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SIXTEEN CONTEST TOE WILL Of A 4 Nieces and Nephews Claim Fraud Was Used to Influence Disposal of Fortune. Fraud, the exercise of unduo in- J fhtence. and lack of capacity, are ! charged in a conlost over the will of Edouard W. Methot, a French Cana dian, who committed suicide in his home at Red Bank, June 1, 1914. The contest was brought before Vice Chancellor Stevens, sitting as'u'yice I ordinary in the Prerogative Court, on an appeal from an order admitting the will to probate In the Orphans’ Court of Monmouth county, < Mr. Methot, at the time he com mitted suicide by inhaling illuminat ing gas, was worth, it is estimated, 1700,000. He was seventy-six years old, was a bachelor, and his nearest relatives were sixteen nephews and nieces, and ten grand-nephews pnd v,■grand-nieces. He had begun as a lumberman in Quebec and after amassing great wealth was the presi dent of a large sayings bank known as the Caisse Economie, in Quebec. In 1907 he was adjudged to be in sane, but was again declared sane in 1910 and released from the asylum where he was commuted, it was in 1911 that he made the will now in con test. Mr. Methot’s father, also a lum berman of Quebec, died insane. In 1898 Mr. Methot made a will in which he apportioned his estate to each of hiB nephews and nieces, and again, in 1907, some months before he became insane, he made another will in whlgh he distributed his increased fortune in the same manner but with greater detail. Hypnotic Influence Charged. Hypnotic influence entered Vaguely into the argument of Henry E. Frank enberg, of the Now York bar, Wtto in association with Ralph E. Bum Is counsel for the numerous contestants in the case. It Is alleged by them (hat Homer Methot, one of the nephews of the dead man, who lives in Red Bank, so influenced Ids uncle that he practically cut off all of the other heirs and gave to Homer ab solute control of his large estate. The contestants are Arabella Methot Masslcotte, Oscar Arcatid, Louis J. Ulrich Thlbaudeau. Eva Thlbaudeau Pelletier, Sophie Thlbaudeau Coutol Uer, Adolphe Thlbaudeau. ail of Mon treal: Isidore Thibaudcau, of Water The Gem Shop Would you feast your eyes on beautiful gems in rich settings—diamonds, pearls, sapphires, rubies and all the others? Would you please someone at Christmas time with such a gift? Then come to the "Gem Shop" of Newark, where you will find exquisite gems in the most artistic designs and mountings—at prices that will surprise you by their reasonableness. It is not necessary to search further. You will find just what you are looking fpr here. J.Wiss & Sons JEWELERS ■ 11 . . mvnsnnn «m» cutlirs . bury. Conn.; J. Homer Thibaudeau, ] Adolphe Arcand, Arthur and Jo sephine Arcand, of Montreal; Al phonse Arcand, of Montreal; Al Mrs. Eugene M. Boyd, of Montreal. The defendant, Homer Methot; a brother. Louis Ebens Methot, and their sister, Mrs. Emellne Methot Fleming, are represented in the case by former Attorney-General Edmund Wilson, former Judge Gilbert Collins and Samuel Phillips Savage. The lawyers are to have three days in which to present the case to the court. Mr. Franks,iberg, the fleet one to address the court, told the story as his clients saw it at some length. He charged that Homer Methot, the nephew, was dissatisfied with the will of 1907, and conspired to have his uncle committed as an Insane person. That afterward he conspired to have him taken from the asylum to which he had been committed in Canada and Jo get him under his personal control. He finally succeeded, according to Mr. Frankenberg, and took his uncle abroad for awhile. He ^hon came to Red Bank with him and took his uncle to his own home. After Edouard Methot lived in his nephew's home for a month, he rented a house across the street from the nephew's home and lived there until he committed suicide. The contest is on two instruments. One of these is a will disposing of about $75,000 worth of property and the other a trust deed which by its 4. A- .. *. ■ . , ‘ r . . • - . * | terms put tlie nephew in complete control of all of the large estate on the death of the Uncle. Mr. Franken berg said that Mr. Methot always re ferred to the trust deed as his will and believed that It was one. In the course of the argument the name of Dr. David A. Shirras, an eminent alienist of Canada, cropped up several times. It developed that Dr. Shirras was in the habit of using hypnotism in his treatment of patients and, as declared by Mr. Frankenberg, Homer Methot one time paid him >6,000 for his services. VAILSBURG NOTES Under the auspices of the Epworth League a muslcale will be given in the Vailsburg M. E. Church tomor row night. Mrs. J. Wriggin, of Oakland ter race, will entertain the Ever-ready Sewing Circle at her home today. Miss Lillian Gilbertson is the guest of Miss Grace Berg, of Kichelieu ter race, for a few days. Elmer Towers, of Smith street, will entertain the T. Q. T. Club at his home on Friday. Miss Helen Holmes, of Sandford avenue, is in New York State for a week. '.' FOR SENTENCE Jury Out Only Twenty Minutes in Convicting South Jer sey Policeman. Samuel Merchant, the former I policeman of Westbury, Gloucester County, who was convicted tn the i Federal Court In this city late yesler- ' day afternoon of sending an obscene letter through tfie mails, has been placed in Jail here to await sentence by Judge John Itellstab, before whom the case was tried. The Jury was out only twenty minutes in arriving at a verdict. District Attorney J. Warren Davis, in his summing up. bitterly assailed Merchant for his actions In inducing Miss Mary Snelbaker to receive Ills attentions, which Anally resulted in the girl leaving her home and becom ing eetranged from her parents. Mrs. Pamela Snelbaker, mother of the girl, to whom Merchant sent the letter in code which resulted in ills conviction, made a strong witness for the prosecution. When asked by former Senator John Boyd Avis, counsel for Mer chant, on cross-examination, as to Whether the letter offered in evidence was the same one which the girl re ceived and opened in front of her father and mother, Mrs. Snelbaker threw both hands in the air and ex claimed: "It is positively the same, wjth both my hands raised to God.” Mrs. Snelbaker told how she found the key to the code, which her daughter and Merchant used, at the bottom of a jewel box of her daugh ter's, and after deciphering the letter called the attention of Mr. Davis to the matter. The matter, she said, was brought to the attention of the authorities to break up the Infatua tion which her daughter had for , Merchant, who had two wives. "I had one of the loveliest girls that any mother ever had." exclaimed Mrs. Snelbaker, "until tills man came along. I can’t .stand it any longer." She was completely unnerved and the case was halted until she had re gained her composure. During her mother's testimony the girl, who sat in ihe front seat of the court room, laughed loudly several times. iiie father of the girl, John Snel baker, also testlAed during the after noon session. When asked If he had not said he would "get" Merchant, the witness stated that he had never made such a statement. “Isn't it true that there are no lengths that you won't go to get Merchant,” said counsel for Mer chant. "There is no answer to that ques tion,” replied Mr. Snelbaker quietly. Come in and see the magnificent assortment of player pianos that we have gathered together under one roof—in or der that you may select your instrument for Xmas without fear of getting one that is unreliable. For every player-piano in our ware rooms is of an unquestioned standard—no matter what you pay, the Griffith reputation protects you. “Let us be known oy the quality of the pianos we sell’ is the motto upon which our name has been built. And as our Christmas offering to you; we have pro cured an unprecedented array of beautiful player-pianos, an instrument for every purse, yet all of them of perfect tonal purity. Come in and see them. . Our large assortment comprises a variety of player-pianos at the fol lowing special Christmas prices— $375, $485, $600, $650 Steinway Pianolas From $1150-$2550 The Aeolian-Vocalion Come, Hear It Now— It’s a Royal Gift. Don't wait until the last minute—for although we are the only Aeolian Vocalion agents in Newark and you can get one at any time—we want you to get yours for Christmas. It's the new phonograph—the only instrument equipped with the Graduola, the wonderful device for tone-control. The Vocalion will accurately reproduce the lower tones of differ ent instruments—it avoids entirely the thin nasal tone of the ordinary machine. You can reduce the music to the softest whisper or swell it to the full fortissimo. It’s a wonderful Christmas gift—come In tomorrow. PRICES, $35 to $2000 Convenient Payments If Desired Thia Style *100 We Are Doing a Wonderful Christmas Business And, so, we feel prompted to say “Thank You.” This store ia more than ever Christmas buying headquarters for all, particularly for practical Christmas Gifts. A store where quality and attractive prices reign supreme at all times. To this we add the extra attraction of wide assortments. Exclusive novelties. Individual gifts. Distinctive things. Each department being a Holiday Specialty Shop. You can solve the gift problem here to your entire satisfac tion and at a worth-while saving. Let the Children Phone to Santa Claus Any Evening (Except Sunday) Just Before Bedtime. Those who cannot come to the store to see “Santa” mav ring up Market 5500 between 6 and 8 o’clock and ask for “Santa Claus.” He will answer, and you may have a nice little chat w'ith him, telling what you’d like to have for Christmas. He has bis headquarters at our store on the second floor. DOLLS and More DOLLS Here by the Thousands Shelves overloaded with dolls. Dolls that it would take an hour to mention Dolls from Germany—lots of them. American made dolls—in abundance. Little dolls. Big dolls—dolls that sleep—dolls that talk. Baby dolls—Lady dolls. Dutch dolls—Japanese dolls—character dolls. Elegant Perfumes Make Dainty Gifts Where is the woman whose eyes will not brighten at the eight of a bottle of delicious ex tract, cologne or toilet water among her Christmas gifts? Mala Floor Coty's Perfumes and Toilet Waters ......2410 lo 5-00 Fiver's Perfumes and Toilet Waters .0©c to 2.35 Rigaud’s Mary Garden or Lilas Perfumes.1.00 to 4.50 Pier KIs Perfume-1.35 to 2.1© Pinaud’s Lilas or Violette Vege ta! . ,.i...€5* Arly's Lilas Perfume. .1.00 to 3.00 Houbigant’s Extracts.2.H5 to 4JH\ 4711 Cologne.33* to «5* EJle Mai me Perfumery. L25 to XM Spiehler’s Perfumery. BO* to 24)0 Vantine’s Perfumery. .25* to 1.50 Miro Pena Perfumery. .50* to 4.75 Colgate’s Perfumes. ...25* to 2*5 Hud nut’s Perfumes... .75c to 5.00 Headache Cologne.25c to 75* Seekers for Practical Gifts can find these also in the Toilet Articles Section: Hot Water Bottles in rubber or metal ..75c to 2.50 Bath Brushes.25c to 2.75 Invalid Cushions.... 1.75 and 1.05 Perfumizers ..50c to 4.05 A complete assortment of Pink, Blue, Ivory and Celluloid Toilet Articles. Toilet Goods Section— First Floor. Another Offering of Velvet Corduroy 78c Yd. Regular 1.00 Grade 37 inches, one of the finest grade, velvet corduroys offered at regular selling price. Similar of ferings brought such a rousing response that we felt safe in mak ing another purchase. You know how extremely fashionable is this sort of corduroy and how scarce it is W’e have the newest and best street shades to offer; Copen hagen. taupe, Russian castor, plum, marine, brown, seal, white and black; most ideal material for costumes, coats and children's wear; special ................78c Silk Underwear All women love silk underwear —hut many do not care to indulge their tastes in this direction— therefore, a gift of silk under wear cannot very well be misdi rected. Second Floor Crepe Meteor, Crepe de Chine and Satin Underwear in Unlimited Variety Envelope ffcemtoe—Front beau tifully embroidered in two-tone colors, others lace trimmed or tai lored..345 to 10.98 Camisoles of Crepe de Chine— Lace trimmed.140 to 5.98 Crepe de Chlae and Crepe Me teor Gowns—Embroidered in two* tone colors^ lace trimmed or tai lored.540 to 1548 Crepe de Chlae Skirts—Exqui sitely trimmed with fine lace, 3.95 to 2445 Crepe de Chlae and Meteor Short Chemise or Vests 185 to 540 Satin Underwear Pink, Gold and White In Vast Array of Fascinating Styles * Gowns of Satin—Fancy trimmed with silver and Val. laces, eome tailored with picot edge, 948 to 1348 Camisoles of Satin—Pink, gold and white, trimmed with silver and Val. lace......... 140 to 7.9S So tin Envelope Chemise—Fancy trimmed with silver and Val. laces; also many tailored styles, 540 to 1348 Satin Bloomer*—Lace trimmed or plain shirred..... .248 to 548 Satin Skirts—Many styles, some Suite fancy, some with deep lace ounce and ribbon, some with sil ver and gold lace trimming, •48 to 3845 Women’s Coats and Suits Handsome Plush Coats, $25.00 A variety of excellent mod els, one model with chin chin collar edged with fur. flare skirt, belt all around; another splendid model with sailor collar of self cloth, one-half belt back, flare skirt; another with all fur collar, belted over hips, giving a fullness that is stylish; all nicely lined with good quality satin. Very Smart Coats at $15.00 Of excellent quality broad cloth, choice mixtures, whip cord, corduroy and ail nicely satin lined, others waist and yoke lined. The variety of models in the assortment is endless, surely you can make a satisfactory selection; good assortment of colors and sires. 18.50 & 25.00 for Suits Values 25.00 to 45.00 Reproductions of high grade suits at theBe nominal prices, tn order to work up remaining materials, such as broadcloths, whipcords, gabardines, etc.; splendidly lined and made In the same excellent manner as the originals; fur trimmed or velvet and braid trimmed; belted models or slightly semi-fltted; models with flare jackets and collars that ap pear well. Sat or standing; re markable values. ---- 1 Beginning Next Saturday, December 18th, and Thereafter Our Store Will Be OPEN EVENINGS Until Friday, December 24th, When We WILL CLOSE as Usual at 6 P. M. v— ...._, Dolls that cry. Dolls at every price imaginable. All at the dolls’ convention now in session on our second door, right opposite Santa Claus. And the things for them, too. And every doll here wants a little mother Come in—it will make your heart glad. Character Dolls—A most com plete assortment, with voice and flirting eyes, at.50c and 59c Character Dolls—A comprehen sive assortment, from $2 to 17.96 Dressed Dolls—A very complete line with up-to-date dressing, 25e, 29c, 35c Babies to 11.98 & Up Jointed Dolls-—with bisque face, from the very smallest at 25c to the largest, at.12.00 Kid Body Dolls—All new goods, almost all sizes, from 35c to 2.98 Character Dolls—With beauti ful eyes, at.25c Character Dolls—Good site, cute face, with and without hair .,.29c Character Dolls—Nice site, prize baby, our baby with voice; a wonderful and complete stock, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 Christmas Umbrellas this is Newark's ymbrella Headquarters, not only at Christmas time, but all the year round. It naturally follows that choice is best and values greatest here. Main Flow. k a | Men’s and Women’s Umbrellas, cov A| I .VO ered with fine grade piece dyed Taf feta, with Silk cases—beautiful va riety of handles with Sterling Silver and Gold Plated Trimmings. ii Men’s and Women’s Umbrellas, with Al Z.VO covers and rases of fine Union Taffeta Silk (guaranteed for \>ne year)—a variety of fancy trimmed and European Novelty handles. k , ^ nn Men’s and Women’s close rolling Um brellas—-covers and cases of Taffeta Si|k that Plain or sterling Sil ver trimmed handles. * * j a nn Men’s and Women’s Umbrellas, cov Al A-.VfS erc<* and cased with finest pure Silk v Taffeta; guaranteed against cracking for one year—handles are works of art—hundreds of styles to choose from. Here by the thousands. The kinds of ties that the men folks like. Ties for the flashy dresser, for the more sedate, for the conservative. Ties for every man—for John, Will, Ephraim, for husband, son, brother, cousin, nephew and so on. Ties from America’s best tie makers. Ties made from richest imported silks. 25c to 2.50 # Special Purchase of 100 Men’s Bath Robes Men’s 4.00 and 5.00 Bath Robes Special 3.55 Beacon & Lawrence Blankets Great variety of two tone colorings in gray, brown, tan, blue and other colorings, including new Indian designs, plain and silk corded edge robes, pockets and cuffs, well tai lored, all seams piped, satin yoke piece and cord and girdle to match; small, me dium and large sizes. Other Bath Robes & Gowns 2.98 to 18.00 riwn Men's House Coats Greatest Values in Town We specialize on Men’s House Coats for Christ mas at special prices. 5.00 Houee Coats. Special.3.95 7.00 House Coat*, Special.5J>0 8.00 House Coats, Special.....6.95 10.00 House Coats, Special.....8.7a St 1.98 to $18.50 finest grade cloth House Coat*, and velvets; all shades in two-tone colorings. No One Ever Has Too Many GLOVES That is one reason why gloves are always a welcome Christmas gift—and doubly so when they come from Newark’s foremost Glove Store. (Main Floor.) Homfi’* Lob, Kid filOTM.IWtoSM Women’s 2-clasp Kid Gloves.75c to SjM Women's 2-elasp Lambskin Gl«» vac, IjM dt 1.15 Women’s 1-clasp W ashable f apeak!n Gloves, * 140 and 1.50 Women’s 1-clasp Washable Mocha Gtavea. 1.75 Women’s 1 -clasp Mocha Glove* . . .1410 to 24)0 W omen’s Strop-wrist Rlanrltr < apeak!n Glove*, washable .2.00 nod 2^5 ( hlldren’a Kid Gloves—cape and mochas, some knit-lined .I4W and 1.80 Men** Glove*. 1.00 to HGO0. W ashable eape sklnst mochas (some con be washed); white kid gloves for dress wear, chnmols gloves la natural color with black embroid ery; atlk-llaed, knit-lined, la mbs'-wool lined and far and far-lined gloves. Children's Muffs and Sets Reasonably Priced As a Christmas suggestion nothing would be nlore appropriate or more useful than a separate muff or set; our assortment is varied and reasonably priced, ranging from 14MI to 25.00. Hoffs In pillow, melon or hall *hnpe with animal shape scarfs of Laakd Wool, Angora, Thibet, Imitation Er mine, Imitation Ermine and A agora, Gamb and Angora, Cblaehilla Coney, Gray Cooey, Katiral Ctwy, Bcavor Coney, Pitch Coney, Natoral Kit Gywx. Iceland Pax, Sgmlrrci, Wsafm, Jib ami Raccoon, Opossnm, Ifenr tod t French Gooey > (Third Floor) Very Special, Solid Gold Bracelet Watch 14.50 15-jeweled lever move ment, heavy 10k. case and flexible bracelet, move ment guaranteed to be ac curate timekeeper. A nice Christmas present for wife, daughter, sister or sweetheart. Mala Ftaar / 1 _ ^ Another New Individual Novelty Hat Is the “Hawaian” Sailor The hat is made entirely of fine blades of straw resembling very much silk fringe, it covers the entire hat and is of the natural straw color; a simple trimming of high colored flowers on the brim of the hat. forming a wreath constitutes the only' trimming. HHHaery Parlor. The Price Is 13.50 ^ - Specials from Upholstery Section Let Us Furnish Your Sleeping Rooms Colonial Curtains and Valances—all ready to hang; 6 feet 9 inches long; made from My 2&c Cretonne in our stock, from a selection of over 30 different designs and colors, with neat j ^ ball or peco edge; complete... * Complete Bed Sets to match; complete, 4.75 Rrnlar Volar 11.SO to I4J» lioplr*. Amur traction Silk Moire Oooiaak and Tmusporeot son foot Parttrrro. in the most beautiful colorings, suitable for any fitted home; pair.8.98 Valoe 4JX» Klnr Vet I.ore Cortoloo—Squarc or round mesh, bodies with solid lane edge or edge and Insertion; In white, cream and Arabe color; sill lengths; pair.2-jU Value to 1AO. Ruffled and Met Muslin Cu» toloa—A large range of styles, suitable for sleep ing-rooms; sill length; pair. -59c ' Value 2JVTI mud H.SO. Beautiful rope.try t ouch Coven, In rich oriental design*; 60 Inches wide; reversible colors; each. 1.98 SO Fain Sample Fortlereo, at about 14 of their regular value; Tight, medium to heavy quality; pair 2.98 Another Consignment of Uw Cutttaa—Val ues J.00 and 3.50; newest makes and atyloa; neat and dainty ourtatna; Bonaa net. In rich shade at Arabe or "straight edge; Bandeux l-ace Curtains; sill length*; white, cream or Arabe; pair.IJ»8 Regular talar ISWc and the Fine Serlm - R.750 yards with fancy borders; 3« inches wide; for sash, long and Dutch curtains; yard.Me White Window shades at Redaeed Prices, wlt.i nickel ring pull— Regular 55c ^fcadft...a*c Regalar She Saafaet Shade* -Jf* Regular Ms Veaettaa StHpe Shade*.. .She Most Useful Christmas Gifts Laer Bed Seta. library TaHt Searfa, l eaner < nark l aser*. Smoking Staada and other ttovotty Braaa rants. _ (Third Woocl