Newspaper Page Text
-. .. HELP WANTED—MALE. AUK NTS. fA GENTS—Large manufacturer want* re ial. liable men. women, to wU guarantewl hosiery. underwear, shirts, direct ^ horMm; write /or free eajnploa. Madison Mills. 68* Broadway. New York. 1 f A BIjB-BODIED men for firemen, brake A men. 1110 monthly; experience unnece* ■ary- Railway. Box 1. 8tarj>mca._ A" RMY OF THE UNITED STATES—MEN WANTED—Able-bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and So; cltlxens of I United States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information uoply to Recruiting Offloer, 266 Market at.. New - Ark, If. J.__ B' '' OYS—Wanted, bright hoys. those having experience at buffing, shipping or In the box department: only those experienced In the following department preferred. Ap ply to Consolidated Safety Pin Co., 4 6 Far gfrplilfr kt,, Bloomfield.____ ^YOYS wanted, 16 rears old. Heaver Leath ■£> er Mfg. Co., 508 Freltnghuysen av., , __ V}OY8 wanted for light factory work. Apply foreman. South and Tyler wta _ Bricklayer for small job. Cali im- ; mediately. 207 Market st.. Room 203. B"ijTCHBR—Young butcher wanted; steady j position. Rwasky. 2 Valley rd., corner ^^FAtebung av.. West Orange. *• VaRIVER wantedr must read and write K:. XJ National Storage Co., 854 Plane Rt. W, ftflVQ CLERK.~JuniorT one o- two years' AkpeHenca 122 Waverly av._ ' /*YlBRJiAN AGENT to sell Von Hlndenberg vDT victory silver-plated plaqueR on eom misalon; best proposition on market. Eckel hofor Brothers. 16 Washington av.. Irvlng RflSLl.. GOOD honest salesman wanted; can earn big salary with big tire concern in K^MUNurfl; must have car. inquire Competent. Bo* 86, Star office. KK9HHB-CLA0S ag*nt« wantml; rolling on , XX money-bark plan to the automobile j owner. Addreaa Agent*, Box 45, Star office. j INTELLIGENT foreman wanted to HUpar vlae man at concreting and other work: a thoroughly competent yard man; one who «an gat roaultB; good opening for a hustler; ] State salary wanted. Address Hustler, Box j tar gfflgs_ R XlCWNSED fireman wanted In leather far- j XJ tory. along Pl*rik : mwt J>«* handy at pips* fitting; ref*\oi.d«>u reQulWd: state salary. Address Fireman, Box 9. Star office. J LWOTTFB INSTRUCTION—Persons I at- ' tentlon; time to suit convenience of scholar; write or call for particulars. 206 j West I9th st., New York. $ T OCAL MANAGER WANTED J-J Ambitious, respectable man of good feahita and appearance, with $1,000, to as sume local management of manufacturing: ' a profitable necessity In great demand; im mediate profitable returns on work and In vestment assured; no experience necessary: do not rsply unless you mean business. Ad- | frf— Manager. Box 31, Star office_ TkyTACHINE moulders wanted" JuL apply universal caster a FOUNDRY CO.rOQQ FERRY ST. v ^UfEWARK railway mall clerk examlnR- i i3l tlons coming: $76 month: sample ques tions free. Write immediately. Franklin In ■titate, Dept. 380-K. Rochester, N Y_ VEWARK railway mail clerk examine tlons coming: $76 month; sample ques tions free; write Immediately. Franklin In R Stttute. Dept 240-K, Rochester. N. Y. PLUMBER'S helpers wanted, with cards. F. & W. V. Engelberger Co., 159 Jelllflf i! »v.t Newark. N. J. _ PaV*' LUMBER'S helper wanted. Call 477 Matam^|tonth 19th st, olty. SALESMEN to sell the Empress Vacuum Cleaner on 28o weekly payments; big money to live agents; no dead ones wanted; highest commission paid. Call at once, C. F- Adams Co., 89 Market st. SOLICITOR—EXPERIENCED MEN CAN SECURE GOOD. PERMANENT POSI TION; SALARY AND COMMISSION; GOOD LIVE PROPOSITION CALL BE TWEEN 8 AND 10 A. M.. CIRCULATION DEPT., NEWARK EVENING STAR fjpHB M08T steady trade la watchmaking; 1 X Insures good pay; call or write for par- ■ tlculara Newark Wai chmaklng School, 848 §46 Broad at. _ ripOOLMAKERS — HIGH-GRADE MEN X WANTED; GOOD PAY; NEW SHOP; STEADY JOB. APPLY AT ONCE. GEN ERAL STEEL TREATING CORP . MID DIJSSEX AND SECOND STS . HARRISON. r liniOOLMAKER—Experienced man on tools, X for gold Jewelry. Including drawing , and curling tools; steady work; good pay for right man. Achieve. Brod A Co., 418 fejjaiw st._ *OOLI8HBR—Wanted, first-class hard wheel Jt polisher on steel tubes. Irvington Mfg. HOCoit st. Irvington. WANTED—NICKEL BUFFERS AND POLISHERS APPLY WM. O. BACH- I MAN. EDISON STORAGE BATTERY CO.. ASHLAND AV. GATE. WEST ORANGE. WANTED — Lithographic press feeder. Apply at Newark Lltho. Co., Mulberry I ted Ollw ats. ¥T7ANTED—Names of men. 18 or over. ▼ ▼ wanting railway mall clerk positions; ftl month. Clerk, Box 29. Star office. VCTANTED—Bovs as helpers on delivery | ▼ V wagons. Apply H. Comlskey, 195 liorray ft_ WANTED—Men to try examinations for government jobs; $70 month; common education sufficient Apply J. K., Box 29, Star office. _ YOUNG MAN for office In Newark: night law student preferred: give name and address in own handwriting; state salary expected; references required. Address Tuift, Box 77. Yeager's Advertising Agency. East g jpwni|e. - _ rOUNG MAN wanted to deliver orders. 76 ^^Washlngton av., city. HELP WANTED—FEMALE QASHIERS EXPERIENCED CASHIERS WANTED BY HAHNE A CO. AP PLY TO SUPERINTENDENT BE VORH 10 A M. , RAHWAY Mrs. Richard J. Morton, of West Milton avenue, last night entertained the members of the Girls’ Club, of the First Baptist Church. At the First Presbyterian Church tomorrow night, the Rev. N. M. Pren tiss, pastor of the Congregational Church at Woodbrldge, -will address the Men’s Club, on "Preparedness.” Edward Falk, of New York, is vis iting friends in this city. A nominating committee was ap pointed last night at the meeting of the Alumni Association of St. Mary’s School to present candidates for the election to be held on the first Mon day In January. The committee Is: John Geyer, Alma Calllhan, Cath erine O’Rourke, Patrick McCue, Jr. and Thomas Sullivan. Under the auspices of the Board of Education. Allan S. Williams, of New York, will tomorrow night in the High School Auditorium deliver an illustrated lecture on ’’The Truth About Snakes.” W CHESTER The Ladies’ Aid Society of the First Congregational Church was entertained today at the home of Miss Grace Beams. Leonard Henkel, of Newton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel II. Skellenger. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jarvis are enter taining Mrs. Isaac Parker, of Hampton. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. \ Sylvester Burd. William Barker and family have re turned from a visit with Mr. mid Mrs. William Ammerman, of Morristown. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baker and chil dren, of Plainfield, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. flkellenger. A week of special services opened Sun day night in tne Methodist Church. Rev. F. Watson Hannan, of Madison, preached last night; tonight Charles W. Ennis, of • Morristown, will preach; tomorrow night Dr. Wallace Macmullen, of New York, and Friday night, Dr. Edmund D. Sopor, of j Madison. A Shade of Difference. “Willie, didn’t I tell you not to play with that Wiggins boy?” *T ain’t playin' wit’ him, I'm fightin’ with him.”—Gargoyle. Time* Hnve Changed. Mrs. Puritan—My ancestors came ever in the Mayflower, I’d have you know. Mrs. D’Accustic—That may be, but they might not be allowed to land to- j day —Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. RATES AND INFORMATION FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE NEWARK EVENING STAR. 1 time per word 3 times ...2e per word 6 times .. 4c per word 1 month, daily ...8 hie per line 1 year, dally.3c per line (Minimum, 10 words) The above rates include ail classifications with the following exceptions: Personals, Meetings, Lodge Notices, Cards of Thanks, In Memorlam, Resolutions. An niversary Notices, 10c per line. Death Notices, 25c; with notice of fu neral. 50c. Anniversary Mass. Births. Engagements, Marriages. Month’s Mind, seven lines. &0c. Additional words, In each. A charge of 6c per line is made for agate capital letters. White space is charged for on the basis of 6c per line. Figure six average words to the line. s«*t solid agate; five average words to the line, set in solid agate capitals. The Newark Evening Star reserves the right to classify all advertisements under appropriate headings. The Newark Evening Star will not be re sponsible for more than one Incorrect in sertion of any advertisement ordered for more than one time. The Newark Evening Star will only recog nise written orders to discontinue or change contract advertisements. Ads. received In Home Office over tele phone from responsible parties AGENCIES. Your confeotlpnery store Is a receiving station for Newark Evening Star Want Ads. PHONE 6300 MARKET HELP WANTED—FEMALE EXPERIENCED feather stitchers wanted on Infants' dresses. Apply B. Llbman, cor. Plane and Academy sts. GIRL—Wanted, English-speaking girl, for doctor’s office, and ussist with light housework. Apply 608 High st. / 11RL—Young white girl for light house VT work; no washing; must sleep home. Irwin, 81 Montclair av. 4 11RL wanted for general housework; must \JT do washing and cooking In family of two adults. Mrs. A. Lelong, 132 Clinton av. IRLS WANTED FOR RIBBON TRIM MING; MUST BE 16 YEARS OLD. BROHMAN CO., 1» CENTER 8T._ Cl IRLS wanted for light factory work; T good salary to start. Apply Arlsto Co., 11 Mill at., Belleville, N. J. IRLS WANTED FOR LIGHT MANU FACTURING AND INSPECTION WORK APPLY HYATT ROLLER BEAR ING CO.. HARRISON, BETWEEN THE HOURS 7:30 AND 9 A. M. GIRLS for assembling toys; steady work all year; good pay. Apply J. Cheln & Co., 310 Passaic av., Harrison, N, J. IRLS wanted to work on gold spring rings; muHt come recommended. Wle gand Co., 112 Arlington st._ GIRLS to operate foot press In metal toy factory: steady work all year; good pay. Apply J. Cheln & Co., 310 Passaic av., Harrison, N, J.___ J^AMP SALESWOMAN THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN WANTED FOR LAMP DEPARTMENT: ONE CA PABLE OF TAKING CHARGE OF DEPARTMENT. STEADY POSI TION AND GOOD SALARY. AD DRESS LAMPS. BOX 30, STAR OFFICE. PERATORB. — Outside hands wanted: only those thor mighy experienced on Infants’ and children’s dresses noed apply. Brohman Co., 19 Cen ter st. OPERATORS—Wanted, several experienced operators on shirts, for single and dou ble needle machines; steady employment and good wages. Apply Excello Shirt Co., Pater son. N. J., or telephone 199 Paterson. /"VPERATOR8—Experienced on shirtwaists '-J and Junior and misses’ lingerie dresses. Apply George J. Pigeon Co.. 19 Center st. /'OPERATORS—Experienced on Infants' w white dresses. B. Llbman, Stouten burgh building. Academy and Plane sts., Newark. OPERATORS on infants' and children's white dresses. Brohman Co., 19 Center st., Newark. _ ^ PAPER BOXERS wanted; also table work ers and end labelers wanted. Apply Chas. R. De Bevolse Co.. Paper Box Depart ment, Plane and Academy sta POLISHERS wanted, experienced on gold and silver novelties. Stevens A Lelthoff, 113 Grace st., Irvington. SMALL girls wanted to trim cotton on waists; must have working papers. Ap ply Trouvllle Waist Co., 71-77 Austin st. STENOGRAPHER with some experience \ for office work In Newark; give name i and address and salary expected In own ! handwriting; reference required. Address Tulfts, Box 77, Yeager's Advertising Agency, EaBt Orange. Tuckers. Experienced on Infants* and children’s dresses. Apply Brohman Co., 19 Center st. XTTANTED—Girl for kitchen. Call between VV 2 and 8 p. m., 42 Wallace pi., New ark, N. J. WANTED—First-class girls for clean work; good wages. Applv The Con solidated Safety Pin Co., 46 Farrand st., Bloomfield, N. J. _ XX 7 ANT ED—General houseworker; no VV washing; must have references. 613 Ridgewood rd., Maplewood, N. J. WANTED—A girl for light housework; must have references. Apfel, 127 John son av. _ XTTANTED—White girl to assist with ?V housework and help with children; no washing. Apply 72 Morgan pi., Arlington. YVTANTED—Womeh for government Jobs; ▼ V $70 month; pull unnecessary: write immediately for list; positions obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept 682-K Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED—MALE AND FEMALE. DO YOU WANT $75 a month? Thousands U. S. government Jobs now obtainable; steady work: common education sufficient: write immediately for free list of positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 241-K, Rochester. N. Y. I EARN ragtime piano playing for Chrlst J mas: taught anyone 10-20 lessons; free booklet; phone Mkt. 7717, Clark-Wlnn Studios. 567 Broad, opp. Shubert. I EARN quickly; Spanish, French, Italian J and German: start December 16. Prof. Blsenz, 65 3 Broad st. Phone 2379 Mulberry. XTTANTED—16,000 men and women to he »V come U. S. government employes; $75 month: vacations: common education suf ficient; write immedatrdy for free list of positions now obtainable. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 241-H, Rochester, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE AUTOMOBILE mechanic desires position; can do own repairs and is very handy around garage; can drive a machine; also furnlBh bust of reference. Theodore Emmer, 14 Jackson st. Tel. Mkt. 1508. BOY—Aged 10, is desirous of learning the toolm&king trade; references. J. Meyer, | 409 Bergen st. j /~1AItRENTER, aged 28, desires steady posl tlon; references. H. Taboleky, 178 Broome st. C1ARPENTER desires steady position or J will do odd jobs; neat worker. Carl L^lchorn. 63 Holland st... city. CHAUFFEL'R wishes position in private family; does own repairs; excellent ref erences. 297 Lafayette st. C1HAUFFEUR and expert machinist will J work for small wages; references, steady worker. James Whitney. 155 Plane st. C1HIPPEK; experienced for a period of four J years, also bench and assembling hand. A. CL 75 Magnolia st. COMPOSITOR—Wants work, can take full charge of office; wide experience. Printer, 285 Waverly av. DRIVER—Young man wishes position as driver; four years' experience; can pro duce excellent references. William Riley, 153 Sherman av hRIVER wishes position; has had one and a ns If years’ experience: references; Hteady worker. George P. Leist, 89 Haw kins st. I FIREMEN with license, desires position; has had twelve years’ experience; also understands pump pipefitting and boilers; good reference. Polock. 106 Valley st. Or ange. N. J. FOOT PRES8 hand desire* steady position; excellent references. C. Hauer, 172 j Newark st. nOUSECUSANING and assistant Janitor; take care of office; references; middle aged man; excellent worker. John Madden. ! Clifton ay. Advertise :n th? Star. V SITUATIONS WANTED — MALE LABORING and tanuery work; experienced on sclvers and sheep sklna A- Greiner, 34 Shipman st._ 1ITHOORAPHBR—Has had a wide experi ■i once; wlU willingly do any kind of work at very reasonable terms. 8. Rubin, rare of Slavin, 1S7 Spruce at.__ LUNCH room assistant; has also acted as salesman; fluent talker; references. F. M Dyer, 57 Boston st. LUNCH room or counterman, also store clerk; references. James Edgar. 57 I Boston st. \JAN will willingly do any kind of work; iAl has had a wide experience. J. Rosen herg. 59 Charlton st.• MAN very handy with tools, desires any kind of work; excellent reference. D. Levin, 80 Prince st. MAN (colored) wishes position as driver or house-man; references. 8. Richardson, 111 Sherman av., city. Vf AN (colored) wishes position as janitor. i*A William C. Bleftls. 229 Warren st AfAN wishes position as porter or helper -kVL in factory; references. Louis Morno, 40 Mt Prospect av. _ MAN (colored) wishes position as porter In store or waiter In hotel; has also acted as handy man around boarding house. D. Wilson. 123 Halsey st. MAN (married) wishes position as clerk or work of any description; aan produce excellent results; references. G. Richards, 132 Walnut st. _ MAN wishes position at electrical work; references. Krietzraan, 131 Somer set at.__ PAINTER desires steady |M)8itlon; reason able. A. Mulzer, 116 Broome st. PORTER and handy man wants work In cafe or office: references. J. Andrew', 158 North Canal at. SCREW machine hatfd, experienced on Pratt and Whitney and Browne and Sharp* and several other makes; best of ref erences. C. Sllvln. 47 West bL_ TAILOR desires steady position; neat and rapid worker. J. Smith. 32 Livingston st. \TIOLINI8T and mandollnlst wishes posi tion in moving picture house or enter tainments; excellent references. R. Martino, 17 Garslde st. f ANTED—W’ork as mason, brickwork, cement and plastering; Jobbing pre ferred. Walter Chapman. 63 Odge*: \roUNG MAN, aged 26, single, wishes out * side position driving or otherwise; ex perienced; best of references: moderate sals it ; hustler A. Brand, 123 Lillie st. YrOUNG MAN desires position as carpen ter; or will do any kind of work. N. f [Dickson. 214 Broome st.j VrOUNG MAN wishes position at anything; j aged 19. W. Stickle. 174 Avon av. { ! XT’ OUNG MAN wishes position as engineer's . A helper around factory. J. RUley, 121 | Bruen at, j "VTOUNG MAN wishes any kind of work; -A experienced on several lines. F. Spence. 201 New Jersey Railroad av. XT OUNG MAN wishes position as handy A man around hotel; act as porter or work in engine room; was seven years at last place. William J. Jones. 30 Whitney at. YrOUNG MAN. aged 26; experienced in the care of horses; wishes position as driver j delivering orders for retail grocer; references. I W. Krumwide, 79 Springfield av. \70UNG MAN. 22. wishes position; has had two years' experience ns machinist; ref erences. David Chanln, 723 South Orange av. yOUNG MAN, aged 18. wishes position as X stock clerk; have had previous experl 1 on the emery wheel in leather works; references. Frank Paris. 116 Madison st. YOUNG MAN—One year's experience as porter; good man behind lunch counter; can also tend bar. J. Wintiaman, 29 Hensler st, city ■yOUNG MAN (colored) wishes position as A porter and houseman; very handy; ref erences. J. W., 134 Stone st. YOUNG MAN desires position on drill press, or assembling on small maohlne; experienced; references. M. Gordon, 436 Eighteenth av. YOUNG MAN is very desirous to got any kind of work: can show excellent ref erences. L Gorvttz. 122 Broome st. yOUNG MAN—Six years' experience In A the Jewelry trade; experienced on rings, vest buttons, link buttons, tie clasps, etc. Edward Busier. 122 South st. ■yOUNG MAN wishes position; willing to -A do any kind of work; references; will prove my consistency. C. Dobbs, 266 Wal nut st yOUNG MAN wishes position at electrical A work; have acted in the capacity of driver. J. Wade, 418 High st. yOUNO MAN desires position as porter in •A saloon or handy man around bakery; references. Conrad Reiss, 33 Barbara st., city. "yOUNG MAN desires position in automo A bile garage; very handy with tools: have had one .year’s experience In machine shop. C. A, Wadei, 756 Hunterdon st. yOUNG MAN wishes position as stable a man; references; sober. William Moran, 132 Walnut st., city. ■yOUNG MAN wishes position in garage sb 1 assistant; has has three years’ experi ence on Ford car. Riley, 290 Plane st. yOUNG MAN wishes position as painter or A paperhanger; ten years' experience: ref erences; neat and rapid worker. Address C. Pittenger, 290 Plane st. yOUNG MAN aged 20. wishes to learn the T automobile trade; references. George Guilfovle, 687 Bergen st SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE CCOLORED woman wishes any kind of S work; references. L. B. Raster field, 40 Jay st., second floor. DAY’S work, including washing and Iron ing, neat, rapid worker; reasonable. A. j Hill, 102 Baldwin st. T\AY'S work washing and ironing; ex A * cellent referenoes; refined and very quick worker; reasonable. Sparks, 412 Wash 1 ngton st. DAY'S work washing and Ironing; ex cellent houseworker. Mary Wilson, 446 Washington at _. OUSE CLEANING by the dav~ neat worker, excellent references. V. Polasky, top floor. 81 Van Buren st_ PRACTIC AL nurse wants work; will also take housework nr laundry work by day. Mrs. Crate, 43 Cherry st., West Or angp.* Y\TASHING—Your family washing called : W for and delivered: the bed and table linen Ironed and balance washed and dried; j send for wagon. Howell's Laundry, 38 I Marshall st : YYTASHINIG, ironing and cleaning desired j \V by young capable colored woman; ref ! erence given. 182 Spruce st, third floor, j Phone Market 1420. YYTOMAN—-White; would like any kind of ▼ * work by the day; washing and clean ing: best of references, 181 Newark st.. city. yOUNG LADY. 18. well educated, neat I and refined, would like to do general office work: can furnish excellent references: will accept nominal salary to start. Address Maid. Box 7, Star office. LOST AND FOUND IICEN8E-—Lost, automobile license No. 15802, left on Broad car on Saturday. Finder please leave same at 454 Clinton av.; reward; top floor. LOST—Gentleman’s diamond ring, vicinity Halsey and Market sts; liberal reward, ling’s shoe atore, 188 Market st. LOST—Unset diamond. Liberal reward for return to V. Barber. 867 South 19th at MUFFLER— Lost, silk muffler, lost Sat urday night In Lincoln Theater. South Orange av. Reward If returned to Mrs. T. J. MfTnerney, 473 South 18th st. SCARF—Blue fox scarf lost on Halsey st.. between Central av. and Market st.; reward ofTered. Finder kindly notify L. I,tenner, 698 Broad it. _ VTTATCH—Lost. Sunday afternoon on v V Springfield av. or in Lyceum Theater, a gold open face watch and pin. Return to Miss Hart, 80 Newark st.; reward. TTfATCH—Lost, a lady's gold watch and V V chain, with monogram H. K.; reward will be given. H. Kneger, 1090 Broad st. ’ PATENTS DRAKE a CO. Established 1886. Phone 294fi Mul»>erry. Rooms 610-511 Kin ney Building, Broad and Market nta. EMTL A. KERN, Inc.—U. S and foreign patents. American Insurance Co. | Building, 70 Park pi., Newark. RAENTZEL ft RICHARDS, patent so licitors of IT. 8. and foreign patent*, trademarks, copyrights. 746-7 Broad at. Federal Trust Bldg Est. 1885. Phone 1841 Mulberry, DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ALTMAN’8 PLEATING CO.—Hemstitch ing and button* covered; cleaning and dyeing. 161 Hslaey at., next to Bamberger's. Mall orders _< Ip LITE SCHOOL OP DESIGNING, DRK88 ld MAKING, MILLINERY—Always up to date; enter any time; day and evening classes; send for catalogue. 70 Halsey at Many Others Have Sold Their Business All that was necessary was a little inexpensive “BusinessOpportunity” ad. run for a few days in the Evening Star. Use this method and have your answers come to a private box address in the Star office. Call Up the ADTAKER 6300 Market Newark Grrermtg jgrtar AUTOMOBILES FOH 8ALE. AUTOCAR, rebuilt; good tires, delivery body. Reo Co., 37 William st. AUTOMOBILE two-ton truck for sale; price reasonable. Inquire 29 Waln wrlght st. AUTOMOBILE delivery top, brand-new; will sell half cost. Inquire L. Parker, 32 Miller st., city. ARGAINS—1916, six-cylinder Studebaker, touring car; 1916, four-cylinder, seven passenger; 1915, four-cylinder Studebaker. touring; 1914, four-cylinder Studebaker; four-cylinder Thomas, touring car. Call Washington Garage, 80 Washington av., N utley. BUICK touring car, Model 17; In good condition, at a reasonable offer. H. Monahan, 627 Bloomfield av., Bloomfield. BUICK, 4-cyllnder, 5-passenger; Lozier. 6-cyUnder, 7-passengpr; in A1 running order; Just been overhauled. JOS. M. MAIER, 256 Halsey sL, Newark. CADILLAC chassis; AI condition, Metz roadster with lot of extras: also several Preat-o-lite tanks and magnetos: all In perfect condition; can be bought cheap. Ap ply 245 South 11th st. Phono 8585 Market. CHALMERS, 1910, five-passenger touring car. guaranteed first-class condition. $200. or best offer takes same if sold Im mediately: also Regal, 1911, first-class ordpr, $250; Franklin, model D, 1911, alx-cyllnder, seven-passenger, as good as new; demon stration given; night or day: offer wanted on this car: call. Roseville Garage, 25 North 9th st., opposite Lackawanna depot. /CHALMERS, 1912, 30 h. p. touring; In vv excellent running order. Call Reo Co.. 37 William st. /~40LE, 30. 1912, five-passenger, in good L' running order; $175. A. T.. 94 Plane st. ELEGANT Peerless limousine; special Qulnby make; body perfect condition: $850. Can be seen at E. Knapp, 48 West field av., Elizabeth. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car. also run about, for sale cheap. Miller & Co.. 12 William st. FOR SALE—1913 Regal touring car, $300; 1914 Regal touring car. $400; 1916 Oldsmobile touring car, $600; fully equipped; electric starter; demountable rims; extra tires. Central Motor Car Co., Bloomfield. FOR SALE—Touring cars; newly painted; good tires; perfect running; Overland; • electric lights and generator, $875; Lozier. ! Brlarcllff model, $400; no reasonable offer ' refused: terms to suit or note; phone for demonstration. Mr. Cole. Market 6638. Gloves—auto gloves—gloves Largest assortment of auto gloves In the State. Goodyear’s. 202 Market st. ONE 14-passenger Jitney; demonstration given. O. Evans, 18 Herbert pi., New ark. N. J. OVERLAND, 1914, 5-passenger; Garford, 7-passenger; Oakland. 5-passenger; limousine and Ford body: bargain. Scholes, 834 Broad st ; B. B. 8898. SAXON. 1916, four-cylinder roadster; forced to sell. Light Car Co., 30 Central av. DELDEN two-ton trucks and busses for •O hire by day or week. John F. Max field, 280 Halsey st., Newark. Tel. 178 Mulberry. BLDEN car. 1912, for sale, $226; real bargain, or will trade for Ford. Can be seen at garage, 675 Central av. SIMPLEX. 7-naasenger. OAKLAND roadster, 1911. JACKSON, five-passenger; starter and lights; 1915 AMERICAN roadster. MOLINE, five-passenger, 1913; starter and lights. CADILLAC 1911 touring. HUDSON "33." five-passenger, 1912. CADILLAC, touring, 1912. MICHIGAN; starter and lights; touring, 1914. FRANKLIN, model D BUICK touring. OVERLAND. 1914 LOZIER, 1910. STUDEBAKER, 1913 [EVERETT, 1912. ! FORD, touring, 1911. FORD, 1915, touring, starter. BUICK. roadster. Two 1915 four-cylinder MITCHELLS. These cars have been taken in exchange #or the new Mitchell Six. Special terms can be arranged. CARL H. PAGE MOTORS COMPANY, 30-36 Halsey st.. Newark. TWO Presto gas tanks, $7.75 each. Hintze Bros., 405ft Central av. AUTOS WANTED. ATTENTION—Wm. Hlrsch pays highest prices for autos In any condition for Junk purposes; market price paid for old tires, scrap iron and metals; prompt atten tion giver to postals. Phone 7526-M Wav. 123 Livingston si. _ ALL KINDS second-hand cars bought; junk and auto parts; highest cash prices. Tel. 3014 Wav. 8. Hlrsch Sc Son, 191 Livingston at. CASH paid for old or burned cars In any condition for part purpose; postal or phone 4810 Wav. Cooper, 182 Livingston st USED cars wanted; a few good used cars to sell on a commission basis. Herman Bartech, 10 Blceckor at., Newark, N. J. VT7ANTED—Twenty autos, any make; price * » not to exceed |600; on commission. Have cash and customers waiting. We will sell your car and not charge you anything, as we receive our profit above your net price. No charge for repairs or storage. Write and we will send our business representative to talk to you If you want cash for your car quick. Address Paige Auto Company, 241 Washington av. FOR HIRE. ABBOTT seven-pass, touring car; also five-pass, cars; night or day. Rose ville Garage. 26 North 9th st. Phone B. B. 1790. _ _ ACME GARAGE. 295 South Orange av.; comfortable five and seven-passenger pleasure cara; experienced and careful drivers. Phone Market 8 234. ONE AND ONE-HALF and two ton trucks and busses for hire by the day or week. John F. Maxfleld, 280 Halsey st., Newark. Tel 178 Mulberry. PACKARD TOURING CARS; BEST SERVICE; HOUR, DAY OR WEEK. PACKARD RENTING CO.. 11 EAST KINNEY 8T. 789 Mulberry. PEERLESS 7-PASSENGER CARS, $S PER HOUR. Roomy 5-passenger cars, $2 per hour. Carpenter, 107 Belleville av. Tel. 1368-R B. B. AUTO TOPS. ABETTER Inducement given on old tires; seo us before going elsewhere; vul canizing and reparing done quickly. Daw son Auto Tire Co., 20 William st. UTO TIRE EXCHANGE—Manufacturers of Double-Tread Tires; special sale of tlree 60% off list; we pay 4^c lb. for old tires. 226 Halsey st. Phone. Open Sunday. FOUR, 34x4, slightly used. Diamond tires; non-skid. Hlntse Bros., 405 H Cen tral av, IJAFFES8. 282 HALSEY ST • Double tread tire expert; also new and 4J*ed tires at reasonable prices; vulcanising. t AUTOMOBILES AUTO TIRES. INNER tubes; thirty-one brand new. all sizes; will sell the lot for $1 apleoe If sold quick to some dealer. Call at United Express office. Orange and Nesbitt sts.; phone 4192 B. B. JUST received 800 McNaull tires; 8,000 miles guaranteed; all sizes; can be used with rims or as a snap-on and not stitched; prices $8, $12 and $16; also carry all makes of new tires at 40 per cent, oft regular list. Hudson Double Tire, 269 Halsey st JUST received another batch of tires; 84x 4 non-skid firsts, $11; 30x3* non-skid firsts, $7.26. Moran's. 266 Halsey at. PRICES NOW REDUCED STANDARD TIRES GUARANTEED 30x3.$6.00 33x4.$8.50 AUTO 30x3*. 6.50 34x4. 9.00 TIRES 32x8*. 7.50 36x4.10.00 34x3*. 8,00 34X4*.11.00 OPEN 30x4. 8.00 36x4*.12.00 EVES. 32x4. 8.25 37x5.14.50 AKRON TIRE CO.. INC., _211 HALSEY ST.. NEWARK. N. J. ^ERVICE STATION for Republic qusllty tires; tubes vulcanized, 10c. Hlntze Pros., 405* Central av. Telephone B. B. 4760. f HIRES—Fresh factory seconds of various 1 makes of tires now selling at special reduced prices; a rare opportunity which turns up once in a lifetime; It will pay you to stock up at such prices: mall and phone orders promptly attended to. Public Service Tire & Rubber Co., 270 Halsey st., Newark. N J., Tel. Mul. 1196 GARAGES AND REPAIRS. ASBESTOS fireproof, steel clad, portable garages: new models. Armoboard Co., Orange. AUTO and wagon painting; estimates fur nished. Colyer A Howard, 487 Wash ington st. OSCH MAGNETOS and Diamond tires; official service station. Tire Trading Co.. Su William st C1ARBURETOR TROUBLE—Bring it to ua; > w# will loan you a naw carburetor while yours la being repaired Newark Gar age and Repair Shop, 675 Central av., New ark CHANGEABLE top limousine in winter; touring in summer, at reasonable cost Blanche. 370 HaUey st. Tel. 8734 Mulberry. CARBURETOR EXPERTS—Factory, ap pointed service station for Rayfleld. Schebler, Strognbarg and Holly: complete l stock of parte and fittings. Wills, 360 Belleville av. (CARBON removed; valves ground; lathe J facing if needed; |1 per cylinder. Newark Garage and Repair Shop. 676 Cen tral av FIXED to stay fixed; that'a my kind of car repairing Chalmer* repairing a specialty. Ideal Repair Shop, Elizabeth av.. at Runyon st Tel. 289 Waverly. FORD OWNERS—Have your car equipped with demountable rims while you wait; lowest prices; reliable work guaranteed. Motor Tire Mart, 24 Halsey st. STORAGE BATTERIES. ESSEX storage battery, self-starter and magneto repairs, free inspections. Es sex Storage Battery and Supply Co., 272 Halsey st. Tel. 3771-72 Jfiarket. GARAGES FOR SALE. ABSOLUTELY portable universal atee; ! garage; 24 gauge gal. steel sheets, manufactured and erected. Watsessing Mfg Co., 38 Myrtle st.. Bloomfield. GARAGES TO LET. GARAGE for use as repair shop, storage or garage; We«quahtc section. 496 Jelllff av., between Watson and Meeker avs. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES A FULL LINE OF XMAS GIFTS. All standard makes; Juveniles at lowest prices for boys and girls; $26 American Flyer. Included with coaster brake, bell, lamp and tools, $18.98; $25 Nemo. $16.50, with coaster brake; $20 Nemo, $12.60; $17 Peerless. $12.60; headquarters for Iver Johnson, Pierce and Flying Merkle: tires— $4 tires, $2.98; $3 tires. $2.25; $2.60 tires, $198: $1.98 tires, $1.49: $1.60 tires, 98c; gas lamps, 84c; bells, 10c. Genuine Park Row Guarantee Cycle Co., 1 Park row, opp. Postofflce, New York. Tel. Cort. 4311. ICYCLES—NEW If 16 MODELS. 8PECIAL XMAS PRICES. All strictly guaranteed and equipped with $5 coaster brake, gas lamp and bell; $20 boys and girls’ bicycles. $14.60; $30 Sterling Jr.. $17.50; $46 Daytons, $24.50; $35 Royals. $17.60; $40 Sterlings, $19.86; $60 Motor bikes. $26.50; complete line of Ice skates at cut prices; $10 hockey or racing skates, with shoes complete, $6.60. Gotham Sporting Goods Co.. 67 Warren st, New York city. GIFT—CHRISTMAS—GIFT. Nothing will please the boy or girl bet ter than a bicycle or motorcycle, something they will enjoy the whole year; a small de posit will secure one; come early so you don’t get disappointed; we have all sizes and can suit everybody; from $15 up, 191$ Ex celsior, ready for delivery; single speed, $226; three-speed, $250; sold for cash or In stalments; a large assortment of seoond ; band machines, from $30 up. Haverford Cycle Co.. 946 Broad st HARLEY-DAVIDSONS — 1 $ 16 three-speed Harley-Davidsons; easy terms. Carl W. Bush. 312 Halsey st. READING STANDARD; $0 big Improve ments, 8 speeds, $265. Reading Stand ard Sales Co.. 47 William st Phone 4618 Market for catalogue. rnHE best present for your boy or girl for JL Xmas Is a bicycle; the best place to i buy It is at 51 William st; all kinds of bicycles at winter prices; Iver Johnson, reg. $30 model $28.60; reg. $86. with coaster brake. $28,60; sundries and repairing at ex ceedingly low pricea Chaa Krebs. 61 Wil 11 sun at X DOUBLE motorcycle, good running order; will demonstrate; $76. Hintze Bros., 406% Central av. PIANOS AND ORGANS A BEAUTIFUL upright piano; cost I860; will sell for |76. Phone Orange 1677-M. AUTOPIANO; 88-note; brand-new; mahog any; cost 1900; will sell 8826 with music. Henlng, 88 Morse av., East Orange. BEHR I3RO. player-piano; 88-note; ma hogany; brand-new; cost I860; sell for |300 and music. 451 Page av., Lyndhurst, ELEGANT upright piano; like new; cost I860; sell |90; delivered free. Canter, 64 Academy et., near Halsey. FOR RALE—Upright piano for 160. Phono Waverly 4299. LINDEMAN upright piano; brilliant tone; plain case; |60 takes it. Residenoe, 46 Elliott st. T>IANO—Upright mahogany, for sale; flrst class condition; used but little; cash reasonable. 127 Falrmount av., first floor. PLAYER-PIANOB of all makes tuned and repaired. Karl A. Dow*, 165 Highland av. Phone 60-W B. B. Formerly with Bawbfger. (SQUARE piano; no cash; can be seen ^ evenings. 498 South 15th st* tot tor. k * V —T * BUSINESS PERSONALS ,,,11, nfiry Clothes Dryers and Pulley Poles complete, 85 and up. a \ jr i r i i m~i..i. We make the beat ladders on ■ earth. Call and see. Br PORTLAND LADDER CO., i 130 Orange St. Tel. 5»4 I». B. I T7I88KX JOBBING SHOP. -Tj Carpenter and mason, painting, paper hanging. 92 Paclflc st. Telephone 3456 Market. J.JAND crocheting done. Inquire 19 West TRON WORKS. TEL. 5520 MARKET. FIRE ESCAPES A SPECIALTY _HENRY GOTTLIEB. 54 WEST ST._ MASON and plasterer; chimneys cleaned, repaired and rebuilt; flagging; wet cellars made dry; Jobbing a specialty. S. Marquette. 2 West Park st., Newark. Tel. 4536 Market. PRINTING—"On the Jump;" cards, 75c up; designs. Rose Press, Market and j Halsey sts._ TANDARD " EXPRESS. Baggage and Freight Work. I Tel. Market 9 926.78 Arlington St. _ UPHOLSTERING in all Its branches, work that lasts! By experienced work !men; satisfaction guaranteed; established 26 1 years. Star Upholstery and Slip Cover Co., I 4no Springfield aw. tel. 359 Wnverly. XTTTNDOW CLEANING-Are your win I Tt dows clean? If not the Newark Wln j dow Cleaning Co.. 157 Howard st., will call If you phone 8382 Market. ART LEADED GLASS. CJHARPE BROTHERS, 951 BROAD ST.. fo ART GLASS OF EVERY’ DESCRIP TION. CALL AND SEE OUR DESIGNS. BABY CARRIAGES. Newark baby carriage mfg. co., 250 Springfield av.; repairs baby car riages at low prices; all kinds of wicker work. BADGES, STEEL STAMPS, STENCILS. HBUCHLEIN. 27 Green st.. near Broad; • steel stamps, metal badges, stencils, seals, rubber stamps, dies for metal novel ties. etc. BATHS. Hubers Turkish bath—-Always open; swimming pool, artesian water, private rooms: ladies' day. Tuesday. Tel 3051 Market, 10 West Park st. BRCER BATHS WILL OPEN DECT SI. CHRISTMAS DAY. 32 MERCER ST . BET. HIGH AND WEST STS FINEST EQUIPPED BATHS IN THE STATE. CAMERA AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. CAMERAS—Graflex. Reflex. Plate. Film: Anastigmat lenses; bargains in used outfits. Newark Photo Supply Co., Ill Wash ington st. CARPET CLEANING. RUGS cleaned: size 9x12, C5c each. Monitor Carpet Cleaning Works, 546 Central av. Phone 6888 Market. CHIMNEY EXPERTS. Ij7XPEKT chimney builder; chimneys J cleaned from top to bottom; 38 per flue. G. Harris, 186% Bloomfield av., city. CLEANERS AND DYERS. CLEANERS and dyers, A. Bailey A Co. We clean and dye everything; remodel ing of all kinds; lowest prices. 3 Sixteenth av.; tel. 3964-W. CUT OLASS. ATTRACTIVE bargains for holidays. We carry complete line of rich cut gl&sa Crescent Cut Glass Co., 38 Crawford st. — DKTICTIVE AGENCIES. YT7EINTHA L'S Detective Agency—Retired I ▼ V Detective Sergeant L. S. Welnthal, I chief; retired Captain Jos. Richards, Mgr.; i 776 Broad st; phone 174 Market; residence! phone 2080 Orange. Honest work is our I motto. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. i ABSOLUTELY reliable, private house wir- j Ing a specialty; estimates. Gross & ; Gross, 172 Market at., cor. Broad. Tel. 430 Mulberry. ■t. Phone 6148 Market. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Newark electrical supply co. 281 MARKET STREET. PHONE 9240 MARKET. FRATERNAL FOB AND EMBLEMS. BUTTONS, silk badges, ’’Neco" back neck collar buttons; circular. Newark Em blem Co., 800 Broad st. FURS. Eichlbr a CO.— Importers of all kinds of furs; ready j made or to order; sealskin garments a specialty; we do repairing, remodeling and cleaning. 9 South Orange av. lsley! FU RS. 87 HALSEY ST. GREGORY’S DETECTIVE AGENCY. Francis j. Gregory, chief; John Greg ory, Manager 828 Broad at. Tele phones; Office, 3374 Mulberry; residence, 2821 Wav. HAIR DRESSING A FACIAL MASSAGE. DP. O’CONNELL A SON-.—Newark hair • goods house* children’s hair cutting a specialty. 17 Market st., phone 2480 Mulb. HAT RENOVATORS. HENRY GABEL, 20S Washington st., cor. Academy. Newark. N. J. Tel. Market 9738. JEWELERS AND WATCHMAKERS. AE. TAYLOR, specialist >n mounting • diamonds from eld Jewelry into latest styles at factory prices: designs and esti mates free; special care given to repairing of watches and Jewelry. Kinney Bldg., 10th floor, cor. Market-Broad; phone 934 3 Mkt. ANDREW C. 8KONBERO—Diamonds, watches. Jewelry, amal! deposit re serves any article for holidays. 19 Cedar st. Q SACHS, 54 RANKIN ST. Engraving every description. Repair work a specalty. Jewelry, silverware and novelties. LIGHTING FIXTURES, TABLE LAMPS. Art craft fixture co.. 86-87 ACADEMY STREET. PHONE 8216 MARKET. MASSAGING. SCIENTIFIC Swedish massage; home or out; newly established. Miss A. Kruse Mrs. E. Collander, 393 Clinton av. Tel. 3659 Waverly. MEN’S TAILORS. Everybody knows Mcgi’tres CLOTHES. HE IS NOW LOCATED AT BANK AND WASHINGTON STS MINERAL WATERS. SEND for a case today. Haussling's Min eral WTa'»rn. Jacob HaussJing, Pres. Phone Mul. 7 .3. None better at any price. OIL HEATERS. THE New Perfection OH Heaters will heat a large room In xero weather; |2.86 up A. A. SIPPEL, 63 MARKET ST. OFTOMETRIHTS AND OPTICIANS. TA. GII-jLESHETMER. registered optom • etrtst: twenty years fitting eyes for glasses; oculists’ prescriptions compounded. Fourth floor. Firemen’s Building. Fhone 9117 Market. Kramer brothers, 59% Springfield av., cor. High st.; eyes examined, glasses fitted. Telephone 7815-J Market. OPTICIANS. I SEINFELD—Optometrist and Optician. • Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 10 p. m. 108 Springfield av. ORIENTAL RUGS. AK. DONIGAN, 508 Broad st.: Oriental • rugs and carpets: cleaning, repairing, washing and exchanging. Phone Mkt. 8389. PAINT SUPPLIES. AC. GETCHIUB & CO., • Acids, chemicals, varnishes, brushes, chamois, sponges, oils, pumice stone, wall finishes, glue, roof coatings, alcohols, shel lacs. sandpaper. 478 Broad st., between Or ange and Bridge sts. Tel. 1608 Mulberry. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. Newark decorating co., oiobe Building, 800 Broad st.—Good work at reasonable prices: estimates furnished. Tel. Market 257. PAINTING CONTRACTORS. PAINTING CONTRACTOR. PAPERING, TINTING, DECORATING. First-class work at ressonable prices WALL PAPER. PAINTS. VARNISHES. AUGUST BEVENSEE. Tel. 2141 Mulberry. 78 SPRINGFIELD AV. PHOTOGRAPHER, COMMERCIAL. ALL kinds of manufactured goods photo graphed for adv. purposes or record. Call Market 7428. Ludwig Bchlll, 81 18th av. — PRINTING. HAVE TOUR PRINTING done hy an artist at the trade. Turner-the-Prlnter. 192 Market et., Newark. ROOF PAINT. INSURE YOUR ROOF against the winter storm by painting It with Black Elas tic Roof Paint, 75c per gal.; delivery to any part of the city. Newark Paint A Supply Co.; George C. Pfreundschuh, Pres., 254-256 Springfield av. Tel. 1102 Waverly. ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY. Try hasbrouck laundry next WEEK. PHONE 796 MUL. QAUL ITY AND SERVICE.__ 5C PER LB.. FLAT WOHR IRONED. HILLTER ROUGH DRY LAUNDRY CO. 413 Market et. Phone 7821 Market. BUSINESS PERSONALS ROOFING. Jj. MeANDREWS. JR.. 64-60 Alpine it.. • roofing contractor. Slag, Gravel, Tile roofing, Water-proofing; Repair Work. Phone 878 Waverly. RUBBER AND STEEL STAMPS. I RUBBER and steel stamps, aeala, stencils to and burning brands, brass checks, badges. Universal Stamp Works, 266 Mar ket st Phone 2441 Mulberry. RUBBER STAMPS. Kubber stamps— Signature stamp, aeal presses. 776 Broad at. Bogardus ft Hempsted. Take ele vator. RUGS. VTEW RUGS made from old carpets: postal JN or telephone 4866-W; man will call. New Jersey Rug Works, 61 Newton pi., Irv ington. SEWING MACHINES. C4EWING machines repaired right In your horn#*. Send postal to Mr. Mitchell, 40 Thirteenth av., or phone 6B73-J Market. SHOE REPAIRING. T ST ANTON, lightning shoe repairer: • shoes made to order: agent for tl»e Heimbach heels. 61 Academy at UPHOLSTERY. UPHOLSTERING, slip covers, mattresses renovated, every description; lowest prices^ ^ Rosen. 109 Howard at.: phone WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS If you have any clothing, fur niture, old jewelry, coupons or trading stamps for which you ftave no further use, we draw your attention to the advertisers below. A phone call or postal will bring a purchaser. \_/ BALEVRE buya old gold, silver. Jewelry, dku»*mds, platinum, old false teeth and bridge work. 781 Broad at., over Petty's. BRING your coupons to Liggett ft Meyers’ Premium Station. We also exchange your other coupons fc” Liggett ft Meyers’. BELLEVILLE CIGAR STORE. 87 BELLEVILLE AV. PHONE 1991 B. B. BUY old Jewelry, gold, sliver, platinum, bridge work, old false teeth; pay up to |3 set. 207 Market st.. room 411. CASH paid for old gold, silver and false teeth sets, with or without gold. Jewelers. 140 Mulberry st.. near Market st. COUPON and premium station, coupons bought and exchanged. Fine'* C'gar Store, 195 Springfield av. HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing. hats and shoes. M. Manson, second hand clothes for ladles and gents. Ill Hartford st Phone 9976 Market; send postal. STAMPS and coins bought and sold; low prices. Newark Stamp Exchange, 787 Broad st. TRADING stamps, milk labels, soap wrap pers and tobacco coupons bought, sold and exchanged. 830 Plans st., near Market. INSTRUCTION Newark academy. Founded 1702. WILSON FARR AND, HEAD MASTER. Thorough preparation for any collef« or scientific hcIiooI, or for business life; ym nasium and athletic Meld; number In 'tach form limited: catalogue on reoueet. "VrEWARK’S leading Business College is Drake College because Drake ColVge Is superior In location, equipment, teaching, | services, textbooks, student body, placing graduates and management. T,ast week we j had thirty calls and filled twenty-one A i young lady accepted a secretarial position at $16.50. Call, phone or write for 1 oklets 679-681 Broad st Newar i, N. J. DANCING. A SCHOOL OF DISrmrTION. DAVIS SCHOOL OF DANCIf G 546 Broad st. Aldlne standing. All modem, fancy, classic, Intel pretatlve and ballet dancing taught: private lessons: day or evening, by appointment; private ! classes formed In or out of town; Friday evening class at 9 o’clock (orchestral; chil dren’s class Friday afternoon, 4 o’clock. I Phone Market 9676 Midwinter reception at the Washington. Friday eve., January 21, 191b._ A LL modern dances, private and classes a. x dally. Richards’ 8elect Studio, 658 i ^rna^ Elsele Bldg., facing Military Park. TRANCING lessons at your convenience: -Lf up-to-date dancing guaranteed In six private lessons. L. Brill. 10 Belmont av„ next American National Bank. MUSIC. Alexander berne Pianoforte Instruction, Newark, 847 Broad st.; N. Y. Met Opera House Bldg j FHdny AN JO. MANDOLIN. GUITAR. VIOLIN— Lessons. 50c: second-hand Instruments I for sale. A. J. Weldt, 489 Waahlngton St., cor. Kinney MR CHARLES V. EITHHORn! 14 Thomas st.. Instructor of piano, organ, | harmony, ’cello, flute, mandolin and guitar MR. and Mrs. Edward F. Mnher. Dancing School. 869 Broad st. (’lasses, Tues | day and Saturday evenings: private lessons j by appointment. Phone 1820 Mulberry. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j A TTENTION—Highest prices paid for * *- stores of all description. Write, call or phone Summer, 259 Springfield av. Phone : Waverlv 1068. i T>AKERY and lunch room In East Orange. J * doing good business: large gas bake oven: five tables and fourteen chairs; show cases and all cooking utensils; only bakery In vicinity; at trolley transfer point; rent cheap; sacrifice on account of sickness, $400. H H. Flournoy, 828 Broad st. BUTCHER and store fixtures: also tools and iceboxes. M. Greenfield. 25 Prince j st. Tel. 5450 Market I^ilRST-CLASS bakery, With property; good chance for fancy cake baker. 178 I Orchard at.; no agents. OOD SALOON for salp. Apply Home j Brewing Co., 13 Hudson st., Newark.' HALF of store in Lehman’s market to let, for groceries, butter and egg depart ment: splendid opportunity to hustler. 118 Mulberry st. TTIGHEST cash prices paid for roerehan J I disc, store and office fixtures: we act nulcl^J^Springfleld^av. Phone 2309 Mkt. HORSES AND CARRIAGES C^tOOD work horse, wagon and harness. I T 11R Mulberry st. TJEAVV horse, five years old; suitable for IX slow work; also collector’s four-post carriage, first-class condition. Scales Bros. Co., 270 Jelllff av. TTORSE, harness~and wagons for sale; a J-l good bargain. 20 Kingsley at., West Orange. TTORSE, wagon and harness for eale; will IX Spii separate or together: all In good condition. Inquire 706 Newark av., Elisa beth. HORSE and carriage for sale. Apply Schwarz A Son, 72 William at, city. Cl LEIGH for sale; can be adjusted for two ! 2T. fnur: first-class condition. Inquire 122 Clinton av._ nniTREE heavy horses; one heavy wagon I and harness for sale. Apply J. Roth man. 00 Mulberry at. TWO work horses and furniture van for sale. 28 Day at.. Orange. fTORSTT BLANKET*. 1 00^ BLANKETS direct from milts at a Aa • 4 «RrfQ,n CaU or Kromw. 479 Springfield av Tel 6748 Wav CONFECTIONS /CONFECTIONS of highest quality made W fresh dally on premises: box trade a specialty; holiday goods already In stock: hot and cold drinks of every variety at Newark’s lending confection store. Alpha Candy Co., 61 Market st. THE original and only old time candles: made on the premises and fresh every hour. Shlck’s, 12 Branford pi. MIDWIVES MIDWIFE — Practical midwife, Mrs Grulch; ladles’ private nursing; high class experience and doctor's reference; con finement eases t»6 South Orange av. Phone f. 18*^ Market MRS. C. BAUER, registered midwife. 147 Fpringfleld av.; finest experience In confinement cases; best references; strictly confidential Tel 2177 Market Registered midwife. MRS D RE WEB BRANDT. 1S3 MULBERRY ST.; ENTRANCE TWO DOORS FROM MARKET AT.; LADIES’ PRIVATE NURSING. HIGH-CLASS EX PERIENCE; CONFINEMENTS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL PHONE 82BS MKT. MEDICAL CIOUGHS. colds, whooping cough, dlpb J therin, membraneous croup, hoarseness, use WeeaeJ’s Cough Cordial; all druggists. FOR SALS RED tapestry curtains; almost new; cheap. 22 Ridgewood av.. Glen Ridg*_ BORLAND'S TOOL STORE. Tel. 6986-11 Tools for mechanics; musics! Instrtls Kents. Jewelry. leather, sporting goods; sags onds bought and sold. 44 Market st LISTER’S i FERTILIZER FOR ALL. SPRING CROPS. We are headquarters for all of Llster’a celebrated brands of .’ertlllxer in large and small quantities for the Spring Crops. Buy some and you will be pleaded with the re sults. J. F. NOLL & CO. US MULBERRY BT NEWARK. N. J. IVTOSLBU BUel 8*f*' 20x30. Charles S _Menagh, 291 Main st., Orange. T>LAYER-PlANO; full alee; 88-note; In J- perfect condition, with bench; larg« supply music rolls and cover; been In good family short time. Persons desiring to piano address Owner. Box 25. Star office. 'VJ'ICTROLA style phonographs for sale: » save 26 per cent by buying direct from manufacturer: cash or liberal terms. N. .T. Taik<n* Machine Co., 17 Frellnghuysen av. T/’ICLIN RARGATN! Fine violin; fuTl ▼ slxe; good tone and condition, with bow and case; will aell cheap. Address J. J., Box 6. Star office. CH1CKKNS. ■ptVERYTHINO for poultry; Incubators. XJ brooders. feed. ete: best quality at tha lowest prices. J. F. Noll & Co.. Inc., Ill Mulberry st. FURS. 171RANK ZTBRZ, 678 WARREN 8T. PHONE 4076 BRANCH BROOK Oldest established furrier In Newark. We will dose out the stock we have of neckpieces, muffs and coats at bar gain prbes We will also make to order fur pieces or coats in Any desired styls; remodeling, repairing and cleaning. FURS made to order: repairing and re^ modeling In the latest fashion. K. Haertel. 58 Franklin st. phone 276 Market mNimi. A LMOBT NEW furniture and content* of ^ * my private house must he sold at or.Qf* narlor. Ithrary. bedroom furniture, hasre t>eda. Sloane rugs, gilt furniture, mahogany upright piano. Call at once. ljW. 87th *t. A M COMPELLED to saor!flop content* of my private house, 88-NOTE PLATER PTANO, parlor, library, dining room and 7 complete bedroom suites, silverware, rugs, clock, mlrorrs. bronze*, oil painting. LARGE LEATHER EASY CHAIRS. DAVENPORT snd many other articles too numerous to mention: will sell senaratelv; ELEGANT CHANCE FOR NEWLYWEDS: call dav or evening Owner, 80 West 82nd st, New York city. T BARGAINS FOR YMAS GIFTS. Furniture direct from the manufacturer to you. Free delivery to any place. "Beauti ful furniture for eyory room at factory prices. Solid nek buffet, 114.60; leather dining chalks. fl.BO: solid oak chtna closets. *12.BO; real leather library set, 145: rugs, pictures, davenport bed, Morris chairs, rock ers. etc. It will pay you to come to N«w York city to buy furniture direct from the manufacturer. CHESSLBR SAMPLE FURNITURE CO.. 1028 Third Av.. corner 61st; one block up from Rloomlngdnle's. New York city. At" ORKAT flArmFJTE—Must be unit) this week: Snanlsh leather library suite, elegant parlor sets, library table, hook ease, drcasslan walnut bedroom set. oak dining room furniture, elegant brass beds, odd chairs, rugs, paintings; sell senarately; day or evening. Owner. 145 West 120th st., near Lenox av.. New York. PURNTTURE at great sacrifice: all the furniture of mv private house; almost new. mahogany upright piano, parlor suite, $15: library suite, $25; extension table, $7: set leather dfhfng room chairs. $8; buffet, library table, heavy brass bed. complete. $12: gold mirror. $4: Davenport, crystal closet, vlctrola, Sloanc rugs, together, separately. Call 70 East 90th. New York. SOLID oak dining room set. for sale cheap: buffet, chinn closet, table and four chairs. 690 South Eighteenth st._ STOVES, furniture, carpets and b*dd1n|C can be bought at Kufferman’a, at 60% saving. 52 Ferry at. HARDWARE. Banister & pollard co. Tel. 3435 Mkt. 208-208 Market at ‘•HOME OF GOOD HARDWARE.” HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ANYTHING you need in new and used furniture; carpets, rugs, stoves and ranges. Call at Canter's, 54 Academy at., formerly 135 Halsey st. Free delivery to any point__ BRASS and enamel beds; reflnlahed like new; $2 up; new beds, springs and mat tresses from factory to you. Crescent Re finlshlng Co., 838 Springfield av., Irvington. Wav. 4838. PaRIX)R STOVE, cook stove, pianos, phonographs, furniture of every de scription. J. Messmer, 9-11 Holland st, two doors from Springfield av. STOVES AND RANGER Reparing our specialty at low prices. Newark Stove Repair Co., 293 Springfield av. JEWELRY. BARGAINS in all kinds of watches; solid gold rings. $1 and up. C. Blerman, pawnbroker. 10 Cedar st. TT7HY NOT save a few dollars on your VV Christmas gifts by visiting our show room and see our beautiful display of gold jewelry In all the latest designs, at factory prices. Room 705. Firemen's Bldg., Broad and Market sts. MACK JEWELRY CO. LINOLEUMS AND RUGS. Linoleums, 32c; inlaid ltn.. 68c: oilcloth, 22c; 9x12 velvet ruga. $12.80. BROAD ST. AND BELLEVILLE AV. MACHINERY. BOILERS, 3 b. p. to 80 h. p.: engine*. 1 h. p. to 50 b. p.: pumps. Duplex, 3x2x3 to 74*4x10. 389 New York av._ FOR SALE cheap, gasoline engine, 6 h. p,; first-class running order. H. Gerdea, 115 Wildwood av.. Upper Montclair. N. J. REICHMAN A SONS. 102-110 Park . hurst st SCRAP IRON. COPPER, BRASS. LEAD and all other materials. SINGER sewing machines at our store, 461 Springfield av.. a few slightly used ma chines at low prcea; new machines on hand. PIGEONS. AT GLOBE BIRD STORE. 150 Mulberry st., 500 large squab-breeding and fancy pigeons; the finest you ever saw: come and pick them out at the lowest price you ever paid for pigeons; open Sunday morning*. Stllwell, near Mechanic st.__ YX7ILL pick up mated pairs of birds at VV 35c per pair; call and see me; phdne 367 Caldwell. First pigeon place, 218 Cen tral av., near Farrington av.. West Caldwell. PLUMBTNO SUPPLIES. Brodsky plumbing supply co. Fine plumbing supplies; manufacturer* of leaders, hot air pipes, gutters, stove pipes, etc.; dealer In all knda of sheet metal work orders delivered. Phone 4926 Wav, 289 3 5th av. POOL AND MILLIARD TABLES. POOL TABLES sold, rented and repaired; supplies, etc. Ludlow, 88 Market st Entrance Washington st. Tel. 2484 Mul berry. OOL TABLE manufacturers’ high grade; easv terms: tables repaired. F. Brun ner A 8on, 741 Communlpaw av., Jersey City. _ RUGS. RUGS made from old carpets; also carpet cleaning Newark Rug Works, 146 Avon av., Tel 74-Waverlv. * SEWING MACHINES. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., main salesroom, corner Halsey and Academy sts. No cause for everyone not owning a Singer sewing machine; latest machine on hand; slightly shopworn machines greatly reduced; hemstitching done; supplies and re pairs for all kinds of machines. STOVES. TjVDR SALE—Stag Oak stove: been used -T ten days: first-class condition; also couch; no reasonable price refused 16 Ful ton at.__ FOR SALE—Cook stove. No. 7; In first class condition; cheap; also green vel vet couch. 28 Hill at. __ LOOK me over—Stoves and heaters; cook stoves. |3 up; cylinders, $1.60; pot stoves. $1.50; self-feeders. $2.50; cook stoves. $2.50 up. Standard Fumlturd Co., 08 Orange st STOVES. STOVES. STOVES—Everything in tlie stove and repair line; see our White stoves and Alcazar combination coal and gas range; 43 inches long; magic light ers. gas ranges and coal ranges. Riddel - man's. 261 Springfleld av. Tel. Waverly 270. POT 8TOVBS. CANVAS COVERS, RUB BER HOSE. WALSH S SONS & CO., PASSAIC AV. AND CLAY ST. TYPEWRITERS. All makes rebuilt typewriters. Rentals $2 per month up. Sold $10 up. NEWARK TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 210 Market St,Phone Market 4480 Typewriter bargains for Christ mas—No. 4 Underwoods, rotary es capement, $30; with two color ribbon and black apace key, $45. Geo. M. Judd, 17 Academy st 7367 Mkt 1&1 AH TYPEWRITER; good running wlV/vf order; late model; practical gift' $8. Call Room 17, 188 Market st. i »*