Newspaper Page Text
PAPERHANGERS ft DECORATORS A PAINTER, decorator and paperbanger th*t doee work at a reaaonable Drlro and guarantees satlsfactfon. A WlnnlK " Dodd st. Phone 3122 Bloomfleld ' * /"GORLIN DECORATING CO. ' ' ,„rl„rtlr,!lnl‘.PMp'rhanK'nB' decorating; In terior and exterior work; eend postal for estimates 66 Bloomfleld av. fl ASH, 647 BERGEN ST. nane’rert8ft'?.* . ?nd„ Paperhanglng; rooms ??averly ’* P k Baaranteed. Tel. 4660 WWARK DECORATING CO. iLWe Ross manager, formerly of 1 Pjjjjjjjf* *.c?- 20 New st, painting, papsr decorating; first-class work at furnished^** * prlcei,; '»tlmntes cheerfully OLOBE BUILDING, 600 BROAD ST _Tel Market 667 SroTICE! PAINTERS, PAPERHANGERS full ,T/?T*y T""™' ceody now With the ™J' ‘o” Ur . ?*.wfjlpapers; ruck bottom prices la Blegal, 6 Charlton et. cor. Sprlng WORKT' Phoni> 3198 Mu!' WE DO NO C! ORUNT—Painters' supplies^ 7 0 Jones , al"., Springfield av. Ready mixed « prices. wallpaper; pEERLESS WALLPAPER CO~802 South ~- Or«nre av.—Pslntlng. panerhanglng ph^eJr«o71M£k.t°rknian‘,,llP guaranteed; , MULTIGRAPHING AN» PRINTING that promote,; mailing Itata furnished • typewritten letter*, radar*, booklet* and catalogue*: quality and ■errioo our motto. Thn Art Pr**, Co, MS Stood *t Phone Market 9021; affiliated wfth Price A Lea Ca /^tOMPOBITION of a lettar la one-half. V MUI-TIGRAPHIVO th* oth.r, Rowe. Ml Market *1, Phnne 9149 Mulben-y. GEO. B WHEATON. 197 MARKET STREET, PHONE 9001 MARKET. VrUI/TIORAPHTNa, PRINTING. MAtL 1*1 ING. Typewritten Form Lettar Ca. 49 Academy *t. Phone 9949 Market. METAL CEILINGS T>AYOlfNE 8TEEL CEILING CO.. •*-* 352 Bruce Bt. Phone 2235 Waverly, CEILINGS $8 AND UP. FRED J. BOCK. 19 ELLIS AV. ^ NEAR CLINTON AV TEL 3105 WAV. 'pMitttX METAL CEILING CO., 69-71 Norfolk St._Phone 3732 B. B. MERRITT METAL CEILING CO. Ceilings and Walla. 89-91 Academy at. Ketab. 20 yearn,Tel. 4066 Mkt. TTTE SET.L and erect at lowest prices; tt catalogues upon request. Atlantic Metal Celling Co., 664 South 12th at Phone. AUCTION SALES SVAN POZNAK, licensed auctioneer, will • sell for Philip Krlmke. pawnbroker, 29 Academy street, Newark. N. J., at public auction, 42 South Orange avenue, Newark, N. J.. on Friday, December 17, 1915, at 10 s. m., all unredeemed goods, articles or things received by him left over one year prior to and including December 10, 1914, from Nos. 24938 to 25450. both inclusive, consisting of gold, filled and silver watches, diamond rings, earrings, pins and lavall lores, gold rings, pins and jewelry of oil kinds, and all goods left over from previous sales. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE •rA RE YOU looking for a bargain Here** /a. a two-family house In one of the best residential sections of the city; best of con dition; all modern Improvements; separate entrances and ptf'im heaters; newly deco rated, etc.: loth floors well rented; near station and trolley: this is worth Investi gating Address He G. B., Box 44, Star office. __ AT BERGEN ST.! Shepard av.; two-fam ily; fourteen rooms, two tiled baths, electricity, gas, parquetry, separate en trances, separate heaters; lot 38x100; bank mortgage $4,000 at 6 per cent; absolute •‘steal'' at $6,200. Ask Feist & Feist, 738 Broad. AT ELIZABETH AV.; three-family; seven teen rooms, three tiled baths, all Impts.; excellent condition; lot 28x100; rent $648; private mortgage $3,000 at 5 per cent; price $6,200; little cash. Ask Feist Sc Feist 738 Broad.__ AT NEL80N PLACE! Howard st; two family; modern impts.; "To close estate" Will sell at $4,600. Ask Feist Sc Feist, 738 Broad.___ T1ARGAIN—To dose estate; 3 H-story, JL> three family; fourteen rooms, three baths; South 16th st, Clinton soctlon: price $6,400; worth $6,000. Tllmee, 638 Spring - field av. BRAND-NEW six-room detached modern house; $2,750; restricted neighborhood; lot 87x100; steam heat; electricity; easy terma Chae. F. Kraenaer. 776 Broad st. /SONGRHSS BT., 70—Property for sale; shop in rear, 18x24; two stories; lot 28x 106. Inquire 147 Somerset st. Sold on easy terma__ FOR SALE—Plot 75x100 on Bragaw av., between Leslie and Walnwright sts.; fine location for large garage; buy now while it can be bought cheap; will sell whole or part Address Owner, Box 47, Star office. TTlOKEST HILL real estate for sate and J- for rent J. F. Jack. 905 De Graw av.. Forest Hill, and 266 Broadway, New York. FREE—A poetal sent now will bring to you monthly a bulletin contsinlng Im partial descriptions of homes, two-family end apartment houses; also lots for sale by own ers; Issued by Owners and Tenants’ Bureau. F., Lock Box 97, East Orange. QEO. E. MUTCHLER CO., 105 Roeevilla “VIT. PLEASANT AV.. 239—One-family! ILL ten rooms; lot 60x115; asking $6,200; terms to suit. Edward Beers, Room 736, Prudential building. Roseville av., 867-9—Fine n-room one-famly; 50x157; asking $9,000; make offer. Edward Beers, Room 736, Pru dential* Building. fYTWO-FAMlLY with garage; best north end -L section; finest construction; sixteen bright rooms, two baths and lavatory, separ ate steam heaters, electricity, hardwood floors; 40-foot plot; can rent for over $900; cost over $9,500; sell $8,750; large 6 per cent mortgage can remain. Ask Feist Sc Feist, 788 Broad. mUXEDO PARK TRACT—The Ideal one JL family section; send for booklet. R. Crowley-O’Brlen Co., 81 Clinton st. TTAILBBTJRO. off Sandford av.—Two-fatn V fly; Separate heaters; foreclosure price $8,200; easy terms. Grlbbin, 951 South Or ange av.___ YTTEEQUAHIC SECTlo'N—One and tw<v VV family houses; lots and plots for sale. W. T. Jennings. Bergen st. and Lyons av. 78$ SOUTH 16TH STREET. BETWEEN AVON AND SPRINGFIELD AVENUES. Splendid home for man of moderate means; eight rooms and bath; open plumbing; slate roof; everything In excellent repair; can be used by two families. This property will be sold on most easy terms to responsible party at a very low price Keys and full par ticulars only from Llnnett Sc Wolf, 321 Clin ton av. AVON-BY-THB-SEA. TA VON-BY-THB-8EA, N. J. A Cottage sites near ocean and Shark river. MURRAY. Main st. BLOOMFIELD. ONLY 12.600; 9200 cash; lot 100x100; now house; six room*. all Improvements; for some hard-working mechanic who is will ing to walk ten minutes to trolley; will cost you $14 per month to live here, and have nice plaoe to yourself. Particulars, Charles Duke, builder, 284 Bloomfield av., Bloom field CALDWELL. IJ. PERRIN, 315 Bloomfield av. i. McCHE8NEY A CONROY, 398 Bloomfield EAST ORANGE. > TTAVB several bargains in one and two 11 family houses: will sacrifice if sold before January. Hicks, 462 Central av.. East Orange. *4,000, DANDY two-family ksu-e, trlth Improvement*; large lot. Robert Mensem North Fifteenth st and Eaton pL IRVINGTON. VkRUEN AV., 27—Two-family; large barn; 0 lot 75x148; $4,500: easy terms. Ed4 ward Beers, Room 786, Prudential Bulldng. KEARNY'. CJFECIAL bargain Kearny lots; owner go O Ing west: one near 8t. Cecilia Church; two Tappan at. Mrs. QlUlan, 263 Clinton av., Newark. MAPLEWOOD. BU-DAL homes Maplewood, N. J. Are you contemplating buying a house, or tmlldlng? We have plans and photographs of I? houses we have built to date. Bee them at Sur office now. or a postal «ri» bring them voa We are builders, not real estate Hneculators. Will build for you from East Orange to 8hort Hills. Bu-Dal houses are built by day’s work, under architects' super Vt*toh BU-DAI. COMPANY. DulMm. Tv'jm. Buchanan. jf. Kenneth W. Dalxell REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW JERSEY. ■piOR SALE—House and lot, near Haoketts ■*- town: 7 rooms; excellent fruit; never railing spring; auto service. Port Maxtor, Stephenaburg, N. J. ORANGE ORANGE, Ridge st—Eleven-room house; all Improvements; in good condition; finest residential section in Oranges; price $10,500. Jones A Whltehouse, 86 Washing ton st., West Orange. OUT OF TOWN. ^XTILL sacrifice $6,100 suburban home, forty minutes from Manhattan's busi ness center; owner changing business loca tion: unusual opportunity for quick buyer. Address R. A. W., Box 6, Star office. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE KBAKNY. KEARNY—Good payable grocery store, to gether with three rooms; house, all Im provements: will sell or exchange; reason able; reason, other business. Inquire Joe Paakow, 14-24 Blum st., hat factory. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE BY exchanging your property you save time, worry and get satisfaction; we match your proposition quickly, no matter where located; consult with us Walter's Exchange, Union Bldg. Phone 8292 Mulb. ORANGE. LOT 100x250, for one-family house; price $4,500. Ben Sayre, 37 Center st., Or ange. REAL ESTATE WANTED GLEN RIDGE. WANTEI>—We have a client for a house and garage with good size property. In Glen Ridge. Montclair or Upper Montclair; roust be in good locality and good condition; about $10,000 or $12,000; give full particulars. Jones & Whltebouse, 86 Washington sL, Meat Orange FARMS FOR SALE CHOICE farm for sale right in the potato belt of Monmouth county; good land; bargain. Particulara, Owner, Box 141, Eng lish town. New eJraey. FARM—4 44 acres; eight-room house; in first-class condition; barn and other out buildings; twenty apple trees: also cherry, pear and plum trees; eight minutes’ walk from railroad. Jones * Whltebouse, 86 Washington st., West Orange. JpA RMS-—Poultry, truck. Cain, Springfield, LITTLE farms are hard to get; we have them. W. E. Pratt Company, 845 Broad st. _ _ (2*BUYS 5*4 acres near Engltsh •!-» I eMJ town; ten-room house and all outbuildings; farming implements; all kinds of fruit. H. H. Flournoy, 838 Broad st. OQ QAA BUYS 81-acre farm near White House station; 70 acres of cul tivated land: excellent soil seven-room house and outbuildings: large flowing spring: all kinds of fruit. H. H. Flournoy, 828 Broad st FARMS TO LET. FARM to LET; 80 acres: within one and a half miles of city limit; large ham: house pf 10 rooms; fruit good place for truck farming and poultry. Inquire at Hillside Pleasure Park. Belleville, N. J. REAL ESTATE BROKERS A FIRM with results: Dolan & Dolan, 164 Market st.; apartments and factories managed; rents collected. Try us. L. BLAND. JR., 800 Broad st j A. B. ALLSOPP, Inc. FIREMEN’S BLDa ASK FEIST A FETST. 788 BROAD ST. BROWN A KING8LAND, Keansburg, N. J. CROWLE Y-O*BRIEN COMPANY, 508 Es sex Building. Phone 6497 Market. Geo. F Hewaon. Real Estate, 207 Market wt. H. Flournoy. 828 Broad St.—Farms for Sale. George e. russell, 22 clinton st. ROOM 622. J. L FIACRE. Real Estate, RS8 Broad st. nODMAI? KING, Arlington, N. J. Robert b. stoutenburgh, 9-11 CLINTON STREET. INSITR4NOW. Lyndon b. stoutenburgh. INSURANCE. 781 Broad Strest 2050 MuL LOANS—MORTGAGES LOANS WANTED. WE BUY first and second mortgages. E. and E. Realty Corporation, 85 West Kinney st. FACTORIES FOR SALE FOR SALE—$20,000; large, four-story brick, 60x20, with engine, shafting, etc.; elevator, mill construction, fire-alarm system, fire-escapes, compliance with all fac tory requirements; ground, 176x100; Sheds covering 100x100; 100 feet from main trolley line; paved street; ten minutes from Broad and Market sts.; will accept any reasonable offer; name your own mortgage; now rented for $1,600; great bargain for someone. Beardsley, 616 Clinton av. FACTORIES AND LOFTS TO LET CENTRAL AV.. 338—De.lrabl. factory space for rent; whole or part; 4-story brick building, light all sides; centrally lo cated— Second floor, 25x86 Third Floor, 25x78 Basement. 25x78 rent reasonable. Albert E. Allaopp, Inc., Firemen’s Building.^ Lofts to let. with power, steam HEAT. LIVE STEAM. CENTER OF CITY. JAMES M. SEYMOUR, JR, 61-58 LAWRENCE ST. YY7ILL remodel centrally located factory, \\ containing 20,000 sq. ft., on long term lease, $2,000 per annum. Louia Kamm, Inc., 16 Clinton st. LOFT containing 10.000 sq. ft, $2,100 per annum; good location. Louis Kamm, Inc., 16 Clinton st LOFT containing 10,000 sq. ft, with heat, light and power; centrally located; reason able rent. Louis Kamm, Inc., 18 Clin ton st SOUTH ORANGE. FACTORY—Two floors, 20x80; 16 Valley st, South Orange; also barn; rent $25. H. W. Hughes, 52 South Orange av.. South Orange. STORES AND OFFICES TO LET Belleville av., n%—store, suitable for almost any purpose; good location; rent $21. BROAD ST.f 394—Basement store, near D., L. & W. R. R. depot; rent only $10. BROAD ST., 492, between Bridge and Or ange sts.—Store, suitable for almost any business; desirable location; rent $46. MARKET ST., BOS—Fine store; suitable for any purpose; rent reasonable. YT7RIOHT ST., 28—Small store with one W room In rear; near Clinton av.; suit able for any small business; rent $10. For full particulars of any of the above properties inquire Real Estate Department, Fidelity Trust Company, Prudential Build ing.__ BLOOMFIELD AV., 68—Free rent until March 1; will alter to suit; suitable for any business. Inquire 67 Walnut st._ ROAD ST., 634—Second floor; three largo rooms; suitable for office purposes or dentist office; immediate possession given. Inquire Fiedler's, on fourth floor, Firemen’s Building, cor. Broad and Market sts., New ark, N. J.__ ORNER STORE and three rooms to let. 6 2 Wataon av-_ /~10URT THEATER BLDO., Market and High sts.—Stores to let, cheap; steam beat. Inquire Nathan Myers, on premises. /"lOURT THEATER BLDG.. Market and High sts —Offices to rent, cheap; steam heat Inquire Nathan Myers, on premises._ ESIRABLE office and desk space; spin gam Building, 188 Market st.; rent rea sonabTe. W. J. Egan, Agent._ EAST KINNEY ST., cor. of McWhorter st—Large store; formerly a saloon; can be rented for any desirable business. Apply 81 Garden st. __ FERRY ST, 120—-Store, suitable for crock ery or furniture business, in best loca tion in Newark; rent reasonable. Inquire L Qrlfenger. Good STORE with three rooms, for tailor, barber or any business; good location. 22$ Sherman av., cor. Stanton st ARKET ST.. 41—Store and building; three floors; fine display; steam heat; very low rent. Apply A. A. Sippel, 61 Mar ket st WANT A JOB? Call up the a few pennies will pay for an ad. in the Eve ADTAKER ning Star, from which many jobs have recently 6300 Market been landed. If you don't see what you want in the “Help Wanted” columns, advertise in the tfenarkCfceranQ &tar STORES AND OFFICES TO LET MARKET ST., 200—Store and basement; also second floor. 209-202 Market et, 40x60. Apply to Marcus I* Ward, Room 102, IIP Broad st._ PLANE ST., 271 to 277—Premlses occu pied by Frltch Baking Co. for rent; suitable for large baker, or office, store and warehouse for any business; first floor and basement has about 20,000 sq. ft; conveni ent, central location; will alter to suit tenant Apply Owner, 102 Bank et _ SEVERAL stores, with or without rooms; Sixteenth av. and Bergen st. Apply to G. A. Schwedes, on premises. SEVERAL stores on 8pringfleld av.; rent reasonable; between Bruce and Morris av. Apply to G. A. Schwedes, 29 16th av. SOUTH ORANGE AV.. 180—Store and three rooms; cheap rent; free to Jan uary 1st; also small single store. Inquire Clinton Realty Co., 6 Elisabeth av. SOUTH ORANGE AV., 888—Dandy, bright store and two rooms: good location; improvements; rent $19. Inquire 29 South Munn av., Vallsburg. SPRINGFIELD AV.. 84—8tore to let; large show window's about 28 ft. wide, S5 ft. deep. A. Flsch, owner, 800 Broad st. QPRINGFIELD AV., 809—Store; good dla play; busy locality; suitable for any business; reasonable rent Inquire 210 Springfield av., shoe store. __ OJTORE, with six living rooms; all !m provements; suitable for any business. 218 Valley road, West Orange. STORE and four rooms to let; rent $16; good place for custom tailor and shoe maker. Inquire D. Michael, 36S Glenwood av., East Orange. QlTORE with five rooms; latest Improve menta; steam heat; rent low; comer 18th and Winans av. Inquire llth av. and Rose st., Florist. STORE and four rooms; prominent comer: suitable for delicatessen store. Apply Henry A. Guenther. 18 Hudson st., city. ARLINGTON. A RL1NGTON. N. J.—Store, 17x60 feet; •xiL rear extension 17x26 feet; best busi ness location in, town; Elm st., near depot; suitable for anv line of business: rent rea sonable to reliable party. Address H. C. Smith, 475 Elm st., Arlington. EAST ORA NO*. NORTH PARK and Dodd Sts.—Comer store, suitable for any live business; best business center In East Orange. Apply i H. Kolodin, 111 Washington av., Newark, or agent on premises._ (STORE W'lth living rooms; best business center in East Orange; corner North Park and Dodd sts. Apply H. Kolodin, 111 Washington av., Newark, or agent on prem ises. DWELLINGS TO LET BROAD 8T.—House to lit, elegant 14 room; all improvements; steam heat; fine foi boarding or rooming; rent reason able Beyer, Washington and Kinney; phone 8492 Market_ BROAD ST.. IS ‘A—Brick houae; nine rooms; all improvements; rent reason able; possession immediately. Inquire Louia 1 Schlesinger. Inc., Essex Building. RUN8WICK ST., 18S, near Miller at.— Six moms and bath; hot air heater; $23. EMMETT ST., 43—Seven-room brick dwell ing; bath, hot air heater; best valua In Newark for $23. PENNSYLVANIA AV.. 114—Modem eight room dwelling; all improvementa; quiet neighborhood; convenient to South st. sta tion; $ 35. JJNNETT A WOLF. 221 Clinton av. KUEN St, 116, near Elm st—Six-room house: rent $16. _ C~“ OLORED PEOPLE—Dandy house; six rooms; hot and cold water; gas and ! toilet; newly painted Inside and out; 14 Oriental at; rent $16.60; Immediate posses sion. Key at Fiacre, 828 Broad at OM MERCK ST, 99—One-family, three story brick house; ten large rooms; Im provements; many years occupied as fur nished room house: rent reasonable. Inquire W. H. Straub, 67 Hunterdon at Phone 6252-J Market ____ AST KINNEY ST.. 77, near comer Mul berry—Eight rooms, bath and ateam heat; newly, decorated; good locality. In quire Mrs. Moran. 33 Brunswick et., city. LLIOTT ST.. 29—Cozy six rooms; Im provements; large lot; near school and trolley; $17. J. J. Matz A Co., Union bulld Ing, 11 Clinton st. FIVE large, airy rooms; second floor; tubs, wCter and gas; large lot; Just the place to keep chickens; one block to trolley; three blocks to railroad; rent $14. 144 Orange st.. Bloomfield. Owner, 68 Evergreen av„ Bloomfield. HIGHLAND AV.—House, six rooms, attic and cellar; rent $16. Inquire Jansen, 73 Quincy av., Arlington. LIBERTY ST.. 67—Large house; thirteen rooms; Just the place for furnished rooms or boarding; perfect order; moderate rent De Rlchemond, 876 Broad. INCOLN PARK, 66—Southern exposure; J beautiful location; convenient; desirable house of eleven rooms; all modern con veniences; good condition; brokers protected. For full information address Mayo, 810 Broad st._____ ITTLETON AV.. 97—House, six rooms and bath; Improvements; 126. Inquire within or 166 Littleton aw_ T. PLEASANT AV., 21—Eleven-room house; suitable for boarding. Apply H. Kolodin. Ill Washington av., city, or phone B. B. 1980. "lur T~ PLEA SANT AV.. 38*. near Clark st JjX —Ten rooms, $40. Edward Beers, Room 736. Prudential Bldg._____ INTH AV., 102—Brick house; six rooms and bath; all Improvements; house in excellent condition and convenient to every thing; three car lines within a block or two; rent $26. Chas. C. Ulrich, agent, 18 Bathgate pi.; phone 8500 B. B. __ OSBORNE TER., 80—Eight rooms, bath; steam, electricity; newly decorated and painted; large yard; large front porch; rent $42. Beardsley. 616 Clinton av._ LANE ST.. 289, cor. Bank—Nine large, light rooms; Improvements. Inquire on premises.____ X>LANE ST.. 198—Ten rooms, attic; lm X provements; suitable for rooming house. Inquire 11a Warren pi; rent $31, Including water rent^ ROSEVILLE AV., 73—Nine rooms and bath; all Improvements; near trolleys and station; rent $36. Swanwlck A Co., 600 Orange st. cor. Roseville ay. OSEVILLE—House, six beautiful, light, airy rooms; newly decorated; rent $18; between two car lines. Inquire 178 North Fifteenth st., East Orange. R~ OSEVILLE—Eight rooms and bath; im provements; convenient to trollsys; near Branch Brook Park; good neighborhood. 233 Second st.; rent $25. ANDFORD AV.. 310, near South Orange trolley—One-family house; eight rooms; all improvements; nice neighborhood. Sam uel W. Boardman. 419 Union building._ OUTH 12TH ST.. 37—Nine rooms; all improvements; newly decorated through out: $28. NORTH 6TH ST.. 196—Nine rooms; all Improvementa; $33. ‘ GAR8IDE ST.. 208—Eight rooms: all Im provements; $80. NORTH 7TII ST., 208—Ten rooms; all Im provements; $87.60. SOUTH 10TH ST., 77—Nine rooms; all Im provements; $85. SOUTH I2TH ST-, 36*,$—Nina rooms; all Improvements; $32. _„ GEO. E. VAN DYNE, 486 Orange Street. RACEY AV., 42. In Clinton Hill section— Two-family house, seven rooms, first floor; all modern improvements: newly dec orated; rent $35. Inquire Edward W. Martin Co., 18 Bathgate pi._ 1I7AKEMAN AV.. 80—Detached house, six ▼ V large rooms; fine yard, water, gas and toilet; $18: possession at once. C. B. Ship man. 911 Essex building._ AQA—CLINTON AV. SECTION—Six-room qPOVr detached house; all modern Improve ments; coal range; gas stove; hot water beater; chicken yard; nice garden; im mediate possession. 106G Grove st., Irv ington. BLOOMFIELD. HOUSE to let: seven rooms, bath; gas. electricity and steam; parquet doors; rent reasonable. 11 Stockton st., Bloom field. EAST ORANGE. ONB-FAMILY house; six rooms and bath; steam heat; electric lights and par quet doors. Inquire Hick’s, corner Central av. and Halstead st. East Orange. i --- DWELLINGS TO LET ARLINGTON, ARLINGTON—House, 7 rooms and bath; good neighborhood (near P. R. and trolley); newly decorated; storm porch and screens; rent reasonable. Inquire Owner, 45 Hendel av., North Arlington. ARLINGTON—House. 592 Devon st., six rooms and bath; all Improvements; just completed; convenient to railroad and tro|ley. Owner. 127 Mldand av. TTOUSE—Seven rooms and bath; all !m XX provements; dome in dining room; beautifully decorated; new school and trol ley; 170 Beach st.; call for terms. Mra L. M. Summers. 473 Him st., Arlington. LARGE 7-room house, bath, heat; large front porch and sleeping porch; lot 60x100; can be bought with your own rent If desired; convenient to station, trolley. Mrs. L. Summers, 47J Elm st., Arlington. HOLLYWOOD HEIGHTS. HOLLYWOOD AV. and Miriam pi., Holly wood Heights—One minute to trolley and station; new house; six rooms and bath; steam, electric lights, hardwood floors and trim; posaesslon at once; $10. C. E. Ship man, 911 Esaex Bldg., Newark. IRVINGTON. BERKSHIRE PL., 22—Three rooms and hath, first floor; second floor, five rooms and hath; can rent whole or part; size lot 100x100; also chicken coop; suitable for dairyman; rent' reasonable to good tenant. Schwartz, 800 Broad st. LYONS FARMS. LYONS FARMS—House, five rooms, part improvements; plot 75x80; 18 fruit trees, rent $16; take Main line car to Holly wood av. Wm. Kuke, Pennsylvania av., Lyons Farms. NUTLEY. "VTUTLEY—New; six rooms and bath; lm xN provements; decorated; 6c fare; only $20. WEST ORANGE!—Cottage; six rooms and hath; improvements; steam heat; decora tions; only $26. WASHINGTON AV.—House; nine rooms and bath; all Improvements; near trolley; only $30. CLINTON HILL—House; fourteen rooms and bath; hardwood floors; all Improve ments; barn; only $46. EAST ORANGE—Excellent; nine rooms and bath, steam heat; gas and electricity; parquet floors; only $45. CHA8. J. ORBEN. 810 FIREMEN'S BUI'DING. NUTLEY, N. J.—Nine rooms; all 1m Improvements; residential section. Mey erholz A Desslng, Real Estate, ill Center | st., Nutley, N. J. APARTMENTS A FLATS TO LET Apartments lillian and edna— SO. ORANGE AV., COR. 7TH ST. Scveial beautiful outside apartment*; six and seven very light and airy rooms; tile bath; all nicely finished; plenty of heat and hot water; best of service; it will be well for you and will please the janitor to ahow you around. Owner’s phone 5474 Market. VTE18T A FEIST. Ino. RENTING LIST. APARTMENTS! "Beatrice" Court, John son av.. 125—Beautiful location; four room*, five rooms; new, modern; all outside rooms; handsome decorations; parquet floors; , $32 to $40. Janitor. APARTMENT8, Everett Court, cor. Court and Plane sts.—Six and eight rooms; mod em; elevator service; immediate possession. COMMERCE ST., 119—Four bright rooms; good condition; desirable and central lo cation; rent only $11. ATTRACTIVE six rooms and bath: near trolleys; centrally located: Immediate pos session: lowest rental; act qulcjMy. FLATS. SUMMER AV., 820—Six large, light rooms with bath; hot and cold water; fix up to suit any desirable tenant; $11. Ask FEIST A FEIST. Inc. 728 BROAD ST. PHONE MARKET SUL Apartments "rose court," Thir teenth av.. cor. Howard st., one block from Court House—Five beautiful large rooms; iileam beat, hot water, telephone, janitor service; rent $30. Inquire Janitor, or B. Stepner, 111 Springfield av.; phone 1504 Market. LOUIS 8CHLB3INGER, INC LIST OF GOOD RENTALS. ABINGTON APARTMENT. 416 Mt Pros pect av.—Newly decorated; light, airy 4 and 5-room apartments; must be aeon to be appreciated. Janitor on premise* or Louis Schlcslnger, Inc. EAST ORANGE. SANFORD ST., East Orange—Fitts to Let— 4-room flgt- Apply on premises or Louis Schleslnger. Inc. APARTMENT FAIRBANKS. 477 Main st. Orange, N. J.—The meet up-to-date, test laid out and modern elevator apartment In the State; lease for eight beautifully /Seoo* rated rooms can b« obtained now; must be seen to be appreciated. Janitor on premises, or Louis Schlsainger, Inc. STORES. BROAD ST., 426—Derirable store, adjoin ing Lackawanna railroad station; en trance also on Plane st FACTORIES AND LOFTS. MARKET ST., H8, southeast comer of Halsey—Second floor, suitable for tai loring concern; good location for display signs and goods; rent reasonable. WEST PARK ST.. 13, one-half block from Broad st.—Second floor, 20x160; excellent ! quarters for fumar or tailor, reasonable rent LOUIS SCHLESINOER, Inc., Main Floor. Essex Building. 81 Clinton st Phone 6600 Market A PARTMENT—First floor; centrally lo A cated; six rooms and bath; Steam heat; hot water and janitor; Columbia st, 66; house, 10 rooms and bath. Inquire 22 East Kinney st APARTMENT—Second floor; six rooms; bath: steam beat; hot water and Jani tor service. John Sautcr, 76 South Ninth st, near Central av. Apartment. Elisabeth sv. tnd Miner st.—Seven light rooms, bath, steam heat. Improvements: low rent; nice location. Apply 94 Parkhurst st VON AV., 86, comer Avon pi.—ftocond floor; separate entrance; seven large rooms and bath; separate steam heater; 180. NELSON PL.. 24—Centrally located; sec ond floor apartment; six rooms a*»d bath; •46. _ OGDEN 8T.. 74. near Third av.—Ill, 812; five nice large rooms; water, gas; toilets on enclosed rear porch. ROWLAND ST., 44. at Bloomfield av.— First floor; live nice rooms In ex salient order; lino spot for dressmaker; 615. LINNETT & WOLF, 221 Clinton Av._ VON AV . 65—81x rooms on the second floor, and two on the third; all newly papered and painted; all improvements; steam heat. Inquire on premises, or at 187 Barclay st.__ VON AV.. 404—Five rooms and bath; light and airy. Inquire Mrs. Morlseon. Jan 1 tress, on premise*_ BERGEN ST., IS—Second flat; four light, pleasant rooms: $11. Inquire J. F. Healy, 16 Bergen st., BERGEN ST.. 852—Four rooms and bath; rent 811-812; small family. REINTNALL PL.. 84—Second and third floors; seven room* and bath; all Im provements. Inquire on premises, or 107 South Tenth st. BRENNER ST.. 16-18—Four large rooms and bath; rents 812 and 814. Inquire on premises or 10 Cedar st. BROAD ST., 1120—Large parlor and li brary; heat, light, running water; sult able for doctor, dentist or any light business ROOKDALE AV.. 46—Two-family house: five rooms and bath; rent 814. Inquire 88 Brookdale av. Central av.. 41*—six urge, light rooms; all Improvement*. Inquire 415 Central av. CHK8TNUT ST., 1*0—Pour-room apart ments; first and second floors; bath; Improvements. Inquire on premises or N. Centre!la, 47 West Kenney si CLINTON AV., 100*—Six large, light rooms; all improvements; rent reason able; one month’s rent free. Inquire on premises. 1 Star Want Ads. bring results, APARTMENTS A FLATS TO LET /''COLORED, of refined class; corner; flve VV room flat; latest improvements; rent reasonable. Sherman av., cor. Stanton sL Inquire 167 Elizabeth av, TVAYTONA APARTMENT8, J ' 181-3 HILLSIDE AV. Beautiful apartments of flve-stx rooms and bath, with every modem convenience; cora rooms: all nicely decorated; plenty or heat: hot water, excellent service: must be seen to be appreciated; rent $26. $27. $28 per month. Inquire Janitor, or Lowy St Co., 800 Broad st. TtELAVAN AV.. 146—Four and five-room ■S ' modern apartments; steam heat fur nished, electric lights; janitor service; rents • 28 to $82. Inquire T. M. Smith, Room «25 Essex building. Delray apartment, . . nt-e HILLSIDE AV. High-class apartments, containing flve-sl* rooms and bath; every modem Improvement; w, r^decorste to eult; rent reasonable; fine neighborhood. Apply to Janitor, or Lowy A Co.. 800 Broad st T^ESIRABLE apartments; all Improve mants; couple or small family; only $14-$14.60-I15; nice location; near three trolley lines 66 Madison av. RENTING LIST OF THE FIDELITY TRUST CO. APARTMENTS. I^IGHTH AV.. 62. near Broad st. and D., •* L A W.—First floor, two-family dwell ing, six rooms, rent $18; second floor, six rooms; rent $17. MEEKER AV., 6. near Weequahic Park and trolley—First floor, two-family dwelling; five rooms; rent $18. MtrLEERRY ST., 347—Basement and first floor of two-family dwelling; six rooms; $15. SOUTH ORANGE AV.. 448. cor. South 16th et.—Third floor, two-family dwelling; four rooms; rent $10. SOUTH ORANGE AV., 450—Third floor, two-family dwelling; four moms; rent $10. WALNUT ST.. 221—First floor of three family dwelling; 6 rooms; $14. WALNUT ST . 273—First and third floors. two-family dwelling; eight rooms; newly decorate 1; rent 118. /AIRFAX and MONTICELLO APARTMENTS 657-561 CLINTON AV. Modem six and seven-room apartments; parquet floors; rooms nicely arranged; all Improvements; janitor serrloe; these apart ments will make a comfortable borne and we can make the rent fit your Income; come In and talk It over. DWELLINGS. WRIGHT ST.. 28—Two-story fram** dwell ing. near Clinton av.; four rooms; rent 812. NUTLET. WHITFORD AV.. 14—Attractive 2H-story frame stuccoed dwelling; all improve ments; Just beautifully decorated; eight rooms and bath and sun parlor; lot 100x200; fine shrubbery; large garage, with sleeping room on property; rent 875. STABLES TO LET. HIGH ST., rear 664. near W Kinney st. —Two-story brick stable, with entrance on Marlon pi.; 8 single and one box stalls; living rooms on second floor; rent reasonable. SUMMIT ST., rear 107-109. near Central av. —Two-atory frame shop and stable; auit , able for mason or plumber; rent 825. For full particulars of any of the above properties. Inquire Real Estate Department. Fidelity Trust Company, Prudential Building. EXCELLENT corner flat; five rooms; pan improvements; reduced rental: small family preferred: nice location; near trolley. 438 Walnut st.. cor. Lang. TTtAIRMOUNT ^V., 250_Flve large flrst X? floor rooms and bath; all improvements. Including steam heat. FAIRMOUNT AV.. 69—Third floor; six rooms and bath; all improvements but heater; 820 Inquire 8 11th av. T7UIRMOUNT AV.. 108—Six large, light X; rooms; all Improvements; fine location; Janitor service; 818. Inquire Janitor. FAIRMOUNT AV., 260—Five large first floor rooms and bath; all improvements, including steam heat FERRT ST.. 114—Four rooms, with im provements; newly decorated; rent 112. Inquire on premises or Louis Kohn, 800 Broad st FIRST ST., 18. corner of New at.—Four large, light rooms; second floor; sta tionary tubs; large porch; rent reasonable. Inquire on premises. FIVE rooms: all Improvements; steam heat; newly decorated, at 667 Summer av. James Baas, 613 Passaic av., Kearny, y. J FIVE large, light rooms and bath; In ele gant condition; Janitor service Includ ed: rent 814.50. 17 Hunter st. near Eliza beth av. Flats' moved? large padded VANS. $4; PIANOS. 82.50; AUTO VAN FOR LONG DI8TANCE: LOW RATES MODERN STORAGE. 125 HAL SEY BT. TEL. 7519 MKT. Forest .hill apartment—second floor; all Improvement; porch with awnings; near train and trolley; rent rea sonable. 907 De Graw av.; phone 12T9-J B. B., or 1600 Mui. TTIOREBT HILL SECTION, SI Heller park X? way. near Mt. Prospect av.—Bight beautiful, light rooms; second floor; all Im provements; separate entrance; heater, elec tricity: first-class two-family house; rea sonable. Phone B. B. 2884-J or Mkt. 7946. FOUR light rooms on third floor, 31 Rose et.. near Clinton av.; convenient to five different car lines. Inquire 27 Rose at. second floor._ FREE to January 1.; 168 Belleville av.; first floor: two rooms, third floor. W C. Stinson, Lackawanna freight office. Broad st. GOVERNOR ST.. 23—Flret and aecond floors; five and six rooms: all renovated; rent *11-912. H. Qoerke, Metropolitan Bldg. AWKINS 8T., 51—Five rooms; all Im provements except heat. Geo. E. Schei der. Room 5*0, Essex Building. AWTHORNE aV., 50—Six room* bath; hall furnished; all rooms light; elec tricity; near two car lines; rent III. Beardsley, 616 Clinton av. HILLSIDE AV., 2*—Five large rooms and bath; all improvements; residential neighborhood; near Clinton av._ H' UNTERDON ST.. 2*9 to *05—Five and ‘six rooms and bath; sll improvements; steam heat, hot water, electric lights and Janitor service. Inquire at Janitor’s apart ment, 293 Hunterdon st.; under management of A. Holiender._ UNTERDON ST., 836—Beautiful five room flat; decorated; pantry; private furnished ball; screens; front porch; all lm provements; reasonable rent. AFAYETTE ST., 167, cor. McWhorter st, —First floor containing seven rooms; part Improvements; rent 118 per month. George F. Heweon. Ordway Bldg.. 207 Mar Ket at EWIS 8T, 48—Four large rooms "on third floor; water and gas; rent 910 Inquire W. H. Straub, *7 Hunterdon st. Phone 62S2-J Marks! FIEDLER CORPORATION, RENTAL LIST. LINCOLN PARK—Apartment—Seven room; electric and gas light, steam heat, hot water furnished; Janitor service, all modern appointment* FOUR large, light rooms, bath; Improve ments; rent 916; South Orange av.; two car line* LOFT. LOFT: right in the heart of the city; Beaver st; can be seen from Market and Clinton st*; area of 2,500 square feet; abundance of top and side light; act quickly. STORES. BEST store location in Newark for the money; thousands of people pass daily; good opportunity for the right man. BEST location In busiest spot of South Or ange avenue; lively transfer point; suitable for sale of bicycles, groceries, drugs, delica tessen. dry good* etc. FIEDLER CORPORATION, Firemen's Building. Cor. Broad it Market Sis, Phono 79*1 Mkt, APARTMENTS ft FLATS TO LET T INCOLN AV., 108—First floor, contain -* ^ lng six rooms, and second floor, con taining seven rooms; every modern improve ment; in high-class two-family house; will rent reasonably to desirable tenants George F. Hewwon. Ordway building. 207 Market st IH ITT L ETON AV., 77—Six large rooms, ^ newly decorated; bath; all improve ments, heater; rent $21. MT PLEA8ANT AV.. 284—SIX ROOMS; PART IMPROVEMENTS; RENT R EASON A B LE._ "YfELSON PL., 60—First floor; six rooms; an all modern Improvements; open plumb ing; hardwood floors; everything new; sec ond floor; seven rooms; every modern im provement; electric lights; open plumbing and hardwood floors; rent for first floor. $30; rent for second floor, $$5. Inquire on prem ises. "VnSLSON PL., 45—First floor; seven rooms an and bath; all improvements but heat; $28. Inquire 8 lltb av. "V’TNBTEENTH AV., 108, next to corner -an 20th st—Six rooms and bath; all modern improvements; three-family house Inquire within, or Schwartz, 800 Broad st GEO. E. MUTCHLER CO. RENTALS. VORTH 18TH ST.—First floor, six rooms, an bath; all Improvements: near train. »rol*y; $28. "• EAST ORANGE, Amherst st, 229-283— Apartment, five rooms, bath; all improve ments except beat; half block to trolley: rent $17-$18. * EA8T ORANGE:—Six-room apartment; all improvements; fine location; one block to Ampere station; rent $25. NORTH 7TH ST.—Six rooms, bath; elec tricity, gas, steam heater; select neigh borhood; $25 NORTH 12TH ST—First floor, six rooms; Boston plan; up-to-date; rent $21. NORTH 6TH BT.—Seven-room house, be tween 6th9and 7th avea; fine neighborhood; rent $42. NORTH 4TH 8T.—Convenient location: re flned neighborhood; first floor; rent $28. NORTH 8TH ST.. 278—Seven rooms; sec ond floor, two-family houee; all improve ments; reasonable rent to desirable tenants. NORTH 9TH 8T.—Seven rooms; second floor; splendid location; rent $28. Call or Phone GEO. E. MUTCHLER CO, 165 Roseville >>. Phone B. B. 365. NORTH BROAD BT., 42-44—Four and five rooms; all improvements. Inquire janl ■ tor.__ i 'VTORTH 6TH 8T.. 031. near FJloomfleld av. I cars—Elegafr.t three-room aflartment; Improvements; near school; rent >9. i "VTORTH 18TH 8T.. 1*2—Five rooms; all improvements; first floor; $16; second floor, $17; December free. Bee these flats. O RATON ST. 276—Second floor: four rooms; water, gas; rent $10. Inquire Boyer, Washington and Kinney sta; Market *492. ______ PACIFIC ST., 72—Store and rooms; good for any business; has been a tailor shop for past 14 years. Mellberg, 102 Oliver st QUITMAN ST., 131—Four rooms; all mod ern improvements. Including steam heat, electric lights; rent $15. Inquire on prem ises. cr Schwartz, 800 Broad ot_ RIDGE ST., 14#—Nice flats; six rooms and bath; all improvements; one with steam beat and one without; rent reason abie. Inquire on premises. Ridgewood av., 40—Third floor; six large, light rooms and bath, all im provements except steam heat; rent $17. In quire first floor or 84 Chadwick av. IVEKSIDE AV., 152—Part of furnished house, includng electric light and heat; 211k_ Roseville, 146 North lith at—First floor of Boston plan two-family; all improvements; electricity, beamed ceilings, etc.; near station and trolleys; rent $2$. Chas. C. Ulrich. 18 Bathgate pi. Phone 3500 B. B.__ R08EVILLE—Fine flat; corner Sussex av. and Fifth st; first floor; five rooms; all improvements; with or without garage; convenient to depot and three trollej'a. In quire 336 Sussex av. ROSEVILLE—House; Six beautiful, light. airy rooms; newly decorated; rent $18; , between two car lines. Inquire 178 North Fifteenth st, East Orange. UNTON ST., 22*—Beautiful all light flat; five rooms, bath; enclosed porches; all Improvements: in three-family house; reasonable. Inquire on premises or Mrs. H. Koehler. 673 Hunterdon st SECOND BT., 221—A fine flat In two-fam ily house; good neighborhood; conven ient to Lackawanna railroad and trolley: four rooms; rent $18. SECOND 8T.. 18—Five rooms and bath; all Improvements; convenient to two car lines: rent $15. Inquire on premises or Schwarts, 800 Broad st. Room 507. ETMOUR AV., 267—Five large, light rooms: all improvements; steam beat; good neighborhood; near trolleys; rent very reasonable. SHERMAN AV.. 197—.Beautiful five-room flat, hath; pretty decorations: rent rea sonable Chas. Spengler. 800 Broad st_ QHBRMAN AV.. 204-206—Six rooms and bath; all modem Improvements; $16. Schwarts, 800 Broad st SHOREHAM APARTMENT. 463 Bummer av. High-class apartments, containing six and seven rooms and bath; every modern Im provement Including parquet floors, beamed ceilings, tiled baths, etc.; apartment faces three streets: rooms all light and cheerful ; congenial neighbor*: exclusive neighborhood and excellent servlca Inquire of super intendent on premises, or Lowy A Co., Union i building QlX-ROOM apartment; modem; tile bath; lltfht; well heated; hot water all year; careful janitor service; convenient location; reasonable rent Apply janitor, 684 Summer av. or phone owner. Dr. J. T. Eddy, #13 Montclair._ S' IXTEENTH AV , 18#—Second floor, six rooms all modern Improvements; steam heat furnished; convenient two trolley lines; rent reasonable Inquire Dr Loux. SMITH ST.. 42, near South Orange av.— A family apartment of three rooms, gas. toilet and washtubs; newly decorated outside and Inside; rent $8-18.60 to desir able parties. Apply L. Fiacre, 828 Broad st., city._ SOUTH ORANGE AV.. 686—Four rooms and bath; all Improvements; desirable location; rent low: janitor service. SOUTH 6TH ST., 105—Five rooms and bath; all Improvements; rent reason able; nice location. Inquire on premises. QOUTH 10TH-ST , 488. near l«th av — O Second and third floors; all improve ments; two cars pass door; rent $18 and $17. Schwartz, 800 Broad st OUTH 11TH ST.. 711—Second and thtrd floors; nice, light rooms; la corner house; six rooms and bath; all improve ments. Inquire first floor. QiqUTH 12TH ST., 96, near Central av. ; 6^ ' and Roseville station—Five large, light rooms; steam beat: all Improvements; $20. J. J. HATZ A CO . 11 CLINTON ST.PHONE 2496 MKT, QOUTH 12TH ST. 792. between Madison 6? and Avon avea.—First floor; six large, light rooms; bath; all improvements; steam heat. _ SOUTH 12TH 8T.. 786—5 rooms; all Im provements, with steam best and elec tric. SOUTH 14TH 8T.. 888—Seven rooms and bath; second floor; all Improvements; Wide lot; rent $26. Alfred T. Beckwith. 810 toad at SOITH 14TH ST. 92—Five rooms and bath; all Improvements; two-family house; rant 81t, PEED WAY AV., 89—Five rooms, bath; all improvements except beat; rent $14; near South Orange av. Apply $8 Speedway av._ SPRINGFIELD AV , 809—Flat; five rooms: airy and light; running water, hot and cold, bath: gas; very convenient Inquire 810 Springfield av., shoe store. SUMMER AV., 667—Second floor five rooms; newly decorated: all Improve ments; steam. James Baas. 612 Passaic av., Kearny. N. J. Phone 627 Arlington. USSEX AV. 106—-Six rooms; all light; all improvements: good locality; newly decorated. Inquire 884 Sussex av., or within. _ rpHB CAMBRIDGE APARTMENTS. East Orange, '"The Cambridge Apart men la” li and *$ Cambridge st-. near Central av.—Six large, light rooms, beau tiful summer porch or sun parlor: new building; all tmprovsments: parquet floors; steam beat, running hot water; $87.68 to $42 60 Janitor, premises, or any East C* iago Agent, —— APARTMENTS ft FLATS TO LET The fernwood, J162 Broad at.; three to Sevan rooms; all Improvement*; Janitor service. Apply to Janitor or phone owner. Waverly 4936. THIRTEENTH' 8T.. 679, Vailaburg Section A —Second floor, two-family house; sis light, pleaaant rooms; all improvement*; separate entrance*. Inquire 389 South Nlne teentn at. nptHRTEENTH AV.. 71—Five rooms and A t.ath; ail improvements; can be seen on premia**. Inquire at 120 Springfield av, B. I-agners Millinery Store. Thirteenth st., 579, vaiisburg section —Second floor: two-family hous*'; six light, pleaaant rooms, all improvements; separate entrances. Inquire 889 South Nine teenth st. TO LET. 161 Myrtle av , Irvington—Two family house; first floor; five large rooms and bath; all newly decorated and painted; short distance from center of town; rent $18. Inquire 162 Myrtle av. TO LET—Part of house at Pequannook, N J , five rooms; 1100 per annum. Address E. H. Moore, 251 Pacific at.. Brook lyn. N. T. "fpOURAINE"—Littleton av.. cor. South A Orange; 6 and 7 rooms: In restricted neighborhood; steam heat, elsctric lights, hot water. Janitor service; rent reasonable. In quire 283 Littleton av. Biddleman, Mar ket f,326-R TRITON TERRA rE, 29—Five and Six room apartments in two-family house; : Improvements; decorate*!; only 116-118. WEST CLINTON AV., Irvington, No. 168— I Second apartment In two-family; 7 rooms; , bath; Boston plan; modern fireplace; hand- ! some decorations; gas, electricity; only 130. CHA8 B. ORBEN, _810 FIREMEN’H BUILDING. TWO ROOMS. 833 Mulberry at.—Large rooms to let; water and gas; rent rea sonable. Inquire in candy store. \TAIL6BURG, 54 Norwood st.—Prettily decorated, beamed ceiling, four and five-room apartments and bath: rent 113 and >15; v£ry cosy. Apply premises __ i ■\^AIL8BURG, 96 Isabella av.—Five nice, j V light, airy rooms; all Improvements; two-family house. TfAUA HALL SECTION—5 rooms; water , * and chicken space: five minutes' walk j from Springfield av.; rent >9. Inquire Den hug, 27 Sharon av., Irvington. "TTAILSBURG, 19 Cedar av.—Second floor; v all light rooms: all Improvements; steam heat, electric lights, rent reasonable. TXTKEQUAHIC 8BCTION—Apartment* In , ▼ » two-family houses; seven rooms and I bath; electric light, steam heaters, etc.; rent *30 per month. W. T. Jennings. Ber- ; gen st. and Lyons av. TTTICKLTFFE ST.—Flat; six light rooms ▼ * and bath; second floor; all improve ments. Inquire 137 Wickliffe at., in base- j ment. \\TOOI>SlDE AV., near Grafton—Four rooms and b&th; all improvement*. 332 Woodaide av., Newark. ARLINGTON. A RLTNGTON—Flat; four room*; all Im Aa provement* except beat; newly dec orated; first floor, >13; second floor. >H: paved street; good location. H. C. 8mlth, 475 Elm st. BLOOMFIELD. T>LOOMFIELD—Four large, light, beauti- ! ful airy rooms; gas. electricity, bath; i all Improvements; steam heat and hot! water supplied: new house, In fine neigh- ; borhood: live minutes to train snd trollev; rent $18. 30 Belleville av., Bloomfield, N. J. EAST ORANGE. AMHERST FT., four minutes from Brick Church station; eight rooms and bath; steam heat; rent $25. Thomas J. Hlcka, 462 Central av.. Eaat Orange. APARTMENT to let to respectable colored tenants; price $1*. T. J. Hicks, cor. Central av. and Halsted st. /"XAMBRIDOE ST., two minutes from Cen tral trolley; six rooms and bath; steam heat; rent $26 Thomas J. Hlcka, 4f2 Cen tral av.. East Orange. jplOLORED, (East Orange, 26 Princeton st KJ —Five Vootns, bath; range, tubs; hot and cold water; halls lighted; newly decor ated; $16, Snover, 275 Mulberry at. CRAWFORD ST.—Steam heat, eight rooms and hath; rent $25. Thoa J. Hicks, 462 Central av.. East Orange EAST ORANGE—Two-fitnily flats: seven rooms; $2?-$30; first and second floors; all improvements, near trolley, station. MONTCLAIR—New two-faml’y; $33.50; five rooms; open fireplace; parquet floors, beam celling In llvlnr room; large plot; near sta tion, trolley. EAST ORANGE—Seven rooms, two-family house; $27; modern improvements; near station; fine location. Cha* G. Frit*. 3$ Main st-, East Orange. Phone 6062 Orange. THE CHALFONTE, EAST ORANGE Fine new apartments; 2, 9 and 5 rooms and baths; $19. $22 to $20: all light rooms; facing two streets: beautiful entrance; en tire apartment well equipped: plenty of heat and hot water; large double gas range; ex- i cellent janitor service; apartment and public i telephone service; small apartments especial ly adapted to small families or bachelors; Inducements to good tenants; restaurant on first floor. CHAR G. FRITZ, 38 Main st.. East Orange Phone Orange HS1 _ EAST ORANGE, South Clinton st., 437 Flat; four roomB, and bath; first floor of two-family house; rent $14. Inquire Kee gan, 367 South Clinton st. East Orange. EAST ORANGE, 88 Girard a▼.—Flat; » rooms; ail improvements: tiled bath; convenient to trolleys, rent $15. I^AST ORANGE, 46 Sussex av.—Five and ■J six rooms; all .Improvements: newly decorated: fine residential section. Schwartz, 800 Broad st., Newark. AST ORANGE—Brick; five beautiful light rooms: tile bath; steam heat: ail modem improvements; rent $18. 178 North Fifteenth st. EAST ORANGE, 515-517 Prospect st.— Splendid well lighted flat; four rooms and bath: rent $15. The Stevenson Co., 561 Bloomfield av., Bloomfield. TJ3ATON PL., 6. near Grove st. station and JOj Main st.—Second floor; seven rooms; all Improvements: rent $22. Georre F. Hew son. Ordway Building, 207 Market st, Newark. DGAR ST.—Six rooms. Boston plan; ail modem Improvements. Thoe Hicks, 462 Central av.. East Orange, PELMWOOD AT., 8«. Eaat Orange, near J Elmwood Park—Roomy second floor; 6 light rooms; part improvements; $16; small stable, $4. EAST ORANGE RENT ALA V. D BURGESSER. EFPIRT FT—Second apartment; second floor; steam heat electricity; seven rooms, bath; $30. BURNETT ST—New two-family Boston plan; first floor, six rooms, bath, $38; sec ond floor, seven rooms, two baths, $9«. CAMBRIDGE ST.—First apartment five rooms and bath; steam heat gas, large porch; $2$. CORNER Lenox av. and Burnet st—First floor, eight large rooms; corner house; ex cellent neighborhood; rent $46. AMHERST FT.—First floor, stx rooms and bath; gas, electricity, steam beat; $22. CAMBRIDGE 8T., near Central av.—Second floor, eight large, light rooms, with good porch; steam heat; rent $2$. SOUTH CLINTON ST.—First floor; six rooms and bath; separate heaters, open lot on one side; wide street; near Central av*; rent $26. V. I> BURGESSER, __ Renting Specialist. CENTRAL AV.. cor. Clinton st.. East Or ange—Phone <05; open Monday and Fri day evenings; also Saturday afternoons and holiday* THE ELMWOOD APARTMENTS (brick). _2$0 Elmwood av.. East Orange, N. J.— ! Five rooms, tile bath; rent $25; beautifully i decorated; artistic electriaal natures; latest combination gas range; location 26 minutes to Newark, live minutes to Central av. trol ley and two minutes to public school, library and store* Apply to any agent, or to Bur geese r. Central av., oor. Clinton st.. East Orange. EAST ORANGE RENTALS. LET us show you the places we hare to rent; apartments, IIS up; bouses. 130 up. Complete listing; steam-heated apart ments ; automobile service. PARK AV.—SI* room* hath; steam, elec tricity; ISO; near station, trolley, churches and school* PARK AV.—Seven room* bath; steam, elec tricity; ISO; beautiful location; good light and air. ORANGE—Six rooms, bath; steam heat; 122; very convenient George F Mack, opp. Rrick Church station. NEW ST.—Second ' apartment. seven rooms, bath; steam heat, electricity; three min utes from East Orange (Lackawanna) sta tion; |S7. WEST ORANGE. Fairtnount av.. 2—One family. eight rooms, bath; heat: near trol ley. station, Edison’s. 1*2 Key at No. A GEORGE F. MACK. Opp. Brick Church Station. East Orange. HINCETON 8T.. 21-23—For refined ceL ored people; two-family house: newly remodeled: four and live rooms and bath; rents 114 and $1«. Schwarts. 800 Broad st. KEARNY. KEARNY, N. j. 1$T Windsor st.; near Berlin st.—First and second floors; five and six rooms and bath aud pantry; every improvement except heat; desirable small family; first floor, |12; second floor. $14; key on promt sen. Apply Benj. Maser, 11 Clinton at, Newark- N. J. Phone 207T M albert*. J? __ ! APARTMENTS ft FLATS TO LET IRVINGTON. ! FI®AUTIFUL five-room, all improved apart I , . rnenl- heat, separate entrance; with or without garage, reasonable; at 21 Stephen ter.. Irvington i I RVINGTOff. T& Park pi—Second floor | 1 five rooms; hot and cold water; tuba j rang**; rent $15. Inquire Stalb'a Lunch- I | room, 109 7 Springfield av., or second finer !gf_>3 Park pi.. Irvington. IRVINGTON. 83 Myrtle av .—Three room* t 7 and bath; Improvements; $10 month!*, .< j Inquire Mrs. Brady. 37 Myrtle av., or Beyer. [ ^ Hshington and Kinney ate., Newark. ’Vg TwKNTY-SBCOND ST., ]193—Five iS&^ and bath, all modern improvements m*~ vept heat; $16. Inquire on premise* or Schwartz, 800 Broad at. • MONTCLAIR. A f'ONTCT.AJR—Five nice, large rooms; all -*1 Improvements except heat; five tntn iutes to car. rent $16. 167 Harrlsen av. * NUTLET. "pOP. COLORED PEOPLE—River rd., 1*4. J J Nut ley; three and four rooms; rent $4 and $7 monthly Inquire Stroud, 512 Esse* ■ ; F.* ' f,r Ouguid, $15 Summer av.. corner I Irving at. ORANGE /‘kRANGE. X. J.. 226 Valley at.—Beautl-' r j fu: new five rooms; all Improvement*; ” , nne location; three minutes from star ion and j two trolleys. * _ VERONA. .ar# ! T^OUR-ROOM bungalow apartment; wit 1 1 $10. with garden. Mrs. Fabian, Pensp h\ . Verona. N. J. APARTMENTS A FLATS TO LET Fl KM SHED. pLA.NE ST., 161—Two bedrooms wit* . kltohen, laundry, go*, mem Jieatt first floor. 5. weekly. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LHT A TLANne ST., 38, near Lombardy at.—* -4 A From room, aui table for two business poopie; ail improvement®; near tube®: ala® single room. A TTRACTIVE large] turn£3 ? room; also pretty ballroom; steam beat; private family. Over Reed £ Haw one "filJbtM,C “t0r~' 6 We* ymrk «**' up ; I>eLllville AV„ 120—Two elcaa] mjB^ -*-» furnished rooms for light housekeeping; bath and laundry; near Bloomfield av. ^ TJLEECKER ST.. 110%—Homant froj* 'I i sleeping room for two; also front house- • k-K-pinp nxrai; heat ; improvement®: fly* wri»« a l utes tubes. T9ROAD 8T . 949—Pleasant, light house* -A-s keeping- suite; quiet couple; also ptaa#* ant front rooms; gentlemen; <onvenl-nces; l reference®. T>ROAD ST-. 628—Large front room for J' sleeping or housekeeping; also single room; all improvements; opposite Washing ton Park; near tubes. • BROAD ST . 903—Third floor; front roe*®. for one or two men; beet; bath. OROAD ST., ms—Pleasant room®, h€*Z J * light and running water. /"'1HESTNUT ST., 20—Large pleasant front » V- room, for two gentlemen or couple; running water In rooms. Pbon® : -Sao Market. fVoTlj'MBJA ST., so] corner Elm— heated rooms; housekeeping, sleeping; 11.60. -tA CIOLUMBIA ST., 51—Rooms for sleeping; ; |1 up; heated; private._ ■ /~40T.TrMBlA ST] 49. corner Green—Beai^ ^ tiful steam heated room: private; rea sonable pOLTTMBIA ST., 6$—L*r*$ Croat ro^t£ v-/ l»ay window; running water; heated; improvements. Phone <217 Market. i^lOURT ST., 72—Large, dean rooms, far* v > nlshed complete for housekeeping; akt® sleeping rooms. (/"tOURT ST.. 15—Nice furnished rooms; I all Improvements; private. EAST KINNEY st’ Forty-three. Broad at—Two comfortable front rooms, [ furnished; all improvements; private ha®; 1 two or three young men. Reasonable. Geiger, East KINNEY ST., 14—RaTge room; : A11 Improvement*; three minute* City Hall: 33. East kinney st.. 37—L*r*. 9St! room, suitable for couple; steam heat. MMETT PT“ 7 3—Fumshed ran® liyht hou«..k(wpln»; hot ud COM waters tiorae-llke; comfortable; u®e of laundrv. Take Elizabeth or Kearny car. Franklin htT" 50—Large fro®® £3Pl rxxmt; steam beat, go®, bath; $1.75. REE— 1 We will give you any information abWt - these or any other furnished rooms In New«> *rk free of charge. Inquire Famished Boom Bureau. Star office. GRANT ST.. Pleasant rooms; next te bath; steam heated; reasonable. GREEN ST. 76—$2.50 rent® nice ss. housekeeping room, ALSEY ST.. 43—One or two gentJeait* '* can have room and board; very reason- 1 able, steam beat. I JI'IH ST., 421—Vie, luce treat 9 11 keeping room; heat, gas, bath, use of laundry: adult* only; rent reasonable. HILL ST, 28—Pl««nt front rnmn“5r 1 one or two; steam beat, dMrica*,.:' private._ ) ; MM® Lafayette st] 175—with or wttteiiitS board. _ ATULBKRRY ST” 258—Large front room® . -i.7A for light housekeeping; all Improve- ’■ m*‘nte: no objection to children. VfL-LBERRY 8T.. 249—Large front co*£ -lVA necting rooms; housekeeping; sleep ing: improvements. \f ULRERRY ST.. 216, cor. Ore**—WlmM&i. ■‘*1 housekeeping room. $2.5$; aleeping, 31.25. "VCULBERRY ST., 281—Two connecting! avJ. iwmi for gentlemen; private family. IfrLBERRY ST., 199—Heated furnished room for man only. 7^ ONE or two furnished rooms for one or . two gentlemen; steam heat; all Im provements; private family: quiet aetehteRjail hood. For further Information nboae Wav- v erlv 4299. RCHARD ST.. 81—Three nminnntlpf JV houHekeeping rooms: improvements; gas range: central; handy to railroad and trol leys; private; 36 RCHARD ST.. 119—Sunny room for Up®* housekeeping; steam heat, laundry sad bath: a No cosy ballroom for sleeping: lady or gentleman: reasonable. ORCHARD ST., 81—Large pleasant «**§*! room; all improvements; suitable fee two gentlemen, or business woman; private"4*' family. P~ EN NINOTON ST.9. opp. Lincoln MiNj I —Pleasant room for pmtleaen; elee j trie light, heat._ P|LANE ST., lit—-Front room with kffcSO enette: steam heat; also single room. j. QTATE ST.. 61—A neat ar^rtinent of. N? two connecting rooms; complete for housekeeping: kitchen has all modern ha- a, provements; also single front room; near Tjxckowanra station. -1 1 "* — OiTIRLING ST.. 49. near Court House— Nicely furnished room; all improve* ments: nice location: private 7 tUSBfl \TTALNTT ST , *7- Housekeeping rooms * ' *- ,,r': "^f'lng $1: near Cttv Halt ^ WALNUT ST. 98—Rooms for houisekee*- ]. ing or sNenlng: lmprovemetlt®. v n YTtARREN rtT.. 64—Rooms for fcousekeep v 4 ins, sleenlng: heated; 31 op* ASHINOTON ST.. 162—Sleeping rMfjgiS front parlor: steam heat; two base- . ment rooms: >4 50. WaShiNiTtON ST.. 432*6- —Top 5S?'^ furnished room for gentleman; 315$: in private family. A SITING TON ?T S' 9— Two front rectlnr llrht honsekeeolng room®: alas 4 stuclo i.^*T)iir rooms- all fimwii YTT^EST FARK 9T-. 8—large front > > suitable for gentlemen or eounle; st.’am h<*at all Improvements; three ntes to terminal. _ J"? : FURNISRKt) ROOMS AND BOARDING |HOTE Central a* . near Broad. I All modem conveniences; Amor, or Bur, 'transient or perman-nt: attr. weekly rat—l. BOARDING VRE TOU looking for good home cue—, h pH ing" Try Lnngrr's 25c uixmew 34 I T>OARD or room; private family; meats: fine neighborhood; near Kdiaon‘‘n | Wuts'tn av.. \\ • s' Orung-___ • / 'AOURT ST.. 70— Well-furnished. | *_ rooms; home cooking; table guests I~30SEVILLE. Gould av.. £0—Fane V room, suitable far two, V heated, modern, private; reference*. B B 182>-J. . ' :; fifjfiB OITTH KT., 52—Large front room; « for gentlemen: with board: looted-; pmrement^^jiear^oM|ft^iil^gta^BCk^^^; Star Want Ads. bring Adtertisc in the Star*