Newspaper Page Text
HORSES & CARRIAGES BULL’S HEAD COMMISSION STABLEa 495-4*7 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J. This Is the safest and best place In the East to buy or sell horses. Regular semi-weekly auction every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Iftt 10:80 A. M.. rain or shine. FRIDAY. JULY 81. 400—HEAD OF HORSES—400. — On Friday, July 31, we will ofTer at auction 400 head of horse* of every type and description, among them telnj Home excellent business, express and general purpose horses. Special attention Is called to a mixed con signment of draft and express hors a. that for style, quality and durability cannot b* surpassed. Call and Inspect this consignment. We will also have our usual large run of second-hand horses that have been used around the surrounding country. When you purchase a horse from us you are protected by our guaranty, the only ohe of Its kind In existence. kLL MONEY REFUNDED IF YOU ARE DISSATISFIED WITH YOUR PURCHASE. BULL'S HEAD STABLES. THOS. H. HOY. PROP. SALESMEN: .William Parkhurst. William Paterson. J. S. WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. WE HAVE largest stock of trucks and wagons that we ever had on hand: we will jlell reasonably: see our stock before buying .elsewhere: single and double ice wagons, coaj jyagons, half van, can be bought on very i(Utsy terms; open for inspection every day, uSunday included. Vallsburg Wagon and Carriage Co., L. F. LOIHLB. Mgr., South Orange av., Sanford av. and Palm st. MONTANA HORSES—Car load Just arrived for sale at 162 Bowery st.. corner Chap i. pel. Newark; all cars transfer to yards; new market, just opened. Tel. 4871 Market. W. C. PECK. ^J’OR SALE—Shetland pony. 11.3; five years . old; kind and gentle; also cart and harness. ,,qJOHN BLONDEL & HON. 98 Glenrldge av., saMontclalr, N. J. Phone 1672. *'fHE BEST rubber tires put on right, at ^ short notice; price reasonable; work guar anteed. At HANLdN’S, 70 So. Orange av. PAPERHANGERS AND - DECORATORS WE PAPER rooms, ceilings and walls, $3; painting done at lowest prices. R. ROGOW. L|<r£45 Belmont av. Phone 368-Waverly. 4 WILL paper room, paper Included; work <•* guaranteed; all kinds of painting. Tel. i 4216-M. ASCH. 282 Main st.. E. Orange. ^PIANOS AND ORGANS "ii LUDWIG PIANO CO. **■ Manufacturers of grand, upright and player Eianos. Can you appreciate the economy of uying direct of the maker? . WAREROOMS, 274 MAIN ST.. ORANGE. M BEAUTIFUL player-piano. $350; bargain. STORY A CLARK. 101 Halsey st. CASH paid for .second-hand pianos. Call or send postal. STRATTON. 178 Plane st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL KINDS of business bought and sold; no charges for listing. Buyers on hand for • 11 kinds of business. WERFEL'S EX CHANGE, 222 Washington at., cor. Bank st. WONDERFUL NEW AUTOMOBILE coming on market, revolutionizing entire automobile Industry; car running by crude • a oil, no radiators, no carburetor, no magneto, ’'’ftp rubber tire, there no blowouts; cheaper than any machine on market, incomparably better, faster, more durable; operation and upkeep 2c per mile! Most simple mechanism! Factory being completed now and we can make use of every dollar you have to In- > ^vest. as demand for this car will be enor *““mous; we also need a few able employes. BUCK, 2 Stone st., room 24; New York. 'ELIZABETH—Retiring from grocery busi ness; attractive stock; good business; $300 10 $4t)0 weekly; balance of stock and fixtures feqtWSn inventory $1,000; will sell for $500; positively the best opening in Elizabeth; rent store $50; flat of 6 rooms, improvements, SU5. Address OWNER, care W. W. W.. 32 -bimUhsU, Elizabeth, N. J. ■AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; $1,500 buys modern, newly-built, open-roof thea tre; long lease; low rent; $60 to $80 net t profit weekly; running 1 year; town 35,000; k.-. no opposition. Address MANAGER, Box 99, Star office. B-CUVXER of established national weekly mag ■~r> azine. in non-competitive field, devoted to ■ Thterest of nearly 6,000,000 employee, re ■ quires $10,000 additional capital; exceptional I opportunity afforded bright man or woman; B>o»rTncipale only interviewed; no brokers. Ad tfresa S. C., Box 1Q0, Star office. I WANTED—An Idea! Who can think of aome simple thing to patent? Protect your --laeas, they may bring you wealth. Write L for “Needed Inventions" and “How to Get rc—Tour Patent and Your Money." RAN ° TDOLPH & CO.. Patent Attorneys. Washlng "'Yftn. D. C. REFINED young lady with not lees than $260 to join another In well established -fret stock business; write for particulars. MAUDE SUTTON. 10 Jefferson av., Eliza N. J. 'WANTED—Money to drill one oil well on 1,000 acres, where oil seepage was 1,500 barrels in few days; near largest oil field in “‘TexAs; great chance for some one. Address '°‘0. W., Box 85, Star office. rS’A.TBNT FOR SALE—Good patented tele phone index, hold over 500 names. 4x5, conveniently attached to 'phone; sell cheap. II. W. STONE, Smith and Creamer ata., Brooklyn. - *-«» v JJfOR SALE—Good paying department store u at Ocean Grove. N. J.; owner interested in other business; excellent opportunity; imme diate possession. BENDHELM, 4 98 Broad way, New York. 76 RQOMS, furnished; steam heat, hot sin., water, electric lights; Times Square, New *r*Tork; rent $4,000; long lease; income '*■’111,000. MOORE, 77 West 46th st.. New n*york city. PRINTING—1.000 hond letterheads, 8^4x11, $1.25; envelopes, cards, billheads, $1.2o per 5.000; booklets, folders, everything low; sen-l ,,,'Sor I»prenen(«tlve. STRATHMORE PRESS, 158 Lafayette at , near McWhorter. FOR SAIjH—Confectionery; next to theatre; * ■** established nine years; reason for selling fc<,,Ravn other business. Address CONFEC u**TIONERY, Box 67, Star office. 7 jpSTABLJSHED express business; 3 horses n.-.# and wagons; clean, light, steady work; ran make contract; $600 buj's entire outfit. -iTAEKBL. 584 Springfield av. ^MECHANICAL experiments developed; Inven tlons perfected; models and manufacturing; moderate charges. METROPOLIS MACHINE WORKS, 37-39 Lafayette st., Now York city. PARTNER wanted for novelty Import house „ with |1.000-$2,000; big profits; German pre ferred. Write PARTNER, 213 Fourth av.. New York. WANTED, by reliable business man, to ex pand his business, loan of $1,000; will pay *{W>nua; beat reference. Address R. W., Box 54, Star office. _ WELL-ESTABLISHED dry goods business; owner must sacrifice on account of poor health. 50 Main st.. Orange. fFOR SALE!—Confectionery; next to theatre; 't established nine years. Address CONFEC / TlONERY. Box 67, Star office. I for sale. Inquire 572 Market st. DENT INSURANCE 0 WEEKLY; cost $4 per annum; nited policy. T. A. SHEPHERD, it st.; phone Market, 6648. NS—MORTGAGES loan On 1st mortgage; local prop y; quick action. Address LOCAL, tar office. lent* desiring second mortgages. Ices of WILLIAM HARRIS. Kin ng. 790 Broad st.. Newark. N. J. ESTATE BROKERS MYRON W. MORSE, BBT ATE— INSURA NOB—LOANS. ROAD ST. 119 THIRD AV. & COLLECTING A SPECIaLTI, J. A. KIBTLINHKI, wl Estate, Insurance Loans, road at. Phone 11M Market. EDWAK > S. BESSMAn! isu ranee and Real Estate. 1 Union Building Newark. P. L. BRYCE, J£*t»ie, Lumi. ilis.-nin. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LET THB AETNA REALTY CO. BUILD FOR YOU. PLANS PREPARED, ESTIMATES GIVEN. BUILDINGS FINANCED. 788 Bf <AD ST. TEL 2622 8 MKT. _1-!_T NORTH NINTH ST.. 2-4. corner Seventh av.-—Three-atory brick building, contain ing three atorea and four apartment?; all improvements. Inquire Real Estate Depart ment. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Pru dential Building. ORANGE ST.. 410—Three-atory brick build ing. containing two stores and six apart ment?. Inquire Real Estate Department, j FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Prudential Building. AN ideal home. 15 minute* from Broad aud Market; 11 room*: all modern conveniences; lo flue condition; residential section; 100 feet frontage; terraced plot laid out with lawns, shade and fruit tree*, grape arbors, gardens and shrubbery; special price on quick sale, $8,000. P. 8. BROWER. Wilson building, Broadway and 33d sC. New York city. GARDEN ST., 93-95—Three-story six family frame tenement, with two-story 1 four-family frame tenement In rear; must he sold at once. Inquire Real Estate De partment, FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Prudential Building. SEND for postal of Tuxedo Park Tract; 1-famlly houses only; 20 minutes from Broad and Market sts; plots 60x145; $1,800; convenient terms; South Orange av. cars pass property. CROWLEY-O'BRIEN CO., Beaver and Clinton sts. APARTMENT house site. Clinton av., resi dential section: plot 45x147; a big bargain for a quick buyer; easy terms. LOUIS 8CHLE8INGER, INC., Essex Bldg. Tel. 6500 Market. MEEKER AV., 3-6—Two and one-half story frame store — i two-family dwell ing; to close an estate. Inquire Real Estate Department, FIDELITY TRUST COM PANY, Prudential Building. ROSEVILLE—Practically new 3-family house; separate entrance*; tiled baths; prettily decorated; only 3-family on block; income $696; price $6,600; $2,200 cash required; bal ance 5% mortgage. THE EDWARD W. MAR TIN CO.. 18 Bathgate pi. PARK AV.. 323-331, corner North Ninth st. —LoCT 116x150; valuable ground In a de sirable location. Inquire Real Estate De partment. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Prudential Building. HOUSE and two money-making amusement places for sale or exchange; also consider capable man as partner. Call TEDDY'S BOWLING ALLEYS. South Beach. BROAD ST., 392—Three-story brick build ing; store and dwelling; valuable loca tion. Inquire Real Estate Department, FI DELITY TRUST COMPANY. Prudential Building.' GARSIDE ST., near Second av.—Two 1-famlly; 6 rooms and bath; heater; will sell at a bargain to close an estate; will pay over 10%. SAMUEL R. CAIRNS, 4 94 Broad st. SEYMOUR, within three minutes Clinton av.—Two-famiiy house; 11 rooms; gas, electric; double porches; lot 28x96; best Sropos-ltion in street; $5,100. C. SINN, nlon Bldg. Phone 8746 Market. BROAD ST., 394—Four-story brick build ing; store and apartments. Inquire Real Estate Department. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Prudential Building. BROAD ST.. 396-400—Two and one-half story frame dwelling. Inquire Real Es tate Department. FIDELITY TRUST COM PANY, Prudential Building. WILL sell at a sacrifice to quick buyer two family house, nine rooms and bam, near Edison factory, West Orange; price $2,200. Address BARGAIN, Star office, Orange. $100 CASH, balance monthly, buys a fine one-family house; well built; all Improve ments; In good neighborhood. ORBEN, 810 Firemen's bldg. $200 WILL buy six-room house; all impts.; balance same as rent; excellent locati&n. FRANCIS J. GRIBBEN. 959 So. Orange av. TUXEDO PABK TRACT—The ideal 1-famlly section; send for booklet R. CROWLEY O'BRIEN CO.. 31 Clinton st. SEVENTH ST.—Nine rooms; hot water heater: 35-foot lot; modern residence; sac rifice. PRUDEN, 139 Main st., East Orange. OUT OF TOWN HISTORIC Water Witch offers unexcelled opportunities to purchasers of bungalow sited on the t)anks or the picturesque Shrews bury River, at the foot of the famous Water Witch Hill; private beach, large boat basin; good fishing; lots for sale on easy terms, carefully restricted. A. E. DENNETT, sales agent, on the property. Water Witch De velopment Co., Water Witch, N. J. New York office, 29 Broadway. TUXEDO PARK TRACT Is within walking distance of Lackawanna 'station. South Orange; l-family houses only; South Orange av. cars pass property: come out tomorrow or Sunday; ask for booklet. CROWLEY O’BRIBN CO., Beaver and Clinton sts. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW, % acre of ground, 5 minutes from Mountain House. Bloomfield av. trolley. MRS. J. FABIAN, Verona, N. J. Seven and eight-room nouses for sale; near Lackawanna and trolleys; electricity, gas. parquet floors, beamed ceilings. JAMES G. HARRADALB. 28fi Elmwood av.. East Oinnge. BLOOMFIELD, Dodd st., 14, one block from Watsesslng station; two-story double frame house; plot 75x150; for sale cheap. Inquire on premises. ARLINGTON SMALL cash payment, balance mortgage; new 11-room two-family house; every modern improvement; lot 29X100; paved street; consider lot in trade. BROSS, 1027 Springfield av., Irvington. AMPERE FOR REAL bargains in real estate that can be bought on easy terms see CONNOLLY A- CONNOLLY, 39 Fourth av., opp. station. Tel. 1261 Orange. BLOOMFIELD $2,950, $500 CASH, buys new house, 6 rooms, all Improvements, with large new garage. Particulars, DUKE, 284 Bloomfield av,, Bloomfield. FAST ORANOB ' NORTH 18TH ST., west side, 452 feet north of Fourth av.—Lot, 99x94; to close an estate. Inquire Real Estate Department, FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Prudential Building. CARL H STIGBR-MODERN HOUSES FOR SALE AND RENT. OPPOSITE BRICK CHURCH STATION. VERNON TKRRACE, 85—Two and one half-story frame dwelling; any reason able offer considered. Inquire Heal Estate Department, FIDELITY TRUST COM PANY, Prudential Building. EAST ORANGE TO MORRISTOWN—Mod ern houses for sale, rent or exchange. WM. E. TAYLOR, opp. Brick Church station. BARGAIN! Two-family house; fine location; cost owner $7,500; will sell $5,700. V. D. BURGES3ER. 409 Central av., East Orange. BARGAINS IN l EAST ORANGE. EUGENE A. KELLY. MAIN ST. AND ARLINGTON AY. IRVINGTON IRVINGTON, Grove terrace, 18—House, 8 rooms, all Improvements, one of the best built houses in town; three minutes to Six teenth av car; price $3,000; $900 cash' bal ance mortgage. BEAUTIFUL, new one-fumily house: six room* and tiled bath; steam heat, electric light; lot 33x100; full price $4,300. WILL IAM GRUHN, builder, 16 Laurel av., Irv ington. MONTCLAIR MONTCLAIR. Modern nine-room house; bath; servants’ toilet: open fireplace, steam beat, gas, elec tric lights; garage; near athletic club and high school; $8,000. BEN NEC HE, 19 Bel luire Drive, or 40 Wall at., New York. NEW JERSEY COUNTRY PLACE, 6 acres, fine 6-room bun galow. 180 peach trees, 650 chickens, 4 in cubators; hour from Jersey City; $0,000; no agents- OWNER, 12 Johu at., Manhattan. Room 66. AN 11-room house and store, 26x28; 1 acre g-round, garden, fruit, grapes, etc.; 40 mllcB New York; $2,800. E. M. BENNETT, 76 Macon st.. Brooklyn. NUTLEY FOR SALE—House with nix large rooms and bath; plot 50x220. Inquire at 875 Chest nut st., Nutley. N. J. ORA DELL, N. J. GENTLEMAN'S beautiful country home. large house, all Improvements, numerous out buildings; 11 acres, fruit, shade, high altitude; 45 minutes out; $20,00$. Box 86, Oradell, N. J. PALISADE PARK FOR SALE—Brick two-family house; 9 rooms, 5 up, 4 down; 2 baths. Owner, C. E. MeKlNI.ESS, Central Boulevard, Pal isades Park, N. J. TWO LOTS, 25x100, Palisades Park. N. J., cheap. OTTO SCHIUOWSKY, 209 Con over »t., UrookliA. __ _ — — — ■ — ——— If you have failed to get results from other New ark papers, try The Star. Our Want Ads are quoted everywhere as “Want Ads that get results.” HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEA GIRT. SEA GIRT. N. J.—COTTAGES FOR BALE. MISS LEWIS, 600 FIFTH AW. NEW YORK. * WESTFIELD FOR SALE, nt a bargain, free and clear two-story and attic, with about one acre ground; house has 8 large rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water supply, gas and electric lights, two baths, sewer connec tions, large porch in front and side of house, also fruit trees on premisesj. cellar cemented, sidewalk cemented, street macadamized; house In first-class order; large chicken poop on premises; any reasonable offer will not be refused. Inquire J. C. GIESE. 986 Simpson kt.. Bronx, New York city. BUNGALOWS FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE semi-bungalow homes; cozy well built, with all Improvements; large plot; healthful surroundings; four to seven rooms, bath; $2,760 upward. THE ROW LAND-JOHNSON CO.. Passaic, N. J. , FARMS FOR SALE FARM, 72 acres, 15 woodland, balance till able, machine worked; lots of fruit and nuts; new 6-room house, with water in from a never falling spring; good barn and other buildings: 8 miles from Stroudsburg, 1 mile from R. R., store and churches. R. F. D. and telephone; near neighbors; will sacrifice for $1,700, as we have other business and need money; if taken within 10 days will give crops and tools; clear title. J. CAREY, R. F. D., No. 1. Bartonville, Pa. FOR SALE—Poultry, fruit, truck farm. 30 miles New York; 4 acres rich loamy soil; house 10 rooms, gas. water, barn, several chicken houses, variety fruit; beautiful place; macadam road: 3 minutes' walk station; 2 miles New Brunswick; population 30.000; sacrifice price, $3,700. part cash; buildings cost $5,200; investigate. DUNN, 409 George st.. New Brunswick, N. J. 10 1-3 ACRES, accessible to Lackawanna express station; fine house, 12 rooms, >2 baths, steam heat; good outbuildings; small pond; beautifully shaded groves; plenty fruit; all for $9,600. EUGENE V. WELSH, opp. Lackawanna station. Morristown, N. J. FARM. 6 acres, new cottage, near Plainfield, N. J., $1,250; fare bargain; must be sold at once; land under high state of cultiva tion. near Plainfield, N. J.; easy terms. Ap ply ♦by letter only. Owner, 922 West Front st.. Plainfield, N. J. BARGAIN for quick buyer, Lakewood, N. J. —Chicken farm. 10 acres; main road; five room house; barn, stables, chicken house, wagon, carriage, pigs, chickens, farm tools; only $3,000, half cash. BRENCHER. 4 New Chambers st. MY FARM. 80 acres, only 37 miles from New York; up-to-date house, 8 rooms; level land; fine soil; with or without crops, stock, tools; price right. MRS. C. K. FREDDA. Millstone. N. J. HIGH grade egg farm, near New York; fully equipped, stocked; doing fine busi ness; sold because of owner's ill health; terms cash and mortgage. Address JAMES MAXWELL. Flndeme, N. J. 62 ACRES, productive farm, 37 miles out; stock, crops, toojj; good buildings; $7,000; cash $3,000; worth $ft0,000; no trade. Box 66, route 2, Jamesburg, N. J. DELAWARE FARMS—Send for free cata logue of best farm bargains In best lo cality. Full particulars. C. T. W. WILL IAMS. Milford, Del. ANT HONEY, N. J.—Good seven-room house. half acre land; $600; depot 2 miles. SLIKER, 145 Second st. CONNECTICUT VILLAGE farm, 50 acres; some tobacco land. fruit, wood; house 10 rooms, bam, hen nery; two miles from two railroads; price $2,800. J. K. SMITH. Station A. Winsted. Conn. 23 ACRES, 20 tillable; new house, new bam; fine trout brook; plenty fruit; only $1,650; easy terms. WM. CONE. Canterbury. Conn. DWELLINGS TO LET ASTOR 8T.. 65—Nine rooms; all improve ments; rent $27. Inquire 67 Astor st. BALDWIN ST.. 79. near High—Four-story brick house, suitable for two families; all Improvements. Inquire on premises, or 272 Plane, store. CLINTON AV„ No. 7 6—Fourteen rooms. 3 bathrooms. Inquire STOUTENBUROH * CO.. 797 806 Broad st. CLINTON HILL, Homestead Park—Nine rooms and bath; large plot; newly deco rated; rent $30. Inquire FINLEY, 34 Home stead Park. Phone 195 Waverly. EIGHT-ROOM house: all Improvements; rent reasonable. Inquire 40 Pennington st. GREEN ST., 72—Ten rooms, bath; all Im provements; suitable for boarding house or two families; $40. Inquire 71 Columbia street. ORIENTAL ST.. 67. near Belleville av.— | Nine rooms, bath; new extension kitchen; | all Improvements. Key next door or 79 Broad st. — ROSEVILLE. North 6th st.. 18—Eight-room ! one-family house; steam heat and all im- | provements; one block to junction Central | av. and Warren st.; 6 minutes to Roseville station; immediate occupancy; rent $35. Ap- i ply WALKER, 16 North 6th st.. or THE ! EDWARD W. MARTIN COMPANY, 18 Bathgate pi. ROSEVILLE SECTION, one-family house; nine rooms; good location; one or three year lease at $15; room for garage. Apply H. M. VAN SANT, Firemen's Bldg., or 329 North Seventh st. ROSEVILLE SECTION—One-family house; nine rooms; good location; one or three year lease at $46; room for garage. Apply H. M. VAN* SANT, Firemen's Bldg., or 329 North 8eventh st. ROSEVILLE — Nine rooms. one-family house; hardwood floors, steam heat, elec tric lights; large lot; refined neighborhood; handy to station; best of condition; rent moderate. THE BO WARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pi., Roseville. Tel. 302 B. B. _ HOUSE of ten rooms; improvements; Third av., near Broad st. Inquire 37 Third av. STRATFORD PL., 19—Large residence, 15 rooms: improvements; large veranda; beautiful open grounds; best residential sec tion; near Clinton av.; rent f75. Inquire 29 Stratford pi. VINE ST., 15 (rear)—Five nice light rooms. Inquire on premises. WALNUT ST., near Broad —Nine rooms, bath, laundry; steam heat; all Improve ments. GE1SER & PLUM, 845 Broad st. WASHINGTON SIT., 347-9—Rooming house, 14 rooms and bath. THE DREW COM PANY, 9 Clinton st.. Newark. OUT OF TOWN BASKING RIDGE—House, six rooms; good well; barn, chicken house; fruit, garden; rent $12, from August 1. Address It. D. MOFFETT. 2s. CRANFORD—To let. 8 rooms; electricity; improvements; newly decorated; station 6 minutes; $35; less with lease. HALSEY. 1448 Pacific st.. Brooklyn, N. Y. EAST ORANGE, Steuben st.—Six-room one family house; steam heat; all modern Im provement-.; refined neighborhood; central to two trolleys and Grove st. station; rent $25. THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bath gate pi., Roseville. EAST ORANGE, North 16th st.—Eight rooms, one-family house; best condition; select neighborhood; convenient to trolley and station; room for garage, rent $85. EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pi.. Roseville station. EAST ORANGE, ELMWOOD AV., 200— House, 8 roomH, all improvements, steam heat, electric lights. Inquire OST, 887 South ! Clinton bt., East Orange. HOUSE. 148 High st.. comer Lake st.. Nut ley. eight rooms, bath; all improvements; beautiful grounds; rent low. BUTTER FIELD, 17 Day st., Orange. MELROSE AV., block from Central av. car— New eight-room one-family house; electric lights, steum heat, tiled bath, parquet floors; will decorate to suit tenant's taste; room for garage. lent $46. THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pl„ near Rose ville station. ^ TO LET—Cranford, 8 rooms; electricity; Inv provements; newly decorated; station six minutes; $35; less with lease. HALSEY, J448 Paging ot., ttroolUyn, N. _ STORES AND OFFICES TO LET SOUTH ORANGE AV., 52%—On* block from Court House; with two roo»^4; gas and water; rent $20; suitable for any kind of business; In a good business neighborhood. Apply F. J. CRIQUI, cor. Howard and South Orange av. SPRINGFIELD AV., 260—Very large store, with modem front; latest Improved mirror show windows; close to Junction of Spring field av. and Jones st. Inquire A. F. MUL LER, 268 Springfield av. MARKET ST.—Store and upper floor*; pre ferred location; rent special rate, $126 per month. FIEDLER CORPORATION. Fire men's Building,. Phone 7861 Market. CLINTON AV., 464, near Bergen st—Very busy block; large store, with large win dows; rent only $45. Inquire Room 219, 800 Broad st. LESLIE ST., 127—Large, light, new corner store; good for any business; grocery fix tures In it; rent reasonable; one month free to good tenants. PARKHUR8T ST., 29. adjoining corner Sherman av.—Brick store and fine, large cellar; Just the spot /or butcher; low' rental; long lease if desired. BRIDGE ST., 29—Nice store, with double windows, with two rooms; cellar, ga*. electricity, water: rent very reasonable. DESIRABLE office and desk space to let in Splngarn building, 188 Market st. W. J. EGAN, agent, real estate and Insurance. UNION ST., 168—Light, airy store; room ini back: water, toilet, etc. Apply CLARK,! 936 Broad st. SHERMAN AV. AND MURRAY ST.—Large corner store, with rooms. MENDL & GANS, Essex Bldg., 31 Clinton st. PACIFIC ST.. 61—Nice large store, with room; suitable for any business; rent moderate. B. REILLY, 167 Van Buren st. SPRINGFIELD AV.. 586—New store, with two large rooms, $35. OST, 477 Springfield avenue. JONES ST.. i9—Store and 8 room*; snop in rear, now sponging and pleating place. SIEGEL, 238 18th av. SHERMAN AV., 207—-Large corner store, suitable for drugs or any other business. Inquire within. ORANGE ST., between Third and Fourth— Rent cheap. Apply M. ALTMAN, 433 Or ange st. BRIDGE ST., 29—Nice store with double windows, with 2 rooms; cellar, gas. elec tricity, water; rent very reasonable. TWO stores; good for barber, candy or sta tionery: 711 South 17tb st. CORNER, cheap. 816 South Twentieth st. ! Inquire MICHAEL SILVER. 790 Broad st. OUT OF TOWN PRACTICAL, hustling furniture man will ! make fortune in my store; location best ; In nearby city; will rent part or all for five years or more. Address "STORE.” Box 14, Star office. FACTORIES AND LOFTS MECHANIC ST.. 72-76—Brick factory, ad joining Central R. R. yards, to let for term or years; five story and basement/ windows on three sides; englrte boiler, ele vator, steam heat, gas and electricity. A. L. CROSS & BARKLEY, 810 Broad st. LOFTS TO LET—Steam heat, live steam, electric power and light; centre of city. JAMES M. SEYMOUR, JR.. 51-63 Lawrence St. Phone 78 Mulberry or any broker. FACTORY LOFT of 2,500 square fett, v ith power and heat; suitable tor light manu facturing purposes. L. A. SAYRE, 312 Mul berry et. Tel. 81 Market. LOFTS WITH POWER AND STEAM HEAT. 46 LAWRENCE ST. WASHINGTON WILSON. FACTORIES FOR SALE FACTORIES and factory sites throughout the State of New Jersey. LOUIS SCIILES INOER, INC. j FURNISHED COTTAGES WANTED WANTED, to rent on the Jersey shore a furnished cottage cheap. Full particulars to BAKER & GROVER, 756 Broad st., APARTMENTS & FLATS _TO LET APARTMENT—Best In Newark for price; j 424 Warren at., near Littleton av.; 6 j cheerful sunny rooms, bath, steam heat, ! separate hall. Janitor service. Inquire I FIELDER CORPORATION. Firemen's ' building, or at Fiedler’s home, 171 Little- ] ton av., corner 18th av. APARTMENTS, 155-1«5 Clifton av.—-Beau tiful, light, airy, newly decorated five and 8lx room and bath apartment**; rent $30 to $85 per month; ten minutes’ trolley ride to D., L. & W. station and tube. Apply jani tor, on premise*, or LOUIS BCHLESINGER. INC., Essex Building, Clinton st. APARTMENTS In the Rose Court, Howard st., cor. 13th av.—Five and six rooms; i steam heat, hot water, telephone and Janitor service; one block from Court House. In quire on premises, or B. STEPNER, 131 Springfield av. 6174-J, Market. APARTMENT to let In beautiful Forest Hill; all improvements; steam heat, hot water, Janitor service; moderate rentals; Mt. Prospect av. cars to premises. See MRS. MULGREW, 759 Highland av. APARTMENT BEAUX ARTS. 388 Clinton av. —Modern 6 and 7-room and bath apart mcnta; excellent location; unexcelled janitor service; decorated to suit tenants; reasonable rent; investigate before renting elsewhere; janitor on premises, cr LOUIS SCHLES1NUEIL Inc., Essex building. ^ APARTMENTS, Mt. Pleasant av., 100-102— New building; 5 rooms, bath, steam, elec tricity; janitor service; convenient to troliev and railroad station; $2G FEIST & FEIST. 738 Broad st. APARTMENT to let In beautiful Forest Hill; all Improvements; steam heat; hot water; Janitor service; moderate rentals; Mt. Prospect av. car to premises. See MRS. MULGREW. 759 Highland av. APARTMENTS. Washington av.. 447—Five rooms and bath and toilet; all rooms light; $1S-$16; recently renovated. A. L. CROSS & BARKLEY. 810 Broad at. APARTMENT CONCORD. Up-to-date, six rooms; tiled bath; nicely decorated; heat; Janitor; $20. 58 Ridge wood av.; four doors from Clinton av. -—— ALPINE ST., 28, near Sherman av.—Three- 1 family house; six rooms; tiled bath; pri vate entrances; no railroad flat; $18. A TWO-FAMILY house; 4 large, pleasant rooms, first floor, and 5 on second; with large yard. 88 Pacific st. ASTOR ST., near Broad—Four pleasant rooms: water, gas; rent $10. Inquire 59 Court st., or 1175 Broad st. ASTOR ST., 237, near South st. station-— Four rooms, with impts., second floor. BANK 8T.. 442; near Falrmount av.—Five rooms, bath; all Improvements; rent $16. Inquire 2nd floor. EISENBRANDT. BANK 8T., 100—Three light rooms for re spectable colored people. I BELLEVILLE AV.. 362—Five large rooms and bath; all Improvements except steam heat; trolley passes house; opposite Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. BIGELOW APARTMENTS, 122 Bigelow st. —Three rooms and bath; all Improvement*; heat, hot water and services; rent very low. Phone 1405 Market. BANK ST., 442, near Falrmount av.—Five rooms, bath; all improvements; rent $14 and $15. Inquire second floor EISEN- I BRANDT. _ BLOOMFIELD AV., 86—Three basement rooms for small family; water and gas; rent $8. Inquire 1st floor. IiAMPBON. or 67 Wal nut at.; Btore. CLINTON HILL, Homestead Park—Eight | rooms and bath; separate halls; separate heaters; nicely decorated: large lot: $27. Inquire FINLEY. 34 Homestead Park. Phone 1»6 Waverly. BEAUTIFUL six -room flat; decorated; tiled bath; refrigerator drain in pantry; front porch; screens, shades, electricity, reason able real. $38 ^uatwdon at. _ APARTMENTS & FLATS _ TO LET 'THE BRODERSON,” HIGH st.. AT BREINTNALL PL. Few Choice Apartments to Rent. THE LARGEST APARTMENT HOUSE IN THE STATE. EHTIRELy RENOVATED. Three Minutea to Corner Broad and Market Streets. 8even Minutes to Pennsylvania Railroad. Seven Minutes to Hudson Tubes. Six Minutes to Central Railroad. Twelve Minutes to D., L. and W. Railroad. Four Minute* to Newark Theatre. UNSURPASSED ELEVATOR SERVICE. UNEXCELLED JANITOR SERVICE. LOUIS SCHLESINGRR, INC. Or Apply Superintendent on the Premises. BROAD ST., near Bridge—Two large, light rooms, for doctoi, dentist, etc.; rent rea sonable. Apply PAIGE, 910 Essex Bldg. Tel. 6004 Market. BROAD ST.. 301—Four and five nice light rooms; ©very improvement; with Janitor service; $35 and $80. Inquire on premises, or telephone 1082-R, B. B. BROAD ST.. 26-28—Apartment*. Just com pleted, four and five rooms; most modem In every respect. OEISER & PLUM. 845 Broad st. BROAD ST.. 16—Beautiful flat on second floor; six light rooms; bath, steam heat; ail improvements. Inquire third floor. BROAD ST., 237—Five large, light rooms, first floor, convenient to D., L. & W., troileys and tube. BREINTNALL PL., 62—All improvements. Inquire 212 Bank st. CAMDEN ST.. 202, corner South Orange av.—One, four and five-room aparts.. with bath, all other modem impts.; three car line*; rent reasonable, ring BTUMM bell. CAMDEN ST., 124—Five rooms, rent $12; small family desired. CLINTON HILL, Chadwick av.—I^ina, upper apartment In modern 3-family; 8 rooms, parquet floors, steam, electric; all separate improvements; rent reasonable to good ten ant. CROWLEY-O’BRIEN CO., Beaver and Clftiton sts. CLINTON HILL, Hedden terrace, 104—First floor; four light, airy rooms; Improve ments; hot water heater; rent $16; vacant i August 1. CLINTON HILL. Homestead Park—Eight rooms and bath; separate halls; separate heaters; nicely decorated; large lot; $27. ! Inquire FINLEY, 34 Homestead Park. Phone 1 195 Waverly. COMFORTABLE, cory flat; private porches; nice location; near trolleys; con- j talning all improvements; only $15. BLADT, 1 62 Madison av., cor. Jelllff. DESIRABLE six rooms, bath; upper part of house, 161 Union st.; halls furnished; all Improvements except heat; rent $18. CLARK, 936 Broad st. DEVONSHIRE APARTMENTS. Three and four rooms; every modern con venience, Including vacuum cleaning; fins location. Apply on premises, Warren and ! South Eighth sts. DEVINE ST., 76—Four rooms; water and gas; garden if wanted; three minutes to South Orange av, car; rent $10. EARL ST.. 12. near Elisabeth av.—Flat five nicely decorated rooms, modem bath; first floor; ram $16. Inquire JANITOR, premises. EDWIN PL., 16, near Clinton pi.; also near new trolley line—Five rooms, bath; steam heat furnished; Janitor service; carpeted halls; electric lights; fine location. Apply to janitor or phone 1856 B. B. Rent $18. EIGHTEENTH AV„ 612—Apartment. six rooms, bath; all improvements. Apply J LENSKY, 24 Falrview av., city. ELM AND UNION STS.—Four rooms and | bath; all improvements except heat: rent ] $16-117: halls furnished. Apply CLARK, 936 Broad st. EXCELLENT opportunity to secure conlfort- I able apartment: brick house: part improve- | ments: good location; near trolleys, $11. 438 Walnut st., cor. Lang. FOREST HILL. NEWLY ARRANGED 4 AND 5 ROOM suites; every modern improvement; best of janitor service; plenty of heat and hot water furnished; awnings and screens; all outside rooms; location 15 mlnutep from Market and Broad sts, 177 W'oodslde av., at El wood av. Take Mt. Prospect av. car. THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pi., Roseville. Phone 302 B. B FOREST HILL. 288 Woodslde av.—Second I floor, seven rooms, bath; all Improvements; rent |30. C. E. SHIPMAN, 911 Essex Bldg. FAIRFAX and MONTIUELLO V APARTMENTS. »57-561 CLINTON AV. Modem six and seven rqom apartments; parquet floors; room* nicely arranged; all Improvements; janitor service: these apart ments will make a comfortable home and we can make the rent fit your income. Come in and talk it over. FIDELITY TRUST CO.. Real Estate Dept., Room 815, Prudential Bldg. FOR RENT. BACHELOR APARTMENTS. 44. 46 Walnut st. Furnished and unfurnished; 2 rooms and bath; steam heat. Janitor service, etc. For floor plans and prices, your own broker, or O’GORMAN. KIRKPATRICK A YOUNG. Tel. 1943 Mkt. 15 Clinton at. FLAT, four and five rooms; all improve ments; rent very reasonable. Inquire 473 South Thirteenth st., between Fifteenth and Sixteenth avs. FLAT in three-family house. Peshine av., ■ 371: six rooms; all modem improvements. I Inquire top floor. FOUR large rooms; all improvements; rent 814. 80 Wlnans av. FIVE light, airy room flat: all improvements j except heat; Janitor service; rent 816-60. 21 Stanton st.. near Elisabeth av. FIVE rooms to let. in three-family house. on flrst floor: all Improvement*; price 816. Inquire 649 South Twelfth st. FIVE and six rooms; all improvements. 711 South 17th st. FIVE rooms and bath: hot and cold water, ; can keep chickens; rent 814. 6 Birkshlre j pi., Irvington. FIVE and six rooms; ail improvements; ' steam heat; reasonable price to right ten ant; 207 Runyon st. Inquire comer grocery store. HANDSOME apartments. 6 rooms, bath, steam heat, all modem impts.; rent 822 824. St. John Apartment, corner South Or ange av. and Bergen st. HAMBURG PL.. 128—Five light, pleasant room*: all improvements; electric light, gas, tiled bath, etc.; rent 817. HOBSON ST., 48, near Hawthorne Avenue School—New house: five and six room flats; tiled bath; electric lights; 817 and 818. Inquire 26 Morton st. HILLSIDE AV., 202—Six-room flat five large rooms; tiled vestibule; strictly up- i to-date. Inquire G. VIRTUE. 800 Broad st. HUNTER ST., 24, near Elizabeth av.—! Beautiful five rooms and bath; improve ments; rent 816. Inquire second floor. HUNTERDON ST., 830—8 i room*; all ira prorpments; rent reasonable. Inquire Fair view av., J. DENSKY. HUNTERDON ST.; near Clinton av.—One very desirable flat, six rooms and bath; hall lighted all night. HIKE, 688 Hunter don st. HUNTERDON ST., 296—Five and six room apartment*: all latest Improvements; steam heat, hot water supply, electric light; janitor service; 823 up. Apply M. HILL MAN. on premise*. HORATIO ST.. 80, near Lentz av.—Four room flat, part improvements, rent reason- ; able. JOHNSON AV., 333—Six rooms und bath; I all light ana large, Inquire on turenumw,1 APARTMENTS & FLATS __TO LET LAKE ST., 225; between Bloomfield and Park »vs. opposite Branch Brook Park—Four rot*m apartment for small family; rent $15. LESLIE ST.. 127—Beautiful corner flat; £ light rooms; all latest improvements ex cept heat; 5 minutes’ walk from trolley; rent $18. MERCER ST.. 28—Pive rooms and hath; all improvements; steum heat in balls all light rooms; adults; Christians only. MORTON ST., 26. near High—Three nice, light rooms; adults. MOVING vans at your service. MODERN STORAGE. 135 Halsey st.; phone 7519, Market. MONTCLAIR—Five light, large rooms, all Improvements except heat; excellent loca tion. five minutes to cars; rent $16 and 317. Inquire 167 Harrison av., Montclair. MORTON ST., 3G; near High—Three nice, light rooms; adults. MILLINGTON AV.. fl—Second floor; seven and bath; all Improvements; electric lights; steam; newly <i**<x>rat»*d; separate en trance; first-class condition MILFORD AV., 136—All Improvements; 6 rooms, porch; Mt. Prospect and Main Line cars; near South Side High School. MT. PROSPECT AV.. 827—Seven rooms, bath. heat; ail modern improvements; on car lin*-. 820 FEIST A FEIST, 738 Broad st. NORWOOD ST.. 46—5 and 4 n£t>ma and bath; large, light rooms; every known i improvement except heat; rent $18 and $16. 1 near South Orange av. Apply G. VIRTUE. 800 Broad. NEWLY decorated flats, City Hall section. $10, $12, $15. Inquire 17 Mulberry pi., afternoons. $-5. NEW APTS.. 4-6 rooms. 18th at., nr. So ! T.?1*11** av-: ready Sept I MOR1SEN. 580 Norwood st., E. O. NORTH 6TH ST.. 548—Brick house; 6 rooms and bath; first floor; within 800 feet of Bloomfield av.; rent $17. ONE large. light room, with gas and water. 12 Monmouth st. Inquire No. 16. second , floor. OLIVER BT., 224—Three, four and five i rooms; rents $8. $9, fio. Inquire first floor. ORANGE BT.. 222-224—Five and ThT light, j large rooms; improvements; convenient to all cars and D„ L. & W. station: rent rea sonable. Inquire first floor of 2*2. ^AftJCER ST., 798—Six rooms, bath; steam heat; separate entrances; newly decorated. DR. W. E. HOLT. 661 Broad st. PARK HURST ST.. 52—Upper part of two family house; five, six or seven rooms, bath and pantry; improvements. ROYAL. Nos. 92-4-6 North Broad et.. near Third av.; five minutes to Erie station, ten min utM to Market and Broad; large, light six and sseven room apartments; steam heat, hot water and Janitor service furnished; in dividual maid accommodations; tiled bath, electric lights; will decorate to suit tenant's taste in beautiful Japanese grass cloth and handsome paper with cut-out borders; everv room clean and entirely renovated. Inquire of Janitor or THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pi., near Roseville station D.. L. & W. R, R, Tel. 302 B. B. ROSEVILLE—First floor, 7 large, light t*.!??1118' second floor. 8 rooms; 202 North Fifth st.; separate entrances and heaters two-family brick house, on large lot; one block to trolley, rent $32 and $33. THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pi., near Roseville station. Phone 302 B. B. ROSEVILLE, North Sixth st., 195—Two blocks to station, one block to trolley; select neighborhood; seven rooms, first floor of a modem two-family house; all separate Improvements; house sets on lot 87x100: r*nt *33- Apply for keys and Information to THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pi., Roseville. Tel. 302 B. B. R08EVILLE—Boston plan two-family six ' and eight room apartments: separate i entrances and heaters, electric lights; large lot; five minutes to station; rents $28 to $32 Phone or call THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO., 18 Bathgate pi., near Roseville station. ROOMS to let; centrally located; rent rea sonable. Inquire FIEDLER CORPORATION. Firemen's Bldg. RIDGEWOOD AV.. 40—Six light rooms, sec ond floor; all Improvements except steam heat; adult* only; rent $19. Inquire third floor. REAR house; four large, light rooms, water and gas; adults; references required. Ap ply 249 High st. SAYRE ST.. 14—Four rooms; all Improve ments; rent reasonable. Inquire on prem ises. W. C. BOYD, or owner. KLEIN, 93 Prospect st. SIX rooms and bath; electric lights; steam heat; all improvements; rent $23. 414 Warren st. Inquire confectionery store, cor. Fairmount av. SfHEERER AV.. 127; near Bergen at.—Six large, light rooms; all improvement®; large porch; near 2 trolley®. Inquire GER HARDT, 298 Elm st. _____ I SPRINGFIELD . AV.. 69—-Very desirable flat®, containing five and six large rooms. ! centrally located: well decorated: rent $14- I $16. Apply MRS. THIELE. Janltres®, on fourth floor, or H. S. DeGROOT. 800 Broad ! st., city. SPRINGFIELD AV., 601, at Tenth st.—Five ! rooms and bath; rent $16. Inquire of janitor or JOSEPH OKIN. 222 Washington street. 8PRINGFIELD AV., 586—Five rooms and ; bath. $16; six rooms and bath. $17. OST. 477 Springfield av. SYLVAN AV., 195-197—New houses, five rooms; all improvement!; private porches; rent® $15 and $16. Apply 198. or BULL, Room 30, 845 Broad st. SECOND-FLOOR flat of six large, light rooms; separate entrances, steam heaters, private screened porch; all Improvements; seen any time. 30 Homestead Park. SOUTH ORANGE AV.. between 11th and j 12th sts; elegant. 5, 6 and 7-room flats; all Improvements, rent $16 to $18. Inquire •tore, 389 South Orange av. SO. ORANGE AV., 154—Six rooms, with Im provements; in good location. Inquire 1W I So. Orange av. SOUTH BELMONT AV., 687*—Upper pan of 3-family house, 6 or 7 room*; all im provements; rent $20 and $23. SOUTH 6TH. cor. 12th av.—Four large, light room®. Inquire in grocery store. SOUTH SEVENTH ST.. 708—Four light rooms, all Improvements rent $13. SOUTH 9TH ST., 190; near 12th av.—First floor. 5 rooms and bath; all Improvements. Inquire 335 Mulberry at. SOUTH TENTH ST.. 421—Two flats to let. first and third floors, three-family house, all Improvement®, newly decorated. SOUTH TENTH ST., 399—Six rooms and bath; all improvement® except heat; $17. SOUTH TWENTIETH ST., 616—FU e~r^nw. all latest impt®., rent reasonable. Inquire MICHAEL SILVER. 7S0 Broad ®t. SOUTH 12TH ST.. 57®—Seven desirable room* and bath; all improvements: between I Springfield and Plank road car®: rent rea sonable. 80UTH 15TH ST.. 654; near Springfield av. —Five room® and bath; all improvement*; rent $15. Inquire MRS. HOCK, or BEYER. 1175 Broad ®t. SOUTH EIGHTEENTH ST., 522—Five j rooms, second floor, part Impts.; rent $12. SOTTH EIGHTEENTH ST„ 626—Four light rooms; Improved; reference re- ! qulred. J. THEO. METER. IOC Orchard at. | SOUTH 19TH ST.. 514—Five-room flat. \ second floor; rent $15; all improvements. | SUSSEX 5tV.. 280—Five airy room*, second floor, all impt*. except steam heat; $17. ! Inquire $8 First st. SUMMEjff AV.. 764—First flat, 6 room® and bath; all light, all Improvements; hot air heater; rent $26, with owner. THREE and five large room® and bath, ele gantly decorated. $12 and $9. Apply on ; premise*, Uti Bragaw av., corner Schley ®t. j ——..f■ '■ ■ ■■ - , THREE large room*, first floor. 108 Oliver at., gas, toilet, hall furnished; back porch, rent $10.50 month to small family. THOMAS ST., 87—Six rooms, till impt®.. ele gant location, central. Apply 4» Thomas I fttfiita ____ k APARTMENTS & FLATS TO LET THREE light rooms and garden; rent $10. I 655 South 11th st. j TRITON TERRACE. WOOD 8 IDE SECTION, within five minutes of three trolleys, two I minutes from railroad station, all Improve ments. good lot ation, rent 116-118. five and) six room* and hath; see these apartment* I 18-20-27 Triton terrace. Key at ORBEN S, 810 Firemen's Building. THOMAS 8T.. 87—Six rooms, all impts., ele gant location, central. Apply 45 Thomas street. TO LET—Five rooms, 2nd floor. 270 Wal nut st. TO LET at 119 South Orange av.; 6 rooms I with improvements; rent low. Inquire II. ROSENTHAL, 7 Ferry st. VAILSBURG—Six rooms and bath, second ! floor, separate steam heaters; all improve- ; ments; finely decorated; adults preferred. 2 48 Smith st. VAILSBURG SECTION. 85 Columbia av.— Six rooms, third-floor flat; all improve ments; rent reasonable. WASHINGTON AV., 286—Four-room flat | partly Improved, rent reasonable. Inquire within. WASHINGTON AV.. 266—Handsome flat of •even rooms and bath. $22. CHAS. 8PENGLER. 800 Broad st. • WEEQUAHIC AV.. 98—A handsome slx room flat, parquet floors and every known Improvement; two-family house; separate en trances. Inquire CLINTON PARK SOUTH j L. & I. CO.. 800 Broad st. WOOD8DDE AV., 281—Five rooms, ail latest improvements; rent reasonable. In quire MICHAEL SILVER, 790 Broad H. WRIGHT ST., 75—Beautiful fire-room flat, j large enclosed porch, all imptf. WRIGHT ST.. 150. near Broad—First floor, i 2-family house. 4 light rooms; rent reason- I able. Inquire 189 South 19th st. 52-64 LINCOLN AV., 4 AND 5 ROOM APARTMENTS 100 feet to Washington av.; 10 minutes to D., L and W. and Manhattan tubes; all | outside apartments, beautiful and luxurious i equipment; steam heat, water and Janitor ; service furnished; completed July 1; rents i $28 to $35; other particulars on application. THE EDWARD W. MARTIN CO.. 18 Bath- i gate pi. Phone 302 B. B.; near Roseville I station. 4 AND 6 ROOMS. Fourth av. and 18th st.. East Orange—Two minutes to Ampere station of D.. L. Sc W. R. R.: 5c fare to Newark; all outaide rooms, big. light bathrooms; parquet floors, beam ceiling in dining rooms; wiif decorate to suit; steam heat and janitor service; special inducement if taken at once. Apply on premises to H. L. SPANNHAKB, 71 Fourth av.. East Orange. 6 AND 7 ROOM flats; steam heat; 5 min utes from Roseville station and 2 minutes from trolley; $18 and $19. C. C. LURICH A CO., 4 North 9th st.. opp. Roseville station. •4 LARGE van, $8 single van; piano move $2.50, hoisted $8; automobile van, long distance, cheap: storage, first month free, then $1 month. Phone 4 706 Market; night phone 1455-M, Waverly; office 198 Washing ton st. 13TH AV.. 142—Steam-heated flat to rent; janitor service, immediate poeession. In quire of WM. GREENFIELD, 800 Broad st. 4 AND 6 ROOMS, large, light, airy; low rent: all improvements; 7 minutes from Broad and Market. 86 Shipman, near Court street. 15TH AV., 486—Five rooms, third floor, all improvements; large closets; private porch, rent reasonable. Inquire first floor. ♦ AND 6 ROOM8, $10 up. Inquire 11 Ham ilton st. OUT OF TOWN APARTMENT MELROSE, comer Harriaon st. and Webster pi.. East Orange -Most exclusive residential street. 2 minutes to train and trolley; must be seen to be ap Sreclated. Janitor or LOUIS 8CHLESING iK, Inc., Essex building. APARTMENT, "The Charlotte," 175 Main st . i East Orange—Beautiful, 2nd floor. 7-room apartment; steam heat, hot water, electric light and janitor service; near Grove st. sta tion of D., L. and W.; rent reasonable. Ap piJ janitor on premises. ARLINGTON. Hickory at., 287; near Quincy av.—Six rooms, bath; all improvements; steam rent $17. MRS. MICHEL 121 Chestnut st. AM HERS I ST.—First apartment; 5 rooms. bath, steam, electricity. V. D. BURGES SER. Central av.. corner Clinton st.. East Or auge Open Monday and Friday evenings. BEAUTIFULLY decorated apartmenta in East Orange; appreciated when seen; 4-5 room* and bath; all modern improvements- electric lights: steam heat; unlimited hot water sup ply and janitor service; block to Grove st. station D., L. and W R. R., Orange cars at. corner; rents $25 to $28. Apply to jaaltor. 64 Main st. BURNETT ST—First apartment; 7 rooms bath, steam, electricity; $32 V. D. BUR GESSER, Central av., corner Clinton st.. East orange. Open Monday and Friday evenings. COLORED—East Orange. Princeton at., 82— Half block south of Central av.,, first floor four rooms, bath, tubs, range, $15; third floor, five rooms, bath, range, tuba, $1$. Keys at store. 30 Princeton st. F. W. 6NOVER. 275 Mulberry *t. CLINTON ST.—Second apartment, 8 rooms: steam, electricity, tile bath; rent $40. V. 1 D. BURGE8SER, Central av., cor. Clinton st.. East Orange. ELMWOOD AV.—First apartment; six i rooms, bath; steam heat. V. D. BURGES- { SER, Central av., cor. Clinton st.. East Or- j ange. Open Monday and Friday evenings. EAST ORANGE—Very select apartment. upper floor of 2-faml!y bouse; eight light, cheerful rooms; all sun parlors; separate entrance; steam heat. 29 Glen wood pi., near Prospect st.. East Orange. Inquire of MRS. DAILEY, first floor, or FIEDLER CORPO- I RATION, Firemen's Bldg., Newark. EAST ORANGE. 53 New st.—Upper apart ment In two-family house; eight room*, i bath and storage room; all modern Improve- { ments; electric light; newly decorated; Ideal ; location. Inquire first floor. EAST ORANGE. Elmwood av., 86—Two blocks from Central av.; roomy, second floor, six rooms; light, airy; range, wash tubs, gas; $16. EAST ORANGE. 244 South Clinton st.—Five rooms, bath; steam, electricity. V. D. , BURGESSER. South Clinton et., cor. Central av., East Orange. EAST ORANGE. South Grove st.. 204—Five- ' room flat; all Improvements; can be rented tor $17; near Central av. EAST ORANGE. Shepard av.—Five room.*= and bath; separate furnace and entrance $15. PRUDEN. 139 Main st.. East Orange EAST ORANGE, 12 South 17th st.—Two family house, upper part; seven rooms and bath, separate entrances; near Central | avenue. EAST ORANGE. Amherst st.—Five room^ hath, steam, electricity: $23 V. D. *TR GESSER. corner Central st. and Clinton st East Orange. Open Monday and Friday ave < oings. EAST ORANGE. Eaton pi., 80—One block | from Grove st. station; “The Stockton;” 7 rooms; all improvements; rent $85. Inquire on premises or any agent FIVE ROOMS, all improvements; healh j celling: newly decorated, electric lights; rcDt reasonable. 254 Lyons av., Irvington, opp. Park. FOR COLORED; Edgerton terrace. 39. East Orange—Four rooms, bath, steam. $10 monthly. Inquire 21 Edgerton, or phone I 1238 Wavarly. GLEN RIDGE. 209 Hillside av —Apartment. six rooms, bath; every Improvement; sec- i ond floor: two minutes to trolley and train; | rent low. C. E* SHIPMAN, Oil Essex Bldg, i HALSTED 8T.—Four-room apartment steam, electricity; rent $17. V. L>. BCR GESSER, Central av.. cor. Clinton av., East Orange. Open Monday evenings. IRVINGTON. Grove st.. 488—Flv* room^; all improvements; decorated electric lights: rent $13; 2nd floor, nice, light rooms, closet In every room. Inquire 1st floor. IRVINGTON. Stuyvesant av.. 4«l—Apart ment of 4 large rooms, bath; private house; all improvements; large porch, lawn, shade and fruit trees; refined neighborhood and surroundings, rent to refined couple without children $20 month. IRVINGTON. Fifteenth av.. 713, near Grove st.—Five rooms and bath: hot and cold water, rent $15. Inquire at corner i store. 1994-W, Waverly. MYRTLE AV., 18. Nutley—Six-room flat; all improvements; rent $17; with owner. TWO apartments, second and third floors. seven fine, light rooms and bath; heat furnished. Just decorated; 262 Main st., Or ange. ideal arrangement for professional man or tailor; two fine offices in front, separate stairs, rent reasonable. BUTTER FIELD. 1" Day st.. Orange. SEVEN rooms. 2 baths, 4 minutes to sta tion, $45. GEORGE F. MACK, opposite Brick Church station. East Orange. SOUTH CLINTON ST—Second a pertinent: 7 rooms sod bath, steam, electricity: rent $2tt V. D. BURGESSER. Central a?.. newer Clih i fell fifttil OtittW* JL__ _ < APARTMENTS & FLATS _TO LET. THREE beautiful flats; ail improvement* . ,k*at; 34 Howard st., Irvington, a naif block from Clinton av.; rent n-aaon IvenueApp,y A 8*;HREIOKR- Clinton V^ion^Y nr*" aii2’ We*t ‘'range—flla r<jQiiui. nrrt floor; modem two family 1"'™"'"- •"* M‘*m heat; tiled bath and vestibule. on Orange ear line rnl i{22u KDWARD w* mart& CO, 18 Bathgate pi. K.itevllle, I I BM8HKD APARTMKNTH HANTI Il APARTMENT—Four room*, private bath steam heat, hot water gas range' ice box. tubs; cool, airy corner; everythin* Hummhed h*'m^LL, corner Montclair and Hummer avs. FURNISHED ROOMS i G LET * B,^PJjV,7FJ'Y clean, handsome front r.iorae; line German house, for gentlemen or maouthjntnT"kr M,*ct n':i''hborh«al Agi'OR LUNCH, 27 ACADEMY ST OCR MOTTO t ore 1 oi.d -Large Portion*—Cleooiloem. *RuCH ST 10. near City Hall—Large. aa*1 ro°1*1 ,or ll*h< housekeeping, iST"’' B1,K> r°°“'; Radial ,.V"J'm,H. 1 large room; ladle* or gentlemen. ST *00: COLUMBIA. 49—Plea* S,‘"' -r- complete for housekeeping mnabll room'- *" Unprov FmentiTrea BBn^%a?o; m~Two back ””■1 W-t» ST-’ '—Furnished rooms. 8 minutes from tubes, housekeeping; single or double sleeping rooms, ail improvements. Import-entente houaai‘a'p‘'«- ->~Plng: II up; 1I MR.A ST 51—Large, pleasant room 1 lady or gentleman, 11.50 m l PT-. 10—Pleasant housekeeping I Ing plng laundry: gas foRSok- I CtaVl'lmnmv ST". 84~t'l”8'ant- tiean room, I a.l lmprot entente. new management. H C<tu.m.nlelln rooms, suitable one or two gen- I tlemen; private 50 ta Washington stR I ®^-. 7g—I-arge, clean rooms, com plete for housekeeping: gas and bath, CI^JrRf—24—Nicely furnished rooms tubes, also parlor floor; private or business purposes all Improvements C*m«trtc H^h. 28 Large, pleasant parlor. merits Reasonable. * “Bt*r' ,mprov<i EAST PARK STV 50—rTrCf rnnrr, kitchenette; also single room: reasonable. E>r»MnKLni^mY 8T" 42~La»Te front alcove rcKjm, all improvement*. reasonable. ELM ST.. 90—Three room* for light house keeping running water; $2.50 weekly^ nuii ..?* ^ «*v »*■ •nr Information .bam '*?« ” / ?h" lurnUSod rooms In New ^>OM%?RECit'r*e8,a,,n0'Sr ,XTRNU,«S GRANT ST.. 22, near Lackawanna—Pleas ANDERSON™0™'’ lmpt5 ’ reason»*>le. MRS. 81'-- 2*—Bright, airy front room suitable for 1. i GI*EE3y®J- 76—21 rents nice, clean sleep- 1 ing room. o HALSEY ST.. 332. Washington, 346—Con- I •“* housekeeping rooms. 1 62.50 up. sleeping rooms. Ji.25 uu. Improve- 1 ments; reasonable. M 1 HIGHf 8T- J>}} • Leon Apartments—Ntoe ir rurnished room steam heated; electric and bath, rent reasonable. KRAMER. 41f—:Lar*‘e- Pleasant room; use of kitchen, if desired. improvements, rea sonable. HIL1. ST.. 38—L«rge and small rooms; im provements; 11.25 up. LIBERTY 8T., 26, corner Lafayette— Rooms for men. gas. bath, hot and cold running water; called mornings. $1 $0 weekly. LIBERTY’ ST., 54—Light housekeentnii®® rooms $1.75. sleeping room. $1. * LAFAYETTE ST., 175—With or without MARSHALL ST., lo—Cool room, next to bath; improvements; reasonable. MARSHALL ST.. IS—Two pleasant rooms housekeeping or sleeping; improvements. MULBERRY ST.. 3 98—Rooms for light housekeeping. $2; sleeping. $1.M. MULBERRY ST.. 240—Large, airy front rooms housekeeping, all improvements; reasonable. Ml I.IiERRY ST.. 387—Nicely furnished front room all conveniences; reasonable. MULBEHRY ST 3 98—Two connecting rooms for housekeeping. $2; front room. $T Ml LBERRT ST.. 80—Rooms for housekeep ing, $2: sleeping rooms, $1.2$. NELSON PI... fig—Two pleasant, airy rooms Improvements; reasonable, private family. PLANE 8T.. 72—Rooms with bath, steam I heat, hot water; $1.50 up; also houae- \ keeping rooms. PLANE ST.. 217—Pleaaant housekeeping and sleeping rooms; improvements; reason able; new management. PLANE ST.. 181—Connecting or single rooms; light housekeeping; improvements reasonable. QUITMAN ST . 135. near Waverly av.—Nice large airy room. RG8E111.1 E A V.. 41—Rooms for gentlemen only: convenient trolleys, station; every convenience RECTOR ST. 31—Clean airy room, one block from tubes. • 8TATE ST.. 22—One minute from Lacka wanna Station: clean, cool, outside rooms newly renovated; all improvements $1.54. SOUTH ST.. 44—Two neat, clean sing!* rooms, all conveniences, three doors from Broad st.: breakfast if desired; reasonable. TWO nice furnished rooms for light house keeping on Hunterdon st. S2 weekly. In quire 79 Newton st.; ring 2nd boil. TRUNK and baggage express; prompt stten tlon. MODERN EXPRESS. 185 Halsey s: Tbone 7519 Market. WALNUT ST.. *8—Large, pleasant, from room housekeeping or sleeping; all im j -overoenta. WALNUT ST., 87—Housekeeping room. $2, • ooking ga*-: bath , near CUy Hall. WARREN ST. 72—Pleasant housekeeping room. 92.SO up. al. improvements. WASP NGTON ST.. 474. city—Larga. light housekeeping room, with running water, all improvements. WASHINGTON ST.. ISO—Two rooms. 93.9® and $8.50. also sleeping room, 92.00. water and gas. WASHINGTON ST.. 972—Two or three con necting rooms, 99.60. large, front room 93; gas and bath. WASHINGTON ST.. 363--Large front house keeping room, with kitchenette; hall room. WARREN ST.. 64. near Washington—Large front alcove, connecting rooms; for house keeping; central; reasonable. OUT OF TOWN LARGE handsomely furnished 2nd flow front room with private adult famll> ; near trolley and Grove st. station. East Orange. Address- FURNISHED. Box 96. Star office. WASHINGTON ST.. 18. East OrangeZZarge front room, with or without board; near station. BOARDING ARMLET HOUSE Catsklil. N. T.—-Quiet, refined, homelike; unsurpasy •! location, accommodates 16; 98-116. MRS. T. W. knapp. . Z FOREST HILL. Lake st.. 776—Two large. well-furnished rooms, also one smaller one; with board, tine location. Phone 1288 XL B. COURT ST . 70—Home cooking; 11 meal*. $4. rooms 91 to $9. ___ }Y | "'warren MANOR. 677 WARREN ST. Cheerful, lurge. airy rooms, all nicely fur nished. excellent table, home cooking; no three trolley liner near Koeevtlle at at ion; terms moderate Tel Branch Brook 1499. OUT OF TOWN EAST ORANGE Norman et.. 46—Room and board, early breakfast; working men pre ferred, reasonable, near Watseretng. SUMMER BOARDING ” GREENWOOD LAKE. N. Y.—Spend your vacation at the GRAND VUfiW Uul'Bk ' __ —