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Christmas Favors and Novelties Cornucopias for filling, from 3c up to 70c dozen. Snap ping mottoes from 10c dozen up. Filled stockings, 5c up. Table favors, etc., 5c up. Hahne & Co. NEWARK Open Evenings Until 10 Commencing Saturday, December 18th, and until Christmas, Hahne & Co. will remain open evenings to accommodate those who are unable to shop during the daytime. © Offer Such Wonderful Latitude They Should Be Included In UUilS Almost Every Gift List Christmas Classics Specially suited for presentation. Each volume contains a colored fron tispiece and is bound in assorted col ors and tied with silk ribbon and bow. All’s Right With the World—Brown ing. Brilliants from Longfellow. Brilliants from Tennyson. Brilliants from Whittier. Christmas Chimes—Dickens. Christmas Greetings—Van Dyke. A Friend in Need—Van Dyke. Friendship—Emerson. Gettysburg Speech—Lincoln. Hiawatha, Wooing of—Longfellow. Little Book of Friendship, A Little Book of Verses, A—Field. Nuggets from James Allen. Real Happiness—Stevenson. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Spirit of Christmas—Brooks. Tam o’ Shanter—Burns. Vampire—Kipling. Will o’ the Mill—Stevenson. .. Some of the New & Popular Fiction WHETHER you plan to spend only a few cents on some child-pleasing picture book, a dollar or so on the latest fiction, or if your choice, runs to selection among the classics, an edition de luxe, sumptuously bound—the utmost satisfaction is assured at Hahne’s. A truly great Book Store in which all types of literature are abundantly represented. Felix O'Day, by F. Hopkinson Smith.$1.35 Money Master, by Gilbert Parker.$1.35 Michael O’Halloran, by Gene Stratton Porter $1.35 These Twain, by Arnold Bennett...$1.50 Belthane the Smith, by Jeffrey Farnol ....$1.50 Pollyanna, by Eleanor Porter.$1.25 Pollyanna Grows Up, by Eleanor Porter... .$1.25 The Gray Dawn, by Stewart Edward White.$1.35 Little Miss Grouch, by Samuel Hopkins Adams ..$1.00 Star Rover, by Jack London.$1.35 Around Old Chester, by Margaret Oeland. .$1.35 Eltham House, by Mrs. Humphry Ward... .$1.35 Foolish Virgin, by Thomas Dixon.$1.35 Secret History, by C. N. and A. M. William son . $1-35 The Genius, by Theodore Dreiser.$1.50 Lovable Medler, by Leona Dalrymple...>...$1.35 The Turmoil, by Booth Tarkington.$1.35 Emma McChesney & Co., by Edna Ferber $1.00 Me, Anonymous.. i. $1.35 Anne of the Island, by L. M. Montgomery. .$1.25 Angela’s Business, by Henry Sydnor Harri son .....$1.35 K, by Mary Roberts Rinehart.$1.35 Mr. Bingle, by George Barr McGutcheon.. .$1.35 Heart of the Sunset, by Rex Beach.$1.35 Shadows of Flames, by Hallie Erminle Rives.$1.35 Making Money, by Owen Johnson.$1.35 Story of Julia Page, by Kathleen Norris. ..$1.35 A Far Country, by Winston Churchill.$1.50 The Golden Books Immortal classics of the world’s greatest writers. Printed on genuine rag, deckle edge paper and bound in fancy paper sides, stamped in two col ors. Gilt top. Photogravure frontis piece. 50 titles. Size 4x7 inches. Paper sides. Boxed. Per vol., 25c. As a Man Thinketh—Allen. Barrack Room Ballads—Kipling. Child’s Garden of Verses—Steven son. Christmas Eve—Browning. Compensation—Emerson. Courtship of Miles Standish—Long fellow. Dream of Fair Women—Tennyson. Entering the Kingdom—Allen. Evangeline—Longfellow. Friendship—Thoreau. Friendship and Love—Emerson. Gray’s Elegy. Heavenly Life—Allen. Greatest Thing in the World— Drummond. J. Cole—Gellibrand. Jessica’s First Prayer—Stretton. Miss Toosey’s Mission—Whitaker. Old Christmas- Irving. Pippa Passes- -Browning. Bab and His F'riends—Brown. Recessional and Vampire—Kipling. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Self-Reliance—Emerson. Snowbound—Whittier. Sonnets from the Portuguese—Mrs. Browning. Way of Peace—Allen. Z HAHNE A CO.. MAIN FLOOR All Kinds of Christmas Novelties in the Stationery Department DAINTY boxes of Stationery, A; Calendars, Diaries, Desk Sets and scores of other Cnristmas hints meet the eye in this popular section. Cretonne Covered Box of fine Stationery Filled with 1 Quires of Paper at.J En velopes—and 24 g^.d edge correspondence cards. Paper of a fine quality—white fabric finish and tied with ribbons harmonizing in color with y - the boxes. Very specially priced ..... 1.00 Brass Desk Sets at $4.95 Each article is substantial and made of dull finish brass. Large flexible desk pad, with corners. Calendar, Paper Knife, Pen Tray, Ink Stand and Sliding Book Rack. Price, A QC per set ..‘*•70 Boxes oc Paper At 25c—A white box, on the top em bossed In a beautiful poinsettia design, lieu witn Christmas ribbon. Contains bo sheets of Persian lawn paper Oftr and 50 envelopes, for. At 25c—Box Is covered with flowers and holly and contains a quire of 25C writing paper at.• •• At 50c—Third style contains two quires of paper in beautiful boxes, 50c —and all of these are the fabric fin ished papers. Both note and letter size. Art Calendars Good art subjects well rendered, printed, embossed 'and lithographed. Designed by foremost illustrators. They make beautiful gifts and we have a great variety from which 1A. „n to select Prices. UP Calendar of Cheer. Calendar of \Friendship, Calendar of Sunshine, Busi ness men's Calendar, Sunlit Road 25c Calendar, each .... • Diaries Always acceptable as gifts. We have them designed for men or women. Many styles. Priced JQc $2.50 at .. Mother Goose Parade "Cut Outa,” a combination of Paint ing Book and Scissors play for chil dren’s nursery; borders; colored illus trations; large, handsome $1.25 Ten different kittens and puppies with moving eyes, boxed, v 25c for ..»... •.....V. j Organdie Glace Corresponding Cards In’White, lavender, blue, buff, silver edge; ribbon tied; newest shape and size; daintily boxed. Reg. price 9Qa ! 39c, special ..»V..• •• Coin Boxes and Cards If you wish to, give presents of money, use these pretty coin boxes and cards. Made to hold and safely mail gold pieces of $2.*50, $5, $10 1 ftp 9&C and $20. Prices. *** New Sterline Silver Pencils Propelling style, tied to greet- 9£f* ing card. In holly gift box....... Larger and heavier pencils for 30c and 50c. _HVHNK «fc CO—MAIN FLOOR_ l| Gift Suggestions Combined with Attractive Economies in the . Jewelry Section FOR Thursday’s early selection this most interesting list of low ered prices, showing savings in many instances of more than half! $8.50 Diamond Rings in unT or fancy “et' $4.50 $6.00 Diamond Rings in / plain or fancy set- 25 [. $12.00 Diamond Rings in ' plain or fancy set- $6.89 $4.76 Diamond Rings In plain or fancy set- $2.89 $4.00 Diamond Rings In plain or fancy set- $2.25 $1.00 Solid Gold Stone Set and Signet Children’s RfD. Rings .. $2.30 to $3.50 Solid Gold Stone Set and Children’s and Misses' Rings, $1.00 $20.00 to $24.00 Sterling Silver Mesh Bags, $14.25 $3.00 to $5.00 Jeweled Back Combs, shell <M QX amber or gray colors *PA,*'U $4.75 Solid Gold Scarf Pins, stone set, $3.75 $5.50 Solid Gold Cuff Links, assorted de- eo qc signs . $2.00 to $3.50 Solid $1 KA Gold Lockets ....... 'P And These Among the Silverware $1.00 Stiver Plated Hand Mirrors, Hatr Brushes and Cloth and CA» Hat Brushes ... $3.98 Silver Plated Shaving Sets, fancy design base with cup, ®0 Aik mirror and hat brush. $1.00 Caster Sets, silver plated, pierced design for mustard, oq,, pepper and salt..wwv | $1.00 Almond Dishes, silver plated in pierced design.^...... 25c Bouquet Holders, ater- iQp ling deposit on glass............ 50c Hat Brushes, silver plated backs in assorted designs, 25c $23.00 to $39.75 Crystal Clocks at $17.50 A limited number, naturally, offering choice of beautiful clocks, some in onyx, some gold plated, others with polished or dull brass cases. All have accurate 8-day movements, with visible escapement, striking the hours and half-hours with a rich toned gong. Regular prices were $23, | n C A $25.75, $28, $30.50, $33, $39.75. Special Thursday at. I * *wU Toys, Dolls and Games—An Assortment To Delight Santa Claus I_I UNDREDS and hundreds of the newest funmakers. Old Santa * * needs only a hint from the little ones to help him on Christmas Eve. Dolls and Doll Accessories Doll Washstands from... .92.80 to 97.50 Doll Baby Yards from....91 .00 to 85.ou Fur Sets, at from,,....... .50c to 91.00 Toilet Sets, at from.. ..39c to 91.50 Doll Couch Hammocks.. .91 -00 to 91.75^ Doll Flax Wigs, at from...80c to 81.00 Doll Real Hair W’igs.91.00 to 83JSO Doll Dresses, complete.50c to 93.00 Doll Hats and Caps.10c to 91.00 Parasols, at .50c to 91.25 Jointed Dolls from........29c to 918^0 Dressed Dolls, at from.... 15c to 815.00 Character Dolls from.29c to 912.09 Rag Dolls from.25c to 91.9* Unbreakable Dolls from...25c to 87.o« Celluloid Dolls, at from.. ..lOc to 83.00 Kewple Dolls, at from.l©c to 31.00 Wooden Dolls, at from... .81.80 to 93.00 Worsted Dolls, at from.... .25c to 81.00 Kid Body Dolls, at from-50c to 98.00 Express Wagons Made with locked corner bodies; steel axles and; oval 7lw» to flj-f O CA and welded tlreaA.V* «plO.OV Hand Cars Made from ’selected hardwood; handle of steel, fitted with wood grips; finished In red and dark maroon; wtth adjustable axles 'for children CO Krt to «t n KA of different sizes... VO.OU Climbing Monkey Will run up a string;; very 25c popular; retails at .. Toy Pianos Rosewood finish; embossed fronts: some with chandeliers and ornamental gilt legs; instruction Itfic to il A fill book with every piano $1U.UU Horses and Wagons Milk wagons. Jloaded trucks, barrel wagons, covered wagons and carta— every kind of a horse and wagon a from r.°U!d.enJOy:.a! 50c 40 $12.00 Doll Beds Brass. with enamel and mahogany, with mattress and pil- Cl Af| to Cfc lows, complete, at.. Tinker Toys The most popular toy of the season; can make one thouasnd different models, at . ^ Mwrwo . Meccano Toys Engineering in miniature, electrical, mechanical, constructional. The orig 1 inal and best. Meccano builds mechani cally true models that work. It is more than a toy. Has more and better pat ented interchangeable parts than any other system and builds more models. S2T. $1.00 *• $36.00 The Inventor's accessory outfit, con taining the new parts added this sea son. This outfit can be used with any other_ Meccano outfit and the to nA price “is . SECOND FLOOR Furniture Gift Suggestions This $106 Bedroom Suite to Be Soid for $79.50 A handsome suite in Circassian walnut, comprising dresser of new design, withMx30 inch nlain date mirror and 22x44 inch top. Chiffonier to match with 30x24 inch top and 18x20 inch phiin plate mirror. Toilet Table to match, with 30x24 inch top, and 18x22 inch plain plate mir- tfJQ CQ ror. The suite complete, regularly $106.00, at, special.•. _ _————— - The three pieces comprising the suite will be sold separately if desired, as follows: The Toilet Table The Dresser The Chiffonier Reauiarly *24.00 Regularly *42.00 Regularly *40^0 _ Ipeelal >114.00 Special Special >30.00 A Few of the Many Items in Mahogany Mahogany Pedeatala, *1.30 up to *20.00. Mahogany Desks, *1.50 op to *100.00. Mahogany Writing Tables, *15.00 up to *75.00. Mahogany Desk Chairs, *4.76 up to *20.00. Mahogany Top Tables, *4.75 up to *30.00. Smoking Stands, *1.95 up to *36.00. Mahogany Trays, *3.95 up to (15.00. Telephone Stands, *6.50 up to (I960. Mahogany Parlor Tables, *1.50 up to *45.00. Morris Reclining Chairs, *9.50 up to *35.00. Mahogany Cane Rock (12.00 up to *35.00. Mahogany Cane Rock ers, *12.00 up to *36.00. Mahogany Wood Seat Rockers, *560 up to *40.00. I $24 Library Table, $18 Colonial design—made in dull ma hogany; size or top 48x28 inches. Scroll legs, with large shelf; like illustration; regular price $24; spe cial at.*.*18.00 Tea Wagons Of mahogany—best construction and a fine polish finish; top meas ures 24x18% inches, with separate glass tray. Sale price.*12.00 Hall Clocks Half Price $197 50 ° a k‘ gothic; formerly ennn nil Mahogany; colonial; former]y $440. Muffin Stand IMnflln Stand — Solid mahogany shelves; polish finish; best of con struction; three shelves; regular price $7.00, sale price... »t.75 Same design with inlaid lines; regular price $S.OO; sale price.... #15.50 $8.50 Ladies’ Tables $4.95 Work Table—like illustration—of fine polished mahogany finish. Colonial de sign; top measures 15 inches wide; the length is 25 inches, with drop leaves ex tended; good value at $8.50.$4.95 $9 Tea Wagon, $5.95 Of fumed oak—with glass movable tray —well made and nicely finished; specially priced at... $6.95 A unique sewing table, made of a fine quality bamboo—with a shelf and a re movable tray. Regularly marked $3.50; very special. $*.45 $20.00 Reed Chair, $15.00 Heed chairs, also rockers to match; 1 ivory euamel finish, covered in assorted colors of fine silk damasks; good value at $20.00; special for this lot only at $15.00. $5.50 Workstand, $3.95 Mahogany finish ladles' workstand, with work pocket, as Illustrated: good value at $5.50; special at.......$3.93 Mahogany finish 3-piece suite, consisting of Arm Chair, Am Rocker and Sofa, covered in brown Spanish leather. Regular price $90.00, speciai in this sale at...$60.00 $170.00 solid mahogany and leather, three piece suite. $85.00 $125.00 solid mahogany and tapestry, three piece suite .$90.00 $120.00 solid mahogany and panne plush, three piece suite.$95.00 $220.00 solid mahogany and velours, three piece suite ..$16.>-00 Fumed finish on quartered oak desk, 34 inches wide, has copper trimmings; good value at $16.00; sale price .$12.00 $19.26 Mahogany and Brass Jardiniere--J®-” $84 Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table. $42 Mahogany Cellarette, at...... $114 Verms Martin Curio Cabinet.... $17 Mahogany Rush Seat Desk Chair. $25 Mahogany Table Humidor...... SIS Mahogany Standing Book Holder..... .**•«> $42 Mahogany Finish Folding Card Table. . $25 $65 Mahogany Bookcase, at.*40.00 Japanese Dinner Gongs Imported Japanese Dlaicr (Job*—Black en ameled wood, son* finished in brass; «A 50 $7.50 value ...v Work Table, $12.00 Work Table—A most convenient jtIO QO style; solid mahogany ... v Mahogany Bed, $25.00 Foar-Pest Mahogaay Be*—Posts shaped out of tliree-lnch solid mahogany stock: head panel and footrails selected Mexican mahog- tOC ftfl any; full or twin size..w Basement Suggestions of Interest Dinner Sets From $12.98 to $200.00 A WONDERFUL variety is to be ‘seen here, as can be judged from the fact that there are close to 150 patterns. The majority are Open Stock patterns, in which it is possible to make selection of sets of any number of pieces and in any assortment. And it is always possible to replace breakages. 100-Piece Charles Field Haviland Dinner Sets, $25 These are in choice floral decorations. The prices of these sets after the holidays will be considerably higher on account of Increased cost of manufacture, duty, freight, insurance, etc.; while $25 00 they last, set.-. Ahrenfeldt China Dinner Sets, $30 "Beautiful border decorations, coin gold edges and coin gold mat handles; 100 pieces to the set. The importer offered us $35.00 each for these sets. They $9fl Art were meant for you; at. Fine White and Gold China Dinner Sets at $29.98 With narrow coin gold band on edge. ' coin gold mat handles; 100 pieces to the set; similar sets in French are $9Q QO $74.00 set; special. Oak Parlor Stoves, $5.75 Size No. 13. This style always sells reg ularly at $6.60. A special offer $£75 New Perfection Oil Heaters Full size. Formerly $3.98, special $3.45 each ... ^ Cast Aluminum Tea Kettles Plain flaring shape. Formerly $3.40 $3.95 $4.40 each Special *M# *3.15 *3.40 each Surety Clothes Wringers • 10-inch rolls; guaranteed for one CO KA year; formerly $3.25; special now.. New Perfection Oil Heaters Japanned with extra large brass C4 QQ founts, each . SH.UO Smooth Oak Parlor Stoves __ Finished in nickel; formerly *175 $5.25; special ...^ Snow Shovels Long handle, steel blade; former OQp price 48c; special. Table Lamps Sale of Table Lamps with beautiful art glass shades; former price up to C7 KA $20.50; special for... : - - \ Pedestals A^ few more Pedeatala left, at, $5.00 Royal Nippon China Nut Seta. Trinket Ret*. Celery Seta. Coaster Seta, Chocolate Seta, Salta and Peppers. Bureau Seta, Mayonnaise and Whipped Cream Seta. 5c to $5.00 Each Wallace Novelty Lamps Nickel plated, can be used for any lighting purpose— Nickel, $1.25; Brass, $1.50 Fancy Paper Baskets Imported kind; values from Qfl $2.50 to $4.98; special. Extra Strong Paper Baskets Braided tops, white enameled and overlaid decorations, cl IQ Special. Universal Coffee Machines Ilcgular price la $6.00 and you have your choice of either copper or CC AA nickeled finishes at. China Punch Bowls Choicely decorated. ItcKUlar *15.00 *20.00 *35.00 Special *750 $10.00 *1750 my Nickel Chafing Dishes A fine assortment, formerly CC AA up to $8.96; special at. Nickel Mounted Casseroles Wood handles; 8-inch size. Qfir Special... Medicine Cabinets White enameled steel Medicine Cabinets, with glass mirror, $3.98 Surety Vacuum Sweepers Guaranteed In every respect; CC cn usually fll-25; special at. OO.OV HAHKE * CO. BASEMENT Bee Electric Vacuum Cleaner Make an Ideal Gift. Model 3—with brush In the nos slc; Universal motor—regular en Ol $20.00; special. Cut Glass Water Sets Consisting of a 3-pint jug and 6 tumblers, in tbe handsome daisy cutting; a great bargain $2.98 Thin Blown Tumblers All perfect; good strong glass, Is each... Cut Glass Peppers and Salts Sterling tope and pearl tops. 7Cr | Your choice, pair... Big Reductions in Fish and Game Sets Only one set of a kind; some slightly hurt. Prices raDge from *23.00 to *31.00, to close out at $12.50 to $42.00 Set Cereal Sets, Complete, Formerly $5.98 Fifteen pieces to set—« cereal jars, 6 spice jars, 1 vinegar bottle, CA C|l 1 oil bottle. 1 salt box, set. 0™"' lip to $5 Cut Glass at $2.98 We have a very large variety of Fine I,cad Crystal, consisting of Vases, .lugs. Sugars and Creams, Comports. Bowls, Nappies, etc., values up f J Qfi to *5.00, at. 9—yo Tool Cabinets and Chests Fitted with real carpenter tool*. See them in tbe Hardware Department. A most acceptable gift for tbe grown Pricedrfrom?... $1-75 10 $24.00 Empty Tool Cheat*, well made, at.9SJBS, *3.4», fiiJM . “IIA KEMPIS” HONORS WALSH Bay State Governor Guest at Banquet Here of Woman's Organization. PRAISES ORGANIZATION AS ASSET OF THE STATE I ' Gov. Fielder Also Lauds Its Aims—Brilliant Address by Pres. Mulry, of Fordham. ———- - 'M Prominent men and women of Es sex county and other parts of the State, including Governor and Mrs. James F. Fielder, attended the ban quet of "The a Kempls,” a local so ciety for Catholic women, in honor of Governor David I. Walsh, of Massa chusetts, at the Washington restaur ant last night. Governors Walsh and Fielder were among the speak ers of the occasion. "The a Kempis” takes Its name from the famous scholar and monk who was born at Cologne in the lat ter part of the fifteenth century, and whose religious writings remain a standard of ecclesiastical literature. In responding to the toast “Women and Politics," Governor Walsh praised the work of “The a Kempis" and de clared that in his own State he had never met a more intelligent or more representative body of women. H* iiad addressed the organisation at a meeting yesterday afternoon in Mont clair and in his speech last night he repeated some things he told them of women’s Influence in the affairs of State and Nation. Glowing tribute to the women was paid by the other speakers^ Rev. Jo seph A. Mulry, S. J., president of Fordham University; William B, Gourley, of Paterson, former prose cutor for Passaic county, and by Governor Fielder. Former Judge Thomas A. Davis acted as toast master and also praised women gen erally, and the members of "The a Kempis" particularly. History of the Society. | Mrs. Nathaniel Hanau, of Qlen Ridge, president of The a Kempia, In troduced the toastmaster and plained the aims and purposes "The a Kempts.” ™ “From a gathering of about Catholic women," she said, “wehavftj developed an organization of 225 mm bers in a year and a half. "The name a Kempis was taken honor of Thomas a Kempis, scholarly man of rare piety humility who wrote that gem literature, ’The Imitation of Chr It is his life and his works that fo the basis of our high ideals. “To be imlt&tois of Christ we mift-n be practical Christians. We must, apply our ideals to the intellectual and social world, as well as to the . things religious. “With this idea in mind, we pre sent to our members, by means of lectures, the very highest thoughts on religion, art, science, questions of the day, literature, history, music and “The lectures are followed by a social hour, where hospitality, friend ship and a love for our neighbor i* . developed and wherein is created a ; spirit of democracy often found want ing In women. "In conclusion I would say that no < one can be a member of the a Kempia ! without feeling elevated in mind, strengthened in spirit and a greater desire to exercise a better influence outside of their own narrow Interests." Prefacing his introduction of the speakers Mr. Davis said: "The a Kempis is to be congratulated os the : distinguished gathering here tonight. We have with us as speakers two governors, a distinguished priest and one of the great men of our State. "In keeping up to the times in music, art. drama and religion the a Kempia makes the home better, and to make the home better ia to make the nation better, for the nation rests on the home. "We appreciate more than we can toll the presence of our governor and his wife. I believe no governor en tered the governor’s chair better fitted for his duties by ms training than Governor Fielder.” Reward af Powtifli. Governor Fielder said the greatest ; honor and reward of his office was the opportunities it presented of speaking to organisations of such ss the a Kempis. The topic at hi* speech was "The State of New Jer S£He pictured the growth of the Stats from 500,000 population fifty years ago to 3.000.000 today. He reviewed iff manv industries and activities and their part In the upbuilding of the nation. The governor also referred to the hospitable treatment he re ceived from the people of Governor jj Walsh’s State when attending the conference of governors there. Father Mulry's topic was "Church and State." He obeyed the rulers of the nation, he said, not because he feared them, or because they were stronger than he. but because they got their authority from God, through the individual members of the Stat*. “When the theory that people must be made to obey because they,. jMgj§j the government, or the theory that ‘might is right' holds forth, we nave a government not founded on aMfkseWjS ity from God and a government that will fail. 1 *lee «f 0*4. “That is why,” said the speaker, “we are the happiest and most con tented people on earth. I look at our constitution, not as the work of men, who say ‘might is right,' you must obey because we are stronger than you. not of men of whom I am la fear, but as the voice of God, Just as . I read my Bible as the word of God. “When the call comes from the White House in the nation’s need ‘To arms' twenty million men will re- y spond gladly, enthusiastically, to up- ‘ hold their government founded on the ; only true theory that its authority I comes from God. Father Mulry referred to the in sinuation that a Catholic cannot be a true lover of his country and bear allegiance to Rome. ”1 take my re ligion. my dogma from Rome, but I do not take my politics from Rome. But have no fear, when a nation is in the right there will be no conflict be- | tween it and Rome.” Touching on the present standing of womanhood. Father Mulry said that up to the time of Christ woman had been a mere plaything for man, who held himself to be a superior being, “Christ elevated woman to US W* | helpmate of man,” he said. "The “ greatest thing created by God was a woman, Mary." Mr. Gourley spoke on "Some Pres- _ ent Dav Thoughts.” He lightly salir- ’ ized the plays and dances of the day. , He graphically contrasted the horror*,! of Europe with the peaceful Industry of our own country. The InSsene# of kMH. Governor Walsh declared that v women’s influence was. in a large measure, responsible for the happl-1? ness and well-being of the nation, “Organisations such as the a Kempis arc second only to the government In adding to the prospers**, content and well-bring of the ptwjSi.”