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Newark ®oemtig £tar JAMES SMITH. JB. FOUNDED MARCH 1. 1SS». Published every afternoon, Sundays excepted, by the Newark Dally Advertiser Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter at the Postofflco. Newark Member of the Associated Press. United Press and American Newspaper Publishers Association. MAIN OFFICE.Branford place and Nutria street •Phone 4900 Market. ORANGE OFFICE.179 Main street. Orange •Phone 4300 Orange SUMMIT OFFICE.Beech wood road and B«nx street •Phone 1049-W, Summit IRVINGTON OFFICE.1091 cl,nton avenue •Phone Waverly 703 „ - NEW YORK OFFICE.Paul Block, Ino., N. W. cor. 28th street and Fifth avenue ATLANTIC CITY.The Borland Advertising Agency BOSTON OFFICE-Paul Block, Inc., Ml I?.ev0n£hln5i?» CHICAGO OFFICE_Paul Block. Inc., Mailers Bunding DETROIT OFFICE.Paul Block, Inc., Kresge Blag., Detroit, Mich __ Mail SvbscrtptfoB Rates (Postage Prepaid within the Postal Union I. One year, $3.00; six months, $1.60; three months, so cents; one month, 30 cents. __ VOL. LIXXIV.—NO. M._ SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1915. A CONGESTION OF LEGISLATION, On Monday the Legislature will enter upon the ninth week of Its session. Comparatively few bills have gone to the governor, none of them of much importance, and all the serious business of the ses sion remains to be done. This includes, among other bills, the Morris canal bills, the full crew bill, the economy and efficiency bills, the local option hill, the constitutional amendments, bills concerning motor vehicles and workmen’s compensation, a department of agriculture, water supply bills, the State census, the State finances, the appropriation bills. All of these subjects Involve great controversy, with obstruction and delay. About one thousand bills have been introduced in the two houses, and more will be added next week. Many of those that will be given consideration are full of controversial dynamite, and the session will be in its ninth week, uiid there is an ominous tangle in legislation. But at least three of the order of bills enumerated can be dropped. If this is done the Legislature will be enabled to adjourn with a fair record. They are the Morris canal bills, the full crew repealer and the local option bill, which Is already virtually dead and , needs no requiem. NOT AFFECTED BY BILLY SUNDAY. Billy Sunday’s sensational discourses in Philadel phia have evidently had no effect upon the ruling powers In that town. They still continue to misrule and violate all the public decencies. This week, against the indignant protests of thousands of citizens at crowded mass meetings and the opposition of nearly all the newspapers, they put through the council an ordinance which practically gave away the plan of elevated railroad construction to a few local j inaction magnates. But we must consider this curious fact. The great majorities by which the men who misrule Phila delphia were placed In power will be repeated at the next election, and In all probability the slx-milllon dollar loan which Is provided in the ordinance will be voted. It has been a serious question among sober-minded people in Philadelphia how long Billy Sunday’s converts would hold out, and some of them sagely predict that it will not outlast the local fall campaign. -- MR. BRYAN CAN BE SPARED. The President feels that in the face of the critical world situation he should remain at his post In Wash ington. and every thinking man in the country agrees with him. Congress having adjourned, there remains only the executive to meet and deal with any great emergency that shall arise. And all the members of the cabinet, not excluding Secretary Bryan, are sched uled for the Panama-Pacific Exposition trip. Mr. Bryan will go, of course, and will make speeches going and coming and have much to say at the exposition. Nor should there be the ieast objec tion. The country is by this time fully resigned to the propensities of its foreign minister as far as trav eling and talking goes, for it is perceived that to this extent they really do no harm. The State department doesn't need anything more from its hea4 than his signature. PROTECTION FOR THE IMMIGRANT TOILER. In employing experts to plan better conditions of living for unskilled laborers, especially Immigrants, the Federal Commission on Industrial Relations has done a great service to humanity. The ignorant alien toiler in this country Is fair game for exploitation. Besides low wages there are such abuses as extortion by employment agents, unfair contracts, fines and the operations of money sharks. The recommendations of the commission will include Btate legislation by which working people can get relief from oppression without the cost of hiring lawyers. That the Federal arm is needed to protect the immigrant laborer has been shown conclusively by the inquiry into the Roosevelt strike and shooting. CONVERSION EXTRAORDINARY. When a passenger refunds the price of live rldei out of which he "beat” a trolley company it 1b a cas< of conscience deserving special mention. The cltlxei who confesses that It was actually a sin for him te get the better of a soulless corporation must be a pent tent Indeed. The letter, with a remorseful remittsnci of a quarter to the Public Service Railway, wae anony mous. but as it was postmarked Camden and ex plained that the writer had "hit the trail,'’ it Is evl dent that he had been across the river to hear Bill; Sunday In Philadelphia. When the evangelist cal persuade anybody to give up a nickel which has eludei the fare register his campaign must certainly be i success. ENCOURAGING 8ICKNES8 ‘AMONG POLICE. Atlantic City has a number of profitable Indus tries, and one of them la a specialty with policemen. I consists of being sick. The city pays a flrat-clas patrolman $1,200 a year, which Is a little over $3 day, but the bluecoat on sick ltave averages about $ I aaji Hjam ThlB IB b*CRU96 Of pay fmm the m,l’ nicipality and benefits from the police pension fund and seoret societies. And Mayor Biddle wanted to allow the police full pay when off duty for illness. The council very logically rejected the proposition when reminded by the chief of police that it would mean not enough policemen to go around In case of a blizzard or other emergency. Half the force would 1 be earning double pay by bugging tba fire and read t ing the war news at home. » WHERE THE "IF” COMES IN. In th« voluminous literature sent out by th© rail road companies giving their own highly colored side of the controversy over the full crew law repeal there appears this argument as to what can be done for the people If the two millions of wages paid annually to the extra brakemen In New Jersey and Pennsylvania should be cut oft by the repeal of the law in the two States: "If,” say the railroad companies’ publicity writers, "the money was used In purchase of eighty locomo tives, It would give employment for a year to 1,745 men. Should the $2,000,000 be expended In purchase | of 2,000 freight cars, employment for a year would be furnished*to 1,489 men. ^If the money was used to purchase 200 steel passenger cars, a year’s work would be provided for 1,708 men.” \ Pay particular attention to the "If," for It Is a large one. Now, the railroad companies are not altru istic. They are not in business primarily to benefit labor, and they are not benevolently looking for op portunities to give employment to men In other occu pations. The object of the full crew bill repealer has no reference whatever to anything but the trans ference of the two millions of wages from the pockets of the labor men to the dividends of the stockholders, | comparatively few of whom live In New Jersey. There is no "If” In that statement. - A GREAT TRAGEDY OF PEACE. In th* period of great and appalling events, when a battle equal to or surpassing the battle of Waterloo Is noticed In the newspapers with only a few Hues and then dismissed as a minor e^ent, a calamity like that which happened In the Layland coal mine In West Virginia, in which 170 men were entombed, could not be expected to appear In type under big dis play heads. » | Only ten of the men thus entombed escaped alive I and nearly a hundred bodlea have been recovered. As | compared with the loss of life In one of the compara 1 ttvely small engagements that are In progress every day In France and Poland, this death roll seems almost trifling. But what a sacrifice of life In an em ployment of peace In a country blessed with peace, , but with Its mind dulled to horrors by the awful panorama of the greatest war the world has known— a war that suggests Armageddon! GREAT AMERICAN INDUSTRIES MENACEO. Despite all the talk of new processes for utilizing domestic waste products, nothing has been done for American dyers, who are still dependent upon Germany for their dyestuffs. The war at first Interrupted this ' trade and the outlook was serious for ths industry j in this country, but of late the material had again ] been coming from Germany through neutral ports, j The allies’ embargo upon all commerce from as well as to that country now constitutes a grave menace for American dyers, as there is practically no supply of | dyestuffs on hand in the United Statee, and very little in prospect. This also means mischief for the textile ! mills, which will have to stop weaving If there are 1 no dyed yarns to work on. Unless the allies can be persuaded or forced to abandon their new policy the result is sure to be widespread unemployment and suffering for our people. ■ ■■ ——————— WASTE THAT SHOULD BE PROFIT. A discovery by a Pennsylvania chemist points to a double benefit, the purification of water courses and the cheapening of Industrial production. It Is found that the water drained from soft coal mines contains not only sulphur, but iron oxide pigments, which by a new process can be extracted and used In the manu facture of paints. It also yields ferro-hydrates effec tive for purifying natural gas. Pollution from the mines Is a serious thing for the water supply of many localities, and when the process of preventing It more Ithan pays for Itself a big problem la solved. What [untold millions will be added to the wealth of this ; country when all the enormous Items of present waste are turned Into profit! • . FULL CREW LAW AND GRADE CROSSINGS. ! Just to think of ltl If the railroad companies had not been obliged to employ full crews for their trains In New Jersey and Pennsylvania they would have been enabled to eliminate sixty-five grade cross ings. What an Impressive statement! How con vincing! But would they have done^ao, or will they now guarantee to use the money to eliminate sixty-flve grade crossings every frearl The legislator who should present In the Legislature this as a reason for | repealing the full crew law would well be worthy of j a cap and bells. INTRODUCING PRESIDENT GUILLAUME. The opera bouffe republic of Haiti now has a president with the etamp of regularity, for Oenoral Guillaume has been formally elected to the Job. He ! had previously been "recognised” as chief executive by the various revolutionary leaders, and later pro claimed "provisional" president by the National As sembly. But Guillaume's hold on the place waa really clinched when he drove President Theodor out of the Island, and it will last as long as bayonets can prop him up, and no longer. NEUTRALITY NET CAUGHT TARIFF THIEVES. 1 One way In which the European war may Inci dentally profit our government appears In the revela tion of customs frauds footing up half a million dol lars on -the Canadian frontier. Thirty men In the Importing trade who face prosecution for under valuing goods might not have been caught If our , Federal authorities Mad not been keeping a sharp eye ’ on the Canadian border to prevent violations of neu ‘ trallty. They fell Into the net spread for an entirely ) different class of offenders. . . ' "7 OPINIONS AND VIEWS FROM THE EXCHANGES i -—: The Country I* With Him. Krom the Milwaukee Journal, j No proof of the unanimity of Amer ican sentiment In support of the ad ministration In Its conduct of our relations with foreign powers could j be more striking then the agreement I of papers without regard to politics Bor partisan opinion. The following is from the Cincinnati Timea-Star, a conservative Republican paper, owned by the brother of ex-Presldent Taft: "President Wilson has a right to expect the support of * united people « In the protests he has sent to the German and English governments. His attitude Is not a pro-English or a pro-German, but a pro-American attitude. He has followed the only course that It was possible for an American President, with an eye only to the duties and responsibili ties of bis own government, to pur sue." It Is not particularly significant that this la from a Republican paper. At such a time and upon such an occasion, party lines vanish. The administration has the duty of keep ing his country out of Europe’s quarrel while preserving respect for our flag and regard for the lives of our citizens. It Is not an easy task. The least that every citizen can do is to take care that his own attitude shall not make It harder. There must be no question of tbe firmness of the American people behind their gov ernment. Party leaders as well as party newspapers recognize this. A Republican ex-Presldent and the Re publican floor leader In Congress have expressed their loyalty and their conviction that at this time loyalty Is the flrst business of every Ameri can. „ _ ___ Not Going to Miss Anything Over at the dormitory In the Young Men’s Christian Association building the roomers are requested to be In the building before 11 o'clock at night. A night watchman takes the name of all delinquent ones who enter the dormitory after the be witching hour of U p. aC One of the new roomers made It a practice to stay out until after 13 o’clock every night. After about two weeks of this misbehavior he was haled before the board to tell why he did not observe the rules, as the other roomers did. ’’Why do you persist In staying out until after 12 o'clock each night when you are supposed to be In before 11?" he was questioned. "I’m afraid 1 will miss something If I go to bed the same day I get up,” replied the delinquent one. The “Invasion” of Newark Two little girls, residing on lit. Prospect avenue, were engaged In whispered conversation while walk ing along the thoroughfare the other day. "What do you think, Marie, the war has spread to this country now,” said one of the girls, “and the enemy Is coming right Into Newark.” "Goodness gracious,” replied the other girl with a shudder. "But how did you find it out, Lillian?” "Why, I read It In the paper,” said Lillian. “Here, I have the clipping In my pocketbook.” Taking the Item from her handbag she read, "Feds about to Invade New ark; organized forces prepare to. fight.*’ _ Weather Philosopher on Deck ! "Where Is that weather man on this paper?” eagerly Inquired a visitor to the office of the Evening Btar this morning. “I want to see him quick already. I want him to tell the peo ple something about snowstorms.'' As the visitor was, to all outward appearances, a deadrlnger for the phllosopher-Uke "Oldest Inhabitant," and might possess valuable In formation about snowstorms anl other types of weather, as they ap plied to this vicinity In the past and could be safely used as a guage for present conditions, due reverence was paid to him. He was formally Intro duced to the general utility reporter, who had been put on the weather Job earlier In the day. "I only want to tell you to tell all the people not to be alarmed about today's snowstorm,” said the specimen of the "Oldest Inhabitant.'' "The farmers can go on with their spring work. They must not worry. It’s good this storm comes now, os j the snow can't last long. If it came earlier in the season we would never get rid of It until near summer. I’ve noticed these things. So long,” and j he left. I Hitting “Cupid’s” Bureau Frank Ciissey, of the city marriage license bureau, says that the munici pal exhibit In the City Hall may be good for the city, but It Is a big drawback to the marriage game. During the past week 75 per cent, of the marriage licensee have fallen off and Mr. Crissey says that he oan’t blame the marrying populace for not going around the screen and looking at tuberculosis cases before the first step Into matrimony Is taken. Saving His Job At least one telegraph operator In Newark has the gratitude of a news paper reporter. He saved the repor ter's Job. The newspaperman In ques tion at one time represented one of the New York newspapers In th’s city. Frequently at night he would remain up until the wee ema' hours and then find It difficult to report on the Job In time In the morning. On one occasion the newspaperman, having made the trip to New York and dining heavily, did not come from under the covers until nearly noon. An accident that resulted In the death of several people happened, and the newspaperman was nowhere In sight. The telegraph operator was out with him the night before and knew that he was not to be expected. The accident was of so much Im portance that the local newspapers at once began to Issue extra editions. The telegraph operator saw his op portunity and, beginning with the first of these special editions, clipped Ijhe reports of the accident and tele graphed each to the New York news paper. He suddenly discovered that he was beating all of the New York newspa pers; that not one of his friend’s rivals had shown up any more than he had, and that the one newspnper was getting the story of the accident exclusively. At noon the reporter showed up, sad and repentant. Becoming aware of the accident, he felt certain that he had lost his Job. But just as he en tered the telegraph office he received a telegram of congratulation from his newspaper. The telegraph operator told him what he had done. Next pay day the-weekly check was spilt. “SafetylFirst” "The 'Safety First' slogan,” said the observer on a Summer avenue car this morning, Jfis evidently being ap plied by many men In this city, Judg ing from what I see now." “Whaddya mean?" asked his friend. "Why, didn’t you notice the number of men who are wearing rubbers to day? In my day—that's when I was a young fellow, like most of these guys are—we never thought of wear ing rubbers. Dook at that big 'rough neck' over there—big enough to be a fullback—wearing rubbers. He’s taking no chances of getting wet feet It's 'safety first’ with him. But In my day most of us thought rubbers a luxury, rather than a necisslty. Times certainly have changed.” Evening Star’s Daily Puzzle Worn by the ladles. Answer to yesterday’s Futile. Vault What the Bullet Sang . 0 joy of creation 1 To be! i O rapture to fly And be free! * ' Be the battle lost or won, Though its smoke shall hide the sun. 1 shall find my love—the one | Born for me! • I shall know him where he stands i All alonfe, With the power in his hands Not o’erthrown; - I shall known him by his face, By his godlike front and grace; I shall hold for a space All my own 1 It Is he—0 my love! So bold! It is I—all thy love Foretold! It is I. O love! WhatbliA! ' Dost thou answer to my kiss? O sweetheart! What is this Lieth there so cold? s —Bret Harte. 1! ___ --—. - ■■■■ . ■ —— ~ 1 ■ ■ - HEALTH AND HAPPINESS BY OR. LEONARD KEENE BIRSHBBRG. A. B.. M. A., M. D. (John BopkloR). Vaccine* Are Now Vsed to Cure Receding Gun*. Hot and rebellious liquors, .too much salt and highly seasoned roods and viands are the least of the vicious Iniquities which send sad visitations Into the mouth. Neither fish nor flesh, nor good red herring, do as much damage to the mouth as do those little felons of Infection, the germs of .pimples, bolls and other bacte rial aliments. The Inside of the mouth Is often spangled with shining marks of sore ness, hillocks of Inflammation and in dentions of Irritation. There 1* no wider open door for malady-provoking microbes than the mouth. It Is the stamping ground for bacterial masses, food debris and remnants of the outer world of disease, dirt and disaster. Floss silk, mild gum washes, the tooth brush and vaccines made of the dead germs, which most commonly provoke mild Infections In this part of the anatomy, Is so necessary a procedure nowadays that no school child, much less grown-ups, can af ford to remain unfamiliar with their use. Month W**h Sngreatlon*. Dr. Joseph Head, of Philadelphia, recently laid very proper emphasis upon the employment of vaccines In the treatment of a myriad of gum, teeth, tongue and orifice maladlea. It would be well for all dentists and oral specialists to take heed. A vaoclne made by first cultivating the germs present In the gores of the mouth planted upon a proper soil, such as gelatin, milk or beef tea In sterilised tubes beyond access of other germs, killing theso bacteria and then Inoculating the dead mi crobes Into the arm of the sufferer, can never do any harm, and often cures or prevents the ailment caused by the earns germs when alive and flourishing In the mouth. In any event, howevbr, all the grit, tf^rls and bacterial masses present In the gums, teeth or gores should he frequently removed by approved mouth washes. A saturated watery solution of sodium slllcofluorlde— which Is a little over one-half per cent. In strength—Is an excellent mouth wash. Retained In the mouth with a squirting eyrtnging-Uke action back and forth between the teeth, and around the tonsils once or twice a day will yield most happy results. Inflammation Is Rllayed, and the germs are slaughtered by these washes, although, strange to say. non-antiseptic mouth washes are often more successful than germicidal ones. , ... What happens, obviously, Is Just what occurs when dead germs of tjje offending type are Injected Into the blood stream. The fighting powers of the tissue Juices, the lymph, and the blood are reinforced and in vigorated. The combative strength of the vital powers Is enhanced and made resistant to the Invading bac teria. Such a state of affairs sur passes that of the mere death of ml crobes by outside chennlcalB. Theory of Vaccine*. Local applications, however, are not enough. The blood tissues of the mouth must be reanimated and re couped frJwn within. Vaccines of dead germs, true enough, are part and parcel of this Internal regeneration. Todlde of potash Is one of the logical remedies to he taken Internally. Since Iodine applied to a spot of the flesh has a definite tendency to add to its redemption. It follows that a com bination which causes tod ne to ap pear In the saliva, as potaslum Iodide does, assuredly may be expected to assist the epithelium of the mouth to defeat marauding germs. Whether such Inflammations take place as blisters, as pyorrhoea, as decay, as spongy gums or as receding flesh matters not. Iodine, elnce It is under such circumstances present In the saliva, will bathe add Inundate all parts reached by the saliva. Formaldehyde Is a powerful disin fectant, as everybody now knows. ^Formalin Is the 40 per cent, solution of formaldehyde used for disinfecting refuse, hospitals and other plague spots. Hexamethylenamine or hexa methylentetramlne le a drug which, taken Internally with citrates, dis integrates Into formaldehyde and ap pears as such In ths bladder, bile channels, gall sao, saliva, and other places where bodily fluids are free to roam. Next to a vaccine—and I Insist that every instance of pyorrhoea and chronic mouth and tooth disorder should be treated with vaccines, though ten different germs be the cause—the local use of slllcofluorlde of soda In solution, milk of magnesia and peroxide must be tried/ More over, no omlaslon to try both hexa methylenamine and Iodide of potash Internally Is excusable. Answers to Health Questions O. J. D.—Q—Will you please tall me what to do for bolls? A—Apply to the bolls white precipi tate ointment. PHIL—Q—Could you tell me If I can make my flngera thinner? A—Massage the Angers with glycer ine and cold cream, rubbing toward the wrists. C. A. W.—Q—Please tell me what to do for the puffs undsr my eyes. A—Massage with olive oil, and get more sleep and fresh air. B. K. 8.—QwPleaee tell me why some people talk through the nose. Is there any cure for It? A—Yes, this Is curable by means of a slight nasal operation. D. M. R—Q—Will you please In form me whether or not there le in the United States a sanltorlum for the free treatment of cancer, and If so, where located? A—Every large hospital treats oan cer without charge. There are In stitutes also In Buffalo, New York, Bt. Mary's Hospital and Denver. MISS C. M. T.—Q—Is glycerine good for blackheads and enlarged pores? If so, how Is It used? Will It cause hair to grow on the face? A—Blaokheads may be dissolved out of the skin with glycerine and ben xbln. The mixture is also good for enlarged porea. It will not cause heir to grow. A DAILY RBADBR—Q—I am troubled with white pimples on my face. What can I do? 2—What le good for chapped skin? A—1—Avoid greasy, oily and hot foods. sweets, pastries, candles, starches, vinegars, pickles and sour things. Massage the skin clean with a Turkish towel and Ice cold water. Do not use soap or hot water on your face, but wash with sallcylio add. 1 part; tartaric add, 2 parts; seetlo add, B parts: glycerine, 20 parts; kaolin, 80 parts; rosewater. 75 parts. Apply at night: Sulphur. >4 ounce; spirits of camphor, 15 drops; resorcin, 10 grains; acada. 1 ounce; lime water, 2 ounoee; rosewater, 1 ounce. 2—Apply glycerine to the skin at night. -^ ■——— 7— ~~~tt Fair Game If Game Is Played Fair | To the Editor of the Evening Stsr: I Dear Sir—The cartoon as printed In your paper of today, I fall to see where this cartoon has any bearing on the repeal of the full crew law, and as a citizen and layman, the rail roads are entitled to fair play, as long as they play a fair game. And, a# T understand, the engineers are a dls It's wonderful to hear the squawker squawkin’ ’bout how everything Is goin’ plump to pot. No matter where you go you're bound to hear him talkin'—and in zero weather you kin bet that he's ‘‘hot”! There is no Justice In the world; there Is no sweetness. Men and women of re ligion only fake. Philanthropist* and heroes show their cheapness In the ! sort of worshipers with whom they | always "take." Santa Claus—and | Christ—are equally spurious; the Bible never meant to be believed. All these are merely dope to please the curious; to tickle those who long, and long, to be deoelved. No man has ever made his fortune honest; It came to him by hook or croqk or sin. He knows—'cause when he done his very dam’st, not chick or child did have luck to ever win. He’s standln' , In the rendezvous of every village; at every bugjulce bar he makes his mighty plea; but 'mid all this awful ' humdrum anent pillage, he has never I stopt a "skeeter" nor a flea. The diligent pursue their avocations; the thrifty climb the steeps untq tl^eir fondest dreams. None—only those who love to have vacations—have time for him; at least, that’s how It eeems! JAMES H. BOL/ICHO. Roqkawfty, N. J, > _ t interested party In this controversy. FRANK P. OINFRIDA. A constant reader of the Newark Evening Star. Marsh 4, 1*18. BIRTHDAY OF NOTED WOMEN MARCH 6 Mrs. Browning Copyright. IMS. BY HABY MARSH All.. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, prob ably the greatest of all women poets, was bom on March 6, 106 years ago. She was a child of extraordinary pre cocity, and at the age of eight she was reading Homer In the original with the greatest of pleaauip, and at eleven she wrote an epic as a birth day surprise for her father. It would be hard to find In all Eng lish biography a childhood more full of encouragement and stlmu'atlon for the budding poet than was Elizabeth Browning's. She was encouraged by a highly educated father In all her Intellectual attainments. She was surrounded by the healthful compan ionship of other children. She had her own garden, which she loved dearly, and fields and woods stretched out about her home, and here she was allowed to wander to her * heart’s content. While she was de voted to reading, she was not an un natural child. She read Homer when she was only nine, but she nursed • doll In one arm while she held the Greek book with the other. Elisabeth was devoted to her ponies, and was a remarkably fine horsewoman when she was a child. And It was due to this that she sus tained the Injury that made of her a lifelong Invalid. It was when she was a girl of fifteen that one day she attempted to saddle her own horse, and through some mlsbuckllng of the straps of the saddle she was thrown from her horse, receiving in juries of the spine from which she never recovered. NEW NEWS OF YESTERDAY * When Lincoln Was Willing to Give Up His Job - “I have long been of the Impression I that the days and weeks of the fall of 1863 were those associated with the greatest depression experienced bp Lincoln during his entire administra tion.” This remark was made to me by the late Judge Noah Davis, who, by only two votes, was defeated In the caucus for nomination for United States Senator Just after the close of the Civil War. Judge Davis's successful competitor was Roscoe Conkllng. The prominence and Influence of Judge Davis In Republican councils at that time were demonstrated by the fact that by the narrowest of margins he was defeated for the United States Senate. Afterward Judge Davis was a member of Congress, United States district attorney, and then for many years Justice of the Supreme Court for New York State. “Every one who reads carefully over and over again Lincoln’s Immor tal Gettysburg address cannot fall to perceive that behind that address was a heavy heart And that It was written by a men whose sorrows were many,” continued Judge Davis. “I have, however, direct evidence of Lincoln’s despair at that time, or Just before the address was given, from Thurlow Weed'. "Mr. Weed told me that In an hour's conversation with Lincoln at a time when he had been asked by the Presi dent to call upon him at the White House, he realised for the first time how stupendous the strain upon him was, how greatly he grieved that he had not thus far b<sen able to save the Union, and that he was beginning to wonder whether some other man than he would not succeed. “Mr. Weed said to me that he, also, was ‘beginning to wonder whether there was not some man in the Demo cratic party of the North who could ». work out a successful plan by which the Union could be saved. “Mr. Weed said, also, that Lincoln asked him If he would make Investi gation so that It could be known whether or not there was some mar of Democratic association, but who was loyal to the Union, could maki better progress toward terminating the war and saving the Union than he had been able to do. "Mr. Weed, being greatly astonished and deeply moved by the question which he realised President Lincoln had asked In all sincerity, could at first think of nothing to say, but to „ ask the President why he bad put that question to him. “The President «aid: 'Because, if there Is a man In the Democratic party who can save the Union more speedily than X, then I want him to take my place. “Perceiving that the President was In earnest, Mr. Weed said he would make Inquiry. He spent several weeks in discussion find consultation with many of the warm friends he had who were Democrats. "Wien he rturned to the White Hou*e and said to the President that It would be Im possible for tho Democratic party to unite with the Republicans on the * support of a candidate for the presi dency, even though the candidate were the strongest kind of a war Democrat. Weed, furthermore, told the President that the responslblllty and duty In saving the Union were upon him and that he must not shirk It." _ (Copyright. 1916, F. J. Edward*. All rights reserved.) ___^ . - ODDITIES IN TODAY’S NEWS |j Mother'* Klee Paeeee Morphine Tabled t* Child of Twelve. KANSAS CITY. Mnroh Thenew Federal drug regulation* are bring ing eome queer things to light. One ot them was observed at Mercy Hos pital yesterday—a twelxe-year-old girl caught In the net of morphine. And more astonishing was the fact that It was her mother, herself a victim, who had taught her the use of the drug. At the institutional church the girl said good-bjr to her mother before leaving for Mercy Hospital, where they are trying to cure her of the habit. The woman kissed her daugh ter and walked out, nobobdy suspect ing anything, but when she had been gone a short time the girl told her watchers that she had received a tablet of the drug from her mother's mouth In the kiss. All This Was Found By Chemist In a Pound of Bool ns. PHILADELPHIA, March One pound of raisins, purchased by a special agent of the Dairy and Food Commission, was analyzed by State Chemist Charles H. Lawall. He found: Prunes, rice beans and fuzsy dirt. Human and animal hairs, straight and curly, and fibers of cotton and wool dyed green, yellow, brown, pink U and gray. 4 Straw and a little bit of bran. Sand, cornstarch, broken wheat and yeast spores. Pine wood and fragments of un identified other timber. Tobacco leaf, cigarette paper and cigarette tobacco. Also the wings and legs of a few unfortunate Insects—otherwise the retains were all right. as the outcome William Wollaaon. In front of whose store the collection was bought, was held In $400 ball for 1 court. Old Brakeman Tells His Story jj Editor of Evening Star: Dear Hlr—Referring to your edi torial about Assemblyman Boland. I will say that you hit the nail on the head. Let me put before the public a few lines on this full crew matter. Why have the railroads the right to have a law repealed when It la a benefit to the teen Who work for them and aleo the traveling public who use their tralnsT Another thing. No man knows what a man who works for a rail road has to go through In performing his duties as a brakeman except those who have worked for a railroad and have been on top of cars, around them and between them. Theae are the ones who know, not an engineer. I myself have done the same thing till I was hurt, and who was to blame for my Injuries but an engineer? And now the companies are going to have an engineer eatplaln what he knows, or, rather, don’t know, to help them repeal the full crew law. If they had taken a conductor or a brakeman there would be a dif ferent story to toll, always provldod the truth was told. Will the Brother hood of Trainmen stand to have a member downed by a man who may be a rrfember of the Brotherhood of Engineers and Firemen, if this engi neer Is a member of ons? I don’t * tfiink so. We elected and sent men to Trenton to fight for what la a benefit to the public and alao men who .work for these corporation*. Aa an old railroader I coi.,0 near knowing that the full crew tiw la needed In this part of the country. It may be that out West, where there Is not so much to do, they have an excess of help to run a train, but here in the East a full force la a necessity. This Is one more law that the rail roads are trying to put over the public. Now, your editorial has stated Mr Boland may lose his position. I do not think ao. If he Is a member of the Brotherhood of Trainmen, a* every man who Is a member will stand by him. They need not be afraid of the company. I will state in closing that I, for one, know that these extra men are needed on some of the trains. When I was a brakeman I bad to be a freight handler, a porter, a flagman, and also a brakeman on a train that needer extra men. Tours truly, JOHN B. VAN NOTE. Union township, Bergen county, N. J. warn HERE are a few facte regarding The Prudential’s 1914 record: Everybody is in Policles issued »nd revived. 2,506,882 vited to visit the Paid-for business secured. $518,063,821.00 Prudential Ex Tear gain in insurance in force. $185,590,328.00 Mbit on Life In Total policies in force. 12,835,645 surance and Pub Total insurance in force.$2,502,478,248.00 nc ]Yejfare at the Death claims paid. $22,935,690.78 Panama - Pacific Matured endowments, annuities and dividends ' ~_..._- _ pdl . M. 143,307,4. ^‘“on. San Assets. $361,469,866.05 tranclSCO. Liabilities •«• • • • *--• • • • • • •••••••••••« $324,978,56631 Capital and surplus. ... $36,481,299.54 Total income...... $103,226,010.98 , \ □ ®ySradra!tal MUBT V. MTMM. fMlhH