Interest Here Growing in Cause,
Says Local Italian
When the steamer Patria sailed
from Brooklyn this morning she car
ried another group of Italians, re
cruited in Newark, Harrison, Pater
son, Passaic and the surrounding
country for service in the Italian
array. Still others will sail for Naples
aboard the San Gugliemo and the
Tavormina on July 6.
While he would not state the num
ber of Italians who left for Naples
today to light with the allies. Dr.
F.uplio Conoscenti, the Italian consul
here, said that the number of men
desiring to return to Italy and enter
the army had exceeded his expecta
tions. and his office at 4W Broad
street is dally thronged with patriots
Who desire to see service.
"As newe reaches them of battles
being fought by their countrymen or
the other gdde of the water," said the
consul, "It seems to excite them, and
they want to return to Italy and en
list. It is taking all of my time to
attend to people of this class. Each
day the throngs are getting greater.”
Funds Plentiful.
Dr. Conoscenti continues to have
success n securing funds for the work
ef the Red Cross Society in Italy.
IJe addressed a meeting in West Ho
boken yesterday, and reports that the
pupils of Our Dady of the ROeary
Academy there gave a play and de
voted all the proceeds to the cauBe.
Miss Coeiia Brlno, and American girl,
both of whose parents are natives of
Italy, is meeting with success in or
ganizing the young Italian girls of
the city for an entertainment to be
held at the Palace Rink on September
15, the entire proceeds to be devoted
to the Red Cross fund. Miss Brino
is only sixteen, but has been chosen
. chairman of the.entertainment cora
V mittee.
Demands Passports After Re
ports That Italian Warships
Will Attack Dardanelles.
By the United Preen.
ROME, June 28.—The Turkish am
bassador to Italy, Mehmed Naby Bey,
visited the foreign office lat Saturday
and demanded his passports.
,. Immediately after Italy's declara
tion of war against Austria It was
reported that the Italian ambassador
had left Constantinople, but these
reports were never officially con
firmed. The Turkish ambassador to
Borne continued his visits to the
Italian office. It is probable that his
departure was prompted by Italian
■« newspaper statements that Italy
would soon participate in the cam
paign against the Dardanelles and by
reports that units of the Italian fleet
already were en route to Join Admiral
De Robeck’s Anglo-Franch fleet.
There has been no declaration of
war between Turkey and Italy. A
breaking oft of diplomatic relations
leavee the two countries In the same
situation as Germany and Italy. Both
Germany and Italy have recalled
their ambassadors, but neither has
formally declared war.
Are you consistent?
Do you spend money for per
sonal comforts, pleasures or
luxuries and go without things
of greater importance?
A pair of properly fitted
glasses—if you require glasses
—will give you more comfort
in comparison to their cost
than anything else you can buy.
Harris Glasses include the
double services of OCULIST
(Registered Physician), and
Optician—and cost $2 or more.
683 BROAD Street
(Next to David Straus Co.)
* /
Six N. Y. Stores—2 Bklyn. Stores
America Declared on May 15
Treaty Violating Our Rights
Would Not Be Recognized.
By Ihf Associated Press.
PEKING, June 28, 12:16 p. m -
WVrning: that the United StateR would
not recognize any agreement between
China and Japan which impaired
American rights in China or endan
gered the so-called "open door"
policy, was conveyed to the govern
ments of both China and Japan in
an identical note from Washington
which wae delivered about May 16.
The notes were handed to the foreign
offices of both countries a week after
China had acceeded to the demands
contained In the Japanese ultimatum,
insisting upon concessions from the
former nation.
The United States note was, in sub
stance, as follows:
"In view of the negotiations which
now are pending between the govern
ment of China and the government of
Japan and of the agreements which
have been reached as a result there
of, the government of the United
States has the honor to notify the
government of the Chinese republic
that it cannot recognize any agree
ment or undertaking whloh has been
entered into, or which may be en
tered Into between the governments
of China and Japan, impairing the
treaty rights of the United States
and Us citizens in China, the political
or territorial integrity of the repub
lic of China or the international
polloy relative to China commonly
known as the open door policy An
Identical note has been transmitted
to the Japanese government.”
Italian Aeroplanes
Bombard Cattaro
By the United Pres*.
ROME, June 28. — Italian aero
planes bombarded the Austrian for
tified seaport of Cattaro Sunday, ac
cording to Scutari advices. Bombs
are reported to have seriously dam
aged the fortifications and the docks.
Cattaro is the most southern port
of the Austrian province of Dalma
tia, and lies near the Montenegrin
border. Its harbor and gulf form one
of the strongest fortified centres on
the Adriatic.
Dramatic Battle, 4,000 Feet Above Belgian Town, Is Described
' in Official British Report—English Airmen Are Severely
Burned Before Descent Is Made Behind Their Own Lines.
■r (he Associated Press.
LiONDON, June 28 (10:54-a. m.)—A
dramatic air duel in which a British
aeroplane, reconnoitring over the
Belgian town of Poelcappelle, at a
height of 4,000 feet, met and engaged
a large German biplane which had
double engine* and propellers, is de
scribed by the eye-witness at the
British army headquarters in a nar
rative made public today by the offi
cial press bureau.
He writes:
"The German machine first encir
cled around ours, at the same time
shooting a machine gun. but so far
as known not inflicting any damage.
Then our observer fired fifty rounds
in return at a range of less than 200
yards Tt had some effect, for the
hostile biplane was seen to waver and
after more shots its engine stopped.
The enemy airplane then dived to a
height of 2,000 feet, where it again
flattened its course, flying slowly and
"Under heavy anti-aircraft fire from
below our pilot turned toward our
line to complete his reconnoissance.
When his machine was hit he de
cided to make for homo, but the
petrol tank had been pierced, and as
the aeroplane glided downwards on
a slant the petrol was set alight by
the exhaust and ran blazing down the
front of the body of the aeroplane,
which traveled to the accompaniment
of a rattle of musketry, as me un
used rounds of the machine gun am
munition exploded in the heat and
the pilot’s loaded revolver was dis
"The pilot, however, did not lose
control ,and the aeroplane proceeded
steadily on a downward course. Be
tore it had reached the ground a large
part of the framework had been de
stroyed. Even the hardwood blades
of the propeller were so burned that
the propeller ceased to revolve.
"When the machine finally landed
back of our lines both officers had
been severely burned and the pilot
climbing out of the blazing wreck
Uipped over a wire stay and sprained
n ’
his ankle. The few serviceable por
tions of the aeroplane were then col
lected and removed under the shrap
nel of the German guns.
fiolii out
of the
Now’s the Time to Buy
Trunks, Bags, Etc.
For Vour Vacation Tour or
Vour Trip Over the Fourth
At Big Money Savings
Britan trimmed. Kxceldlor (h MB
lurk. Hires 80. 32, 84 , 30. »P
88 and 40 Inched: well
condtrucfced; .pedal.
$8 Steamer Trunks. 4.00
$15 Steamer Trunks . 8.00
$15 Dress Trunks. . .7.50
$25 Wardrobe Trunks 12.50
Cowhide Leather Suit Cases
Well made, regular price O TC
.45.00, sale price only. ka 19
$9 Leather Suit Case 4.75
S4.bU Leather Oxford Bags
IJtack or tan. steel frame, Q 4C
leather lined; special. OitW
Various styles; values up I A A
to $2.50. llWM
Hundreds of Other Articles
at Less Than Wholesale Prices
Trunk and Bag Co.
fp j
First Definite Information Re
ceived in Optimistic Mes
sage from Berlin.
WASHINGTON. June 2S.—A favor
able reply by Germany to the last
American note on submarine warfare
is indicated in today's state depart
ment advices from Berlin.
The advices came from Ambassador
Gerard, and were notably the first of
a definite nature received since the
American note reached the German
foreign office. The exact nature of
the ambassador's message was not
divulged, for obvious reasons, apd it
did not become known whether he
revealed any indication of the trend
of the forthcoming German reply.
The ambassador's dispatch was of
sufficient detail, however, to put of
ficials in an optimistic attitude. It
was communicated at once to Presi
dent Wilson at the summer White
House at Cornish. N. H.
(l alter! PreM Staff Onrre*pondt!nl.)
BERLIN (via The Hague),—June
28.—The German reply to the second
American note regarding the Lusi
tania will he handed to Ambassador
Gerard on July 5 or ti. Because of
the Fourth of July celebrations In the
United States the foreign office
deems it Inadvisable to send Ger
many's answer before that date.
The tentative draft outlined several
days ago, has not yet been approved
by Grand Admiral von Tlrpilz. But
the reply, I was assured by a high
official here toda.v, will lake a form
"to which no one in America can
make objection."
It is understtod that Germany will
make an important suggestion in her
answer—a suggestion of such a na
ture that if President Wilson accepts
it the German-American controversy
will be at an end. It is considered
probable here that this suggestion is
the proposal that submarines will
not attack unarmed passenger ships,
carrying no contraband, provided
they hear certain distinguishing
* i
“Infantryman’s Rifle a Toy,’’
Says Surgeon-Major to
B.t the Associated Press.
WARSAW, June 12 (Correspond
ence of the Associated Press).—
Seven-eights of the wounds in the
Galician lighting were caused by
shells, half of which were fired from
big calibre guns, said Surgeon-Ma)or
Uesghlntseff to an Interviewer on re
turning to Warsaw from the front.
“Bullets play no part now," he con- j
tined, “and the infantryman’s rifle
is a toy. Infantry merely occupies
the trendies the cannon hove won."
Most devastating of all are the new
Skoda shells of the Germanic allies,
which are seventeen iches In diam
eter and weigh 2,800 pounds. The
Skoda howitzer shoots at a high
angle and its shell penetrates twenty
feet into soft earth before exploding
two seconds after striking. These
howitzers do not resemble the Krupp
mortars of the same calibre, to which
they are said to be superior in every
When a Skoda shell hits it means
death to everything within a radius
of 150 yards and even farther off.
The mere pressure of its gas rips
open the bomb proof shelters and
catches those who escape the metal
fragments and flying debris. This gas
enters the Itody cavities and tears
flesh asunder, sometimes stripping
tho men of their clothes. Of course
the men in tiie Immediate neighbor- ;
hood of the explosion are annihilated.
So fierce is the heat of the explo- I
sion of 4he shell that it melts rifle
barrels as if they had been struck by j
_ I
Big British Steamer
Sunk by Submarine
By the Associated Press.
LONDON, June 28. 12:20 p, m—The
British steamship Tndrani of 3,610
tons gross, was sunk on Sunday by a
German submarine nt a point south
west of Tuskar, Ireland. The crew
of the Indrani was saved.
The steamship Tndrani on her last
Eastern voyage across the Atlantic
sailed from New York, May 28. by
way of Bordeaux for Glasgow where
she arrived June 19. The Indrani
was 361 feet long, forty-four feet
beam ami twenty-seven feet deep.
She was built at Idverpool in 1888
and was owned by Donalson Broth
ers of Glasgow.
Tuskar Rock Is an inlet off the
southeast coast of Wexford county in
St. George’s Channel.
German Reinforcements
Sent to Alsace to Check
French Advance on Colmar
B.v the Prilled Pres*.
PARIS, June 28. The Germans are
alarmed at the progress of tile
French advance upon Colmar anil
hove sent reinforcements Into Alsace.
Several sirring attacks were delivered
last night against tfie newly acquired
French positions at Metzeral, but
they were broken up by Frencli
shrapnel Are.
The enemy also attacked French po
sitions during the night at Calonne
and at several other points along the
Meuse heights. In each instance these
assaults were repulsed.
This afternoon’s official com
munique reported a lull elsewhere
along the battle front.
Albanian Troops Repulsed
at Montenegrin Frontier
CETTINJE, Montenegro, June 28.—
Two thousand Albanian troops were
either killed or wounded in an attack
on tho Montenegrin frontier Sunday,
according to official dispatches to
day. Four thousand Albanians at
tempted to storm Montenegrin posi
tions in DJakovitsa pass, but were
driven off.
Italian Professor Invents
High-Power Aerial Bomb
ROME. June 28.—The Socialist;
Deputy Battelli. a professor of chem-l
istry at Pisa University, has Invented
a high power incendiary and explo- I
die bomb that may revolutionize 1
aerial warfare, according io dis
patches recoived here today.
Women’s Dainty New Summer Waists I
Smart models in plain and figured organdie with fine pin tucks, dainty embroid- S
;red collar and cuffs, very attractive models in voile, lingerie, some are trimmed with '/m
lace, others embroidery. These waists are suitable for any Summer occasion; J AA I
three-quarter sleeves; all sizes 34 to 50... t)«UV i S
Summer Blouses—In lingerie, voile, batiste,
in fancy and plain models; every model has a
dainty touch of lace or embroidery, AA
trimmed with large pearl buttons, at— —
Women's Fancy Waists—Noted for their ■
neatness, the quality of material, workmanshio j§
and fit, large assortment of models; | no. I
waists for stout women as well. I.vTJ
-^ I
30,000 Yards Beautiful Wash Goods in a Great Sale]
Representing vast purchases from several of the leading mills of America for the purpose of holding a Record Sale. Wonder assortment o^f styles,
weaves, colorings and patterns in tremendous variety; a sale of enormous magnitude, involving price reductions that represent remarkable savings. We
have assembled these materials and collectively each price lot is a combination of many kinds, some varying from the very sheer to the more sturdy weaves,, j
but all the best of their kind obtainable and at prices in some instances less than one-half usual selling. Everything new and perfect.
15c Fancy Colored Striped and Figured
Voiles, 36 inches wide.
15c Black and White Stripe Crepes, 27
Inches wide.
19c Plain Color Ratine, in various shades,
27 inches wide.
12Vjc Finest Quality Percales, 36 inches
12'/jc Fancy Flowered Crepe, small to
^ large patterns, 36 inches wide.
At lO^c
| 19c Fancy Shirting and Waisting Madras,
32 inches wide.
15c Anderson's Ivanhoe Fancy Dress
Ginghams, 2 to 934-yard mill lengths,
in a wonderful assortment of stripes,
checks, plaids and plain chambray col
ors, 32 inches wide.
12V2c Plain Colored Silk Mull Sheer Semi
Silk Fabrics, in full range of most
i wanted shades.
A‘ 1Z^C
25c Fancy Butterfly Crepe Voile, white
grounds with small neat figures, wonder
fully complete assortment, 27 in. wide.
25c Embroidered Organdie and Pineapple
22c Fancy Colored Voiles, fine assorted
styles, 36 inches wide.
25c Colored Stripe llatine, white grounds,
36 inches wide.
29c Anderson’s Scotch Zephyr Madras,
genuine imported.
_ — m a • m
At 18c I
25c and 35c Fashion Crepe Voiles and:Silk jj
Stripe Voiles, beautiful assortment of 8
charming Moral patterns on light and -8
tinted grounds, also other sheer fine ^
voile \vea\"es and crepe effects, 36 and
,18 inches wide. |
Former 75c Plain Color French Ratine,
tine eponge finish. 45 inches wide. 3
Former 75c Plain Color Cotton Georgette 8
Crepe, one of the prettiest plain color gj
fabrics ever offered, 42 inches wide. 9
---T- 1
Great Annual Advance Sale a*ss Wool Blankets
Extraordinary once-a-year opportunity; unusually superb qualities, together with vast money-saving occasion form the basis of this sale. We contract i
with the manufacturers to turn out these goods when they are least busy; from many years experience they count on these orders ahead in buying raw wool; all
are well made and come to us fresh and clean, and at remarkable price concessions from what they are sold for during the winter season.
Among this wonderful assortment of America's best made blankets are the line California and Western wool production, unequaled for durability and honest
value. If desired, upon reasonable deposit we will reserve purchase till December 1st.
Value 2.25 Woolnap Blanket*— Durable,
easy to launder and non-shrink- f ssp
able, In pretty shades of gray, tan I , /3
and white; size 6t>x80; special....
“Fifth Avenue** White Wool Blanket*—•
With a portion of cotton to prevent shrink
ing; pink and blue borders; finished with
wide silk binding, in two sizes:
Value 3.25, sine IIO18O1 special, 2.65
Value 4.50, slr.e 72*80; special, 3.30
“Clarendon” White Wool Blanket*—
Dainty colored borders; finished with wide
binding on edge; two sizes:
Value 4.25, nir,e 6O1SO1 special. 3.35
Value 5.00, sir.e 72*82; special, 4.00
Value 5.75 “PI as a” White Wool Blankets
—Mostly all wool, short nap, pink a p/\
and blue, borders; wide silk edge;
sizes 72x82; special.
“Manhattan** White Wool Blankets—
Dainty assorted borders; wide silk binding
on edge, In twin and extra large sizes.
\ nine 5.50, slse 00*84; special, 4.35
Value 8.110, slse 78*00; special, 8.50
' California Pride and Du Barry White Wool Blankets
Kxceptlonally good value, closely constructed from hard twisted yarns, easy to
launder, very serviceable, soft and fluffy, pretty colored borders, neatly flu- r
Ishcd with deep silk binding. Size 72xH2; value «.7». For this sale we are
specializing these fine blankets at the low price of.
v -—---'
Value H.IVO ••Holly hock" Plaid niauketa I
Wide assortment of plaids, fasl I
colors; short nap; size 70x80; spe
clal at .... •
Value 4.IM> “Cumberland'' 1*1 n I cl Wool
Blnnketu- Soft and lofty; 'a wool, -j
t willed; pink, blue, inn and a;rny, OsUU
size 70x80; special.
Value 4.BO “Winfield" riald Wool lllnnk
rta—Two-thirds line wool, one-third cot
ton, to insure strength, also to j PA
prevent shrinkini;: size 70x80; spe- J.sJU
clal at ..
\ nine 5.75 ••Ode***" Plnld wool lllnnk
rtM Beautiful block plaids, in a wide
range of colors; very lofty; fast a
colors, neat finish; size 66x80;
special .
Value 6.00 “Groton” Plalil Wool IHnnk
etw—Three-inch block plaids; will laun
der nicely; all colors; will not a
fade in washing; size 70x80; spe
clal .
Vnlue 6.75 “Gelnhn” Plnld W ool Itlaiiketn
—Grand assortment of plaid and checks,
In all desirable colors; fast colors; p
will launder nicely; size 72x84; dmOO
special .
Value $10.50 to $16 Novelty High Grade Wool Blankets
An endless assortment of the prettiest and finest lots of blanketK we have ever
offered to the public. Every pair new, fresh and clean; direct from the mills; won
derful variety of finest California white wool blankets, as well as plaids, cheeks, In
beautiful color combinations, also solid color novelties In rose, o j-rv i it
hello, pink, French gray, tan, delft and light blue; made from 0«0U 10 10.011
the choicest selected long Australian wool yarns; spec'l price
Value S|M "F.ltiorado” White Wool
I Blanket*—Cxtra size, durable, soft downy ^
j feeling, thoroughly twilled, will not shrink
j In laundering; neat striped borders, with -
i wide silk binding on edge, speck- i no
i less, extra wide and long. Size 4 (III
! TfixM: special . I,ww
“Albemarle” White Wool nianketa—
I California wool with a small amount of
j cotton; dainty assorted colored borders;
wide silk binding on edge.
«OiN4, value 6.501 apeelal, 5.25
70iH4, value 7.50, apeelal. 6.00
"HiIK), value 0.00, special, 7.35
"Columbia” oo White Wool Blankets_
California wool, with a very small portion «
of cotton, til prevent shrinking; easy to
launder; wide silk binding on edge.
Nile 70s NO. mine 0.00, special, 7.00
Nine 76iH4, value 10.50, special, N.BO
1 ”Vendome” White Wool Blankets—Made
from the best Australian yarns; lmnd
I twisted; very soft and durable; dainty
borders; strictly all pure wool; both warp
and Ailing.
60iK4, value h.imi, special, 7.50
72xN4, value 10.00, apeelal, S.SO 4
HOilKt. value 13.50, special, 10.05
Semi=AnnuaI Sale S Bleached Sheets and Pillow Cases
Most important money-saving sale of staple commodities of entire year. Today's market prices are decidedly »"
higher, which means that the following specia’ prices represent savings of fullv '/4 less than regular value.
Lockwood Brand Hemmed
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Wonderfully durable and de
pendable muslin, medium weight,
free from dressing, firm weave,
torn, not cut from the piece, and
made up In best style; sheets, 3
Inch top hems; 1-Inch bottom
hems; pillow cases, 3-inch hems.
Lockwood Horn Sheets
54x90, regular 55c, special... 47e
53x90, regular 59c, special. . .BBc
72x90, regular «5c, special....the
91x90, regular 75c, special... 8Bc
Lockwood Hem Pillow Cases
42x36, regular 17c, special... 14c
45x36, regular 19c, special... IBe
50x36, regular 21o, special... IHc
Crinkle Dimity Bed Spreads
Best grades only, will launder
well and retain crinkle stripe,
now so much In demand; nothing
better for .Summer use; easy to
handle; very light for extra, full
and •% nnd single bed size. Hem
med ends.
Size 92x 90, reg. $1.19, spec. .1.00
Size 72x 90, reg. $1.35, spec . I.IK
Size 80x 90, reg. $1.50, spec.. 1.85
Size 90x100. reg. $1.98, spec..l.KO
Naumkeap Sheets and Pillow
Exceptionally high grade
sheets, medium weight, perfect
bleach, soft chamois finish,
woven from finest yarns, extra,
lengths only.
Sheets—Hemmed Sizes
72x99 regular $1.15, special. !»»<•
81x99, regular $139, special.. 1.00
90x99, regular $1.19, special.. 1.10
Hemmed Pillow Cases
92x3814, regular 28c, spec.ial .S8c
45x3814, regular 32c, special SHc
50x38'4, regular 35c. special 89c
Value «9o Bleached sneers—
Durable quality, heavy weight
muslin, firm weave, soft, free
from dressing; launders well;
size before hemming Nlx90
Inches; for full Hlze beds; OtJC
special .
16c nieaehed Pillow leases—-Of
heavy weight, standard quality
muslin, close weave, launders ami
wears exceptionally well; size
before hemming, 15x36 |
Inches; special at, | £*/2C
each .
Novelty Satin Stripe Pillow
Heavy weight, bleached muslin,
free from dressing, neat, satin
stripo above hem, something en
tirely new; they come in hem or
hemstitched ends; size before
making, 45x36 Inches; specially
Ifcmmed. value 20cI special. . 17c
Hemstitched, value 2doi spec..22c
hatin uamasK tsea spreads
Medium weights, eaHy to handle
and launder; attractive design*,
for full size beds; hemmed ends.
Regular $2.BO; special.2.10
(tegular $2.98; special.2.5ft
(tegular $3. BO; special.2.0ft
Regular $.3.98; special.8.30
Fringed or Scalloped, Cut Corners
(tegular $2.98; special.2.ftft
Regular $3.GO; special.2.0ft
Regular $.3.98; special..*1.20
Pequot Brand Bleached
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Best known and most popular
brand muslin, torn, not out from
the piece, and made up In host
possible manner; sheets, .3-lnch
top hems, 1-Inch bottom hems;
pillow cases, 3-lnch hems.
IVquot Hemmed Sheet*
54x9ft, regular 6fic; special...50c
63x90, regular 72c; special... «.*U*
, 12x90, regular 79o; special.. Me
I 72x99, regular 89c; special. ,76c
81x90, regular 89c: special..76c
; Slx99, regular 9Sc: special..8»e
| Pciiuot Hemmed Pillow run
| 43X.78I4, regular 20c; special..17c
| 45x38 44, regular 22c; special.. 10c
50x3814, regulor 25c; special..22c
Crochet Bed Spreads
In medium and heavy weights,
assortment of pretty Marseilles
■ designs, for full size beds.
i Regular $1.00; special.86c
Regular SI .25: special.1,10
Regular $1.50; special.1.26 '
Regular $1.98; special.1.06
Regular $2.19; special.1.86
Fringed «r Scalloped, 4'ijt Corners
Regular $1.75; special.1.46
Regular $1.98; special.1.06
Regular $2.25; special.1.80
Regular $2.50; special.2.16
I The 1915 Summer Muslin Underwear bale I
Thi= ic not in the abstract nor is it mere theory. Concrete, tangible proof is furnished every day in the sales, which are bounding
™ V "°l former sales We wish it wete possible to show you how much this sale is transcending all previous efforts in this direc
f nny if vou lis ed our store iast week! you no doubt saw the crowds surrounding the special tables on the Mam Floor and in the Spacious
ion. If you visited our store mst wee , y quantities of new undermuslins have been added to each lot, giving as good selcc
KaTo?",nhcS“peS"nB"day'of^hc sale'° Today the second" week began, with assortments complete at all prices. Now is the log.c.l time to
B ennnltr vftlir Summer’s Muslin Underwear requirements. ...
Cornet Cover* -Nainsook, at- ^
trac.tlvely trimmed front with wide »
embroidery ribbon run and rows *
of lore Insertion; lace edge on
neok and armholes; special at....
Women's Drawer*—of cambric
and nainsook, circular and regular
shape, trimmed with embroidery
ruffle pretty patterns, also some
trimmed with three rows of tor
chon lace and ribbon finished; spe
cial at .
Women's Drawers—Of nainsook
and crepe, In circular and regular
shape, also closed circular, trim
med with pretty embroidery Rnd
lace ...
corset Covers — Numerous
pretty styles, lace, ribbon and
embroidery trimmed, some trim
med back and front, some have
laoe sleeves .•'.
Corset Cover—Nainsook, deep
lace yoke front and back with lace
sleeve; special at.
white Skirts—About 20 pretty styles, trimmed with very full ripple Inc* x
Women's Drawers—Of cambric and nainsook, embroidery and lace trim’d
< ‘ camisoles and Comet Covers—Of crepe de chine, fancy laoe trimmed
front and back; nainsook, trimmed with embroidered panels and ribbon....
White Skirts—Nainsook and cambric, some trimmed with fancy lace,
some embroidery trimmed .
Women's Down*—Crepe and nainsook, many styles, some elaborate lace
lace and organdie embroidery; some lace insertion trimmed and fancy
drawer .
White Skirts—Nainsook, trimmed with deep full ripple flounce, of lace in- |
portions; some have three rows satin ribbon, some with organdie insertions; | .VI
at ...
And equally great values in Muslin Undergarments at 1.97, 2.97, .‘1.90 and 4.90
Extra Size Drawers, Gowns and Skirts at Special Prices j
The Hosiery and Underwear Sale
which started in so gloriously Saturday will continue throughout this week. Tremendous quantities of stand- ?
ard grades of merchandise were purchased especially for this annual event, so there is no doubt but that all
wants can be satisfied at any time during the sale, but early purchasers are certain of no disappointments. £
Women’s and Children’s Vests,
Pants and Union Suits
Kicrptlonal Volar In White (olton
IOI) Vests—Low neck, sleeveless < /I
and with shield; regular size 31 IUC
to 38; special.
Women's Iteguhir aim Vests—White
lisle, low neck, no sleeve, mercerized
tape drawn through neck and 'V i
armholes; regular; all sizes;
special .
Women’s llsllnn Silk Vents and lltooni
rrs Vests with embroidered fronts and
lie in tops, in white and pink, 'y 1 p
bloomers to match; sizes 36 to L .‘JJl
12: specie I . .1.
W omen’s (dove Silk Vesta—Exceptional
value; plain tops; In pink,
sky and white: at,
tpeclal .
Women’s 50e Union Snltn—White jer
sej rib lisle union suits, low neck, no
sleeves, knee length, culT and wide va
Ian trimmed bottom; reg and ey OyC
ire sizes: all sizes t to 6; spec'l
ChildmT* Cotton \Vni»t Union SuU*—
Low neck, sleeveless, knee length; 'JfX ^
drop seat; exceptional value at
25c; sixes to 12; special.
Women's and Children’s Vests,
Pants and Union Suits
Women'* llfffular 7ft r llnlon Suit*—
White, tine stitch rib lisle union suits, In
low neik, sleeveless, Improved shape,
with tight knee and wide lace pp
trimmed bottom; re*, sizes 31 to 33C
38; special .
Children's 2Br Vote—White lisle, low
neck, sleeveless and short sleeves, mer
cerized tape drawn through neck Ork_
and armhole: all sizes 3 to 13
years; special . . . . .
Thousands of Pairs of the Season’s
Most Desirable Hosiery
Women's I.Isle llosr—In black, also
white, medium weight; made with a deep
garter fold and reinforced soles; a | s
eery serviceable wearing quality; IOC
all sizes 814 to 10: spec'l, pair.
Women** 35e l.l*le lloae — In black, also
white, both gauze and mercerized lisle, u
medium and light weight, made with a •
deep garter fold and reinforced soles.
"'..““J.t 28c, 1 Prs., 1.00
pair .. .
Women'* RtRiilar 35c It luck Fiber Hose ‘
—Silk lustre, deep lisle garter ^ i
top and reinforced soles; all sizes *
8 y> to 10; special, pair. «
Thousands of Pairs of the Season’s
Most Desirable Hosiery
Women** 50c l<l*le Hose—Black, white
and tan, medium light weight, gauze
lisle, deep garter fold and high spliced J
heel; all sizes 81,* to 10; while they
» 35c, 3 Prs. 1.00
Women** Pure Threttd Silk Hone—
Black, white, navy, pink, gray, cham
pagne. putty and bronze; all have rein
forced garter folds and soles; while 1
:r 68c,3 Prs. i.95