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Store Open at 9 and Closes at 12 Saturday Morning Specials (No Mail, Phone or C. O. D. Orders) Men’s 79c to 1.50 Shirts, 39c On the trail of last week's shirt surprise [ —these wonderful thirty-niners! Plain and plaited negligees, soft or laundered cuffs, made of very stanch shirtings. Well worth 79c to $1.50. Now 39c—clear off the handle. Few slightly soiled; a few slightly imperfect —not enough to mention. Talk about real bar gains!. Children’s 75c to 1.50 Parasols, now 59c! Every little lass is just craving for a para sol. Saturday morning, 160 dainty little sun shades for girlies 5 to 14 years will be sold for 59c. Mark you, these are genuinely worth 75c to $1.50. Youthful colorings, pretty para sol fancies of fine grade silk and pongee. Sturdy handles. Your choice for 59c. Boys’ 1.50 to 2.00 Wash Suits, 1.00 Dutch and Coppeifield styles—filled to the brim with novelty. Blouses of pure white twill; trousers of striped materials. Cute? jj Rakishly so—and how they tub! Worn by ■ every smart Newark chappie. Regular price, * $1.50 and $2.00. At Bamberger's Saturday Inorning for 1.00. l6=Button Milanese Silk Gloves, 79c Milanese, if you please, and quite the choicest of all glove silks. Extra quality; full cut arms; faultless fit; Paris point embroid ered backs and guaranteed finger tips. All sizes. White and black. The length you want at a price it is rarely sold for. Standard $1.00 gloves for 79e. Girls’ 2.50 and 3.50 Lingerie Frocks, 1.50 Beautiful models, bought by the Bamber ger store to sell for $2.50 and $3.50. White voile and exquisite quality white lawn, all fashioned after Bamberger inimitable man ner—tasteful, refined and altogether out of the ordinary. Splendid laces. Genuine. $2.50 and $3.50 frocks for $ 1.50. Remarkable! Sizes 6 to 14 years. Men’s 25c and 29c Scarfs for 15c Absolutely no pick-ups—but Bamberger regular stock 25c and 29c ties. Men, your hour has struck! Snappy silk and knitted four-in-hands—two of a kind—while they last for 15c. Every one a Bamberger scarf—clean cut of necessity—which men have a hanker ing for. Women’s 79c Modesty Petticoats, 50c Ever since wc introduced the “Modesty” petticoats to Newark there has been a perfect siege in the muslinwear store. Two excep tionally fine models at 50c. worth 79c. One panel style, other of heavy pique, with scal loped bottom. Indispensable for wear with transparent frocks. Other "Modesty petti coats, 50c to 3.00. Child’s Barefoot Sandals and Oxfords Barefoot sandals and outing oxfords, made of tan calf with extension flexible soles. Sizes. Regular. Special. 5 to 8. 75c 58c gl/2 to 11 . 1.00 78c 11J/2 to 2. 1.25 98c the sio,ooo MILLION *10,000 I \z dollar % Words! MYSTERY W°rdSf By Harold MacGrath Thanhouser’t Million Dollar Motion Picture Production NOW APPEARING SERIALLY IN THE NEWARK EVENING STAR Thrills, Thrills, THRILLS! There seems to be no end of dramatic climaxes in Harold MacGrath’s great novel, "The Million Dollar Mystery.” Episode No. 6 is full of extraordinary excite ment. An auto chase in which the daring movie actor, James Cruze, risks his life by jumping from one automobile to another while they are speeding at 50 miles an hour, is one of the thrills vividly reproduced by the Than houser Film Corporation. Go see these remarkable motion pictures today! Read the story in today's Evening Star. See the Motion Pictures at These Theatres: ‘ Court Theatre, Breintnall Place, sixth episode August 1. Strand Theatre, Market St„ seventh episode August 3. Plaza Theatre, 400 Springfield Ave„ fourth episode August 3. Royal Theatre, Broad and Bridge Sts., fourth eoisode August 4. Jr Liberty Theatre, Ferry and Van Buren Sts., fourth episode August 4. Arcade Theatre, Arcade Bldg., Broad St., fourth episode August 5. - Playhouse, Clinton and Farley Aves., fourth episode August 6. Lyceum Theatre, 506 Main St.. East Orange, third episode August 6. Palace Theatre, Mt. Prospect and Verona Aves., Forest Hill, fourth episode August 5. Remember, $10,000 in cash will be paid for the best 100-word solution of this mystery. Full details in theatres and in today’s Evening Star. Reprints of past episodes may be had at the Star Oflicc St- :JF!' - \ LOANS AT 1 % (J LOANS OF ANY AMOUNT AT ITe PER MONTH ON SUMS OF* *20 AND OVER. IH% ON SMALLER SUMS 4 MberrJ loans on Diamonds. * g j Watches, Jewelry. Silverware, etc. J Ample capital to make loans. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY 4 Essex Building, 31 Clinton Street MAIN FLOOR Houra 0:00 A. M. to 5:00 V. SI. Saturday o to 3 1*. M. |-' SEVEN FREE SHINES I G<M£°V™L. “afnS-S1 —' “ "jsrss,’S“^sjn.-' rrrry *l«y. be or kMM> Clip this coupon and present American Shoe Repairing Co. it at our shop with one pair of 241 waahimrton street shoes to be whole-soled and . heeled and we will give you tree a book good for seven polishes (black or tan), good to be used at any time in any of our stores. Men’s Whole Sole and Heel.. .1.25 ) Best Leather Women’s Whole Sole and Heel. 1.00 i Best Workmanship AMERICAN SHOE REPAIRING QO. U4I VVuaiitni£ton atreuc i I QjftZo&d. 681-687 Broad St. 21 W. Park St. Saturdays We Open at 9 A. M. and Close at 1 P. M. Ready with everything a woman or boy wears, also men’s furnishings. Mid-Summer Cut Prices Prevail We remind you of a few of the special items: Men’s 3.00 Silk 1 Shirts .. * Men’s 1.00 and 7Q.-, 1.25 Shirts. I Men's Athletic Under wear. 50c grade, 35c Women's 'J AO & 5 AO Dresses. w.Uv O*/0 W o m e n’s Low | A A Shoes . I •1/1/ 1 YOUR SUMMER DRINK t Buying a Hose is a rather risky piece of busi ness. You need to be an ex pert on rubber goods, or else go to a dealer about whom you are sure. We sell only Dependable Rubber Hose. That’s why our Hose business is so enormous. We carry Hose of every size, and will promptly deliver you any length you desire. Everything to go with the Hose is here, too. Reels, Noz zles, Couplings, Etc. Macknet & Doremus Company Everything in Hardware. 796-798 Broad Street — f Largest Jeweler on the Hill Eye Needs For Vacationists Eyeglasses, Spectacles, Smoked Olasees, Reading Glasses and Vield Glasses—everything with a lens, except cameras, for the va cationist at the shore, at the mountains or at home. Priees l*re are always less I than yoirfl pay for the same grades elsewhere. MalllBX Homes Free. Take one of our Mailing Boxes with you. If you break your lenses, mail the pieces to us. We’ll duplicate j them perfectly and return them the. same day as received. ! AURNHAMMER Optician, Jeweler 224 Springfield Ave. S£n0?.r„ k I I Lake Hopatcong ei NEXT SUNDAY-Aleo Every ▼ ■ Sunday and Holiday Leave Broad Street 8.30; Ferry Street 8.32; Bast Ferry Street 8.34 a.m. Atlantic City ttO CA NEXT SUN DAY—alao Wednesday, Auq. 5th Leave Broad Street 7:55; Ferry Street 7:5b; Hast Ferry Street 7:58 a. m. Hard Coal. No Smoke. Comfort v Now for the Big Clean-Up. Come Tomorrow If You’ve Failed to Reap Ovr Weekly Harvest of Bargains—It’s the Last Chance Open a Charge Account—Most Convenient Paying Methods f If 3-Piece |f j Parlor Suit With Tight Cushions Finely polished mahogany finish frames; choicely upholstered in high-grade velour. Paneled backs; carved claw feet. Deep cut price. Genuine Quartered Oak Buffet One of our most at tractive pieces. What a chance to get one in your dining-room at a lower cost than ever before! Big mirror, large cabinets; 3 full swell drawers; large linen drawer; panels. Special, 19= Comfort at Half Price in This f Fumed Oak Imitation Leather Rocker Strong and durably made. Imi tation Spanish leather. Remov able steel spring seat; wide, roomy; very spe cial bargain . ✓-\ i Off On Discontinued Patterns of Couches Brass Trim . Bed Daisy Panel Dome Deep scalloped fringe; rich varia colored bent panels give a beautiful effect when lighted; 18-in. diameter. Complete for gas, ready to hang,... __ . Genuine Leather l Slip Scat Diners These are the last of a big lot; slightly im perfect. They are strong, well braced, upholster ed in genuine leather. Regular |2.85 chairs. Iff”* Clean-up price, |j|j Heavy Solid Oak Extension Table Richly polished top; shaped column; all hand-carved claw feet; full size ex tension. Specially low priced for this week’s selling. A $14 value. 1 "" 1 Genuine Steel Springs, Soft Top Mattress All three pieces good, well made, durable, lasting. An un usual money-saving chance for furnishing a bedroom at low cost. :i Pieces, com plete, for . Solid Side Collapsible Go-Cart Real leatherette hood and sides; steel gears; easy springs; 54-inch rubber tired (Z wheels, guaranteed. ia A comfortable cart yj at a very small 'j price. This week.. A H Off on Chinese (jp Grass Furniture \ ._. . h off On Discontinued Patterns of Dressers N-- --^ Kitchen Cup-, board, Needed s in Every Kitchen Made of hardwood. Very conveniently ar ranged interior, show ing a place for every thing; roomy adjustable b shelves, large glass doors. Price special for this cleaning-up sale, 82 i Off on Discon tinued Patterns of Iron Beds and Brass Beds — CLOSING DAILY THROUGH JULY AND AUGUST AT 5:30 P. M. SATURDAYS lO P. M. ^ —.—y Extra Large Mission Library Table Made of real high quality oak; 42 inches long; wide undershelf and spacious drawer. — —. Will make a splendid addition to library, especially at this cut price. Extra special This “North Pole” Refrigerator Is the Choice of Small Families Saves ice—keeps foods—is sanitary— zinc lined; charcoal sheathed; hardwood construction—bronze trim; best made and lowest priced. This size this week. ! , SEALED PROPOSALS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF STREET AND WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF NEWARK. City Hall. Newark. N. J., July 28. 1914. Sealed proposals will be received at this office from 3:15 to 3:30 o’clock p. m. of Thursday, the sixth day of August, 1914. and opened at the last named hour, at a public meeting of the board to be held at said time and place, for the construction of sewers in SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE. | from HaUtead street to a point about 150 ! feet west of Sand ford avenue; A RINGER PLACE, from Rrookdab* avenue to Sunset avenue; SHAW AVENUE, between Willoughby street and Dowey street; SEVENTEENTH AVENUE, between South Seventeenth street and South Eighteenth street. The following la about the amount of the work to ne done, and the materials to be furnished In the construction and com pletion of said Work, and upon which bids will be compared; SOUTH ORANGE AVENUE SEWER: Eight hundred and forty (840) feet of ten (10) inch vitrified salt glazed pipe sewer, deep and wide socket pipe with special joints to be used: 1 Eight hundred and forty (840) feet of eight I (8) Inch underdrain; Twelve hundred (1.200) feet of six (6) j Inch house connections; ! Twelve hundred (1.200) feet of four (4) : Inch house connections; Five (6) manholes with standard heads | and buckets complete; Ten (10) markers. A RINGER PLACE SEWER: One hundred and ninety (190) feet of twenty-four (24) Inch double strength, vitri fied salt glazed pipe sewer; Four (4) basins with cement heads and connecting chutes complete; One (1> Inlet, with cement head arid con necting chute complete; Four (4) manholes with standard heads - * SEAL.RU proposals complete; Two hundred and ten (210) feet of eigh teen (18) Inch double strength vltrltied salt glazed pipe sower. .SHAW AVENUE SEWER; Three hundred and seventy-five <3.*>) feet of eight (8) inch vitrified salt glazed pipe | SCThree hundred and thirty (330) feet of six j (6) inch house connections; . , Two 12) manholes with noiseless heads: ami buckets complete; ^ Twenty-two <22) murker.**. SEVENTEENTH AVENUE SEWER: One hundred and thirty (HO) feet of eight (8) inch vitrified salt glazed pipe, sewer; One, hundred and sixty (160) feet of six (6) inch house connections; One <J> manhole with standard head and bucket complete; Eight (8) markers ! Bidders are not to state any price for ma terials and work for which there is a fixed amount provided for in the specifications. Each proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, properly indorsed with the name of the bidder and of the improve i rnent, and directed to the Board of Street ! and Water Commissioners of the City of i Newark. ' ... | Bidder* "'111 state their prices in writing as well as in figures. . ! Bidders must specify in their proposals I that should the al>ove work be awarded to I them they will bind themselves to finish and I complete the same within the following 1 number of consecutive working days: South Orange Avenue Hewer—Thirty-five ; * A b linger Place Sower—Fifteen <1&) days, i Shaw Avenue Sewer—Ten (10) days. ! Seventeenth Avenue Sower—1« ive (.») days. | The plans and specifications of the work can b© examined at the office of the Chief I Engineer of the Board of Street and Water Commissioner}* at the City Hall. Said pro I powtto to be accompanied by the consent, in , w-riting, of two sureties, or a surety eom , paiiv qualified to do business in New Jer sey' who shall, at the time of putting in j proposals, qualify aa to their reaponsl SEALED PROPOSALS bility In the amount of such proposal, and bind themselves that. If the contract be awarded to the person or persons making the proposal, they will, upon Its being so awarded, become his or their sureties for the faithful performance of said work, and that If the person or persons omit or refuse to execute such contract they will pay to the City of Newark any difference between the sums to which he or they would have been entitled upon completion of the con tract and that which the City of Newark may be obliged to pay the person or persona by whom such contract shall be executed. Tlie Hoard of Street and Water Commis sioners of the City of Newark reserve to themselves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals for the above work as they may deem best for the interest of the city. Bidders and sureties are hereby notified tlmt under the provisions of the seventh sec tion of the law creating |he Board of Street and Water Commissioners, approved March 28th, 1891, that the bond or bonds to be fiven for the faithful execution and per ormance of said public work shall first be approved as to sufficiency by the board, and as to form by the counsel of the board, and no contract shall be binding on the city or become effective or operative until such bond is so approved, and the president of* the' Board shall liave power to examine the pro posed bondsmen under oath, if he shall so desire, or shall be so Instructed by the board, but the hoard will not be bound by any statement that may be made by such proposed bondsmen, but shall have full power and absolute discretion In the whole matter, and this provision shall be referred 1 to in any advertisement inviting bids for any such public work. By direction of the Board of Street and Water Commissioners of the City of Newark. 'morris r. shkhrbrd, July28-5t Chief Engineer. HEADQUARTERS FIRE DEPARTMENT. City Hall. Newark, N. J., July SO, 1914. Soaled proposals will bo received at these headquarters twhile the Hoard of Fire Com )• . - . SCALED PROPOSALS missionors In in session) during the period of time between 1:30 and 2:30 o’clock p. m., 1914, »nd will be opened immediately after the expiration of the time fixed for receiving the aforesaid prfoposale, for furnishing the department with the following supplies, to wit: 325 hags, more or leas, of best old Ojfcts. 100 bags, more or less, of best bran, 60.000 pounds, more or loss, of best No. #!i 1 old Timothy hay. 10.000 pounds, more or less, of best long l rye straw*. i 70 bales, more or less, of choice hlfalfa. I Sample of oats to accompany each pro- J posal. M Bidders will quote price on oats per bag. B Bidders will quote price on bran per bagfl 40 lbs. each. ^B Bidders will quote price on hay per dred pounds. ^^B .Bidders will quote price on straw n^Bl .hundred pounns. Bh Binders will quote price on alfalfa BBB hundred pounds. ^^B The quality of the aforesaid supplies n^BB be ns specified above, and delivery is to^BgH made ui the quarters of each company^^BI such quantities as the several compaij^BM may need during the month. ^Bp Further information concerning those p^HB posats. ax to quality and quantity, will ^B| furnished upon application to the secreta^^B of the board. '®fp» The Board of Fire Commissioners r^^B serves the right to purchase Midi additiona^B quantities of the several commodities bereiiaB specified as may he needed, at the pticetB contained in the proposal it may uccept.fl and it further reserves the right to rejcrtB 1 any or all proposals so received us may befl deemed for the best interests of I lie city. ^B WILLIAM A. WlfiBKK, M President. ^B Charles b- Hmitli. ^B V bee rotary. jy30-JB| ■fl