEARCAT, perfect condi tion STUTZ MOTOR CAR CO.. INC..» 372 Central av. STUTZ, Bearcat racer, 1912 model, . full equipment. Addreas G. E. HAYES, Con vent, N. J. BOSCH magnetos and Mohawk tires; all makes of magneto** and tires repaired. TIRE TRADING CO.. 60 William st._ $150 FIVE-PASSENGER NATIONAL; good condition. 109 Union st.. Jersey City. FIVE-PASSENGER Moline automobile for Kale cheap. 2G6 Bergen st. AUTOS TO HIRE. AUTOMOBILES to hire for weddings, parties and long trips; National and Mercedes touring cars; reasonable rates; careful driv- w lng; by the hour, week or month. Address g 126 Academy st., Newark; phone 7$71 Mar- | ket. WILLIAM JA8PBR. AUTOMOBILE TRUCKS FOR HIRE. Three and five-ton trucks, for mercantile < purposes, outings and picnics. KASSEL & ;i MORRIS. 23 Warren pi., city. _A ACME GAItAGE. 295 South Orange av.:| comfortable five and seven passenger* pleasure cars; experienced and careful drivers. PHONE MARKET 8234._* PEERLESS, new 7-pa»enger; experienced; driver; hire by hour, day or trip. KINGS LEY GARAGE, 22 Warren pi.; phone . 9266 Market. _— 8-TON Packard truck; load, day, week, out ings. trucking. JOHN BERGEN, 188 Market st. Tel. 6891 Market. __ 8EVEN and five passenger cars; new and roomy; two and three dollars per hour; best service; careful operators. CARPENTER. 107 Belleville av. Phone 18&8-R. Branch Brook MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES .1 REDUCTION SALE. fl Removal Sale. Have closed our Orange etB store, any wheel In store for $18.75 to $19.6^1 cash, your choice of regular $15 to . $3^H machines—Stearns. Niagara, Crescent, Kart^H ford, etc., etc., now on sale at Our WBUa^H ■t. store: our regular $5 down, $1 per wet^K terms prevail at our 21 William ^ st. stoi^B make all payments here. HERBERT AU^B TIN, 21 WllMara «t. ^ __ VHE EXCELSIOR auto cycle, latest, safflB§ moat powerful, twin, $225; two #260; cash or instalments; used inuchi^Mm* J80 up; bicycles from $15 up, »ee hlcy^HE 6 down, #1 week. HAVERFOKD CO.. 9 4.r. Broad st. _^KjJ| BARGAINS IN USED MOTORCYCI^BSB Sole agent tor the l'ope motorcycle, Oranges; motorcycle bicycle and auj^Mp^P piles at «iui prices. ORANGE C 37" Main st., Orange. 51 William St. 61 WU^KHM Hope Motorcycles, Uolunibia nnd Stun.lard Bicycles. Sundries nnd 61 William St.. (’HAS. KKUBS, 61 \VU^Kjmm 1 *41 4 FLYING MERKEL moton-y'clc.^KSlto|l full line of bicycles, $5 to $60; tires. X9c; show ad. to get discount, MONT CYCLE CO.. 845 Broad st. A $2b BICYCLE for $18.60 while these wheel? cannot be duplicated than $26. Thor motorcycle—power, MiS and comfort. SHEAR. 356 WaablngtonH^^'i SEE the 1914 Arrow before ' buylng^HI® where. THOMAS JACKSON. Sole Clinton Hill Cycle Co.. Badger bv.,W|J Clinton. FOR SALE—Single cylinder, with $50. Address CYCLE, Box 84,