Newspaper Page Text
: |feiy N ewark Star ^— AND NEWARK ADVERTISER ^ ESTABLISHED 1832._NEWARK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1915. —20 PAGES. WEATHER: I ■ PUT UP 10 NEW FINANCE BOARD Alflermanjc Committee Turns Down Resolution Favoring Water Contract. SHERRERD TELLS NPED OF NEW NEWARK SUPPLY District Commission Idea Op posed Because Other Com munities Might Dominate, Because the legal status of the 1 State Water Supply Commission Is not entirely satisfactory, the finance committee of the Common Council last night turned down the passage of I a resolution authorizing a contract binding the city to pay *2,000,000 as a Part of the cost of the development of the Wanaque watershed. Former City Counsel James R .Nugent, who at tended the meeting, told Alderman Charles W. Littlefield and Alderman B, Garfield Gifford. Republican mem bers of the committee, that In his opinion the city should not risk such a large expenditure of money. In explaining his opinion to the two Republican members who voted for the resolution, Mr. Nugent confiden tially told them that he was opposed to the plan in view of the uncertainty of the continuance of the State Water Sapply Commission. Chief Engineer Morris R. Sherrerd told the committee that the State Water Supply Commission assumed the position that if Paterson, Passaic and Montclair did not go into the present scheme and sign the contract, Newark would be given the exclusive right to develop the Wanaque. He aid that If Newark took the favorable attitude, namely, that of authorizing the execution of the contract and to provide a bond issue of *2,000,000, he felt that the State Water Supply Commission would feel that Newark was acting in-good faith. Phillip* Did Not Vote. Alderman Mark F. Phillips, chair man of the committee, said he did not desire to vote on the question at this time, since he was desirous of giving the question more study. When the vote was taken the motion to adopt the resolution committing Newark to (he Wanaque was lost by a vote of 5 tt !, Chief Engineer -^ , -ga'nhnrti. the Board of Works haft approved the contract, but that it was neces sary to have a concurrent resolution passed by> tbe’Common Cffijncll. He said It Is proposed to make use of the Midvale river and create a large storage reservoir in the Wanaque 'Alley which would be capable of (elding fifty million gallons. Newark could jn time call upon this source to supply* 11,000 000 gallons per day, which would take care of Newark’s water supply for the next forty years. 'the chief engineer said that within four years the present supply or water will have hecomo inadequate and ihat the Wanaque is the best avail able site for an additional supply. He said it’will take at least four years to complete the development if work is started at once. The J2.000, oOO which Newark was to advance is nne-third of the coet of the project, the remaining money to be paid by the three other cities interested. He said that a movement was now ->n foot to secure legislation which wpuld create a district commission to succeed the Btate Water Supply Commission. Mr. Sherrrerd ventured the opinion •hat, such a commission would be dominated by representatives of other communities. He believed Newark’s Interests would be best conserved under the present system. He added: /'Tbo State Water Supply Commis sion Is trying to keep faith With all the municipalities who are Interested, bpt if. the other cities don’t keep fgjth and sign tpe contract which ha* been submitted to them Newark, which 1s trying to keep faith, should be, ,and no doubt will be, given the right to independently develop the Wanaque project without further delay.” He explained that the resolution which he asked the committee to pass simply' authorized the proper city officials to execute a contract with the State Water Supply. Com mission. in the event that other mu nicipalities passed a similar resolu tion. Mr. Sherrerd said that the copt would not go in the tax levy, but that the interest and sinking fund provision Vould be met by the water department. Aiqermaii rfonn .r .rtusuamuna was of the opinion that it woiild .be un wise to act upon the resolution, in <lew of the fact that a new council will come Intq office January 1. Al derman Michael Fagan took the same position.' so that Aldermen Littlefield and Gifford, the two Republican members, were the only ones who voted for the Wanaque. The question which former City Counsel Nugent informally discussed with the two Republican aldermen may interfere with Newark's doing any further business with the State Water Supply Commission. It is pos sible that a distrlot commission such as is contemplated would be satisfac tory to Newark if the desired result could be obtained. However, the 1P16 council will have ihe decision of this important ques i(pn, which, in tho mind of Chief En gineer Sberrerd, is paramount to the best interests of the city. Petitions for Orders to Sell Book Accounts of Oakland Motor Sales Co. in the matter of Raymond E. .Smith, individually and trading as the -Oakland Motor Salss Company, Wilfred C. Roszel. the trustee, through his counsel, George Furst, today hied a petition for the sale of l ook accounts of the bankrupt con cern. Smith, who is serving a sentcpco in the State prison, was formerly secret* O' end treasurer of the Rose ville Trust Company. In bis petition the trustee explained he k#» been unajtle to ooileet the ac counts, amounting to W.701.W. k *j' I- ' - . "* - - NATIONAL GUARD IS SURE OF AN ENCAMPMENT NEXT YEAR Last Year's Fiasco and the Ag itation for Preparedness Makes It Certain. r ' \ • f 9 $60,000 AVAILABLE AND SADLER WILL URGE MORE Many Ask Lawmakers to Go on Record in Support of Wil son's Views. From a Stair Correspondent. TRENTON. Pec. 16.— Military pre paredness Is expected to be one of the many subjects to receive serious thought by the members of the Legis lature of 1918. While the State mili tary authorities at this time appear to be more than willing to have Presi dent Wilson and Congress grapple with the preparedness plans In their broader aspects, there are many members of the coming Legislature who will give voice to their views' on what part the State should play in giving support to the national ad ministration. A positive determination in the direction of having the State’s militia properly trained for military duty was arrived at by the Demo crats who attended the meeting of tile minority members of the Legislature at the State eapltol on Tuesday. The Democratic legislators agreed that the National Guard should have an encampment In 1916, If they could give it to them. Every effort will be General Wilbur F. Sadler. made to convince the Joint appro priations committee that a supple mental appropriation for the guard's encampment should be allowed. While (Continued on Pace 17, Column 2.) DOG IN A SCHOOL BITES CHILDREN; ONE BADLY HURT Animal Invades Classroom of Parochial Institution at East Orange. Following Frapcis Cahill, of 74 Hay ward avenue to the Holy ?Jame Paro chial School at 135 North Park street. East Orange, this morning, a stray dog slipped through the doorway after him and entered a sixth grade class room. In response to orders from tlie teacher to put the dog out. young Cahill kicked at it. Resenting this, the animal turned on the boy and se verely bit him several times on the leg. .. " V ' Simon Ariiss. of 34 Birch wood ave nue. started! to the assistance of his schoolmate, and 4a- iadaavorlo* to the animal away, was badly bitten on the hand. The frenzied screams of the two boys threw the' entire institution, which his an enrollment of almost 3D0, into % state of turmoil, and terror reigned for several minutes until Traffic Patrolman Philip Zdnk was summoned^ by one of the instructors and tore the animal away from Cahill, into which it had imbedded its teeth. The boy's shoe was tom from him. * The officer .with difficulty managed to separate the dog from his victim, and then dragged it to the school yard, where he shot it. The head of the animal was severed and taken by tlie Badt Orange health depart ment for examination for symptoms of rabies. It is not thought that the animal was afflicted with the malady. As it has been a playmate of pupils at the school for some time past. Ariiss sustained only the one bite on the hand, but Cahill was very seriously bitten. His leg was lacer ated from the knee down and he is also suffering from the mental strain. Medical attention was given to both boys, after which they were sent home. Rev. Matthew J. Farley is rector of the Holy Name Church. Also Asks for Eligible List to Make Appoint ments. The Board of Fire Commissioners to day received two bids for tractors for Truck No. 9 at Avon avenue and Thirteenth street. The Front Drive Motor Company, of Hoboken, offered to furnish a Christie, two-wheel, front-drivo tractor for 13,641 and the American La France Fire Engine Company, of Elmira, N. Y., offered one of its two-wheel, front-drive tractors for 34,500. The bide werp taken under advisement. The board also voted to ask the Civil Service Commission to submit a list of five namee of eligible appli cants for appointment to the depart ment and to equip all the Are houses in the city with Mazda electric lights. Adopt Martine Resolution to Let San Diego Have U. S. World’s Fair Exhibits WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.—The Sen ate this afternoon unanimously adopt - l ed Senator Martinet resolution pro viding that all government exhibits at thf San Francisco Exposition de ! sired by the Sail Diego Exposition should be transported to the latter city immediately. Snow or Rain Tonight ! Snow or rain tonight, accompanied by variable winds which Anally will settle in the east were the Indications seen by the forecaster tdAay. The ,-literature then was 36, the sun was ! shining and a nine-mile wind was blowing from the north. Yesterday’s , highest temperature was 39. During L.the night it dropped only ,to 36 County Supervisor Bowden Grants Sheriff's Suspended Employe a Hearing. In answer to charges preferred by Sheriff Schmidt in suspending him from duty as a yourt attendant, Oliver Werkheiser, of 723 Bergen Htredt., testified at a hearing today before County Supervisor Lewis G. Bowden and denied that he had vio lated any rules of the office or acted contrary to1 custom or the instruc tions of his superiors Mr. Bowden heard the evidence of both sides and reserved decision for a week. Charles M. Mason, an under-aherill during former Sheriff Sommer's regime, represented Werkheiser. He called attention' by his questions to, tho fact that Werkheiser pussed an examination and was appointed a court attendant and never took any examination' for deputy sherifT or process server, which he was acting as at tho time of the alleged miscon duct ' Werkheiser, he showed, was guilty of no transgression as a court attendant. Werkheicer was suspended Novem ber 28, a week after he had conducted a sale under an execution of the Cir cuit Court at 338 Plane street. He had sold the "right, title and interest” of Gaetano Volpius, of that address, in several horses, wagons and other goods, for *25, when they were worth a great deal more, according to the sheriff's allegation- He conducted the sale while the plaintifT was not repre sented and accepted a chick from the successful bidder, all, according to the sheriff, in direct violation of his in structions and the custom of the of fice. Judge Adams set aside the sale later on motion of the plaintiff’s attorney, and declared the sheriff’s men should ibe instructed in their duties. He said the plaintiff or his attorney should have been present when the goods were sold, and commented on the low price that was received for them. The chattels were supposed to he worth *1,000. Under-sheriff Harvey Keough, who had charge of the service of papers and the conduct of sales, and Charles P. Hummel, another court attendant who subsequently resold the goods on aji order of the court and received *800 for them, were the only witnesses to testify in support of the sheriff's charges. Hummell testified, over 'Mr. Mason’s objections, that in his opinion the goods were worth *1.000. Keough's testimony was regarding the instruc tions be gave Werkheiser. Unidentified Girl, Arrested by Police, Tries to Hurl Poorbox at Patrolman Obstinately refusing to give her name or address, a fourteen-year-old girl, who was arrested last night by Patrolman William Kenney, on a charge of loitering in East Side Park, threatened Lieutenant William J. Waller, of the Third precinct, as she was about to be slated. *The girl had accompanied Patrol man Kenney to the station house without a protest, but when she was asked her name she became Indig nant and attempted to hurl a poor box at him. She was prevented in doing so by anotlier officer. Re peated efforts and threats were made to have the girl reveal her Identity, but each time she emphatically re fused. She was later taken to the House of Detention. Lieutenant Walter said that com plaints had been made by neighbors concerning the girl, who appears to have no homo. According to the lieu tenant, the girl has been eeen late at night In the park and she sleeps In alleys or hallways wherever she can find a convenient place without fear of molestation._ Wilson^ill Be Placed on Michigan Primary Ballot LANSING, Mich-. Dee. 16.—Presi dent Wilson's name will be palcod on the Michigan presidential primary ballot as Democratic candidate for president. The secretary of state an nounced today that enough petitions bad been filed to make certain such action. _ Three Jersey Postmasters Are Nominated by Wilson WASHINGTON. Dec. 16.—President Wilson today sent the following nom inations for postmasters to the Sen ate: High Bridge, James Degnan; Hamburg, Charles L. Kent; Waat Hoboken. Uwl W- Bowers. iSTENGEL AUTO IS CLAIMED IN SUIT BY WIFE Sequel to the Recent Discon tinued Maintenance Action. ELECTRIC MOTOR CAR AN ENGAGEMENT GIFT Elderly Manufacturer Present ed It to Fiancee Last j Year. A suit for the possession of a 93,000 eiectric automobile was Instituted be fore Vice-Chancellor Howell today by : Hattie Oxley Stengel against George | F. Stengel, a wealthy leather mer chant, living at 1150 Broad street, this city. ai.s. Stengel instituted a suit for separate maintenance, charging her husband with cruelty, but last Tues day the caee was discontinued on a motion by former Judge Thomas J. Llntott, counsel for Mr. Stengel. At that time Maximilian M. Stallman, Mrs. Stengel's solicitor, informed Vice-Chancellor Stevens, before whom the motion was made, that he had so far been unatalo to obtain corroboration of the charges made. Then the present suit came on to day for trial. Mrs. Stengel on the stand declared that Mr. Stengel pur chased the machine as a present to her when they became engaged to be married. In April. 1914. Bought It for Both. Mr. Stengel, testifying tn his own behalf, swore that he bought the ma chine for their joint use. There was testimony adduced that told of an attempt made by Mrs. Stengel during October of this year to obtain the car from Mr. Stengel's garage at Long Branch, and of the refusal of his employes to allow her to get at the machine. Examined by Mr. .Stallman, Mrs. Stengel swore that when Mr. Stengel asked her to become his wife, he sug gested a valuable present for her. "He asked me Whether I'd like to have diamonds or a car," she said. She testified that Mr. Stengel and her sister accompanied her on trips to various automooile salesrooms in New York, and that when the demon strators took her for a ride, My. Sten gel accompanied her. “Why didn't you take the car with you wh«;n you left home?" asked Mr. Llntott. ’ “I could -not," answered Mrs. Sten gel. "1 was physically ill, and had to be assisted.” In answer to another quesllon, Mrs. Stengel said: "After J !»id reoov •dredwLMiS&sWM®* tho car and of Mr. Stengel s hired men stood in front* of the door of the garage imO threatened me with violence If I laid hands on It." The Best fctr. Mrs. Hattie Oxlej*v$jij... Stengel’s mother, testf sd tfif 'llb Stengel told her that tie w*S gel ,g to give his wife a handsome present. "He •aid that he wanted his wife to have the very best car he could buy,” she added. When Mr. Stengel was on the stand, Mr. Stanman asked him: * "Do you remember, when your wife was In the hospital In Philadelphia, she sent her mother to you at Long Branch to obtain the car «eo she might use it?” "I remember her mother coming up to get the car,” answered Mr. Sten gel. Then Mr. Stallman showed a letter to Mr. Stengel and he Identified it as one he had written to Mrs. Stengel. Mr. Stallman read an extract from it, which said: "Your mother asked me for the key for the car, and I would not give It up. I won't give It up until you come ; home to me, for I have already had I a bitter experience. It seems strange that you can’t trust your husband, especially when he had made you a present of the car.” PMPAME CAUSTIC ANENT I 1 i I ' * ■ ■ C ■ • * V I - j Local Men Pedagogues Criticise Miss Schenck’s Position Over Convention City. — Miss Hattie O. Schenck. a Latin teacher at the South Side High School, and president of the High School Women Teachers' Association, | was the storm center yesterday afteT i noon In a tempest-in-a-teapot wran Igle that developed at the meeting of i the Principals' Association In the !Free Public Library over the place I of meeting of the 1916 convention of I the New Jersey State Teachers' As sociation. The principals want to bring the convention to Newark be cause of the anniversary celebration I here, while Miss Schenck Is in favor 'of holding It at Atlantic City There. I were only male teachers present at yesterday's meeting and considerable criticism of Miss Schenck arose, but nobody volunteered to come to her ! defense. i The public arose when a letter was 'read frem Miss Schenck stating that she did not favor bringing the con vention here. As It will not be held until December, she contended that the 250th birthday anniversary cele bration of Newark would be practi cally Jiver. She frankly declared in her letter, also, that she bel'eved that •better hotel accommodations and rates I for delegis te» could be seewed at the Atlantic City hotels and that it should ■be better to make no ahange in favor of this city. The 1915 convention will be held in Atlantic City this month, and the seaside resort is a popular meeting place with the teachers. Miss Schenck’s letter was sent in reply to a communication from the Principals’ Association. In this letter she was in formed that the principals wanted to bring the 1916 convention here and was asked to co-operate. By a coincidence the Bssex County Teachers' Guild, at a special meeting (tknrtlaadd on Page 4. Column «A J • ’ * >3 MAYOR STILL : HALTSSANTA I AT CITY HALL j Won’t Sign Christmas Payroll for the City Clerk’s QUESTIONS APPOINTMENT OF TWO NEW EMPLOYES Also Announces That He Will Veto New Salary In creases. The two score members of the staff of pity Clerk Alexander Archibald did not receive their Christmas pay checks today because Mayor Ray mond refused to sign the payroll and Issue the warrant which would re lease the money. The warrant Is for *2,500, covering the semi-monthly pay for some forty clerks. This Is pay day In the city clerk's office and when the checks wrere not ready Mr. Archibald made formal de mand for them on City Treasurer Elmer A. Day, who replied the checks could not be bad untli released by , the auditor. Acting City Auditor An drew K. Brady in reply to a formal I demand from the treasurer explained ■ that the warrant jiad not been issueo by the mayor and that no checks could be authorized without the warrant. , me cny ciera alter gcuiug uw I official facts asked for an Interview 1 with Mayor Raymond. The mayor j contends that the executive sanction is necessary to legalize the appoint ment of Edward A. Byrne as assist ant city messenger at $1,240 yearly sal ary and also to legalize the salary increase from $1,320 to $1,500 given William A. Perhtt. a stenographer. Against All Salary Increase. 1 ■‘Neither do I Intend to approve any | of these proposed salary increases, | 1 and I propose that when the resolu- j I tions arc presented to me by the Com- I I mon Council to veto each and every , one," said Mayor Raymond today in | further discussing the salary situa tion. "I care not whether the In creases are for appointees made by i me or whether they are elected. It ; was one of my campaign pledges that II would oppose the Increasing of sal aries, and I intend to keep my word : , to the people of Newark. This con | tinual raising of salaries highly-pigly will not be tolerated. "The Common Counek -has not met with me on this subject, and until they are willing tp have a seleptlfle survey made of salaries BO that proper adjustment. Increasing or decreasing can be made, I will still maintain Utle attitude, and I think it is the only fair way to do. There is no doubt officials are being underpaid, and others who are getting too much, but this must be found out by an intelli gent Investigation. I will hereafter exercise my power of veto to check all salary increases, and the proposed raises, amounting to more than $15. 000, which are being considered, will meet the same fate," continued the mayor. He intimated thpt possibly a gen eral investigation Of city departments would be made by Edward A. Stowall during the coming year, but as to this he had not entirely made up his mind. The mayor declared that a number of officials bad come to him person ally, but that the Common Council committee had refused to discuss the question of salary adjustment, which in his mind was most important. The sub-committee of the finance committee of the Common Council on salary adjustment did tint report at the finance committee meeting last night. It is generally known that the mayor was opposed to salary in creases, and the numerous applica tions which have been made by the k _______ (Continued on Face 4, Column S.> j Illness of Federal Official and Defendant Given as Cause. I ! The hearing in the case of John V. ! Dlefenthaler, dismissed chief deputy l inspector for the Fifth Internal Rev i enue district, which was set down : for tomorrow at 11 o'clock before United States Commissioner Edwaln I R. Semple, was postponed today in definitely. J The postponement was asked by i United States District Attorney J. [Warren Davis on account of the ill ness of his assistant, Charles A. Lynch, who was aligned to the case. Mr. Lynch has be Sri ill with grippe for the past several days at his home in Paterson. Charles B. Mason, counsel for Mr. Dlefenthaler, readily consented to the postponement asked by the govern ment officials, and Intimated that it might have been necessary to ask for a postponement tomorrow on be half of his client. Mr. Dlefenthaler is verv ill at his home, and it is said there were two doctors continually In attendance at his bedside all last night. District Attorney Davis and Assis tant District Attorney Joseph Bodlne are both engaged in trying cases in the criminal branch of the Federal court, and a large number of-eases have been listed for tomorrow, so that it would have been impossible for either of them to have conducted the examination of witnesses at the hearing tomorrow for the govern ' ment. In consequence of the postponement a number of out-of-town witnesses who were subpoenaed by the gov ernment were notified by telegram by Collector Charles V. Duffy that they need not answer the summons. The hearing in the case of Miss Mary A. Du)ey, who was arrested on the same charge as Dlefenthaler, win also be postponed. AUSTRIAN REPLY UNSATISFACTORY; WASHINGTON CONCEDES RELATIONS WITH VIENNA AT BREAKING POINT — ■ ■ ._ Change in Newark Situation Reported—Burleson Favors Young Man. Some interesting gossip relative to the postmaster race is now going the rounds and indicates that the turn into the home-stretch is now being made. That a dark horse will flash under the wire first is an opinion held in many quarters, although there are those confident that some candidate whose name has been publicly men tioned will yet succeed Frank J. Bock. That John L. Armitage is the first of the active candidates to fall by the wayside, is the latest • advice from Washington. Mr. Armitage's candi dacy seems to have spent itself, al though the situation is still so mud dled that his friends have no Inten tion of relinquishing hope. John F. Sinnot, president of the Passaic Valley Sewage Commission and former president of the Common Council, together with former Sheriff William Harrigan, are candidates who must still be considered serious contenders. However, a story that has followed the recent pilgrimage to Washing ton by a party of Armttage enthu siasts may be significant. The dele gation waited upon Postmaster-Gen eral Burleson and another official of the post office department. Mr. Burleson is said to have quiz zed the delegation about the. age of the various candidates and then In quired why Newark could not And some active young man for a busy place like the Newark postmaster’s office. His remarks are said to have con veyed the intimation that the post office was not a pensioning institu tion. and that in a cttv as big as New ark, an able young man, filled with the energy to take a vital part in the affairs of the office, should be chosen. The counting ou* of Si. ' Armit^,., however, is said to be due to hostility with which his political record is viewed in reapv Effective nee has been made of Mr. Armltage's votes in the Assembly during the -race track" days. Designates Public Welfare Man “Personal Representative" to Jack Up Health Board. x Mayor Thomas L. Raymond an nounced today that Edward A. Stow all would be his personal representa tive and would begin tomorrow an Investigation and survey of the health department. The mayor explained that he has been contemplating for (some time such a plan and that he is desirous of securing information as to the conduct of the various city de partments. "Does this mean that Mr. Stowall will Investigate other city depart ments ag well?" the mayor was asked. ”1 have not decided as yet. If the investigation of the health department Is satisfactory and the information i« valuable, I may have Mr. Stowall as my personal representative look Into other city departments. The health department has not been looked into in a number of years. This, however, is not being done in an effort to disorganize any city de partment, but to secure constructive criticism which will help me to de termine whether any change shall be maae. , In referring to Mr. Stowall as his “personal representative" the mayor explained that he did not desjfe to have the Public Welfare Committee take part, inasmuch as some of the members did not reside in the city of Newark. "They have consented to let me have Mr. Stowall for the pur pose of securing some personal in formation which I desire. In this way the Public Welfare Committee U not concerned, and it is strictly a confidential matter. I have selected the Board of Health and directed Mr. Stowall to begin work as soon as he desires as an experiment to ascertain whether such an investigation will be helpful to other departments,” said the mayor. From day to day Mr. Stowall will report dtreclly to the mayor his find ings. and at the conclusion of his In I vestigation will no doubt make some recommendations. “If Mr. Stovall finds that there are needless positions or that two men are holding a place that can be filled bv one. then those positions should be abolished. If employes are entitled to more help then they shall be given assistance. It is not my desire to pick apart for the purpose of criticism any city department, but simply with a view to securing first hand infor mation concerning the manner in which they are conducted,” continued the mayor. -_ McChord Is Renominated for Commerce Commission WASHINGTON, Dec. 18— President Wilson today formally renominated C. C. McChord. of Kentucky, to be a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission to succeed himself. Phone 6414 B4kt. Prtoev Ri|hi Wlaen and liquors for ttw hoJidayo.—Advor Cabled Extracts Suggesting Ex change of Views Displease Washington. SUBMARINE CAPTAIN’S REPORT NOT DISPROVED, VIENNA SAYS Appeals for Evidence on Which Our De mands Are Based-Sends Sympathy for Victims. — • WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.—Austria-* reply to Secretary Lansing's note on the Ancona is regarded, on the basis of the unofficial reports received today from London and Amsterdam, as wholly unsatisfactory, unaccept able and disappointing to the United States. Diplomatic relations between the two countries may safely be described as standing at the breaking point. President Wilson and Secretary Lansing are reserving comment until they hare the official translation and text at hand, but it Is stated authori tatively that the United States will enter into no exchange of opinions, as the Vienna foreign office is represented as suggesting, and absolutely will decline to discuss the facts of the torpedoing and shelling of the Ancon* by an Austrian submarine with loss of American lives. ■ *S‘ ■ •- , , - . —Photograph by Underwood * Underwood General Sir Douglas Haig Is a reteran of the Nile expedition and the Sooth African4 nr, and for gallant set rices has won the K. C. B„ K. C. 1. *- C. V. O- C. V O. aad the C. B. Hie lead ership daring the early part of the pres ent w sr won him the title of the "Hero Other British Officers Expected to Be Replaced—Haig New Commander. LONDON, Dec. IS.—Sir Douglas Haig's appointment aa commander in-chief of the British forces in France and Belgium will he will owed by other radical changes In the higher commands of the army, it was hinted today. Commanders who have been held responsible for the t failure of the British offensive at Loos In Septem ber are to be transferred to less im portant posts. There will be no vio lent shakeup that might affect the administration of army affairs, but a gradual replacing of field command ers before the expected spring offen sive. Appointment of the "Hero of Mons” to supreme command of the British forces on the western front was en thusiastically applauded by the pub lic today. Credited with the dashing initiative, the new commander-in chlef strikes the man in the street as a type, of leader who may be ex pected to upset the traditions of trench warfare by a brilliant stroke that may turn the tide of victory to She allies. Some of his friends even expressed the fear today that the pub lic, remembering Sir Douglas Haig’s exploits at Mens, might expect too much of the new commander. Ctni« Ctuw !<• Surprise Mingled with the expression of ap proval of the selection of a new com mander in France were words of re gret over the recall of Sir John French, who becomes commander-in chief of the armies in the united king dom, and has been created viscount by King George. The change in leadership occasioned no surprise. The wave of criticism that first beat about Lord Kitchener turned against General French after the British failed to make any con siderable gains in the allied offensive of September. It was realised that General French was about to be sup planted. but to the last be retained the friendship of tho public, If out their confidence. ' ... ■ M - f NO official word ha* reached th* | state department today that tWk ; Austrian reply had been delivered to American Ambassador Penfleld, but the news dispatches containing ex cerpts were taken in official quar ters as sufficient evidence that tb* rejoinder is on its way to Washing ton. Vague In Many Re-peet*. jg From such part of the unofficial text as is contained in the news dis patches, officials considered the reply vague in many respects, but they were not prepared to decide whether that was caused by the translation. * The suggestion for an exchange of opinions, the virtual request for a hi# of i-artlculars of fhe American com plaint against the action of fhe sup-:, marine commander, and the proposal tor a discussion of the facts were clear' t forth, however, in the un caselml text. and officials of the state department who have knowing* «.* its policy in the crisis unhesitatingly id be ret used,,’* was made clear that the Uaitm> States does not propose to cater in® a diplomatic discussion which woSZ have possibilities of being p.-fonged almost fndornmery. The outline of ibe reply was disap pointing because some American offi cials had been led to believe by pre dictions from Germanic quartersi that it would be favorable, or at least would propose something which the United Slates could accept. As Secretary Lansing based the representations in bis note upon the official statement of the Austrian admiralty itself, American officiate are at a loss to understand where there is much room for discussion dr dispute of facts. News from Vienna recently that the submarine which sunk the Ancona is missing, led some officials to believe that a new element had been intro duced into the dispute, which has promise of carrying some point. That point, however, seems to have been disregarded in Austria's answer so far as officials can judge from the ua» official text received here. Ba*»d Protest on Offirlal Report. American officials believed that tak ing as a basis the official adm'sslon at the Austrian admiralty that the Ancona was shelled, torpedoed and sunk while passengers still were aboard, there would be little room for discussion of Secretary Lansing's cor tention that the commander violated the principles of international law and humanity and that it wit “wanton slaughter of defenceless no* com ha tants.” Officials pointed out today that * thoroughly unsatisfactory and unre sponsive reply from Austria would bring diplomatic relations between the two countries to a crisis betas* the closing words of Secretary Lan sing's note which declared that “good relations between the two countries I rest upon a common regard for law and humanity.” and that Austria, jr*-. 1 predating the gravity of the case. I “will accede to its (the United Stats**: [demand promptly.” i'emend- By 17. 0. Specifically the note demanded de nouncing the sinking of the Ancona** ' an ‘‘illegal and indefensible act," the punishment of the commander who “perpetrated the deed.” and the pay ment of an indemnity to those Ameri; cans who suffered. The note stand# as the most vigorous of all the Amer ican correspondence of the war. and was not equalled even by the not* at the close of the submarine contro versy with Germany. Austria's diplomatic relation# wtth the United States since the recall of Ambassador Pumba for hi- connec tion with plots to cripple American munitions plants, have been main tained by the embus-- here with Baron Zweidinek as charge d' affair*#. Baron Zweidinek had no official patches from Vienna, but after read ing the news dispatches he went t* the state department and conferred with Secretary Banning. Previously the baron had inquired what the at titude of the United State* would h# toward an unacceptable reply. To day on the basis of the news dis patches the charge and the secretary discussed the situation InforWwIfeM Baron Zweidinek spent only' a ten# minutes, with the secretary and re turned to the embassy. By the Associated Tress. LONDON. Dec. 1« (6:22 a. m>—Tfc* reply of the Austro-Hungarian go#-; ernment to the note from the United States, relative to the sinking of the steamer Ancona by an Austrian sub marine, was banded to Frederick 2C. Pen field. United States -jinlin nw inflpT Vienna, on Tuesday, according dispatch from Amsterdam to H»abttrV:: Telegram Company. The cornespen dent quotes from the reply as folio*##;-. •The note says that from the •harf#* no** with which the governnMnst *jf: the United States believed H ought to <oaWw# » Twee 4, Cil—« M