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MOTOR TRUCK ; MEN PREPARE f FOR ELECTION Name Ticket to Be Voted On at Annual Meeting De li cember 21. • The nominating committee of the Motor Truck Club of New Jersey, at M recent meeting, reported the slate lor. the election of officers, which will take place at the annual meeting of the club, December 21, ns follows: President, David Harper; vice-presi dent. J. D. Black; secretary, Nelson 8; Pringle; treasurer, George Janco TUs- With the exception of the latter all have served in the offices for which tBSy are nominated for re-election ItUring the last year. the annual meeting a tentative jptogram for the coming year will bo mapped out, and the various standing •ommittees will be appointed. “.Officers will be elected and Import ant business transacted at the annual meeting of the Automobile Club of itudson County, to be held in Jersey XUly, January 11. Final plans for the <3Ub's legislative program will also fie made at the meeting. President jKjmby has named the nominating dwamlttee as follows: Frederick Dun lmm, William Van Keuren, George Slakeslee, Hugo 8cola and Dr. L. A. Opdyke. I The automobile lias been instrumen tal in reducing the number of athletes to the colleges and preparatory schools, according to Colonel D. F. Wills, a former member of the faculty of iMercersburg Academy, who is now manager of the Newark branch of the ' Empire Rubber and Tire Company, 889 Jfouth Broad street. ' Colonel Wills, who for more than a dozen years has been identified with various athletics, was speaking con Cfirnlng conditions at Mcrcersburg, Which has always been known to turn ®ut athletes of more than ordinary EMIity. The material of late years has not been up to a former standard, gnd it was his belief that the auto mobile, to a certain extent, has taken the place of the baseball diamond and thh football oval. Before the auto mobile became so popular he said the boys sought recreation on the back Tots playing baseball or football, and ho* they are spending their leisure , hours in driving their father’s auto (nobile. ~.JI. A. Bonnell. of the Bonnell Motor Company, 273 Halsey street, who re SjjJIy returned from a visit of a few tys to the factory of* the Dodge Brothers’ Motor Car Company in De troit, is enthusiastic over the outlook tor the coming year for the Dodge Brothers' cars. j Mr. Bonnell, who was accompanied to the factory by H. R. Stratton, New York; C. R. Bishop and J. H. McCormack, Brooklyn; C. E. Walker and H. A. Barkman, Hartford, Conn., cays that the company is manufactur ing on an average of one hundred cars daily and is unable to meet the demand of its dealers. The great ma jority of the cars, he said, are now being shipped to the West and South, (where the weather is not so severe gjB in the East, the shipments to this (pjgtion being deferred until a month , or so later. The visitors were shown through ' the factory, which has more than wixty acres of floor space, and is the | (Second largest plant In the world de- . Toted to the manufacture of hutomo- I flies. While the employes are busily engaged in the manufacture of cars for the trade they are also preparing their exhibit for the New York show, J and will have one of the most elab- 1 orate displays of cars there, as well CIS in the Chicago show, which will ; follow soon after. "It Is well worth a trip to Detroit.” ! staid Mr. Bonnell in conclusion, "to Yiett the wonderful plant of the Dodge Brothers’ company. Every visitor, whether he be an owner of a car or •’ will be shown the utmost cour tw* ■The general supposition is that heat In ttres in due to contact and skid ding, according to an official of the Baynes Automobile Company. This to some extent is true, but the per centage of heat, he says, as compared to the real source is small. Much of the heat comes from the inside of the carcass of the tire, in which there art. to be found variations in ten sion in each ply and between adja eant piles. The tire In use is con stantly changing it® shape or form at OJpces of contact with the road, which requires a certain amount of energy; the greater the change in shape the Btore energy is required and conse qnjePtly the more heat is developed. "One of the greatest merits of an automobile is its capability of sus taining rapid travel,” said Benjamin Briscoe, president of the Briscoe Mo tor Company, Inc., of Jackson, Mich., -and while there are certain dangers Inseparable from fast travel, these dangers are invariably misrepresent ed end misunderstood. The great majority of accidents are due to care tetumess and reckless driving and not t*> the actual rate of going. A well faillt machine in competent hands B&ay be far less dangerous going at the rate of fifty miles an hour than *tx or eight miles an hour with a ■eor car in the hands of an inexpe Sfenced driver." TJie day Is past when automobiles dan be sold without full equipment, According to W. E. Stalmaker, vice fssident of the Pathfinder Company, glatest product of the company in equipment contains a cigar lighter, tonneau lights, bumper, one-man top, ClOCk, speedometer, trouble lamp and dower pump. | ■ Tlie Beaver Manufacturing Com pany of Milwaukee has received an order for the construction of 3,500 special motors for the Sun Motor Company, to be delivered January 1, 19116, The motors are being built ac cording to the latter company's de sign, so that it can easily run up to 3,000 revolutions a minute. - According to reports from the Motor •Truck Trade, the educational stage of the automobile Industry seems to be R&Ssing. Business men do not have to be told they need trucks because tJwv know it. It states, and they ijriSerstand the superior reliability of j trucks over horses. Above all, they | r ai, now eifectively the truck | pieces the whole working organization j yf progressive business. Jersey Girls Help Clarks Select Gifts for Mrs. Galt " .'WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.—Speaker and Mrs. Champ Clark’s wedding gift H. Mrs. Norman Galt, President Wil son's fiancee, is a handsome silver Compote for fruit or cake. It was ■elected yesterday with the assist ance of Miss Katherine Baker. Miss Frances Baker and Miss Mary Baker, of Wildwood, N. J. , "The compote is of handwrought ■liver and is a low flat urn on a low pedestal There is a medallion on each side of it. Between these are garlands af leaves and fruit, caught with floating ribbon*. It tm engraved with the initial "O." Open Evenings Until 10 Commencing Saturday, December I8th, and until Christmas, Hahne & Co. will remain open evenings to accommodate those who are unable to shop during the daytime. Hahne & Co. _NEWARK_ Sale of Oil Paintings Including cattle, landscape and figures, in deep gilt sweep frames with shadow boxes. Up to $10.00 Pictures. $5.00 Up to $25.00 Pictures.$10.00 Up to $60.00 Pictures.$25.00 - ■ .- ■.. "II Ln equaled Assortments in Men’s, Women’s, Children’s Gift Handkerchiefs IN THE gift category few things are as popular as Handkerchiefs. Thous ands and thousands of them here, grouped in sections to make selection easy. Men’s Handkerchiefs Hemstitched and all made from pure Irish linen, at, each, l2y*c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 50c. Men's Handkerchiefs Pure linen hemstitched initial Hand kerchiefs. at, each, 12Vfec, 10c, 21c, 25c, 39c and 50c. Also boxed in half dozens, at, box, ; 75c, 91.00. 91.25, 91.45, 92.25 and 92.90. Men's Silk Handkerchiefs Colored borders and all plain white; a very lai*Ke selection, with or without initial, each, 25c, 39c, SOc, 75c, 91* 91.25. Women's Handkerchiefs All pure Irish linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, neat block initial; M-inch hem, neatly boxed; alx Children's Handkerchiefs Colored bordered initial Hand- 1?%p kerchiefs; 3 In a box; for.xuv Women's Initial Handker chiefs Of fine sheer shamrock lawn, neat floral spray, with small block ini- 50c tlal, neatly boxed; alx for....... Children's Handkerchiefs Crepe de chine kewple Handker chiefs, Imported from Japan. In colors. Neatly put up In Japanese fold- 25c era; one in edch folder; each. Women's Embroidered Handkerchiefs Of fine, sheer Shamrock lawn; six neat embroidered designs In a $1.00 box; for ..v Women's Madeira Hand kerchiefs All pure linen, with scalloped edges, neat and elaborate embroidered cor ners. A large variety, all hand em broidered, from 50c each to 1225 each. Christmas Linens Extensive Selections—Special Prices—and Nothing More Practical in the Realm of Gifts for the Housewife. Satin Damask Table Cloths Satin Damask Table Cloths of Pure Irish Linen, in a large selection of choice designs, neatly boxed for Christmas Gifts, with one dozen napkins * to match. One Table Cloth, size j Set 70x70 . ( complete One dozen Table Nap- ( kina to match, size 22x22 ; v.OO One Table Cloth, size \ Set 70x88 ...». f complete One dozen Table Nap- ( fi kins, size 22x22. ) i One Table Cloth, size \ Set 72x72 ... I complete One dozen Table Nap- i Q 11 kins, size 22x22. ) 0,00 One Table Cloth, size \ Set 72x72 .. f complete One dozen Table Nap- f n he kins, plze 24x24. ; Madeira Hand Embroidered Luncheon Sets, six tumbler doilies, six plate doilies and one-24-inch centerpiece; all hand embroidered in neat designs on pure linen; neatly boxed; the set, QA complete ....... .... A Special Offering of Fancy Decorative Linens C'lnny Dollle*—Formerly 25c to $2.98; special at 19c to 91*95. Clnny Centerpiece*—36 inch; for merly $2.75 to $8.96; special at 81*95 to 98*50. Baby Pillow Slip*—Irish hand-em broidered; formerly 90c to $2.25; special at 45c to 95c. Madeira Centerpiece* and Lunch Cloths—36 Inch. 45, 64, 72 and 90 inch; formerly $18.50 to $95.00 each; special at $104(0 to $494(0 each. Cluny Luncheon and Banquet Cloths—54 inch; formerly $20.60; special at $144(0. 72 Inch, formerly $15.50 to $49.50; special at $104(0 to $294(0. Note This Good Gift Idea—Bath Sets Packed in a box so daintily that one almost expects them to be some article of clothing, these pretty and extremely handsome Bath Sets will appeal to many bent upon the choosing of Household Gifts. Bath Mats, $1.95 and $2.25 11 Consisting of two large b&th towels, two guest bath tovveis and two wash cloths, neatly boxed with colored jacquard borders and monogram space on the towels; they come in blue, lavender, orange and pink borders. Gem style Bath Set, com Trellis style Bath Sets, ffO OK complete .. Bath Sets, $3.50 Consisting of two large bath towels, two guest bath towels, two wash cloths and one large bath mat, all to match with woven Jac quard borders In towels and mat with space suitable for initial or monogram; pink, blue, orange and lavender; neatly boxed; set <2»Q CA complete .ipO.OU HAHNE A CO„ MAIN FLOOR Many Christmas Gift Lists Are Including Gloves and Hosiery SUCH useful gifts are often the most ap preciated—and here are gloves of fine quality, enhanced by Special Prices. In a pretty gift box for the asking. Women's $3 Glace Kid Women’s Glace Kid Gloves in 16 and 20-button length; mousquetaire style; in white only; | sizes b'/i to 7. Special. Women's 1-Clasp ^ Women’s One-Clasp Gloves—Tan, P. X. M. and mocha skin; all sizes. Special 100 1 Biarritz Gloves Women’s 6-button length Biarritz Glace Kid Gloves—The correct style for winter street wear; in white stitch ed black and all white; all | 1C sizes... 1 12-Button Glace Kid Gloves Women’s Glace Kid Gloves—In 12 button length; mousquetaire style; in white only; sizes 5% to 7; usual- | iC ly $2.25, at. * * Women’s Suede Gloves Women’s Clasp or Burton—Suede, as sorted sand shades, in the Jouvin & Cie gloves; in all shades; 5'/i to 1.65 Women’s White Chamois Women’s One-Clasp White Chamois Gloves—P. X. M. style; washable, sizes 5y2 to 7; usually $1.00, From the Assortment of Women’s Hosiery Women's Silk Stockings Black and white, with both lisle and silk garter welt; all sizes; 1.00, 1.50, 2.00 Women's Black Lisle Thread Stockings All have deep garter tops and rein forced soles, heels and toes; 25c, 39c & 50c Qualities of Use and Ornament Combined in Gifts of Domestic Ivory On all articles priced over 50c one initial letter will be engraved without extra charge. The engraving adds a special feature of individuality. The selection includes Clocks, Photo Frames, Hair Receivers, Puff Boxes, Hair Brushes, Hand Mirrors, Dressing Combs, Perfume Bot tles, Manicure Pieces, Salve Jars, Jewel Cases, Comb and Brush Trays, Pin Trays, Military Brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloth 1'Qp 4^ $15 00 Brushes, etc., at prices ranging from.. *A,V Is a special offer for Thursday. A 3-piece set in domestic ivory, including Comb, Brush and Mirror. One initial letter en graved on each piece free of charge. Special, the $3.49 Perfumes—Toilet Waters in Gift Boxes These are always popular for Christmas giving, and at Hahne’s the assortment, as well as the moderate prices, are especially gratifying. Lack of space forbids the listing: of items, but you will And the best of Perfumes and Toilet Waters here, Including Colgate’s, Bab cock's, Bradley’s, Miro-Dena, Hudnut’s Lazell’s, Arty's, 4** <j»C fifi at prices ranging from. lO $O.UU Perfume Atomlxem of the de pendable De Vllbiss make, with pressed and cut glass bottles and net covered bulbs. 50CtO$5.00 Pot Flenrle—Floral leaves for making: up Scent Bag:s and Fancy Work; In wooden boxes, at 50c box . Items of Interest Chosen From a Great Variety of Underwear and Negligees Just a collection of individual items noted here and there and mentioned merely as in dicating the general trend of uncommonly good values. Women's Night Gowns Fin© quality nainsook in slipover style—low round or square neck, tastefully trimmed with lace insertions and <M KA medallions; ribbon finish*” li hite Petticoats In a variety of pretty models —some with deep flounce of em broidery, others with wide flare of lace insertion and <2*1 KA edging; ribbon beading Women's Drawers Cambric or nainsook, with trimmings of dainty lace or longcloth embroidery, noted for its splendid wearing qual- CA« ities . Envelope Chemise China silk In dainty flesh or white effects; excellent quality; w'ell made; trimmed with lace insertion and edg- <£J Boudoir Caps A dainty assortment of voile, allover lace, net, satin or crepe . de chine. All are attractively trimmed with pretty laces ribbon.25c and 50c ! Women's Bath Robes Made of excellent quality Beacon, raglan and set-in sleeves nicely trimmed with satin and self girdle. Large patch pockets. In gray, laven der, light blue, Copenhagen, rose, tan and pink; sizes Qti 36 to 46. Special. Small Fancy Aprons Fine quality lawn or organdie, daintily trimmed with fine laces, * broidery and ribbon. A large \ uriety; ideal for QQr gift giving. lu m Women's Eiderdown Dressing Sacques With long sleeves, round col lar and fitted backs; may be had in Copenhagen, red, melon and wistaria; sizes 36 to 46. OS Special . Women's House Dresses Made of excellent quality linene and ginghams, neat stripes and checks, round, square and Peter Pan collars; neatly trimmed with embroid ery, pique and self materials. Sizes 36 to 46. Large £1 RA variety of colors; special NainsookCorsetCovers Elaborately trimmed back and front, with fine Val. lace inser tion and medallions; <£1 AA ribbon finish..$1.UU Housewives Savings! —Lowered Prices On Blankets <& Comfortables Winter indispensables—more than welcome— for the very worth-while reductions will help out the gift appropriation to unusual advantage. California Pure Wool Blankets Single, large and extra large sizes. The finest grade of wool; soft and downy. Pink, blue and gold borders. Some with Q CA wide taffeta silk binding; formerly priced up to $13.50; spec. StOli Comfortables Full bed size, silk and satin covered; in beautiful floral designs; filled with best grade hygeia lambs’ wool; formerly priced Q fjj up to $13.50; special.... Imported. Bed Spreads Large and extra large size, fine satin finish, beautiful art and floral designs. Some plain and others with scallop and cut £. AT corners; formerly priced up to $10.00; special.. Comfortables * Full size, with figured silk coverings, in pretty floral designs. All the popular shades, with 9-inch silk border to match, filled with pure white cotton down, very lofty, light and warm; neatly {? nn boxed for gifts and extra value at, each...... u>UU Indian Blankets All wool, very heavy and firmly woven, in a great variety of the popular tribe designs. Beautiful color combinations to Q CA select from; specially priced at, each.'.0»tJU Noting a Few Descriptions and Prices of Women’s Handsome Furs Rest assured that a gift of FURS is something certain of high favor in the eyes of every woman. Beautiful peltries at moderate price are a special feature at Hahne’s. I 'Women’s 40-lnch Hudson Seal Coats, of selected full skins, well matched and finished, full ripple, loose back model, with deep set-in sleeves, finished with turn-up cuffs of same fur. Collar in the square style, square fronts. Linings of figured poplin. Excellent $79.50 Women’s 40-Inch Black Russian Pony Coats, of per fectly matched, nicely molred skins, in the new full back flaring models, collars in the square styles of dyed rac . coon or self fur. Linings of figured poplin or <£OE AA k Skinner’s satin. Excellent value......tpueJ.vv I Women’s Black Fox Pillow Muffs, of well matched w skins, nicely lined and finished. Excellent $22.50 Other prices in Black Fox Muffs, 12.50 to 33.50. Scarfs to Match, in the popular double fur fflO CA one-animal style, at. Other styleB of Black Fox Scarfs, 13.50 to 29.50. A Better finality of black fox muffs in the animal style, melon shape, finished with head and brush, 50 Scarfs to Match, in the double fur one-animal style. bru»heciar“h heBd/.pawsandla.rse$19.50and$22.50 Natural Skunk Muffs, In the new ball style, of fcOK AA good full skins, well matched and finished. Scarf* fo Match, tn the «Q KH choker style . 'w,,w Dyed skunk Muff*. In the melon shape, of choice selected skins, well Shed and. ,fin: $14.50 and $15.50 Scarfs to Match, in the dou- CIO £() ble fur one-animal style, at.. A Choice I'Ot of natural Raccoon Muffs in the new ball and melon shapes. Ain.c\t.dai:k $15.00 and $22.50 Scarfs to Match, in the double fur one-animal style, also the silk lined r™r\eftec'8:... $9.50 to $35.00 l\o Doubt About a Welcome for These Salks and D>ress Goods Given her choice, many a woman would welcome Dress Materials above all things as one of her friendship tokens for Christmas morn ing. Thursday’s items are priced to make the choosing more than usually satisfactory. And each length will be daintily packed in a gift box, if you make the request when purchasing. 42-inch Chiffon Velvet, special 3.75 yd. All Silk, a cloth of exceptional merit, with lofty pile and rich ) finish. It comes in the popular new shades—African brown, (3*75 Hague blue, navy, taupe, Copenhagen and black. Special at, yard ) 1.00 Corduroy, 26 in. wide, special 87c yd. A cloth of superior weight, deep hollow cord, beautiful finish, "i in a complete line of street shades, including white and black; an l ideal fabric for skirts, suits and coats. Formerly $1.00; special I1 O/w at, yard ..J 2.00 Black Chuddah, 44 in. wide, special 1.69 yd. Made of pure mohair and worsted yarns; a bright and silky 1 , _ material, dyed a perfect black; a superior quality cloth. Formerly [• 1 qO $2.00; special at, yard. 1 1.25 All Wool Whipcord, 50 in. wide, special 84c yd. A cloth of good weight, heavy cord, strictly all-wool; comes 1 _ in two shades of navy blue and can be depended upon to give ex- > cellent service. Formerly $1.25; special at, yard. ) 79c Black Messaline is reduced to 68c yd. This bright, lustrous material is a rich jet black and full 35 l inchs wide. Particularly good value. Formerly at 79c; special [ nxr at, yard .. ) vtvjv Notable Coat Reductions for Attention of Women, Girls’ and Misses’ Values that call for earliest shopping, in coats that have the attraction of smart style and which were really superior value at their former prices. Women's Costs of zibeline, chinchilla, corduroy and kersey, trimmed with fur, velvet, plush or buttons, In light or dark colors; some are full flare, belted models. All colors. All sizes. Formerly $14.98. QQ Special ...^ Women's Coats of pebble cheviot, corduroy, zibeline, tweeds and mixtures, button to neck models, with con vertible collar of plush, velvet or fur, fancy shaped pock ets. All colors. All sizes. Formerly $19.75. $14 50 Women's Coats, trimmed with fur, velvet, plush or buttons, in the new belted full flare models, in corduroy, zibelines, pebble cheviots and plaid back mixture-*. All colors. All sizes. Formerly $25.00 H KA Special . Women's Dressy Coats, in a variety of models, such as the high chin collar of fur or velvet, belted, full flare models, trimmed with fur or plush. The materials are i broadcloth, corduroy, velour de laine, pebble cheviots and i plaid back mixtures. All colors. All sizes. For- i merly »35.00. Special.JpA't.OU i Girls’ Coat* of chinchilla, zibeline and kersey cloth, f button to neck models with convertible collars, trimmed * with velvet, braid or buttons; full kilted skirt. AA Sizes 6-14. Formerly $8.98. Special.tpu.vv Girl*’ Coat* of corduroy, chinchilla and zibeline, in a large assortment of styles, trimmed with plush, velvet or buttons; lined throughout and warmly Interlined. Q& All colors; all sizes. Formerly $10.98 Special... Girls’ Coats of chinchilla, corduroys, wool, plush and zlbeline, collar and cuffs trimmed with fur, velvet or plush, lined throughout and warmly inter lined; full kilted skirts. All colors. Special ***'.. FOrmerly .. ,14:9.8: $10-00 Misses’ Coats of plaid back mixtures, wool plush, chinchilla and corduroy, button to neck models, with convertible collars of fur, velvet or plush, belted full flare, lined throughout and warmly interlined. All colors. Sizes 14 16-18. Formerly $22.50. Spe- 9g Men’s Gloves Men's Gloves 1.50 Tan Cape Wash Gloves, with bone snap buttons; Meyer's make; extra good value at.*1.50 Men's Gloves 1.75 Gray mochas, -with self and black embroidered backs, snap button; all sizes; a very popular glove and one that sells well at.*1.73 Men's Gloves 2.25 Gray mochas, with self backs and silk lined, so that they Blip on and off easily; pair..*2.25 Men's Gloves 50c & 1.00 Ir* gray, brown and black; warm and comfortable gloves that can't be beaten at 50e and *1 Everything in the Way of Men’s Fnmishings 1.50 Shirts tor 95c A collection of madras and cheviot shirts with soft and stiff cuffs and all sleeve lengths to 36. Sizes 14 to 18. 3.50 & 4.00 Silk Shirts tor 2.95 Choice of neat patterns in stripes with colorings of blue, black, green and helio. New Shirts at 1.50 Some negligee, some plaited bosoms, soft and stiff cuffs, new and exceptionally good patterns. Mens White Shirts at 1.25 Plaited bosom shirts with half-inch plaits of fine count cambric, hand laundered; sizes 14 to 18, and sleeve lengths 33 to 36. Men’s Silk Shirts at 5.45 Neat and wide stripes of crepes and granite weave silks. These are all-silk materials and will make beau tiful Christmas gifts. Just arrived. Men’s House Coats at 5.00 Double-faced cloths, bound with silk cord at edge and pockets. Sizes 34 to 46. Also in wool materials of double-faced cloths, oxford, navy and brown. $5.00 and $6.50. 1.50 & 2.00 Neckwear, 95c Handsome Silks and Satins of heavy quality, in floral effects, Practically all colorings. New Neckwear at 55c Seemingly an endless assortment of plain colors, stripes and plaids to choose from. 2.50 to 3.50 Neckwear, 1.65 In rich imported silks and satins of foreign manufacture. Large, handsome designs and floral effects. 4.50 Neckwear for 2.45 These are made from the finest neck wear silks in flowered effects and beau tiful colorings. 3.50 Blanket Robesy 2.95 These are cut full and roomy and come in small plaid effects, of all colors. Men's Underwear at 1.15 Natural wool shirts and drawers, me dium heavy weight, cut high at neck. Sizes, shirts, 34 to 50; drawers, 30 to 50. 1 .. . ..... .... Men's Pajamas at 2.00 Medium weight cheviots in neat stripes and plain colors, also plain colors of silkbound cotton crepes. Pearl buttons and silk frogs. 1.50 Pajamas tor 1.00 These are in plain colors and stripes, madras and cheviots, pearl buttons and silk frogs. 1.25 Domet Pajamas for 89c Made of soft, fleecy domet flannels, cut full and roomy, in military style. “Onyx" Silk Socks at 50c Pure silk with double heel and toe, in black, white, tan, gray, suede, champagne and navy. 1.50 “Onyx" Silk Socks for 1.00 All-silk, with either Pointex or square heel. In black and colors. 1.50 to 3.50 “Onyx" Socks for 1.35 Beautiful silk socks for gift giving. English de sign in spot effects, a variety of combinations as well' as plain colors of ingrain silks Umbrellas 2.00 Umbrellas for 1.50 Men’s and Women’s Umbrellas with paragon frames and silk cases. A handsome assortment of handles to choose from. Formerly $2.00: special....$1.50 2.50 Umbrellas for 2.00 Choice for both men and women; fine quality with sterling silver trim mings. Formerly $2.50; special, $2.00 3.75 Umbrellas tor 3.00 Union Taffeta Umbrellas, with sterling silver mounts and plain handles; for men and women. For merly $3.75; special.$3.00