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THE WOMAN'S GUILD of the Emmanuel Baptist Church will hold a Christmas donation social in the Sunday school aesembly room, ueit Monday, beginning at S:15 o’clock. Among the artists who will appear are: Mrs. Ethel N. Newhold, pianist; Miss Florence Chandler, so prano: Miss Clara Pudney, contralto: the Misses Hansen, violin, and piano, and Miss Bertha Davis, readings. The officers of the guild who will have charge of the affair are: Mrs. L. A. McBride, president; Mrs. Inglis, vice-president; Mrs. W. Van Houten, second vice-president; Mrs. Charles W. Tillou, secretary; Mrs. J. D. Han " 'son. treasurer, and Mrs. R. C. Lever age, assistant treasurer. Miss Florence Matthews, president of the Lend-a-Hand Society, was hos tess yesterday at the regular month ly meeting of the society at her home, 184 North Seventh street. Miss Eliza beth O. Baldwin, in charge of the Roseville district of the Bureau of Associated Charities, gave an inter esting talk, relating the progress i made by several families that the so \ oiety has helped during the past year, year. The members present were IMiss Anna Skinner, secretary pro tem. in Mrs. W. Reynolds’ absence; Miss Mabel H. Rowe, Miss Dorothy Tuttle, who reported the profits from the recent card party held at tho Rose ville A. A were much higher than ex pected owing to donations made by members not having attended; Mrs. Arthur De Groff, Mrs. Ralph O’Hara. Mrs. Colton C. Tuttle, Mrs. Meredith Miller and Miss Helen Banister. A number of garments were re turned completed for the Visiting Nurses' Association. Each member will fill a large red Christmas stock ing for eomo poor “kiddie" living in ' the Roseville section recommended by the bureau. The society is planning a moving Picture benefit to be held the latter part of January. Miss Helen Banister Is chairman of the benefit committee. The next meeting will be held Jan uary 11 In the home of Mrs, Arthur D. De Groff, 268 North Seventh street. Plans for a rummage sale to be held In the vacant store at 25 Acad emy street all of next week were dis cussed at the meeting of the Ladles’ Aid Society of the Central Methodist f. Episcopal Church yesterday. The sale will be In charge of Mrs. De Forest Lozier, president of tho soci ety; Mrs. Ella Gifford and Mrs. Frank Estelle, with the entire mem bership of the society assisting. Tho society also arranged to send out Christmas presents to the “shut ins" of the church. The gifts will bo shipped some time next wee.-, so that they will reach the persons before Christmas Day. i A luncheon was served with Mrs. ‘leorge Suydam as hostess, assisted by Miss Elizabeth Bulkley. A concert by Charles Harrison, tenor, and Beulah Young, soprano, will be given in the parlors of 'Christ Reformed Church, Washington and Delavan avenues, tonight. Tho Guild of St. Barnabas Hospital met yesterday and discussed the plans for the dance to be held In the Castle House of Newark, in Broad street, December 28. The Weequahic Whist Club will meet In the home of Miss Lucy Zipf, 61 Colt street, Friday. The members of the club are the Misses Anna Beyer, Helen and Elsa Hickman, Mil dred Henderson, Lucy Zipf, and Rob ert Crelln, Howard Townley, Haroid Stevens, Edward Van Wert, Elmer Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Max Led > erer. The Social Service Guild of Grace Episcopal Church met yesterday aft ernoon and sewed on garments for the poor of tho parish. With the coming of Christmas the members of the guild hope to be able to distribute an unusually large quantity of winter garments. A dramatic class was organized last night by tho members of the Alpha Kappa Club In Hill street. The class will probably begin rehearsals within a short time for a play to be given in February, probably on St. Valentine's Day. The dancing class, which has been under the instruction of Miss Anita Bruenig, ended its course of lessons last night. The Men's Club of the Roseville German Evangelical Church Is plan ning for a smoker to be held within a short time, A reception was given Monday night by John Schalk in his home, 269 Eatr mount avonue. Among those present were tho Misses Rose Cedar, Lillian j Weinberg, Grace Appel, Gertrude Raader, Madeline Freeman, Sue Kap lan and Benjamin Schalk, of West Orango, and John Perlman, Henry Elnhom, Ralph Levenn, Carl Schwartz and Max Horn, all of this city. • The*>. C. P. Club will hold Its first annual entertainment nnd dance to night in Berkeley Hall. A novelty entertainment will be offered by two singers of this city. Those In charge of the affair are Sydney Lasser, Simon Englander, Herbert Abeles, Richard Lewlt, Albert Schlosser and Albert Kaplansky. Mr. and Mrs. M. Seichtling, of 5 Sixteenth avenue announce the en gagement of their daughter, Bertha, to Burnett Simon, of Elizabeth. No date has been set for the wedding, Edward Marr, of Ridgewood ave nue, entertained the members of the Bachelors' Club Monday night. Those present were Albert J. Brooks, Will iam O’Donnell, Robert B. MacIntyre, Frank Orchard. William Weldmann, Charles Eichelberg, Oscar Brunner and William DeMott. The A. L. A. M. S. Club met yester day at the home of Miss Lillian Linck, 93 Munn avenue. The members of the club are the Misses Sadie Maher, Anna Pfeffer, Helen and Amelia Osterritter and Ann Weber. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beinegon, of RIO Main street, East Orange, announce the engagement of their daughter Anna to Maxwell A. Freeman, of this city. No date has been set for the wedding. Mrs. Sylvester Smith was hostesB at a card party yesterday in St. Mi chael’s Hall, under the auspices of the Altar Society' of the church. Euchre and whist were played. A number of prizes were awarded, sev eral being for non-players. Mrs. Smith was assisted by Mrs. David Kulp, Mrs. Victor Cooke and Mrs. John Dougherty. The affair netted $37 for the society. The next card party will be held In the parish house Tuesday, December 28, with Mrs. Sarah O'Connor as hostess. She will be assisted by Mrs. Dempsey. The employes of the Prince street playground tendered a surprise to Director Helmstetter this afternoon in honor of his birthday. The MIssjs Sadie Tanenbaum, Martha Klugman and Margaret Walsh served cake, bis cuits and cream; Louis Klugman and James Bonnett were also present. Louis Klugman acted as toastmaster, and speeches were given by Director Helmstetter who thanked the staff for their enthusiasm. James Bonnett sang, with Miss Tanenbaum at the piano. A sale of dolls will be held tomor row and Saturday afternoon and eve ning in Dominican Hall, South Ninth street and South Orange avenue, for the benefit of the organ fund of St. Antoninus’ Church. Mrs. Mary No lan will be in charge of the sale, as sisted by the Misses Sarah Kearney and Mary Flatley. Final arrangements have been completed by the boys and girls of the South Canal Street playground for their annual entertainment and dance, which is to be held Thursday, December 23, in the recreation room of the playground. The feature of the evening is to be the presentation of a one-act playlet, "On Christmas Eve.” Eleven children compose the cast and they will rehearse every afternoon until the day of the pro duction. The program consists of recitations, awarding of prizes and singing. A large illuminated Christmas tree will be placed in the center of the room and the children, led by Santa Claus, will march around it and sing Christmas songs. Miss Geannette Krilow, playleader, is making arrangements and is being assisted by Miss May Duffy, Joseph Esposito and Anthony Fucello. The country store and barn dance held Monday and yesterday under the auspices of the Altar Society of the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, in the parish house, was brought to a successful close last night. The attendance for the day was very large and it is believed that a large sum will be realized by the society. Mrs. Thomas Halpln, president of the society, was hostess at the affair. The fourth degree Knights of Co lumbus will hold its regular meeting tomorrow night. After the regular routine there will be a social hour. Christopher C. Connelly will tell of his experience in the west. There will be vocal and instrumental music, after which refreshments will bo served. A card party and tea for the benefit of the Lady Judith Monteflore Soci ety was held yesterday in Armm’s parlors, in High street, with Mrs. Julius Silberfeld as hostess. She was assisted by Miss Etta Nadel. Bight tables were in play. Mrs. A. Rosen berg, of 219 South Seventh street, will be the hostess of another benefit card party in her home Tuesday, De cern Der 28. Mrs. John Bardsley will be the hostess at a card party in her home, 487 South Sixteenth street, for the benefit of the organ fund of St. An toninus' Roman Catholic Church Saturday. She will be assisted by Mrs. Mary Nolan. The members of the Twentieth Century Pleasure Club will give their second annual ball Saturday evening, December 25, In the new Union Hall. Springfield avenue. The decorations will be planned by Miss Eva Goldberg, chairman of the arrangement committee, and her staff of eight young women. The officers GUARDING THEPOCKETBOOK Now that the holiday Is so close upon us it is, time that women, and men, too, should bo careful of their " money. Many women carry handbags at their sides, and some one will see a good opportunity to open them while in the big crowds. Before the owner is aware the bag is opened, --N WILL AID YOU Tn Evening Star Want Ad. will introduce a good clerk to a future good employer. It will give the needed help on the very same day that it is asked. It takes but a minute or two each day to read in the Want Ad. pages of the Evening Star about all the rooms, all tho res idences for rent on any partic ular street of the city—a regu lar city directory of rooms ahd residences for rent. Telephone your Want Ads. to the Evening Star. Phone Mar ket 6300. ' ■ ■■■,——<—r—' the money taken and the thief dis appears. It Is difficult to detect the expert pickpocket who works in the Christ mas crowds, but there are several ways of avoiding having the money taken, says the Washington Star. One way, which has been very successful, seems a little unusual. It is useless to advise people not to carry large sums of money, since it is often neces sary if much buying is to be done. Out of a small piece of cloth to match the suit make a pocket on the inside of the upper left arm. This pocket can be closed by small clasps so that a bill folder or purse cannot slip out. It is impossible for any one to see the pocket; in fact, one could look right at it and not know it Is there. It can bo at least four inches square and capable of containing a good bit of money in that space. If one Is not sufficient, sew one to the other sleeve and close It in the same way. It would be impossible for any one to tnmper with such a pocket without being instantly detected, The money cannot possibly work out and Is con venient to reach if one Is in haste. of the affair are: Edward Brehme, president; Charles Bauch, vice-presi dent; Wesley Hurst, floor manager; Sidney Blum, assistant floor mana ger. Arrangement Committee — Mis* Evelyn Goldberg, chairman: the Misses Ida Blum, Kitty Heymau, Mollle Blacksburg, Phoebe Brehmo, Cecile Snyder, Lilian Deltrich, Rose Kahn and Mrs. S. F. Brodsky anil Benjamin Dody, Harry Noll, Os car Schiller, Karl Bauch, Charles Brown, George Saeffer, Philip Flick, E. Berlin and P. Marks. Reception Committee—Sam Wein stein, chairman: Charles Llgel, Mark Weisman, Karl Bauch, Wesley Hurst, D. Ban-ill, D. Cavino, D. Erman, Harry Noll, M. Franklin, D. Ellis, Charles Osherroff, Lewis Swyer. Benjamin Dody, Solomon Kaeffer, Frank Ligel, Harry Ooldfarb, Philip Flick, Sidney Blum and M. Feldman. The Partenopec Club, of this city, Is planning a ball to be held January 10, in the Palace ballroom for the benefit of the families of men called back to Europe to fight for the colors. The patronesses are Mrs. Angelo Blanchl, Mrs. Semo Vlllanova, Mrs. Anthony Castellano, Mrs. Michael Carluccl, Mrs. Joseph Rose, Mrs. Victor D'Alola, Mrs. Angelo Dome nick, Mrs. Coppola, the Misses Jen nie and Margaret Spallone, Pelora Cttarella and Tempa Le Rocco. \ b]7 ~lSyTviay' ^•--^Crgra How She Chose an Krenlns Wrap for Mother. The holiday spirit has evidentlj prompted every one to give some sort of an affair to help make this month the gayest of the year. Every* mall brings a stack of Invitations, and, unfortunately', many of the biggest events are scheduled for the same night. Dad, with the resigned air of a martyr, watches mother separate the white cards into two piles—the "to be" and "not to be" accepted—and 1 know he's wishing that we weren't eo popular or that we could run away to the country and celebrate Christ mas in the old-fashiofied way. He loves society, in small doses, but as a steady diet it fails to appeal to him. Poor old Dad! He’s just an overgrown boy at times. The other day he remonstrated against the number of invitations mother had decided to accept, and vowed that he wouldn't go to half of the affairs. He left the house In a stormy frame of mind, but In less than an hour 'phoned me to meet him downtown to have lunch. Of course I met him, and after he had ordered my favorite dishes and we had reached the salad, he said: “I guees you know why I’ve asked you to come here, I want to buy your mother a peace offering—something nice—so put on your thinking cap and suggest anything that you're sure she'd like.” Only the day before mother had wished that she bad a new opera wrap without having to trouble about ordering it made. So I told Dad that he'd win her immediate forgiveness if he bought her a real stunning eve ning coat. Without waiting to finish our des sert we went to a shop and I tried cn at least fifteen wraps of every de sign and color. i»ad was keen about a flame-colored velvet wrap trimmed with black fox, but I couldn’t see mother appearing in public in such a giddy hue even If it is fashionable. She favors sub dued, elegant colors, and I reminded Dad of that fact. Then I slipped on a lovely white panne velvet wrap with a full, circu lar skirt banded with sealskin. The shawl collar and wide cuffs were of the same pelt, and we both agreed that It was extremely effective, and would be most becoming to mother. Then I remembered hearing her say that she would never have another white wrap—after the white broad cloth of season before last—because It was at the cleaner's half the time. I told the saleslady that white was out of the question, and her mind running to extremes she brought out a gorgeous French creation of black mirror velvet, elaborately embroid ered in silver, and trimmed with Rus sian sable. The price caused even Dad to open his eyes wider, and I quickly said that mother never fav ored black. The last wrap of the collection proved to be the "best of all" and suited us in price as well as in style and color, so Dad bought it. The materia! is velvet, of course, and is of a rich tone of Sevres blue. The wrap hangs in full lines from the shoulders, and instead of the usual fur band about the hem it Is em broidered with dull gold thread In a conventional design. The lining is of gold-colored eatin, and it is extended over the velvet to form a scarf-llke collar. Sable fox is used for the collar and cuffs. We ordered It sent home, and It reached there just as we had sat down to dinner. When mother saw the wrap she completely lost her ap petite and became as excited as a child with her first party dress. Dad grinned and grew self-satisfled again, for he knew that he had pleased mother, and that nothing more would be said about the morn ing. The new wrap truly bore the branch. What's Yours? Hospital Doctor (with a view to diagnosis)—What do you drink? Last Car (only partly conscious)— Oh, thank you, whatever you’ve or dered for yourself.—Burr. I MOW HE WON HER. Florence went to the seashore one summer with her mother. -She came from the Far West anil she did not know any of the little boys and girls at the hotel where she stopped. One morning her nurse took her to the beach and she was playing in the sand when a boy two or three years older than Florence drove alongvin a pony cart. He stopped In front of her and Jumped out of the cart; he was in bis bathing suit, and threw the lines to the groom and ran into the water. Every one but Florence seemed to know him and like him, for the chil dren all called out, "Hello, Laurence!” He ran up and down the beach sev eral times right beside where Flor ence we« sitting. "Hello, little girl," he said. “What is your name?” Florence did not answer, for she thought him very bold. "Have you lost your tongue?" asked Laurence. \ He ran into the water and splashed It with his feet and hands until it splashed on Florence and she had to move. "You are a bad boy," she said, “and I do not like you.” "I thought you would find your tongue,” he said, laughing and splash ing the water harder. The next morning he met Florence In the hotel. "Good-morning,” he said very politely. Florence did not answer. "Why did you not say good-morning tO that nice little boy?” her mother asked. "He Is not nice,” replied Florence; "he threw water on me.” After a while the mothers became acquainted and Laurence asked to take Florence for a ride in his pony cart. But Florence would not go. "I will take your doll,” said Laurence as an inducement. “Della does not like to ride,” Flor ence answered as she walked away. One evening Laurence tried again to win her favor and presented her with a box of chocolates. Her mother accepted them for her and told her to thank Laurence and said he was very kind, “and you should be more gra cious to him,” she said. But Florence could not forget that he splashed the water and she did not forgive him, although she thanked him as her mother told her to do. Some time after this Florence was playing on the beach one morning in her bathing suit. She had a little boat with a string attached to it, and in this boat Della sat., sailing as far as the string would perm it. All at once the string broke, and away she went for beyond Flor ence’s reach. There was no one about in a bath ing suit, and poor Delia drifted along, slowly going out to sea. Florence began to cry. Would no one rescue her darling Delia? The poor little mother stood weeping on the shore, watching the boat which she expected would capsize any min ute, and her precious child would be drowned. At this minute Laurence came along in his pony cart. "What is the matter?” he asked. Florence could not reply; her sobs choked her; she just pointed to the bobbing boat, and the nurse told him Della was in it. Laurence did not wait to remove his clothes, he could swim. Into the water he went, and soon Della was safe In the arms of her little mother. Laurence jumped Into the cart and drove away before Florence could recover from her astonishment suf ficiently to thank him. After dinner that night Florence saw Laurence sitting In a big chair at one corner of the veranda 8hc left her mother and went over to him. Laurence jumped up and gave her his chair. I thank you very much for saving Della,” Bhe said, "and I think you were very brave.” “Oh, that was'nt anything," replied Laurence. “I was glad to do it, for 1 knew you did not like me, and I hope you will now.” Florence’s eyes Ailed with tears. "Yes. 1 do,” she said. "I have liked you ever since you went Into the wa ter for Della, and I wanted to tell you so.” ’’Will you go riding with me tomor row?” he asked. "I will If mother will let me,” re plied Florence. “Oh, Bhe will let you, I am sure,” said Laurence. ”t will be at the door right after breakfast. There is the music. Will you dance with me?” Florence gave him her .hand and they walked away. ”1 wonder how he won her?” asked Laurence’s mother. “He saved her doll from drowning,” replied Florence’s mother. “He Is a hero now, and they will bo friends the rest of the summer.” (e) 1915. I If The following were sent in by Bloomfield Reader: Crackers and Melted Cheese Cracker preparations for serving with salads arc almost endless. Cheese of various kinds and tart jellies and jams are tho most approved salad accessories, and, even with the same materials, innumerable variations are easily possible. Try putting a half Inch cube of cheese In the center of a cracker and placing In a hot oven for a few momenta; It will be found that the cheese has melted sufficient ly to form a thin coating over the edge of the cracker, while the orig inal cube in the center is reduced to about half the else and la soft clear through. Crackers so prepared, whether square or round, may be placed in an overlapping row around the edge of a plate, leaving a space in the center for a mold of Jelly or a small jar of jam. BLOOMFIELD READER. Fish Tidbits Anchovy, bloater or sardine paste may be spread on a plain cracker with excellent effect. An additional seasoning of lemon juice or paprika is usually necessary. Place In a hot oven until the paste has dried suf ficiently. After removing from the oven these little relishes may be dec orated in many different ways. A star of bright red pickled beet or one or two slivers of green pepper are simple but effective ornamentations. For card parties any number of ap propriate decorations will suggest themselves. Truffles may be cut Into tiny spades and clubs, and canned Daily Menu BY MABOBBY DOOM THURSDAY—BREAKFAST Fruit Cereal Cream Rolled eggs Coffee LUNCHEON Baked macaroni Cheese Lettuce and French dressing Bread pudding Sauce Tea DINNER Broiled steak French fried potatoes Escalloped oorn Green peppers stuffed Olives Romaine salad Fruit pudding Hard and cream sauce 1 Coffee S , ■ ^ pimentos may simulate hearts and diamonds. Utensils for cutting such forms are to be found at any well stocked shop selling fancy cooking furnishings. BLOOMFIELD READER. Souffled Crackers Beginning with a soup course, try making "puffed” or "souffled” crack ers. These crispy affairs are made from crackers that are easily split in half. Place the halves in a shallow dish and entirely cover with Ice water. At first they will float, but as they become watersoaked, they will sink to the bottom of the dish. Keep them Immersed In the Ice water for seven or eight minutes, remove carefully with a cake-turner so they will not break, place on a buttered Inverted baking tin, dot with butter and place In a hot oven until they puff and be come a delicate brown. The expan sion Is due to the extreme change in temperature from the ice-cold water to the very hot oven. Results van' with the condition of th# cracker, but even a stale cnacker can be utilised in this way. Souffled crackers never fail to find a welcome as an accompani ment to the soup course. They are also delicious thinly spread with jam and served with after-dinner coffee. BLOOMFIELD READER. _ Spice Drops One pound flour, half-pound pow dered sugar, three eggs, one teaspoon ful of cinnamon, one-eighth teaspoon each of ground white pepper, all spice. cloves, one teaspoon of soda, dissolved in one tablespoon of water. Beat eggs until frothy, gradually add the sugar and stir until well blended. Add spices, flour, dissolved soda: work into a smooth dough, adding more flour if needed. Roll out on well floured pastry board to half-inch thickness: cut into rounds with a small cutter the size of a large thimble. Cover the board with wax paper and lay the little cakes on it until next morning: then place on well-greased baking pans and bake In a slow oven until dry and bard. If they are not soft when ready to use put in bread box over night, or about four hours during the day, to make them soft. I* C. M. At the Christmas Dinner Ice cream for the Christmas dinner or for a children's Christmas party if often prettily served in new tiny flower pots. A way to vary this idea is to place a raisin, cherry or nut over the hole In the bottom of the pot before put ting in the cream, and. after grating sweet chocolate over the surface to look like earth, stick a sprig of ever green in the ice cream to stand for a tree. Decorate this tree with bits of tinsel and red ribbon. EVENING STAR’S TEMPLE OF CHILDHOOD William Mingle. John J. Wilson. Gordon done*. l>®n»ld Hirtli. John J. Wilson Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of 310 Seventh ave nue. lie is three. Gordon Jones is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, of 108 Lincoln avenue. He is three also. Mr. and Mr*. James Mingle arc the parents of Wifitam Mingle, who la three. He lives at XiU Kluge sireei. Duuaid Harris lives at -ti Essex ave nue, Orange. His parents art Mr. and Mrs. M. Harris. _ , _ --J L _aoa By Margery Dooti^ ma Sweet Sixteen's Query Dear Miss Doon: I am going to have a party very soon and would like to know what to serve. Will you kindly suggest a few Christmas gifts to give to a girl friend of mine who is also six teen? SWEET SIXTEEN. If you are going to serve a buffet luncheon, you must have the decora tions in pink. 1 cannot tell you why, but somehow pink seems to be the color for a sweet sixteen's birthday. Have little ice cream cups covered with pink crepe paper, pink crepe napkins, pink candy and pink frost ing on the cake. A simple menu consists of fruit salad, lettuce and cream cheese sandwiches, crackers, olives, salted nuts, cookies, layer cake and cocoa. Why not make your selection from the following: Shell combs, book, gloves, music, subscription to a magazine, silk stockings, camisole and leather bag? Thanks, Mrs. A. 8.. of Kearny. I will send for the carriage in a day or so. Tour quick response is one of the many pleasures connected with conducting this column. It makes me very happy to know that there are many people who are willing to help the poor readers of the Margery Doon advice column and I sincerely hope that I shall be of some service to you at a future date. Please, readers, read the following letters carefully and then see If you haven't some old clothes that are (Continued from yesterday.) li Jack Changed • The waiter stood at attention with pencil pointed over his order card. Jack was studying the menu card, and I was studying Jack. It was the first chance I had had to take a good look at this cousin brother of mine after his year's absence. Every time I had attempted tt I had met his eyes fixed upon me with an inscrutable look that puzzled and embarrassed me. Now, however, he was occupied with the menu card, and I stared openly at him. He had changed very little, I told myself. Of course he was terribly browned by his year In the tropics, but otherwise he was the same hand some, well-set-up chap I remembered so well. He looked up, caught my gaze and Into his blue eyes flashed the old merry teasing look that I knew. "Give me the once over?" he asked in a low tone, mindful of the waiter; then In his ordinary voice, "Made up your mind yet what you want?" "Oh, won't you order please. Jack?” I asked. "Can’t be done,” he returned merri ly. "This Is you party. My only part is to show that I remembered your favorites. Of course you want some escargots.” We both smiled at the recollection the name called up. In the days when a dinner with Jack was the one recre ation my plodding life afforded me, he had once persuaded me to eat some escargots. When they were served and I discovered they were snails, I had ordered them taken away at once, the very idea of them upsetting me. Later, to please Jack, who was very fond of them. I had tried one, then another, and after a number of dinners had become as great a lover of them as he was. “Oh, surely,” I said. “Of course es cargots." The waiter heard me, and bant def ferentially toward me. "It Is too bad," he said In careful English, "but It is impossible for us to get the escargots on account of the war.” "That's too bad," said Jack, “I sup pose there will be a number of our favorites we can’t have. I can’t real ize yet there is a war. You see I didn’t hear of it until a few weeks ago when we flret got out of the wilderness.” The waiter waxed confidential. “You’d know It If you were here, sir,” he said respectfully. "Almost all our boys have gone back to fight for France. I wish I were only young enough to go.” We looked around the restaurant and confirmed his words. The wait ers were all men over middle age, not a young man among them. I gave a little shiver at the thought of what it all meant. Jack saw It. Memories end Danger. "We'll not talk of It any more.” he said. “How yould you like oysters Instead of escargots?” "Those will be very nice,” I smiled at him. In reality I was far from hungry. But I would not spoil Jack's pleasure by telling him so. “What next, consomme, or isn't it here you used to get that chicken broth you liked so well?” “How well you remember, Jack," I exclaimed in astonishment. "Do you think I could forget?" he asked quietly. Something in his tone gave me that vague uncomfortable fear again. “The chicken broth here la very good.” I said hastily. “Let us have “All right. I know you don't iike fish. So what shall be the grand cen terpiece?” I knew Jack's favorite dish, for tunately. If he could sit down in front of Just the right kind of steak, thick. Juicy, broiled Just right, he was happy. "A steak by all means, I answered. "I haven’t had a good one in ages.” "I'm sure you’re saying that to please me,’’ Jack protested, “but I haven’t the heart to say no. You can imagine the food I've lived on in South America. But you must order the rest of the meal.” “Surely I will,” I said, for I knew | the things he liked. "Baked potatoes, j new asparagus, buttered beets, ro maine salad, and we’ll talk about the dessert later.” The waiter bowed and hurried away. "You’re either clairvoyant, Mar garet, or—” “Perhaps I, too, have a memory,” I returned gayly, and then regretted the speech as I saw’ the look that leaped into Jack’* eyes. "I wish I wh sure,” he began im petiously, then he checked himself. "I wonder whether wc are too early for any music,” he finished lamely. “I am afraid eo,” I said. "It doesn't matter anyway. We want to talk, not to listen. I’ve got something to tell you, my dea”. that j I’ve been thinking about all this year | I've been gone.” "Give Ms Time.” I did not realize the impulse that made me stretch out my hand, lay it upon hla and ask gently: “Please, Jack, don’t tell me any thing Important until after dinner. I feel rather upset today anyway. Let's have one of our old care-free dinners, and then when we’ve finished we can talk.” _ (To be continued ) Hereafter no letter will be ^n ■ wered nnlehn accompanied by the name and addre** of the w'riter. Thin in not for publication, but an an evidence of good faith on the part of the Mender. W rite only on one tide of the paper. ICeadern are requested not to en close Stamp*, sn the editor I* fsr too busy to write iiemonsl replies. worth giving to the poor people who need them. We can't all give finan cial aid, that is true, but when the opportunity present* itself to help some poor reader by giving clothing, I see no reason why more readers don't respond. Here in a letter that is worth at tention, I am sure: Dear Miss Doon. I try to read your column every night, and X know that if it is in your power you will help me. I hove four children who are very much in need of warm clothing. And please. Miss Doon, I need some Infant's clothing. These are most urgent. The children's ages are: Boy, fif teen years.old: boy, eight years old: boy, twelve years old and a little girl, two years old. Please, Miss Doon. won't you help us keep warm? Thai is all I ask. SORROWFUL MOTHER. Tou see, readers, some warm cloth ing for the children and some baby clothes would be more acceptable right now than money, for It would take a big sum to supply the wfant« of this family, while there are many persons who have closets filled with old clothes—clothes that would be very acceptable. A Foolish, Foolish Girl Dear Miss Doon: Please print in your column meth ods of dying the hair. My hair is an j ugly brown and I want to change the color of it. MOVIE ACTRESS. I Tou are a very foolish girl. If you | are a constant reader of this column I no doubt you know that I disapprove : of the use of dye on the hair. If you really want to dye your hair, j though, here are several formulas: ; For a pronounced black coloring ' use a solution of a dram and a half | of nitrate of silver to two ounces of : distilled water. ' A brown dye Is made by adding to ; the above solution equal parts of dis I tilled water, while double the amount I of water put to the original solution I will make it a light brown. To give j exact directions for a shade is im possible. for the color after It dries, is governed by the original shade of the hair. It is only by experimenting that a person will And what suits them. Besides the dye a mordant is re quired to make the color hold. One of the simplest of these is made of one and a half drams of suiphuret of : potassium, an ounce of distilled water, three-quarters of a dram of I liquor of potassa and two drops of oil of anise seed. When used this is diluted with five times the amount of water. To dye the hair begin by washing it, for no color will "take" without a preliminary shampoo. I Then comes the mordant. This Is ! applied with a tine tooth comb; every strand should be covered evenly and quickly, taking care that the scalp j is not wet. This preparation must ! dry on the hair, then the dye is ap plied. I would not advise you to try to color your hair yourself. It takes skillful work to do this dyeing, sim ple though it may seam. Economist's Trouble Dear Margery Doon: I wonder if you can help me? I have only moved to this city recently and have enjoyed your column im mensely. My query is this: I use cold cream constantly to cleanse my face, and as I am a working girl the cold cream is very expensive. Can you tell me how I can make it at home? ECONOMIST. The following is a greaseless cold cream which is highly recommended: ' Take two ounces stearine, one-quar-1 ter ounce sodium carbonate, one-1 quarter ounce powdered borax. With this mix four fluid ounces of glyeo- j rine and about a quart of water. Heat over a water hath until there is no j further efferescence; then remove and ] stir, adding perfumes dissolved in alcohol. Almost any perfume can be used, although many persons prefer the cream without any perfume. Some do not care for a preparation which contains glycerine, therefore glyce rite of starch may be substituted for the glycerine. Witch hazel extract may also be added if desired, decreas ing the quantity of water used. A Little Girl's Appeal My Dear Miss Doon: I am a little girl and I am seven years old. I can’t read very fast, but I read letters you get from read ers, I read them to my mother, and she is very poor and my father is poor and out of work, and we have no money to pay the rent and no coal to keep warm,' and not much to eat. Miss Doon. can't you help us? We need clothes and lots of things. My mother said that I mustn't ask for toys from Santa Claus, but, Miss IDoon, can't you tell him to send me a <ioii, 'cause sometimes I am lone- ’ some and 1 would love to have s doll to play with; I also have two lit- 1 tie slaters. I know that they would, like Santa Claus to visit them. too.-’ Good-by. MARGARET, #S Poor little kiddle, of course, T wii! tell Santa Claus about you. and it o he has a little doll that wants to come to earth to some little girl who is lonesome, I know that he wSfci bring it to you. Iil bet It is a little baby doll with brown hair, brown eyes, a long dress and a bonnet that" you want. That’s the kind that moeC. little girls want at Christmas time. Perhaps some of the readers will take an order to Santa for some, clothes for you and your little sisters, too. Again I ask you. readers, to please read these letters carefully and then try to get mra» clothes together and ! seme of the discarded toys from the Christmas stocking of last year—toys that have lost their newness, per* ' haps, but would be the joy of some - little kiddie's heart on Christmas morning. I have the names and addresses of the readers who want the things. Here is the poem requested the other s evening: THE FIRST SNOWFALL. , The snow had begun in the gloaming. And busily all the night Had been heaping field and highway * With a silence deep and white. "* Every pine and dr and hemlock Wore ermine too dear for an earl' And the poorest twig on the elm tree - Was ridged inch deep with peart, -ii From sheds now roofed with Carrara*5 Came Chanticleer’s muffled crow. •’« The stiff rail* softened the swan's*' down, And still fluttered down the snow. I stood and watched by the window: The noiseless work of the sky-. And the sudden flurries of snow-(lakes , Like brown leaves whirling by, . I thought of a mound in sweet Au burn, • -afci Where a little headstone stood; *588 How the flakes were folding it gently. - As did robin* the babes In the wood ‘ - t'p spoke our own little Mabel,;■» a Saying. “Father, who made snow?” And I told her the good All-Father } Who cares for us here below. . Agnin I looked at the snowfall. And thought of the leaden sky , That arched o'er our first great eor-; row. When that mound was heaped so high. I remembered the gradual patience Thnt foil from that cloud-llke soot# f Flake by- flake, healing and hiding V The slab that renewed our woe; „ And again to the child I whispered, * “The snow that husheth ail, Darling, the merciful Father ,., Alone can make It fall!" j Then, with eyes that saw not, I Just ed her; And she, kissing back, could wot. know Thnt my kiss was given to her sister. * Folded close under deepening snow. —James Russell Lowell. Thanks, C. F. P — Tt is a very beau tiful poem and right now when the.-, first real coat of w inter has wrapped . itself about the earth it makes one think all sorts of things. Perhaps1 about a long stretch of country. - clothed in white, a farm house In the distance where all sorts of good things : are waiting for the little kiddles who1 are romping in the snow and the big boys who are “bobbing’’ down the hill and the sister who lias gone on a sleighing party. Can't yon hear the sleigh bells jingle? No, I guess Margery Doon was mis taken that time. It was the voice of the editor polite ly "yelling’’ for copy. Rich Colors and Garnitures Costumes and wraps for afternoon1 and evening wear are In wonderful colorings. The most effective are sapphire and military blue, soft shades of green and empire green, purples, reds in all shades from garnet to Pubarry rose, various tnnes of yelkiw, including or ange, gold and maize, and some soft shades of gray and brown. The richness of the trimmings is de cided, in beaded effect, in silver or gold lace, and in paillettes of silver, or of jet. Novelty buttons in gold, silver, enamel and Jeweled effects give a smart touch to many gowns. , i .. TW# ASK FOR and GIT HORLICK’S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same prioa l . Buy Your Christmas Silver From the Makers V Special offer this week—Toilet Ware at 20 per cent, reduction. !| A Special Feature Is the Choice of Articles | From 15c to $5.00 | Si?UNGER.- BROS { ^r^nnAev\ st- * 4l6"Halsey-S'tree't* You Should Know when you send expensive carpets and rugs to be cleaned just how they are cared for and handled. Our entire works are al ways open for your inspection, and it is always a pleasure to show you just how we handle dirt in a clean way. JANCOVIUS 4, SON 112-116 Arlington St., Near Coart St., Newark, N. J. Write. Call or ’Phone 707 and 708 Molberry "Ww. ' V. ■■■ ■•?*£