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N eta ctrmtfoemttg ar Ist™ AND NEWARK ADVERTISER ___ j j / ESTABLISHED 1832. _ NEWARK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1915.—20 PAGES. WEATHER • SNOwfsOMKu'lm'1 WWKE TMP«S ATI Ki' ^IKIABi* 300 Employes Forced to Flee for Their Lives Soon-After Starting Work. GIRLS CUT OFF WHILE USING FIRE-ESCAPE Forced to Retreat, but Are Got ten Out Safely—Employes Lose Clothes and Cash. Fire, probably started by a careless employe dropping a lighted match or cigarette into a barrel of liquid cement, gutted the four-story factory of the Boyden Shoe Company, at 183 Canal street, this forenoon, just as the force was assembling to commence the day’s work. About 250 men and ninety women tvere thrown out of work and William B. Jordan, president of the com pany, said that the loss would roach 3200,000. While the fire waa still un der way officers of the company were looking about for a new location. - Business is at capacity at present, be tween 600 and 700 pairs of men’s fine shoes being turned out daily. Three alarms were sounded, the first at 7:43 and the third at 8:10. When the fire started about twenty five girls were ready for work on tho fourth floor. At the first stroke of tho factory fire signal Lucy M. Young, the forewoman, gave the word to fall in. Twenty of the girls marched down the front stalrB with out Incident or excitement, but left behind In the lockers their outer gar ments and their pocketbooks. Some had their Christmas savings in their pocketbooks, all of which was lost, as well as tho garments. Six of the girls became excited and ran for the fire escape to find that the flames and smoke cut oft escape that way completely. Two of the girls, Grace Winters, of 458 Bergen street, and Adelaide Bentheisen, of 61 Claremont avenue, Irvington, faint ed on the firo escape landing, but men employes brought them safely back into the building and down the stairs. Tho four bther girls.who ran to tho fife escape were alble to make their own way back to the room and down the front stairs. The girls found shel ter in nearby saloons until Police Captain Peter J. Christie sept the Third precinct police wap>n for them (CoaUaued an Page *, Column 3.1 Seek to Affiliate With A. F. of L.—Local Association Disbands. . .. • -.. In order to form an organization for self-preservation against oppres sive legislation and for the purpose of bettering transportation facilities, jit ney owners of Newark have decided to unionize, and to that end A. E. Holliday, jr„ former secretary of the Jitney Service Protective Association, which has failed because of the lack of support, is in communication with the office of the American Federation of labor in Washington. Mr. Holliday says he expects to re ceive a communication from the la bor headquarters within a few days, after which he will call a meeting to which all jitney owners will be urged to attend. It is necessary to lMtve two hundred owners signify their in tention of becoming members of the union before a charter can be ob tained. There are nearly three hun dred Jitney owners in Newark, and it is Mr. Holliday's opinion that there will be no trouble in securing the re quired number, as he says virtually all of them are in favor of the new move, despite the fact that they failed to affiliate themselves with the Jit ney Service Protective Association. Of the five hundred Jitney drivers in Newark nearly all are members of Local 478. Chauffeur’s Union, and It is pointed out that while they are banded together for the advancement of thetr Interests, there Is no reason why the owners should not be organ ized. The Jitney Service Protective As sociation, organized with a view of selling eleven trip tickets for 50 cents, a small percentage of which was for the purpose of paying current ex penses, failed, according to Mr. Hol liday. because the owners refused to purchase the tickets. The office at 845 Broad street has been abolished. Farther Consideration C'omlnr. “The aldermen have considered the subject carefully, and they will give it further consideration before final passage. The Jitney men will be given plenty of chance tb be heard, and they will be given a square deal.’’ The banquet proved a very success ful affair. Alderman Hahn’s boom for the Bqard of Works nomination was given added impetus by two of the speakers, who said that they hoped they would have the oppor tunity in the not too distant future to be banqueting him when lie had secured higher honors. These speakers were former Alderman John Reilly, who acted ns toast master, and former alderman Julius Meyers. Another former alderman, Frank J. Reynolds, in behalf of the banqueters, presented Mr. Hahn with a crayon picture of himself. Fire Commissioner Hubert Halm and Dr. George Halm, two brothers of the guest of honor, occupied scats at the speakers’ tabto. Among the others present were JameB Whalen and Matthew Clarrtgan, chair man and secretary of the Thirteenth Ward I> ■ locratjc, F.yecutlve Com mittee: former Alderman John M. Judgr Alderman Anthony Hclmck and Aldermen Harry Hulzenback, the latter Republican representative of the Thirteenth Ward. Former City Counsel James R. Nu gent sent a letter, which was read, pra'slng the work of Alderman Hahn 411 the Common Council. i GILLEN ASSERTS PARTY REFORMS ARE NECESSARY Declares to Seventh Warders That Reorganization by Dem ocrats Is Urgent. Reorganization of the local Demo cratic party was urged by Board of Works Commissioner Charles P. Gil len In an address last night. Ho spoke at a dinner in his honor ten dered by the Seventh Ward Charles P. Gillen Association, at 821 Warren streot. In the course of his talk Mr. Gillen described his recent battle for re-election. In which he was com pelled to defeat both the Democratic and Republican organizations. He suggested that the Democratic county committee - should elect Its leader and - not leave the matter to tiny person who saw fit to usurp the position. Among the other speakers was Naval Officer IT. Otto Wittpenn, former muyor of Jersey City, who was Introduced by the toastmaster as "the next governor of New Jersey,” The presence-ot Mr. Wittpenn was considered by some persons present as being a matter of more than aver age political significance. Mr. Gillen declared that although four-fifths of the Democratic execu tive committee .were with him at the pre-primary caucus at Avon, lie was not given a place on the regular Democratic ticket because some one had said that he did not belong t hero and therefore the members of the Democratic county committee had been forced to refuse to nominate him. He declared that the local Democratic party, if they followed the same leadership, would go from one defeat to another. He called upon the men present to work to ward a reorganization of the party. Urges Progress. Mr. Gillen said: *'We have been working under a mistaken leadership. I would like to see the party go ahead under a better and Wiser leadership, and not struggling along from defeat to defeat, until the Republican party gathers such strength that it cannot be overthrown. “I believe the regularly elected members of the Democratic commit tee should elect their leader in a straightforward manner. Newark, as far as I can see, is overwhelmingly Democratic. "So far as I am concerned, I am willing to join with the leaders in helping to bring about a movement for the betterment and success of the party, but no one man can do it. “You cannot win by taking one faction and battling it against on-J other. You must have harmony. Have a meeting of minds. Det the men who have cared for the interests of the party get togethei* and stand up for a movement to let the county committee outline a program for the betterment of the party. "I thank the voters of the Seventh ward, who unselfishly aided me In the recent election. Tou stood for fair play and for honest transactions of public business and felt that I stood to an unlimited extent in that direc tion. Ij i\avC been acquainted with the voters' of the Seventh ward for a good many yedrs. Asked the Power*. “I asked the powers behind the throne on numerous occasions why I was refused the nomination for Board of Works. I asked what I had done during my three years as a commis sioner that had turned the elements against me. The answer was that I was not a regular Democrat. "A leader in the Ninth ward, when asked to support me, said, ‘Gillen is a good fellow, but he is not a regular Democrat,’ and then this man turns around and supports Monahan and Haas for the Board of Works. He was a regular, supporting a Repub lican and a Democrat, but I was told I wasn't one.” CITY CLERK DEFENDS THE JIT ORDINANCE Says Council Is Doing Duty. Jit Owners to Get Square Deal. Defending the members of the Com mon Council from attacks regarding their action on the Jitney ordinance, City Clerk Alexander Archibald, in speaking at the banquet tendered Al derman Charles G. Hahn last night, said that the jitney men need hot worry but what they will get a square deal from the council. His remarks were largely In answer to charges made at the meeting of the Clinton Hill Improvement Association Mon day night, when one of the speakers characterized the aldermen as "crooks" and other uncomplimentary names. There were close to 100 persons in the banquet room of Stoll's restau rant when Mr. Archibald spoke. He had been colled upon to tell of the good work done by Alderman Hahn la the council, and he said that the occasion was a fitting one in which to reply to the efforts to discredit 1 the uidermau in the jitney matter. He said he felt qualified to speak on the matter, as he was familiar i with the work in the council through his duties as city clerk, and he also was in touch with the jitney situation because jitney licenses were Issued through his office. "It is the duty of the aldermen to pass an ordinance to regulate the jit neys.” said Mr. Archibald, "and their regulation will be a good thing for the citv of Newark. I thoroughly be lieve that the aldermen In passing the ordinance are being actuated by duty solely, and It ia wrong for peo ple to call them crooks, etc., as has been done. .... "Jitney regulation is absolutely nec essary here. There are something in the neighborhood of 1,100 licenses is sued to Jitney owners in the city, and there are about 300 cars in operation in the city every day. T|iey present a traffic problem which, must be taken care of. At tho same time, though, there is no desire to put the jitneys out of business, and there will be no efforts made to that end. BOYDEN FACTORY SWEPT BY FIRE TODAY The Hoyden factory Is In South Canal street and just east of N. J. flailr oad avenue. It faees the Morris canal. THE REDUCTION OF FIRE RISKS Eight Recommendations Sub mitted to Board of Educa tion Committee. Eight recommendations in tint mat ter of - Jlre hazards in school build ings ware, submitted to the committee on buildings, grounds and supplies of tbe Board of Education yesterday aft ernoon. L * The report was signed by George W. Knight, supervising engineer; C. F. Ackerman, inspector, and Aaron W. Miller, supervisor of repairs. Following the reading of the recom mendations, which in detail set forth certain remedial measures to elimin ate possible fire hazards, Miss Bea trice Winser declared that fire ex tinguishers should also be tested at least twice a year. "This Is not done,” said Miss Win ser, "and I believe that janitors should be instructed to do this.” It was decided to make Miss Wln ser's recondnendation a part of the report made by the supervising en gineer. Mr. Knight’s report was ordered filed, and it will be discussed at the next meeting of the committee. A letter was also received from Dr. Cal vin N. Kendall, State commissioner of education, in which all local school boards are urged to exert every means to bring the buildings of the State up to their highest degree of perfec tion against fire hazards. This com munication will be taken up at the same time. The committee then took up the report made by Dr. Addison B. Poland; pity superintendent of schools, on the site for the proposed new West Side High School. In tills report, published last week. Dr. Poland recommended that the now high school be erected on the old asylum site in South Orange avenue near South Twelfth street. At the meetiug yesterday ‘Miss Winser objected to the South Orange avenue site, on the ground that there was too much traffic on that thor oughfare, and also that the .location would not serve exactly the thickly populated districts south and south east of the proposed site. Heavy Traffic. According to Miss Winser, between the hours of 8 a- m. and 6 p. in. on South Orange avenue between Nine teenth and Twentieth streets 1.063 ve hicles, weighing 1,840 tons, and 377 trolley cars passed this corner. She says between Camden street and Fair mount avenue that 1,093 vehicles, weighing 1,913 tons, and 419 trolley cars passed this section. She .con tended that these conveyances must. In a majority of cases, also have passed the proposed site of the high school. On motion of rank H. Sommer the report made by Dr. Poland was re ferred back for further consideration. Both Miss Winser and Mr. Sommer stated ttot they did not want it to be unde#tood that their attitude was meant as criticism of Dr. Poland. Young Woman Overcome by Qas Escaping from Loosened Heater Tube Miss Anna Schwartz, twenty years old, of 120 Barclay street, was found in an unconscious condition in the bedroom of her home today from il luminating gas that had escaped from a tube attached to a gas heater which was disconnected. Someone called tip the City Hos pital and informed the switchboard operator that the ambulance was needed at 106 Barclay street. No one could be found there who knew of the affair, and after a diligent search Dr. Julius Soban, the attending phy sician, discovered the right address. In the meanwhile Dr. Maurice Teitei baum, formerly an interne in the City Hospital, with an office at 147 Somer set street, had been called and treated the girl. A stomach pump partially restored the girl .to her senses. Althougii her condition is serious, her family re fused to allow her removal to the HOW TO MINIMIZE FIRE HAZARDS IN i, PUBLIC SCHOOLS Recommendations have been made to minimize fire hazards in the pub lic schools of Newark as follows: Equip each school with direct fire alarm connecting with fire head quarters. Metal cabinets should be installed for paint, oil and waste In all manual training rooms. In school auditoriums * chairs should be fastened, exit lights in stalled, halls lighted and at least one chemical extinguisher put up. The storage of broken chairs, desks, playground outfits, raffia and similar materials should not he permitted in school buildings, un . less such storage is In absolutely fireproof tooth*. 4 Metal-covered cans for rubbish and waste. 'Hallways should not be obstructed by placing pianos therein. Rubber tubing for gas connections should be replaced with rigid metal pipes. Swinging gas brackets should be removed. Boiler-rooms should be fire proofed. U.S. PROTEST ON SEIZURES AT SEA •WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. — Am bassador Sharp, at .Paris, was ex pected to deliver to the French foreign office today the American note asking for the immediate release of the six Germans and Austrians recently re moved by the French cruiser Des cartes from the American steamships Carolina, Ooame and San Juan. Although friendly in tone, the com munication is an emphatic protest against the removal of the men, which act, it declared, was in flagrant violation of American rights and without legal Justification. Prece dents are cited in support of the American position. The note was cabled to Ambassador Sharp yesterday by Secretary Lan sing. after it had been approved by President Wilson and the cabinet. PublidStion of the text of the com munication will await notice of its presentation to the French foreign office. TRADE BOARD OF SUMMIT IS FOR IMPROVED ROADS \ First Commerce Body in State to Take Action—Addressed by Hamburg. Special to the Evening star, SUMMIT, Dec. US.—Through the adoption of a resolution calling for legislation providing for increased appropriation for the maintenance anti-construction of roads In the State at last night’s meeting of the Board of Trade, the local body took to itself the distinction of being the first civic body in the State to go on record in the good- roads movement. The resolution, which wras presented by Amos G, Batchelder, of this city, chairman of the executive board of the Automobile Association of Amer ica, is as follows: Whereas, there is an admitted need in New Jersey of additional revenue to provide for adequate maintenance of existing roods and added new construction, and Whereas, this situation has de veloped to a degree exceedingly detrimental to this State, and in creased road appropriations'are an urgent necessity; therefore be it Resolved, that the Summit Board of Trade place itself on record as favoring legislation which shall provide for existing roads and completing a well developed system of State high ways. Last night’s meeting of the trade board was the last for the present year. Those present enjoyed ad dresses by A. V. Hamburg, president of the Newark Board of Trade: As semblyman Arthur N. Pierson, of Westfield: George C. Deal, county en gineer of Erie county. New York; Mr. Batchelder and Harry W. Evans, mayor of Westfield. Action Ahead of Newark'**. Mr. Hamburg said that the New i ark trade board had planned to be ! the first civic body in the State to start the good roads movement, but consideration of the subject had been deferred until the next meeting of the board, on the evening of the second Wednesday in January. At this session, to which the president of the Newark board invited the members of the local organization, the best authorities on road construction will speak, and it is planned to have as many senators and assemblymen (Continued ou Page 4, Column 8.) YUAN GIVES HIS REASONS FOR ABOLISHING REPUBLIC Public Opinion and Desire for Permanent Peace by People’s Representatives Forced Him to Accept Throne—Constitu tional Monarchy Is Planned—Seeks to Cement China's Friendship With United States. (Copyright, 1#13, by Ini ted Pre»».) (Copyrighted In Great Britain.) NEW YORK, Dec. 15.—In the first public statement by Emperor Yuan Shi Kai, cabled today to the United Press, the newly proclaimed monarch of China makes known to the world the dominating reasons for the aboli tion of the republic. The emperor also announces his future policy toward America, and states his purpose to employ every effort to cement the friendship be tween the two nations. The cablegram follows: To the United Press, New York: "PEKING, Dec. 14.—Your telegram lias been translated and submitted to his majesty's perusal. I am in structed to reply as follows: “ 'The sovereignty of the Chinese republic resides in the whole body of the people. The conventions of the people's representatives, considering a republic unsuitable on account of his torical reasons and public opinion, and wishing to establish permanent peace, have unanimously udopted a constltutlopal monarchy. " 'The status of state chief is nat urally subject to public Will. The act ing legislature has reported to me the same and stated that the provin cial and district conventions of the jwople's representatives have unani mously elected me emperofi “ ‘Firm refusal unavailing, I have been forced to submit to the people's will and have instructed the different ministries nnd departments to make I preparations. The necessary prepar- I edness having been made, I will be requested to carry them out with due ] consideration.’ "The relations between China and I America have always been most friendly, and the monarch's policy will | be to cement still closer this friend-1 ship and to exert the utmost to pro mote the industrial and commercial I development of the two nations. "(Signed) “ADMIRAL TSAI-TING-KAN, “Private Secretary." The Chinese emperor's statement to thw^jnited Press is the first infor mation that the new monarchy is to j be a constitutional monarchy. Press dispatches from Peking had stated that Yuan Shi Kai did not in tend to assume the throne for some time, though he formally accepted the offer. In his message to the United Press, the Chinese ruler said he would "submit to the people’s will" when the "necessary preparedness" has been made. In transmitting the cablegram, however, his private sec retary referred to Yuan Sht Kai as "his majesty," indicating that in ef fect be is at least emperor* _ I HEALTH BOARD MAYBREAKWITH SCHOOL BOARD Latter Criticises Former for Notice to Cut Off Bulle tins from Schools. Whether the Board of Health means to refuse future co-operation with the Board of Education in health matters was a point raised by Miss Beatrice Winser at a meeting of the Committee on instruction and educational supplies of the latter body last night. This matter was called to the attention of the com mittee by Dr. George J. Holmes, supervisor of medical inspection, who stated he had received a notice from the health hoard announcing that the school authorities in the future would have to paj' the postage or not re ceive the health bulletins regarding contagious cases. Both Prank H. Sommer and Miss Winser contended that the bulletins shohld be sent to the various schools by the health authorities without the school board paying the postage. On motion of Miss Winser it was decided to have Secretary Robert D. Argue communicate with the health board and to ask its members to state in writing whether they do or do not want to co-operat» with the school authorities in this matter. According to a report made by Randall D. Warden, director of physical training, the social center at the Hamburg Place School has proved to be a complete success, both froru a social and financial stand point. The receipts from October 0, when the center was opened, until December 8. were $181.55 and the ex penses incurred during that time only amounted to $76.77. Mr. Warden was granted the use of the school build ing on Saturday evenings in addition to Wednesday nights. He was also granted permission to remain open during the Christmas vacation. Permission was given the high school pupils to enter into the histor ical essay contest to be arranged by the Newark Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. No Christmas Envelopes. For reasons of economy, and be cause of a general exhibition planned next year, the committee decided to dispense with an evening school gym nasium exhibition. A request to have teachers paid on December 24, instead of on the last of the month, was de nied. Three requests to change the names of schools were received. The requests were referred to a sub-com mittee. Alderman Henry Hahn, of the Third ward, requested that the name of the Morton. Street School be changed to the Joseph E. Haynes School, after former Mayor Haynes, who was principal of that institution for many years. The other proposed changes in names were the Burnet Street School to Burnet School and South Tenth Street School to the Seth Boyden School. At the last board meeting Domenlc A. Valentino complained against the manner in which Alfred Nesto, a pupil In the Ablngton Avenue School, was taken away from the school building after committing an alleged assault on his teacher. Mr. Valentino said the boy had been taken away in a police patrol wagon. The matter was referred to tho city superintend ent for investigation. In a report made by Dr. David B. Corson, first assistant superintendent, last night, It was stated that the boy had struck the teacher several times before the latter returned a blow In self-defense. According to Dr. Cor son. the teacher has made a signed statement to this effect. , NEW TRIAL DENIED, | _ Roseville Trust Director Ex | pected to Appear Today to Be gin Penitentiary Term. In receipt of the papers from the Court of Errors and Appeals denying a new trial to William C. Armstrong, of Eighteenth street. East Orange, a depositor of the Roseville Trust Com pany, who was convicted of conspir ing to defraud the bank. Assistant Prosecutor Wilbur A. Mott yesterday afternoon had a bench warrant issued for him. signed by Justice James F. Minturn in the Court of Oyer and Terminer. -Armstrong was notified tnat ne ^ as wanted to surrender himself to begin his terra in the penitentiary, and it is improbable that the bench warrant will be used. The indictment upon which Arm strong was convicted charged that he,! with Raymond E. Smith, secretary-j treasurer of the bank, and two tellers, conspired to cheat the bank of $28,000 i by means of overdrafts of his ac count. Smith pleaded non vult, and is now In State prison: the two tellers were acquitted by the jury that con victed Armstrong, and the latter was sentenced to a year in the peniten-1 tiary by Chief Justice Gum mere over! two years ago. The bank failed j August IS. ms Fighting his conviction, Armstrong i appealed to the Supreme Court and; the Court of Errors, but both tribunals upheld the jury's verdict, the latttr court making its decision last week. When the papers arrived yesterday the bench warrant was gotten ready and Armstrong notified. He is under $7,500 bail to appear when wanted, and the issuance of the warrant is a j mere formality. Paterson Society's Exemption j from Taxation Is Sustained j FM a Staff Carrwpondeat. TRENTON. Dec. 15.—An assessment i for taxes against the Society for the j Establishment of Useful Manufac tures, of Paterson, was set aside by the Supreme Court today. The assess ment was for 1914 against hydro power plant In Paterson. The Supreme Court sustained the contention of the society that under its charter, granted by the legislature in 1791, it had a special exemption from taxation. ATHENS DENIES BULGARS HAVE INVADED GREECE; , ALLIES SAVE THEIR GUNS FULL INDEMNITY FROM GERMANY, IS ALLIES’ PLAN Semi-Officialiy Reported That Blockade Will Be Used to Enforce It. WASHINGTON, Dec. IS.—Several newspapers have been in receipt from what may be described as semi official sources an Intimation of one argument the allies expect to use In getting satisfactory termB from the Teutonic empires once commissioners meet about the council table to dis cuss peace. This information con firms private suggestions that the allies, in spite of their recent re- j verses, mean to carry the war to the; point where they can demand a large j indemnity from Germany and Aus tria This intimation is conveyed in the following statement: "One of the main points of the allies’ peace terms is that on no ac count will the German mercantile marine flag be seen upon the high seas until full indemnification has been paid. The allies have the power to do this, and mean to use it to the full extent." One suggestion as to the allies atti tude toward peace is that the state ment comes just at the time when the ! remarks of the German chancellor and the British prime minister are in the public mind. The statement, it ie pointed out. may give German offi cials food for thought as to the loss to German trade, even should German arms continue for the time being their far-flung successes. Whenever peace rumors have float ed over Europe—and many have seemed to come from Germany—the allies have made it plain that they were not ready to talk peace. This reticence on the part of the allied governments was taken to mean that they intended to press the war to a successful conclusion, and that they felt, nothing could be gained by lend ing an ear to peace proposals while German armies in all directions were far outside German frontiers. The suggestion today seems to look to the time when Germany will be fighting on her own territory, or at least with in striking distance of German SOIL OLD MAN mm OUT ALL NIGHT IN COLD Three Youths Arrested and Ac cused of Beating Farmer and Slashing Him. I PATERSON, Dec. li.—Andrew Keefe, Walter Young and John O’Grady, sons of prosperous farmers living near Preakness, are under ar rest today. Michael Gwinn, prose cutor of Passaic county, and Detec i tives Matthew Shayne and William ! Drew for a week have been seeking three young tnen who, it Is alleged, 1 tied Lawrence Chifosky. sixty-five years old, to a tree last Wednesday night, beat the aged man. gashed his j ■body witn nenknlves and left him to freeze by the roadside. Keefe was held in *1.000 bail and Young and O’Grady were plaoed in the Passaic county jail here, charged with atrocious assault. The prosecutor learned that Chi fosky, who lives on Pompton and Hamburg turnpike, in Wavne, at tended a pig dinner at Jackson's i Hotel, Preakness. last Wednesday night, when the three young farmers also were present. The old man was ridiculed by the younger men and a quarrel was started w nen he resented references made to him. On his way home he was attacked by three of the young men who had aroused his anger, and was selxed and bound to a tree by them. The next morning he was found by a farmer in a serious condition. He is now in St. Joseph’s Hospital here, where the surgeons are trying to prevent blood poisoning. EX-JUDGE ALVERSTONE, OF ENGLAND, IS DEAD Was 72 Years Old and Staunch Friend of America—No Heir to Title. By the Associated Press. LONDON. Dec. 15 <1:19 p. m.)—I Viscount Alverstone, former lord chief I justice of England, is dead. Viscount Alverstone, for nearly thirteen years lord chief justice of England, was one of the most popu lar, human and many-sided men in British public life. While on circuit at Newcastle in February, 1912. Lord Alverstone was seized with a serious heart attack, and his continued ill health led to his resignation. Lord Alverstone was considered one of the leading lawyers of his time, and had a keen sympathy, acute knowledge of men and great insight into affairs, and a wide knowledge of his profession, all ob tained by hard work. He was bom on December 22, 1M2. His father was Thomas Webster, Q. C.. well known at Westminster, where he had a large practice, especially in patent cases. Lord Alverstone was a widower. His wife died In 1875, and his only Leon ill 1910. after an operation for appendicitis. There is no heir to the title. . ,_..A... ——s— Anglo-French Preparing Final Position Inside Greek Border. - . BRITISH BERN VILLAGES AND BRIDGES IN RETREAT — Transports Loaded to Gunwaks With Arriving Troops Crowd Saloniki Harbor. By I fir A»»«>ria4*cl pre»n, ATHENS, via Eondon, Dec. 15, 10:2d J a. m.—The Greek government denSatfsol reports of the entrance of Bulgari&flt forces into the Greek territory. News dispatches on Tuesday report* | ed that Bulgarian t roops had crossed .-l the frontier between Serbia ami J Greece in pursuit of the retiring" Brit- J| iah and French forces. By the Aevoeiated Fre*w. PARIS, Dec. 1.', 1:20 a. n«. —YU* ", latest information obtainable by Us# 1 Havas correspondent •*» Athens when | he filed a dispatch yesterday was that rJ the allied front, extended as far as jgj Kukus, in Greece, about 25 miles north I of Saloniki. The retreat is being ear* |j ried on under favorable conditions, f enabling the allies to preserve,*!! tbnHf’fl war material. Athens newspapers express the l<e~ M lief that neither German nor Bulga.- •) rian troops will cross the Greek iron- ,3 tier. It is said the German and Bu*g*»|| rian forces in the Glevgell section co»»'4 sist of nine divisions, three Germ**# and six Bulgarian. Greek troops to 8 Macedonia have been ordered to avoid |j SALO.YIKI, Dec. 13, via Paris. Deo. i IS, 12:50 a. m. (Delayed).—An eye. the French to their temporary ? positions in Greece, near the Serbia* % border, was conducted with great skill. All the wounded were broil ; in e^cept^a few who could no ^^ast|rei^mm^lnhablbinto « of Gievgeli was razed. : until they crossed the border, tnt1 wem sUghtrieSfo^b°Ung ‘mo^ol frozen feet, as the soldiers were come pelled to march through the snowV The final positions which the *afjS|| prepared. ^ ^ There was sharp fighting tcT'Xh* Strumitsa region, but no guns wer* lost. The British burned villages u they^ fell back, and destroyed Us® faciliUt^of^he^hospiml’JhtS^^^^J gun ^ _____ PARIS. Dec. 14. 5:14 p. m. .Delay*** -The Temps publishes a dispute* 1 from Saloniki corroborating the re- ' port that all French and Brit is* troops have now quit Serbian terri- • tory, baring retired ^into Greco* retreat and the determined attacks of plies, and suffered comparativeSlsj small losses in men. ^The assertion made in ai^ ofi1<:isa | not home out by the correspondent of the Temps, who says: "Efforts «® envelop or cut our lines altogether failed." REPORT I : WILLS YUS BNAI_ LITE Geneva Says Indemnity Will 8® Paid—Washington Discount# 'l Plea of Ignorance. By the Pre#«. GENEVA, via Paris, Dev. 14, 3 <0 p. m. (Do la yeti >—A dispatch frottt j Vienna, received by way of BuehSj^ _ | Wilson’s note to Austria r^saiNtlS|8 | the Ancona incident has produced % ^ profound impression in govendjl^^H | and political circles. The note is? sajdb ft to be resented by a minority. It is generally believed in "Vienna, says the dispatch, that Austria, | give satisfaction anti will pay an demnitv, especially as she has ls£jMKa| interests in America. Bar«' von Burian. the Austrian foreign mliggg| ister. has called a special eottm^ tg discuss the matter. ‘ Two Turkish Attacks Against British in Mesopotamia Fail lly the laltMl Fm*. LONDON, Dec. 15,—Turkish ir. Mesopotamia shelled the Be base at Kot-El-Amara fr,- three . and then delivered •,