Newspaper Page Text
r this year. Because we have long advocated early Christmas shopping we decided to further the movement by keeping our doors open only un til 7 o’clock, from December 18th to 24th. Our present hours are from 8:30 to 6 p. m. Kindly co-operate with us so that night shopping may become a thing of the past._■_ I A land of delight ] fur the thousands 1 of kiddies who throng the aisles every day. 1.00 Warm Brushed Wool Mufflers at 79c One of the best known muffler manufacturers in the country made up these warm, wooly mufflers for Bamberger’s, at a lower price than usual. They are the most-popular mufflers worn today. Ideal to wrap around your throat when driving, walking or skating. Worn by both men and women. They come in solid colors of white, old rose, navy, cardinal, Copenhagen and several other tints. All are made with fringed ends. As these are actual 1.00 mufflers, you must “shop early” if you want some at 79c each. Gift givers, here is an oportunity. BAMBERGEGRS—FIRST FLOOR Women’s 1.39 to 1.50 Felt Slippers, 1.10 The sale opened this morning with 1,000 pairs of these high grade, comfortable “E. Z.” slippers, made of felt, in colors of light blue, tan, green, lavender and pink. Every pair of slippers is perfect. If we were to go out and buy a quantity on the market we could not sell them as low as this sale’s price of 1.10 a pair. f BAMBEROE1VS—SECOND FLOOR Here by the Thousand, Awaiting Christmas Purchasers Recent Best Selling Fiction Felix O’Uay, by F. Hopkin son Smith.1.35 Fortunes of Garin, by Mary Johnston .1.40 Beltane the Smith, by Jeffery Farnol.1.50 Dear Enemv, by popular Jean Webster .1.30 Way of These Women, by E. Phillips Oppenheim... .1.35 Prudence of the Parsonage, by Ethel Hueston.1.25 Burkses' Amy, by Julie Lipp man; priced.1.25 Mr. Bingle, by George B. McCutcheon.1.35 These Twain, from the pen of Arnold Bennett.... 1.50 Pollyanna Grown Up, by E. H. Porter.1.25 The Money Master, by Gil > bert Parker .1.35 Michael O’Halloran, by Gene Stratton Porter .1.35 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIP TIONS make ideal gifts. We represent the publishers, [taking subscriptions for all standard magazines. Between Ourselves T acted the part, of no eavesdropper Saturday noon. I did not seek the information that I overheard. On the contrary, it was THRUST UPON ME. I was seated in our restnurnm. eating my lunch and trying, ns West I could, to attend to my own bnsi ness. At an adjoining table sat four per song, two men and two women, all of whom were strangers to me and 1 t«» them. They were discussing the night shopping subject. ‘‘Well," said one, “I am surely do lug my part, to help along the good work. Hen* I have been ever since the doors opened this morning. "My dear.” replied the other woman, “do not grumble. Think what Bamberger's are doing for their salespeople by keeping closed at night tills year. Truly, If I were not already a charge customer of this store. I believe I would open an account here, in order to reward ^ »them for the Independent stand thej have taken. I-" The rest of the conversation was lost here because a lawyer from the Prudential building came along at this juncture ami hung up a big. burly fur automobile mat. which in terfered seriously with the acoustic properties of that portion of the room where I was seated. I went right along, eating my bacon and eggs. ~~Editor. C. F. Haviland Dinner Sets. 25.00 Just received, in time for you to give someone a set for Christmas, a new lot of Charles Field Haviland china dinner sets, decorated with pretty spray designs in nat ural colors. Neat gold hand les on the covered dishes, sugar bowl, cream pitcher and butter dish. A very superior set at a re markably low price. BA M BE ROE R'S— BA 8 E M E N T Beautiful Boudoir Caps, 50c to 8.50 Some of the higher priced ones are lovely beyond description, of finest chiffon and silk lace, trim med with knots of French flow ers and ‘bands of softest white fur. And those at lowesr prices ar. remarkably good, both as to rra terial and workmanship. A splendid last-minute gift thought, because no woman evtr had boudoir caps enough. BAMBERGER'S— 2ND VIJ(Oil A Splendid Silk Gift Blouse May Be Purchased for 3.00 The Bamberger blouse shop holds hundreds of delightful surprises at this remarkably low price; made up in fine crepe de chine, wash satin, georgette crepe lace lace and chiffon, striped silks and embroidered crepe de chine, fol lowing the prevailing modes, but with many delightfully original touches at neck and cuff. You could not select a more acceptable gift for a dainty woman. One charming dress model is of cream lace and white embroidered chiffon, finished with shadow lace frills and tiny black buttons outlined in silver. One of a be wildering assortment at 3.00. Lovely Christmas Blouses at 5.00 Scores of new and beautiful models, fina enough for wear with highest grade suits; blouses showing every new color and material, developed in styles varied enough to suit all fancies ' Blouses of the irresistible soiree, of finest chiffon, silk radium lace, embroidered crepe de chine, georgette and silk net, fascinatingly developed along the season’s smartest The new bisque georgette crepe is hers, piped in white satin. It, too, is priced at 5.00. Sample Line Women’s Bath Robes, 3.00 There are only 150 bath robes in the entire lot, and in terested women — and gift givers—will come early. The robes are warm and cosy, made of the well-known Beacon blanket cloth in effec tive patterns, or in plain-col ored eiderdown. Your choice of square necks, shawl collars or small collars trimmed with wide satin ribbon. Turnback cuffs, side pocket and rope girdle are other worthy fea tures. You never saw better bath robe bargains than these. A comfy Christmas gift, at, while they last, 3.00. BAMBERGER'S, THIRD FLOOR Good House Coats Are Scarce Shoppers tell us that men’s house coats are scarce elsewhere. Assortments are not large in other stores. At Bamberger's, however, you will find plentiful stocks of the finest house coats made. And for the man there is no better gift than one of these. We have coats made of con trasting color cloths, which come in wine, gray, brown and oxford. Prices. 3.98, 4.98, 5.98 to 12.50. HANDSOME VELVET HOUSE COATS AT 11.98- Tailored skill fully throughout. We have them in such colors as navy, brown and wine. Sizes 35 to 44. BAMBERGER S, SECOND FLOOR Christmas Haberdashery Men's 1.50 Domet Pajamas, at 1.15 Extra heavy quality outing flannel pajamas, in a wide range of colorings. Large, roomy garmeuts, every one well tailored; trimmed with fancy loops. Men's 5 00 & 6.00 Silk Shirtsr 4.35 These shirts are pure silk The colorings are many and beautiful; so are the patterns. The richness of the silk itself is bevoud description. Sizes 131- to IS. Men's Gloves for Every Purpose Kid and Cape Dress Cloves, 1.15 to 2.75. Fine Mocha Gloves, at 1.50 to 5.50. Fleece-Lined Giove.-*, at 1-00 To 5.50. Silk-Lined Gloves, at 1.50 nml 2.05. Fur^Linrd Gloves, 5.75 to <1.50 pair. Fur-back Gloves, 5.00 to 10.50 a pair. Men's Auto Gloves, at 1.50 to 5.50. Auto Gauntlets, at 1.50 to 0.00 pair. Men's Hath and Lounging Robes1 Made of highest grade mate rials, which make for warmth and style. Every garment tailored with skill, and finished with great care Bath robes priced from H.OO to 12.00. Lounging robes priced from 15.00 to 55 on. BAMB EK< {E B'.S, 1ST FLOOU Hand Bags That Are Distinctive Preferred for Christmas Gifts A gift, then, of a pretty hand bag will be delight fully welcomed, because in this day of individuality in dress no woman can have too many. We are showing all of the smartest novelties as well as the staple styles which conservative women choose. AT 4.00, GENUINE PIN SEAL HAND BAGS—Highly pol ished, also styles in beaver calf, attractively lined and fitted and having pretty catches, Black, gray, brown, green and tan. AT 2.00. GENUINE PIN SEAL, POLISHED- Melon shape, with plaited front and jewel catch. Nicely lined and fitted with inside purse and mirror. AT 3.00, BEAVER CALF HAND BAGS—Genuine skins, in all colorsi with linings of heavy striped silk. Inside purses and mirrors. Some with center frames. AT 6.00, GENUINE DULL PIN SEAL—Very beautiful, with jewel catch and flowered silk lining. Cut in the melon shape, with inside purse and mirror. AT 3.00, GENUINE PIN SEAL, MOIRE LINED-Or lined with flowered silk, as you prefer. The popular melon shape, with hanging mirror and inside frame. AT 2.50, BEAVER CALF HAND BAGS—In tan. blue and gray, with flowered lining and dainty purse and mirror r'"' cidedly superior bags at this remarkably low price. BAMBERGER'S, FIRST FLOOR I A Kodak to snap the happy faces on Christinas morning. There is a Kodak for every member of the family. A cute Brownie for the lit tle boy and girl, who can operate one with ease. A larger size for sister Mary or brother Tom, who would appreciate one as a gift. And a large autographic Kodak for Dad, who has a hobby for this sort of thing, and loves the snowy weather for snapping nature’s scenes. Prices from 1.00 to 75.00. BAMBERGER'S—6TH FLOOR - I Important (Thursday) 8c Colored Outing Flannel, 5'/jc a Yard Fancy striped outing flan nel, strong and well fleeced. Is 27 inches wide. Good for winter undergarments. First Floor. 1.00 Waste Paper Baskets at 69c Large in size and oval in shape. Made of strong reed. Come In white or gilt, with iridescent garland floral trim ming. Second Floor. 3.00 Pure Silk Umbrellas at 2.00 All-silk umbrellas of su perior quality, *or men a. i women. A reduction of $1.00 on each for this one day only. First Floor. Ring Mesh Purses, 1.00 Worth at least 3.00 each. Silver and gold plated, stone set. Have flat frame, oval or round. Inside of frame fitted with two coin Holders. First Floor. Boys’ 5.00 Knitted Suits at 3.98 These knitted suits are show n in "navy, green, brown, olive and the popular heather mixtures. Sizes 3 to 8. Second Floor. Women’s Trimmed Velvet Hats at 1.00 Formerly marked 2.98 and 3.98. Brown, black, navy and green hats, trimmed with wings, flowers or fancies. Third Floor. 69c Lace Buffet Scarfs at 49c Size 18x54. Made of a good quality linen finish material, with neat lace effects. They come with embroidery. First Floor. 79c Sofa Pillow Slips at 59c Of crinkled fiber silk, in rich shades of rose, green, brown and blue, ready to slip on pillows. 17x24 inches. Limited number; cannot be duplicated. Fourth Floor. AGreat Many Women Prefer the Gift of Something: Nice to Wear Here Is a Splendid Raincoat, at 5.00 A raincoat will surely please. At 5.00 we are featuring an excellent assortment in good quality English tweeds and cantonette in smart brown and gray mixtures; tan, na.'y and black. Both loose and belted models with raglan or set-in sleeves, according to your taste. May be worn over a suit, sweater or knitted vestee. Other raincoats, all styles, 5.00 lo 20.00. An Attractive Dress Skirt Costs 5.00 At this price you will find surprisingly good skirts, both as to cut and material. Taffetas for dress wear and men's wear serge, gabardine, corduroy and chic mixtures for all-around usage: well made and smartly flaring; many with the newest plaited effects. The taffeta skirts are very quaint and pretty, just the thing for wear with soft, fluffy blouses. 25.00 to 30.00 Suits, Fur-trimmed, at 19.98 Did you ever hear of anything more reasonable? One is of broadcloth of good quality. The fur appears on both collar and cuffs; the back of the coat is adorned with self-cording, and there is a very pretty lining of good grade peau de cygne. A full, modish flare gives the skirt distinction. Exceptional as a gift, or a purchase for yourself, at 19.98. BAMBERGER'S, THIRD FROCK Gift Furniture at Bamberger’s 1.50 FUMED OAK SMOKER AT 98c—We have just received a large shipment of these smokers, and are placing them on sale at a very low price. It is 23 in. high, has removable glass ash tray, legs are screwed to frame; is finished in a rich fumed oak color. Mahogany Candle Sticks $2.50 Candlestick at....1.98 $3.50 Candlestick at... .2.50 $5.98 Tilt Table at.1.49 $2.50 Book Blocks at... 1.75 $3.00 Book Blocks at... 1.98 BAMBERGER'S, fifth floor 15.00 WRITING TABLE AND CHAIR AT 9.98—The writing table and chair will make a very acceptable gift. It is 18 inches wide and 30 inches long; has one drawer and rack for holding en velopes and writing paper. This set is very well made and nicely finished. May be had in bird’s eye maple, mahogany, ivory, fumed oak and walnut. BAMBERGER'S, FIFTH FLOOR 4.75 MAHOGANY TRAY AT 2.98—Tray is 24 in. long and 14 in. wide. Has brass handles and inlaid center. .1.00 MAHOGANY SEWING CABINET AT 3.98—Cabinet is fitted with a removable tray; fin ished in rich dull mahogany. 27.50 MAHOGANY MUSIC CABINET AT 17.50—May be used for either sheet music or music rolls. Is 27-VS in. long, 16 in. deep and 40 in. high. Has double doors fitted with lattice work. Will hold 90 player rolls. 11.50 MAHOGANY TEA WAG ON AT 7.98- One of the best values we have ever offered. Mahogany finish. Has remov able wood tray, brass handles and lower shelf. 7.50 MAHOGANY ROCKER AT 4.98—High back rocker, in mahogany finish. Has broad banister back and saddle seat; nicely finished. 1.98 TELEPHONE STAND AT 1.49—This stand is made of oak. Is 30 inches high, top is 42 in. by 13 in.; has stool which, when not 1 in use, slides under the stand. “Vanitie” Portable Electric F.amps P, , This is the lamp of a hundred uses. It Is made nf brass, with shade of same material. You m.iv stick l! io .1 window, or other smooth surface. I»> means of its suction cup, while a elampinpr ar ranrttnu iit permits Its local ion In n score of diff- i ent parts or a room. The cord winds up within the jami). A handsome 'Tfl lump. for Sft.OO. 'J* IiBMuNSTKATION I.V BASEMENT kL—_j.—. .. -- _ V, - V \*i ' oa&'V - *.? ■ • Have Your Extra Parcels Wrapped at the Bamberger '‘Accommodation Desk" on the first floor, near the Candy .Section. Or you may deposit your bags and bundles here fey safe-keeping while, you are shopping fit rough the store. Fre quently when you accumulate several parcels whilo shopping it is wist* to have the Accommodation Desk wrap them securely together. 77-79 Market St., Newark -FURNITURE-^ The Gift That Carries the Christmas Spirit Throughout the Year Ingersoll Desk or Boudoir ?-v Watch Outfit The famous Ingersoll V*\ \ Dollar Watch, In beautiful I ivorlne Case. y m&f I It e g u I a r mL 11 y* a J $1.60 value; flIff* *y I special . S V Positively No Mail or ^ Phone Orders Taken » Oak Pedestal Reg. Price $4.SO ^>.98 Klegant qnartered oak or mahogany; finely polished and finished. Martha Washing” ton Sewing Table * Reg. Price $8.75 6.98 Mahogany flntsh;(J three .drawer*; tw'o deep fide ponkets; top drawe r * divided Into compart ments. REED ROCKER Reg. Price $2.98 .98 Empire o r shellac finish; made of finest reed; has full roll edges. Parlor Table Reg. Price $3.75 2.25 Mahogany or oak finish, large top, finely fin ished and strong i ly made. ' vr ^staves’ n f MUSIC CABINET Regular Price $10.00 Mahogany Parlor Rocker Regular Price $7.00 SMOKERS’ STAND Prices Ratify From' and up 1 Smoking la a joy when you can' sit down In a cozy chair beside one of these most complete smoking seta. Can be had In all woods and many styles. <2_3?£i(icr* w 3=Pc. Parlor Suite Reg. Price $28.00 Maliogauy finish frames, finely polished.. „ bea Uti fully carved backs, loose cushions covered in plush. 3=Piece Mission Library Suite Reg. Price $22 16= Made of flue cj uartered oak. fumed a rich ulit brown; chair and rocker uphol stered In beat imitation Spanish leather. 'Rish theiButtOrt-anAResC Prices Range from CUSHIONS EXTRA. Choice o f woods, a 1 1 highly poll shed, finely c o li st™ c t e d. We have an end loss assort ment to choose from. /'High Chair Reg. Price $2.30 w Solid golden oak lilgli panel hank, largo tra.r. eau bo ndjusted to make wagon. etc rx 1/^7 IN ENDLESS VAKIETY—Oak. Mahogany, Tuna, Curly l)irch. Bird's-eye Maple, rvnPI/P 1^1|X. ^ Prlees range from $*.»8 to $40. A splendid assortment, of $10 and $12 Desks; | ^ f « ^ -^T * __ .m SEALED PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF STREET j AND WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE TTTY OF NEWARK. * CITY HALL. Newark, N. J., December 10, 1910. i Scaled proposals will be received at this j office from 3:15 to 3:30 o'clock p. m. of J Thursday, the twenty-third day of Decern- ! ber, 1915, and opened at the last-named hour, at a public meeting of the board to be held | at Bald time and place. For furnishing and laying now sidewalks with blue atone flag or with artificial stone wall; and rt setting of old and Betting of new , blue stone curb, within the limits of the . City of Newark for the year 1918. with the ; option of extending the contract for the year , 1917 and 1918, wherever directed by the Board of Street nnd Water Commissioners ! and under the supervision of the General Superintendent of Works. The following is about the amount of the work t.o be dona, and the materials »o be furnished in the construction and completion of said woik. and upon which bids will be compared: Ten thousand <10.000; square root of new I blue stone fltigarlng. foyr <4> feet wide. Thirty thousand (30,000» square feet of ' new blue stone flagging, flv3 (£) feet wide. One thousand (1,000) aquaro feet of new blue stone (lagging, six (0) feet wide. Fight thousand (8.000) square feet of old flagging, relaJd. One thousand 0,000) square feet of new artificial jton** walk, laid according to Htnndard specifications. Five hundred lineal feet of new 20 by Inch four cut curl*. *v Five hundred (500) lineal feet of now 20 by 4 Inch quarry cut cSrb. Five hundred <5(>J») lineal feet of new 1G by 4 Inch quarry cut curb. Five hundred <300) lineal feet of old curb, ■ redressed and reset. Five hundred <500) lineal feet of old curb, four cut and reset One hundred <100) square yards of re paving of gutters. One hundred (100) square yards of grass sodding. — Two hundred and fifty (250) cubic yards of extra liliiug or excavation, only one to be paid for In each . leee of work. modern are not to state any for ma terials and work for which there is a fixed amount provide/) for in the specifications. Bach proposal mum be enclosed In a seulcd envelope., pr *perly Indorsed with the name of the biuder and of the Improvement, and directed (o the Board of Street and Water Commissioners of the City of Newark. Bidders will state tbelr prices in writing as well as in figures. The work is to be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications on UK* In the office of the Chief Engineer of the Board of Street and Water Com missioners at the City Hall Said pro posals to be accompanied by the consent. In writing, of two sureties, or a surety com pany qualified to Jo business In New Jersey. \*ho shall, at (he time of putting In such proposals, qualify as to their responsibility Iti the amount of such proposal, and bind themselves that, If the contract he awarded to the person or persons making the pro posal, they will, upon Its being so awarded, buunne his or their sureties for the faithful performance of said work; and that, if the person or (arsons omit or refuse to execute such contract, they will- pay to the City of Newark any difference between the sums to which he or they would have been entitled upon completion of the contract and that which i he City of Newark mi«y be obl'ged to pay the person or persons by whom such contract shpll be executed. The Board of Street and Water Commis sioners of the City of Newark re*e*v« (• SEALED PROPOSALS. themselves the right tt> accept or reject any or all proposals for the aiove work, as they i may deem best for the Interest of the city. Bidders and sureties are hereby notified that under the provisions of the seventh section of the law creating the Board of | Street and Water Commissioners, approved March 28th. 1HS*1, thut the bond or bonds to bt> given for the faithful execution and per- ! forroancc of said public work shall first be approved, as to sufficiency by the board, i and as to form by the counsel of the board, and tlo contract .shall he binding on the city ! or oecome effective or operative until such bond is so approved; and the president of the board shall have power to examine the proposed bondsmen under oath, If he shall ho desire or shall be ho instructed by tn*» hoard, but the board will not be bound by ary statement that may he made by such proposed bondsmen, hut shall have full j power and absolute discretion in the whole | matter, and this provision shall be referred i to In any advertisement Inviting bids for any such public work. By direction of the Board of Street and l Wat*r Commissioners of the City of Newark. | M. R. SHERRERD. dec. 11-15-22 Chief Engineer. | OFFICE OF THE HOARD OF STREET AND WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY UF NEWARK. CITY HALL. Newark. N. J., Dece*n1>er 10th, 1915. Healed proposals will be received at this office from 3:16 to 3:30 o'clock p. m. of Thursday, tne twenty-third day of Decem ber, 1915, and opened at the last-named hour, ct a public meeting of the board to be held ut said time and place. For the furnishing and delivery to the city of five (5) Street Sweeping Machines. Each proj»osal mu at be enclosed in a sealed envelope, properly indorsed with the fin me of the bidder and of tho Improvement, and directed to the Board of Street and Water Commissioner* of the City of Newark. Bidders will state their prices in writing i os well a* in figures. The plans and sped float Ions of the work | tan be examined at the office of the Chief | Engineer of the Board of Street and Water I Commissioners at the City Hail. Said pro posals to be accompanied by the consent, In writing, of two sureties, or a surety com pany qualified to do business in New Jersey, v. ho shall, at the time of putting in such proposals, qualify as to their responsibility In fhe amount of such proposal, and bind themselves that, if such contract be awarded to the person or persons making the pro posal. they will, upon its being ho. awarded, become Ills or their sureties for the faithful performance of said work; and that. If the j person or persons omit or refuse to execute such contract, they will pay to the City of XewarK any difference between the sums to which he or they would have been entitled upon completion of the contract and that : which the City of Newark may he obliged fo pay eke person or persons by W'hom such i con:root shall be executed. The Board ot Street and Water Commis sioners of the City of Newark reserve to theinsclveH the right to accept or reject any or all proposals for the above work, as they may deem best for the interest of the city. Bidders and sureties are hereby notified that under the provisions of the seventh section or the low creating the Board of Street and Water Commissioners, approved March 38th. 1891. that the bond or bonds to be given for the faithful execution and per formance of said public work shall first be approved, as- to sufficiency by the board, and a* to form by the counsel of the board, and no contract shall bo binding on the city or become effective or operative until suoh bond in so approved; and the president of SEALED PROPOSALS. the board shall have power to examine the proposed bondsmen under oath, if he shall so desire or shall be h<? instructed bv the board, but the board will not be bound by uny statement that may be made by such proposed bondsmen, but shall have full power and absolute discretion In the whoh- 4 matter, and this provision shall be referred, to In any advertisement inviting bids for any such pirblle work. By direction of the Board of Street and Water Commissioners of the City of Newark M. H. SHERRERD. dee.ll-l&-22 Chief Engineer. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF EXCISE COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF NEWARK. City Hall, December 10th, 18H. Tbe following is the list of the names, residences and places of bualneas of appli cants for licenses, contained in all appli- t cations or petitions made to this board for * the granting of licenses to sell spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors, and not here tofore published according to law, to wit* RETAIL—REN EWA LS.' Name. Place of Business. Residence Anthony Feola. 88 14th av.Same place William Tbompsett. 112 Warren .Same place * John Klsch. 4G Montgomery Bt.. Same place (+J Alexander Lebowltz, 378 Broad Joseph be Capua. 108 Nassau st. Same place Gaetano Caprio, 147 Verona av..Same uilrl Louis Coll to, in utli av.. Same n Jo! John Bracb. 487 Market at.... ' s2£2 S 222 Bernard Feldman. 3 Jonee at... (252 £222 Jacob Turk. ,41 South Orange av.“£2Su2! George Bhemann 32] Seymour V “ Fred* F ' Spiegel. % Stkto 'at*.g£52 £221 Gennaro Magllone. 32 Garalde 1 * Pa’rick* * j.* * He anion, ' i 4* Mikhilrfo8*1?* plaC* Nathan Greenbaum, 599 ’ Orange30”16 1>lac#* Lehnmn Kl'eim* *C3D isth uvi'!!! r252 £222 * Joseph Fodor, 53 Weal st. . . s2£2 £222 Moe Hehuclitol, 186 Orange at. Sa£2 2222 Jacob Handelmann, C4 Bloomfield Aaron Baum. 1*51 Norfolk at... Same £222 William Elehler. 197 18tb av. Sa52 £222 Bernard Marcus. 0 Treat pl . . . . .3££2 £222 Aaron Rubonteld, 68 Ferry at. .Same place George 8telnrelch, 198 Orange at.Same place Marcus D. Traurtg, 537 Market Joseph Werner, 28*1* Norfolk at."same £222 John Schrelber, 990 Frellngbuywn John Voverla. 250 Jefferson ,t.. isaSfe £222 Frank M. I'rauenberger. 840 Mt Prospect av. Samenlace Peter W Skeherdla. 152 Ferry atSaroe £a2« MacNee, 81 Front et .. Same place " HOLESALE— NEW APPLICATION George 8. Valentine, 311 13th av. . 21 East Falrmount a». W HOLESALE—RENEWAL The National Liquor Go.. 119 Mul- ' . berry at .Same place RETAIL—TRANSFER. Samuel R. Walsh, from 75 South Canal at., to 598 Orange at... 28 Astor at C. WILLIAM HE1LMANN, A. ARCHIBALD, PnM.vt. City Clark. 4eo.ll-5t